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Business plan for opening a showroom. How to calculate a business plan for a clothes showroom from scratch: instructions and recommendations for starting a business, how to find suppliers and what are the features of a business. Clothing showroom staff

How to open your own showroom - detailed planning: selection of suppliers, 3 competitive advantages, how to advertise correctly, basic financial calculations.

Capital investments in the showroom: from 500,000 rubles.
Payback of business: from 3-4 months.

The answer to the question how to open a clothing showroom, it is worth starting with an explanation of what this name generally means?

How are showrooms different from regular stores?

It should be noted that this term in world practice and in Russia has a different designation.

In Western countries, showrooms are called rooms that are organized during fashion shows.

In them, designers arrange a mini-presentation of the collection, and future purchasing partners can see the assortment and even touch it.

Direct sales in such rooms do not occur, but cooperation agreements are concluded.

Showrooms in Russia and Ukraine differ radically from European "colleagues".

Only the atmosphere of a certain closeness, elitism, belonging to special circles of society, connoisseurs is preserved.

The rest is all the same.

However, they differ from those familiar to us in terms of products (usually unique goods, in small quantities), design, presentation of the trading process itself.

We will analyze in more detail whether the show room will bring profit, and how to open it.

We conduct a marketing analysis before opening our own showroom

Trade is the direction of business in which competition always reigns.

Therefore, the success of the enterprise will greatly depend on how profitable a niche you can choose.

You can not sell "for everyone" and the most diverse goods.

It is necessary to designate your target audience, draw up its portrait, determine the wishes.

Showrooms are a specific type of store visited by a special audience.

If you are wondering how to open your own showroom for exclusive brands in a metropolis, the target audience might look like this:

Competitive advantages of the showroom

So that competition does not become fatal for the show room, first of all, competitors should not be more than 3-4 organizations (for a small town or area in a metropolis).

If there are more firms, it will be too difficult for a newcomer to take his place.

Calculations may even indicate that it would be inappropriate to invest efforts in moving towards such a situation.

But even if there are few competitors, they cannot be discounted.

You must highlight competitive advantages.

These factors will make people go to your showroom.

Exclusive rangeThe format of the showroom itself implies the presence of exclusive goods. But those who "rotate" in the fashion world know that some brands are more elite and less affordable than others. Analyze what your customers need and don't lose that very atmosphere of secrecy and exclusivity.
Delivery serviceOften in showrooms it is possible to dress from head to toe, because the assortment includes shoes, clothes, and accessories. But not every buyer wants to carry shopping bags in his hands. So the delivery service will definitely be in demand. It will also come in handy when customers buy an item for a gift or choose it in your online store without visiting the showroom itself. Usually the volumes of such sales are not so large as to conclude an agreement with a separate courier service. Delivery can be handled by the store owner himself or sellers for a separate surcharge.
Individual approachIt is worth once again focusing on the fact that showrooms (if we consider the term in the classical sense) are the backstage of fashion, a gathering place for people “in trend”. Although the format has changed in Russian-speaking countries, customers still expect a special approach. Select qualified sellers who will work individually with each visitor. Regardless of how he is dressed, what he plans to buy, and even if it is obvious that the person is not your target audience. Often it is these visitors who leave the largest amounts in the store.

What documents are needed to open a showroom?

In order to engage in entrepreneurial activity, it is imperative to go through the registration procedure for an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Many showroom owners see no point in this and work underground.

It is worth noting that this may be justified for small online stores and private closed showrooms.

If you want to open a showroom alone, that's enough.

But remember that in this case you are liable in the amount of your personal property.

And if you register an LLC, the risk remains within the authorized capital.

However, much more hassle with registration and bookkeeping will await you.

The choice between these two options is yours.

It remains to be recalled what disadvantages await if you open a showroom without documents:

  • not all suppliers agree to enter into transactions with those entrepreneurs who do not have registration;
  • even if the supplier agrees to conclude an agreement, he does not have the right to sell the goods at wholesale prices;
  • you will not be able to formalize the staff for work, which is not welcomed by professionals;
  • in addition, dissatisfied partners, clients or employees can “bring” information about your illegal activities to the tax office, and this is fraught with big problems.

The money that you save on registering an individual entrepreneur is absolutely not commensurate with the consequences that await unregistered entrepreneurs.

What kind of advertising should be used before and after the opening?

"You can have anything you can think about all the time."
Brian Tracy

Although showrooms have a certain "flack" of secrecy, they can be advertised, just like regular stores.

Unless it is worth making a greater bias towards the fashionable representatives of the city.

There are several options for how to promote the showroom since its opening:

If you do everything right, hire qualified people, create a comfortable atmosphere in the store, word of mouth will become the main advertising.

It will bring you at least 70% of new customers.

Necessary equipment

Unlike a regular clothing store, a showroom can be located almost anywhere.

It does not have to have high traffic, because there are practically no casual visitors in such establishments.

People will go to you purposefully.

This means that even getting to the other end of the city will not be a problem for them.

However, the presence of public transport stops nearby and a place to park a car will be a definite plus.

Much more attention should be paid to the interior design of the outlet.

Total:120 000 rubles
Clothes hangers (racks) - 2 pcs.
2 000
Mirrors: floor - 1 pc. and wall - 2 pcs.
An additional mirror should be installed near the counter with hats, if they are in stock.
1 000
Fitting booth - 1 pc.
1 000
Mannequin - 1-2 pcs. (depending on the capacity of the trading floor)
1 200
Showcases or open shelves - 5 pcs.
15 000
Cash register and card payment terminal
45 000
Table or counter of the seller - 1 pc.
10 000
Safe - 1 pc.
45 000

How to find suppliers to open a clothing showroom?

One of the features of showrooms is that in such a store, the buyer can dress from head to toe.

Therefore, entrepreneurs need to carefully consider the assortment.

There are several vendor options:

    In simple words - the remains of fashion collections that were presented some time ago.

    Buy unsold items with discounts up to 70%!

    The disadvantage of the option is that often not running models and sizes remain unsold.

    Factory production (finished products and pre-order).

    To cooperate with factories, you must have some documents authorizing such activities.

    You should also be prepared for the fact that cooperation with manufacturers involves small and large wholesale.

    Wholesale warehouses.

    As the name implies, in such places things are sold exclusively in bulk.

    At the same time, they offer an impressive discount of 60-70% on products.

    Chinese suppliers.

    If you are interested in how to open a showroom, consider the well-known pitfall of this option.

    Yes, the prices for "famous brands" products from Chinese manufacturers are really tempting.

    However, you will have to answer for its quality to buyers.

Which staff to choose?

Usually the amount of work in the showroom is small enough to be able to get by with a very modest staff.

Often at the start, only the organizer himself takes care of all the affairs.

But in the future it is difficult to do without assistants.

The seller in the showroom must understand fashion, be able to choose the right things for the client, keep up the conversation about brands and trends.

In addition, like an employee of any other store, the seller in the showroom must speak politely and competently, treat all visitors with respect, and know the assortment of the outlet perfectly.

The main task of the staff is to create a comfortable environment in which everyone wants to return.

Hire employees on your own, appoint a trial period.

Each mistake of the seller will be a serious minus to the reputation of the store.

And this should not be allowed!

At the showroom, include in the financial calculations not only the salary, but also future bonuses, bonuses, work schedule.

How much does it cost to open your own clothing showroom?

How much it will cost you to open a showroom depends on many factors: will you rent an office, where will it be located, what goods will you sell and where will you supply it?

These are just some of the factors that can affect the final amount.

Consider what capital and regular investments will be required to open a clothing showroom in a city with a large population.

Capital investments

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 500,000
Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC1 000
Purchase of equipment, furniture120 000
Site creationfrom 3,000 to 60,000
Domain and hosting15 000 – 20 000
Website promotion on the Internet15 000 – 20 000
Creating a corporate logo1 500
Formation of commodity stock300 000

Regular investments

In addition to investing in opening a showroom, you also need to invest a certain amount every month.

This is worth keeping in mind and laying the necessary stock in your "financial airbag".

Otherwise, you may encounter a common problem: a company opens, successfully operates for six months or a year and closes, as the money for financing runs out, and full payback has not yet come.

In the video, a successful designer shares his experience of opening a clothing showroom:

Payback and profitability of a clothing showroom

The average markup in the trade sector is 20-200%.

For such unique products as goods in the showroom, the margin can be 100-150%.

This will create a competitive advantage over other outlets and recoup the showroom in a short time.

With such investments, which were calculated above, it will be possible to recoup the store in less than six months.

In the future, it is worth investing in expanding the range and opening new outlets.

How to open a clothing showroom and accessories?

As you already understood, everything is not as difficult as you might imagine.

The basis of such a specific outlet is the original assortment, qualified employees and the creation of a customer base.

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For many girls, buying clothes is a “pill” for all troubles, an opportunity to spend time with benefit and pleasure, or just a way to relax. Everyone wants to look stylish, feminine and unique, and even save on price while not losing quality.

For such young ladies, a way out was found - a showroom - a place where you can buy designer clothes much cheaper than in famous stores. What is its peculiarity, why is it becoming more and more popular and what you need to know before opening such an institution? So, how to open a clothing showroom?

The showroom is a place where the clothes of several little-known designers who are just starting their careers are exhibited. Hence the prices are low with good quality materials and tailoring. So they try to advertise themselves, gain interest and become in demand.

With a good influx of customers and receiving recognition from the general public, they quickly become famous and open boutiques, but with different prices.

Most often, such studios are opened by stars - media faces, having previously promoted the future showroom on social networks through their groups with millions of subscribers. But ordinary people can do such a business, the main thing is to first decide what exactly you are going to do.

The showroom is:

  • studios in which samples of clothing from factories or manufacturers are exhibited for review and wholesale purchases;
  • where you can order a unique costume;
  • assortment room several designers for retail purchase.

The latter option is the most common in our country, and we will consider its discovery further. e.


To open your own showroom, you will need to register your activity. This procedure includes several steps:

  • and (receipt for, TIN, passport with copies, application for registration and);
  • filing an application with the tax office.

Then we proceed to the technical part. Activities to be carried out:

1. Search for a studio and purchase of equipment;

3. Personnel (if necessary);

We will discuss each stage in more detail below.

Show room and equipment

There is no point in worrying about the high traffic of people, unless you decide to rent a boutique in a shopping center. People should learn about your salon from each other, through social networks, from invitations and so on.

The most suitable room for opening a showroom is a small room or a studio apartment. Such an apartment can be found in advertisements for renting a home, now many one-room apartments are specially converted into studios. You can allocate one largest room in your apartment or rent a small building.

Required indoors carry out quality repairs. There must be some style. It is better to decorate the studio in bright and calm colors, with a lot of lamps, lanterns, paintings.

The color of curtains, floors, walls should be well combined. People with a good sense of style will come to you, and if they do not like the design, they are unlikely to want to come back here again, and even more so they will not recommend this salon to anyone.

The presence of comfortable furniture is a prerequisite for such an institution. Easy chairs, fashionable coffee tables, shop windows, hangers, stands, mirrors, fitting rooms and other necessary attributes should be purchased immediately.

Cleanliness and order in the room, a pleasant smell, calm music will create a good impression of your studio.

What is a showroom?

Shop item

Regarding the product, several main tasks should be solved:

1. Where to get?

2. What will be the assortment?

3. How to arrange the clothes?

Where to buy clothes?

Before looking for suppliers, you need to decide on the pricing policy of your showroom. There are several places where you can buy things for such a studio.

  • Chinese sites offer things at very low prices, which can be resold with almost 100% markup. If you do not know how to open a showroom for clothes from China, then first you will have to make a lot of trial orders to determine which store has the best quality items. Some Chinese suppliers send goods that do not match the pictures, differing not only in quality, but also in appearance.

Among things from China, you can find very worthy and high-quality specimens, and as proof of this, there are a huge number of clothing stores from there. Such an assortment is designed for a low price category and it should be understood that respectable people are unlikely to look into such a place.

  • American sites offer original clothes from famous brands with big discounts. But as a rule, on such sites you can find models from past collections. If your goal is to sell quality and famous things, regardless of the latest trends in the fashion world, then these sites will suit you.
  • Outlets. Last year's collections with discounts up to 70%. You will have to travel to such places on your own and select options of interest.
  • Young designers. You need to look for them on thematic forums, in social groups and other places. The advantage of their things is uniqueness, style and good quality. And since they are little known or unknown at all, then the prices for their clothes will be acceptable.
  • Clothing factories. They work by catalogs and remotely. Prices are low, quality is good. But it is worth remembering that when purchasing from such factories there is a minimum threshold. Manufacturers themselves set the monetary minimum for which you will need to purchase.

What will be the assortment?

The ideal option is the presence of a variety of clothes and accessories for it. A client, having come to your showroom, should be able to purchase not only a certain thing, but a whole set. And pick up a handbag, a scarf, underwear and, possibly, shoes for him. And the client is good, and you are in the black.

The assortment must be updated regularly so that consumers do not lose interest in your store. When buying things, it is important to focus on what is fashionable. People will not want to take ugly things that have long gone out of fashion. For example, if tight trousers are in fashion, you should not expect a large demand for flared ones.

How to arrange?

It is important to keep order in clothes: everything should lie and hang evenly. It is better to wear novelties on mannequins and then at the entrance people will see the latest arrivals.

Clothing showroom staff

You can work in such a studio alone. The main thing is to be well versed in fashion, to be able to combine colors, textures, shapes and even incongruous.

If you are confident in yourself and can easily say what is fashionable to wear now, and are ready for each client to choose a set that will favorably emphasize his best sides, while hiding his shortcomings, then feel free to open the showroom alone.

If choosing an assortment on your own is a problem for you, and you are far from fashion, it is better to find a companion who is well versed in clothes. He will select the right assortment, and follow the quality of the fabrics. The designer himself can act as a companion.

Store advertisement

Before opening, you need to make a presentation of your studio. You need to start with a few interested customers, serve them at the highest level, gaining respect, and they, in turn, will tell their friends about you.

In the same group, it is worth posting information about the existing product, new products, discounts. The same information can be sent via SMS or email.

How to open a clothing showroom?

How to open a clothing showroom: a business plan with calculations

showroom looks like this:

  • Legalization of activities around 5000 rubles, 800 of which is state duty.
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods approx. 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  • Rent 40,000 rubles.
  • Repair 100,000 rubles (if necessary).
  • Furniture 50,000 rubles.

If you plan to travel for the goods yourself, then the costs of the flight, hotel - about 50,000 rubles.

To start the studio you need to invest about 400,000 rubles.

If you want to sell branded clothes, then this amount will increase by at least a third.

showroom profitability

One regular customer spends from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles on clothes every month, and given that he can bring up to 5 new customers, he gets quite a decent income.

Profitability, however, you need to study the market well and find generous customers, otherwise, the profit will go negative.

Business nuances

The main problem of the showroom is a different understanding of its essence.

Some call places for clothing exhibitions followed by wholesale purchases, others are sure that this is a joint work of young designers, and still others believe that a showroom can be an ordinary boutique in a shopping center or a small shop on a busy street.

The second important point is the range. You should not pass off Chinese copies of famous brands as the original. Knowledgeable people will quickly understand the deception, and those who have little understanding of brands will not want to spend large sums on clothes at all.

If you are counting on wealthy clients, then clothing presented in the studio must be appropriate.

Opening a showroom is not difficult if you are well versed in fashion and putting together a stylish set is not a difficult task. A small cash investment, a little inspiration, work on the interior, selection of beautiful, high-quality clothes and the studio is ready.

If things go well, and the flow of customers will steadily increase, you can think about, just do not forget to register your activity.

What is a showroom and how to open a truly profitable clothing showroom, you can find out in this video instruction:

It's good to have your own business. Fashion lovers can easily open a clothing showroom that will be profitable. It remains to draw up a competent business plan in detail.

Showroom has several definitions:

  • a room in which the works of unique specimens from novice designers are presented;
  • a place where items of different styles are shown to wholesale customers;
  • atelier of an unfamiliar designer with high-quality models of unique wardrobe items (tailoring of an individual order is provided).

Western countries define the Show Room differently - a room for communication between designers and implementation managers. No deals.
Opening a clothing showroom brings a high stable income. Demand for a particular product category is constantly growing. According to the indicators of the previous year, consumers prefer to make purchases by trying on goods.

Online stores represent worthy competition. The number of sales is growing. However, most prefer to make a purchase by trying on a thing first. The showroom provides such pleasure.

Many start their own business, not everyone manages to gain a foothold. The average spending of purchasers is 15,000-30,000 thousand for outfits and an accessory group. The flow of buyers is inexhaustible.

In order for profitability to maintain stability, it is necessary to draw up a business project correctly.

Stages of organization (step by step instructions / business plan)

How to open a clothing showroom from scratch? A number of actions need to be taken:

The showroom business plan looks like this:

Step 1 sets out the essence of the future project, 6-7 proposals should be made. It indicates the amount of investment, the size of loans, the repayment period, the involvement of investors, guarantees, risks, the planned payback period of the showroom.

Item 2 describes the company, the services it provides, and the products it produces. Purpose, scope, competitiveness, implementation conditions.

Step 3 describes the competitive environment, the place of sale, the characteristics of the buyer, information about the final consumer, the scheme for attracting visitors.

Part 4 defines the facts about the company: location, purchase of equipment, number of employees, output. Spending on salaries, raw materials, production.

Point 5 indicates: the structure of the company, information about partners, executives, employee development schemes.

Step 6 includes information about the budget, profit estimates, taxes, payouts, payback, and risks.

Search for clients, advertising

  • proportionate style (60);
  • quality (15);
  • convenience (7);
  • combination with wardrobe (7);
  • exclusivity (5);
  • brand popularity (1).

Before the start of the showroom, create a group on a social network, invite future buyers there. Come up with promotions and various bonuses on opening day to make customers want to visit the store.

Kinesthetics will buy a product if they can see it well, and most importantly, touch it. This category of people spends a long time looking for the right thing. You should not talk to them about the little things, they prefer to think about a possible deal in silence.

Shoppers prefer active sellers, they are supposed to widely advertise the product. Give compliments when they try on the item. The likelihood that they will make a purchase is high, it all depends on the professionalism of the seller.

The organizer needs to focus on the average client. Fashion updates are preferred by girls from 18 to 45. You must be well versed in the novelties of the season in order to purchase new goods.

Men prefer suitable things more than trendy ones, it is desirable for the staff to work with men, expressing sympathy and delight.

You need to be honest with the buyer, then they will definitely want to come to you again, and will also recommend to friends.

Necessary equipment, material selection

You need to have special equipment, materials for the organization to work:

Products can be found cheaper: the Chinese market, ordering models via the Internet. Then the expenses will amount to 500,000 thousand. The prices there are very low.

The amounts are inaccurate, with calculations for an area of ​​80 square meters. It is permissible to convert a room of the house, then you do not have to pay rent. The cost of renting 70-90 square meters comes to 90,000 thousand.

More often, those who open a showroom will convert one room from their living space. It's profitable.

If you will act as the creator of outfits, equip the atelier at home. If there is an assistant, it is required to take into account his salary: 25,000-30,000 thousand rubles.

Decide on the style of the interior of the showroom. All items must be in harmony with each other. Modern trends look beautiful. But the "Retro" style finds its connoisseurs, this year's fashion trends say that the 80s are returning. It is allowed to combine these 2 facts, creating a unique design.

When carrying out cosmetic repairs, choose light-colored walls. There must be excellent lighting. It is required to install a lot of light bulbs, fixtures.
To feel the comfort of visitors, buy a soft sofa. Help people to get rest and positive emotions.

Put the mirrors in this way: the visitor has access to a 100 percent view of his figure.

Costs and profits (profitability)

Let's sum up the first results of expenses. Organizational project (in rubles):

The amount of initial costs is equal to: 890800 rubles.

The financial project will be based on personal employment with all aspects of the activity at home:

These totals can be reduced by reasonable savings. It all depends on the size of your organization.

Every month you will spend 350,000. Of these funds: products - 300,000, advertising - 20,000, other needs - 30,000.

Profit before tax: 600000-350000=250000.

Tax calculation (according to the simplified tax system 15 percent of the difference between income and expenses): 37,500 thousand.

Net profit: 250000-35700=212500 thousand.

Profitability: 212500/890800*100%=23.85%.

Payback period: 890800/212500=4.2. This means that the store can pay off in 4-5 months.

Assume possible risks, do not waste money, invest in business.

Calculate your showroom business plan based on your totals. It is allowed to start commerce by investing 500,000 rubles.

Possible income level

Several significant points affect the possible level of profit. Advantages of real entrepreneurship:

  • growing demand for the subject of trade;
  • the possibility of diluting the assortment with another category of products (for teenagers, small children);
  • the availability of buying goods at competitive prices.

The development of an organization depends on your attitude, the situation on the world market, competitiveness.

You should understand the world of fashion, be able to choose the right thing for the visitor, find accessories.

Create promotions for regular customers, hold contests on certain days. This attracts new customers.

Be polite and considerate. Familiarize yourself with the basics of psychology. This will contribute to the ability to communicate with people, increase trade.

You have the motivation to succeed. This is an increase in profits, further expansion. You should think about a partner when the supply of the trade item is established and the base of regular customers grows.

It will be a mistake to immediately involve a partner, this leads to the collapse of young entrepreneurs.

Registration and registration of business (required documents)

To open an IP, you will need about 5,000 rubles. This price includes:

  • payment of state duty - 800 rubles;
  • opening a current account for non-cash payment - from 0 to 3000 thousand;
  • creation of a seal - from 500 to 1500 rubles.

You can transfer control of opening an IP to specialized firms, their services cost up to 5,000 thousand.

Documents required for the legalization of IP:

  • a photocopy of the passport and all its pages;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for registration in the form P21001;
  • receipt of payment of 800 rubles of state duty;
  • when switching to the simplified tax system, an application in the form No. 26.2-1 in two copies.

You will need to know your OKVED code. Suggested code for your retail:

  • women's, men's and children's clothing - 52.42.1;
  • underwear - 52.42.2;
  • fur works - 52.42.3;
  • clothes made of leather - 52.42.4;
  • sportswear - 52.42.5;
  • hosiery - 52.42.6;
  • headgear 52.42.7;
  • accessory clothing group (belts, scarves, ties, gloves) - 52.42.8;
  • shoes and leather goods - 52.43;
  • shoes - 52.43.1;
  • leather goods and travel accessories - 52.43.2;

Enter codes that reflect your type of activity. They are partially presented, additional codes may be needed.

Make a choice: USN or UTII.

STS - tax option, with a choice of interest rates with a coefficient of 6% or 15%. When choosing, attention is paid to costs. If their amount is less than revenue, then 6% is suitable, if the expense takes up half or more of the revenue, it is more profitable to prefer 15%.

You will also need:

  • Permission to engage in entrepreneurial activity.
  • The conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor.
  • Fixing KKM in the tax office.
  • Rosstat codes.
  • Sanitary passport.
  • List of products with certification.

Costs and payback period.

The most minimal cost calculation (in rubles):

  • purchase of goods 100000-150000;
  • repair work - 100,000;
  • furniture - 500,000.

It turns out the amount of investment is about 300,000 thousand. Deliveries of branded items are more expensive.

Payback can occur in 5-8 months. Give more advertising, encourage regular customers.

You can throw off the contribution to the goods at the expense of the outlet. These are shopping centers where discounts of up to 70% are made on branded products, which is very beneficial for beginners.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business.

The main quality is the constant demand for what the store offers. The advantage is the ability to minimize costs. Really conduct tax-free trade. Development occurs quickly if everything is arranged at a high level. The quality of the models must be impeccable.

It is difficult to work because of the ever-increasing competition. Learn to offer something unique to your customers.

Without obtaining a business permit, you are left without protection from the law.

The risk is that there is dependence on the economic situation, which is now in decline. If the model of a thing is out of fashion, it will not be possible to sell it at a high price.

Useful video

It is necessary to constantly replenish the assortment of the showroom with new models. Present neat models. Keep models clean and ironed.

Keep the trading floor exemplary: each item has its own place. A tonic mood can create an overall look. Post information about the store, present new items and discounts.

How to open a profitable clothing showroom: a fashion business from scratch

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The demand for clothing is at a high level. It is needed by people of all ages and social statuses. However, during the period of prevailing factory production, it is quite difficult to find exclusive and inexpensive clothes.

Here the showrooms come to the aid of the consumer.

What it is?

A showroom is a place where clothing is displayed. Shows are aimed at attracting wholesale buyers. The showroom exhibits exclusive clothing, presented in one copy.

This a place that allows novice designers to find their customers. A home store can also act as a showroom.

Unlike a boutique, clothing in a showroom is sold at a reduced price. Tax-free trade is carried out on the territory of the institution. For this reason, the cost of production is significantly reduced.

The product is presented in one copy, which makes it exclusive.

Which direction do you prefer?

Having decided to open a showroom, an entrepreneur must decide where to start, that is, choose a concept.


  • Studios. Samples of factory samples or goods of large manufacturers are exhibited. Clients are wholesale buyers
  • Studio. Serves as a showroom for designers who have not yet had time to gain recognition. Allows them to find their buyer. Clothing can be made to order. Clients are people of all ages.
  • The room in which product samples of several designers. Retail sale of finished goods. Clients are people of all ages.
  • boutique at home. The sale of goods purchased abroad or in an online store is carried out. Sale is carried out with a small margin. Clients are predominantly young people under 35 years old.

It is easier to cooperate with wholesale buyers. The showroom will present samples of products that are present in mass production. The owner of the establishment will have to conclude contracts with suppliers of goods. Finding clients for such a showroom is more difficult.

If an entrepreneur plans to create a showroom aimed at selling goods to retail customers, he must understand that these people are looking for an exclusive product.

To make a profit, the owner of the establishment will have to organize the supply of products from abroad or conclude a contract with the designer. An entrepreneur can sell goods purchased in an online store.

Products are sold at a small margin.

Particular attention should be paid to the name of the showroom. It should reflect the concept of the institution. For example, if it is planned to sell branded European clothing, then the name “Rococo” or “Passage” should be used.

Features of the legal side

Having decided to open a showroom from scratch, an entrepreneur must decide on the form of ownership. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable.

The final choice should be made based on the planned size of the business and the availability of partners.

For IP a smaller package of documents is required. To register as a sole trader,the registration authority will need to provide:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

To open an LLC the list of documents is much wider. The list includes:

  • Statement;
  • The decision to establish an LLC;
  • Charter of LLC;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Application for the transition to the selected taxation system;
  • A letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address or documents confirming its ownership by one of the founders.

It is much easier to open an individual entrepreneur, but the entrepreneur is responsible for business matters with all his property. In the event of a debt to creditors, liability from an individual is not removed, even if a business reorganization procedure is underway.

More funds are needed to set up an LLC. The company must have an authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles. However, an LLC can have multiple founders. The created organization will be a legal entity.

The owner of an LLC is liable only for the amount of money or property that he has invested as authorized capital. The final choice of the form of ownership should be carried out by the owner of the showroom, based on the goals pursued.


The entrepreneur will have to purchase a cash register. Its cost starts from 10,000 rubles. When buying a device, a contract for its maintenance must be concluded.

Cash register needs to be registered. To complete the procedure for the entrepreneur need to provide documents:

  • Statement;
  • Technical passport of the cash register;
  • Agreement on the maintenance of the cash register;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Documents confirming the purchase of a cash register;
  • The lease agreement or documents confirming that the premises where the cash register will be located are owned by the applicant;
  • Cashier's journal;
  • A copy of the financial statements for the last period.

When opening a showroom, an entrepreneur often refuses to register any form of ownership, arguing that no one will know about the activities of a small home store.

Ignoring the law is fraught with high fines. Better not to take unnecessary risks.

Supplier search

Having decided on the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must start looking for a supplier. His choice should be based on the concept of the institution.

IN a list of popular places where clothes for the showroom can be purchased, includes:

  • outlets. These are original markets organized in the form of a shopping center. Here you can find branded clothing sold at great discounts. The advantage of outlets is that the buyer can purchase goods in a batch of any size.
  • ready-to-wear factory. The product is sold in bulk. The advantage of collaboration is the ability to work from directories.
  • Factories that make clothes to order. An entrepreneur can order an exclusive collection here. However, the business owner must understand fashion and clearly understand what will be in demand at the moment.
  • Warehouse. The product can be purchased at a high discount. The entrepreneur can independently choose the goods for the showroom.
  • Online shopping. The product can be purchased at a low price, for example, by ordering it from China. A businessman can choose exclusive products from the existing catalog.

If you plan to cooperate with novice designers, then you can get to know them when visiting clothing exhibitions.

Selection of premises and equipment

Having decided on the supplier, the entrepreneur should think about choosing the right premises. It should be a bright, spacious room, made in the same style.

The size of the premises depends on the turnover of the premises. The optimal area is considered to be 100-150 square meters. m. The showroom can be located in a studio apartment, located in a separate building or be opened on the basis of a shopping center.

Having decided on the premises, it is necessary to carry out repairs in it. A memorable design is especially important if the specialization is narrow, for example, when opening a showroom for wedding dresses or children's clothing. Recommendations for design can be found on thematic forums.

The showroom should make a positive impression on customers:

  • The atmosphere plays a special role.
  • The establishment must be kept clean.
  • The room should smell good.
  • At the time of work, you need to turn on calm music.
  • Mannequins should be placed in the room, demonstrating the best examples of clothing.

A separate room should be allocated for storing clothes.. If not, then you should purchase a sufficient number of shelves and hangers. They should be placed along the walls.

If you plan to demonstrate clothes to potential buyers, you will need to purchase a number of comfortable chairs.

How to create the right atmosphere to increase the efficiency of the showroom, see the video:

If you plan to sell goods at retail, then you should think about the presence of fitting rooms and mirrors. It is necessary to organize at least 2 places where customers can try on the clothes they like.


For the normal functioning of the show room, 1-2 sellers will be required. They must be able to present the clothing sold in a favorable light, know the range of goods available.

When choosing personnel attention should be paid to the following qualities:

  • Ability to find a common language with potential buyers;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Ability to work efficiently.

Recruitment can be carried out through bulletin boards or with the help of a special agency.

The establishment needs an administrator. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of the showroom and resolving disputes that arise when working with clients.

At first, the administrator's duties can be performed by the owner of the institution.

Marketing component

Having decided to open a showroom, a businessman should think about organizing an advertising company. If the establishment is located in a separate room, showcases should be installed. They need to exhibit mannequins with the best samples of clothing or new arrivals. A bright sign should be placed in front of the entrance.

You can attract customers with the help of discounts and organizing sales. Their implementation will help sell stale goods and allow potential buyers to learn about the store.

Franchise work

An entrepreneur can organize a franchise business.

In this case, the company chosen for cooperation will assist the businessman with the opening of a showroom and will supply goods at a significant discount. However, the business owner will have to give part of the profits to the company with which he cooperates.

Opening a franchise business will significantly save on the stage of organizing a business. However, in the future, the businessman will have to give the company a significant part of his earnings, which can be very unprofitable.

Drawing up a business plan

Having decided to open a business on their own, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the costs. The entrepreneur will need about 1 million rubles to create a showroom.

Showroom opening costs (average):

A set of necessary equipment

One of the important cost items is the purchase of equipment. About 200 thousand rubles will have to be spent on its acquisition.

To start a business you need:

  • Cash register - 1 pc. = 10,000 rubles;
  • Showcases - 1 pc. = 35,000 rubles;
  • Shelving - 10 pcs. = 30,000 rubles;
  • Shelves - 20 pcs. = 40,000 rubles;
  • Mannequins - 5 pcs. = 75,000 rubles;
  • Mirrors - 3 pcs. = 9,000 rubles.

Showroom profitability

For the salary and rent of premises to a businessman you have to spend about 200 thousand rubles a month.

A showroom usually has up to 200 regular customers. Each of them makes purchases in the amount of 15 to 45 thousand rubles every month.

Monthly profit can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. The business is able to pay off in 6-12 months from the moment of opening. The institution will begin to bring a stable profit in 1.5 - 2 years.


Opening a showroom is one of the promising types of business. With the right approach, the level of profitability can reach 300%. At the same time, the business is associated with a high level of risk. There is a chance that you will not be able to attract customers.

If you create a business on your own, then the level of profit will be much higher. However, the organization of a franchise establishment will avoid mistakes at first. Business can pay off faster.

The entrepreneur must make the final choice independently, based on the specific situation. A business is able to bring a high level of profit at minimal cost.

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The original purpose of the special room, called the Show Room abroad, was to familiarize intermediaries between the designer and buyers with the range of goods and conclude contracts.

In domestic open spaces, significant amendments were made to the functions of this room.

For compatriots, and more often compatriots, thinking about how to open a clothing showroom means creating a place for tax-free trade.

The range is usually represented by exclusive clothing, supplied in a single copy and at a significantly low price.


For housewives, opening a showroom is a good start in business.

First of all, it attracts the opportunity to receive buyers in such a home boutique only after making an appointment.

Some owners generally deal exclusively with people they know well.

Perhaps that is why there are no fewer questions about the correct algorithm for opening a showroom.

Opening your own boutique is a good opportunity to receive a stable income with minimal investment and in the most comfortable conditions (especially when it comes to women on maternity leave).

Moreover, the amount of profit pleases even in cases where the number of sales per day does not exceed one dozen.

To the general negative assessment of this type of business (high saturation of the market, lack of complete information, closeness and, accordingly, some instability), professionals add a number of advantages, convincing that working on finding answers to the question of how to open a clothing showroom is all does it make sense:

  • starting investments are from 100 thousand rubles;
  • the difficulty of opening is minimal;
  • the average profit per month reaches 70 thousand rubles;
  • profit with a minimum (from 5 to 10) number of daily sales is at least 30 thousand rubles.

Distinctive features

There are several showroom concepts, including the demonstration of models to wholesale buyers, the sale of inexpensive but unique items, and the creation of a full-fledged atelier store.

Increasing profits contributes to the combination of all these concepts into one.

However, in addition to the advantages that such integration promises, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages.

When opening your home boutique, you should think about choosing a form of doing business.

Of course, work without registration is an attractive business. There is a certain share that is not paid as taxes.

But is it worth worrying about the safety of this amount if the number of buyers (and customers definitely like things that are of high quality and low cost) exceeds a hundred, and the importation of goods will have to be carried out in bulk?

In fact, illegal activities sooner or later attract attention, and the consequences are much more tangible than the savings.

Accordingly, registration of an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company in the end turns out to be the best solution to the problem.

Perhaps more convincing is a clear list of cons of running an illegal business from home:

  • Insecurity in relationships with suppliers and a complete lack of guarantees.
  • Mandatory overpayment for purchases. Wholesale suppliers have learned to make money on illegal business, getting their piece of butter for bread in the form of at least 15% addition to the wholesale prices of goods.
  • The dishonesty of employees who do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the precarious position of the owner.
  • Constant unrest due to possible visits by tax officials or employees of other regulatory organizations.

Where to get goods

If a novice businessman or businesswoman is no longer interested in how to open a clothing showroom, this means that now the issue of finding suppliers of goods is taking the lead.

The first stage, when you can go to your own taste, style and a minimum of assortment, passes quickly.

The main condition is quality, exclusivity, low price of goods.

There is no point in looking for suppliers among the same entrepreneurs doing business at home.

The quality of clothing purchased at an affordable price will be exceptionally low.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the following sources:

  • Outlet. This is a special market that has the format of a shopping center. Such a market is filled with branded products sold at a big discount. Sometimes the price reduction reaches 75%. The main advantage of the outlet is any batch of purchased goods. For those whose starting capital tends to zero, it is worth starting work just from visiting the outlet.
  • Ready-made clothes from the manufacturer. As a rule, the minimum cost of a batch starts from 30 thousand rubles. At the service of wholesale buyers are catalogs and a democratic selling price.
  • Pre-orders at the manufacturing factory. To order a whole collection for your boutique in an apartment - what could be better for a fashion store? The only thing worth paying attention to is the need to conclude a supply agreement at least three months before its implementation. A collection of clothes that corresponds to the latest fashion trends is not created in less time, and buying up leftovers from other orders is a business that is initially doomed to failure.
  • Wholesale warehouses. There are very attractive discounts that are not inferior to discounts at outlets. But there are also disadvantages in the form of a minimum batch. Its cost starts from 60 thousand and above. But if the bonus in the form of the possibility of personal selection of accessories and fashionable shoes turns out to be more important than the minimum amount, then a wholesale warehouse is the best solution.
  • Wedding boutiques at home and a showroom for the sale of evening dresses are doomed to success if they take care of concluding a cooperation agreement with an atelier engaged in tailoring wedding dresses and manufacturing exclusive wedding accessories in time.

Implementation details

Managed to sell - got the money. But how to sell if the store is located in an apartment?

Since the move of buyers to the Internet, things have become much easier. These are platforms specializing in placing ads, online stores and social networking pages.

Also, don't forget about word of mouth.

Even with a large number of clothing stores in the region where the home boutique is located, success is guaranteed due to the high quality and optimal cost of goods.

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