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What is a person capable of? What is an ordinary person capable of? Our brains are in "autopilot mode"

What is a person capable of?
When all the threads are broken
When under a meek "I'm sorry"
Fate writes a check.

Perhaps another century is long,
But there is no longer that childish agility,
Do not take heights, no matter how you twist,
And I can't turn back the rivers.

My mind is not a guard at all.
Do not judge my actions
You lock your door behind me
When the tracks are covered with snow.

When from the weight of your eyelids
You want to close your eyes
In your dreams then read
What is a person capable of?

What is a person capable of?
Find your love home?
Or friends as a patron?
Rather, enemies among colleagues.

My path faded from pity
I am a gray inhabitant for the planet,
Her riddles are a stupid spectator.
Where will my accommodation be tomorrow?

Walking seems to me running
The teacher will be a liar
When the guardian angel rises
Among the poor and crippled.

Wishing endless negativity
I'm leaving like an avid consumer.
There the progenitor will answer me,
What is a person capable of?


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The abbreviation MTR stands for Forces. special operations. This is an elite military formation of the Russian Ministry of Defense. If in the United States a similar structure has existed since 1987, then in our country the creation of an elite unit began only in 2009.

The main difference between this unit is that its fighters can operate outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in states with which Russia is not at war, and can, as the charter says, “use methods and methods of combat operations that are not characteristic of conventional forces : reconnaissance and sabotage, subversive, counter-terrorist, counter-sabotage, counterintelligence, partisan, anti-partisan and other actions.

Behind these dry lines of an official document is an incredibly risky job, which the fighters most clearly demonstrated during the operation in Syria, where, by order of the command, they were transferred to fight IS *. There, the military was engaged in reconnaissance, the destruction of the commanders of terrorist groups, the adjustment of the fire of our aircraft and many other tasks that will remain classified for a long time to come.

So let's take a look at the most famous this moment MTR operations, most of the information about which is classified.


Soldiers of the Special Operations Forces took part in maintaining order on the Crimean peninsula when a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine. The Russian government has decided to send fighters to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to ensure the safety of Russian citizens there. Presumably, it was they who took part in the capture of the Belbek military airfield in Sevastopol, some of whose personnel at first refused to lay down their arms.

After a two-day confrontation, the fighters were able to occupy the territory of the unit without casualties and convince its commander to leave the location.

I call fire on myself

After the Crimea, the MTR fighters were noted in the Syrian operations of the Russian Aerospace Forces. There, the soldiers were engaged in the destruction of the field commanders of terrorist groups, as well as adjusting the fire of our aviation. In March 2016, the MTR fighter Alexander Aleksandrovich Prokhorenko proved to the whole world that their unit is elite not only due to skills and equipment, but also due to military spirit. He reported the coordinates of the warehouses of bandits in the province of Homs. The militants figured out his position and surrounded Alexander. He fired back as much as he could, but when he realized that there was no way out for him, he called on himself artillery fire. He died, but took with him a lot of enemies. For this feat, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

This act became widely known abroad and admired by people around the world. So, the French family of Mage, as a sign of respect and admiration for Alexander Prokhorenko, handed over to his widow the awards of their relatives from the Second World War: the Order of the Legion of Honor and the Military Cross with a palm branch.

16 vs 300

Another feat glorified the SOF when a handful of 16 fighters were forced to resist an offensive of more than 300 terrorists.

It was near Aleppo. One of the many enemy groups attacked the Syrian government troops in this area. One day, our fighters, as usual, were in the area where the Syrian army was located, when suddenly a powerful shelling began. The Syrians retreated, which the militants did not fail to take advantage of. They planned to take the dominant height, but suddenly found themselves under fire. It turned out that, unlike the Syrians, 16 MTR fighters did not run, but accepted the battle.

The battalion of militants used artillery, a shahid-mobile (a car filled with explosives with a suicide at the wheel) was also sent to the position under the cover of an armored tractor, they hit from tanks, "Guards", stormed on two infantry fighting vehicles, but our soldiers destroyed all this equipment with the help of guided missiles . On the first day, they fought off more than four attacks.

At night, the fighters mined the approaches, which became a big nuisance for the fighters. The next day, the terrorists made several more unsuccessful sorties. In a day and a half, about 10 attacks were repelled, after which the enemies retreated. 300 corpses remained on the battlefield. Ours left the battle without losses.

Hold on to the last

A similar incident happened in August 2017. A detachment of five SOF fighters arrived at the checkpoint of the Syrian army, which controlled traffic on the Akerbat-As-Sukhne road section. Suddenly, several dozen militants attacked the checkpoint. Part of the Syrian military was killed, and part fled. We had no choice but to fight.

Soon, due to heavy fire, almost all members of the team were injured. Only the youngest fighter, Corporal Denis Portnyagin, remained unharmed. Taking a machine gun, he single-handedly began to shoot back. After some time, a bullet hit his machine gun and he failed. Denis continued to fight back with automatic bursts and grenades. During a short respite, he managed to get in touch with his own and call for help. When the militants got closer, our artillery came into action: it cut off the reinforcements of the bandits, after which our helicopters cleared the place.

When Syrian reinforcements arrived at the checkpoint, all the fighters were already holding grenades in their hands, preparing to blow themselves up so as not to be captured. In the end, everyone survived. Denis Portnyagin was presented with the Hero of Russia award, which was personally presented to him by Vladimir Putin.

* IS is an organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Through years of studying our insides at every opportunity, scientists have come to understand how virtually every part of our body works. However, the most mysterious part of our body is the brain. And the more we study it, the more mysterious it becomes. You can’t even imagine what amazing things our “thinker” is capable of. Don't worry, scientists didn't know this for a long time either.

Brain superhero.

Today we will talk about the 10 most incredible features of our brain that make us almost superheroes.

The brain can create false memories

Fool me.

Here's a scientific fact for you: our brains can create fake memories. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you remember something, although in reality this never happened? No, we are not talking about memories of past lives where you were Caesar or Cleopatra. It's about the fact that you "remember" how you did things that you didn't actually do. They thought that they borrowed money from a neighbor, but in fact they did not. They thought that they bought some thing, but in fact they did not buy it. There are a lot of such examples.

There are more impressive ones. For example, our brain can convince us that we have committed a crime. In one experiment, scientists were able to inculcate and create false memories in 70 percent of participants. They began to think that they had committed a theft or an armed attack.

Our brain can predict the future

Our brain is the perfect alarm clock

The brain will wake itself up better than any smartphone.

“I don't need an alarm clock. I'm my own alarm clock,” some people say. Know they are not joking. If you stick to a routine (going to bed and waking up at the same time), your brain gets used to it. Our own biological clock is better than any alarm clock. Therefore, many people can wake up even before the nasty bell rings, announcing that it is time to get up for work. Often this is observed, for example, in office workers.

Our brains can 'listen' and learn while we sleep.

Would you like to study in your sleep?

We tend to think that during sleep our brain is completely switched off. Actually it is not. Yes, some parts of the brain do rest, reducing their activity. But, ! During the so-called REM phase, a person is able to remember some things. During experiments in front of sleeping people, scientists played certain sound signals (which people had never heard before). Then the people woke up, and the researchers played these signals again and asked them to say which of these sounds seemed familiar. And people recognized them!

Also interesting: Electrical brain stimulation temporarily for 50 years

The brain can learn through imagination

Creativity is not for everyone.

A simple experiment, first conducted over 100 years ago. The people were divided into two groups. One group was taught basic piano skills using the instrument. The training of the other group took place without the piano. People were simply told how to put and move their fingers correctly, and they also described how this or that note sounds. By the end of the training, it was found that both groups had the same skills - both were able to play the melody they were taught on the piano.

In the 1990s, with the use of more modern scientific tools, scientists actually found out that imaginary learning and practice can have the same effect on the brain as real ones.

Our brains are in "autopilot mode"

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being on autopilot?

As soon as we master some skill well, our brain connects a certain department to work, the so-called passive mode network. It is used to perform tasks that do not require complex analysis, since their solution has already been repeatedly tested and brought to automatism.

People were taught one card game that requires a little thought process. People played well, but when, after numerous games, this same network of passive mode of operation was connected to work, they began to play even better.

Learning other types of skills is more difficult for people. For example, playing instruments. At first, it's very difficult. But after, when your hands and fingers remember how to play correctly, your brain actually turns off. And you start doing it automatically.

Our brain is able to build muscle in our body

Imaginary workouts, they are.

It's summer now, and many of us are probably again sighing bitterly about not being able to prepare for it. All these diets and fitness centers have remained our desires and memories. Do not despair! Our brains are capable of increasing the strength of our bodies if we just think about it.

In an experiment, one group of people were asked every day (for 5 days) for 11 minutes to imagine that they are engaged in increasing the strength of the hands. By the end of the experiment, it was found that the group of people who thought about pumping up their hands had a grip strength twice as high as those who did not.

Is it possible to get six pack abs with the same method? You won't know until you try.

Our brain can sense magnetic fields

The brain is still a compass.

Some species of animals and birds, as well as insects, are able to sense the Earth's magnetic field. This allows them to navigate in space and find the right path. You will be surprised, but a person also has such an opportunity. You can read more about this. In short, experiments have shown that our brain is able to detect changes in the direction of a magnetic field. True, we do not use this ability. But our distant ancestors - very much could.

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What is a person?

If a person is positioned as a biological species, then to the question: “What is a person capable of?”, each of us can confidently say that:

  • Man is endowed with a brain, or rather the ability to think and the ability to make a free choice;
  • Can accept various solutions and accordingly take responsibility for their consequences;
  • Man is endowed with the concept of morality and justice.

Of course, the list doesn't end there. The person actively adapts to environment, knows how to use various tools and produce them, can clearly express his thoughts through speech. He is also endowed with a sense of humor, a variety of emotions with which he can express his behavior and attitude towards certain things. In the end, a person can change not only the space around him, creating something, but also himself, constantly developing and improving throughout his life, both the personality of this incarnation and the soul as a whole.

As can be seen from this extensive list, a person is actually a very special being and capable of many possibilities.

And how does a person and his capabilities look from the standpoint of spiritual development?

If we take as a statement that the soul and, accordingly, a person, are created in the likeness of the Higher forces, then each of us is a hologram, a prototype of the most intelligent being in the Universe. What kind of creature it is and how exactly it appears is not so important. It is important that we have exactly the same qualities and abilities as the Universe.

What can the Universe do?

The universe has an amazing ability to create! To create: new outer spaces, planets, their inhabitants (including us), the nature of these diverse places, landscapes, weather conditions and everything, absolutely everything that is in our vast space - the Universe.

It is often difficult for us to even imagine how large and majestic it is. How varied its manifestation and forms. But all this, it was she who created it, our mother and progenitor of everything - the Universe!

So how do we humans differ from the Universe if we are its hologram?

We are inherently created to create and thereby develop. We try, change, dream, do, connect, create and evolve. Because we are like the universe. She gives us this amazing ability to make us feel like creators in every sense. Be it our destiny, our thoughts, our behavior, our children, our works.

Our happiness, harmony, inner and external world depend only on us, because we are the creators. If you want happiness, then create it yourself. If you want harmony, develop yourself every day. If you want inner and outer comfort, then just do and create what you have always wanted!

Have you ever dreamed of building? Build! Wanted to write a book? Write! Write and sing a song? Sing.

Create new ideas, dream, embody everything that just comes into your head, even if someone screams behind you that this is impossible. Because in the Universe, everything is possible, which means that you can absolutely everything!

For example, I want to introduce you to a person who has already become known at the world level as an amazingly talented jazz pianist, but completely blind from birth -. As you can see, a person is really capable of anything!
