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How to open a gym: a detailed business plan with instructions. Opening a gym in the city

The total passion of Russians for sports and a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that the number of fitness clubs is increasing exponentially. Businessmen are attracted to this business by the opportunity to attract clients of different ages and social statuses. The example of teenagers and young people is contagious; after them, their parents begin to lead a sports lifestyle, which brings entire families to the establishments in question.

In addition, if you do not neglect preliminary calculations, you can easily minimize the likelihood of “meeting” with competitors. To do this, the business plan of a fitness center must include a list of exercise equipment and their number. Two clubs located on the same street 300 meters from each other, but with many visitors, are a vivid example of how the difference in the emphasis of fitness (in one the emphasis was on Pilates, in the other on stretching) allowed the owners of the establishments to retain their clients.

We will consider a business plan for a fitness club located in the center of a city with a population of 800 thousand people. In this gym, the main emphasis is on CrossFit - the most common and accessible type of sports training for many.

Starting a business

Our ready-made business plan for a fitness club suggests considering such a form of business registration as an individual entrepreneur. It is inexpensive (about 4 thousand rubles), and the financial turnover is not expected to be so large as to open a limited liability company. Opening a sports club is a good example of how you can save on a full-time accountant position by outsourcing it. It is expected to work according to the simplified tax system.

A good fitness center should have a name that is attractive to customers. The example described in the document we are considering - “Black Panther” - is quite successful. People visiting an institution with this name understand that they will develop strength, grace and agility - qualities inherent in a panther.

Selecting a room

To open a gym specializing in CrossFit, a fairly large area is required. The easiest way, along which the analyzed business plan of a fitness club suggests going, is to rent a room with an area of ​​​​at least 120 square meters. m. on the ground floor of a separate business center. The place does not have to be in the city center, but with good transport accessibility. Two hundred meters to a public transport stop, 6-7 stops to the city center - these “coordinates” prescribed in the business plan are an example of a good choice of place by a businessman.

If you are planning your business "seriously and for a long time", it makes sense to draw up a lease agreement, which implies the subsequent purchase of the premises. If things go well for your company, this step will save significant funds in a year and a half or two, when the break-even point is passed and you can slowly buy out the premises from the profit.

Renovation of the hall and its furnishings

Having decided on the premises, you can begin to renovate it. The main goal is to make the stay of clients in your fitness center pleasant and comfortable. It is better to paint the walls in warm colors, make large bright windows facing the sunny side, and ensure good ventilation of the hall. It is necessary to provide a hall, locker rooms and showers, as well as a training room, which will occupy approximately 70% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The cost of repairs and possible redevelopment will be approximately 120 thousand rubles.

As for simulators, their list and prices are given in the table:

Name Quantity Price, rub./piece
Gymnastic parallel bars 3 pairs 3200
Swedish wall 4 sections 2550
Core Trainer 2 5000
Squat machine 2 4400
Jumping support 1 12000
Exercise bike 2 3800
Hyperextension machine 2 5500
Rowing machine 2 4900
Power bar 1 5200
Stretching machine 2 3400

The total cost of equipping the hall will be approximately 91 thousand rubles. Let's say right away that this is the minimum. In addition, you can fit into this amount only if you buy equipment b. y., but in working order.

In addition, the business plan provides for the purchase of furniture, mirrors and clothing sections, as well as the arrangement of showers and the purchase of cleaning products. All this will cost about 45 thousand rubles.

The equipment of the premises for staff is another mandatory item of expenditure, for which 25 thousand rubles are allocated in the business plan.


Personnel issues are very important for the fitness business, since your staff is the “face” of the establishment. The popularity of the club will directly depend not only on the professional qualities of your trainers, but also on their ability to get along with clients. Preference when hiring should be given to experienced instructors with specialized education or specialization. Employees come to clients in a uniform, convenient for sports, and during the working day their behavior is regulated by the principles of corporate ethics.

The main vacancies of the opening fitness club are presented in the table:

Thus, you will need 168 thousand rubles to pay employees.

Club promotion

About a month before the opening, you need to start advertising activities, both offline and using the site on the Internet. All expenses, including the production and distribution of leaflets and the delivery of booklets to mailboxes, advertising in local media, must meet 15 thousand rubles. Monthly advertising expenses will be at the level of 7-8 thousand rubles. An advertising campaign can be considered successful if people come to your club not only from nearby areas, but from all over the city. They can be attracted by the conditions of classes, prices or discounts.

Balance of expenses and income

In our example, the ratio of income and expenses is as follows

It is easy to calculate that the net profit will be approximately 108.5 thousand rubles per month. Considering that we are investing about 500 thousand rubles in the opening of the project, it will pay off under ideal conditions in 4.5 months, while the average payback period for the club is 12-14 months.

A fitness center is a business project that requires constant attention and a considerable amount of time. If you do not regret either one or the other at the start, attract customers in all possible ways and try to keep them, manage resources economically and develop related businesses under the supervision of a sports club aimed at maintaining and maintaining health, you can create a source of not only stable profit, but and moral satisfaction.

Even during a crisis, people try to look beautiful and be healthy, despite the high prices of gym memberships. We will write a gym business plan based on the fact that this business has a large number of potential customers - the middle and upper classes of the population will be happy to visit the new gym. The fact that even despite the huge number of halls already open, you can easily open your own business and quickly accumulate a sufficient number of visitors cannot but please the new entrepreneur. The main thing, as always, is to advertise your establishment correctly and try to reduce costs to a minimum in the beginning, so that it would be easier to pay for yourself. We will tell you how to open a gym so that it not only pays off, but also generates income.

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First of all, it is worth evaluating your capabilities - opening a huge fitness club with all the services that are available will not work for a novice businessman, there will not be enough money. We will open a gym, without unnecessary services and functions. Opening such an institution is easier, cheaper, and you will immediately understand which audience you need to target with your advertising campaign. In the future, if you have a stable income, no one forbids you to open additional gyms and provide customers with more opportunities for training and recovery, but for now, let's consider the easiest business option in this area.

Where to open a gym

The owner of his own premises, of course, will receive more income due to savings on rent. We don’t have such premises, and buying premises is a very expensive business. Our gym business plan will be written based on renting a room. Now we will describe the process of finding premises with optimal characteristics for our business.

Let's decide on the number of square meters for our business - to install all the necessary equipment, we need 30-40 square meters, there will be simulators, weights and so on. In addition to the main hall, we cannot do without a dressing room and a shower room. A dressing room of 10 square meters will be an excellent solution, the same amount is needed for a shower room. There is one secret here - we don’t need to look for a room where there is already a shower; we can buy and install several shower stalls. It is cheaper, easier to install and connect the water supply. Once you have decided on all these indicators, you can begin searching for premises.

Many businessmen go to realtors with a request to find premises for a certain type of business and overpay from 50 to 100% of the rental price for the search. Why spend such a sum when we have in our hands the most productive tool in the world - the Internet. Enter the desired query into the search bar and you will find many sites where you can find a room based on the area, square footage and other indicators. Try it, experiment with the set of parameters. We need to keep gym costs down as much as possible, so don't target the city centre. There, rent is more expensive and all the premises have been occupied for a long time. Look for free space in sleeping areas and basements. Finding the best option may take time, but it is worth it. The average price for 50 square meters in the basement is 30 thousand rubles.

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How to open a gym: buying equipment

First of all, you need to renovate your premises so that clients can study comfortably and enjoy it. Most likely, our basement will be in poor condition; we need to do cosmetic repairs, run water in the shower and install several light sources. Renovating the entire gym will cost us 50 thousand rubles, a big expense, but it will quickly pay for itself. Only when the hall has been renovated and lights installed can you begin to look for equipment. It is very difficult to understand here for a person who has never worked in this field. You need to take the advice of a specialist.

Using the services of a specialist in this field, we will be able to arrange our gym in the most optimal way for the client in order to maximize the income of the gym. The services of a professional will cost us 5 thousand rubles.

A good gym with a sufficient number of treadmills, bicycles, barbells and other exercise equipment brings a lot of profit, but not everyone can afford to buy everything at once. It will cost you from 150 thousand rubles to equip the hall. You can, of course, save on some simulators, but people who do this will immediately notice cheap simulators and go to another gym where they don’t save on them. Let's write this figure into the costs of the gym and move on to the next item in our business plan.

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Gym business plan: personnel search

A small gym needs a person who will accept payments, subscriptions and show the price list to new visitors, as well as a trainer whose services visitors can use. We will tell you in detail how it is easier to find the right person for these activities and how you can save a little on employee salaries. Let's not forget that we also need to clean the gym after training - this also needs a person.

The hall can be cleaned by a hired cleaning lady who will wash the hall once a day - after class. A cleaner earns 15,000 rubles a month on a permanent basis, we will find a person who wants to clean the hall once a day for 5,000 rubles. Don't think that this is too little - you need to save on everything in order to reduce the costs of the gym.

Any gym needs to have a trainer who can help clients with advice. Professionals in this field will ask for too much wages for us to pull it. We will find a specialist in universities training trainers for gyms. Young students with bright eyes and a lot of energy will work tirelessly even for a small amount. By the way, it is best to offer the coach piecework wages. Thinking through the gym business plan, add the price of a personal trainer to the price list. The average price for a personal trainer per month is 1,500 rubles. For each client that the coach will involve in personal training, the coach himself will receive the full amount - 1500 rubles. This encourages the person to work, and if they fail, you won't pay the person for something they don't do.

You can put any person, including yourself, in the position of accepting payment - you will tell better than any employee about the advantages of your gym, how you can have a great time in it and what promotions, coaches, services are. Given that the salary of this type of activity reaches 15 thousand rubles, it is better to work on your own - and save money, and work with clients.

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Our potential clients are office workers, wealthy students, entrepreneurs. Almost anyone who can afford a gym membership is our client and we need to find as many people as possible who want to give us their money, raising the income of the gym. We will use two types of advertising - distribution of leaflets and advertising on the Internet.

We will distribute leaflets during lunch breaks near large office buildings, educational institutions, and shopping centers. There will always be large crowds of people who have enough income to pay for classes in the gym. Make your flyers colorful, interesting and with clear pricing for a one-time class and monthly membership. Clients don't like it when there are no specifics.

A very cheap and effective way of advertising is advertising on the Internet. Find the city’s website and add information about your hall there, find VKontakte groups associated with your city, and write advertising posts there. Together with the distribution of leaflets, advertising will cost you 5 thousand rubles, but the income of the gym will increase significantly.

We recommend reading:

A business plan is being developed to write a clear summary for a future commercial project. A legally competent prescribed plan reveals and allows you to calculate in the future every main aspect of the activity, as well as possible inaccuracies and methods for eliminating them. After reading the project summary, specialists can calculate how profitable the future investment project will be, how quickly the money invested will pay off, and whether it will pay off at all.

A ready-made business plan for a gym should open such questions:

  • information about the areas of your business;
  • assessment of the market the company plans to enter and the position you plan to occupy in it;
  • the planned number of visitors, and how quickly you can achieve these indicators;
  • plan for purchasing the necessary equipment;
  • calculations for labor resources;
  • a financial strategy that summarizes all points in material terms.

What you need to open a gym: registration and documents

To open a gym that qualifies as a small business, you need to either act as a . During state registration, you will have to select. Since the summer of 2016, a new classifier has come into force, and now all types of activities have a different numbering.

You can choose on the:

1) OKVED 93.11. Operation of sports facilities;

2) OKVED 85.51 Individual lessons with trainers and teachers;

3) OKVED 93.13 Activities of fitness centers.

At the registration authorities, lawyers will help you choose the required OKVED, you can also add several points - it all depends on the direction of your business.

Should be considered that the number of OKVED will affect the final amount of taxes that you will pay to the state. Therefore, the issue of their choice should be approached with all responsibility. As you work, you can add the necessary items to yourself, as well as remove them if your horizons have narrowed.

If we consider type of taxation, then many opt for 6% (of income). This type of taxation has many positive features, if we take into account the field of sports services. Documents on the transition to the simplified tax system can be submitted simultaneously with documents for registering your own business.

In addition to registration, you will need to obtain a document from Rospotrebnadzor, concluding with it an agreement for the maintenance of air conditioners and fans, a bilateral agreement for the maintenance of the housing office, a bilateral agreement for the maintenance and disposal of light bulbs, a PPC and a document for a sports institution.

We must not forget about the employees: they all must have medical books, relevant certificates and diplomas proving the right to teach fitness and work as instructors.

In order for the gym to start functioning, you must first obtain work permits from firefighters, sanitary and epidemiological services, as well as the local property management authority.

If you don't have time To deal with paper legal work, which in its importance exceeds many organizational and technical issues, it is better to seek qualified help from lawyers.

How to open a gym from scratch: organizational aspects

Choosing a location and premises

It is advisable that you own the premises for the gym - otherwise you will have to deal with the issues of drawing up a lease agreement, and its cost is sometimes simply exorbitant. This is due to the fact that the square footage should be significant, and the room itself should be spacious and in good repair.

It would be irrational to place the hall in a room with an area of ​​less than 100 sq.m. In addition to the gym itself, you should allocate space for a locker room and shower.

Premises requirements:

  • excellent ventilation;
  • temperature regime. It is necessary to observe the temperature indicators for the hall: from +17 to +19 degrees. In the locker room - from +21 to +26 degrees;
  • Air humidity should be between 40% -60%. If these values ​​are lower, you will have to install a humidifier.

According to the law, the gym must not contradict the instructions prescribed in SNiP 2.04-05-91; SNiP; SNiP 11-12-77; SNiP 23-05-95; SNiP 2.04.01-85.

Equipment for the gym

Even if you have found the ideal location for a gym, it will not function without modern and high-quality equipment. Initially you need:

  • abdominal exercise equipment;
  • exercise equipment for the back, arms and legs (if you are planning to open a budget fitness club, then you don’t need to buy a treadmill and an exercise bike);
  • a whole set of dumbbells, barbells of different weights, weights;
  • tourniquets, weights for arms and legs, gloves;
  • mats, yoga mats, punching bags, jump ropes.

In some cases, it is advisable to purchase used gym equipment - this way you can afford to save on more expensive equipment.

Buying a trainer note on its model and configuration. In order for it to serve you for many years, the exercise machine must be made of high-quality material and at the same time have minimal wear. The ideal option is to purchase equipment from an unprofitable fitness club that is closing.

Don't forget about personal protective equipment– belt, gloves, wristbands, knee pads. There should be enough for all visitors; calculate their number based on the capacity of the room.

Of course, you need to think about the shower, toilet, and changing rooms on the premises of the hall. If you don't have enough money and space, all this can be done without designer intervention. The main thing is crystal cleanliness and hygiene.

Many simulators create additional zones for sports and gyms, for example, for a sports game, for a choreography class, Pilates, etc. In this case, your business will eventually become a real sports center. If you have settled on this path of development, think about the possibility of expanding the area or moving after some time (for example, six months or a year) to a new premises.

An important point that many people forget about when calculating expenses is the arrangement reception areas. Be sure to install comfortable sofas or armchairs there for those visitors who arrive ahead of their time or simply want to relax.

Advertising a gym and finding clients

  • external;
  • internal.

External advertising

Name of your hall. Many new entrepreneurs forget how important their space is. However, it is precisely this that should attract the attention of potential clients. The name should be short, concise, and hide the appeal to strength, endurance, slimness and health.

If you can't think of anything, walk around the area and look at competitors' signs. Here are a few names for you to consider: (your last name) Gym, Shark, abbreviation of your first and last name (KV Gym), Body Life, Run and Rock Gym.

Signboard. People are like magpies - they look at everything beautiful. Therefore, make sure that your sign is exactly like this. It should be visible and it should attract attention. You can use the idea and hang a poster of a sporty guy and a girl who are imprisoned by a fat body next to the sign.

Post advertisements. It is this type of advertising after “word of mouth” that is in second place in terms of effectiveness. But to attract customers, you need to offer something that they won’t get at another club. For example: “first month of classes – 50% discount”; “bring a friend and study for free for 30 days.”

Internal advertising

You can post the same offers as listed above in your club. You can organize an internal competition for the best result of the month, and the winner will receive a month of free visits.

Financial part. Is it profitable to open a gym?

How much does it cost to open a gym?

  • Rent. If we take the minimum indicators, the amount will be within 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment. The amount is not less than 400,000 rubles.
  • Shower stall, plumbing, etc.. - about 120,000 rubles.
  • Registration and services of lawyers— 10,000 rub.
  • Salary trainer and support staff (by agreement) - approximately 35,000 rubles.
  • Advertising campaign- from 50 0000 rubles.

Total costs will amount to 775,000 rubles.

Approximate profit

Income directly depends on clients. On average, a subscription costs 2,000 rubles. in 30 days. And here it all depends on how many visitors there will be, but in the worst case there will be about 50 visitors per month. Those. 100,000 rub. - that’s exactly what yours will be profit per month.

Profitability, as we see, there is even with minimal attendance. Let's take our income equal to 100,000 rubles and subtract the monthly expenses. It turns out 100,000 rubles - 35,000 rubles = net profit 65,000 rubles per month. Since there is profit, this type of activity will be profitable.


In order for a business to make a profit and pay for itself, you need to carefully think through every little detail.

It’s not enough to just know how to open a gym. A business plan drawn up in advance helps to calculate possible risks and act according to the strategy. Thus, the business plan for opening a gym is the first step towards developing and realizing your dreams.

The domestic market for fitness services has already passed the stage of initial development and market formation. At the moment, we can state that there is high and strong competition in this area. On the other hand, most companies strive to create expensive and high-status establishments, in which, at times, the physical development of clients fades into the background. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out how much it costs to open a gym and whether the business will be profitable.

In this regard, the niche of economy class gyms remains unfilled, where visitors are looking for the opportunity to work with exercise equipment at an affordable price. The project of opening an economy class gym today is more promising and less expensive, so those who plan to invest money in the fitness services industry should pay attention to this segment and draw up a business plan for a gym.

Gender and pricing policy

Ideally, the new establishment should be positioned as a gym for men and women to increase the number of potential clients. In this regard, separate changing rooms, toilets and showers should be provided for men and women. It is also advisable to have two separate rooms.

To attract visitors, you need to offer them reasonable prices for visiting the gym. The cost of one hour of training in an economy class hall should be significantly lower than in high-status fitness centers, in accordance with the services provided and the level of service. Judging by the opinions of those who are already engaged in a similar business, the optimal price reaches about 150 rubles for an hourly subscription; this is important to remember when drawing up a business plan for a gym.

Finding suitable premises and work schedule

The area of ​​the gym premises must be at least 150 m². It should be taken into account that in addition to the classrooms, it is necessary to allocate space for the accompanying infrastructure:

  • locker rooms;
  • wardrobe;
  • administrative premises.

The training rooms themselves will occupy only one third of the total area.

As for the opening hours of the establishment, you need to take into account the fact that the lion's share of clients visit the gym after work, in the afternoon. However, at first, it is advisable to organize as long a working day as possible, even around the clock, in order to satisfy all potential clients and understand what hours the greatest flow of visitors comes.

On weekends and holidays, the establishment must accept clients, because for many of them a free day is an additional opportunity to work out in the gym.

How to open a gym - choosing equipment for a fitness club

The set of exercise equipment in the gym should satisfy the desires of the maximum number of clients. The more extensive it is, the better. But, given that the budget is limited, and the establishment itself is positioned as economy class, you should not count on new equipment, due to the high cost and long payback period.

Used exercise machines are often not inferior to new analogues, and at the same time they allow you to save a decent amount of money. Approximate cost of used exercise equipment, based on 2 rooms with an area of ​​30 m² each:

  • 6 abdominal exercise machines: 12 thousand per unit, total 72 thousand rubles;
  • 2 complex strength training equipment: 12 thousand per unit, total 24 thousand rubles;
  • 2 treadmills: 17 thousand per unit, total 34 thousand rubles;
  • 6 exercise bikes: 15 thousand per unit, total 90 thousand rubles;
  • 4 rowing machines: 10 thousand per unit, total 40 thousand rubles;
  • 6 wall bars: 2 thousand per unit, total 12 thousand rubles.

The total cost of such a set will be approximately 272 thousand rubles.

In addition to exercise equipment, you need to purchase other equipment and furniture for the fitness club premises (the cost is approximate):

  • furniture in the lobby and administration offices: 120 thousand rubles;
  • furniture in the waiting room: 35 thousand rubles;
  • a pair of computers: 50 thousand rubles;
  • lockers for storing personal belongings and clothing: 60 thousand rubles;
  • MFO (or separately printer and copier): 24 thousand rubles;
  • plumbing for toilets and showers: 65 thousand rubles;
  • carpets/flooring: 15 thousand rubles;
  • TV and audio system: 16 thousand rubles;

Together with the simulators, the total amount of funds for the equipment will be 657 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the size of the depreciation fund will be equal to 131.4 thousand rubles (20% of the cost of the equipment).

Intangible assets

This category includes the costs of establishing an enterprise and payment for state registration of a lease agreement. Intangible assets will cost the founder 5 thousand rubles with depreciation charges of 500 rubles per year.

Recruitment and calculation of working hours

To calculate the required number of employees for a future fitness club, you must first calculate the number of working hours per year.

If the gym is open seven days a week, the number of working days per year will be 351, minus sanitary days and public holidays. According to the requirements of the Labor Code, employees must be provided with 2 days off per week (101 days per year), as well as 24 days of vacation. Another 14 outputs should be discarded to exclude valid reasons and force majeure. The balance is 212 working days of 8 hours, which equals 1696 working hours per year per employee.

The establishment's 2 halls work on average 12 hours a day for 351 days, a total of 8424 hours per year. To cover this number of hours, 5 instructors would be required.

Based on the obtained figure of 4212 hours of work per year for one hall (8424:2), it is possible to calculate the optimal number of workers in other positions. To service one room of the hall, 4212:1696 = 2.48 employees per workplace will be required (this applies to administrators, security guards and cleaners). The director and accountant of the enterprise must be present in the staffing table. The following minimum list of employees is obtained (16 people in total).

  • instructors: 5 people;
  • administrators: 3;
  • guards: 3;
  • cleaners: 3;
  • accountant: 1;
  • director: 1.

Amount of production costs

In addition to the funds that will be spent on employee salaries, you should take into account other production expenses that exist in absolutely all enterprises. Among such cost items for a gym are:

  • direct costs;
  • costs of maintaining fixed assets;
  • expenses for maintaining the enterprise;
  • depreciation expenses;
  • implementation costs;
  • management costs.

In addition, the salaries of instructors will be considered direct costs, but the salaries of all other employees, along with office expenses, are included in the item of management expenses.

After the wage fund, the second largest item in the list of expenses is the rental of premises, which will cost approximately 160 thousand rubles per month. It is important not to forget about this cost item when drawing up a business plan for a gym.

Other monthly expenses:

  • payment of utilities: 60 thousand rubles;
  • marketing: 5 thousand rubles;
  • office expenses: 3 thousand rubles;
  • telephone: 200 rubles.

The total production costs for the year are equal to: 160,000 + 60,000 + 3,000 + 5,000 + 200 = 2,738.4 thousand rubles.

Fitness club payroll

Having decided on the number of employees, you can calculate the volume of the enterprise's payroll fund. Monthly salaries of full-time employees:

  • instructor: 20 thousand rubles;
  • administrator: 15 thousand rubles;
  • security guard: 10 thousand rubles;
  • cleaner: 10 thousand rubles;
  • accountant: 40 thousand rubles;
  • director: 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the total volume of the wage fund will be equal to 295 thousand rubles per month or 3540 thousand rubles per year: 12 * (5*20 + 3*15 + 3*10 + 3*10 + 40 + 50).

Gym Income Planning

When the volume of all costs associated with doing business is known, it is possible to calculate the planned revenue that an economy class gym will bring. Income will depend entirely on the number of customers, so calculating the occupancy of the hall will be the key to determining revenue.

Based on the fact that there are 2 halls, each with an area of ​​30 m², they can simultaneously accommodate up to 10 students. Previously, it was calculated that the institution will operate for 351 days a year (taking into account public holidays and sanitary days) for 12 hours, and for 1 hour the visitor pays 150 rubles. Thus, the estimated annual revenue of the fitness club will be: 2 * 10 * 351 * 12 * 150 = 12636 thousand rubles.

It should be understood that this is an ideal indicator, which is unlikely to be achieved in real conditions. It’s rare to achieve 100% occupancy in the gym.

According to entrepreneurs who opened a similar business, the average occupancy of gyms is no more than 80%. A more accurate level of estimated revenue can be recalculated using a reduction factor of 0.8. Then its annual volume will be equal to: 12636 * 0.8 = 10108.8 thousand rubles.

Calculation of profit from doing business

Knowing the volume of planned income (10,108.8 thousand rubles) and the amount of annual expenses (6,405 thousand rubles), we can calculate the profit from the provision of gym services: 10,108.8 - 6,405 = 3,703.8 thousand rubles per year.

Tax payments and calculation of profitability

There are a number of mandatory tax deductions that must be made when owning a gym:

  • tax on the maintenance of housing stock - is 1.5% of the amount of income (151,632 thousand rubles);
  • education tax - amounts to 1% of the wage fund (35.4 thousand rubles).

Amount of tax deductions: 187.032 thousand rubles.

The amount of balance sheet profit of the gym after deducting tax deductions: 3703.8 - 187.032 = 3576.768 thousand rubles.

Net profit of the enterprise (after withholding income tax): 3576.768 - 703.354 = 2873.414 thousand rubles.

When dividing the balance sheet profit by the volume of turnover, the specific profitability of the gym can be calculated: 3576.768/10108.8 = 0.3538 or 35.38%.
The estimated profitability is: 2873.414/6405 = 0.4486 or 44.86%.


Approximate calculations allow us to conclude that by thinking about how to open an economy class gym and drawing up a business plan, it is quite possible to achieve a high profitability of the project with a quick payback period.

We offer a ready-made business plan for a fitness club. Examples, tables, lists, videos.

Capital investment in a fitness club: 7,200,000 rubles
Fitness club profitability: 44.8%
Fitness club payback: 24 months

At the moment, the sports services market is extensive and actively developing. However, the niche for serving middle-income clients is still only partially filled. And growing demand stimulates the emergence of new establishments, despite the high level of competition.

A well-designed and ready-made business plan for a fitness club.

Purpose of the business plan: to open a fitness club for the middle-income category of the population.

Fitness club business plan: planning


This business plan for a fitness club describes the opening of a project for the middle-income category of the population.

The establishment will be located at: N, st. Gorky, 170. The premises located there will be rented and converted to meet the specific needs of the project.

To cover the costs of opening and developing a business, investments in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles will be attracted. The rest - 2,200,000 rubles - will be covered from the personal funds of the project owners.

Pursued goals:

  1. Receiving profit from activities.
  2. Satisfying the needs of the middle-income population to receive services.
  3. Open a fitness club with a high level of profitability.

Competitive advantages

The level of competition in the fitness club industry is very high.

At the moment, there are already more than 2,500 thousand companies in Russia and their number is gradually growing. Moreover, about 30% of their number belongs to networks with a proven name, which is even more difficult to compete with.

To stimulate sales growth and create competitive advantages over other companies, we introduce the following techniques into the business plan of a fitness club:

  1. Possibility of paying for services by non-cash method.
  2. Discounts for corporate clients (in order to attract companies to order services for their employees).
  3. Loyalty program for regular customers.
  4. Holding themed parties for visitors.
  5. Original interior design of a fitness club.
  6. Convenient parking location near the entrance to the building.
  7. Attracting trainers with a high level of professionalism and experience to the team.

Range of services

Another competitive advantage that is worth using is the variety of services that will be provided in the fitness club. Among them there may be both standard and original options that need to be listed in the business plan:
  • a room with exercise machines and equipment for cardio training;
  • personal training with a trainer;
  • activity programs for children;
  • aerobics programs;
  • fitness bar;
  • bath;
  • solarium;
  • and equipment.

The target audience

As we see, the age range of the target audience of fitness clubs is changing.

Previously, these were young people 25-30 years old, now among the visitors you can see many representatives of the 40+ category.

At the moment, the distribution looks like this: 44% of visitors are men, 56% are women. Of these, 70% are representatives of the age category 20-45 years.

Sports activities are used not only to radically correct the figure or lose excess weight. First of all, it is a way to keep yourself in good shape and improve your health.


  • outdoor advertising on busy roads near the establishment;
  • distributing leaflets in places with a large flow of people;
  • open and promote a fitness club website;
  • printing and distribution of business cards in thematic places (sporting goods and food stores, beauty salons, parking lots - to reach audiences based on territory).

According to statistics, after just a year of operation, 80% of clients are regular visitors. Therefore, the primary task is not just to attract a client, but to create for him all the conditions for a comfortable pastime.


One of the main factors for the success of a fitness club is the presence of highly qualified trainers. There must always be at least one person in the room to provide free consultations to clients. Personnel must have special education and periodically undergo advanced training courses.

The staff must also include an administrator, a cleaner and security guards.

All personnel must be neat, qualified and punctual.

For personal needs, a separate room must be provided in the clubhouse.

P.S. It is necessary to consider the possibility of delivering home to employees who stay at the workplace until night time.

Quantity (rub) Salary (rub) Total (RUB)
Total:132,000 rub.
Administrator2 20 000 40 000
Trainer2 25 000 50 000
Security guard2 15 000 30 000
Cleaning woman1 12 000 12 000 the future it is possible to increase wages, which is indicated when calculating the financial indicators of the business plan. To open a full-fledged fitness club, get ready to spend at least 132,000 rubles monthly on salaries.
We also must not forget about the additional costs of providing employees with comfortable working conditions.


The list of equipment for fitness clubs is approximately the same and will vary depending on the budget and services provided:
  • treadmills and exercise bikes for the cardio zone;
  • benches;
  • bars and sets of pancakes;
  • dumbbells of different weights;
  • racks;
  • equipment for children and adults for classes (aerobics, fitness, swimming, yoga, Pilates);
  • office equipment (computers, printer, router, etc.);
  • equipment for a fitness bar.

A separate appendix of the business plan indicates the technical characteristics for each item, cost, service features, and supplier.

Fitness club business plan: implementation

Calendar plan

Fitness club business plan is compiled taking into account and analyzing the implementation of the project on a monthly basis.
After 1 year of operation, the breakdown is reduced to quarterly.
Subsequently, the plan is outlined for a one-year period.

Stages of opening a fitness club

To open a fitness club on time, the entire process is divided into separate stages.

Enterprise registration
Renting premises for a fitness club
Installation of necessary systems
Indoor renovation
Purchase and installation of equipment
Obtaining the necessary permits
Launch of an advertising campaign
Start of operation of the company

The process of organizing a fitness club until the start of work takes 7 months.

In the section describing the implementation of the plan, it is also worth indicating who is in charge of this or that stage and what specific actions will be taken.

Example: Indoor renovation.
Performed by a hired team of workers from the MasterOk organization.
Allocated budget: RUB 4,000,000.
The water supply system will be replaced, a ventilation system will be installed, finishing work will be carried out, etc. Time allotted for implementation: 4 months.

Startup Cost Table

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 7,200,000
Registration of an enterprise, purchase of a seal20 000
Repair and refurbishment of premises4 000 000
Obtaining permits and bringing the premises into compliance with standards50 000
Purchase of equipment for the hall and office2 800 000
Advertising campaign120 000
Additional expenses210 000

Thus, 7,200,000 rubles will be required.

The most important expense items will be renovations to the premises and the purchase of quality equipment.

Literally everything depends on the level of fulfillment of these indicators in a fitness club: prices for services, their list, the reputation of the establishment.

Fitness club business plan: financial section

Financial section fitness club business plan contains information with calculations of current costs for maintaining and developing a business, the amount of revenue and the payback period.
For convenience, the information is also presented in tables.

Calculation of revenue and profit

To conclude about the payback of a fitness club, it is necessary to calculate the potential profit margin. Of course, all numbers in a business plan must be justified. Where to get them from if the project still exists only on paper? You can estimate your income as accurately as possible thanks to two indicators:

  • the planned cost of the services you are going to provide;
  • information about the sales level and the most popular positions of the nearest competitive fitness clubs (by territorial or budgetary principle).

About 2/3 of revenue comes from selling club cards to customers. And only 1/3 is for other additional services.

Expenses for maintaining and developing a fitness club

According to the calculations of the business plan, in addition to the contribution to the launch of the fitness club, at least 550,000 rubles will need to be spent monthly on its development and maintenance.

The most extensive categories of expenses are paying the cost of renting premises and salaries to employees. Also, a large amount is spent on an advertising campaign. However, as the fitness club reaches break-even level, these costs will decrease significantly.

Download a ready-made business plan for a Fitness Club with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Calculation of project payback

  • Project start date: January, * years.
  • Opening of the fitness club: July, *year.
  • Date of full payback of the project: January, *+2 years.
  • Payback period for a fitness club: 24 months.

Based on the available data, we can conclude that the creation of such an institution is, although risky, but very profitable business.

An interesting video about

how I opened my first fitness club

Director of the network of sports clubs "HOLLYWOOD" - Andrey Popov

The main thing that is necessary for a successful start and development is to receive investment, which means developing a high-quality business plan for a fitness club.

Having a sufficient budget, you can choose the best premises for rent and carefully develop a concept, including features unique to you.

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