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How to make money as a sports journalist. How much does a journalist earn in Belarus? Whose fee is higher

Of course, the question of how much journalists get is relevant for many. Many often consider this type of activity for the purpose of additional income, therefore, when choosing a profession, many seriously think about choosing this direction. They are interested in earning, but when determining the exact amount of income, they cannot do without outside help. Experts use information from professionals, but at the initial stages of their activity, one can only dream of these amounts.

Comparison is needed to determine the higher paying option in journalism. Depending on the direction of activity, earnings are different, but it is impossible to reduce the calculations to the exact amount. Areas of activity in the field of journalism:

  1. Federal mass media;
  2. Printed publications;
  3. Regional media.

Internet as additional income

The options provided make it possible to see how important unique information is. It should be noted that the most expensive direction is news reporting in the federal media.

It is necessary to pay attention to four main directions, with the help of which a journalist has the opportunity to earn. The choice of these options depends on the salary. Only from a professional you can hear the opinion that it is not worth making your choice depending on the amount of payment, it is important to give your preference to the direction that you like.

Website content

An option with which it is possible to earn money by creating content for the site, today many are considering more and more often. With the skills of competent writing and the ability to create an attractive slogan, they manage to find customers and get a steady income. It is unrealistic to name the exact amount of income when working in the direction of this option, so we will not mention it in the following theses.

Veiling salaries depending on the year

Based on the characteristics of the calculations, it can be noted that only a few can have a stable salary. However, it is possible to make a segment from November 2014 to October 2015 and see the component of the sum of journalists' salaries from the annual calculation in Russian rubles:

  • November 2014 - 23200;
  • December 2014 - 23100;
  • January 2015 - 24300;
  • February 2015 - 25400;
  • March 2015 - 26000;
  • May 2015 - 22900;
  • July 2015 - 21550;
  • August 2015 - 26800;
  • September 2015 - 21550;
  • October 2014 - 21700.

Average earnings in Russia are kept within narrow limits, so it is impossible to find a significant difference. These data refer to the federal media, in which there is an approximate understanding of the "salary". In other areas there are large errors.

How much do they get in Russia

If we determine the average statistical data for Russia, we can say that the average salary is 23,650 rubles, which, in comparison with the country's subsistence level, is not a bad income. Based on these data, the activity of journalism attracts the attention of young people when choosing a profession.

Which areas earn more and which ones less?

In different regions of Russia, wages fluctuate within different limits. Next, we present the statistics of average wages by region. Salaries in large cities are the following statistics in rubles:

  • Moscow - 44900;
  • Vladivostok - 42550;
  • Sochi - 35,000;
  • Kazan - 40500;
  • Khabarovsk - 41650;
  • St. Petersburg - 33850;
  • Ulan-Ude - 35500;
  • Orenburg - 35500;
  • Naberezhnye Chelny - 31800;
  • Vladimir - 30,000;
  • Yaroslavl - 32550;
  • Krasnoyarsk - 30,000.

Statistics show that the highest income is considered in Khabarovsk, Moscow and Vladivostok. Often people think that this profession brings great wealth in the center of Russia, but as the analysis shows, this is an erroneous opinion.

Reporting and business trips

Business trips and local reports are also subject to comparison. These options do not have a huge effect on the amount of wages, but there are some nuances. Of course, trips around the country are compensated by various amounts of bonuses, but journalists have to experience the difficulties and troubles that knock many specialists out of the normal working rhythm.

The question of how much they earn can be discussed for a long time. It is only worth noting that this type of activity implies the presence of professional skills. Professionalism deserves a decent pay, which cannot be said about the citizens of the Russian Federation, unlike representatives of European countries. I would like the work in the field of journalism to be appreciated and adequately paid in our camp too!

Professional opinion

Those journalists who are just starting their journey as professionals have a hard time. After all, their monthly income is very low. They are waiting for hard work, long training and active job search. Many have to work in hot spots on orders from state channels in search of explosive news. And only with time do journalists achieve a respectful position in their circles. As a result, their wages rise significantly.

Thus, professionals who have achieved recognition in this field and have gained a long experience can count on a monthly income of $ 3,000. In some publications, journalists receive from 5,000 to 7,000 dollars a month. There are also top lists of high-level correspondents who have achieved fame and popularity. Their monthly income can reach $30,000 per month.

When considering offers of vacancies for this specialty, it is noticeable that their number is small. Basically, work is offered to media figures in the capital of the country. For inexperienced professionals, wages are set at the level of 50,000 rubles per month. As the worker gains experience, it can increase. It should not be forgotten that the pay of television and print journalists differs significantly not in favor of the latter.

Work of journalists abroad

Based on studies conducted by independent foreign agencies, it can be stated that the level of earnings of foreign colleagues significantly exceeds the earnings of domestic journalists. The salary of Americans directly depends on the level of their qualifications:

  1. 1st class journalists without work experience - up to $2,500 per month.
  2. Journalists of the 2nd class with experience from the 1st year of work - up to $ 2,800 per month.
  3. Grade 3 journalists with at least 5 years of experience - up to $3,700 per month.

French correspondents are generously rewarded for their work and receive about 3,500 euros per month. However, a significant part of their income goes to paying government taxes.

The salary of journalists in the UK depends on work experience:

  • novice employees - from 25,000 to 32,000 pounds;
  • experienced employees - from 55,000 to 68,000 pounds per month.

In addition, it is worth noting that cultural figures have another category of journalists who receive the minimum wage for their work. These are sports correspondents. To become such a correspondent, you do not need to study or take courses. It is enough to be in love with sports and be able to express thoughts beautifully. There is practically no competition in this segment, so getting into this market is quite easy.

Journalism is considered one of the most relevant professions, both in Russia and in Europe. There is an opinion that all workers in this area earn a lot of money, but is this true, and if so, what difficulties does a journalist face in his work?

At the expense of journalists, society can learn about the main events that have taken place not only in the country, but throughout the world. The material presented is usually interpreted for the listener, deeply analyzed and accompanied by expert comments. Without this profession, there would be a lack of information in society.

This is a rather difficult profession, as it involves stressful situations and potential danger, so the question arises of how much journalists earn. Due to the fact that the media have a considerable influence on opinion in society, there are many attempts to bribe for their own benefit. However, this does not apply to neutral and entertaining themes.

To master the profession requires the ability to speak correctly, collect and analyze material, as well as navigate in new unfamiliar situations. This activity is suitable for active and creative people who are ready to learn and develop. Graduation from a higher educational institution in this direction will be a significant factor in successful employment.

Without education, it is difficult to be competitive and apply for a high salary, as the employer will need to spend more time on training.

With journalism, many opportunities open up in terms of a place of work. A journalist can work in:

  1. Federal Mass Media.
  2. Regional media.
  3. Print edition.
  4. Internet news service.
  5. Creation and implementation of television programs.
  6. Organization of video reports.
  7. Writing text news.

This provides a good starting point for those who want to become a media personality.

How does the application of the profession affect the level of wages

Many people think that working in large information companies can count on higher wages. This is not entirely true, as companies often hire correspondents from the provinces in order to systematize news and send ready-made events to editorial offices located in large cities. In this case, the salary of a journalist will be much less than that of people who type text at a convenient workplace according to the data sent to them.

Those who design text materials have the lowest income when compared with other types of activities. As exceptions, there will be only materials on voluminous analytical articles that are prepared by highly qualified experts. However, in this case, the specialist must have a specialized education and the ability to interpret highly specialized inferences that are suitable not only for trained readers, but also for ordinary readers.

Dependence of salary on the type of activity

The salary of an ordinary reporter in the Russian Federation, on average, is 35,000 rubles. Small regional media can pay even less. Sports commentators in Moscow receive a relatively high salary, which depends on their level and starts at 20,000 rubles. for the match. Radio presenters can receive from 20,000 rubles. and higher. If this is a special correspondent who participates in direct broadcasts, then he can receive 60,000 - 300,000 rubles. It depends on the information presented, taking into account all the risk that is associated with the exposure of the film crew to danger. The lowest fee will be for the editor of the news feed on the Internet, they receive 25,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Special attention deserves the salary of TV presenters on central TV channels in Moscow. Often in the Russian Federation they can exceed the mark of 300,000 rubles, but they are not disclosed so that they do not affect the reputation of the channel or program.

Dependence of the average salary of a journalist on the region of the Russian Federation

It is known that wages differ from the population of the city. In large metropolitan areas, wages are always valued higher than in small towns. Below is the average salary in each region of the Russian Federation:

  • Moscow region - 37,000 rubles.
  • Yaroslavl region - 34,000 rubles.
  • Voronezh region - 33,000 rubles.
  • Chelyabinsk region - 32,000 rubles.
  • Kaluga region - 31,250 rubles.
  • Novosibirsk region - 30,000 rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 30,000 rubles.
  • Primorsky Territory - 27,000 rubles.
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 26,000 rubles.
  • Bryansk region - 25,000 rubles.

The average salary in Russia is 30,000 rubles, which makes journalism a fairly promising occupation in which you can make your career. If we consider the salary in Moscow, then this is the most profitable city for working as a journalist.

The level of the average salary in the industry Journalism

Average salary abroad

If we take the average salary in the EU countries, then the following picture will come out:

  • Journalists of the 1st class who have work experience up to a year - $ 2,500.
  • Journalists of the 2nd class - $2,800.
  • Journalists of the 3rd class - $3,700.

As it becomes clear, wages abroad will be higher than in Russia. However, for employment in another country, you will need good command of the language and experience in the field of journalism.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

It is quite difficult to start working in this area, since the initial salary is low, and the work is quite voluminous. This is painstaking work, which consists in finding new and interesting information. Over time, you can get some success in your circle, which will start a more serious career. Among the main advantages are:

  1. Career growth.
  2. Increase in wages.
  3. Full or part time employment.
  4. Possibility of free work schedule.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  1. A high level of danger, since work does not always take place in a calm environment. Work can take place in hot spots, or under constant pressure from the people involved in the situation.
  2. Constant readiness, as you need to quickly respond to events that have just happened.
  3. Long-term training and practice.

All these factors make you think well whether it is worth choosing such a job for yourself and whether it is suitable for everyone.

In this area, having a disposition for this, after some time you can reach certain peaks and become a star of journalism. But keep in mind that this path will be long and not the easiest. However, how much famous representatives in this field receive, covers the difficulty in mastering.

A journalist is a representative of a profession through which society learns about the important events of the day, week or year. The presented materials, as a rule, are interpreted, accompanied by in-depth analysis and expert commentary. Without these people, society would feel information hunger. Often this work is difficult, stressful and dangerous.

The media have considerable influence on public opinion, and many seek to bribe them for their own interests (this does not apply to neutral and entertaining topics). Therefore, how much a journalist earns directly depends on the field of activity and the regions in which he has to work. The difference in numbers will be noticeable. "Average temperature in the ward" - these are the numbers that you will learn from our article.

The value of the profession for society

Without journalism it is impossible to imagine our daily life. Many people start their mornings with breakfast and watching TV or the latest newspapers. During the day, we also receive an incredible amount of news that comes directly from or advertising agencies.

The number of Internet users has already reached half the globe - 3.5 billion people. And most of them leaf through the news feed in the evenings, which cannot but affect the fact that the named profession is becoming more and more in demand. And how much a journalist earns is now of interest not only to current, but also to future specialists.

Evaluation is more difficult. It would seem that it could be easier: find out the news first, compare the facts, draw conclusions, beautifully present the material to the reader. At first glance, this process does not require much effort, and someone will even consider the representatives of this profession to be parasites. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real results of his work in terms of money depend on how the specialist positions himself.

How much do journalists earn in Russia

In Russia, a journalist is very different depending on his location and format of activity. In small regional media, the average income will be several times less than in large metropolitan newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. Also, how much journalists earn in Moscow, for example, can significantly exceed the income of their colleagues in St. Petersburg.

The statistics of 2017 says that the minimum salary of a journalist in Russian cities is equal to the subsistence level - 8,000 rubles. The lower threshold can be easily overcome by a specialist if his material is high-quality, innovative and published frequently.

The official maximum salary of such journalists reaches 120,000 rubles. Consequently, the average income in journalism in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Samara, Kazan, Novgorod and others is 35,000 rubles.

Income in different branches of journalism

One of the most profitable niches in journalism is sports. Sports commentators are paid more than print reporters and analysts. The question of how much sports journalists earn is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Commenting on events in sports is even more creative work than writing articles. Each competition or match always has an unpredictable course of events and a final. The fee of a commentator on television for one event starts from 20 thousand rubles, the details depend on his level of media coverage. On the radio, the average assessment of the work of a sports journalist is 10 thousand rubles per broadcast. Unknown commentators have more modest incomes.

Also, the highest level of income was recorded among the chief editors of publications and editors of departments. The average salary for these vacancies in Moscow is 43,900 rubles. This is the top of the corporate ladder for a full-time journalist.

How much does a journalist earn in the USA

According to foreign recruiting agencies, employers in Russia are willing to pay many times more for the work of a journalist than their foreign counterparts. So, here in the highest echelons of journalism, the salary reaches 60 thousand dollars a year. In the US, the average salary of a specialist is more modest - 40 thousand dollars a year.

If novice authors receive about 1 thousand dollars a month, and in the USA this figure is twice as high, then specialists with extensive work experience and a well-known name earn even 5-7 thousand dollars. And this amount is twice the income of journalists in publications with an average popularity in America.

How to get a freelance journalist job

It has become popular in Russia to make a living as a freelancer. This trend has evolved with the development of the Internet and its increasing influence on public opinion. Working as a freelance journalist can also be classified as freelancing.

Anyone who knows the art of language, has analytical skills, a creative outlook on things can try to get this position. For this you should:

  • determine the topic, highlight profile areas;
  • select publications that are interested in the finished material;
  • find out the contacts of the editorial office from the sites;
  • send letters with offers;
  • wait for a response and get to work.

If how much a journalist earns has a fixed framework, then freelance authors receive a salary depending on the level of publication, production, and uniqueness of the material. Journalists who are the first to be in the thick of things are also called streamers. They are not tied to one employer and sell finished material at the best price for themselves.

Whose fee is higher

Along with the profession of a journalist, PR specialists have also become in demand. For a long time, the income of an average PR person was equal to the income of a high-class journalist. Now this distance is shrinking, as the market is oversaturated with unskilled personnel. But how much a journalist earns is still less than the salary of a PR manager. Therefore, more and more reporters prefer to work in press centers instead of editorial offices.

Formally, the functions of a journalist include the search, analysis and processing of information for publication in the media. But the profession of a journalist implies not only communication with people and a presentation of what they heard, saw and read, but also the ability to single out the main thing from an array of information, compare different sources, check the information received - that is, process it comprehensively.

The ultimate goal of a journalist is to form public opinion on various issues.

Of course, each media has its own theme, focus and structure. Some media have reporters who simply collect information from the scene, copywriters, analysts and proofreaders who process information without leaving their offices, correspondents or photojournalists, and many others.

Places of work

First of all, journalists work in the media - print, electronic, radio and television.

Also, such specialists are required by PR services. Positions of journalists exist at large enterprises or in government bodies that have their own press service (PR department).

History of the profession

Despite the fact that the profession of a journalist is often called the “second oldest”, it already arose in a fairly developed society. The forerunners of journalists as disseminators of information were heralds, heralds, clerks, who informed the people about the decisions of the rulers.

The profession received great development after the development and wide distribution of printing - around the 19th century.

Duties of a journalist

Despite the various demands of the media, the main job responsibilities of a journalist are as follows:

  • attending events on a specific topic;
  • searching and interviewing specialists in this industry;
  • writing articles, news, press releases on this topic.

Currently, many journalists are charged with additional functions:

  • editing materials;
  • news monitoring;
  • work with site management systems;
  • work with photo and video materials.

Requirements for a journalist

The general requirements for a journalist are as follows:

  • higher professional education;
  • experience in writing articles for the media (usually on a specific topic);
  • the ability to interview;
  • Correct oral and written language.

In some cases, knowledge of a foreign language is required, sometimes - practical work experience in a particular field.

Sample resume for a journalist

If you are thinking about how to become a journalist, then it is best to graduate from the journalism faculty of the university. Sometimes a philological or other humanitarian education is enough.

There are quite a few journalists who have made a career with both a technical or, for example, medical education. But for this you need to be at least a good specialist in your field and at the same time have a good command of the Russian language (and not only be able to write correctly, but also do it “deliciously”).

Journalist salary

The salary of a journalist ranges from 30 to 80 thousand rubles a month. Although some press secretaries or specialists of the "top" media can receive a lot of money. For example, according to foreign recruitment agencies, a “star” of the Russian media market gets more colleagues of the same level from the USA, Great Britain and France.

The average salary of a journalist is around 45 thousand rubles a month.
