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Copywriting is a modern profession available to everyone. Where to start with no experience. Pros and cons of being a copywriter How to start your own copywriting journey

Working on the Internet attracts many people, and given the variety of ways to earn money, almost everyone can find the best option based on their own knowledge and skills. One of the most popular types of earnings, most often chosen by beginners, is copywriting.

Writing and selling articles can be an ideal way to earn money without employees having to spend their own money, investing only their own labor in development.

Is it worth it to be a copywriter? The answer to this question is individual for each person, because. Content creation is not for everyone.

Competent copywriters on the Internet are in demand workers who are looking for site owners. Starting to earn money by writing articles, you must be ready for action and competent presentation of the material.

Naturally, the level of interest in your activities will also depend on the quality of your articles, so, for example, by selling several low-quality materials, you can “scare away” regular customers.

By creating high-quality and competent texts, everything will be the other way around, you will not only receive regular customers, but will also begin to gain popularity, which in the future will allow you to increase the number of orders and the cost for doing the work.

Many refuse to work as a copywriter, citing a lack of prospects. In fact, copywriters have development opportunities, but they may not be obvious. Ordinary copywriters who create articles exclusively by order may not receive high profits.

Having shown interest in optimization and having studied all the subtleties, the author of articles can receive the status of an SEO copywriter, which will increase the cost of materials, but at the same time will force you to spend more work.

Some copywriters, in the process of developing their careers, choose print publications, or get jobs in large website development companies. This type of work allows them not only to receive a solid profit, but also provides permanent and formal employment, which is so lacking for remote workers.

Pros and cons of copywriting

To make it easier to decide whether it is worth doing this type of freelancing, you will have to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages. Any job has pros and cons, but until you try to do it, you will not be able to appreciate the activity.

Pros of copywriting:

  1. Creative people can show their talents and do what they like. In fact, there are professional copywriters who like to write on a certain topic. Some even find self-expression in it.
  2. Having collected even a small base of regular customers, you can achieve stability. To reach a profitability of 2-3 hundred dollars per month (15-20 thousand rubles) is quite realistic even for a novice author.
  3. You can work from anywhere in the world and at any time. Your profit will depend only on how much you work. The ability to safely move around with a laptop and work even without access to the Internet is a huge plus.
  4. There are no prospects for earning several hundred thousand rubles, but you can gradually raise prices and thereby develop. Only in parallel with this will it be necessary to improve the quality of work.

Cons of copywriting:

  1. To achieve stability, you will have to work for several months only for prospects. You will intersect with unscrupulous customers, you will have to fulfill penny orders and so on, not everyone can endure this.
  2. No kind of freelancing is sustainable, everything can disappear at the snap of a finger. You will never get sick leave, no one will offer you formal employment, and there will be downturns from time to time.
  3. Now there are so many people trying to do copywriting that the market is already overflowing. Exchanges sell texts even for 15 rubles, of course, buyers pay more attention to them.
  4. Perspectives also refer to the disadvantages of this work. What can you achieve by writing articles? Even if publishing houses agree to cooperate with you, you still have to type text for days on end.

We do not urge you to earn money by writing articles, but we recommend that you understand all the intricacies. For some, this is an ideal job, but there are other people who cannot even sit for a couple of hours at a monotonous activity.

Prospects for the development of a copywriter

Don't expect to be able to grow into something more by going with the flow. You will have to constantly develop, learn something new, join unfamiliar areas in order to increase income.

When you gain experience in this area, it is better to create your own website (). Even if you do not understand anything in website building, it will not be difficult to launch it with the help of engines. What to live on until the blog is promoted? Combine activities, write at the same time for your project and for clients.

It will be hard, but there will be prospects and in the future you will even be able to get around those for whom you once wrote articles. In six months, it is quite realistic to raise a blog from its knees and start monetizing it. There is nothing complicated in this either, even installed advertising will passively generate profit.

Another area where an experienced copywriter can show his skills is the information business.

Write e-books, create some manuals and so on. Do you even have any idea what you need to do? Do it, in terms of prospects, this is much more serious than selling articles.

In conclusion, I would like to say that making money on copywriting is definitely worth a try, but after some time as an author of articles, you will have to draw conclusions for yourself. It is possible that such work is not for you and the best option would be to look for better options.

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Pros and cons of being a copywriter. One of the most common professions on the Internet is a copywriter. Advertising texts, writing press releases, presentations, filling websites with search engine optimization are the main tasks of copywriting.

As in any other field of activity, it has its pros and cons. It can be compared to the movie The Matrix. In this work there is also a dual reality and there is a dual attitude to what is happening.

Illusory reality for a copywriter:

Free work schedule- you can work whenever you want, regardless of the office mode and direct bosses, it is possible to successfully put your work on the already promoted text exchanges, find customers on your own or fulfill orders at your own will and command.

Free earnings– money and orders flow continuously, without any restrictions, filling the computer and online wallet.

Freedom of creativity– the writing of each text is associated with individual creativity, self-expression and full self-realization.

freedom of glory- under each text you can put your name, start your own blog, which will bring fame and new customers. It is not far from writing a series of e-books, from which you can receive royalties for life and subsequently offers from the world's leading publishers. What can we say about writing and selling scripts based on which films or TV shows will be made - here both Taffy and Oscar are immediately.

If Neo wanted to work as a copywriter and chose the blue pill, he would have remained in the fabulous euphoria of dreams and hopes. However, Morpheus's glasses also reflected a red pill, taking which, one can gain a different perspective on the same situation.

In reality:

Work schedule irregular– sometimes you have to work both day and night, without holidays and social package. Complete dependence on the customer, his requirements, deadlines and whims.

The income is meager character prices are low. You have to work hard to cover your minimum living expenses. On average, a copywriter earns employee-level amounts per month without special education.

The scope for creative self-expression is very limited., especially if you write texts related to keywords. The style of presentation is often required to be cold, without emotions and lyrical digressions.

Know the basics of marketing well in order to promote your own name and sell yourself profitably.

So Neo took the red pill. He didn't become a copywriter, he decided to save the world. Why? Because everyone has their own mission. Was he aware of the difficulties of his enterprise? Of course he did. So the person who decides on such a mission as writing texts will have to take full responsibility for himself.

There is another factor that does not depend on analysis and criticism - this is love for the profession. If you love, you see the main thing. The main thing for a copywriter is to be useful, to help people tell the world about their ideas and activities. In addition, this work teaches self-discipline and organization, tones and broadens one's horizons. A monotonous sleep mode of life will not work here. And, of course, such work is connected with constant communication. You can meet unique interesting people of different professions, views and interests. Well, everyone draws their own conclusions. It remains only to recall that under any circumstances there is always freedom of choice.

- this is what I started my way of working on the Internet with. But what is there to hide: from time to time I still write materials for a couple of Internet resources.

But during the time that I have been doing this craft, I have more than once wanted to throw the whole thing to hell! I do not know what kept me from the fatal step. And it's all to blame - all sorts of "pitfalls" that you will definitely meet on your way.

And today I would like to take a critical look at the profession of a copywriter, evaluating all the pros and cons of such an occupation. And I'll start, of course, with the benefits.

Pros of being a copywriter:

Copywriting is a very promising activity. Each person in his life can do both promising and unpromising things. For example, working as a cashier in a bank is a futile activity, because there is no development in this direction. But the copywriter has huge opportunities for growth.

For example, you can write on topics in which materials are very expensive, that is, in other words, you can earn more. But there is another perspective: by developing your writing talent, you can become a famous writer, publish a book, or a series of books! And what is the use of this - I think you yourself know.

A copywriter can work where and when it suits him. Copywriting is, in fact, one of the freelance branches. And a freelancer can work where it is convenient for him and when it is convenient for him, practically not depending on any external factors (except for the deadlines for submitting an order, of course). And this means - that he does not need to get up at dawn, going to work, crowding in public transport. Yes, and you can work in the most unusual places: on the street, in a cafe, and so on, which, you see, is charming.

Copywriting develops horizons. Most often, a copywriter has to deal with various topics. But, it’s impossible to write something qualitatively on a topic that you don’t know. Therefore, this topic needs to be studied. And so time after time, you begin to notice a significant expansion of your horizons.

You suddenly realize that you know what types of hotels there are and how they differ, you know what cleaning companies do and what their purpose is. In short, with each new order, you, as a copywriter, become a smarter and more educated person. And smart and educated people were needed at all times.

I have come to the conclusion that a few articles a day will be enough to earn an average salary in my city. Therefore, to live exclusively from your articles is a completely feasible task. I am already silent about improving the quality of texts, portfolios and expanding the subject matter of created texts. Then you can earn relatively decent money.

But I will not do without negativity, because it has its place. Cons of being a copywriter:

Copywriting is not for everyone. There is no universal occupation in the world that would suit everyone. And if your friend Kolya earned a “nine”, exclusively writing articles, then it’s not at all necessary for you to succeed!

Understand that copywriting is not for everyone. Here one must be able to think clearly and clearly in order to “package” these thoughts into interesting articles. And if this is not in you, then it is better to do something else. There are many interesting activities in the world besides writing lyrics. Might be worth trying something else?

This is a competitive industry. Most of the freelancers are copywriters. for some reason, writing texts seems to be a very simple task for everyone. Therefore, if there are many people on the market who offer text writing services, then its competition is high. Indeed, this is the whole problem of copywriting - the search for permanent high-paying orders that would “feed” us. If they don't, then there is no money.

Therefore, in order to somehow solve this issue, I would advise you to create your own business card sites, which will present your portfolio, prices, and so on. That is, try in every possible way to promote yourself as a brand. In this scenario, it will be easier to get an order. It is also beneficial to take orders in bulk: that is, for example, agree to fill the entire site. Yes, each article may cost you less than if you sold it at retail, but you will get much more money for a wholesale order.

Being a copywriter takes a lot of learning. Alas, not everyone can get used to the realities of the modern world, which screams to us: “I am constantly changing! Get ready for change!" And in copywriting, you need to constantly learn and improve your professional qualities, because. the topics of articles change, the requirements for design and content change, and so on. And if change is alien to you, then maybe you shouldn’t do it? It is better to try something else, which requires, perhaps, not so much effort on yourself.

Today you learned about the pros and cons of being a writer. I can tell you from my own experience that this is not an easy task. I mean constant and methodical writing to feed yourself. But, if you like it, and you enjoy it, like me, then why not start working in this direction? I don't see any problems.

After all, without trying, you definitely won’t know whether it’s “yours” or “not yours” in order to draw conclusions. Have a nice day!

In our economically unstable time, with a constant rise in prices and a practically unchanged level of income for an average office worker, an increasing number of people turned their views towards making money on the Internet.

And, probably, the first and most accessible activity for a novice freelancer is copywriting. This occupation can become both a source of additional income and a full-time job that provides a reliable and stable income.

When deciding whether to make copywriting your profession, it makes sense to evaluate the pros and cons of this activity.

Pros of being a copywriter

Free schedule. The first, and probably the most obvious plus of writing custom texts is free schedule. You choose where, when and under what conditions you work. You can work in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, meeting the dawn at five in the morning, "while the whole city sleeps", or on the couch in the afternoon after watching the next episode of your favorite series.

Or you can complete another order in a cafe while you are waiting for a girl who is late for a date. No one rations your time and does not force you to comply with standard office time frames. Your work time is controlled solely by your convenience and your internal biological clock.

floating income. Having perseverance and desire to fulfill as many orders as possible, as well as improving your level of work (and, consequently, the level of its payment), you yourself vary the amount of your earnings.

Self-development. Yes exactly.

Contrary to popular belief, sitting in front of a computer is not only mind-numbing.

To write about subjects in which you are not very competent, you will have to study a lot of materials on the topic.

You will be able to learn the nuances and subtleties that are available only to specialists in certain fields of activity, which may be useful to you not only for writing another article, but also in your daily life.

Freedom to choose topics. The ability to choose topics for work. You don't have to write about things you're not interested in. There will always be questions that will be interesting to understand. This is your freedom. It is not necessary to do boring, monotonous, boring as hell work (mandatory for execution in production or in the office).

These are not all the advantages of working as a copywriter, and anyone who decides to make this job their main income will certainly find their own additional benefits. But, like any job, this field of activity has its negative sides. And for some, they can become insurmountable, so do not underestimate their importance.

Cons of being a copywriter

The need to rely only on yourself. Interestingly, half of the minuses are the reverse side of the pros. A free schedule and the absence of superiors also imply the absence of social benefits: paid vacation, sick leave and accrued work experience.

Of course, in our time, a pension is not a guarantee of a comfortable old age, so it may be wiser to take care of your future on your own than rely on contributions to a pension fund. But the hospital, you see, is very handy.

We are not always able to work at the same level, and a “home” copywriter, working and relying solely on himself, must always remember that days of idleness (for health reasons or in connection with leaving for the sea in the summer with his family) will hit his pocket.

However, any self-employed entrepreneur faces the same difficulties.

Competition. High level of competition in the copywriting market. There are many more performers than customers, and, accordingly, the payment for the work of copywriters can be much lower than the level of orders they fulfill deserves. This is especially important for beginner Internet workers.

But these are the laws of any business, fierce competition forces you to improve, increase the level of skill and look for more exclusive orders.

So again, this “minus” will not become an obstacle for an enthusiastic person who has set the goal of making writing articles his permanent income.

Large volumes of work. This shortcoming stems from the previous one. To fill the working base and to find regular customers, you need to do a lot of work that takes a lot of time. And supposedly free time, not busy working in the office, in the supermarket, at the factory or anywhere else, will be busy sitting at the computer for hours writing articles.

It is important to separate work on the Internet (which is not standardized) from life in reality and reasonably allocate time between these two parallels.

In addition, you need to understand that the work of a copywriter is fundamentally not suitable for everyone. Not everyone can coherently express their thoughts. Not everyone can stylistically and spelling correctly display them in writing. And if errors can still be checked and corrected using an online editor, then the gift of writing is not available to everyone.

But for some reason, it is believed that absolutely everyone can do paperwork, and only lazy people do not write articles to order on the Internet just because we were all taught to write at school. It's funny that we do not consider ourselves great artists, only on the basis that in kindergarten we drew with colored pencils.

What is it for? In addition, healthy self-criticism should be present in any employee, but let it not prevent you from becoming a copywriter if writing articles is really yours and all of the above disadvantages did not scare you away.

My own experience calls for me to do some analytical work and highlight for myself the pros and cons of working as a copywriter. Perhaps this article will also tell a beginner the arguments “for” or “against”, whether he should climb into this “swamp” or find a more predictable profession.
A little deciphering is required here. "Swamp" is mentioned in the context of the fact that "every sandpiper praises his swamp", and not because I think my favorite profession is really so disgusting.


But in fact, the first tail appeared - unpredictability. It can be both a positive and a negative factor. On the one hand, it's really great not to know what each new day is preparing for you - a new client or an empty refrigerator. It just so happened that in my life the new days basically prepared good customers for me, offering to write new articles, which means that “unpredictability” became a plus for me.
The second plus is the lack of a boss. Those who have previously died in the office under the yoke of an unfair tyrant boss will understand. In copywriting, you are your own boss, your own accountant and personnel department, as well as all other services. In! No one will give you a headache because of a bad mood, a deuce of a son or a menopause. (Greetings to Galina Ivanovna! It was you who became the decisive factor that made me leave work for free swimming. Thank you, you. Honestly, thank you!) A freelancer does not have a boss, but there is a customer. But this is a completely different cuisine. Since a bad customer can always be exchanged for a good one, but a bad boss is unlikely.
The third plus is the free work schedule. Rejoice owls! You are no longer second class people and the world no longer belongs only to larks, but also to you. Do you want to sleep until lunch, get to work at five o'clock in the evening and finish well after midnight? The Lord is with you. The main thing is to follow the deadlines, but at what time it is up to the copywriter to sit down to write articles.
Here I will also mention the opportunity to work anywhere. House, garden, river bank, cottage, cafe, Thailand. Poke your finger randomly at any point on the map. The whole world is open before you. Let me tell you a secret, most likely you will want to work from home. After all, there are so many years of wandering back and forth to work. Through the whole city, in bad weather, in the eternal crush ... Home, sweet home.
Fifth, I will write down a very serious point. Self-education and constant growth. A good copywriter is constantly learning new things. Already in the first year of work, I began to understand the types of plaster, types of crossbows, aquarism, and dozens of other areas where my foot had not even taken me before. Here it is also worth adding professional literature. You need to know the rules and secrets of your craft. Even if only to break them later. Still to read fiction. Otherwise, where to get a good style and ideas? In a word, your horizons will expand unusually wide.
Already five. But you can also mention serious opportunities for career growth, finding yourself, the possibility of self-expression and many other pluses, pluses and pluses.
For now, let's talk about the cons. There are few of them. But they are solid.


Actually, the disadvantages are what many are disappointed in the profession of a writer. And these cons are enough. But let's be honest. We praised copywriting, now it's time to scold.
Going into copywriting, get ready for the fact that you have to be a lot of nervous. You will be bullied by customers, interfere with competitors and get critics. Your texts will be scolded, not always constructively and to the point, the more offensive. They will shovel five thousand characters to find an extra comma and gloatingly say, “You see! Extra comma. Yes, you are just a nonentity, not a copywriter. The dog of my great-niece will write even better than you ... ”.
Copywriters have a problem with commas. While preparing this article, I noticed comments under the post of a venerable colleague who put up for public judgment the cover of a book that will be released in March. So, under this cover, experts unfolded a real holivar about the missing comma in the title of the book.
The only thing that will help you save your nerves is the ability to cut off the negative. Separate flies from cutlets, and yourself from work. After the article is handed over to the customer, you are no longer united. And criticism of the article is not a reason to doubt yourself, but only in your professional qualities. Although, perfection is still not achieved. If even comrades who earn a hundred thousand a month and publish books about copywriting have missing commas, what can we say about you.
The second disadvantage is a sedentary lifestyle. In the second month of work, you suddenly begin to notice that you can leave the house at least twice a week. Bank, shopping, post office, some other business. An urgent order attracts all attention, and a copywriter can work in the rhythm of time pressure for months. Unfortunately, such a passion is bad for health. Extra pounds stick to the sides. Headaches, problems with blood vessels appear from somewhere, it bakes in the back of the head, sand in the eyes. And well, if only in the eyes.
It is better not to bring yourself to this. Walks, fresh air, five minutes of physical education, alternating work with household chores will help you organize physical activity correctly, and even give you vigor to shake the next mountains. But try to force yourself to break away from work.
A lot of competition is another of the biggest cons of this profession. Interestingly, at the same time, mid-level copywriters calmly share their secrets. This is unlikely to be found in any other profession. And all because they know that a newcomer is not a competitor to them. Indeed, in order to become a competitor, he will first have to survive on small and low-paid orders for months, gradually increasing his rating, skill and gaining a portfolio and clients. And all this in the mode of very tough competition, because the entrance to the profession of a copywriter is very wide. Everyone who wrote essays in school and got more than a deuce for them thinks that writing an article is a trifling matter. That is, the entire Russian-speaking population of our country. So why not try? And all these months of survival, something needs to be put in the refrigerator, thrown into the pan and pay the bills. So it turns out that not every "bird" reaches the middle of the Dnieper, that is, to normal customers and money.
The last major downside. Although, it is unlikely that he will scare you away. After all, everyone thinks - it's not about him. The copywriter gradually, not immediately, but turns into a sociophobe. Go to the park with friends or complete an order for five hundred rubles. What to choose? The second half calls to the cinema, and then negotiations with a nervous customer on Skype. Gradually, former colleagues and friends are weeded out. It's nothing you can do. Everything that you found before in them, you already find in the Lady of the Web. There is also communication, and study, and work. You can also shop and order pizza online. The only thing is that the computer will not replace your family, will not hug you during the day and will not pull off the blanket at night. And here, as with physical education, strong-willed effort is needed. Close the browser, stop the flight of fantasy halfway and go to rest in the real world.


Shall we summarize? For me, the pros far outweigh the cons. And most importantly, I know these disadvantages. And I struggle with them with varying degrees of success. Now I am them, then they are me. And how you will, I do not know.

Victoria Zemskova
