Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Questionnaires for which money is paid immediately. Earnings on surveys on the Internet without investments: Examples and real reviews. Rules for registering on paid survey services

73% of Russians use the Internet, of which 47% do it daily. A third of the population (33%) periodically purchases goods in online stores. About 2.5 million employees are already working remotely, and by 2020, 20% of jobs will be virtual.

All these data would not have been possible without surveys and sociological research. With the help of the obtained figures, one can have a clearer idea of ​​what is happening in the world, a particular industry, life, business. This data helps predict events and make more informed decisions based on this.

Did you know that you can earn money remotely by taking surveys like this? Businesses and political organizations are willing to pay for surveys to better understand the needs of their clients, voters, and so on.

If you are looking for an easy and proven way to make money on the Internet - make yourself comfortable. In the article I will tell you about all the intricacies of "work", about the sites I have checked, and I will also give you some practical tips for accelerating earnings. And at the end of the article, you will find details of how you can earn an additional 5,000 rubles on surveys. already this month!

How to make money on surveys?

Paid Surveys - this is a part-time job at home, the essence of which is to answer questions that customers form on special sites (which you will learn about below). You do not need to invest, attract active referrals (this is not necessary, but always welcome).

Paid surveys (also called Questionnaires) were created to connect producers of goods / services and consumers. The former seek to improve the quality of service or production in order to increase the number of customers, and, accordingly, profit. To understand what the problem of their company is, you need to receive feedback from customers, which is often impossible to do on the spot. That's why they order paid surveys.

Based on the test results, the company's employees begin to improve the quality of products or increase competitiveness.

How much can you earn?

Each survey service offers its own prices. For example, on the site, the average cost of a survey is 50 rubles, and on the Paid Survey, the minimum price is set at 30 rubles. Sounds tempting? I thought so too when I registered on the sites. Let's figure out what makes money on surveys:

1 Duration (complexity) of the survey. Obviously, you will not be paid 50 rubles for a minute testing (maximum - 10). But if you spend 10-15 minutes, the reward will be several times higher. The duration does not depend on the participants, however, many sites offer a short and long version of the survey. It is recommended to go through the full options for more earnings. For example, on the Questionnaire website, I passed a “quick” survey and received 5 rubles for it:

Although for the full version I would have received 40 rubles

2 The frequency of the surveys. Everything is obvious here, the more polls passed, the more they earned.

Earnings from one site is small. If you take the average value, you will earn from 100 to 500 rubles per month from one site. If you are registered, say, on 5 sites, the maximum income will be 2500 rubles per month. And if you combine it with other types of online earnings, such as writing and, you get even more.

But is it hard to make money on surveys? And how often do new tests appear on the sites? This will be discussed further.

The first difficulty I encountered was the lack of assignments. There are no surveys available after registration. A beginner who wants to earn here and now will think that this income is of little demand, which is why there are no tasks. I checked several sites and made sure that this is the case everywhere. And now I will explain why.

After registration, a personal profile is created for you, where the main preferences, field of activity and other information are listed (I will talk about this in more detail below). Accordingly, the creators need time to select a survey for you. Agree, a survey about investments will be ineffective if it is answered by a schoolboy or mom on maternity leave.

I have highlighted a few tips that will help beginners quickly get comfortable in the field of making money on surveys:

1 Don't expect dozens of surveys after registration. It all happens gradually. Register on several resources at the same time and wait.

2 Fill out a personal questionnaire (more on this stage below) as detailed as possible. Write honestly about yourself, since the completeness of the information and its truthfulness determine which surveys will be sent to you and in what quantity.

3 Check reviews of resources. Below I consider sites tested by time and thousands of users, but I do not exclude the fact that there are other projects on the Runet that have just begun to gain momentum. But can they be trusted? It is better to spend time reading reviews than to be left with nothing.

How long does it take to complete the survey? From 10 minutes to 1-2 hours. Depends on the number of new surveys per day. By registering on 3-5 resources, you will increase the amount of work, but it will also take more time.

In summary, I can say with confidence that it is not difficult to make money on surveys. As a comparison, you can take . Participation in online surveys is both more profitable and less time-consuming.

The most important step is filling out the questionnaire.

Questionnaire - this is an important detail that directly affects the user's earnings. Some surveys, for example, are created exclusively for a female audience, others for motorists, and others for people involved in investments.

Filling out the questionnaire is the most important step for a person who wants to make money on surveys. You need to disclose full information about yourself and the field of activity.

They offer to do this immediately after registration (for example, take the Questionnaire questionnaire):

Here are some examples of filling out a profile questionnaire:

Make time for this step. Yes, it can be long and tedious, but the result will exceed expectations. Remember what purchases you made over the past year, what services you used. Even if it was a 5-minute procedure, it will still affect the receipt of surveys.

Why fill out a profile form? Agree that it is difficult to compile any survey for a person using an “empty” and uninformative questionnaire. But users who have indicated the maximum information about themselves have a high chance of receiving new tests more often.

Popular sites that pay for surveys

Below you will learn about proven domestic questionnaires. There are also foreign sites on which earnings can be many times higher. Personally, I have not tested them, as my English is lame. But if you're okay with that, then google it. I would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments.

Conclusion: is it worth making money on surveys?

Paid surveys are an easy way to make money online. You will not need special skills or knowledge - just an hour or two of free time and patience, since new tests do not appear as often as we would like.

I recommend paid surveys to those who want to make money on the Internet. At least worth a try. The work is simple, and payment is made in money or in material prizes. For example, I can finally order new headphones as soon as I accumulate a certain number of points.

What do you think about paid surveys? And have you come across them before? Share your experience and opinion in the comments!

For the most active and attentive readers, we have prepared SPECIAL OFFER! Write an article about your experience of taking paid surveys and we will pay you 3,000 - 5,000 rubles. (depending on the volume and quality of your review). Read the entire article carefully, register on the suggested sites, you can find any others and start completing surveys. We need interesting stories and cases. If you earn on this from 1.000 rubles. per month, if you know some interesting tricks or secrets to increase earnings, if you use other, more profitable survey sites, and you are ready to write a detailed article about this, then. You don't have to be professional journalists, just tell your story clearly and in detail, and we'll correct the mistakes ourselves.

Video for dessert: Snowboarder miraculously got away from the avalanche he provoked

Paid surveys, surveys for money

Participation in paid surveys is such an area that it is difficult to find out about by chance. Few people realize that the opinion of an ordinary person can be valued much more than it seems at first glance. Why is our opinion so important for manufacturers of goods and services? How much can you earn participating? What benefit, besides material gain, does participating in surveys for money give us? Let’s first understand what paid surveys are.

Such surveys can be done, for example, to analyze consumer sentiment before a new product is introduced to the market, or to find out how people feel about a new product. Sometimes a paid survey can be ordered by a company once in a certain period in order to find out how the loyalty of their customers has changed. From here it immediately becomes clear whether the company is developing in the right direction. You can learn anything, and any information is very useful for successful business competition. For example, what proportion of people change the TV channel during commercials? Will the fact that its manufacturer sponsors a sporting event that interests you increase the level of confidence in the product?

Questions require answers, but respected manufacturers of countless products and services can hardly reach consumers directly through their own paid online surveys, because it is difficult, if not impossible, for each of them to collect a decent base of respondents. That is why there are intermediaries who specialize exclusively in the field of paid surveys on the Internet. These companies are called paid surveys. People register on a specific site, where everything is clear and transparent, and the clients of the questionnaire order them to conduct marketing research among their base of respondents. The organizing people take money from the client company for each completed and properly completed questionnaire, and they, in turn, transfer a significant part of the fee to those participating in the surveys, leaving themselves a modest percentage for mediation.

Why do paid surveys take place on the Internet?

Offline polls: Online polls:
They cannot pay their participants money, as they are forced to support employees who collect data on the street with these funds. They reduce costs by working in the network, ordinary participants, such as us, receive recruiters' money.
Inconvenient for collaboration, as too few people can manually interview. They receive many orders for research, as the Internet makes it easy to reach the target base of respondents in a couple of clicks.
They strain you when they come up to you on the street and ask you to take 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire, or they call with the same request on the phone. Convenient for participation: an invitation is sent by e-mail, you can use the opportunity when it is convenient, so long as the Internet does not fly off.

It is very important to immediately note that the private information of the participants does not “shine”, the data of the questionnaires are used exclusively in a generalized form for purely marketing purposes. Therefore, do not be afraid of surveillance and the like. Even the information that has to be filled in the registration profiles of some Internet questionnaires, no one is going to study and view - this is simply not necessary and uninteresting to anyone. It would be too flattering to yourself to believe that someone, in the course of participating in paid online surveys, deliberately monitors how many bathrooms you have at home and whether you eat breakfast. Among other things, your privacy is protected by law and SSH data encryption technologies used by paid survey services.

Triple benefit of surveys for money

You should not simplify everything as if we are offering you a job at a bakery, only online. It was there that you came, kneaded the dough, earned some money based on hourly wages, and rather went home to do really interesting things. One cannot but agree that a rare amateur goes to the plant in the morning not for material incentives and nothing more. With paid surveys, the situation is completely different. This new type of earnings of the post-industrial society in the general trend is at the intersection of hobby and work, offering not a routine, but a style.

If money is the main, but only one of the three components of the benefits of participating in paid surveys, then where are the other two? Of the intangible advantages, we note:

  • Information self-education;
  • Good deeds.

Under informational self-education we understand the systematic work on oneself in the course of getting acquainted with surveys for money, increasing to a comfortable orientation in the modern difficult media space, awareness of existing advanced products, services, technologies, trends and tendencies of the consumer market. In simple terms, you are always aware of what, where and how much. And, by the way, this often affects the family budget even more usefully than the actual income from paid online surveys. Let's take a concrete example to make it quite clear. During some surveys for money You were asked if you know about the state program for subsidizing car loans or about a new way to use maternity capital? By sharing your opinion, in each question you receive almost more valuable knowledge than you give away. And from such bricks of specific facts, a completely understandable picture is formed. The amount of knowledge turns into quality, into a certain way of thinking of a “competent” consumer. And a concrete tangible result is when your family flew to Thailand for a year and made repairs in the apartment, and your friends with the same income had to choose only one thing.

As for good deeds, this may include both participation in charitable activities, with which most paid Internet surveys cooperate, and improving the quality of the socio-economic environment that surrounds us in our own country. Think it doesn't concern you? Today you helped the company make a product that will enter the world market and bring it big profits, and tomorrow your relative was employed in this company because they are expanding the business. The day after tomorrow, roads in your district were repaired, because the municipal budget received more tax deductions from successful businesses. Among other things, the feeling of the usefulness of one's work brings moral satisfaction, awareness of one's usefulness in society.

How to get the most out of participating in paid surveys?

Paid online surveys allow you to earn little money: about $ 100-200 per month. However, with these funds you can buy yourself a lot of useful things. But, as you noticed, there is approximately a two-fold spread in remuneration. Getting close to the top bar is easy if you follow our simple tips.

  1. It is strongly recommended to register in all legal white questionnaires. So you will not miss any online survey for money. If you speak English, you are welcome to English-language sites, the remuneration there is usually higher, although there is less work. To make life easier, register on all sites under one email in order to receive all invitations to fill out questionnaires centrally in one box;
  2. A registration profile is more important than any survey. Are you going to make money or spend time without finishing the job? As soon as you have registered, fill in the introductory questionnaire qualitatively and completely. Somewhere they are shorter, somewhere longer, but if this is not done at all, then you simply will not receive any polls. Just do it without putting off for tomorrow;
  3. Be ready to take part in surveys as soon as possible, as soon as the invitation arrives in the mail. The fact is that the customer does not need the opinions of all the people in the world: it is enough to make a sample of 1000-2000 people, and in a generalized form they will answer approximately the same as 1000000. If you drag it to the end, you risk getting a notification that for this the survey recruited a sufficient number of participants;
  4. Our personal experience shows that most of the work appears on Thursday and Friday, and the least on weekends and Mondays. Plan your week around this experience if you're serious about making money from surveys;
  5. Quite original advice - be "interesting", even more interesting than you really are. Paid survey sites need active people, heads of families, ardent consumers. Do you smoke? Oh yeah! Do you have a dog? Now yes! Are you planning to buy a TV in the next three months? Yes, I'm going to buy the entire household appliance store! In general, answer “no” less often if you don’t want to be eliminated already during the survey and earn 5 consolation rubles instead of the prescribed 50. And one more thing: the fact that your relatives work in areas like marketing / PR is a stigma. Never admit it in your profile and questionnaires.

We hope that the article helped to decide whether they are suitable paid online surveys just for you. If everything suits you, then go ahead! Let's make the world a better place without hurting ourselves, isn't that great? ✏ Just do not forget that as a general rule, you can participate from the age of 16, but sometimes only from 18 (auto polls and so on). However, we cannot but tell you a little secret: no one will come home with checks, as well as request scans of documents.

At the moment, there are a fairly large number of sites on which

What are survey sites?

Questionnaire- this is a site where sociological surveys of the population are conducted, most often they are paid. Such sites, as a rule, belong to a certain marketing company, which is important to know the opinion of its consumer. And such companies are willing to pay money to get exactly your opinion.

The purpose of this type of activity is to identify a certain opinion of people. This approach allows us to assess the demand of consumers, which is established for a particular type of service and goods. Special agencies are engaged in this, acting as intermediaries between the largest holdings and ordinary people. Such surveys are conducted for money.

It would seem, why?

The thing is that no one agrees to fill out such, often very voluminous questionnaires for free. After all, it takes time. As for paid surveys, which are usually conducted anonymously, people are much more willing to take them.

How does the survey site work?

You register on the site. On some sites, you are given a cash bonus for filling in contact information completely, and filling it out will help you choose a profile especially for you.

After registration, you will receive invitations to participate in surveys or a letter with a survey right away, and since there are a huge number of users on large sites, the purity of filling out the questionnaire gives you a great chance that you will be chosen to take a paid survey.

After completing the survey, you will receive a reward (from thirty to one hundred rubles). There are also surveys for which you can get big money (up to a thousand rubles), but they are less common.

Earnings on surveys and features of registration

Registering and participating in surveys is an opportunity not only to earn some money, but also to have a good time. But if you want to earn more on paid surveys, then you will have to register not on one or two sites, but on all at once.

When registering on sites, it is important to provide reliable information about yourself, this will help you when withdrawing funds.

Paid surveys are also notable for the fact that they do not require any special skills. It's simple enough , and you can earn on surveys about five to ten thousand a month, which is quite good for such an easy job.

Registration and participation in surveys is free, that is, you do not need to pay anything, beware of scammers, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

Where to work? Best Survey Sites

By betting on this method, most users will have a completely fair question: “Which sites can I work on?” Among the variety of portals, it is necessary to highlight the most reliable and best survey sites.

Each site has its own key features. However, they have one thing in common: it is an excellent analogue of social networks. Spending time on the Internet, these sites allow you to earn real money.

ANKETKA.RU— The largest website with more than 750 thousand people, which conducts marketing and sociological research on a paid basis. It is from the Questionnaire that you will receive the most invitations on various topics.

The average cost of surveys is about 50 rubles, and the completion time is only 6-7 minutes.

By simply registering with your personal data, you will be able to earn money by expressing your opinion about a particular product or brand. The minimum amount to be withdrawn through electronic payment systems or postal transfer is 1000 rubles.

— a project to conduct marketing and sociological research on the Internet. By participating in surveys, you will earn money, as well as learn about interesting new products and current trends in the development of various products and services.

Questionnaire will regularly send you email invitations with links to online questionnaires. For each completely filled questionnaire you will receive money - on average from $0.5 to $1.5 (the equivalent in the currency of your country).

For filling out the profile questionnaire, you as a participant after registration are credited with 30 rubles to your account on the project. It will take 3-4 minutes to complete.

To withdraw earned funds, you must reach a minimum of 600 rubles.

is a questionnaire focused on online marketing research in developing countries, including Russia.

In total, The Panel Station operates in 20 countries and currently has over 1.5 million registered members.

The reward system in the project is scoring - 10 points equals 1 ruble. The minimum number of points available for withdrawal is 3000 i.e. 300 rubles.

On average, for a 5-10 minute online survey, you will be awarded 500-1500 points or more, i.e. 50-150 rubles for one survey.

There is also an application for Android-smartphone in Russian, which allows you to fill out available forms directly from devices

RUBLEKLUB- A new site that allows you to earn money on paid surveys, as well as get discounts and coupons for online purchases.
RUBLEKLUB is a partner of such famous stores as Lamoda, Quelle, Kinderly, etc., thereby helping participants to save on purchases and earn money by taking paid surveys. In addition, 150 rubles are credited to your personal account immediately after registration! The minimum withdrawal is 750 rubles. Withdrawal system - mobile phone, QIWI wallet, PayPal

Paid Survey— Quite a serious project, which was launched by a very large research company in Russia, Global Data Serviss, which has offices all over the world.

The average price of a survey is 50-70 rubles.

For registration, a bonus of 10 rubles is immediately credited to the account. In addition, all participants are offered the so-called "daily survey" for 10 minutes, for which 30 rubles are paid. You can take it every day if you meet the participation criteria, which are set directly on the day of the study.

- Marketagent can be considered a quality survey project. There is quite a lot of evidence:

The site has a legal address of the service, where it will be possible to file a claim for violation of the rights of participants.

There are also privacy policy agreements and so on. The questionnaire cooperates with online research GmbH, a very large partner that can be trusted.

Polls last 15-20 minutes, no more, at least more than 30 minutes, the survey never lasted.

The minimum price for a survey is 0.2 euros, the maximum is 2.5 euros. The minimum withdrawal amount is two euros. Money is withdrawn to two electronic payment systems: PayPal or Scrill

What to consider in surveys

Keep in mind that you will need to provide extensive information about yourself. You must provide information before proceeding to the case. It is very important! After all, companies must clearly understand whether a given user is right for them for a particular survey.

A banal example: holdings producing cosmetics are usually interested in the opinion of women as potential customers, and not men. That is why when registering the questionnaire you will need to specify:

  1. Region and city of residence
  2. Age
  3. The presence of relatives and friends working in a particular field
  4. Presence of children, their age and gender
  5. Type of employment
  6. Education
  7. Speciality

Some nuances in surveys

Also, before moving on to the surveys, several other questions will be asked. All of them, as a rule, are divided into categories. It is very important to give up at this stage the desire to cheat or embellish reality. All information must be strictly reliable.

Having decided to try making money on surveys on the network, it is worth remembering that getting millions here will not work a priori. At the same time, the income of financial rewards will be stable. The activity won't take long.

At the same time, the funds received are more than enough to pay for the Internet, mobile communications, utilities, online games and small purchases on the Internet, even a little will remain.

It's great if the user is fluent in one or more foreign languages. In this situation, you can count on cooperation with foreign intermediaries. They will send questionnaires in a foreign language. This is a great opportunity not only to improve your “language”, but also to get better pay.

Summing up, you can look at all the advantages of this income, namely:

CONVENIENCE: After all, you can fill out surveys from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection, from a computer or phone.

FAVORABLE: Again, paid surveys can generate good income.

JUST: Because it does not require special knowledge and skills.

VERSATILE: After all, paid surveys are often suitable for all returns and degrees of education.

Unfortunately, earning on surveys cannot be the main source of funds, but as an additional income it fits perfectly.

Important: Before you start working with paid surveys, carefully read this guide to the end. Analyze the information. And then, without haste, start registering. First, start registering for Russian-language paid surveys - it's easier and faster, and you will gain experience, which is important before working with Western survey services. After registering on domestic sites, go to foreign ones.

Note: If you plan to earn good money from surveys, you need to sign up for all survey services. Yes, it's hard and takes time. But this only needs to be done once. Only in this way is it possible to get a large number of surveys (and therefore earn a decent income). And this is how you can turn the passage of paid surveys into a stable and decent income. Most people who start out with surveys, without experience or instructions, sign up for a couple of survey services, and then complain that they don't get enough surveys and that it's impossible to make money from it.

The number of survey companies is growing from year to year. And if you master this type of earnings now, then in the future you will have a chance to have an additional type of earnings on surveys. For example, about 5 years ago, there were only about 5-7 high-quality survey services in Runet. To date, there are already dozens of them in Russia. And in a few years there will be more than 50 of them. And you also need to take into account the competition, which will grow rapidly, which will lead to higher fees for completing surveys. From the foregoing, we can conclude that this direction of earnings is very promising.

Registration rules for paid survey services.

Rules for filling in questionnaires.

The number of tasks that will be sent to you depends not only on HOW you registered on the site, but also on how well you will answer the questions of these tasks. The main principle is that the answers to the questions must fully correspond to the image of the middle class representative that you have created. Very often, even people who are aware of this type of earnings simply forget about it (or are inattentive to it). As a result, it is impossible to earn decent money on surveys. Be sure to remember that you can not complete the survey task "just as". When filling out questionnaires, always keep the created image in mind.

At the same time, do not forget that the registration data on Russian-language survey sites are slightly different from the personal data of Western survey companies. Perhaps this will seem clear and easy to you, but, as practice shows, many people often forget about this while working.

When answering questions, show imagination, get into the character a little. It may sound crazy, but it's really important and helps a lot. There is nothing difficult in this, and to some extent even interesting.

But do not lose vigilance - from time to time in surveys the same verification questions may appear, but formulated in different ways. The same question, expressed in different words, can be found in different places of the survey task. Such questions should be answered in the same way, otherwise the administration of the survey service may suspect you of thoughtlessly passing the survey, “on the machine”. So when you answer, remember your previous answers as much as possible.

Among other things, surveys sometimes come across the same questions that were during registration. For example, during registration, you wrote that you have children 3 and 14 years old. In future surveys, the same question may well come up. Just be careful. It may not be superfluous if, before taking surveys, you print out on a printer or simply write down by hand your personal data specified during registration. This will make it easier and you won't get confused. In fact, completing survey tasks is not at all difficult. It just takes a little getting used to this approach. Actually, this approach in filling out questionnaires gives a chance of good earnings. After you get used to it, all the work will take place automatically.

In this type of work, as in any other type of earnings, at the beginning the work process will require a little more effort and time than after you already have the necessary experience and skills. And then things will move much faster. Now, I think it has become clear to you why those who are trying to make money on surveys without knowing all these subtleties (registration rules and task completion rules) cannot even get $ 10 in this form of earnings.


  1. Create a working mailbox with the .com domain, select an English-Russian translator.
  2. Create electronic wallets - WebMoney or Yandes.Money, as well as PayPal, which is necessary to work with foreign paid surveys.
  3. Re-read the recommendations on how to register correctly on the websites of survey companies.
  4. Imagine, create an image of a person belonging to the middle class: where he lives, works, how he does business, how kids, income level. Separately for English and Russian speakers.
  5. Following the rules, and mentally imagining the image you invented, first register on all Russian-language survey sites. Gain experience and skills in completing survey tasks, following all the tips and recommendations.
  6. Using an electronic translator, register on foreign survey sites.
  7. Receive and cash out money for completing survey tasks.

Hello dear readers!

Among others, today I want to highlight s work on surveys. Ethen a fairly popular topic in which the opinions of many people are contradictory, some say that they earn money, others say that this is pure scam.

Let's finally find out who is worth believing and who is not.

Russian shops, banks, cafes are ready to generously pay for your opinion. This is an invaluable contribution to the business, an opportunity to become better and attract more customers. Think: if you just make a product without looking at users, no one will need such a product.

Who pays for surveys?

Survey sites that are paid by research companies are paying for your opinion. The research company is paid by the company's marketers to get an opinion. True, sometimes, the questionnaire is a research company, it itself conducts communication with marketers and conducts surveys.

There is a certain company, say, Megafon. Marketers of this company order research from a research company. They conduct user surveys and process data for the company.

What it looks like:

It turns out that real companies pay, and in addition to the opportunity to earn money, you make the world a better place.

How much can you earn?

From almost every such service, questionnaires come 2-3 times a week. For each of them, on average, they pay 15-50 rubles.

If you register on 10 sites, you can receive 20-30 profiles per week, in the worst case, there will be 10-15 profiles per week. Well, now let's take the minimum, multiply 10 by 30, we get 300 rubles a week.

But after all, you can register questionnaires for each family member, that is, not one, but two or three, you can even five. Thus, earnings can be increased as much as 5 times, and this is 1,500 rubles a week.

But not everything is as simple as it seems. It all depends on what city you live in, what your social status is, and a bunch of other factors. On half of the surveys, you can be eliminated because you do not meet the criteria for the study.

How to start?

  1. Register your mailbox and check it regularly. This will allow invitations not to get lost among other letters - this way it is more convenient to read them. It is better to register an account with Google, then important emails will definitely not leak into spam.
  2. Register for the maximum number of surveys below with your newly created e-mail.
  3. Complete the profiles on the questionnaires. It's better to answer truthfully.
  4. Check mailboxes, take surveys and withdraw money. Each questionnaire has its own methods for withdrawing money, usually withdrawn to a phone or wallet.

If you invite friends, get a percentage of earnings - almost every questionnaire has an affiliate program.

TOP 9 best survey sites

Here I want to present a list of questionnaires that I use myself.

NameAverage payMinimum withdrawalGradeA country
1 Internet profile70 rubles1000 ruble10+ RF