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Earning money using Instagram. How much can you earn on Instagram from subscribers using advertising: what millionaires are silent about

Social networks have long been transformed from simple entertainment and another means of communication into a new and universal tool for earning money. If someone does not believe in this, you can convince him very simply: go to VK, Facebook or the same Instagram and look for yourself at the number of products that instantly appear before your eyes. In particular, these include pages with various cosmetics, electronic products, gifts and various souvenirs of a wide range. All of them were created by ordinary users and representatives of online stores in order to get closer to their potential buyer. And let’s face it, they succeeded.

Work on the profile

But in order to start making money on Instagram, you don’t have to own your own store. Each of us can, instead of looking at cats and funny videos, start promoting our account, attracting additional subscribers and increasing our audience. Spend a little time mastering the art of creating interesting content for users, and before you know it, people will start subscribing to your page. And this is a direct path to pleasant and interesting earnings on Instagram replacing your usual, not so exciting work. How to achieve this? What do you need to do to start making money on a social network for real? Read on.

The Instagram principle

So, in order for us to be able to get some money, we need to understand exactly how this or that social network works. If we are interested in making money on Instagram, then we should pay more attention to this platform. And for this you need to find out how this site is structured.

We know that this is a social network. In it, users share their photos, tag each other in pictures, and post videos with interesting content. Thus, this platform is somewhat more specialized in media materials than VKontakte. Because of this (and also due to its simplicity and convenience), it has captivated such a large audience of users.

It all works very simply: each Instagram member has his own followers - people in whose results his news is displayed. The more there are, the larger the audience with which he has contact. Therefore, to interact with many users, you just need to build a base of as many subscribers as possible.

Start. What is valued?

If we talk about the “weight” of accounts and how they compare with each other, then the number of those who subscribe to your page is the main “measure” of success. The more subscribers, the more promoted the account, and the more opportunities for earning money. After all, users who are in your subscriptions can be shown any material. All earnings on Instagram depend on how popular your account is.

The social activity of people who follow you is also valued here. This means that if those who follow you start commenting, liking and reposting your posts, you will become popular very quickly. Due to this, Instagram (social network) brings money to the owners of “fat” accounts.

How to get a? First steps after registration

Acquiring a large number of subscribers is quite difficult. Previously, this was easy to achieve through some tricks, for example, simply becoming a subscriber of other users. As soon as they reciprocated, they could be removed from subscriptions. This creates the effect that many people are following your account, while you are not interested in them. This may indicate that you are some kind of celebrity or just a popular Instagrammer.

Today, getting a “fat” account with many users is more difficult. Members of the social network are faced with a huge wave of spam from all sides. Due to this, users feel less confident if they receive another notification from a stranger. What if he is just another scammer?

In addition, Instagram itself (the social network) has introduced restrictions on adding subscribers. So, per day (at the time of writing) you can add no more than 200 people at once. In real life, this is quite enough if you need to contact your friends. Moreover, as you understand, it will be somewhat difficult to engage in such activities for further income. Today's realities are such that in order to get a more serious account on this social network, you will simply need to devote more time to it. You will need to not only take high-quality and interesting photos, but also answer other users’ questions, tell them something interesting (for example, about your products), and help them figure it out. The more active you are on your page, the more popular it will become in the end.

How to use? Monetize your account

We have already noted that everyone can start making money on Instagram. By advertising other people's products or promoting others, you can earn income from an account on this social network without any special skills. However, after you have 100, 1000 or 5 thousand subscribers, the question arises - what to do with them? How to organize earnings on Instagram in this case? Reviews show that it is not as difficult as it might seem.

Creating a sales page

You need to set up your profile correctly. Make a “showcase” in it - present the products in the best possible way so that users are interested in learning more about them. Describe your services in more detail: present the pricing policy of your store or, if we are talking about advertising services of a special nature, indicate reviews of other users. Give your potential client the opportunity to learn the most about yourself.

According to an Instagram survey conducted last November, 60% of people get information about products and services through Instagram. The number of social network users is growing every year; now in Russia alone there are more than 16 million people.

If in general on the Internet the average purchase price is 1000-1500 rubles, on Instagram it is 5000-7000 rubles. Moreover, competition on Instagram is 12 times lower than on other social networks. Important: the social network is suitable as a sales channel for 85% of businesses.

How it works?

Let's say you have a hobby - knitting soft toys. Or make soap. You do it for free and for yourself, but you could sell it for money. However, you don't want to create a separate website. Then you can create a separate Instagram page.

Example. The girl has a hobby - painting portraits on wood. She came up with the idea of ​​making gift books/albums with wooden covers, which she began engraving. There are 1-3 sales per day, with an average bill of about 3,000 rubles, and a net profit per month of 50,000 rubles.

A paid post on your account can cost from 1,000 rubles to infinity. You need to understand that earnings directly depend on the number of subscribers. If there are 10,000 of them, this is one placement price, if there are 100,000, it is completely different.

What else can you sell on Instagram?

Instagram can be used for more than just your hobby. With its help, you can sell your expertise in your “main place of work.” For example, if you are a lawyer, psychologist, cosmetologist, stylist or designer, you can become an Instagram expert. Accounts whose authors give useful practical advice are very popular today.

Example. You are a cosmetologist with an audience of 3,500 subscribers (quite a bit!). You write general educational and educational posts, advise clients, and show examples before and after. This can result in 3 to 5 applications per day. The average bill for cosmetic procedures is 12,000 - 15,000 rubles.

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To understand what kind of business you could grow using Instagram, ask yourself these questions:

  • What skills were you paid for and how much?
  • Where have you made the most money in your life?
  • Where have you made the easiest money?
  • What activity would you enjoy doing from morning to evening on a weekend?
  • What can you do objectively better than others?
  • What experiences do you have that give you a competitive advantage?
  • What business can you start based on your experience?
  • What would a business based on your passion look like?
  • Imagine how to monetize your hobby?

If you have more questions than answers, then you are on the right track. Learn how to create and upgrade an Instagram account from scratch in 8 lessons, you can use the online course “Real Instagram”, which was compiled and implemented by the company “Business Youth”. This is the largest guild of entrepreneurs, which already includes over 1 million people. Chat with like-minded people and try to start your own business!

Hi guys! I know that many have been waiting for this article from me for a long time, but you know that I will not write an article about making money until I try it on myself and get results.

As I have said more than once, in 2015 Instagram gained very strong popularity, many began to explore this platform to attract clients and earn good money. On my blog you can find a bunch of articles on work and... In some of them, I have already shared my experience on how to make money on Instagram.

Earning money on Instagram - 6 ways

How many subscribers do you think you need to make money? It is clear that the more there are, the more you can earn. If you make the right content and learn to sell wisely, then even with 100 subscribers you can get your first clients. So, the first way.

Selling your services

They mainly sell their services through Instagram:

  • people working for themselves, providing their services online and offline. For example, photographers, psychologists, business coaches, lawyers;
  • private entrepreneurs and companies. For example, beauty salons, car services, sports complexes, entertainment projects;
  • freelancers who work only via the Internet. For example, designers, copywriters, webmasters, programmers, etc.

I am a freelancer myself and this way I used to find clients from Instagram who needed to create and configure a website on WordPress. Now I prefer to earn money the second way.

Selling other people's goods and services

Selling other people's goods and services through affiliate programs is one of the easiest and most profitable ways.

All you need to do is find a product or service for the sale of which you will receive your commission, take an affiliate link to this product and recommend it in your Instagram profile or posts.

Due to the fact that the links in the description of the photo are inactive, a separate account is created for each product, and the link to it is in the profile, and the posts simply encourage you to purchase or learn about the product through this active link.

The most common thing I see a lot is a watch. They are sold through.

Here are some CPA networks where you can find hundreds of physical products:


On average, the commission from the sale of one product through the spa network is 200-600 rubles. If you recommend a specific product through a regular affiliate program, the commission can be thousands of rubles. I talk about this in more detail at the online marathon "".

Selling your goods

Who makes money on Instagram this way? Online stores, various manufacturers and those who make goods with their own hands! But mainly it is online stores and brick-and-mortar stores that attract customers in this way.

For example, regular customers or fans of a brand are happy to subscribe to the accounts of their favorite stores and follow new products through photographs, and then go and buy. Also, various promotions and discounts are often held through Instagram, which attracts the audience.

Earning money from selling advertising

Another interesting type of income for those who have many subscribers. Stars, bloggers, popular public pages on Instagram with an audience of several tens of thousands of people can charge from 500 to “as much as your conscience allows” rubles for an advertising post.

Would you like to receive 1,2,3 thousand rubles just for publishing a photo with a description on your Instagram account? I think everyone would like to have such a source of income.

You can look at them how much people earn per post.

Promote accounts for money

Promoting accounts is probably the last way to make good money on Instagram. Now many companies that understand how many clients can be obtained from this social network need promotion specialists.

These specialists are called “Instagram Managers”, their tasks include:

  1. Making a company profile.
  2. Creating content and a content plan that will gather an audience and bring clients.
  3. Account promotion in various ways.
  4. Mutual PR and advertising campaigns.

There is nothing complicated about this; if you want, you can learn it in a month or two. The average cost of maintaining an Instagram account is 5-20,000 rubles. Can you imagine if you find 2-3 companies for which you will manage Instagram for 20,000 rubles per month? Your income will be 40 - 60,000 rubles. And these are very real numbers, I would even say that this is the minimum wage. I personally know people who promote one page for 30,000 rubles a month.

Method for schoolchildren

Why did I call this method for schoolchildren? Because, I believe that here you can only earn money for chocolate or ice cream.

Using special services, you can make money on Instagram in 3 simple steps:

  1. Give likes.
  2. Subscribe to other users.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


For many, Instagram is associated with making money, but often the methods of monetization are not obvious. In any business sector, the basis of sales is communication. Potential clients often gather on social networks where they can buy your products or services, you just need to learn how to sell it correctly. In this review we will list all kinds of ways to make money through Instagram.

Business account development

You can sell not only other people's products, but also your own. To do this, you need to design your page and talk about the product. Instagram is great for people in the visual sphere. Analyze your activity and increase audience engagement. With proper account development, sales can only come from the social platform.

In the article “How to make money on Instagram from subscribers,” we talked about the amount of earnings from advertising posts for public pages, about creating various areas of activity for a personal blog: publishing books, holding events and consultations. And also about selling an account: who needs it and how to do it correctly.

How to make money as an SMM specialist

There are many courses on the Internet where you can gain the skills of an SMM specialist. In the era of social networks, this is in demand, and there are not enough people who know how to efficiently promote profiles on Instagram.
What a specialist can do:

  1. Analyze the current situation: what works in the profile and what is ineffective and it’s time to replace it to achieve your goals.
  2. Develop a promotion strategy for a specific profile: advertising, material, mass following, and more.
  3. Create a portrait of the audience for further filtering of mass following databases and for displaying targeted advertising.
  4. Maintain a content plan: distribute content by categories and types, search for and prepare material in advance, publish on time. And also monitor comments, answer user questions, resolve conflict situations, remove negativity, and remove spam.
  5. Formation of a brand image: how many positive and negative reviews it has. This also includes brand reputation and increased awareness.
  6. Find opinion leaders, collect a database, filter, get in touch, negotiate cooperation.
  7. Conduct competitions and promotions.
  8. Recruit an audience: mass following and mass liking. Follow target people and unfollow later. Like potential customers to attract attention. And avoid negative consequences from Instagram: blocking individual actions or banning your account forever.
  9. Analyze competitors. Understand the effectiveness of their ideas and improve your own.

Some SMM specialists also do other work that is not related to their direct responsibilities:

  • search for photographers;
  • writing texts for posts;
  • cooperation with the media;
  • organization of events.

How to start a career as an SMM specialist:

  1. Gain knowledge on promotion on Instagram.
  2. Find clients who will trust you with their projects.
  3. Regularly maintain accounts and perform your duties.

How much can an SMM specialist earn on Instagram? Salary depends on workload and knowledge. The market is not fully formed. If you do content and promotion in one account, it can cost up to 30,000 rubles per month. Calculate if there are several accounts - 3 or 5. The main costs are your time and the funds allocated for self-education in this area. The social network is constantly changing, and many new features are added every year, and the number of ineffective methods of promotion increases.

Creation of services and applications for Instagram

An excellent option for programmers who want to connect their activities with Instagram. In Google Play and the App Store you can find examples of applications for working with a social network, most of which solve a clearly defined task.
It will be more expensive to create and maintain a service, but the income from it will be greater.

Examples of services for Instagram:

There are also services for downloading photos, planning your Instagram feed, and reposting. Just look at your set of tools and you can already guess what problem you will help users solve.
Popular applications on mobile platforms:

  1. Download a photo from Instagram.
  2. View the avatar in an enlarged size.
  3. Create a collage.
  4. Cut one large picture into several parts.
  5. Tape layout.
  6. View non-mutual accounts.

How you can make money on Instagram as a programmer:

  1. Find a problem that you will solve.
  2. Assemble a development team.
  3. Start the service.
  4. Promote it.

Let's say you have developed an application that costs 200 rubles per download. Just 500 downloads per month will bring the project a profit of 100,000 rubles.
Look at the service tariffs. Let's assume a monthly subscription costs 500 rubles. 500 users per month is 250,000 rubles.
To calculate the costs of developing an application, you need to consider:

  • essential elements;
  • supported platforms;
  • number of hours for development;
  • design for the user;
  • command structure;
  • tasks not directly included in development: testing, analysis, design);
  • project support after implementation.

Approximate estimate: from 150,000 rub.

The development of the service will cost much more: from one million. This already includes salaries for the team, the cost of minimal functionality and a implementation period of several months. But simply developing a service is not enough - it needs to be regularly supported, bugs fixed, new features added, and user complaints listened to. This will cost from 100,000 rubles. per month according to approximate calculations.

Content to order

Another opportunity to make money on Instagram is to help with content creation. Photographers organize portrait or subject photography to create high-quality visual material. Earnings - from 3,000 rubles. in an hour.

An important detail for any profile is image processing: remove pimples, diversify colors, or simply adjust the photo to a single style. For this you can charge from 100 rubles. for one image.

Video and cinemagraphs are another influential type of content that conveys emotion more than a still image, and this is where videographers can get involved. Filming, on average, starts from 2,000 rubles per hour. Equipment, plot, composition are taken into account. Installation is considered separately and added to the cost.

Another direction is stylization of shooting. For example, food stylists are very popular among restaurants and cafes, which are tasked with revealing the atmosphere of a place. On average it costs from 5,000 rubles. for filming.
The current trend on Instagram is design. If you are a designer, you can try developing a corporate identity for your accounts. You can earn an average of 5,000 rubles per profile.

How can you make money on Instagram from likes?

Earnings from likes are small - you can top up your mobile phone balance or buy ice cream. There may be a limited number of daily tasks, so it is recommended to work on multiple platforms and use accounts from different social networks. You can earn a decent amount by spending a lot of time. We wrote more in “How to make money on Instagram from likes.”

How to start making money on Instagram from scratch using services:

  1. Register on any assignment platform.
  2. Complete orders regularly and receive rewards.
  3. Participate in referral programs and increase your earnings to passive ones.

The method is suitable for all beginners and not only for Instagram. Consider the design of your profile. Advertisers sort performers according to various criteria: gender, age, number of records, number of subscribers.

Partnership programs

When it is not possible to sell your own products, CPA networks come to the rescue. You can choose any product that you are ready to offer to others and advertise it. Examples of such networks:

  • admitad.

On the platforms you can find detailed information and choose any offer. You will receive a percentage from purchases.

Let's sum it up

So, how do people make money on Instagram? You can create applications and services that solve specific user problems. The implementation and promotion of the idea will require initial investments.

Photographers, stylists, and makeup artists create custom content for Instagram.
The market for SMM specialists is not fully formed. By investing in training, you can help blogs and brands promote their profile. The promoted account is monetized by publishing advertising posts and expanding products and services.

Not only SMM specialists can help with page development. All you need to do is register for earning services and receive rewards for likes, subscriptions and comments. Choose any method and monetize your page.

Currently, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Over the course of several years, its audience has grown to enormous proportions, and the service itself has been expanded with a host of different functions during this time. But the most interesting thing is that business and a solvent audience have come to Instagram, which means that advertising budgets have begun to be allocated, some of which we can earn. And today we will tell you all the options for making money on Instagram, and how much you will earn depends on your activity and abilities.

Quick navigation:

How many followers can you earn on Instagram?

Subscribers (followers) here, as in any social network, are of great importance and directly influence the choice of how to earn money. The dependence of success on the number of subscribers is obvious - the more there are, the more options for earning money are available to you, although their presence alone does not solve much. You can build a decent income without having any followers on your profile at all.

There are ways in which you can literally earn money from... 0 subscribers, but it will be a small advantage to have at least 100 subscribers, so your profile will be more credible. Let's look at all the options for making money, with or without subscribers.

Currently, you can make money on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Promotion of your services;
  • Sale of goods;
  • Promotion of accounts for money;
  • Account administration;
  • Sales of advertising;
  • Earnings from likes;
  • Partnership programs;
  • Selling promoted accounts.

How can you make money on Instagram from subscribers?

If you already have a large number of followers, then you can make money by selling advertising on your profile. In this case, the number of subscribers will directly affect income.

It makes sense to start making money by selling advertising if you have at least 2,000 subscribers. However, you shouldn’t expect too much profit in this situation. Relatively large earnings start from 10,000 subscribers, where you will receive about 5,000 rubles per month. With 50,000 subscribers, it already grows to 10,000 rubles or more.

Top Instagram bloggers sell one advertising post for hundreds of thousands of rubles! It’s hard to imagine, but for 2-3 publications they can earn money one million rubles. However, these prices are quite consistent with the number of their subscribers. Below we will tell you how and what bloggers make on Instagram.

Example of the cost of an advertising post

But making money from selling advertising on Instagram is not the main source of income. So don’t despair if you don’t have thousands of people following you and you don’t know how to boost your profile to such numbers in the near future, there are many other options to make money on Instagram.

Earning money by promoting your own services

This method is very suitable for those whose services can be clearly demonstrated using photos and videos. First of all, for private manicurists, cosmetologists, hairdressers and other types of beauty services. The ability to show the client what the before/after results will look like greatly adds to the attractiveness of the offer.

Of course, those who bake should also promote their services through Instagram. cakes, cupcakes and other sweets to order. As you know, food is primarily attracted by its appearance, and here it will work perfectly.

How to start making money on Instagram using this method? It’s simple, you post your best work on your account, thereby creating a kind of portfolio, and through it you get clients.

To make it easier to find your offer:

  • You should add hashtags to your posts with the name of the services and the area where your potential clients are located;
  • Use mass following (mass subscription to people who may be interested in the services offered).

You've probably seen examples of such accounts more than once; someone you don't know has subscribed to you. When you came to this page, you most likely came across an offer to buy some product or service. This is how mass following works. The account owner massively subscribes to everyone he deems necessary, hoping that the person will notice the notification, go to the subscribed page and become interested in the offer.

During the transition we see cosmetic services

Below we will tell you which programs you can use to organize a mass subscription so as not to do it manually.

Earnings from selling goods

If you are engaged in the production of handmade products, are the owner of an online store or a blogger who wants to sell your branded paraphernalia (mostly clothing), then Instagram can be a very good way to find new customers, since the consumer spectrum here is larger than in many other countries. other places.

For those involved in reselling, Instagram also provides a good place to start and promote. At the same time, you can sell anything - from clothing (the most common example) to goods in which an extremely narrow circle of users is interested.

The best sellers on Instagram are:

  • Sneakers;
  • Swimwear;
  • Underwear;
  • Fashionable streetwear;
  • Accessories: belts, glasses, gloves, handbags.

Selling goods through Instagram has become very common because it is very convenient, you can attach up to 10 photos and videos of a product in one post, make a description, and accept orders through comments or WhatApp. This saves the buyer from having to follow links to an online store, and allows them to make purchases directly within the social network. This gives the store owner the opportunity to speed up the sales process, and therefore increase profits.

All that is required of you is to provide a competent visual presentation of your products and actively promote your account.

Promoting accounts for money

Large companies often need specialists who can promote Instagram accounts for money, thereby attracting new clients. Such specialists are usually called Instagram managers (SMM specialists in a more general case), and they deal with the design of the appearance of the account (posting photos with descriptions for them), trying to give it the most presentable appearance, setting up advertising and promoting the account using various methods.

At the moment, this method of earning money is quite popular due to its relative ease of learning, and even schoolchildren make money from it.

In 1-2 months you can well study the intricacies and aspects of this business, while for maintaining one account they can pay up to 30,000 rubles per month. Agree, your income will be quite decent if you maintain 2-3 accounts.

An example of the earnings of such specialists

Administration of other people's accounts

This method is similar to promotion for money, but here you will have to work with an already promoted account, and your responsibilities will include filling it with content on a regular basis (posting), communicating with subscribers and monitoring order in the comments. Work of this kind is mainly relevant in commercial accounts or in public pages (profiles with entertainment content). Bloggers, as a rule, maintain their accounts independently, although there are exceptions.

A separate important skill for an employee will be analyzing account popularity statistics. To do this, you can use various services, for example, Pycalitics.

You can find such work on freelance exchanges in the SMM and social networks section. In addition, you can offer your services personally by writing a direct message to promoted accounts.

Earning money from selling advertising

Not only bloggers can make money from advertising. Anyone who has gained several tens of thousands of subscribers on their account can turn it into a solid source of income. The essence is very simple - advertisers need to sell some product or service, and they invite you to post a post with your offer, since you have many subscribers and there will probably be buyers. At the same time, you receive money for posting a post.

An example of advertising eco-candles on Instagram

You can earn money using the following advertising formats:

  1. Selling profile posts;
  2. Advertising in Stories;
  3. Native advertising (mention of a brand or product).

one of the most effective and at the same time not obvious at first glance methods of advertising. For example, a popular blogger appears in a photo wearing some nice T-shirt 1-2 times a month. However, his post says nothing about her. Neither the parameters, nor the price, nor the methods of delivery and payment are specified. To put it simply, the photograph at first glance is not of an advertising nature. But at the same time, the clothing brand is always clearly visible in such photos. This may interest the subscriber, who will later order the T-shirt that the blogger wore. This is how this advertising ploy works, which is completely invisible to the naked eye. Native advertising doesn’t irritate subscribers as much, so it gets more likes and views.

And this is an example of native advertising

The cost of advertising posts is set by the account owner, and there are no limits here, it all depends on your desire and impudence But, of course, advertising prices must be within reason, otherwise you simply will not be able to find advertisers.


How much can you earn on Instagram from advertising?

On accounts with average popularity (several tens of thousands of subscribers) they offer 500-1000 rubles. At the same time, prices can be raised as the account becomes more popular. It is noteworthy that there is no upper limit on the price: after gaining several million subscribers, you can already ask for hundreds of thousands of rubles for advertising.

If you have an account with a large number of subscribers, and the idea of ​​earning 1000-3000 rubles for one advertising post seems very attractive, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this method of earning money and place it on advertising exchanges.

How do bloggers make money on Instagram and how?

For bloggers, the main source of income is the sale of advertising. At the same time, they can advertise anything and however they want. Most often these are goods, but in addition to them, bloggers advertise services and events.

Example of an advertising post from a blogger

How to make money on Instagram from likes

This way of earning money is the simplest, but also far from the most profitable. It is connected with Instagram only indirectly: the work is done through special sites where you will be asked to like, subscribe to profiles and write comments for money.

This is approximately how much they pay on VKTarget for one subscription and one like.

Among such sites for making money on likes, the following are very popular:


True, such services also have disadvantages. As a rule, the choice of tasks for them is not very large, and the reward for completing them is modest, so you won’t be able to earn big money here.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Affiliate programs provide an opportunity to earn money by advertising other people's products and services for a commission on sales. In your profile, you place advertising offers from various advertisers and receive a percentage of the store's profit. At first glance, this is the same as selling advertising. The methods are really similar, but there are serious differences between them. Here you are paid not for advertising, but for actions attracted users via your advertising link (registration, purchase, replenishment of balance). In order for users to get to the advertiser’s website, usually an advertising link is placed in the profile description, or they create a special advertising profile with photographs and descriptions of the product/service and link to it in posts.

Someone is promoting a lamp from an affiliate program on Instagram

What is the best way to earn money:

  • Popular products for women (including mothers);
  • Dating sites (payment for registration, filling out a questionnaire, etc.);
  • Games and applications for mobile.

Video: How to promote your Instagram profile to make money on affiliate programs

The most common are affiliate programs for the sale of physical goods and watches in particular. There are special affiliate networks where you can find advertisers selling different types of products. This allows you to select the most profitable offers for the topic and audience of your account.

Products offered for advertising and rewards for them

Affiliate programs where you can choose an offer for advertising and receive an individual link:


Selling promoted accounts

Often, to conduct business, accounts are used that have many subscribers in advance. This avoids the need to spend money and time on promotion. You just need to buy an account and you can immediately start selling products, advertising campaigns, etc. If you have an account with a lot of followers, but you definitely don't intend to use it, it might be worth selling it. You can also engage in mass promotion of accounts with the further goal of selling them.

Advertisements for the sale and purchase of Instagram accounts are posted on specialized forums and VKontakte groups, and the transaction takes place through a guarantor, for example, through the service

How to make your page popular - instructions for attracting subscribers

A promoted page on Instagram, as on any social network, can always serve as a source of income, you just need to put in the effort. In our economically unstable times, a popular Instagram profile can allow you not to be left without money in the event of layoffs, layoffs, and similar measures. Thus, an Instagram account is also an investment, absolutely the same as, for example, an investment in real estate, which differs, however, in its scale If you want to have such a source of income, you should think about promoting your existing account now. To succeed in this matter, do the following:

1. Select a relevant topic for your account

Subscribers will go en masse to places where there is always something fashionable and relevant, interesting to everyone in our time. A competent choice of profile topics is the key to your success.

2. Increasing the number of subscribers

The concepts of page popularity and the number of subscribers cannot exist without each other, so attracting an audience should be taken seriously. Attract subscribers using old methods (hashtags, mass following, mass liking), as well as by publishing interesting content, because Instagram promotes interesting posts for free. Participate in giveaways (group purchase of advertising from a popular blogger) and use paid promotion of posts at first.

3. Account activity

In addition, you must always stay active: constantly make new interesting publications, communicate with subscribers, hold competitions for them, etc. Subscribers should see your interest in maintaining your profile.

Never take long breaks. Posting on your page should be regular. If necessary, you can take short breaks, but if they drag on too long, the interest of subscribers in the project fades.
