Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Closing a deal in sales: effective techniques. Sales in a competitive environment: strategies and tactics - from call to deal Shssss!, this is the secret of the profession of sales managers

The task of any manager when working with a client is to guide him step by step through a pre-thought-out algorithm and close the deal. He must be able to introduce himself, create a need for the product, reveal its value to the buyer, remove all objections and finish by receiving money from the client.

We propose to adopt 21 sales techniques that will help you successfully navigate each stage of working with a client.

Sales techniques: 3 questions for incoming calls

It is important to be able to correctly “process” the buyer when receiving an incoming request for . 3 sales techniques will help you with this.

1. How did it happen that you want to work with us?

This is a direct question that involves a simple request for information. The answer options can be very diverse.

  • Found you in search engine results
  • I came to you by accident
  • Contacted you on recommendation
  • Came for a promotion
  • Found in the lists of “Top 10” companies in the industry

It is important what exactly the potential buyer answers. This data will determine which path to further negotiate.

2. Is it important for you to purchase this particular product? Why?

Again, this sales technique is aimed at extracting information from a person that will later help increase his purchase receipt. How it works?

Here the seller must recognize the true values ​​of a person: quality, quantity, efficiency, cheapness, exclusivity, uniqueness, etc.

Let's imagine such a hypothetical conversation. The customer tells you that he takes this product model because it has a metal case. And therefore it is of higher quality, etc.

After this, the seller must make a “stand” and offer the buyer something in a “titanium” case, since it is of higher quality. The latter will also be more expensive. If the counterparty's value is identified correctly, the sale will be closed and the up-sale goal will be achieved.

This question is a two-for-one sales technique. Firstly, it performs the function of the first question: “How did it happen that you want to work with us?” Secondly, it indirectly demonstrates that the company is so good that recommendations from satisfied customers are commonplace. This means everything is reliable, and the quality of the product is at a high level.

Sales techniques: 4 questions for outgoing calls

This sales technique also involves clarifying certain points that will allow you to:

  • sell;
  • sell at a higher price.

A comprehensive outbound technique gives the salesperson an understanding of optimal behavior. So, you need to go through 4 phases.

4. Find out the fundamental interest

This is very important, as it will serve as the basis on which all further argumentation will be built.

- Do I understand correctly that you are interested in more powerful computers than netbooks?
- Yes, right

- Not really, I’m also considering simpler options.

5. Find out who pays

This is a fundamental point, as it helps to significantly save the seller’s time. The one in front of him must be qualified for solvency or simply having the authority to make a purchasing decision.

However, this should be clarified carefully. And if you suddenly become convinced that this is not the person making the decision, then still remain within the bounds of politeness. Perhaps there is a person in front of you who greatly influences the decision.

- Tell me, do you need additional approval of our question (if you are talking with the deputy)?

- Tell me, have the funds already been planned/allocated for our agreement? Or do you still need to confirm this point?

6. Find out how much you are willing to pay

Here you can ask questions directly with the presence of financial concepts - price, budget.

- Tell me, has the budget been allocated?

- Tell me, what price range is suitable for you?

Or better yet, soften it and try to determine the amount of payment based on other criteria:

  • volume
  • quality
  • manufacturer

- What components do you need, domestically produced or imported? European or Chinese?

- What volume of delivery would satisfy you? 2−3 tons? Or is it more like 10 tons?

- Is it more of a gold/platinum chain or a silver one?

- Do you like iOS or Android, is that also acceptable?

7. Find out when you need it

The fact is that questions about delivery times and time of purchase are not only informational, but can also unobtrusively create an atmosphere with a slight touch of urgency.

So when you talk about deadlines, you again deal a “double whammy”:

  1. You receive the necessary information about delivery time, and this is very important in the case of complex multi-step projects.
  2. You push the buyer to specific payment actions.

- Do I understand correctly, if we open before the New Year holidays, will it be better? So?

Sales techniques: 8 topics for small talk

The contact options described in previous chapters - incoming and outgoing - can be supported by such a sales technique as small talk. This is especially important when the initiative comes from the seller.

The small talk sales technique is a non-committal, meaningless or secular conversation about trifles. An example from real life is a conversation between two gentlemen about the weather. And such a technique used in sales is far from a “trifle.” It makes quite a lot of sense.

It should be remembered that small talk is a kind of ritual. And rituals play a huge role in the life of any person. According to Eric Berne, an American psychologist and psychiatrist, ritual is a type of social interaction that:

  • relieves stress, distracting a person from the burden of current problems;
  • eliminates psychologically “dangerous” situations of uncertainty and embarrassment that cause anxiety and discomfort from contact with an unknown person;
  • involves receiving compliments, which is always nice.

The small talk technique performs approximately the same functions, but in a more specific way.

  1. Adds credibility to the words of the seller, the organization and the product he represents.
  2. Forms a base of psychological comfort, in which the buyer understands that the person has come to help him or even just chat. And she’s definitely not going to “ask” him for money right now.


Here are a few topics for small talk sales techniques that are non-trivial and will be readily supported by a potential buyer.

Numbers. Numbers are always good in any sales. They are able to highlight problems and benefits with unprecedented clarity. And this is what you need in sales. A simple life situation needs to be woven into a story of importance.

Interesting fact. Find an interesting fact and bring it into line with the logic of the transaction. Facts based on comparison with physical phenomena of nature or characteristics of representatives of the animal world work best.

Unexpected question. The question should be unexpected, but not shocking. Its goal is to give a metaphor that will figuratively subsequently explain to a person why to buy the product offered.

Original quote. Everything here is generally transparent. Dig through quote books and pick up some wisdom that explains the benefits of the product. Believe me, it's not difficult.

Joke. Make a whole selection of witty jokes related to the product or service you are selling. Then use them on the spot.

Parable. Similar to a joke. But more moralizing. Be careful here not to irritate the buyer. After all, he may decide that you are teaching him how to live.

Paradoxical beginning. A mixture of an unexpected question, a parable and an anecdote. Paradoxes, especially elegant ones, are always “valuable.”

The most important trick of the small talk sales technique is to build “business bridges” between the “trivial” conversation and the product offered. Remember, for a seller, small talk is not chatter, but a real sales technique, the purpose of which is to prepare favorable conditions for the transaction by making a positive impression on the buyer.

Sales techniques: storytelling

The big brother of small talk is storytelling. Its effectiveness has been proven both scientifically and practically. Why, exactly, storytelling? It's very simple: our brain is designed in such a way that it is able to assimilate and respond much better to information that is “charged” emotionally. Stories give us emotions due to the laws of their construction and the visual and expressive means used in them.

Storytelling is becoming increasingly popular as a sales technique. In the format of a story, it is easier to surprise and interest a person. This is not to say that storytelling is the easiest “genre”. However, it is better to master it, especially if the company sells a complex product in segments where negotiation skills are required.

Storytelling has its own laws. And they need to be known and applied. Or rather, remember. Were you told at school that any story consists of a title, a plot, a climax, a denouement and a conclusion (moral)? So nothing new. It’s just that now you have to tell stories that will push a person to the decision you need.

It should be remembered that all stories follow the same scenario. We went through it in high school: beginning - climax - denouement - conclusion. But we still recommend turning to the Hollywood scheme. It's more detailed.
1. The hero is the one with whom the listener will associate himself.
2. Stimulus - something that motivates the hero to change or act
3. Tension or conflict - obstacles or challenges faced by the hero
4. Choice is the most acute moment
5. Conflict resolution

And remember the 3 most important points that prove that you need to use storytelling as a sales technique.
1. Stories allow you to create an atmosphere of trust between you and the buyer.
2. A person still makes decisions very irrationally, then justifying them with his left hemisphere. And stories are the key to the irrational part of the human brain.
3. People remember facts better if they are given in the general outline of history, rather than in the form of a dry list of theses.

Let's list the basic principles for storytelling:

1. The sales story should have a very clear goal - to help close the deal. That is, to help focus on needs and a product that meets them. If you just manage to please or entertain the buyer, then this will clearly not be enough.

2. Stories evoke emotions. Therefore, program the appearance of the desired emotion. The “sort of” stories from your life have the best effect on a person.

3. Don't say too scary things. You need a positive response. Happy people pay better than scared or sad people.

4. Use visual and expressive means as a sales technique. Metaphors are best. They have the ability to transform words and images created by them into bodily sensations.

5. And of course, storytelling should always be applied to the location. Remember that every story has a moral. If you engage in irrelevant “moralizing”, all the buyers will run away.

Use storytelling in 3 cases:

Objections. Customer resistance is best overcome with stories of satisfied customers and their gratitude.

Presentation. This is the best time to spin a beautiful story into a dry narrative of numbers, advantages, characteristics and benefits. “Hang” a living story to the most important of them, and you can be sure that after that your words will definitely not pass by the ears of the listeners.

"Return" of the buyer. Storytelling can help when rational resistance on the part of the buyer is broken, but he begins, either out of fear or out of greed, to utter the eternal: “I need to think.” Ignore and tell your most powerful story to overcome all doubts.

Sales techniques: 4 types of questions using the SPIN method

The SPIN algorithm is a fundamental sales technique. It is mastery of it that leads to the closure of deals. The essence of the technique comes down to the use of blocks of questions asked in a timely manner. The questions that are used can be divided into several groups.

Technique 8: Situational Questions

We have already touched on this topic a little in previous chapters. They are asked to obtain information to form the “foundation” of the transaction: what they want, who pays, how much they pay, when they pay, from whom they buy a similar product.

Technique 9: Problematic Issues

These immerse a person in their current situation and identify pain points. They look like information, but in essence they are manipulative, as they remind the client about problems: are there any difficulties, would you like more, what is missing, where is the discomfort, what “hurts”.

Technique 10: Probing Questions

They follow immediately after the problem is fully exposed by the seller. Next, you should ask the buyer about the consequences if it is not resolved in the near future: how much money will you lose, will it “sick” more, what will happen if nothing is done.

Technique 11: Guiding Questions

This is where we will give the “painkiller.” A solution to the problem is given. It is said that it is possible to relieve the “pain” if you act decisively and right now. And then follow the encouraging ones, and if the work is done correctly, almost rhetorical questions: what will happen if this issue is resolved, what results will be achieved, how much money will it bring.

Sales techniques: 5 stages using the SPIN method

You can juggle these questions using the SPIN sales algorithm. Let us list the main stages of the technique.

1. Recognize the need. The buyer understands that “things are bad” and strives to get rid of the pain. Techniques of situational and problematic questions are used.

2. Evaluation of options. The manager needs to understand on what criteria the counterparty will make a decision and pay special attention to them. We continue to ask situational questions and rub salt in the wound with extractive questions.

3. Resolution of doubts. Here the work with objections is in full swing. We use sales techniques with problematic and elicitation questions. It is advisable to do this using a script. And when, as they say, “the client is ripe,” we give him a “pill” in the form of his benefits and guiding questions.

4. Decision making. This is the stage when questions are not needed. The main thing for the seller here is not to miss it and just shut up. At this time, the client “sells” to himself. And once he has done this, the final phase begins.

5. Implementation. This is the clozer's finest hour. Time for up-sale. During the implementation stage, deeper relationships are built.

Compliance with all principles, stages, types of questions should not mislead you that SPIN is the lot of the most talented sellers. This is not an art, but simply a sales technique that is being honed. And the most effective tool is, oddly enough, “reading a script from a sheet.” Implement the SPIN technique directly into your sales script.

Sales technique: 4 restrictions SPIN

The SPIN sales technique is quite difficult to master. And there are several limitations that are typical for it.

1. The manager may ask too many situational questions. And in this case, the client will feel uncomfortable being asked in such detail about his internal affairs. It is quite acceptable to sometimes repeat situational questions at the stage of overcoming objections. But in this case, this is already a special sales technique, which is designed to “return” the buyer to the essence of his problem.

2. The seller asks a large number of problematic questions in such a way that they can be answered “yes” or “no”. Such weak involvement of the interlocutor will not give the desired result.

3. The employee “tests” SPIN on the client. One thing is clear: to master this sales technique, you need to work hard. But when you get too deep into technology, you lose your human face. People are not fools, they always feel that they are being manipulated. Therefore, when using the SPIN sales technique, you need to think not about the technique itself. Solve a problem in your mind with the questions: what criteria do people use when making their choice and what causes their doubts. And the sales technique should simply be practiced until it becomes automatic.

4. A seller in low-cost retail uses an arsenal of SPIN equipment. Remember, the poet advised to describe “without further ado”? So, the sale of electric kettles and even more expensive retail items does not require the use of this technology. You won't hit sparrows with a cannon. You'll just scare me away. SPIN sales technique – for more or less large transactions.

Sales techniques: proposal

When offering a product to a person, it is important to form its value in the eyes of the client. This is best achieved by communicating the “psychological characteristics” of the product. By them we mean voicing benefits that correspond to the direct needs of a particular buyer.

This stage should include a competent presentation of the product or service, which would emphasize their values, uniqueness, and reveal the main advantages.

The presentation of the product should proceed in accordance with the KhPV sales technique (characteristics - benefits - offer). This means that all faceless characteristics need to be translated into benefits.

It should be taken into account that according to sales techniques, there are 4 types of benefits.

Functional. We explain the logical benefits of the purchase - faster, cheaper, better quality, more compact, etc.

Emotional. We paint a picture in which it is possible to achieve the necessary emotional state - surprise, happiness, calm, harmony.

Psychological. We make a psychological connection to a person’s certain belief/idea about life values: a wealthy person, smart, cunning, modest, reserved, rebel, etc. The main thing is to understand and constantly study the psychological portrait of your target audience.

Social. Let us explain which “community” the buyer becomes a member of. Here we also appeal to vanity. After all, we are talking about increasing status. This sales technique works well in the field of sales of cars, real estate, travel, musical instruments, and expensive gadgets.

Let's give a few examples. The following 3 techniques will come in handy here:

12. Sales technique: Properties-benefits (for B2C)

It is important to explain to the client in a language he understands what benefits he will receive by purchasing your product. To do this, do not load it with specific characteristics and terms. Try to describe the properties of the product in accessible words. For example, avoid a phrase like this: “The power of this juicer is 1300 W.” Say it more simply: “The power of the juicer will allow you to obtain juice from both soft and hard vegetables and fruits.” Other phrases that correctly describe the properties: “With our product you will save 20,000 rubles. per month”, “You will forget about such and such a problem”, “You will spend 2 times less time”, etc.

13. Sales technique: Properties-benefits’-benefits” (for B2B or wholesale sales)

When presenting a product, it is important to separate the first and second order benefits. The first-order benefit is what the end consumer receives, and the second-order benefit is what the dealer company receives. They will be different, so you need to clearly separate them and present them correctly.

14. Sales technique: “Reviews and cases”

Each manager should have his own cases that he can use to convince the client. If the seller tells the client that he had a similar situation with another buyer. And he will tell you how he helped solve his problem, then the potential client will immediately form the right chain of actions related to your product. This way you offer the client a ready-made and proven option, which may only need to be made minor changes, taking into account his situation.

If an employee does not yet have his own cases, he can use the stories of his colleagues.

Or formulate cases based on reviews. Call your clients, find out what problem they had and how quickly they solved it thanks to you, and use these stories when working with new customers.

Sales techniques for the stage: price discussion

The most dangerous moment in negotiations is discussing price. The issue of cost is always sensitive. There is no way to bypass it, but you can quickly switch the client’s attention to the next stage. There are several techniques for this:

15. “Price fork” technique

Do not name a specific amount, indicate a price range:

- It can cost from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.

- Depending on your tasks, we will offer options ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles.

16. “Switch your attention” technique

After specifying the price, use the phrase:

- By the way, an important question...

And specify any conditions of delivery, packaging, gifts, service. Then the topic of price will be left behind.

17. “Payment method” technique

Ask a clarifying question to redirect the client's attention to another topic:

- How is it convenient for you to pay for the goods?

- Do you know about our installment plan offer?

“Price division” technique

If the specifics of the business allow you to work with clients on installment plans, then this can also be a good advantage. The final price can greatly frighten the buyer, for example, if you say that a vacuum cleaner costs 120,000 rubles. Try this differently:

— Divide 120,000 by 3 years. Now spread the payments over 12 months. It turns out to be approximately 3300 rubles.

It's not so scary anymore. Yes?

Sales techniques: dealing with objections

There is a certain technique for dealing with objections.

The first stage is preparatory. All objections are documented. An argument is thought out, which is then tested and adjusted depending on the results. A good company has a collection of typical objections.

The second stage is “field”. Each objection is processed according to the following scheme: listen carefully - show understanding - show interest - give an argument to a typical objection from a pre-prepared list/collection.

Experienced employees have more than once encountered the client’s words: not now, expensive, nonsense, I’ll think about it later. All of them can be combined into two groups:

18. Postponement of decision

And here there are several key phrases that will help retain the client. To do this, find out the reasons for your doubts:

— Do you have a fundamental interest or is something confusing?

— Is there something that doesn’t suit you right now?

- Do you need to think?

And immediately set deadlines:

- Let's return to our conversation on such and such a day, at such and such a time?

19. Too expensive

Here you can use the following sales techniques:

1. Explain the benefits:

- We work with a guarantee

When making an outgoing call, find out the fundamental interest, who pays, what the budget is, what the deadlines are.

Be sure to use the small talk technique during calls, meetings, and negotiations. A non-binding conversation will relieve tension and add trust. Storytelling can also be relaxing. With the help of this technique, information is better absorbed, responds, and gives emotions.

The SPIN sales technique produces serious results. If you learn to ask situational, problem-solving, guiding, eliciting questions, this will help.

It is important to prepare a solid, competent presentation of a product or service that will help present the product face to face and reveal its main advantages and benefits.

You will get even more ideas and examples on this topic on ours.

We've looked at 22 sales techniques that will help you get out of almost any difficult situation in the sales process. Moreover, they work perfectly both in conversations on the phone and in person. Use them to increase revenue and reduce deal length.

Recently, on a foreign website about sales, I came across an interesting article in which 5 world experts in the field of sales answered a burning question for most managers and executives: “ What is the main secret of successful sales?»

I liked this article because it systematizes the most important principles and rules that allow you to sell more and achieve professional success.

I have prepared for you a translation of the most interesting points of this article, and also presented all the information in the form of a visual mind map.
Some things personally seemed to me quite banal and simple, obvious, but this does not make them less effective.

So, let's begin.
5 world-class sales experts give their advice to help you close more deals. In the end it worked out 25 sales secrets.

  • Brian Tracy: Sales Tips for New Entrepreneurs
  • Shari Posey: Preparation and Warranties
  • Bob Bly: Promotional materials that glow
  • Barry Farber: Know your customers

Brian Tracy: 5 Selling Secrets for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

1. Sell customer benefits, not product features.

The biggest mistake for sellers is to focus on the features and features of their product. It is much more important to talk about what this product will give to the client.

Compare: “This dietary supplement contains nutrients that are good for the body.” And what does it mean?
Another option: “This dietary supplement will allow you to lose excess weight, give you strength, you will be able to do more and get enough sleep every day.”

2. Sell to those customers who are most likely to buy.

You will get better sales results if you sell your product to those who are more interested in it and who have the money to buy it. These are the people who will buy much faster.

"Don't try to sell a copier to people who have never bought a copier before," says Tracy. “Sell to those who already have it. Or those who have an interest in purchasing (you know about it). Show them that your product is better."

3. Show how your product differs from competitors' products.

Why should a client buy from you and not from your competitor?
Tracy suggests coming up with at least 3 features (advantages) of your product over competitors.
“People don't like to leave their comfort zone to try something new. So give them 3 good reasons to do it,” explains Tracy.
For example, your product works faster, costs less, and helps you get better results.

4. Sell face to face.

Huge advertising costs in the media are one of the least effective sales and business development channels for new entrepreneurs. Communicate with clients personally, conduct meetings and negotiations. As a last resort, if you cannot meet with all clients, sell by phone.

5. Focus on repeat sales.

“People tell each other about your product if they are satisfied and get what they want,” says Brian Tracy.
Therefore, focus your energy on developing relationships with each client - ensuring that clients buy from you again and again.

Linda Richardson: Secrets of a Selling Presentation

You can dramatically increase your sales effectiveness if you follow these tips.

1. Establish trust.

Before discussing business, establish trust with your client. To establish trust, you need to prepare and do your homework:
— find out if there is anything in common between you and the client?
— are there any news about the company (articles in the media) over the last period?
— the client is interested in sports and so on.

Prepare by learning a little more about the company and the client's personality, and you can establish trust.

2. Discuss a wide range of topics

Ask open-ended questions so that the client cannot simply answer “Yes” or “No.” Go beyond discussing the details of the transaction (price, terms, approval process, etc.).

Most importantly, Richardson says, ask questions that reveal the customer's motivation for buying, their problems, their needs, their decision-making process in their business. Don't be afraid to ask clients why they want to choose this particular development option. This is the only way you can understand your customers.

3. Dig deeper.

If a client tells you, “We're looking for ways to save money and improve efficiency,” would you immediately say, “We have a great solution for that!”?

A truly smart salesperson, Richardson says, won't immediately offer a solution. He will ask additional questions and explore the client’s situation deeper. “I understand this is important. Can you give me an example?”

Ask, and then you will be able to better understand the client’s needs and position your product.

4. Learn to listen.

Salespeople who talk throughout the entire presentation lose customers and sales. You must listen at least 50% of the time.
You can improve your listening skills by taking notes and reading the other person's body language. Don't interrupt or throw in your own conclusions all over the place - just focus on what the client is telling you.

5. Follow Up.

Write a thank you note to the customer after the sale to ensure the customer is satisfied. Maintain a schedule for future communications. You must constantly maintain contact with the client and be attentive and responsive. Follow up is extremely important for successful sales.

Shari Posey: from preparation to guarantee

A successful sale begins with preparation and ends with satisfaction.

1. Write your presentation.

The presentation is not created on the fly. Always use a written presentation.

Think about 6 main advantages Your product or service. Develop leading questions and monitor customer reactions at each point of sale. Careful preparation for your presentation will help you determine what objections your potential client might have and how your product or service can meet their needs.

2. Write down customer objections.

Show your client that you are really listening to him by recording objections and doubts. This way, you will be able to answer all the client’s objections and show the advantages of your product.

3. Encourage the client to make the first purchase.

Often clients postpone the decision indefinitely.

Come up with an incentive that will persuade them to make a decision here and now. Incentives for the first purchase can be as follows: “10% discount on your purchase today,” “By purchasing today, you get 1 free hour of consultation.”

4. Offer customers a 100% guarantee.

Let your customers know that their satisfaction is guaranteed. A good return policy reduces customer objections and doubts and shows that you believe in your product or service.

The guarantee must be unconditional and not include hidden clauses. You can use a guarantee even if you are selling a service: “We guarantee that you will be delighted with our service, or we will give you your money back.”

5. Close the deal by offering 2 options.

Instead of asking: “What do you think of our offer?”, let the client choose from several options.

For example, if you sell books for schoolchildren, ask your customers whether they want only books for schoolchildren or books with audio recordings.

Bob Bly: A sales pitch that glows.

Do you want to really impress the client and give him an offer, after looking at which he will be eager to order from you right now?

Complete 5 important secrets from Bob Bly.

1. Write for a specific target audience.

These days, it is impossible to understand and satisfy the needs of every potential customer. You gain a significant advantage when you tailor your sales materials to a specific audience. Say that you offer “accounting services for advertising agencies,” not just “accounting services.”

2. Use reviews.

People may not believe that your product or service will help them achieve the results they are promised. You can easily overcome this mistrust if your clients talk about their successes and results.
Reviews can be used in advertising letters, brochures, and advertisements.

3. Start from the client's interests.

Start writing with something that affects the interests of your clients. When a bank wants to introduce its new program for business owners, it is very tempting to write: “Introducing our new program for business.”
The bank will get great results if it writes about what interests the customer.
For example, “How can I reduce my banking expenses this month?”

4. Use questions in the title.

A great way to attract the attention of customers is to write a question in the header of your letter and promotional materials.
“Every car wash owner should know these 7 business secrets. Do you know?"

5. Turn your disadvantages into advantages.

Even if you are new to business and you do not have many clients, your product is new and has not been tested by people, do not despair. Just turn your minuses into pluses. For example, the following phrase could help your promotional materials:
“None of the millions of sofa buyers have experienced such comfort that our new Relax sofa will give you.

Barry Farber: Know your customer

The best way to build relationships and sales with a client is to know their business and ask for feedback.

1. Know your client's business.

Clients expect you to know their business as much as you know your business, products and competitors.
Study your client's business. Know its problems and trends. Find out who its main competitors are.

2. Make your presentation selling.

The basic structure of any presentation includes the following points: establishing trust, introducing, asking questions to better understand the needs, summarizing all the key points of the sale, closing the deal. Farber advises always starting the presentation process by visualizing a successful outcome.

3. Take notes.

Don't rely on your memory to remember all the important points for the client. You can tell the client at the beginning of the conversation that you will take notes during the conversation. Write down the key points so you can use them later during your presentation.

4. Answer objections using the formula “You feel, you felt, you found.”

Don’t argue with the client when he says “I’m not interested,” “I’m already working with others,” “Let’s do it another time.” Just say: “I understand how you feel. Many of my current clients felt the same way. But when they found out how much time our product could save, they were amazed.”

5. Get feedback.

If you want to improve your sales presentation or your relationships with clients, ask them what you need to do to retain and grow their business. Many clients are dissatisfied with some aspects of the service, but will never talk about it. They just won't buy you again. Ask their opinion, they will give you feedback and you can solve their problems.


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  • I'll start with a story that happened to me 7 years ago at university:

    During a psychology class, the lecturer addressed the entire audience (this was the very first psychology class) with the words:

    Raise your hand if you consider yourself a psychologist.

    The audience did not react very lively to this question; out of 90 people, only 15 raised their hands.

    Then the second question came:

    Now raise your hand, those who like to give advice.

    95% of the audience raised their hand to this question.

    What am I talking about?

    Moreover, I can ask you 2 questions:

    First: “Put + in the comments if you consider yourself a sales specialist.”

    And the second question: “Put + in the comments who, in principle, can speak.”

    Selling is a technique that can be learned!

    I am sure that selling is a technology that can be learned. You will find a lot of materials on the topic of sales, read dozens of books, but before all this happens, you and I Let's figure out how to get rid of fear and start selling.

    4 Key Tips to Help You Make Your First Sale

    1. Reinforced concrete confidence

    If you are not confident, no one will buy from you. You need to be confident in yourself, in your product, that your product will benefit the client, and take total responsibility for what happens in the sale between you and the potential client.

    Most people are overcome by fears: fear of calling, fear of speaking, fear of approaching, fear of starting. All because they are afraid of receiving a “REFUSAL”, hearing the word “NO”, and what’s even worse - they think that they can be “sent”.

    How to deal with fear of negotiations?

    Very easy.

    Be prepared for rejection from the start be prepared to hear “NO”. Accept that you don't know how to sell yet, and at this stage you will still get rejected.

    But there is a very important “trick”:

    Every refusal, every “NO” brings the “YES” closer! – remember this and don’t stop!

    As for “they can send”, here you can check everything yourself:

    Pick up the phone and dial absolutely any number, or approach a potential client and say these words:

    Hello. My name is Andrey, I am a beginner sales manager and I am very afraid to call and communicate with people. Could you send me rudely and somewhere further?! You will help me a lot to cope with this fear, thank you.

    Take a good break at the end and wait for the reaction... You will see for yourself that people are not as rude as you imagined, out of 10 such negotiations, 10 will be successful! Verified. Dot.

    2. Product knowledge

    You need to research your product before you sell.

    Explore absolutely everything! From the history of the idea to the last client who purchased your product. You should know as much information as possible about the benefits of your offer.

    Remember that there are several stages to selling: sell yourself, sell yourself, sell the company and sell the product.

    Sell ​​yourself:

    Ask yourself a very simple question: would you buy this product?

    Sell ​​yourself:

    At this stage, you must sell your expertise in relation to your product; self-confidence is an essential condition for the successful completion of this stage.

    Sell ​​a company:

    Tell us about your company. About the number of clients, about expertise and status in the market, about the niche.

    Sell ​​product:

    Reveal the value of the product for a potential client: how the product will help solve problems that are important to him.

    To get to know the product better, buy it yourself or collect reviews from people who have already purchased it. Ask customers about the pros and cons of the product - they, like no one else, can now give an objective assessment. You need to know what problems your potential customer actually solves with your product.

    3. Script

    Imagine that you are already making a sale to a client. Model this situation, for example, with your friend. The situation should be as close as possible to real negotiations: you need to go through all stages of sales from greeting to closing the deal. Take a sheet of paper and write out all the steps in text form.

    The script you come up with can be called a “script”.

    Why do you need a script?

    The script solves three problems:

    A. The script helps to divide negotiations into stages. For what?

    Stage-by-stage is very important: you must be able to track the stages of negotiations with a potential client. Firstly, this way you can manage the time of negotiations, and secondly, in case of refusal, you will understand at what stage you lost the client. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, take the script and adjust it.

    Sales stages:

    • Opening: we welcome the client, introduce ourselves and explain the essence of our appeal.
    • History: we ask questions to identify pain (needs), solvency and motivation to purchase.
    • Diagnosis: we clarify whether we understand the client correctly, pronounce his words with our own.
    • Presentation: we present our company and our product to a potential client, revealing the value of the offer.
    • Concluding a deal: we name the price and issue an invoice.
    • And be sure not to miss one more stage, it has no numbering, since it can occur at any time. This is working with objections.

    For each stage you need to write a script and test it in real negotiations.

    B. The script helps track the effectiveness of negotiations - measure conversion.

    Script conversion is an indicator that indicates how many sales were made using a particular script. To measure the conversion of a script, you need to conduct at least 10 negotiations WORD FOR WORD using this script and count the number of successful transactions.

    You called 10 clients using one script, concluded 3 successful transactions, this means that the conversion of this script is 30%. We called another 10 clients using a different script - we sold to five! This means that the conversion of the second script is 50%.

    Q. The script helps delegate the sales process.

    If you have an assistant, you won't have to tell him what to say to a potential client. You just give the script, he learns it and works on it. The script will help an inexperienced (beginner) specialist make his first sales.

    The beginner will not be confused and will know what to say according to the learned script. The tested script will allow you to avoid awkward situations when an inexperienced specialist, confused, begins to say whatever comes into his head.

    scripts increase the number of successful transactions. It is a concrete tool whose effectiveness can be measured and through which the effectiveness of the sales process can be monitored.

    4. Actions!

    Now I’ll tell you the most important sales secret. Ready?!

    To make a sale, you need to sell = act!

    Pick up a piece of paper and a pencil and start making calls, making appointments, and negotiating. The main thing is to act.

    Develop an enthusiasm for sales and a positive attitude towards what you do.

    Want to know how I set my sales growth plan?

    I have a professional hobby:

    Whenever possible, I leave applications (phone number, name and email) on all landing pages and wait for a call from a sales specialist!

    I do this in order to hear how others sell, to learn from “bitter” experience, to observe how “sales people” work through my objections, to track the stages of their sales system...

    As a client I can understand how NOT you need to negotiate with clients.

    During the year I received over 500 calls from representatives of different companies, so what do you think? Of all these calls, there were exactly as many successful negotiations as there are fingers on one hand.

    98% of sales managers don't even understand how to negotiate with clients. They “push”, “snatch”, impose, send something by email, talk exclusively about money and don’t even imagine what it means to identify the client’s pain, his solvency, motivation, I’m not even talking about building relationships.

    I can’t imagine how much money a BUSINESS loses as a result of this approach!

    When I communicate with clients, I try to be different from all those specialists who called me.

    P.S. When you leave requests for the sake of an experiment, be “eco-friendly” in relation to the person who calls you. There is no need to stroke your pride. Your goal is to learn from experience, professional or not, depending on your luck...

    I hope you have better luck =)

    The infographic from this article can be save, to print and place above the desk of every new member on your team!

    And you still don’t know about the 8 stages of sales techniques, then you should be ashamed.

    It’s so embarrassing that studying this article for you should rise to the level of the “Our Father” prayer. But you may have a counter-question: why do I need to know them if we sold and are selling well without them? Quite reasonable!

    And really, why do you need to know them, because the less you know, the better you sleep. And it will be easier for competitors to sell their products.

    What is the strength in, brother?

    There is power in knowledge, friends. Strength is in understanding what separates first place from second place in a competition. Okay, stop! I went into philosophy.

    Let's return to the topic “How to sell well and quickly.” To reach a new milestone, you need to use 8 stages of sales. According to the classics, we know only five stages of sales (we know, does not mean we understand):

    1. Establishing contact;
    2. Identifying needs and goals;
    3. Presentation;
    4. Work with objections;
    5. Closing the deal.

    For many successful transactions, these 5 main stages are enough, but with our clients, we always recommend adding three more.

    And it’s not about quantity, but about quality and increasing the efficiency of transactions. By the way, these steps are very simple; most likely you even use them unconsciously in your work:

    1. Upsell;
    2. Taking contacts/recommendations.

    All these eight stages of client management are certainly classics in trading. These are the main stages of the sales process.

    My goal was not to surprise you or discover America. With my material, I will sort everything out and present the most important things.

    But remember, learning sales from books is the same as learning football, it is impossible. Any theory must be put into practice within 72 hours.

    WE ARE ALREADY MORE THAN 29,000 people.

    Strict rules

    I remember the slogan of one computer game in 2000: “The main rule is no rules.” But this is not our case.

    Even if we work with real people and they have seven Fridays a week, in order for everything to go smoothly for you, you need to adhere to certain sales rules:

    • Strict consistency. You move from top to bottom in stages and nothing else.
    • Don't skip steps. Each step is a lead-up to the next, so one does not exist without the other.
    • Adaptation to the client. Each sale has its own characteristics and must be taken into account.
    • Full execution. You do each stage not for show, but for the result.

    All these rules are unspoken, but in my opinion very important. Now you may not attach any value to them, but all this is due to the lack of a full understanding of each stage.

    By the bones and by the shelves

    We constantly see examples of how the “smartest”, at their own discretion, throw out blocks from the sequence and believe that this would be more correct.

    Naturally, the most uncomfortable or labor-intensive stages are eliminated.

    But you and I know that each stage carries exorbitant value and must be performed correctly. Therefore, we analyze the description of each step separately and never make such misunderstandings again.

    1. Establishing contact

    In less advanced countries of the third world, when you go into a store or make a phone call, and there is no greeting, right from the door: “What do you need, dear?”

    I hope Russia doesn’t slide to this point (although I’m sure we have this too). But still, before you start identifying the need, you need to establish contact with the client. Here are some options for stock phrases:

    1. When calling:"Good afternoon. In-scale company. My name is Nikita. I'm hearing you?"
    2. When meeting in the sales area:"Hello. My name is Nikita. If you have any questions, please contact us.”
    3. When meeting with a client:"Good morning. My name is Nikita. In-scale company. Since we have met, I understand that you have potential interest in our proposal?”

    This is a very simple and primitive stage. But nevertheless, it is necessary and has its own nuances.

    For example, when making an outgoing call, it is very important for us to say hello correctly, because otherwise the client will simply hang up with the words: “Another manager.”

    Also, for example, in the case of sales on the sales floor, we need to show with our greeting that we are not going to “push” anything now, but are simply greeting the person.

    Of course, the contact does not end there, one might even say it is just beginning, since during the entire sale we must continue to get closer to the client with every second.

    But within the scope of this entire article, I will not be able to reveal all the nuances of each stage, because they will differ depending on the situation. Therefore, be sure to read our materials as well.

    2. Identifying needs

    “What do you need, dear?” - let’s return to this phrase and adapt it to reality.

    In fact, we want to get an answer to this question in the needs identification block, but since clients are not very talkative or cannot explain what they need without clarifying questions, at this step we ask questions.

    Since most craftsmen try to skip this block, I want to repeat MANY, MANY, MANY times that it is the most important.

    If you correctly identify the need, then you will not have any problems with further steps, everything will go like a knife through butter, like skates on ice, like a marker on a board, like... I hope you understand me.

    We ask questions to get plenty of information about the client’s “wants”. We ask not one, not two, not three questions, but four or more.

    I also specifically focus on this, because one question cannot reveal everything. Therefore, for those who like ready-made solutions, I recommend asking at least 4 questions from the series:

    Important. To ensure that the client responds to you compliantly, program him with the following phrase: “Joseph Batkovich, in order for me to find you the best conditions/suitable option, I will ask several clarifying questions. Fine?"

    • For what purposes are you selecting?
    • What is most important for you when choosing?
    • Do you have any color/shape/size preferences?
    • Why were you interested in this particular model?

    Depending on the sales case, your questions may be either open or closed.

    That's right, you didn't think so. Most people agree that you should always ask open-ended questions.

    But this is not always true. For example, at the beginning of a personal conversation (at a meeting or on the sales floor), it is better to start with closed questions (the answer is “Yes” or “No”), since the client is not yet in the mood for an open and full conversation.

    Important. To make this stage look lively, after some questions you need to insert your comments about the client’s answer or make mini-mini presentations about the product.

    3. Presentation

    You will be simply an ideal manager if you use the knowledge gained from the previous stage in this step.

    Based on the information received, you need to show the best solution for the client.

    Depending on the occasion, you present either one product or several of the most suitable ones. But there shouldn’t be too many of them so that the client doesn’t get confused (see video below).

    To make a truly great presentation, you need to know the product well.

    If you are the owner, then you will not have problems with this. In the case of employees, problems can come from all sides, so it is recommended to constantly conduct certification of product knowledge.

    And by the way, where the final action will be a presentation using Elevator Pitch technology.

    It would seem such a simple stage, but it requires extensive preparatory actions.

    As I already said, you need to learn information about your product, you also need to take small courses in acting and public speaking, and consolidate all this by studying books on human psychology.

    To help you get started, here are three very important presentation rules:

    1. Speak the client’s language, use his words, phrases, sentences. This way he will understand you better and perceive you as a “kindred soul”.
    2. Name not only properties, but also . People do not always understand what properties mean and what their actual benefits are.
    3. Use the “You-approach” (You will receive / For you / To you). More references to the client rather than yourself (I/We/Us) will be more helpful.

    These rules are just three stones in the quarry. But you saw that not everything is so simple.

    And yes, any presentation should be closed with a question or appeal, so as not to give the client the opportunity to retreat or seize the initiative.

    Moreover, these actions can be either encouraging to close the transaction (“Let’s go to the cashier”) or simply clarifying (“What do you say?”).

    4. Dealing with objections

    5. Up-sell / Cross-sell

    Having worked through all the objections, we have two options for events: the client, after a series of doubts and choices, agrees (almost agrees) to the purchase or it is expensive for him.

    We do not consider the “Not suitable” option, since in this case you must have a lot of resources, otherwise your business is not built correctly from the very beginning.

    In the case when the client is “Expensive”, and this is a fact and not a hidden objection, we offer him a more profitable option according to his budget.

    And when the client has made a purchase decision, we definitely need to invite him to consider a more expensive alternative, thereby increasing the company’s profit.

    Offering a cheaper alternative doesn’t require much intelligence, and besides, it’s easier to sell.

    But with (translation to an expensive product) everything is much more complicated. And don’t even think about saying that you can offer a more expensive product at the presentation stage. This is also logical, but not true in all cases.

    If the client initially has doubts, then we first need to generally convince him of the purchase, and only then transfer him to a more expensive product.

    Indeed, in some sales, especially in cold ones, it is much more important to warm up the excitement for shopping at the start, to make sure that the client enters this state and decides that he will work with you.

    And only then, when the level of trust has increased, you can show the “warm one” a solution that is more profitable for you.

    6. Closing the deal

    All the client’s doubts are closed and, logically, we only need to tell them where to take the money. But in reality, we see a different situation: managers are stalling for time just to avoid a refusal.

    But in fact, the client is already ready and is just waiting for you to finally pull yourself together and tell him what he needs to do next.

    This stage - the stage of completing the transaction - is the most inconspicuous, since it consists of several words and two options for events.

    We either use a closing question or a call to action.

    Depending on the context and level of trust in you as a person and a professional, you will choose what is most suitable in a particular case:

    1. Call:“Take it, you will definitely be pleased.”
    2. Call:“Give me your things, I’ll help you bring them to the checkout.”
    3. Question:“Will you pick it up yourself or will we arrange delivery?”
    4. Question:“Do you have any other questions or can I send the contract for approval?”

    In our practice, we have found about 15 variants of appeals and the same number of closing questions in sales.

    This is not the limit, but this list is enough in 99% of cases. And for you this means that too much creativity is not needed here.

    You just need to collect a list of options that suit you and use them as needed.

    The only thing I want to emphasize at the stage of closing the sale is to avoid closing questions that make the client think.

    Among the most common: “Are we registering?” and “Will you take it?” The problem with such questions is that you only worsen the situation, because the client begins to think - take or take (but sometimes there are exceptions).

    7. Upsell

    I believe that every company should have an additional fee for upsells.

    This way, employees will have a rational sense of selling even more pieces and items.

    Moreover, as you already understood, it is advisable to do this when the client has already fully agreed to purchase the main product and definitely takes it.

    It is precisely at this moment that you need to offer him to buy something that he will probably need.

    I've seen some businesses survive solely on upsells. They sell the main solution for zero, and all the money comes from additional goods and services.

    In such companies, this stage is mandatory and is punishable by dismissal. But despite all its importance, it happens unobtrusively, in one phrase and no more than 3 times per dialogue:

    1. Many of our clients take ____ to ____.
    2. Pay attention to ____, maybe this will also be relevant for you.
    3. By the way, you might have forgotten ___, I want to remind you of this.

    In most cases, sellers do not upsell because they forget what they can sell for (and of course, due to the lack of additional motivation).

    Therefore, in this case, we always offer different solutions: from trainings to exams. For example, for one of our clients, we implemented an entire upsell table, where you can see what can be sold for each product category.

    It seems that everything, you can let the client go, but “our soldier” does not give up, he alone goes to the last and takes the client’s contacts so that in the future you can contact him and bring him back for repeat sales.

    This is done at the final stage, when everything has already been agreed upon and even the money has been handed over.

    For what? It's simple - if he doesn't buy now, it doesn't mean that he won't buy later, when we start working with him using SMS mailings, and a dozen other marketing tools.

    And immediately for those who believe that they do not have repeat sales or the client will not return, then I dare to disappoint you.

    In any business there are repeat purchases, you just haven’t realized it yet. And for those who already understand this, I recommend studying or at least watching the video below to make sure that this is very important.

    Well, if you don’t like the idea of ​​collecting contacts, then you can also ask who he can recommend, who might still need your services or products.

    In this way, you can collect a potential base 3 times faster, and besides, a call based on a client’s recommendation is always valued more than just that.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Finally, we have reached the end of sales and this article, I don’t know about you, but I’m really tired of writing it.

    But now I feel such satisfaction, exactly the same as a sales manager should feel after going through all 8 stages of the sales technique (+1 goodbye).

    Since most likely the client, after going through this, simply will not be able to say “No” and leave.

    Surely, you now have a lot of questions in your head in the style of “How not to forget all this?”, “How not to miss any of the stages?”, “How to ask the question correctly?”, “How to upsell?”, or “How to handle objections.” and not miss the client?”

    I will tell you one thing - theory will not help you without practice. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, try and draw your own conclusions. We learn the same way and do not consider ourselves perfect in this matter.


    The most important skill sales manager is closing the sale skill. The ability to close a sale is as important to a sales manager's success as a soccer player's ability to kick a ball into a goal. Learn the basics of closing and you will achieve the desired result - closing a deal. You will not find a single method that would bring results for everyone. sales negotiations. On sales technique training is being improved Skills in conducting effective sales negotiations. You communicate with different people and in different situations. Your creativity, your ability to understand others, and your desire to act on your beliefs are factors that will help you choose the most effective deal-making strategy. Learning closing the sale skill, you are developing self confidence, as in successful sales manager, and more importantly, you close more deals with less effort. Try out different sales closing strategies until they become a habit and you can easily close the deal. On sales technique training the main sales closing strategies. And along with the increase in the number of concluded transactions, your income and your professional and professional opportunities will increase. career growth. You will not reveal any secret, unknown the secret of completing the deal, you will not find any mystical formula known to a select few; however, you will need to understand some principles, refine techniques, and take advantage of sales closing techniques. With practice, you can improve your abilities.

    Sales technique training: conditions affecting the success of completing a transaction:

    1. Contact. Experienced salespeople know how to establish rapport and build an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
    2. Light atmosphere.Remaining yourself professional sales manager facilitates an easy and desirable purchase for the customer.
    3. Confidence. All experienced sellers are confident in themselves and their product.
    4. Sincerity. The best sales managers They sincerely want to help the client.If the client likes, trusts, believes, and feels comfortable with you, most likely he will buy from you.
    Every sphere of human relations is based on these conditions. Effective sales are no exception.

    Sales technique training: basic principles for completing negotiations:

    1. First, closing a deal is the logical conclusion of an effective presentation. It is not an isolated or independent part of the negotiation process.
    2. Second, it is psychologically impossible to close a deal if the client is not ready to buy. You should not force the client to buy your product!
    3. Third, the process of closing a sale depends on the balance of the sales process- starting with finding an approach to the client, and going through all stages of negotiations with him - help your client make a positive decision.
    There are many techniques that help the client make an existing decision. Sales negotiations, in which have already been identified key needs and effectively overcome doubts and objections, inevitably lead to make a deal. Remember: People don't buy without logic. On the contrary, they buy with a purpose meet the needs, but make a decision at a certain moment based on emotions. On sales technique training is being considered system of questions to identify customer needs. Determining what the client wants is your function, not your task. For example, the feeling of fear that you will not be able to conclude an agreement, you destroy most transactions, because they are focused on your desire to sell, and not on the client’s desire to buy, and as a result, the destruction of trust. On the contrary, a natural sales attitude reflects your respect and interest in the client, and sets him up to make a decision to buy.


    It's hard to teach, but it's important to remember that the ability to understand signals of readiness to buy this is art. Sometimes it seems that the client is evasive during negotiations, and direct questions do not provide the necessary information. But even in such situations, the client gives signals that he is interested in your product. Pay close attention to body language, which can provide clues as to the motive behind the purchase. On sales technique training is being formed skill in identifying primary purchasing motives. Even small moments of behavior such as thoughtfulness, open hands, a change in tone of voice, or a nod of the head can serve as signals of client interest and readiness to make a decision. If the client changes the position of his legs or arms, straightens up in his chair, or leans towards you, then this may also indicate readiness to purchase! Client may be more anxious or serious, or may relax and let loose emotions. Perceive each signal as part of the overall picture; Body position, voice, words used, questions, and facial expressions can tell you a lot about interest client. Pay close attention to every question asked. client because it can reflect desire client make a purchase.

    Sales technique training: questions that are signals of readiness to buy:

    • What additional support do you provide?
    • Do you have it in any other colors?
    • What is the cost of the product?
    • Is it possible to get an installment payment?
    • What is the shipping cost?
    • When can I receive it?
    Questions that reflect the client's interest are buy signals. Understand them and use them accordingly. When you feel it's time to sell, use sales technique which will best suit your client and negotiation process.


    Successful sales managers always ready to make a deal. They assume the client will say “YES.” This positive mood - or positive expectations - provides a positive climate and undoubtedly leads to a deal being closed.

    Sales techniques training: recommendations that increase the likelihood of successful completion of a sale:

    1. Classify the client.Find out what exactly he can afford to buy.
    2. Know your product or service thoroughly.Identify his strengths and weaknesses. The more you know, the more confident you will feel in offering it to a client.
    3. Prepare for the meeting.Know what to say to this particular client.
    4. Have a nice image; be "well packaged".
    5. Know your competitors.Be prepared to show the benefits your product offers are equal or superior to your competitors' products. Knowing your competitors, you are ready to highlight the advantages and characteristics of your product. Your knowledge of competitors will help you neutralize any objections.
    6. Focus on creating desire and completing the transaction. Have a positive attitude towards negotiations. Go into the meeting thinking that this is a potential client who has every reason to buy what you are selling. Often the client is indecisive, but you can always be determined. Internal confidence on your part makes it easier for the client to make a purchasing decision.

    Sales technique training: technique for the expected completion of a sale in sales negotiations.

    Assuming closure offers the client a choice that includes making a positive decision. On sales technique training Sales Closing Techniques. The choice can be offered in the form of closed questions:

    1. Selection of payment forms:“Do you want to take advantage of the benefits of paying in cash, orWill cash payments be more convenient?
    2. Delivery time selection:“When is it better for you to deliver products in the morning or evening?”
    3. Select delivery location:“Do you want us to deliver everything to the central office, or would you preferdelivery to branches?
    4. Select color, style or type:“Do you prefer red or blue?”

    Sales technique training: technique for closing a sale using minor details in sales negotiations.

    Finishing with minor details sometimes called completion using subordinate questions. Closing with subordinate questions is not as definitive as concluding with presumptive questions. On sales technique training the skill of effective use is formed techniques to close the sale with minor details. If the client selects one of the minor items, this is a good indicator that a deal is imminent. To take advantage of minor detail closure, offer the client a choice between two minor items. For example: “Do you prefer your monogram to be printed or handwritten?”

    Sales technique training: technique for completing a sale using physical actions in sales negotiations.

    Physical actions taken on your part can serve as confirmation that a deal has already been concluded:

    Sales techniques training: techniques for completing a sale in order to avoid losses in sales negotiations.

    All people want to avoid loss. Appealing to this psychological need convinces the customer to buy now. On sales technique training the skill of effective use is formed techniques for completing a sale to avoid losses. Here are some examples of this technique:

    Please note that completion of the transaction in order to avoid losses should be a question about closing a deal.

    Sales technique training: technique of silent completion of a sale in sales negotiations.

    Silence has the most powerful effect on the client. Maintain silence, and the client will not be able to resist, because not many people can tolerate silence. Silence often encourages buying signals to surface. On sales technique training the skill of effective use is formed silent closing techniques.Silence allows buy signals to emerge, leading to the completion of the sale.

    Sales technique training: technique for completing a sale using stories in sales negotiations.

    The emotional appeal of oral paintings is an influential technique. A story or a similar situation is the method that brings maximum results. It is especially effective in selling intangible goods such as insurance or mutual funds. Using this technique, tell a story or give an example that represents the client's situation. Describe how someone received a huge benefit or avoided a loss by accepting your offer. On sales technique training the skill of effective use is formed techniques for closing a sale using stories. You can even talk about a company that refused to implement the proposed technology and, as a result, lost market share.


    If you become an expert at closing deals using a variety of techniques, you will become more enthusiastic about negotiating because you have an increased ability to succeed. You are prepared to communicate with different people, with different characters, moods, and other emotional characteristics. On sales technique training are being considered Basic sales closing techniques. Your work becomes varied and interesting, and you feel the excitement of success.

    Sales technique training: the process of preparing for sales negotiations:

    1. Choose the sales closing method that best suits your business. Write down the words used in connection with a specific technique and memorize them for confident and accurate use in negotiations.
    2. Determine the best technique to use when a client gives you signals that they are ready to buy early in the negotiation. Preparing in advance gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to close a deal early in the negotiations.
    3. Develop the best strategy for you, which is best used during the planned closing phase of the deal. A complete strategy usually combines two or three sales closing techniques.
    For example, you can combine expected completion with technique using physical actions. Consider the type of presentation used, terms of sale, various delivery methods and payment methods. With your own strategy, you have great faith and balance throughout the negotiations. On sales technique training several are formed Key sales closing strategies. Knowing exactly what you are going to do in a sales closing environment, from the very beginning of the negotiation, you are waiting for the moment when the client will make a positive decision and actually buy.


    Be sure that you choose the right one deal closing time- or you can fail the sale. When it comes time to close the sale? You can't always complete the sale at the same time. Sometimes the client is ready to buy at the beginning of the negotiations, sometimes he agrees in the middle, and sometimes you will need to make every effort and provide maximum arguments to convince the client to buy. Sometimes the time comes after neutralize all objections and answers to all questions, in other cases you can close the deal after negotiations and passing small but important stages. The difference between large and medium results is the frequency and consistency of the proposal to conclude an agreement. Ask the client to buy not just once, but repeat it if necessary. The best sales managers talk about buying at least five times during one negotiation! You'll need a lot more than just emotion to make a compelling purchase request. In order to remain persuasive without being annoying, you will need to apply your skills and techniques. Deal time depends on the customer's awareness of your product, your confidence in identifying buying signals, and the customer's questions and objections.


    Majority sales managers Naturally, they experience joyful excitement when negotiations are successfully completed. Even if your client has already agreed to buy, you can ask a few questions and earn additional income. For example: “Who else in your organization should we include in this plan?” “Which other plants would you like to install this equipment in?” “Would you like another copy for your personal use?” Thousands of deals are closed every year, but many thousands of potential sales are lost due to inability to sales manager Consistently ask the right closing questions. Don't leave business on the table! Experienced Sales Manager may close a deal that you thought was hopeless.

    When a person first becomes your client, they are very passionate about your product and are ready to help increase your sales. Take some time at the end of every successful meeting to ask for recommendations. Determine for yourself the minimum that you need to acquire as a result of communicating with five new clients. Use questions to encourage your client to recommendations from potential clients for your business. For example: “I am pleased that you are our client. And now I need your help. I can't know everyone who is potentially a customer of my product. Do you know anyone who might be interested in this product? Ask the right, consistent questions to gather as much information as possible about your potential client. Resist the temptation to put off asking for a recommendation until another time. Your client is a buyer right now, and they will never be more engaged than they are now. Sales technique training forms skill in using recommendations effectively.


    Completing the deal happens for everyone individually. No matter how others do it, you will achieve greater success if you act in your own way, according to the characteristics of your individuality. Experiment with all the techniques given in this tutorial. Then, choose the method that suits you best. Your sales increase in direct proportion to your improvement in your ability to close deals. On sales technique training the skill of effective use of basic sales completion technician.

    Sales technique training: five rules of sales:

    1. Help your client understand that you take them to heart needs and problems.
    2. Help the client understand what he wants. Determine the basic need, andhelp your client imagine how your product or servicewill satisfy his needs.
    3. Help your potential client convince himself. People whoThey believe in their own ideas and tend to make decisions faster.
    4. Always demonstrate value and benefits use of your product.
    5. Make it easier for your client to buy from you. Createan atmosphere in which it is easier for the client to say “yes” than “no”.
    You are the most important factor in completion of the transaction. Your positive attitude and the techniques you use are more important than anything else. In order to be successful seller, develop a final mood - positive expectancy attitude. Usually your sentiment goes to your client. He begins to feel what you feel and wants to buy because you expect him to buy. Sales Manager who negotiates correctly with the right client, has effective demonstration techniques and a lot of evidence, but who cannot complete the sale, simply wastes time, energy and strength.