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Donut business: donut production. Donut production business plan: equipment and documents. Donut Making: Step by Step Plan to Start a Donut Making Business

Business in the production and sale of food products will always be relevant, despite the crisis, the season, the financial condition of people. The need for food will never run out. Therefore, it makes sense to say that a business in the field of food production is a reliable and stable way to generate income.

Modern people are constantly in a hurry somewhere, and in this crazy rhythm of life there is not always room for a full meal. Most snack on the go, in fast food or a coffee shop. Therefore, in today's article, I want to talk about a profitable food business idea - donut production.

The modern fast food market is quite diverse, so that each client can find food to their liking. Even despite the harmfulness of fast food, almost every person is fond of it from time to time. The variety is really impressive, in every, even a small town, especially in the warm season, a lot of kvass, hot dogs, pizza, chebureks, pies, pastries and other goodies are opened. But in today's article, we will talk about a specific type of delicacy, which has already been forgotten in order. Donuts are products made from yeast dough with a sweet filling and icing. Each hostess prepares them differently, adding her own ingredients and experimenting with fillings. Therefore, this favorite delicacy comes from childhood, beckons us with its smell on the street and involuntarily makes us pay attention to the tent where these fresh, ruddy donuts are baked.

Donut Manufacturing Business Plan

If you like the idea of ​​making money on donuts, then proceed with its implementation, having previously drawn up a detailed business plan. What is it for?

In the business plan for the production of donuts, you should calculate in detail all the costs of the project. In addition, it is necessary to study the demand and determine the level of competition. As for the demand for this type of food, there are a lot of donut lovers, so a business can be opened both in a big city and in a small city.

Stages of a business plan for the production of donuts:

  • Business idea analysis (demand, competition, profitability);
  • Collection of all necessary documents for registration of the selected type of activity;
  • Business format and purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • Premises rental;
  • Registration and hiring of employees;
  • Advertising as a way to attract customers (promotions, discounts, increasing the range);
  • Calculation of profit and payback period of business;
  • Further promotion (opening a network of cafes and confectioneries, stalls selling fast food).

Business Format

Donuts are a favorite treat for many children and adults. Fragrant, lush with a sweet filling, rolled in powder or glazed - they are in incredible demand at any time of the year.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the chosen business idea, you should decide on the format of the business. Naturally, opening a bakery will be more expensive than an ordinary stall on the street, even a beginner understands this. Therefore, there are two options - opening a mobile kiosk for the production and sale of donuts or selling fast food. The first option is suitable for novice entrepreneurs who do not have a lot of capital, those who dream. The second option is financially more expensive, requiring large investments (renting a room in a crowded place, staff, etc.).

Business registration

Before starting a donut business, you need to register your business. Control over food production is quite serious, so all the conditions in which food will be prepared must be met. You need to obtain permits from the sanitary and fire services, as well as from Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, the following documents are required:

Agreed and registered technical specifications for production, hygienic conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological station, technical instructions and approved recipes for the preparation of products.

For more information about the advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurship and a limited liability company, see the diagram.

How to open a mobile donut shop?

Production and sale of donuts can be carried out in a mobile portable tent, which is desirable to install in the city center or in other crowded places with high traffic (park, hospital, hostel).

Having decided on the place, it is required to prepare and issue all permits and permits from the SES, the fire service, and Rospotrebnadzor. All you need is electricity and water.

Donut making equipment

You don't need any special equipment, all you need is a donut maker. At the initial stages, you can save money and not buy an expensive unit with high productivity, it is enough to make 15–20 donuts at a time.

The advantages of this option are that you can cook donuts (donuts) on order, and not sell ready-made ones. The smell and aroma of fresh pastries attracts buyers from afar.

But of course, as in any other type of business, this option of earning money has its drawbacks.

  • First, it's seasonal. Only in the warm season can you sell donuts in an open tent on the street.
  • Second, it's bad weather. Suppose, in the rain, frying donuts will be problematic, hot oil will sizzle and donuts may burn.
  • Thirdly, surplus production in the form of leftover dough. As a rule, donuts are made from yeast dough, which has a limited shelf life, so you have to throw out the leftovers.

But, despite all the disadvantages, this type of business is quite profitable and quickly pays off, so it makes sense to occupy a niche that is still underfilled.

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Donut technology

As a rule, donuts are prepared from yeast dough, but there are other recipes. First you need to prepare the dough, then you should choose the filling (jam, chocolate), in the field of this you need to mold a donut and fry in a deep fryer on both sides until golden brown. Remove the finished donut, let the remaining oil drain and serve to the client, decorating with powder or icing.

Financial investments

  • Renting or buying a tent - from 1000 rubles;
  • Registration of documents and obtaining permits;
  • Acquisition of equipment for the production of donuts, the price of a new apparatus is from 20,000 rubles;
  • Furniture for a kiosk - from 5000 rubles;
  • Purchase of products from 10,000 rubles (at the initial stage);
  • Salary to the seller - from 25,000 rubles per month and above;
  • Other costs.

Thus, the minimum amount to open a business in the production of donuts is about 70-100 thousand rubles. The payback will depend on the number of donuts sold per day. Therefore, as noted above, choose crowded places to place your tent.

Customer acquisition

No special advertising is needed; it is enough to place a tent in a crowded place. The smell of freshly baked goods and a bright sign will help attract the attention of customers.

Range. It is advisable to constantly update the assortment, exclude the most unfortunate options from it and replenish it with new interesting options. After all, everyone has different tastes, they like sweet donuts with chocolate or jam, others with meat or mushrooms. You can cook several options to choose from, thereby attracting as many people as possible.

Donuts are a perishable product. You need to sell them while they are warm and freshly baked. To organize the production of donuts, you need a business plan, the preparation of which will allow you to plan the balance of expenses and income, weigh the pros and cons and choose the best solution for the business format.

What are the prospects

Before starting a business plan, you should study the market. What do competitors offer? At what prices? Why should people buy your donuts? You may be able to offer a lower price or higher quality. Based on the answers to these questions, you can draw up a donut shop business plan with calculations that will become the basis for your profitable business.

The modern pace of life does not leave much time for home-made thorough meals, so buying hot donuts for many becomes a good snack. With the right equipment, you can cook large quantities of donuts at a low cost.

Business types

There are several ways to sell the product: a special cafe, entertainment facilities and street trading. For beginners, the third option is more suitable - selling donuts on the street. After you get regular customers and enough income, you can consider opening a store.

You can start the implementation with deliveries to grocery stores. But they can overprice products too much, which will eventually slow down your sales.

Legal Issues

To start an entrepreneurship, you should register a business and register with the tax authorities. Sole proprietorship is preferred for this type of activity.

  • manager;
  • technologist;
  • workers (8 people);
  • forwarders (4 people);
  • storekeeper;
  • janitor;
  • accountant (may be visiting).

The approximate wage fund will be 297 thousand rubles a month.

Those who have been engaged in this business for a long time know that it is most profitable to produce and sell products of the following types:

So you can satisfy the tastes of almost all the sweet tooth and attract a maximum of buyers.

Donuts are considered the perfect fast food, but this is not surprising. “Donuts? They have always been, - fast food expert Kazimir Polyansky is sure. - Judge for yourself, what could be easier than their preparation? It is only necessary to lower the ball of dough into boiling oil for a couple of minutes. This dish is traditionally attributed to Polish cuisine. However, in one form or another, their recipes are found among different peoples of the world. And in fact, these are beignets, and bunuelos, and makrud, and donuts. There are more than 100 titles in total.

It is known that donuts were loved by the Polish King August III and King Frederick the Great of Prussia. American cops love them. They are enjoyed by French students and Moscow drivers. "In other words, selling donuts as a business idea may well be successful. And when answering a question, I often think about donuts, - says expert Igor Malyugin, analyst of the startup community. “True, this requires a competent approach to this matter.”

Don't be afraid of competitors

Since donuts are both cheap and easy to prepare, choosing a location for a donut shop is of paramount importance. On the other hand, it is hardly worth listening to advice like "the ideal place is MEGA". “I always read such wishes with irony,” says businessman Sergey Smirnov, owner of the Most Delicious Donuts in the World cafe. - It's like advising you to open a fast food point on Red Square. Simply put, where there is traditionally crowded, there are already competitors.

On the other hand, everything is here, like everyone else: if a novice entrepreneur has a margin of safety, or rather the necessary funds that allow him to work at a loss for some time, then you can try to force out a competitor. “Indeed, this entrepreneurship is doomed to competition from the very beginning,” Igor Malyugin is convinced. - Findings that if this place already has fast food outlet, so there is nothing to do here, they are wrong. Moreover, competition is the engine of progress.”

First of all, you need to find out the weak points of an already working donut shop, for example, an untidy saleswoman, uncomfortable tables, and so on. Thus, the task for starting a parallel fast food outlet, as a rule, comes down to creating a more favorable image, including due to an incomparably lower price than that of a competitor. “It is possible that for the first time even a security guard will be required,” says Sergey Smirnov. “At the same time, after the victory, it will be easy to “recapture” all expenses.” However, you can look for crowded places where there are no fast food outlets. According to forum member nahler-kd, “oddly enough, there are such territories even in the capital, for example, near bus stops with high traffic or institutions.”

Starting a donut business

If the theater starts with a hanger, then the new donut shop starts with a name. “Here you need to show imagination, but not overdo it,” advises Igor Malyugin. - The name, for example, should "cling" a passer-by walking along the sidewalk. In any case, the sign must be clearly visible, easy to read, with an interesting plot and not the same as everyone around. In particular, the expert cites the story of one fast-food startup, in which an aspiring entrepreneur took a picture of the street where he planned to open his outlet, and then, using Photoshop, made many options for his cafe. He did not like any of them because they did not stand out from the general background. Only in the third place did he see what he wanted - a "bright spot" on a gray city street.

Sergey Smirnov advises starting with a small fryer, for example. They cost about 9 thousand rubles. However, according to him, it is necessary to take a closer look at hand-operated donut machines, in particular, with a price tag of 95 thousand rubles. In an hour, up to 300 donuts can be cooked on such equipment. Those who do not want to spend time on manual labor should purchase an automatic machine. As for the cost of equipment in general, forum member Denis answered this question:

“Equipment for the production of donuts costs 85 thousand rubles. It is a conveyor-type fryer with a capacity of up to 300 pcs. at one o'clock. Fully automatic. Depending on the place of trade, you may need: a thermal display case - 15,000 rubles, an automatic machine with tea, coffee - up to 30,000 rubles, a refrigerated chest - 20,000 rubles.

Irina Konina from the Moscow region calculated the cost of opening a donut shop, taking into account the repair of the rented premises. “I rented a room opposite the bus station, and repaired it in accordance with SNiP 23-01-99,” Irina shares her experience. - A cafe with 15 seats selling up to 3,000 donuts a day cost me 600,000 rubles. Bought back in 11 months. There are absolutely zero days, and there is such an influx that we can’t cope.”

Equipment for making and selling donuts

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Sergei Smirnov answered the correspondent's questions.

If you had the opportunity, would you take this job?

It's hard to answer. There are many problems, but if there is no normal work, your small business is the only way out. Well, selling donuts as a business idea is one of the best start options. At the same time, the most annoying are the inspectors, who “nightmare” the business. Now I'm thinking of expanding the recipe. I calculate everything, and when I started, I hoped for a chance.

What is success donut business?

Oddly enough, taste. No matter what skeptics tell me, they say, even standard donuts are in demand, I know from experience that even from the other side of the city they go for a tasty product. And yet, we often change the oil, although this is a chore. But no one will say that we have a solid carcinogen. It also works for the image.

What are your plans?

In the near future, expand the assortment so that the donut shop becomes more attractive. Then I want to sell it for more. I think it's still a women's business.

When deciding on the choice of your own entrepreneurial business, it is important to take into account the conditions that the consumer and the market are currently dictating. The variety of ideas is dizzying, especially if the starting capital exceeds the amount of 1 million rubles. But not everyone who wants to have such an amount, and only a stupid person will refuse to work for himself. In this article, we will consider a business idea for opening a donut shop, since this sweet is a food product that will never lose demand among buyers.

We all know the saying: "Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat." Many entrepreneurs, relying on its intricacy, open catering cafes, shops with buns, muffins, bread. But not everyone is considering such an idea as starting a new business by organizing a donut shop full of baking aroma in a passable place.

This product is loved by adults and children. There are an incredible variety of ways and recipes for making dessert. Donuts with jam, condensed milk, cream, fresh berries, cream, round, rings, donuts will appeal to the buyer of any taste preferences. The main thing is that it is very tasty, satisfying and, as an object of business, inexpensive for an entrepreneur.

Moreover, the dessert preparation technology is quite primitive, and a person without a cooking education and special skills can work in a donut shop. Having the right equipment and handy kitchen utensils, making a delicious donut is not difficult. In addition, the process of making dessert is a whole art that will delight lovers of sweets with a variety of assortment and taste properties.

Business without start-up capital

Of course, you can organize a chic cafe with this type of buns with a decent start-up capital. But in a difficult economic situation and the disagreement of credit institutions in issuing loans, you can try to open your own institution, following the budget plan itself. Its essence lies in the acquisition of basic equipment, baking the product at home and take-away trade. This option is tempting, but it will not last long, since this is still a food trade and it is impossible to do without the consent of the sanitary and epidemiological service. In order not to lose their favorite business, many do this: they take a sample of their donut, carry the product to a special laboratory, which, after a small fee, issues an official certificate called a quality certificate. It is this document that allows you to easily sell donuts to the consumer.

What to say about primitive equipment, this inventory is called a donut machine and is inexpensive, a maximum of 20,000 rubles. But if you buy it from your hands, you can get by with the least spending. It is possible to install such utensils at home, since its size will not exceed 1.5 m in length and 1 m in width. After installation, you can start baking and selling sweet goods. At this stage, it is important to follow the cooking technology and comply with the stages of the selected recipes.

The case with the average investment

The prospect of promoting an entrepreneurial idea is higher compared to the previous plan, since in this format there is a small material start. If you have at least 50,000 -70,000 rubles in your pocket, then you can already attract outside help, i.e. hire workers and sell donuts from the showcase. In this plan, the rented premises are involved.

Like any entrepreneurial production picture, an open donut shop asks for the right location. You need to open a kiosk in a place with a large crowd of people. Accordingly, the more passers-by near it, the higher the certainty that they will become regular consumers. There are many examples of walkable shopping areas. These are all kinds of educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, subways, large offices.

As practice shows, the most favorable place for the sale of pastries is a pavilion in a shopping center, hypermarket or large supermarket. You can also rent an inexpensive kiosk equipped with communications. At this stage, business costs increase significantly, but the profit will not be long in coming, and the investment will quickly pay off in your favor. Having some kind of retail space, along with the main product, it is great to trade related products. These are sweet water, juices, soda, tea, coffee. Together, such a grocery set for sale will give a good turnover.

There are a couple more room options for organizing a donut shop. In the first case, an institution on the ground floor of an apartment building will be excellent. By choosing such a place, you can attract a lot of visitors, who after that are likely to become regular customers. In the conditions of a small area of ​​​​the premises, the legislation provides for and allows doing business in a trading floor of 40 square meters. m, and the size of the bathroom should not be less than 6 squares. It is important to try to bake donuts in such a way that customers watch this exciting culinary act. Thus, the level of trust in you and your product will be maximum, especially if the product is made with high quality, tasty and conscientiously.

Donut decoration

Your donut shop should certainly be equipped with tables and distribution, since every visitor, especially a very hungry one, wants not only to have a tasty snack, but also to relax. In the event that the client has to eat standing up, he will definitely not leave the establishment completely satisfied. Therefore, when planning to open a mini-cafe for catering, you will certainly need appropriate pieces of furniture and a ventilation system.

Starting a franchise business

We go step by step. Experienced entrepreneurs in their early days thought about organizing a franchise. And they did it without regretting the consequences. Today, you can work with several franchise companies and get a good income. Several successful donut brands operate in Russia:

  • "Dunkin' Donuts"
  • Krispy Cream,
  • "Lenchik-Donut",
  • "Those donuts."

The first two options are more expensive than the domestic brand. So, the acquisition of a foreign franchise for our entrepreneur will cost a pretty penny, because the price for it will be at least $80,000. Russian brands set their brand value at $10,000.

By paying this amount, the entrepreneur will receive the following services and benefits of doing business:

  1. Staff training.
  2. Selection and purchase of vending machines.
  3. Production fix.
  4. Advertising.

Do not think that in the case of acquiring a foreign franchise, the trademark will immediately promote your business. There is a possibility of refusal due to the lack of a suitable market for sale in Russia. Moreover, the franchisor must review the business plan before selling the franchise. And if he realizes that the donut shop will not be able to pay for itself in the shortest possible time, no one will cooperate with the entrepreneur.

Before opening a business, it would be most reasonable to spend money on marketing research of the market and, having acquired a promising conclusion, you can think about investment options.


The manufacturer provides a large number of devices for the donut business. It is divided into equipment with a manual drive, automated systems, devices with a ready-made distribution line, semi-automated. Of course, the first representative is the most budgetary option, but here the business owner will have to spend money on paying for the work of the sales chef, as his participation in the immediate business increases. With a minimal start, it is better to purchase manual equipment to begin with, and over time, more advanced. The presented units can work with any kind of test. So, its yeast version is suitable for baking donuts. Baking dough is either made directly at the factory, or a dry mix is ​​purchased. From experience, it must be said that it is more profitable to bake "confectionery" from freshly prepared dough. Thus, you will not worry that the composition from the package may not rise or donuts come out of it unsuccessful.

dough mixer- the second most important equipment. It is inexpensive and has various options for loading raw materials. There are mixers for 5, 10.15 kg of dry ingredients. Naturally, the higher this indicator, the greater the cost of the unit. In addition to the main cooking machines for a donut shop, you will need a storage cabinet, a refrigerated chest for storing blanks, and shelving.

Among the expensive equipment, the main ones are the apparatus for air rings and Berliner. More about each. The first unit can functionally produce up to 500 baking units per hour. Products are obtained in the form of rings. Such a pleasure costs about a million Russian rubles, but it's worth it, because the performance of this equipment is very high. The device is recommended to be purchased in the case when your production is fully debugged, automated, and the donut shop itself has a large number of customers per day. Otherwise, the sweets made simply will not disperse and will lose their former freshness.

Berliner's set consists of several devices. These are: a cook mixer, a device for portioning the dough for each donut, a proofer for raising the dough, deep fryers, a device for glazing products, a device for jigging the filling.

The price of Berliner is almost similar to the first device. For the reason that not every businessman has that kind of money, many of them buy domestic, inexpensive equipment. It is less advanced, but quite acceptable for independent business. In order not to be deceived, you need to buy equipment in licensed stores and proven points.

Assortment foundation

Due to the fact that competition in the catering market is strong, it is important to correctly compose a menu and price list for your product. Naturally, the taste benefits will not be enough, so the process of making donut sweets should be as improved as possible. The most effective way to diversify the range of products in a donut shop is to introduce as many options for dessert toppings into the recipe, while they should not only be tasty, but also original, fresh, fragrant and moderately sweet. To ensure donuts of such quality, you need to correctly think over prescription cards with the maximum observance of the proportions of working ingredients. If everything is done correctly, then there will be practically no end to buyers. It will also not be enough just to expand the range, because over time the product will get used, and customers will want to try something new. The way out is constant changes and the introduction of taste innovations.


When thinking about opening a donut shop, it is important to consider that you can’t do without a little blood. Of course, you can start by selling takeaway dessert. Gradually, having accumulated the required amount, you can form a more solid, above-described business. The approximate payback period of the project covers a period of at least 24 months, but if the business is taken on credit with a share of interest, then you can wait for absolute payback only in the third year from the date of execution of the entrepreneurial idea. In this regard, it is imperative to disassemble the business plan and make all the necessary calculations. After analyzing the experience of successful entrepreneurs, you can calculate the cost of starting a business. The list below contains all current and non-current assets, as we consider initial expenses for 1 month:

  1. Opening an IP state duty - 800 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a quality certificate - 2,000 rubles.
  3. Donut making machine - 50,000 rubles.
  4. Dough mixer - 20,000 rubles.
  5. Proofer from hand - 10,000 rubles.
  6. Shelving (2 pcs.) - 6,000 rubles.
  7. Renting a room on average will be 15,000 rubles.
  8. The salary of the staff, taking into account that there are 2 shifts of two people, is 60,000 rubles.
  9. Tables - 8 pieces for a conditional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 40 square meters. m. - 24,000 rubles.
  10. Chairs - 32 pcs. - 32,000 rubles.
  11. Purchase of flour, yeast, other products - 12,000 rubles.

As a result, we get the starting amount of 231,800 rubles.

The amount is not so terrible to start a business. Now it is important to calculate the cost of one donut. Taking into account the price of raw materials, the cost of electricity, cooking oil, we get an output of 0.89 rubles, more precisely 89 kopecks per unit of dessert. This donut goes on sale at a price of 50 rubles.

Conversely, based on previous experience, the average donut shop sells approximately 5,000 pieces of dessert per month. Therefore, the profit will be 250,000 rubles. We minus the cost of raw materials 4,450 rubles, electricity - 8,000 rubles, wages to workers. As a result, net income will be 177,550 rubles. This amount is quite significant. With such success, the payback period of the project can be reduced to one year. The main thing is diligence, literacy, patience.


To start a business, it is not enough just to have money and an entrepreneurial streak. In this matter, it is important to be able to organize the work of staff, establish business communication with suppliers, and most importantly, be able to attract a client.

The modern fast food market is quite well developed, and for those who are just planning to start their own business, it will be quite difficult to compete with the numerous enterprises that have long been established in this area.

However, even here it is possible to find a more or less free niche for small business development. In particular, despite the huge popularity of donuts among consumers, specialized cafes and the so-called "donut" cafes are not as common as, for example, pancake or patty cafes. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a donut business with a competent approach can bring good income to its owner.

Business location

Fragrant hot donuts are a favorite treat for both children and adults, although when opening a business for their production, you should first of all focus on the children's audience, which is the main potential consumer of this product. This fact should be taken into account not only when compiling the menu of a future donut shop, but also when choosing a place where it is planned to open production.

Since the cost of ready-made donuts is relatively low, for a donut shop to pay off, it is important to ensure a constant maximum consumer flow. This is possible in busy places: in particular, near large shopping and business centers, markets, as well as educational institutions. Despite the fact that recreation areas and all kinds of amusement parks can attract a large number of customers on weekends and holidays, donut sales will fall on weekdays, which will not be able to provide sufficient financial stability for the business started.

Possible sales methods

When drawing up a plan for the future business, it is necessary to initially decide on such important factors as the method of production and sale of donuts, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • production and sale of donuts from the tray
  • creation and sale of products in a specialized mini-cafe
  • opening of stream production of donuts

Sale from a tray

The first option is the least expensive and most suitable for novice businessmen with limited start-up capital. In this case, a tent or stall is suitable as a premises for the production and sale of donuts, which at the initial stage can be rented, and with a favorable business development, purchased.

Selling from a van

In this case, a “production on wheels” can also serve as a good alternative - a small van, inside of which the necessary equipment will be located, as well as a counter for selling ready-made donuts. The undoubted advantage of this option is its mobility, which will make it easy to change the location of the donut shop if necessary. In addition, such vans are already equipped with the necessary communications, so when moving to another place, you just need to connect to a local source of electricity, and not re-lay all the cables, as when moving from one tent to another.

The advantages of selling donuts from the tray include the minimal use of furniture (in addition to production equipment, you only need a counter and a chair for the seller) and the absence of the need to come up with some special design of the room (in this case, not a bright environment, but an appetizing one will serve as the best advertisement for your business). the smell of the donuts themselves).
However, when planning such a business, it is also necessary to take into account negative factors, in particular, such as the possible impact of weather conditions on finished products. Cold, wind, rain, and snow can ruin the presentation of donuts, so it's important to think about protective measures in case of bad weather.

Opening a mini-cafe

Another option for developing a business for the production and sale of donuts can be the opening of a mini-cafe or the so-called "donut shop". As you might guess, in this case, the initial costs will be higher than in the first option, because, in addition to the place where the donut production will be located, you will also need a room where customers can comfortably sit down, eat a couple of donuts and drink tea or coffee .

For the successful development of business in this direction, special attention should be paid to the design of the premises in order to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere that would attract visitors. Also, the plan for creating this business should include the cost of advertising the future donut shop, helping to ensure that casual visitors eventually become regular customers of the establishment.

streaming production

Stream donut production is the most expensive option for this business, so it is suitable for experienced entrepreneurs with an impressive initial capital. Unlike the first two methods, streaming production is not designed for direct work with the end consumer, but for intermediary work - with pastry shops, bakeries, grocery stores, as well as existing cafes and eateries.

When drawing up a plan for the territory necessary for this business, it is necessary to take into account not only the area that will be allocated for the production workshop, but also storage and utility rooms. In general, the total area in this case should be at least 100 square meters. However, already at the initial stage, it is necessary to include in the plan possible options for further expansion of production, looking for additional storage facilities near the production site.

Menu planning

Whether you prefer to sell donuts from a stand or consider opening your own mini cafe, an important item without which your business plan would not be complete is the menu. In a specialized establishment, such as a donut shop, the menu should not be too extensive and varied, but the presence of different types of donuts in it will be a definite plus that will benefit your business. Ready donuts can be:

  • filled (such as cream, chocolate, caramel, berry)
  • with sprinkling (powdered sugar, icing, confectionery sprinkling)
  • curly (any shape, in addition to the standard - round).

It is logical to assume that visitors to the establishment will not want to eat dry donuts, so beverages such as tea, coffee and juices are usually included in the menu. As mentioned above, children make up the majority of donut consumers, so ice cream or a few milkshakes could also be included in your food plan.

Business equipment

Of course, when drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to pay special attention to the equipment that will be required for a future donut shop. This item is one of the main expense items when starting a baking business. On the one hand, the equipment must be of high quality in order to work smoothly, recouping the funds invested in it. On the other hand, in order to open a small donut shop, there is no need to buy very expensive machines, such as an automatic donut production line that costs about 60,000 euros, since many of the functions invested in them are simply not required in a small production.

A plan of equipment and related materials for opening a small donut production might look like this:

  1. automatic deep fryer that makes 200-300 donuts per hour (cost - about 80,000 rubles)
  2. tea and coffee making machine (about 20,000 rubles)
  3. a special showcase where donuts can be stored without losing their magnificent shape (about 20,000 rubles)
  4. expenses for disposable tableware (plates and cups)
  5. paper napkins
  6. packaging for the sale of takeaway donuts (plastic containers or paper bags).

If the business assumes that not only the sale of donuts for takeaway will be carried out, but also the opening of a specialized cafe, then the plan should also include the purchase of tables and chairs for visitors, the number of which is calculated based on the capabilities of the existing premises.

Features of the donut making process

The process of making donuts consists of the following steps:

  • dough kneading
  • prep and stuffing
  • filling donuts with filling (if any)
  • roasting
  • packaging (display)

In general, this process is not particularly difficult, so even a novice cook who has a donut making machine can handle it. A typical donut machine is a gas or electric deep fryer, where pastries are cooked in vegetable oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees. It takes an average of two minutes to fry one donut, while standard machines are able to cook about 20 donuts at the same time (the weight of each can be from 20 to 60 grams, depending on the type of donuts).

After the frying process is completed, the donuts are allowed to settle so that excess oil drains from them. After that, they are supplemented with powdered sugar, icing or confectionery sprinkling - and the product is completely ready for sale to consumers.

Purchase of raw materials

The quality of donuts will depend not only on what equipment is used to make them, but also on the purchased raw materials. Quality ingredients are another important item to include in your business plan. The following products are commonly used as raw materials for making donuts:

  • margarine
  • sugar
  • yeast
  • jam
  • additional ingredients depending on the recipe

To reduce the cost of production, it is easiest to purchase the necessary ingredients through wholesale companies. Moreover, the closer the wholesaler is located to the place of your production, the lower will be the cost of delivery of the ordered ingredients.

Required Documentation

This type of business, like any other related to food production, is impossible without the execution of appropriate documentation approved by the sanitary and epidemiological station and Rospotrebnadzor. When starting a donut business, you must have:

  • agreed and registered specifications for production
  • product manufacturing instructions
  • recipe
  • hygienic conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station for food production
  • additional documents (depending on the individual characteristics of the business).

The premises used to open this business must meet a number of specific technical conditions, in particular:

  • have a good hood (to prevent fumes)
  • have access to gas (if you plan to use a gas donut machine)
  • have access to electricity
  • have access to water

Among other things, the premises reserved for the donut business must necessarily comply with all fire safety standards, so the approval of the fire inspectorate will also be required to open it.

Business payback

Of course, every entrepreneur is not least concerned with the question of how quickly a business can pay off? Considering all the nuances listed above, it will be possible to count on the fact that the donut business will begin to bring the first profit within 5 months after its opening. At the same time, you can try to stimulate the process through a well-designed advertising campaign, using free information channels at the initial stage (for example, the Internet), as well as planning all kinds of promotions. All this can increase customer loyalty and contribute to further business development.

You can download a detailed business plan for opening a donut shop at
