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I. Valuation of cattle of dairy and dairy-meat breeds. Appraisal report for cattle


Any farmer wants his animals to have a high level of productivity. In this case, it is necessary to carry out breeding work and understand how to correctly evaluate cattle for productive qualities. Grading of cattle is necessary in order to determine the necessary criteria as accurately as possible, as a result of which only valuable individuals remain in the herd.

What is cattle grading and why is it needed?

Valuation is an assessment of cattle, which makes it possible to determine their qualitative value taking into account breed, constitution, exterior, origin, live weight and milk production. As a rule, all work is carried out by farm employees; it is quite rare that outside specialists are invited.

Before you begin grading cattle, you will need to perform a number of procedures:

  • check the assigned animal number;
  • take into account information on feeding and keeping individuals;
  • fill out a special card - F2-mol;
  • sum up the milk yield of each cow for the last year;
  • carry out all necessary preparatory work.

To classify cattle, the Ministry of Agriculture has specially developed instructions that describe in detail all kinds of distinctive features of livestock. After a full assessment of the cattle has been carried out, each animal is assigned the appropriate class.

Attention! Cattle are graded throughout the year: for cows - when the lactation period is over, for young animals - upon reaching the age of 10 months, for bulls - when they are ready for mating.

How is grading carried out?

Both farm workers themselves and specialists invited from outside can carry out cattle assessments. All work, as a rule, is carried out in a certain sequence, after which the identity of the animal is determined.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • the first step is to determine the breed of each individual, and the breed must be confirmed by official documents;
  • each cow is assessed for relative milk production;
  • assess the constitution and exterior of the body;
  • give a final assessment;
  • assign a class.

After assigning a class, the further purpose of the cattle is determined. In most cases, if an individual scores less than 50 points, it is sent for slaughter.

Criteria for evaluation

After the assessment, cattle collect the data obtained during the research and compare it with a special table.

Cows are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • milk productivity;
  • body constitution;
  • body exterior;
  • genotype.

In bulls they evaluate:

  • genotype;
  • body exterior;
  • body constitution.

In young animals they take into account:

  • genotype;
  • body exterior;
  • body constitution;
  • degree of development.

When grading cattle, animals are assessed according to all of the above parameters. Grades are assigned in accordance with the data presented in special tables. After this, the points are summed up to give an overall score, after which the animal is assigned a class.

By origin

First of all, they carefully study the documentation on the origin of each individual, including the breed of the parents. The animal is examined and the type of breed is determined: purebred or crossbred.

Purebred, as a rule, is considered to be animals whose parents are of the same breed. In this case, there must be documentary evidence of the breed or a crossbreed in the 4th generation must also be documented - the breed is clearly expressed, the class is no less than the elite. A crossbreed includes individuals that were obtained by mixing several different species.

By exterior

In this case, the following indicators are taken into account for heifers:

  • udder shape;
  • suitability for automated milking;
  • udder size;
  • expressiveness of the breed;
  • harmonious physique.

Bulls pay attention to:

  • breed characteristics and their severity;
  • hind limbs;
  • harmonious physique;
  • lower back.

After the inspection, each animal is assessed on a scale from 1 to 10. In the process of grading cattle, defects and deviations in each individual are taken into account. Exterior is assessed on a scale from 1 to 5. At the same time, only those animals that have:

  • well developed withers in accordance with age;
  • wide chest, no interception on the shoulder blades;
  • straight sacrum, back, lower back;
  • well developed pelvis;
  • legs are placed correctly.

In cows, special attention is paid to the udder.

By live weight

When assessing young animals, you should adhere to the additional table of the average daily weight gain of animals aged 8 to 15 months.

In order for the information obtained to be subjective, it is necessary to weigh the animals daily and record the data in a book specially designed for this purpose.

By productivity

Productivity grading is usually carried out taking into account the quality and quantity of milk.

In this case, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • amount of milk yield in kg;
  • milk fat content in percent;
  • speed of milk release.

In the process of research, a special table is used. It indicates the productivity data that the cow must meet for 1, 2 and 3 lactation periods. Each individual is individually checked for compliance with these data.

It is important to take into account that control milking must be carried out monthly, after which the average level of milk fat content is calculated. In addition, it is worth taking into account the amount of milk received per day and the time spent on it.

By reproductive ability

When assessing reproductive characteristics, data obtained from livestock specialists and veterinarians is taken into account. When bulls are assessed during grading, they take into account the number of standard spermatozoa received throughout the year or the number of fertilized cows during the mating season. Cows are evaluated according to the course of calving and the length of the intercalving period.

By quality of offspring

After the bull has reached the age of 12 months, it is put to check the offspring. During the check period, semen is taken daily from the bull, the resulting material is subjected to freezing. All tested bulls are used simultaneously, while inseminating an equal number of cows with the semen taken. The resulting offspring are recorded and checked for abnormalities in calves.

Grading classes

After conducting all the studies and calculating the total amount of data, the animals are assigned the appropriate class.

To date, there are the following classes assigned after the grading of cattle:

  • elite record – the animal scored more than 81 points;
  • elite – the number of points ranges from 71 to 80;
  • 1st class – varies from 61 to 70 points;
  • 2nd grade – from 51 to 60 points;
  • extracurricular – less than 50 points were scored.

Each animal has the opportunity to score up to 100 points. The maximum score for performance is 60, up to 24 points for constitution and conformation and a maximum of 16 points for genotype.

Advice! Since an animal is constantly growing, it cannot forever belong to one class. As a result, the individual must be graded regularly.

Subsequent appointment of animals

Once all the necessary data has been obtained and the individual characteristics of each animal have been taken into account, you can proceed to determining the purpose of the cattle.

The purpose of cattle is determined as follows:

  • As a rule, only the best part of the herd belongs to the breeding core. In most cases, this part does not exceed 60% of the total number of animals;
  • selection individuals included in the breeding core make up about 20% of the number of individuals included in the breeding stock after grading.

Among the animals that are part of the breeding core, mainly young heifers and bulls are selected. If the young animals do not have any breeding values, they are fattened and then sent for slaughter.

Important! With the help of grading, you can identify the best and worst qualities of cattle, and then carry out culling.


Grading of cattle is a procedure based on the results of which the purpose of each animal on the farm is determined. Individuals with the highest indicators form the breeding core. Outstanding individuals are used for custom matings, which are carried out to obtain breeding individuals. As a rule, farm workers themselves can carry out this work, but if necessary, you can turn to professionals from research institutes for help.

Among the main criteria, the most important ones can be identified:

  • live weight;
  • precocity of young animals;
  • how much feed costs are repaid;
  • dairy productivity of animals;
  • constitutional and exterior features;
  • suitability for one breed or another.

In order to accurately determine all this, it is necessary to engage in grading, based on the results of which the most valuable animals are retained. They will subsequently be used for the tribe to improve an individual herd or the entire breed.

How to organize appraisal

Breeding value is determined once a year. Young animals under six months of age, as well as oxen, castrates and groups of animals put for fattening, do not take part in it.

Before grading, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • To summarize the assessment of bull calves, the main criterion is their own productivity. Sires are judged on the quality of their offspring;
  • livestock inventory numbers are checked, clarified and restored;
  • Measurements are determined in first-calf heifers, as well as in cows after the third calving. Producers are also measured at 3 and 5 years of age;
  • all animals are weighed (in the morning, before food is distributed). Fatness is determined;
  • cows are checked for pregnancy and whether there are pathological changes in the reproductive system;
  • breeding records are being clarified.

How to determine breed

To determine which breed an animal belongs to, documents certifying the origin of the cattle are examined in order to establish the distinct breed type. Animals can be either purebred or crossbred.

A purebred cow is one whose parents are of the same breed with documents confirming this fact. This also includes crosses in the fourth generation (if there are documents confirming the origin). Such animals are obtained through absorption crossbreeding if they have a well-defined breed type, and the assessment is based on the totality of characteristics of the class-elite.

Crossbred cows are considered to be those that were obtained from different-breed parents, also up to the 4th generation when breeding within themselves, and if purebred or crossbred animals were crossed with improved livestock.

How is productivity determined?

Milk indicators are assessed by the live weight of calves that have reached six months of age. If a young cow is being assessed, then the minimum requirements should be reduced by 10% if the first calving has passed; during the second pregnancy, they should be reduced by 5%.

Milk productivity and animals that have already given birth to 3 or more calves are assessed according to the calving in which the young animals with the best weight indicators at the age of six months were obtained.

Producers with cows under five years of age and young calves are assessed based on the results of the last weighing. For an adult animal, this figure is equal to the largest mass.

The reproduction assessment is carried out on the basis of data received from livestock specialists and veterinarians. Bulls are tested for sexual activity, which includes indicators of ejaculate volume and semen quality. Based on this, a decision is made on their further use. The highest scores are for cows with annual offspring and excellent maternal instinct.

Table for assessing constitutional and exterior indicators of manufacturers

Physique with articles

What should it be for the highest score?

Main points


To what extent does the animal correspond to the breed type?

Proportionality of the body, compliance with direction

The presence of well-developed muscles, absence of roughness in the skeleton

Exterior features: head, cervical region

The head should be typical of the breed. Cervical region with well-developed muscles

Should be wide, round, well developed.

Withers. Dorsal and lumbar regions

The withers should be wide and fleshy with a level top line. Well-developed muscles

Sacral part

Smooth, wide, long. The tail must be set correctly

Debarking part

With well developed muscles that extend to the hocks.


Correct positioning and strong hooves

Cows are identified using the same characteristics, only the udder is added to the assessment. It should be well developed and have the correct shape.

“Excellent” is given to those animals that have good breed and gender expression. The sternum is also excellent, there is a straight line on the back, sacrum, and lower back. The pelvic part should be well developed, the placement of the limbs should be correct. The bones are strong, but there is no coarseness or overdevelopment.

How animals are assigned classes

After the assessment has been made, the livestock is divided into classes:

  • elite record (the animal must score more than 81 points)
  • elite - 71–80 points;
  • I class - 61–70 points;
  • II class - 51–60 points;
  • Extracurricular activities - 50 points and below.

How to determine the subsequent purpose of animals

After all the results have been obtained and individual characteristics have been taken into account, you can begin to determine the purpose of the livestock, and this happens as follows:

  • the breeding core includes the best part of the herd, which includes 60% of the animals of their total number;
  • selection animals that will be included in the breeding core - about 20% of the cows included in the breeding stock.

From the animals included in the breeding core, mainly heifers are left, which in the future will be used as replacement cattle. The offspring of the cows that make up the breeding group, namely bulls, are also left for repairs.

If young animals do not have breeding value, then they are sent for meat after fattening.

In general, grading allows us to identify both the best and the worst animals. The latter are culled from the farm.

In the practice of cattle breeding Animals are assessed according to their origin, individual qualities (growth, development, productivity) and the quality of their offspring.

Origin rating. It allows you to establish the hereditary qualities of animals. Heritability refers to the proportion of variation in a trait due to heredity. Heritability is expressed as a coefficient as a decimal fraction or as a percentage. An ancestry assessment is carried out based on the animal's pedigree.

Pedigrees can be recorded in several ways. As an example, the pedigree of the bull Motorny is given. The animal's ancestors are located in the corresponding rows of the pedigree, which are indicated by Roman numerals: Row I - parents (father and mother), Row II - grandparents, Row III - great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, etc. In each row on the left, ancestors are recorded according to the female line, on the right - along the male line.

An assessment by origin is also carried out based on lateral ancestors - full brothers and sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters. During the assessment by origin, the breed and pedigree of the animal, its belonging to the line (family), the productivity of the ancestors, their positive and negative qualities, its possible breeding value and the further purpose of the animal are determined. In accordance with this, its cultivation is organized.

Assessment based on individual qualities. This is an assessment based on appearance, growth, development, productivity, etc.

Assessment by quality of offspring. The quality of the offspring is mainly assessed by sire bulls, comparing the daughters of a bull with their mothers, with their peers, with the breed standard, with the average for the herd and with the daughters of other bulls.

This assessment is carried out according to mass animal registration data or according to the results of testing on special control farms, where the same conditions are created for the offspring of all tested bulls. Assessment of the quality of the offspring allows us to more accurately judge the breeding value of the animal.

Dairy bulls are assessed by their milk yield and fat content in the milk of their daughters. Based on the assessment results, bulls are assigned one of three categories: A1, A2 and A3 for milk yield, B1, B2 and B3 for the fat content in the milk of daughters.

Bulls producing meat breeds are evaluated either by their own productivity (indicated by the “A” index) or by the quality of their offspring (by the “B” index). The assessment of offspring is carried out according to the following indicators: live weight at 15 months of age, average daily gain, feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain, intravital or post-mortem meat qualities. Based on the assessment results, the sire is assigned one of four classes: elite-record, elite, I, II.

Comprehensive assessment. A complete picture of the value of an animal can only be obtained from the results of its comprehensive assessment. In a comprehensive assessment of dairy cattle, the animal is assessed according to its appearance and constitution, milk productivity (milk yield, fat and protein content in milk), live weight, suitability for machine milking, origin, quality of offspring, etc.

To evaluate beef cattle, attention is paid to the development of the animal, live weight, appearance, milk production, feed gain, growth rate, slaughter quality, meat quality, origin and quality of offspring.

A comprehensive assessment of livestock, during which the breeding and productive value of animals is established, is called grading. Animals are graded taking into account the direction of their productivity, sex and age in accordance with the developed instructions. Depending on the results of a comprehensive assessment, animals are assigned a class: elite-record, elite, I or II.

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Cattle Breeding Methods Cattle Breeding With the development of immunogenetics, attempts have been made to develop methods for assessing boars. Methods for assessing the hereditary qualities of boars and dams based on their offspring

Grading of cattle. Where to begin?

Hello, regular readers and visitors of the blog.

The topic of today's article is quite voluminous, relevant and interesting - livestock bonding and linear valuation of cows.

I have already touched upon this issue superficially in the article “On the duties of a livestock specialist,” and in the topic “Selection of young animals.”

What is cattle grading?

Appraisal– a comprehensive assessment of each animal, taking into account milk production (in cows), exterior, constitution and origin.

Constitution is a set of morphological and physiological characteristics of an animal associated with the direction of its productivity.

Exterior- appearance of the animal. It is the external expression of the constitution.

You can read more about these two concepts by following this link.

Valuation is not a formless word at all, but a very real paper document (a set of tables), which is submitted to local statistical authorities every year, as a rule, in early January.

And if, literally 10 years ago, a livestock specialist counted everything manually (it’s scary to even imagine), now the computer program “Selex” will do everything. The main thing is to engage in timely collection of information, data processing and analysis of the results obtained throughout the year.

The main tables in the “Zootechnical report on the results of breeding work with dairy cattle” (another name for cattle grading) are as follows:

  • breed and class composition of cattle;
  • characteristics of cows in terms of milk productivity and live weight for 305 days in the last completed lactation;
  • characteristics of cows by udder shape and milk production rate;
  • insemination of cows and heifers;
  • retirement of cows;
  • industrial use of cows;
  • characteristics of the reared young animals;
  • characteristics of the young animals being sold;
  • the result of using stud bulls;
  • genealogical structure of the herd according to lineage;
  • characteristics of the tested cows (perhaps the most voluminous part of the report).

For greater clarity, all tables, using the example of my farm, are presented below.

This entire set of tables is formed as a result of daily work in the Selex program.

The livestock technician must work regularly

1.with the "Events" tab(Database - Cow/young stock file), where the following fields are filled in: control (entering the results of control milkings every month), calving of the cow, launch, insemination, pregnancy (entering the results of a rectal examination), retirement, weighing and appointment (formation of the herd structure)

The remaining items of “Events” are not so important for grading, but I recommend not bypassing them.

2. with OTT animal(body type assessment) in the new version of the program 5.50. But more on this point below.

3. "Udder" tab- determine the shape of the cow’s udder (cup-shaped, round, goat) and record the rate of milk production.

4. "Development" tab, where the measurements of the animal are noted: height at the withers, depth of the chest, width of the chest, width at the hips, oblique length of the body, girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades and girth of the pastern.

Animals are also assessed based on their exterior and constitution, according to the approved table.

Scale for assessing cows based on exterior and constitution

In total, a cow can receive a maximum of 10 points. Young animals from 10 months of age are assessed according to their general development, with a maximum of 5 points.

I should also note that the program itself tracks all events and control dates.

Let's say you forgot to measure the live weight of a cow 3 months after calving.

As you can see, cattle grading is an integral part of breeding work and one of the main responsibilities of a livestock breeder.

And the most important thing, in the new version of Selex w5.50 there is a new tab in “Events” - OTT(assessment of body type), which will play a significant role in the grading of livestock.


The owner of any farm that has livestock always wants the animals to be as productive as possible. Accordingly, it is necessary to engage in breeding work and know how to correctly evaluate breeding animals for productive qualities.

Among the main criteria, the most important ones can be identified:

  • live weight;
  • precocity of young animals;
  • how much feed costs are repaid;
  • dairy productivity of animals;
  • constitutional and exterior features;
  • suitability for one breed or another.

In order to accurately determine all this, it is necessary to engage in grading, based on the results of which the most valuable animals are retained. They will subsequently be used for the tribe to improve an individual herd or the entire breed.

How to organize appraisal

Breeding value is determined once a year. Young animals under six months of age, as well as oxen, castrates and groups of animals put for fattening, do not take part in it.

Constitutional assessment

Before grading, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • To summarize the assessment of bull calves, the main criterion is their own productivity. Sires are judged on the quality of their offspring;
  • livestock inventory numbers are checked, clarified and restored;
  • Measurements are determined in first-calf heifers, as well as in cows after the third calving. Producers are also measured at 3 and 5 years of age;
  • all animals are weighed (in the morning, before food is distributed). Fatness is determined;
  • cows are checked for pregnancy and whether there are pathological changes in the reproductive system;
  • breeding records are being clarified.

How to determine breed

To determine which breed an animal belongs to, documents certifying the origin of the cattle are examined in order to establish the distinct breed type. Animals can be either purebred or crossbred.

A purebred cow is one whose parents are of the same breed with documents confirming this fact.

This also includes crosses in the fourth generation (if there are documents confirming the origin).

Such animals are obtained through absorption crossbreeding if they have a well-defined breed type, and the assessment is based on the totality of characteristics of the class-elite.

Crossbred cows are considered to be those that were obtained from different-breed parents, also up to the 4th generation when breeding within themselves, and if purebred or crossbred animals were crossed with improved livestock.

How is productivity determined?

Milk indicators are assessed by the live weight of calves that have reached six months of age. If a young cow is being assessed, then the minimum requirements should be reduced by 10% if the first calving has passed; during the second pregnancy, they should be reduced by 5%.

Milk productivity and animals that have already given birth to 3 or more calves are assessed according to the calving in which the young animals with the best weight indicators at the age of six months were obtained.

How to determine live weight by measurements

Producers with cows under five years of age and young calves are assessed based on the results of the last weighing. For an adult animal, this figure is equal to the largest mass.

The reproduction assessment is carried out on the basis of data received from livestock specialists and veterinarians.

Bulls are tested for sexual activity, which includes indicators of ejaculate volume and semen quality. Based on this, a decision is made on their further use.

The highest scores are for cows with annual offspring and excellent maternal instinct.

Table for assessing constitutional and exterior indicators of manufacturers

A clear example of exterior and constitutional indicators

Cows are identified using the same characteristics, only the udder is added to the assessment. It should be well developed and have the correct shape.

"Excellent" is given to those animals that have a good breed and sexual expression.

Also excellent addition of the sternum, there is a straight line on the back, sacrum, lower back.

The pelvic part should be well developed, the setting of the limbs should be correct. The backbone is strong, but there is no rudeness and overdevelopment.

How animals are assigned classes

After the assessment has been made, the livestock is divided into classes:

  • elite record (the animal must score more than 81 points)
  • elite - 71–80 points;
  • I class - 61–70 points;
  • II class - 51–60 points;
  • Extracurricular activities - 50 points and below.

How to determine the subsequent purpose of animals

After all the results have been obtained and individual characteristics have been taken into account, you can begin to determine the purpose of the livestock, and this happens as follows:

  • the breeding core includes the best part of the herd, which includes 60% of the animals of their total number;
  • selection animals that will be included in the breeding core - about 20% of the cows included in the breeding stock.

From the animals included in the breeding core, mainly heifers are left, which in the future will be used as replacement cattle. The offspring of the cows that make up the breeding group, namely bulls, are also left for repairs.

If young animals do not have breeding value, then they are sent for meat after fattening.

In general, grading allows us to identify both the best and the worst animals. The latter are culled from the farm.


Grading of cattle of dairy and dairy-meat breeds

Grading is a comprehensive assessment of animals, taking into account milk production (for cows), exterior, constitution, live weight and origin (genotype).

Purpose of the lesson To study the principles of grading cattle of dairy and dairy-beef breeds of different sex and age groups, to master the practical skills of grading animals directly on farms. Learn to conduct a comprehensive assessment of animals, establish grading classes, determine the purpose of animals for further use, and draw up grading reports.

Topics The annual assessment of the herd is the main organizational event of breeding selection.

Considering that grading is carried out not only in breeding farms, but also in commercial farms, as well as private farms, each specialist must have practical skills in organizing and technical techniques for assessing and selecting animals.

Selection is carried out through periodic culling of low-value individuals and annual grading. During the life of one generation, the animal is assessed and selected several times.

Heifers are selected after the dairy period, when assigned to mating or during the insemination period, cows - according to the data of the 1st and average lactation.

Bulls for breeding are selected from among those born from custom matings at 2-3 weeks of age to be sent to elevers (special farms for raising breeding bulls), then at one year of age according to their own productivity and reproductive qualities, and finally - according to the quality of the offspring. In doing so, follow the appropriate instructions.

The set of characteristics by which these breeds are rated includes: breed and origin, milk yield, fat and protein content in milk, milk production rate and adaptability to machine milking, exterior and constitutional indicators, live weight, quality of offspring, reproductive ability.

According to the scales given in the grading instructions, based on a 100-point score, cows are given points for the following three groups of characteristics:

  1. For milk productivity, taking into account the fat content and protein content of milk, in relation to the requirements of class I for the breed, up to 60 points are given.
  2. For the exterior, constitution, live weight of cows and milk production rate - up to 24 points.
  3. For the genotype (indicators of breed, class of parents, father's assessment of the quality of the offspring - up to 16 points).

The assessment of puppies in terms of exterior and constitution is carried out by examining them in kind on a 10-point scale, in which the score for the udder can be 5 points.

Therefore, such an assessment may be more objective if the cow is 2-4 months into lactation.

During the same period, the rate of milk production and live weight are determined.

The specialist, organizing the herd assessment for each calendar month, compiles lists of cows for which the deadline for assessment of the exterior, weighing, as well as assessment of the rate of milk production and uniformity of udder development is suitable (the latter indicators are usually determined in the 1st lactation).

When assessing sire bulls based on a set of traits, based on a 100-point scale, the scores are set as follows:

  1. For exterior and live weight up to 30 points.
  2. Up to 70 points for genotype.

Young animals are assessed on a 50 point scale:

  1. Up to 30 points are awarded for genotype.
  2. For exterior and typicality up to 10 points.
  3. Up to 10 points for live weight.

Based on the total points of cows, bulls and young cattle, they are divided into the following classes: elite-record, elite,IAndIIClass.

In addition to the grading class, cows and bulls are assigned a category.

If the milk yield and milk fat content of cows exceed the class I standard by 40% and 20%, respectively, the letters AB are added to the class assigned to the cow: A (for milk yield), B (for milk fat content). If the superiority is only in milk yield, add - A, if only in milk fat content - B.

The bull that improves milk yield and fat in milk daughters is assigned the highest category A1B1. For others, the rating depending on the degree of prepotency, categories, respectively, can be with two bulls A1B3, or A3B2, or with one B1, A3, etc.

After assessing the animals based on a set of characteristics, taking into account individual characteristics, the purpose of each animal for further use is determined. This is one of the main tasks of appraisal.

In breeding farms, all livestock are divided into the following groups: leading breeding group (breeding core) production group; a group of replacement young stock, a group of young stock intended for sale for breeding, a group of animals subject to ranking, a group of animals subject to culling from the herd.

In breeding plants, in order to obtain the bulls needed for their herd, in accordance with the selection plan and for raising bulls according to the orders of the breeding service, within the leading breeding group from among the best cows of a certain linear affiliation, a special group of the breeding core is allocated - bull-producing in quantities exceeding the need for replacement bulls by 2-3 times.

In non-breeding farms, the herd is also divided into groups: breeding core, production group, replacement young stock group, super-repair young stock group, group of adult cattle for culling.

Particular attention is paid to the formation of a tribal core. Young animals obtained from animals included in the breeding core are raised to replenish (repair) their own herd.

In breeding farms, when recruiting the breeding core, the genealogical characteristics of the animals are also taken into account in order to ensure the reproduction of the factory lines provided for in the breeding plan.

In addition to taking into account the qualitative characteristics of animals, the number of cows is also important when forming a breeding core. The number of cows can be different, depending on the rate of reproduction of the herd.

The numerical composition of the breed is calculated taking into account the need for replacement heifers.

Considering that the average sex ratio of young animals born (bulls and heifers) is 1:1, the number of breeding cows should be more than twice as high as the need for replacement heifers, if the farm produces less than 100 calves per year from 100 cows.


Features of the assessment of cattle to determine their qualitative value

Grading of cattle is undoubtedly an important and necessary procedure in any farm seeking to grow and develop. What is its meaning?

What is cattle grading?

Bonitation is a special assessment of cows (young animals, calves, bulls) to determine their quality value in accordance with breed, constitution, exterior, origin, live weight of each animal and milk yield.

The procedure, as a rule, is carried out by farms throughout the year, for cows - after the end of the lactation period, for young animals - after ten months from birth, for bulls - when they reach breeding age.

This is done by the farms’ own employees (livestock breeders); third-party specialists from scientific institutions who understand the characteristics of a particular breed are rarely invited.

Before proceeding with cattle grading, it is necessary to perform certain procedures:

  • check inventory numbers, identify any unclear or lost ones;
  • bring together information about feeding and maintenance;
  • fill out cards F2-mol;
  • summarize the milk yield of each dairy cow for the last 305 days of the lactation period;
  • carry out other preparatory work.

To classify cattle, the Ministry of Agriculture has developed special instructions with a detailed description of a set of distinctive features. After a full assessment, the animal is assigned one class or another.

Carrying out valuation

The valuation procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The breed of cattle is determined.
  2. An assessment of the productivity of milk yield is given.
  3. An assessment of the constitution and exterior is carried out.
  4. The final assessment is given: assignment of class.

Determination of breed quality

Documents about the origin of each animal and the breed of the parents are reviewed. The individual is examined and the type of breed is determined: purebred or crossbreed.

Animals whose parents were of the same breed (documentary confirmation is required) or a cross of the 4th generation (the result of absorption crossbreeding) are considered purebred if there is documentary evidence, a clear expression of the breed, and a class rating of at least “Elite”.

Crossbred cattle are considered to be those obtained by crossing representatives of different breeds, breeding crossbreeds “in themselves” or crossing local cattle and purebred ones.

Milk productivity

The indicators taken into account are taken for the last 305 days of the lactation period:

  • milk yield (kg);
  • milk fat content (%);
  • amount of fat in milk (kg).

Constitution and exterior

Grading is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • clarity of expression of the breed;
  • harmonious physique;
  • quality of hind legs and loins in bulls;
  • cow udder size and shape.

Body composition is assessed on a ten-point scale with a permissible error of 0.5 points. A five-point scale is used to evaluate young animals.

Final score

In the final assessment, separate indicators are used for each category of cattle:

  1. For cows: milk productivity, constitution, exterior, genotype.
  2. For bulls: exterior, constitution, genotype.
  3. For young animals: exterior, genotype, development.

It is based on the result of the final assessment that each animal is assigned a certain category.

Grading classes for bulls, cows, young animals

  1. Elite-record.
  2. Elite.
  3. I class.
  4. II class.

Depending on changing indicators, the result may decrease or increase over the years.


The quality of cows is determined by a point system (scale).

In this case, the level of milk productivity and the rate of milk yield (maximum 60 points), exterior, development and constitution (maximum 24 points) and genotype (maximum 16 points) are assessed separately.
In accordance with the results obtained, depending on the number of points, the cow is assigned one of the following types:

  • 80 or more points – elite record;
  • 79-70 – elite;
  • 60-60 – I;
  • 59-50 – II.


The quality of bulls, like cows, is determined in accordance with the scale. The point values ​​are also similar.

Young animals

The point scale for young cattle looks slightly different:

  • 40 points or more – elite record;
  • 39-35 – elite;
  • 34-30 – I;
  • 29-25 – II.

Results of cattle appraisal

Based on the results of cattle assessment, farms are developing a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of the herd. These may include a herd acquisition plan, improving productivity, selecting individuals to form a breeding herd, etc.


About grading cattle

To assess the productivity and breeding characteristics of cows, cattle are graded.

Due to the fact that you can make good money on your farm only from a purebred herd, this event is held.

The process involves selecting the best cattle representatives to create good breeding and replacement stock. In this article we will tell you about the correct organization of the procedure, which guarantees a truly profitable business.

Key indicators taken into account when assessing

There are general criteria by which herd representatives are assessed:

  • origin (parents) and breed;
  • milk productivity (fat content), milk yield;
  • appearance, constitution;
  • quality of offspring;
  • ability of cows to be milked by machine;
  • possibility of reproduction.

As a rule, cattle assessments are carried out on farms several times throughout the year. Each cow undergoes an assessment procedure throughout its life - from young age to final culling.

According to the special “Instructions for Grading”, which was developed separately for all types of animals, points are given for the main indicators.

Their sum is an argument when creating a herd of breeding cows and bulls, and determines the cattle’s membership in it.

Depending on the gender, purpose and age, the cattle assessment plan may vary.

How is the procedure performed?

For the valuation assessment, the farm livestock specialist draws up a calendar plan, where he distributes cows for visual inspection and assessment of the cattle’s exterior.

The initial stage in the process is dividing the herd, weighing each animal, and checking inventory numbers. An analysis is made of how adapted dairy animals are to machine milking, the amount of milk yield and the percentage of fat content in milk is estimated.

In addition to the animal engineer, the appraisal commission may also include veterinarians, foremen, farm workers, and insemination specialists. Sometimes scientists who are well versed in the breed are invited.

When grading bulls, the live weight of the animals, their exterior and their genotype are taken into account, since breed reproduction is the most important task and the main goal of the entire process. The best sire bulls score eighty points and become representatives of the elite record.

Dividing the herd according to individual characteristics

Based on the results of a thorough assessment, which takes into account the special characteristics of each animal, the herd is divided into the main composition, called breeding, a replacement group (calves for replenishment) and a marketable part of young individuals, as well as cull cattle and a small part of cows for dividing them in the future.

The most important attention is paid to representatives of the breeding unit, who serve to replenish the main group of livestock and produce young individuals, the so-called replacement heifers.

They must be kept in the best conditions, with good care and feeding, meet the requirements of the first class, their number cannot be less than twenty-five per hundred head of livestock every year.

The replacement young animals in the herd are offspring from direct representatives of the breeding core; they can undergo grading starting from the age of ten months.

Replacement heifers and bull calves are selected when they reach maturity and are ready to reproduce. When assessed, they are assigned personal numbers and in the future, they require good care and maintenance to maintain the appropriate live weight.

A group of young animals for sale is intended for sale to a breed, and its price is determined by the breed and is confirmed by special documentation. Trade in purebred young animals can be one of the main sources of income for the entire farm.

How is the breed of cow determined?

A cattle breed is a group of animals bred artificially with similar characteristics of appearance (exterior), productivity (quantity and quality of milk yield), and weight of the cattle.

According to the current “Instructions for grading”, it is possible to establish the breed based on documentation of the origin of cattle and mandatory inspection. Thus, animals can be formally divided into: purebred individuals and crossbreeds.

Purebred presupposes being born from representatives of the same breed or from purebred relatives (maternal line).

One type of breed may include individuals born:

  • by mating two similar representatives;
  • with absorbent crossbreeding, from the fourth offspring;
  • third generation descendants;
  • in the case of breeding or improving a new breed using representatives of the global gene pool.

The breeding value of dairy cows is assessed by the main criterion - the productivity of the milk produced, that is, the volume and quality of milk yield, fat content, the content of valuable substances in it and the reproductive abilities of the cattle.

Dairy cow evaluation

To determine the productivity of adult dairy cows, milk yield data is taken for the last three, first-calf heifers - for one, and females with two calvings in the past - for the last two lactations.

The amount of milk yield is assessed, how adapted the cow is to machine milking, and how much protein is contained in the milk. The average amount of fat in the product for 305 days is also calculated and compared with the indicators of breeding representatives of class 1.

The data is taken from milking records, which must be carried out on farms on a monthly basis.

Based on the results of grading these indicators, the cow is awarded points - up to 60.

According to the accumulated amount, the class classification of the cattle is calculated from third to elite record.

Additional points are awarded for the animal’s exterior and its constitution - up to 24 and up to 16 - for the genotype and belonging to the breeding breed.

Thus, the exhibition of dairy cows can only be presented by animals that have passed the assessment and scored a total of one hundred points. There are also additional bonuses, for example, if the milk yield is 140% of the minimum breed level, the cow is classified as class A.

Criteria for evaluating beef cattle breeds

Representatives of meat breeds are assessed based on external data from the first month.

There are 5 categories by which the condition of young animals is analyzed; compliance with excellent results presupposes the correct development of the skeleton, the shape of the hooves, vertebral bones and joints, and good development of the chest.

When grading adult cattle, breed and productive characteristics, skeletal and bone development, and muscle volume are examined. For bulls, there are special requirements for constitution, head position, chest condition, adipose tissue and live body weight.

Thus, the main goal of grading cattle is to identify and objectively evaluate productivity: in the case of dairy heifers - the volume and quality of milk yield, for beef bulls - exterior, constitution, muscle mass.

Breeding stock and the importance of evaluation

At the end of the assessment, a thorough analysis of the livestock should be carried out on the farm and individuals that received the highest score are separated to form a breeding herd.

Since natural selection occurs in the herd constantly (diseases, infertility, old age), it is necessary to keep a strict record of livestock and carry out grading at least once a year.

Special attention should be paid to the young breeding brood. It is the young that will be the basis of the breeding herd of your farm and, perhaps, in the future will become your pride and the key to a good income.

The organization of exhibitions of representatives of breeding breeds is carried out with the involvement of the best individuals, who, according to the results of regular evaluations, scored the highest score. Therefore, do not forget about the importance of this process in your household.

We hope that our appraisal guide will help you increase the profitability of your subsidiary plot.

If the article was useful to you, please like it.

If you have experience in cattle grading, write about it in the comments.

Approved by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture on July 10, 1974.


1. In order to determine the breeding value and purpose of animals in farms, at artificial insemination stations, breeding enterprises, all sires, cows, replacement heifers and breeding bulls are annually assessed.
2. Cattle are graded throughout the year: replacement bulls upon reaching breeding age, cows after lactation, young animals from 10 months of age.
3. Livestock assessment is carried out by livestock breeders of farms, state breeding stations (state breeding associations) and state breeding nurseries. In some cases, grading can be carried out by invited specialists and researchers from agricultural research institutions and educational institutions who know the breed well.
4. To carry out appraisal:
- calculate the milk yield of each cow for 305 days of the last lactation (or for a shortened lactation) and calculate the average fat content of milk;
- evaluate animals according to their appearance and constitution;
- determine the suitability of cows for machine milking;
- weigh each animal (cows 2-5 months after calving);
- check the inventory numbers of animals; unclear or lost ones are renewed.
5. When grading, a comprehensive assessment of animals is carried out according to breed and origin, productivity and development, exterior and constitution, quality of offspring, milk yield properties of cows; take into account the reproductive ability of producers and queens.


6. The breed of animals is established on the basis of a document on their origin and breed of parents with a mandatory examination of the animals. By breed (bloodliness) there are groups of purebreds and crossbreeds.
7. Not applicable.
8. Crossbreeds include animals obtained:
a) as a result of crossing animals of two breeds, except for the breeds indicated in the letter of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia dated December 31, 1997 No. 18-06 / 577 "On the procedure for determining the origin (pedigree) of breeding animals";
b) when breeding hybrids "in itself", except as provided by the letter of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia of December 31, 1997, No. 18-06 / 577;
c) when crossing local cattle with purebred cattle and crossbreds.
The degree of pedigree during crossing is determined on the basis of data on the origin (Table 1).

Table 1: Determining the degree of breed of animals when crossing

Mother's breed Father's breed
purebred IV generation (blood 15/16) III generation*(bloodliness 7/8)
Animal breed level
Purebred Purebred - -
IV generation (15/16) Purebred IV generation (15/16) -
III generation (7/8) IV generation (15/16) or purebred IV generation (15/16) III generation (7/8)
II generation (3/4) III generation (7/8) III generation (7/8) II generation (3/4)
I generation (1/2) II generation (3/4) III generation (3/4) II generation (3/4)
Local I generation (1/2) I generation (1/2) I generation (1/2)

* Third generation sire bulls can be used in herds of commercial farms with the decision of the regional (territorial) department of agriculture or the Ministry of Agriculture of the Union Republic.

9. In the absence of documents about the origin and the presence of a well-defined type of improving breed in animals, they are classified as crosses of the 1st-2nd generations (1/2-3/4 blood) of this breed.
10. During introductory crossing, the breed of animals is established as follows:
a) the offspring obtained from crossing animals of two original breeds are classified as the first generation;
b) the offspring obtained from crossing crosses of the first generation with purebred animals of the improved breed (backcrossing) are classified as the second generation (3/4 blood) according to the maternal breed;
c) the offspring obtained from crossing crosses of the second generation with purebred animals with the expression of the type planned according to the plan are classified as purebred (based on the maternal breed);
d) the offspring from breeding crosses of the second generation (3/4 blood) “in themselves”, depending on the severity of the type planned according to the plan, are classified as crosses of the third or fourth generation of the improved breed.
The offspring from breeding crosses of the 3rd and 4th generations, depending on the severity of the desired type, are classified as the 4th generation or purebred.


11. Cows are assessed for milk productivity by milk yield (kg), fat content in milk (%) or amount of milk fat (kg) for 305 days of lactation or for a shortened completed lactation (Appendix 2 and Appendix 3).
Minimum milk yield requirements (Appendix 2) are established for first-calf heifers calving before the age of 30 months. When calving at a later age, milk yield requirements increase by 10%. With shortened lactation, the actual milk yield is taken into account and the duration of lactation is indicated in days. Control milking of cows is carried out at least once a month. (In extract).
12. The average fat content of milk for the first 305 days of lactation or for shortened lactation is determined based on the results of systematic determinations, which are carried out once a month.
The average fat content of milk is calculated by multiplying the percentage of fat in milk for each month by the monthly milk yield, the products are added (receiving the amount of one percent milk per lactation) and the amount is divided by the actual milk yield for the same months.
The amount of milk fat per lactation (kg) is determined by dividing the amount of one percent milk by 100. (Clause 12 does not apply in breeding farms and in breeding breeders, see Rules for assessing the milk productivity of dairy and meat breed cows. SNPplem R 23-97)
13. First-calf heifers are assessed by milk yield for the completed lactation, cows of two calvings are assessed by average productivity for two lactations, full-aged cows are assessed by average productivity for any three lactations.
On commercial farms, in the absence of data for previous years, it is allowed to evaluate cows based on the last completed lactation.
14. The average milk fat content of cows when assessing their productivity for a series of lactation is calculated by summing the milk yield expressed in one percent milk for the lactations taken into account (305-day or shortened) and dividing this amount of one percent milk by the actual amount of milk produced for the same lactations.
15. To determine the properties of milk production in the 2-3rd months of lactation, control milking of cows is carried out during the day. During control milking, the amount of one-time milk yield (kg) and the time spent on each milking (min) are taken into account.
The average milk flow rate is determined in kg/min by dividing the amount of milk produced per day (kg) by the time spent (min). The results of monitoring the milk production properties of cows are recorded in a special sheet (Appendix 5).


16. Cows are assessed for exterior and constitution at the 2-3rd month of lactation of the 1st and 3rd calvings. If the assessment was not carried out after the 1st calving, this will be done after the 2nd calving.
Bulls are evaluated annually until 5 years of age.
If the animal has not been assessed for its exterior and constitution at the indicated ages, it is assessed during the next assessment.
17. When assessing the exterior and constitution, special attention is paid to the severity of the breed type, harmonious physique, in bulls - on the strength of the lower back and especially the hind limbs, in cows - on the size of the udder, its shape and suitability for machine milking. The physique of bulls and cows is assessed on a 10-point scale with an accuracy of 0.5 points. Table 2 and Table 3 show 10-point scales for assessing cows and bulls based on exterior.
The scoring is supplemented with a mandatory indication of the main defects and shortcomings of the exterior.

Table 2: Scale for assessing cows based on exterior and constitution

* - There are three main udder shapes: cup-shaped, rounded and goat.

Table 3: Rating scale for stud bulls based on exterior and constitution

18. Evaluation of young animals by exterior is carried out on a five-point scale:
excellent -5, good - 4, satisfactory - 3, unsatisfactory - 2, bad - 1.
It is possible to refine the five-point assessment by using half-points (4.5; 3.5).
An excellent rating (point 5) is given to an animal with good expression of the characteristics of breed and sex, good development and growth, excellent development of the chest (wide, deep, without interception behind the shoulder blades), straight line of the back, lower back, sacrum, well-developed pelvis, correct positioning of the legs and strong bones, without overdevelopment and roughness. (Table 4)

Table 4: Disadvantages in the physique of dairy and dairy-meat cattle, for which the score for exterior and constitution is reduced

General development and statistics List of disadvantages
1. General development General underdevelopment. The skeleton is rough or overdeveloped-tender. The muscles are loose or underdeveloped.
The physique is disproportionate and does not correspond to the direction of productivity. The breed type is poorly defined.
Exterior statistics 1) head and neck The head is heavy or overdeveloped, bullish for a cow or cowish for a bull. The neck is short, rough with thick folds of skin or notched, weakly muscled.
2) chest The chest is narrow, shallow, interception and depressions behind the shoulder blades
3) withers, back The withers are forked or sharp. The back is narrow, short, sagging or humpbacked. The loin is narrow, sagging or roof-shaped
4) middle part of the body Cows are underdeveloped, bulls have a pendulous belly
5) back Short, drooping, roof-shaped, awl-backed
6) udder and nipples The udder is small or pendulous (the distance from the nipples to the ground is less than 45 cm), with unevenly developed lobes
7) front and rear legs The nipples are short, close together, abnormally developed, unsuitable for machine milking, clause 2.2. Rules for machine milking of cows, ed. 1972


19. The final assessment of animals during grading is carried out according to the following criteria: cows - by milk productivity, exterior and constitution, genotype; bulls-producers - according to the exterior and constitution, genotype; young animals - by genotype, exterior and development.
20. Based on the results of the final assessment, cows, bulls and young animals are classified into classes: elite-record, elite, class I, class II. Animals that do not meet the requirements of class II are classified as non-class.

A. Cow class definition
21. The class of a cow according to a set of characteristics is established on a scale (Table 5) in accordance with the sum of points received:

elite 79-70 points
I class 69-60 points
II class 59-50 points

Table 5: Scale for assessing cows based on a set of traits: a) milk productivity (total 60 points)

If the cow’s productivity indicators for both milk yield and fat content are higher than the class I requirement, an additional 3 points are added to the overall score for the productivity level, and if the class I requirement for milk yield, fat and protein content is exceeded at the same time (Appendix 6), 5 points are added.

b) exterior, constitution, development (total 24 points)

c) genotype (total 16 points)

22. For cows with milk fat content above the requirements for the breed from 0.10 to 0.49% and below from 0.10 to 0.39%, the requirements for the level of milk yield to classify these cows into a particular class are established according to Table 6 .

Table 6: Requirements for milking cows with different fat content of milk

For cows with milk fat content below the breed requirements by 0.4% or more, the score for milk productivity is set based on the amount of milk fat in accordance with the class I standard (Appendix 2), increased by 40%. The maximum score for such cows is 34 points.
For cows whose milk fat content exceeds the breed requirements by more than 0.5%, milk yield requirements are established based on the standard for milk fat production.

Example. The actual milk yield of a Simmental breed cow for the three best full-age lactations was 3500 kg with 4.0% fat in the milk. The milk fat content exceeds the standard (3.8%) by 0.2%. Therefore, the milk yield requirements, according to (Table 6), are reduced, namely: 2900 kg X 95: 100 = 2755 kg. From this standard, calculated adjusted for the fat content of milk, the actual milk yield of the cow (3500 kg) is 127%, and on the final scale (Table 5) the cow will receive 40 points. Since the cow exceeds the standard for milk yield and at the same time for the fat content in milk, she receives an additional 3 points, and her overall score for milk productivity is 43 points. If this cow had exceeded the minimum requirements for milk protein content at the same time, she would have received an additional 5 points instead of 3, and her overall productivity score would have been 45 points.
23. Cows are assessed for milk production rate according to the indicators in Table 7.

Table 7: Minimum requirements for evaluating cows for milk production rate

Milk yield per day (kg) Score in points for milk flow rate, (kg/min)
10 8 6 4 2
10-11,9 1,0 0,9 0.85 0,75 0,7
12-13,9 1,1 1.0 0,95 0.85 0,8
14-15,9 1,2 1,1 1,05 0,95 0,9
16-17,9 1.3 1,2 1,15 1,05 0,95
18-19,9 1,4 1,3 1.2 1,1 1,0
20-21,9 1,5 1,4 1,3 1.2 1,1
22-23,9 1,6 1,5 1.4 1.3 1,2
24-25,9 1,7 1.6 1,5 1,4 1,3
26-27,9 1,8 1,7 1.6 1,5 1,4
28-29,9 1,9 1,8 1.7 1.6 1,5
30 and above 2,0 1,9 1.8 1,7 1.6

Note. When milking with push-pull machines, the requirements increase by 10%.
24. The elite-record class includes cows of at least the 3rd generation (7/8 blood), and the elite class - no lower than the 2nd generation (3/4 blood).
25. The elite-record and elite classes include cows with a live weight not lower than the requirements of class I.
26. If a cow has one or more daughters of the elite class, she receives 3, and of the elite-record class, 5 points above those provided in the scale. Additionally, the points obtained for the quality of the offspring are included in the final score of the cow when determining the class based on a set of traits (within 100 points).
27. If a cow’s milk yield exceeds the class I standard by 40% or more, the class assigned to it is indicated by an additional letter A; for example elite A.
If the fat content in a cow’s milk exceeds the class I standard by 0.2% or more, the class assigned to it is additionally designated by the letter B, for example, elite B.
If a cow exceeds the standards by the specified amount for both characteristics, its class is indicated by an additional two letters, for example, elite AB.
The class of a cow based on a set of traits can be increased in subsequent years due to an increase in its productivity and assessment of the offspring. In other cases, the assigned class does not change.

B. Determination of bull class
28. The class of a bull based on a set of characteristics is established on a scale (Table 8) in accordance with the sum of points received:

elite record with a score of 80 points and above
elite 79-70 points
I class 69-60
II class 59-50

Table 8: Scale for assessing sires based on a set of traits

Signs Point
a) exterior and development (total 30 points)
Exterior score:
8-8,5 15
9 or more 20
Class 1 by live weight 5
b) genotype (total 70 points)
1st grade mother 15
Elite class mother 20
Elite-record mother 25
The fat content (%) in mother's milk is not lower than the requirements of class 1 1,5
Elite class father 20
Father of the elite-record class 25
The sire himself or his father is assessed by the quality of the offspring:
a) 3rd category for daughters’ milk yield 6
3rd category for fat content of daughters’ milk 5
b) 2nd category for daughters’ milk yield 7
2nd category for fat content of daughters’ milk 6
c) 1st category for daughters’ milk yield 8
1st category for fat content of daughters’ milk 7

Sum of points


* Sire bulls are assessed by the quality of their offspring in accordance with the instructions of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. If the father of a bull is assigned a breeding category, the number of points for the sire being assessed is established: for the father of the elite-record class - in the first category, for the elite class - in the second category, for the first class - in the third category.

29. The elite-record and elite classes include bulls with a live weight not lower than the 1st class standard (

Appendix 4) and not lower than IV generation (15/16 blood).
30. The class of a bull based on a set of traits and the category assigned to it can be increased in subsequent years due to an increase in the class of the parents and a higher assessment of the bull in terms of the quality of the offspring. In other cases, the previously assigned class and category are not changed.

B. Determination of the class of young animals
31. Requirements for live weight for young animals of different ages are given in (Appendix 4). For heifers over 24 months of age, the same live weight requirements apply as for first-calf cows.
32. The class of young animals according to a set of characteristics is established on a scale (Table 9) in accordance with the sum of points received:
elite record with a score of 40 points and above
elite 39-35 points
I class 34-30
II class 29-25

Table 9: Scale for assessing young animals based on a set of traits

Signs Points
gobies chicks
a) genotype (total 30 points)
I generation (blood 1/2) - 2
II generation (blood 3/4) * 3 3
III generation (bloodliness 7/8) 5 5
IV generation (bloodliness 15/16) 7 7
Purebred 8 8
Second class mother - 3
First class mother 4 6
Elite class mother 6 9
Elite-record mother 8 11
Elite class father 7 9
Father of the elite-record class 9 11
Father estimated by offspring **
a) 3rd category 3 -
b) 2nd category 4 -
c) 1st category 5 -
b) exterior and typicality (total 10 points)
3 points - 4
3.5 6 6
4.0 8 8
4.5 - 5.0 10 10
c) development (total 10 points)
Based on live weight, class 11 (85% of the class 1 standard) - 6
Live weight class 1 8 8
Live weight is 5% or more above the requirements of class 1 10 10
Total points 50

* For bulls obtained from introductory crosses.
**Assigned a category based on milk yield or fat content in milk.
Bulls descended from cows classified as class II based on a set of traits are not graded.

Heifers descended from cows that do not meet the requirements of class II in terms of a set of traits cannot be classified as elite and class I, and those descended from mothers of class I cannot be classified as elite-record. The elite-record class can include heifers that have blood of at least the third generation, and the elite class - no lower than the second generation.

Appendix 2. Breed standard for milk productivity and live weight of cows when grading based on data for one lactation

Breed Milk yield for 305 days of lactation (kg) Medium Amount of fat (kg) Live weight (kg)
for the 1st lactation for the 2nd lactation for the 3rd lactation Fat content of milk for the 1st lactation for the 2nd lactation for the 3rd lactation by 1st calving by 2nd calving by 3rd calving
Ayrshire 2400 2800 3200 4,2 101 118 134 390 430 470
2450 2950 3300 4,0 98 118 132 390 430 490
Bestuzhevskaya 2100 2600 3000 3,8 80 99 114 400 440 480
Jersey 2150 2500 2800 5,6 120 140 157 350 380 400
Istobenskaya 2100 2500 2800 4,0 84 100 112 370 410 440
Kostromskaya 2450 3000 3400 3,8 93 114 129 430 480 510
Red Gorbatovskaya 2100 2500 2800 4,1 86 102 115 360 400 430
Red steppe 2400 2850 3200 3,7 89 105 118 390 430 470
Red Tambov 2200 2650 3000 3,8 84 101 114 420 460 500
Kurganskaya 2100 2550 2900 3,9 82 99 113 400 450 490
Simmental and Sychevsk 2150 2700 3100 3,8 82 103 118 430 470 520
2000 2550 2900 3,9 78 99 113 400 450 490
Tagilskaya 2250 2700 3000 4,0 90 108 120 390 430 460
Kholmogorskaya 2350 2850 3200 3,7 87 105 118 400 440 480
2650 3200 3600 3,6 95 115 130 420 450 500
Black-motley (Siberia, Ural) 2500 3050 3400 3,6 92 110 122 400 440 480
Shvitskaya 2400 2900 3300 3,7 89 107 122 420 460 500
2000 2400 2700 3,9 78 94 105 420 460 500
Yurinskaya 2100 2500 2800 4,0 84 100 112 360 400 430
Yaroslavskaya 2250 2700 3000 4,0 90 108 120 370 410 440
Suksun cattle 1800 2150 2400 4,0 72 86 96 370 410 440

Appendix 3. Breed standard for milk productivity of cows for a number of lactations

Breed Average milk yield per lactation (kg) Average milk fat content (%) Amount of milk fat (kg)
For two, three or more lactations, including the first For any three full-age lactations
Ayrshire 2550 3000 4,2 107 126
Angelskaya (Anglerskaya) and red Danish 2600 3100 4,0 104 124
Bestuzhevskaya 2250 2800 3,8 86 106
Jersey 2300 2600 5,6 129 146
Istobenskaya 2250 2600 4,0 90 104
Kostromskaya 2600 3200 3,8 99 122
Red Gorbatovskaya 2250 2600 4,1 92 107
Red steppe 2550 3000 3,7 94 111
Red Tambov 2350 2800 3,8 89 106
Kurganskaya 2250 2750 3,9 88 107
Simmental and Sychevsk 2300 2900 3,8 87 110
Simmental (Siberia, Far East) 2150 2750 3,9 84 107
Tagilskaya 2400 2800 4,0 96 112
Kholmogorskaya 2500 3000 3,7 93 111
Black Pied of the European part of Russia 2800 3400 3,6 101 122
Black-motley (Siberia, Ural) 2700 3200 3,6 97 115
Shorthorn meat and dairy direction 2100 2500 3,9 82 98
Yurinskaya 2250 2600 4,0 90 104
Yaroslavskaya 2400 2800 4,0 96 112
Suksun cattle 1900 2300 4,0 76 92

Appendix 4. Breed standard for live weight of young cattle and adult bulls during grading

Breed Live weight (kg) at age
months years
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 4 5 and older
bulls 245 260 280 295 315 330 345 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 620 690 750
heifers and heifers 205 215 230 240 255 265 275 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 - - -
Angelskaya (Anglerskaya), red steppe, red Danish:
bulls 235 255 275 295 310 330 345 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 620 690 750
heifers and heifers 205 215 230 240 255 265 275 285 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 - - -
bulls 245 260 280 300 315 335 355 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480 620 710 780
heifers and heifers 215 225 240 255 265 275 290 300 315 320 330 335 345 350 360 - - -
bulls 225 245 265 280 295 310 320 335 350 360 375 385 395 405 420 520 600 650
heifers and heifers 185 200 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 320 330 - - -
bulls 235 255 275 295 310 330 345 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 620 690 750
heifers and heifers 195 205 220 230 245 255 265 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 - - -
bulls 270 290 310 330 350 370 385 405 425 445 460 475 495 510 525 680 750 830
heifers and heifers 230 245 260 270 285 295 305 320 330 340 355 365 375 390 400 - - -
Red Gorbatovskaya:
bulls 225 245 265 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 385 400 415 425 440 570 640 700
heifers and heifers 190 205 215 225 235 245 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 - - -
Red Tambov:
bulls 255 275 295 315 330 350 370 390 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 660 730 800
heifers and heifers 225 240 255 270 285 295 310 325 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 - - -
bulls 245 265 285 305 325 345 365 380 400 415 430 445 460 475 490 640 710 770
heifers and heifers 215 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 340 345 350 355 365 370 - - -
Simmental and Sychevsk:
bulls 275 295 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 455 475 490 505 525 540 680 750 820
heifers and heifers 225 235 250 265 275 290 305 315 330 345 355 365 375 390 400 - - -
Simmental (Siberia, Far East):
bulls 245 265 280 295 315 330 345 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 650 730 800
heifers and heifers 210 225 235 245 255 265 275 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 - - -
bulls 245 265 285 300 320 335 350 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 610 680 750
heifers and heifers 205 215 230 240 255 265 275 290 300 310 325 335 345 360 370 - - -
bulls 245 265 285 305 320 340 360 380 400 415 430 445 460 475 490 640 720 800
heifers and heifers 215 225 240 255 265 280 295 305 320 325 335 345 355 365 370 - - -
Black-and-white of the European part of Russia:
bulls 255 275 295 315 330 350 370 390 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 660 740 820
heifers and heifers 225 235 250 265 275 290 305 315 330 340 355 365 375 385 400 - - -
bulls 260 280 300 315 335 355 375 390 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 660 730 800
heifers and heifers 215 225 240 255 265 280 295 305 320 330 345 355 365 375 390 - - -
Shorthorn meat and dairy direction:
bulls 260 280 300 320 340 360 375 395 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 650 720 800
heifers and heifers 215 225 240 255 265 280 295 305 320 330 345 355 365 375 390 - - -
bulls 225 245 260 275 290 305 320 335 350 365 380 395 410 425 440 570 640 700
heifers and heifers 190 205 215 225 235 245 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 - - -
bulls 235 250 270 285 305 325 340 360 375 390 405 415 430 445 460 590 660 720
heifers and heifers 195 210 220 230 245 255 265 275 290 295 305 315 320 330 340 - - -
Suksun cattle:
bulls 220 240 260 280 300 320 335 355 370 385 400 410 425 435 450 590 660 720
heifers and heifers 195 205 220 230 245 255 270 280 290 295 305 315 325 330 340 - - -

Appendix 5. Sheet for monitoring the properties of milk production in cows

Cow inventory number Age (calving) date Single milk yield (kg) Time spent on milking by machine (min) Milk flow rate per day (kg/min)
last calving control morning dinner evening average morning dinner evening average morning dinner evening average