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How to breed sturgeon at home. Home mini-farm for breeding sturgeon: creating a profitable business

Breeding sturgeon in a pond is a rather complicated process with many nuances, but it is often worth it, because sturgeon is a valuable fish species and the demand for it is always high, even at very high prices. Small sturgeon farms have almost no problems with sales. It will be difficult to achieve success in this matter, because growing sturgeon is a very labor-intensive and complex process. Creating and maintaining the right conditions requires significant investment and effort. Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Any sturgeon fish is in high demand in markets and has a high selling price.
  • In addition to meat, the skin is offered for sale, which is subjected to special processing for use in various products.
  • If good conditions are created, there will be an excess of caviar, which can also be sold, but this will require purchasing special equipment for obtaining caviar and creating special conditions for spawning sturgeon.
  • Sturgeons are very picky in terms of nutrition - if there is a lack of certain elements in it, the fish stops growing or stops moving, which will affect its quality. Typically, fry of small freshwater fish and special formulations specifically for feeding sturgeon are suitable for feeding sturgeon. You should always remember that underfeeding and overfeeding fish are equally bad!
  • The most difficult period is the growth period of sturgeon - from three to four years, so you should not expect quick money from sturgeon.

If the decision is made, then first you need to arrange a pond. The fact is not critical whether it is an artificial reservoir or a natural one. If a pond already exists, then you need to drain the water from it and clean the bottom mechanically; at the stage of creating a new pond, this is much easier to do. Once the pond is cleaned, it should be planted with plants that are specifically designed for the pond, and the pond should be stocked with shellfish and worms.

Sturgeon live in an artificial reservoir in the same way as in a natural one, but it is easier to maintain the necessary conditions in it. The temperature at which sturgeon quickly develops varies from fifteen to twenty-four degrees. When the temperature changes, the fish feel good, but grow much slower. With the arrival of winter, the owner is forced to decide where his sturgeon will spend the winter. There are two options - in the pond itself and in a specially prepared pool. In a pond, the sturgeon lies to the bottom, stops growing and feeding, but it is necessary to lim the pond and ensure complete rest for the sturgeon. When placing fish in a pool, it is important to fill it with the required volume, and it is necessary to follow the sturgeon transplantation technology. Be sure to use a container with a five percent salt solution, in which the fish is kept for two to three days, this is done to avoid contamination of the fish in the winter, when it is most susceptible to all kinds of diseases. In addition to sturgeon, breeding sterlet will also be profitable.

Sterlet in the pond has been very popular among consumers for many years, but this is beneficial because the population of sterlet in natural reservoirs has sharply decreased, and fish farms have actively taken the initiative in breeding sterlet. The commercial type of sterlet is considered to be from thirty to sixty-five centimeters in length, and the weight must reach two kilograms.

Breeding and keeping sterlet in a pond requires a closed water supply installation. This is a pool in which the water rotation cycle is closed, thanks to which the water is promptly heated and enriched with oxygen. The temperature favorable for sterlet is from twenty to twenty-one degrees. The purity of water also affects the growth of sterlet. The sterlet will have to be fed with food special for this species. Growing sterlet with caviar will require more effort, and the pond will have to be expanded. For the sterlet, hibernation is necessary, otherwise it will quickly lose all its weight.

Breeding sturgeon and sterlet in a pond, first of all, requires the presence of healthy fry for rearing. You can purchase fry of these fish in our store; all the fish sold here are healthy and well-groomed. You can breed fry yourself, but this requires additional financial costs and time.

In general, raising sturgeon and sturgeon fish is a labor-intensive hobby. By the time the first sturgeon reach commercial size, all costs will slowly begin to pay off through their sale. You should always know that fish is highly valued among consumers.

The problem of lack of food has always remained at the forefront in the world, and this century is no exception. Thanks to the issue of food security for the planet, engaging in almost any type of activity related to food production will bring constant profit. There will be no such thing that you will not be able to sell your products, at least in small quantities, if, of course, they are of normal quality.

Please note that sturgeon is a group of fish that includes such breeds as:

  • sterlet;
  • Siberian sturgeon;
  • Russian sturgeon;
  • stellate sturgeon.

Each of these fish breeds differs in its external characteristics, but they are not picky in terms of nutrition, and can also live in fresh water without any problems. From the practice of not only foreign, but also our entrepreneurs, it is known that sturgeon breeding can bring excellent income throughout the whole year, if everything is done correctly and there are certain minimum production volumes.

Features of running such a business

When planning to start a business of growing sturgeon in the country or in another place, you need to understand some of the features of this type of activity:

  1. These products are in great demand not only in fish stores, but also in restaurants and other similar establishments.
  2. Due to the fact that not everyone can afford to engage in this type of business, the niche has virtually no competition.
  3. There is no need to invest a lot of money.
  4. You don’t even need to be a professional in fish breeding to start breeding. Using simple literature and gaining experience, you can soon resolve all emerging issues related to this business.
  5. If you do everything correctly, then this type of activity will take no more than 4 hours of your time per day. But there are days when you need to sort once a month, then you will need to spend the whole day.
  6. Due to their characteristics, sturgeon fish adapt to home conditions without any problems. They are not at all demanding in terms of lighting or nutrition and are very easy to maintain.
  7. If you feed the fish correctly and with good food, then there are no problems with it at all, it is not susceptible to infectious and non-infectious diseases.
  8. On average, business payback begins within 9 months after starting.

Choosing the Right Farm Space

Provided that everything is done correctly, breeding can be done not only in a country house, but even in an apartment, if, of course, its size allows it. This will not in any way affect the quality of the slave herself, so there is no need to worry about it. In order to supply all the necessary equipment, you will need about 30 square meters of space.

The room must be heated, because for constant growth of sturgeon, a temperature of at least 17 degrees is required. At this temperature, the fish will grow even in winter, which it does not do outside under normal natural conditions. In summer, the water temperature should be in the range of 20-24 degrees.

It may also be that the necessary premises are not available. Then, as an option, you can install a polycarbonate greenhouse in which a pool, a boiler and everything else will be installed, which we will talk about later.

Necessary equipment

A complete set of special high-quality equipment can be purchased from companies that engage in this type of activity. The approximate cost of everything will be about $10,000. They will not only bring you everything you need, but will even carry out the correct installation, after which all you have to do is start a sturgeon breeding business and make excellent profits from it.

In addition to the pool, you need to purchase special filtration, install a compressor, aeration and pump so that you can clean it from time to time. Usually you buy an automatic feed supply, but at the initial stage you can do everything on your own. Its cost is of course high, but it is special in that it will give you a little free time. Although feeding fish by hand is not a difficult and even interesting activity, all family members can take part in it.

When choosing equipment that must work on an ongoing basis, pay attention to the fact that it should not work at maximum. It’s better to buy something more expensive and better, so that there is a reserve of power, then it will last much longer.

In total, you can save a lot of money if you do everything yourself. To start such a business, this will be quite the right step.

Selection and purchase of sturgeon fry

This issue is resolved by visiting a fish farm, which, accordingly, should be engaged in breeding such fish. It is best not to immediately buy the first ones you see; you need to consider different options and choose the best offer.

It would be a good idea to ask professionals, for example on the Internet, to learn more about how to choose the right sturgeon fry, what you need to pay attention to first, and how a high-quality fry differs from a low-quality fry. The fact is that if you choose the second option, or rather they slip it to you, most likely consciously, then the fish will grow much longer, you may get sick constantly, and this cannot be allowed in any such business.

Feeding the fish

As mentioned earlier, the sturgeon is not picky when it comes to food, but this does not mean that it can be fed with anything and poor quality food. The rate of its growth, as well as the percentage of morbidity, will depend on how high-quality food is supplied to the fish. There are three food options for this fish:

  • foreign production;
  • domestic;
  • made in-house.

Food intended for large fish should not be given to small fish.

In order for the food to be as nutritious, healthy as possible and to provide quick results, it must contain the following ingredients in certain proportions:

  • 40%-50% of the composition goes to crude protein;
  • 20%-25% for crude fat;
  • fiber should make up 3% of the total mass;
  • the rest is phosphorus, lysine, and other components in small percentages.

It is best, of course, to buy special food for this fish, if possible, but if you could not find one and decided to make it yourself, then it is important to remember one thing: the food must be heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the pool, because sturgeon is a bottom-dwelling fish type of habitat. If the food floats on the surface of the water, the fish simply will not smell it. Also, the food should have a good and strong smell, because the fish is guided mostly by its own sense of smell. Well, the food should not fall apart in the water for more than 30 minutes, since the sturgeon likes to enjoy it for a long time, and not to gorge itself as quickly as possible.

Features of caring for everything

For this type of activity to constantly bring you excellent income, you must take care of the fish. You need to constantly feed her at the same time, take care of her and clean the pool. The purity of the water also affects the growth rate of sturgeon.

How profitable is it to do this?

Now let's look at a small business plan for breeding sturgeon to roughly understand what you can expect.

To obtain one ton of fish for sale, it will be necessary to purchase approximately 1800-2000 pieces of fry. Today, one fry can be found at a price of 12-15 rubles per one. It would be correct to calculate to the maximum; in total, it turns out that we will need to spend 30,000 rubles on the fry. To buy food for a whole year, you will need approximately 70,000 rubles. We will also have pumps running, we will need water, and all this also costs money, we take the figure as 18,000 rubles per year.

In total, we will need to spend approximately 120,000 rubles per year. And if we aim to obtain one ton of live weight, then one kilogram will cost 120 rubles. If you can agree with a restaurant on the supply of your products, then they will take one kilogram from you without any problems for 500 rubles with arms and legs. This means that the net income per kilogram will be 380 rubles, which is 380,000 rubles of net profit per year.

As you can see, with such and such a small size, you can earn so much. Of course, if everything is done correctly and efficiently. Now, let's once again note how everything should happen:

  • making a container with your own hands or purchasing and installing a ready-made one;
  • purchase and installation of all necessary equipment;
  • purchasing only high-quality food, which should be different for large and small fish;
  • business registration;
  • coordination of business with veterinarians;
  • coordination of business with the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • purchasing quality fry;
  • regularly feeding the fish at the same time;
  • constant care of fish and pool;
  • catching fish that has reached 500-600 grams and selling it to restaurants or fish stores.

This is a brief plan of the actions that a person should do to receive an excellent income. We can only wish you success in your endeavors.

You can grow fish in a pool, pond and recirculation system. Beginning entrepreneurs usually first use a pond or mini-pools with a depth of 0.8 m or more. In many ways, the depth and size of the reservoir will depend on the size of the fish. Accordingly, it is usually suggested to purchase several containers with different capacities in order to effectively sort and grow sturgeon.

Sturgeon feeds best, and therefore grows, at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. To obtain maximum results, it is this temperature regime that must be maintained.

In the video - how to properly grow at home:

How to grow in a pond

The first stage usually uses a pool or pond. The average depth ranges from 1-1.2 m, but the diameter should be at least 1.5-2.5 m. For such dimensions of the pool, with sufficient force, you can get up to 1 ton of fish.

In order for the process to really progress by leaps and bounds, you should take care of the appropriate equipment. Filtration with aeration must be established. As the container becomes dirty, it must be cleaned. To do this with minimal stress for the sturgeon, you will need a filter, compressor, and pump. If possible, you can additionally purchase an automatic feeder, which will help significantly save time.

Sturgeon is a shy fish, and its resistance to stress is extremely low. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the most optimal conditions for its growth, so that it grows and develops most fully. It is known that if a fish is frightened, it even refuses to feed.

When choosing a pump and compressor, attention is paid to the volumes that they are capable of processing according to their technical characteristics. In terms of indicators, it is better to take with a reserve, as this will not allow the equipment to work at the limit of its capabilities. As a result, there will be no need to change these elements frequently.

If desired, you can make a pond or pool with your own hands at the initial stage of breeding. At first, one reservoir will be enough, and then it will be possible to increase the number of containers. It is quite difficult to obtain sturgeon fry (a female in captivity gives offspring only at 6 years of age, and in the wild - starting from 12 years). Therefore, you can simply purchase them from fish farms that breed these individuals. At the same time, you should not save on purchasing. The higher the quality of the offspring, the greater the chances of getting maximum profit.

Sturgeon fry for breeding at home must be large enough

Before introducing the fry into a pond or pool, the bottom is lined with lime. Then it is washed and cleaned. At the end, purified water must be collected: if from the water supply, it should first be passed through a simple carbon filter to get rid of any remaining bleach.

In the case of a pond, it is also necessary to plant the necessary algae, mollusks, worms, green and other representatives of aquatic flora and fauna within 1.5-2 months. In this case, the bottom of the reservoir should have the shape of a bowl. Such an environment will only contribute to the healthy development of the fish, and will also help reproduction in the future.

The video shows sturgeon breeding in a pond:

The fry are introduced in the summer or late spring. It is better to plant at night to reduce stress for individuals. When the fish reaches medium size, part of it is resettled into a separate reservoir, since large individuals absorb more food and do not allow smaller sturgeons to develop. You can create a spawning pond where individuals of slightly larger than average size will be resettled. After a while, the eggs and fry are caught and placed in separate aquariums, and the process begins again.

Before introducing fish into the pond, take care of its wintering place. The optimal temperature for development and normal nutrition is 22-24 degrees, which must be maintained all year round. At a temperature of 10 degrees, growth slows down noticeably.

But what to feed the ducks in the pond and what food is the most effective is indicated

How to grow in RAS

A closed-type installation or RAS is one of the most optimal options for growing sturgeon. It consists of several pools that are equipped with filters and a system for regular water renewal. The last point is very important, since it is necessary to give the fish a certain amount of oxygen. Such installations help maintain an optimal climate in the water all year round.

When grown in a RAS, sturgeon reaches a marketable weight of 500 grams or more by the end of the year. But it is important to follow all the rules and features of breeding this type of fish. In the confined space of a reservoir, this requires appropriate equipment and, as a result, costs.

The video shows how to organize a RAS system:

For such containers, the density of planting in water should also be taken into account. So it is necessary to limit the mass of individuals to 60 kg per 1 sq.m.

What to feed

A very important point is feeding. Sturgeons are not picky eaters, but still require a certain combination and balance in food. The higher quality food is given to the fish, the larger and faster they will grow. And health in general depends on the composition of the diet. Therefore you can use:

  • Foreign feed for sturgeon;
  • Domestic feed for sturgeon;
  • Homemade food.

Why is it indicated that it is for this type of fish? It's simple. Sturgeon is a bottom-dwelling fish, and therefore picks up food from the bottom. Accordingly, it should sink in water, but at the same time retain its appearance for at least half an hour, without getting wet or decomposing. Also, different ages and sizes are supposed to have their own type of food. (You may also be interested in information about what (

The video shows how to properly feed sturgeon at home:

Ready-made feed

Ready-made food is the best option. They have an attractive smell, which is very important, because this type of fish looks for food by smell. It is better to purchase sturgeon food, which will sink without decomposing in the water. The food remains waterproof for at least 30 minutes after immersion. In the process, it swells a little, becomes soft and fish can eat it faster.

It is better to purchase high-calorie food. Moreover, it must have a certain combination of composition and individual elements:

  • Fiber – 3%;
  • Raw fats – 20-25%;
  • Raw protein 45-50%;
  • Lysine;
  • Other vitamins and macro-, microelements.

But how much feed a laying hen needs per day and what feed is needed is indicated

Small food is purchased for the fry, otherwise they simply will not be able to eat normally. For older individuals, they also purchase food of the appropriate size, otherwise they will simply be malnourished. Adults are fed up to 4 times a day, and fry - up to 6 times. At the same time, timing is important so that the feeding process does not become a complete stress for the fish, followed by a refusal to feed.

How to make it yourself

Making complete food with your own hands is quite difficult. There are several conditions that must be met during the process:

  • Make calculations to create a balanced composition, especially paying attention to the protein content in the feed.
  • Add inexpensive but high-quality
  • Add micro and macroelements to the composition;
  • Select vegetable fats;
  • During production, it is necessary to monitor the quality and purity of raw materials.

Video shows how to make food for sturgeon at home:

The easiest way to prepare food is to use pork feed, minced trash fish, and bran in the process. Such feed will contaminate the RAS, and therefore it is better to use a homemade composition in ponds and reservoirs of natural composition. In this case, sturgeon will develop, grow and reproduce most fully. It is worth noting that homemade fish food slows down the growth of individuals, but at the same time the quality of caviar increases noticeably, and the taste of the meat will be more natural.

Breeding aquarium fish at home comes as no surprise to anyone, but what about breeding large commercial fish? Moreover, in an apartment or private house. This is quite real! Just imagine that you yourself will be able to contribute to the fact that high-quality, tasty black caviar will appear on people’s tables, which is very highly valued in any society and has long been considered a symbol of prosperity.

Fish of the sturgeon family provide valuable caviar and equally valuable meat. And some sources claim that it is very useful. Both are constantly in high demand, so sturgeon farming can be a very good business idea. In addition, for many people, growing sturgeon at home is a rather interesting process that does not require large financial outlays. Sturgeon is quite picky in its diet, and creating suitable conditions for its reproduction and cultivation does not require any complex scientific knowledge.

Sturgeon at home: business advantages

The sturgeon family includes not only the sturgeon itself (Russian and Siberian), but also such species of fish as stellate sturgeon, beluga, and sterlet. Breeding sturgeon is not at all difficult, and this process is possible even in an apartment, which undoubtedly attracts entrepreneurs. The advantages of business are:

  1. Sturgeon meat and caviar are an expensive and valuable product on the market. Demand will be ensured.
  2. Sturgeon is not picky about breeding conditions and easily tolerates changes in temperature.
  3. In order to provide the sturgeon with proper nutrition, neither large amounts of money nor special skills are required.
  4. To start this business, you will need very little starting capital.

Sturgeon breeding room

You can start breeding sturgeon both in an apartment and in a country house. The quality of the final product will not suffer in any way if everything is done correctly. You will need a fairly spacious free area - approximately 30 square meters.

The room must be heated, especially in winter. In winter, for the sturgeon to grow, it needs an aquatic environment with a temperature of about 17 degrees Celsius, in the warm season - from 20 to 24 degrees. If you have not found another suitable room, then a polycarbonate greenhouse in which an equipped swimming pool will be placed is also quite suitable.

Equipment for sturgeon breeding

Specialized equipment can be purchased from supplier companies, and it will cost you from 10 thousand dollars. They will deliver you fully ready-to-use equipment and install it right in your apartment or house.

However, you can go the other way. In fact, the sturgeon will live and reproduce just fine in a non-specialized container, which you can make with your own hands if you wish. A small plastic pool with a depth of about 1 meter and a diameter of about 2-3 meters will do. Of course, you can use larger pools if the space allows. In a small pool you can grow about one ton of sturgeon per year, and you can do everything yourself, without hiring employees or spending additional money on their wages.

The pool must have compressors, special filters and aeration. You will also need a pump, as the pool will need to be cleaned periodically. An automatic feeder can be a useful piece of equipment, but you can do without it. Its advantages are that using it you will free up a lot of extra time, but it doesn’t cost a penny. Many entrepreneurs feed fish by hand.

When choosing a compressor and pump, pay attention to the fact that this equipment should not squeeze out its full maximum during operation. Calculate how much equipment power you need, and take equipment so that it works with a small margin. Otherwise, the equipment will wear out very quickly and you will need to replace it.

If you have sufficient knowledge, hands from the “right place” and free time, you can make a pool yourself. This way you will save quite a lot of money (the cost of producing a pool yourself is 2-3 times less than the cost of the same pool from a store). To begin with, one small pool will be sufficient, over time it will be possible to expand it or make several more of the same kind.

Purchasing fry

To start breeding sturgeon, of course, you will need fry of this fish. There are fish farms that breed different types of fish. You need to find one that breeds sturgeon specifically, and purchase a batch of fry from them. We recommend that you do not buy the first ones you come across, but consider different options.

Ask experts how to choose the right fry for breeding, and how you can distinguish high-quality fish from low-quality fish. It is better to approach the purchase of fry with all responsibility. Poor quality fry will grow very slowly and possibly get sick, and you don’t want that at all.

How to choose food

You also need to choose food for sturgeon carefully. There are a number of features in this issue. Firstly, the sturgeon feeds from the bottom, so it needs food that will sink in the water. Sturgeons have a developed sense of smell, and this is what they use when looking for food. The food should have an attractive smell to the fish.

Also, the food must be waterproof and not be destroyed by water. This rule must be observed because the sturgeon will not immediately absorb all the food, but will, so to speak, “stretch out the pleasure.” The food must remain waterproof for at least 30 minutes after being immersed in water. The consistency of the food should also be special: the food should swell a little in the water and become softer - this way the fish will eat it faster. And so that the sturgeon grow faster, and you can quickly sell them and make your profit, choose high-calorie food.

The composition of sturgeon feed varies. But experts recommend using food with approximately the following composition: fiber, protein, fats, lysine and phosphorus. Do not forget to take into account the size of the fish: small fish need small food, large fish need larger food. Everything must match the size of the fish.

Breeding sturgeon in a pond

If the option with a pool is not suitable for you, you can breed sturgeon in a pond. And if you already have a pond, then the task becomes much easier for you. You just need to bring the pond into the required condition, or find a suitable one. Before you place the fry in the pond, you need to prepare it for new inhabitants. The pond needs to be cleaned. If it is of artificial origin, then carry out the liming procedure: place a layer of lime on the bottom of the pond, pour a sufficient amount of water on top, and then rinse. It is advisable to carry out this procedure approximately half a month before placing the fry in the pond.

The bottom of the pond should be in the shape of a bowl. Also provide certain flora and fauna in the pond, which will contribute to the healthy development and reproduction of sturgeon. There must be algae, reeds, various green fertilizers, worms, and you can put shellfish. If insects get in, it will only be beneficial (additional food for the sturgeon). All this will create the necessary “atmosphere” in the pond in which the sturgeon will feel great.

It is recommended to place fry in the pond in the summer, and preferably at night. When some of the fish grow to larger than average sizes, they will need to be moved to another spawning pond. It is also created artificially. After a while, the eggs or the fry that have already been born can be returned back to the original pond. Be attentive to fish, especially males - they can become carriers of unwanted infections and infect a whole family of fry.

Business payback and product sales

To clearly show what the return on investment for a given business can be, let’s give an example. Let's say you took 5 g of fry. After about six months, some of them will weigh 500 g. Please note that only a part, since sturgeon fry will grow unevenly, that is, some faster, some slower. This is their peculiarity.

It is sturgeon weighing 500 g that are the best-selling. When some of the individuals reach this weight, you sell them and begin to wait for the rest to grow up. After 1-1.5 months, medium-sized sturgeon will grow to a large size, and after 2-3 – the smallest ones. After about 9 months from the start, the production cycle can be repeated.

You can sell your products anywhere: in restaurants, markets, shops, supermarkets, specialized fish stores, and wholesale organizations. You can also make some profit by selling the fry that you yourself have produced on your fish farm to other private producers and organizations.

Sturgeon breeding business plan

As already mentioned, sturgeon is a fairly expensive fish, and its cost starts from $15 per kilogram. And this is at a production cost of 7-8 dollars per kilogram. Already based on these figures, it can be understood that sturgeon breeding will bring good profits. A sturgeon breeding business can bring you about 8 thousand dollars every month. Of course, if the breeding is on a fairly large scale, and you do everything correctly.

The approximate cost of fish feed offered by specialized companies is $1.2 per kilogram. For 1 kg of sturgeon growth, about 1-1.5 kg of feed will be required. The price of the fry is quite pleasing - fry weighing 1 g will cost 0.2 dollars.

The cost of the equipment will depend on your “appetites” in this business. If you immediately want to equip yourself to the maximum and purchase equipment for growing sturgeon with a volume of 5 tons per year, then prepare an amount of 15-20 thousand dollars. If you are going to start small, then, accordingly, the costs will be much less.

In conclusion, let’s summarize what you need to remember about breeding sturgeon at home. Firstly, do not forget to feed the fish with high-quality food. Secondly, clean the pool regularly. Thirdly, from time to time check the functionality of the equipment (in particular, filters) and, if necessary, repair breakdowns. And fourthly, check the condition of the water often and add new water from time to time. Successful business to you!

A similar business with sturgeon breeding is. Find out how to do it at home and make a profit!

Growing sturgeon at home is a hobby for some people, but most often it is a fairly profitable business. But in order for the profitability of this business to be high, it is necessary to take care of the proper maintenance and nutrition of this fish. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the basic provisions for growing sturgeon in a pond or RAS. Also dwell on the question of what trout are fed in fish farms.

Where to grow

You can grow fish in a pool, pond and recirculation system. Beginning entrepreneurs usually first use a pond or mini-pools with a depth of 0.8 m or more. In many ways, the depth and size of the reservoir will depend on the size of the fish. Accordingly, it is usually suggested to purchase several containers with different capacities in order to effectively sort and grow sturgeon.

Sturgeon feeds best, and therefore grows, at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. To obtain maximum results, it is this temperature regime that must be maintained.

On the video - how to grow it at home:

How to grow in a pond

The first stage usually uses a pool or pond. The average depth ranges from 1-1.2 m, but the diameter should be at least 1.5-2.5 m. For such dimensions of the pool, with sufficient force, you can get up to 1 ton of fish.

In order for the process to really progress by leaps and bounds, you should take care of the appropriate equipment. Filtration with aeration must be established. As the container becomes dirty, it must be cleaned. To do this with minimal stress for the sturgeon, you will need a filter, compressor, and pump. If possible, you can additionally purchase an automatic feeder, which will help significantly save time.

Sturgeon is a shy fish, and its resistance to stress is extremely low. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the most optimal conditions for its growth, so that it grows and develops most fully. It is known that if a fish is frightened, it even refuses to feed.

When choosing a pump and compressor, attention is paid to the volumes that they are capable of processing according to their technical characteristics. In terms of indicators, it is better to take with a reserve, as this will not allow the equipment to work at the limit of its capabilities. As a result, there will be no need to change these elements frequently.

If desired, you can make a pond or pool with your own hands at the initial stage of breeding. At first, one reservoir will be enough, and then it will be possible to increase the number of containers. It is quite difficult to obtain sturgeon fry (a female in captivity gives offspring only at 6 years of age, and in the wild - starting from 12 years). Therefore, you can simply purchase them from fish farms that breed these individuals. At the same time, you should not save on purchasing. The higher the quality of the offspring, the greater the chances of getting maximum profit.

Sturgeon fry for breeding at home must be large enough

Before introducing the fry into a pond or pool, the bottom is lined with lime. Then it is washed and cleaned. At the end, purified water must be collected: if from the water supply, it should first be passed through a simple carbon filter to get rid of any remaining bleach.

In the case of a pond, it is also necessary to plant the necessary algae, mollusks, worms, green fertilizers and other representatives of aquatic flora and fauna in it within 1.5-2 months. In this case, the bottom of the reservoir should have the shape of a bowl. Such an environment will only contribute to the healthy development of the fish, and will also help reproduction in the future.

In the video - breeding sturgeon in a pond:

The fry are introduced in the summer or late spring. It is better to plant at night to reduce stress for individuals. When the fish reaches medium size, part of it is resettled into a separate reservoir, since large individuals absorb more food and do not allow smaller sturgeons to develop. You can create a spawning pond where individuals of slightly larger than average size will be resettled. After a while, the eggs and fry are caught and placed in separate aquariums, and the process begins again.

Before introducing fish into the pond, take care of its wintering place. The optimal temperature for development and normal nutrition is 22-24 degrees, which must be maintained all year round. At a temperature of 10 degrees, growth slows down noticeably.

But what to feed ducks in the pond and what food is the most effective is indicated here.

How to grow in RAS

A closed-type installation or RAS is one of the most optimal options for growing sturgeon. It consists of several pools that are equipped with filters and a system for regular water renewal. The last point is very important, since it is necessary to give the fish a certain amount of oxygen. Such installations help maintain an optimal climate in the water all year round.

When grown in a RAS, sturgeon reaches a marketable weight of 500 grams or more by the end of the year. But it is important to follow all the rules and features of breeding this type of fish. In the confined space of a reservoir, this requires appropriate equipment and, as a result, costs.

The video shows how to organize a RAS system:

For such containers, the density of planting in water should also be taken into account. So it is necessary to limit the mass of individuals to 60 kg per 1 sq.m.

What to feed

A very important point is feeding. Sturgeons are not picky eaters, but still require a certain combination and balance in food. The higher quality food is given to the fish, the larger and faster they will grow. And health in general depends on the composition of the diet. Therefore you can use:

  • Foreign feed for sturgeon;
  • Domestic feed for sturgeon;
  • Homemade food.

It's also worth learning more about how to use fishmeal as fertilizer.

Why is it indicated that it is for this type of fish? It's simple. Sturgeon is a bottom-dwelling fish, and therefore picks up food from the bottom. Accordingly, it should sink in water, but at the same time retain its appearance for at least half an hour, without getting wet or decomposing. Also, different ages and sizes are provided with their own type of feed. (You may also be interested in information about what (composition of feed for laying chickens)

The video shows how to properly feed sturgeon at home:

Ready-made feed

Ready-made food is the best option. They have an attractive smell, which is very important, because this type of fish looks for food by smell. It is better to purchase sturgeon food, which will sink without decomposing in the water. The food remains waterproof for at least 30 minutes after immersion. In the process, it swells a little, becomes soft and fish can eat it faster.

It is better to purchase high-calorie food. Moreover, it must have a certain combination of composition and individual elements:

  • Fiber – 3%;
  • Raw fats – 20-25%;
  • Raw protein 45-50%;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Lysine;
  • Other vitamins and macro-, microelements.

But how much feed a laying hen needs per day and what feed is needed is indicated here.

Small food is purchased for the fry, otherwise they simply will not be able to eat normally. For older individuals, they also purchase food of the appropriate size, otherwise they will simply be malnourished. Adults are fed up to 4 times a day, and fry - up to 6 times. At the same time, timing is important so that the feeding process does not become a complete stress for the fish, followed by a refusal to feed.

How to make it yourself

Making complete food with your own hands is quite difficult. There are several conditions that must be met during the process:

  • Make calculations to create a balanced composition, especially paying attention to the protein content in the feed.
  • Add inexpensive but high-quality fishmeal;
  • Add micro and macroelements, vitamins to the composition;
  • Select vegetable fats;
  • During production, it is necessary to monitor the quality and purity of raw materials.

Video shows how to make food for sturgeon at home:

The easiest way to prepare food is to use pork feed, minced trash fish, and bran in the process. Such feed will contaminate the RAS, and therefore it is better to use a homemade composition in ponds and reservoirs of natural composition. In this case, sturgeon will develop, grow and reproduce most fully. It is worth noting that homemade fish food slows down the growth of individuals, but at the same time the quality of caviar increases noticeably, and the taste of the meat will be more natural.

Breeding sturgeon, if you are ready to create the necessary conditions for this royal fish, will give you the opportunity to eat homemade, and therefore high-quality and environmentally friendly food, as well as receive a regular income. The caviar and meat of this fish have been considered a delicacy for centuries and are in constant high demand. Of course, to create such a business will require certain investments and efforts. But this type of activity is characterized by good profitability, and the money spent will pay off relatively quickly.
