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How easy is it to dye fox, mink, silver fox, fox fur at home? The best ways to dye fur at home How to dye a fox fur coat

Products made of natural fur are always a priority for women, because it is beautiful, expensive and prestigious. But what if something happened to your favorite fur coat, it burned out in the sun, or paint got on it? It doesn't matter - after all, it is quite possible to dye natural fur even at home. In order to dye natural fur, you will need the most common hair dye. The choice of color palette in this case is not limited: from fiery red to jet black. Just remember that after such dyeing, the color of the fur lasts up to eight months, after which the red fades and fades, and the black turns into dark brown and gradually turns red. You can also try to lighten the fur, but the result can be very unexpected: the muskrat becomes soft peach with a white undercoat, and the beaver turns yellow.

Before painting, it is worth doing a little preparatory work. Mezdra (the lower layer of the skin) should be soaked with a fat cream, thus protecting it from drying out. Apply the paint to pre-moistened fur - the color will look deeper and lie more evenly. If you do not want to radically change the shade of the fur, then you should generally dry it a little - the color will turn out to be less intense.

After applying the paint, carefully remember the fur with your hands, rubbing the dye over the entire surface. Make sure there are no unpainted spots left. Leave the product for the same time as when dyeing hair, that is, 30-35 minutes.

After holding the right time, wash off the paint under a powerful jet of water. You can keep the skin for a few minutes in saline so that the color lasts longer and the hairs shine in the sun. Gently wring out the fur - you can lay it out on the bathroom wall and intensively run your hand over it several times.

Then lay the skin out on a surface to dry. It is better to let it drain and dry on its own. Comb the fur, setting the desired direction.

Advice from Osinka.
Skin coloring. Cheap skins, with appropriate processing and coloring, can look like expensive furs. Previously, the coloring of furs was a very complicated matter: it was done using various mordants from chromium, iron and copper sulfate, etc. The introduction of aniline dyes into practice greatly simplified production, increased the color strength and the range of shades obtained.

When using aniline dyes, the color appears on the fibers with the help of oxidizing agents, such as: sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Sodium perborate is more convenient than hydrogen peroxide, it does not decompose so quickly and is cheaper.

2. Aniline paints for skins. Skin coloring can be done in two ways. According to the first method, the entire skin is immersed in a dyeing bath (dipping dyeing), according to the second, the dyeing liquid is brushed onto the hair (pointing).

If the skins are rich in fat, then before coloring they should be treated with the following mixture: 500 g of slaked lime, 250 g of iron sulfate, 150 g of alum per 10 liters of water. Apply the mixture with a brush, after which the skins are dried and washed well several times in water. Thanks to this treatment, the hair is degreased and it takes color more easily.

For skins less greasy, you can use a solution of soda (6 ° B.) and soap for washing. The use of caustic soda should be avoided.

One more piece of advice.
First of all, we process the mezra as follows. We apply ordinary glycerin (so that not too much and not too little) to the surface of the mezra carefully so as not to touch the villi of the fur along the edges. We buy ordinary hair dye of the desired color (I note that the colors when painting light fur completely correspond to the palette of colors) henna - there will be red fur, basma-dark green. When the glycerin is slightly absorbed, we take a board and pin the fur around the perimeter with sewing pins, and paint according to the instructions attached to the selected paint. and dry it with a hairdryer. Done! If you want to make spots of a different color, then wrap the painted places in foil, there will be a beautiful spot.

Painting advice.
I am writing at the request of workers on the eve of winter.
We paint the fur, in my case there was a collar.
The coloring technology is simple - we rip off the collar - so that there is only fur, without fabric, etc.
We take hair dye - I took a black phytolinium garnier (gave the best result), we dilute the paint - the whole bottle went to my large collar, and we apply paint on a board dressed in a plastic bag with an old toothbrush.
There is such a catch - the fur is thick, the arctic fox, the mink is painted worse than the marmot - the undercoat is stained everywhere. It takes a long time and tedious to move the brush in different directions in order to evenly distribute the paint.
Leave for the time indicated on the bottle of paint. Periodically comb the fur with a brush, so that it would be taken more evenly.
Rinse off in the shower, apply (if any) balm. We wash off again. And then we prick the wet fur along the edge of the skin with needles on the board. We dry. I took it off the board when the fur was dry and the skin was semi-dry. In the process of drying, I combed it with a clothes brush. Then air dried.
At the end, it would be good to spread the mezdra with glycerin, or hand cream, or just sunflower oil.
And then - sew! smile
The main thing is not to dry it with a hairdryer, and not to let it dry without being stretched - my mink shrank after this, began to tear, in general - I ruined the fur.
But if everything is done well - my brown groundhog has become completely black, soft and smells like a pleasant balm.
Good luck!

A chic fur coat made of natural fur is a must have in every woman's wardrobe. But after 5-8 years of wear, such clothes usually lose their appearance - the paint from the fur begins to wipe off. And as a result, an expensive fur coat begins to look bald. But a couple of bald spots is not a reason to run to the store and lay out a salary for a new “skin”. It is enough just to learn how to dye a fur coat at home. It is quite simple if you remember all the nuances.

How to dye a fur coat at home?

Fur coat treatment before dyeing

Undoubtedly, it will be much easier to take it to a dry cleaner or to specialists. Then the fur coat will definitely not deteriorate under any circumstances. However, you can do it yourself, but at your own peril and risk. When painting or changing the color of this kind of clothing, many factors should be taken into account - the age of the fur coat, the density of the seams, the possibility of the skin drying out. Can you dye a mink coat? Answer: of course. But first it has to be processed.

For this you will need:

· glycerin;

· ammonia;

· special means for washing of fur products;

It is necessary to carefully coat the inside of the skins themselves (and not the lining) with glycerin. This is necessary so that they do not dry out after getting wet.

And the fur itself should be treated from dirt with an alkaline solution, which consists of three teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ammonia and a similar amount of detergent. All this must be poured into one liter of warm water and add a pinch of soda. Then mix thoroughly.

All this must be applied to a fur coat, laid out on the floor without folds, from the front side, carefully brushing the fur with a brush. This procedure will clean it of dirt, due to which the paint may lie unevenly. After that, the fur should dry on its own.

How to dye a fur coat yourself?

Now you can paint.

1. To solve the question of how to dye the fur, you will need several packages of high-quality hair dye (depending on size and density) and a large ceramic bowl.

Fur fades in the sun. Precipitation also affects its brightness. As a result, even the most expensive and high-quality fur coat begins to look shabby and old over time. Painting will help get rid of signs of wear.

How to start painting at home?

First, clean the fur: comb it, remove dust and other small debris. If this is not done, foreign particles will not allow the paint to lie evenly. Then choose the tool you will work with. Remember that even the most persistent options will only maintain a given color for 1 season. By the beginning of the next painting there will be no trace left.

How can fur be dyed?

Most often, housewives turn to either professional dyes designed for use on fur products, or ordinary hair dye. The latter will have to be purchased in large quantities. Especially if the pile is long, thick, and the fur coat does not apply to shortened models.

Also be sure to test for compatibility. Apply the purchased dye to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bfur. Keep the allotted time. Wash away. Wait a couple of days. If during this period nothing terrible happens to the thing and the resulting shade suits you, proceed to full-scale painting.

What is needed for work?

List of items and materials that will be needed in the process:

  • salt, soda;
  • glycerin, ammonia;
  • specialized product for washing fur things;
  • water.

Self painting algorithm

So, it is necessary:

Before applying some types of paint, you will have to wet the fur. Just spray some water from a spray bottle.

Important nuances

During application, try to paint over all areas, do not miss anything, but move quickly. Otherwise, one part of the product will be painted over better than the other. This will happen due to the different duration of exposure to pigments. If there are problems with the speed of completing tasks or there is no experience, it is worth resorting to a spray gun. Just don't bring it too close to a piece of clothing. It is necessary to spray from a distance (approximately 50 cm).

Important! If you use specialized paint sold in spray cans, it should be sprayed from a distance of 60–70 cm.

At the end of the application, soak the paint for the allotted time. The length of the wait depends on the active dyes, but usually the instructions say 30-45 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, rinse the fur coat in the vinegar solution and blot the pile with paper towels. This will remove any remaining paint.

It is forbidden to wring it out with your hands, twist it, drive it with sponges or take other manipulations aimed at drying it as soon as possible. For this purpose, you can use only napkins.

The next step is optional but recommended. Experienced housewives advise immediately after removing the remaining dye, apply a mask for colored hair to the undercoat. Professional products are best suited, which not only protect the color from washing off, but also take care of the hair structure. Their effect will be noticeable in 2-5 minutes. After this time, rinse the clothes again.

How to dry properly?

After all the work, the fur coat is placed on wide coat hangers, ideally suited in size. It is also worth paying attention to what material the thing is made of. Thin steel simply cannot stand it and will bend from the weight of a damp fur coat, if it is, say, mink or sable fur. That is, there is no point in focusing on the fact that the hanger has never been deformed under a fur product before, because until that moment outerwear has always been dry.

Optimal option: durable wooden hangers. Put them together with a short fur coat in a warm room. Try to make sure that the heaters, if they work, are as far away from the fur as possible. If good hangers are not at hand, you can resort to another method of drying.

Action algorithm:

  • let the water drain;
  • apply glycerin and set the direction of the pile, if necessary;
  • fold in half;
  • place on a hard, flat surface (the fur should be on top);
  • put a well-absorbent cloth;
  • periodically change the absorbent cloth to dry.

At first, this will have to be done every 1.5-2 hours, then the duration of the break will begin to increase. In general, drying a fur coat takes from 3 to 5 days. During this time, experts recommend combing the product and inspecting its undercoat for strange changes.

In the event of bald spots, deformation and other defects, immediately contact a dry cleaner for help. Perhaps the fur can still be saved.

Often a favorite fur coat or vest loses its appearance, while other characteristics are still quite excellent. The villi fade, fade and give the product a very worn look. If you still want to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your favorite thing, then you can shade it a little. But not everyone represents how to dye fox fur at home.

You can not bother with self-painting, but give the product to a special workshop, where everything will be done quickly and professionally. But the cost of such a service is often prohibitive. It will be much cheaper to learn how to dye natural fur and do this work yourself.

Important: Please note that if the product is still new, then it is categorically not recommended to dye it just to change the color, since any dyeing of the fur reduces its service life.

Each type of fur is beautiful and original in its own way. Painting each of them also has its own characteristics:

  • White rabbit, chinchilla or mink fur is the easiest and easiest to dye, because it does not require pre-lightening. You can use any color that can cover the resulting yellowness.

Tip: Keep in mind that rabbit fur is very sensitive to chemicals, so it must be dyed with extreme care.


In order for you to get a very good effect, the fur product must be prepared for painting. Then the paint will lie much more evenly and there will be no bald spots. The most important thing is a good fur coat or vest.

To do this, prepare a mixture of the following substances:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. ammonia;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 1 st. l. washing powder;
  • 2 liters of warm (not hot) water.

All components must be mixed and gently applied to the resulting mass of clothing. Gently brush the villi with a brush so that not only the upper, but also their lower part is cleaned. Moisten then a clean cloth with water and wipe the fur from the composition.

After such cleaning, the thing must be dried naturally, without using either heaters or a hair dryer. It is also not recommended to leave the product in direct sunlight.

How to dye fur yourself

How can fur be dyed? This quite natural question arises for many people who want to change the colors of mink, rabbit or arctic fox fur at home. Of course, there are some very real home coloring technologies.

Professional tool

You can use a special paint for fur, which is sold in hardware stores. It lies very naturally on the villi, as it is designed taking into account the characteristics of animal furs.

Hair dye

A more affordable option is . This is also the most popular coloring method, because you can choose any color from a huge palette.

Important: Keep in mind that fur should always be dyed in a darker shade. Over time, the fiery red color will turn into “rusty” or red, and black will fade to a dirty brown.

So, how to change the color of fur with hair dye:

  • mix all the paint components according to the instructions.
  • put on gloves.
  • treat the mezdra (skin) with baby cream, glycerin or petroleum jelly to avoid drying it out;
  • moisten the pile so that the paint is distributed more evenly;
  • apply paint with a brush to the entire fur surface;
  • remember the fur with your hands a little;
  • wait 35-45 minutes;
  • wash off the paint with water;
  • lay the thing on a horizontal plane, wring out excess moisture with your hands, and leave to dry;
  • after drying, comb the item.

You can paint the fur not completely, but only the tips of the villi. As a rule, they are lightened to give the product a richer look.

Suede paint

You can treat the faded tips of the villi with suede paint, which is sold in aerosol cans. To do this, place the can at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from the thing and evenly paint the entire surface. Leave the fur to dry for a while, and then rinse it well.

After that, prepare a fixing solution: 5 tbsp. l. vinegar to 2 liters of water. Wipe the pile with this liquid and leave it to dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the fur product is already dark, but you would like to dye it in a bright and saturated shade, then you can discolor it. Hydrogen peroxide tablets or hair bleach will help in this matter.

Peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. If you use a clarifier, then dilute it as written in the instructions. Different manufacturers can produce clarifiers of different concentrations. Apply the prepared mixture on the fur and leave for 10-15 minutes. It is impossible to keep the composition on the pile longer, as the hairs can become brittle. After processing, rinse the fur with water and dry naturally. It will be possible to paint it only after complete drying.

When deciding to lighten and dye the fur of a collar, hat or other thing, carefully select the color, because it will be undesirable to carry out these procedures again. Not a single, even the highest quality pile, can withstand repeated staining.

When dyeing fur, it is important to know some of the nuances:

  • The fur that you decide to dye should not be too shabby.
  • Only a clean pile will stain well, so it must be preliminarily cleaned.
  • Yellowed white fox fur can simply be lightened.
  • Before applying any coloring agent, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area.
  • When painting, you can hide some flaws and defects.
  • Instead of full-fledged paints, sometimes you can use small folk tricks. For example: the fur of a red or steppe fox can be quickly and painlessly updated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. In this case, use a small sponge. It must be dipped into the solution and carried out through the villi, trying not to touch the core.
  • After dyeing and drying, the fur must be combed so that it becomes fluffy again.
  • With the help of tinting shampoo, you can make a unique decor on your fur product. It just takes a little imagination.

Now you know whether it is possible to dye the fur of arctic fox and other fur-bearing animals, and also imagine the technology of this process. The main thing is to strictly follow all the instructions. And your favorite and cozy fur coat will delight you for some time with its warmth and impeccable appearance. If you do not dare to take such a crucial step as dyeing fur, then contact the specialists in dry cleaning or a workshop for repairing fur products.


Unfortunately, even the most expensive natural fur products eventually lose their original attractiveness due to banal wear and tear. Nevertheless, it is still possible to return them to their former attractiveness. And, by the way, for this it is absolutely not necessary to contact specialized dry cleaners and workshops. In this article, we will consider everything about how to dye fur at home, what features this process is fraught with, as well as the nuances, subtleties and features of work to restore the lost color and shade on various furs.

It is immediately worth noting that despite the seeming ease and simplicity, the staining process requires maximum concentration of attention, because even the slightest mistake can make a thing completely unusable. Moreover, before dyeing yellowed fur at home, you should take care of the preliminary preparation of the product, cleaning it of dirt and dust, as well as carrying out a simple degreasing procedure. Ignoring this requirement can lead to the fact that the paint is not distributed evenly and is not absorbed into the structure of the product, as a result of which various spots and unpleasant stains will remain on its surface.

Used to process fur alkali solution, which includes:

  • Dishwashing liquid or washing powder - 1 tsp;
  • Ammonia - 5 grams;
  • Table salt - 15 grams;
  • Soda - 10 g.

This amount will be enough to prepare 1 liter of cleaning solution. The resulting liquid is applied to the fur area with a regular brush, after which it is washed off with warm running water. As an alternative to this recipe, you can use a mixture of alcohol, vinegar and distilled water in equal proportions. On the reverse side, it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the product with a greasy hand cream. This is done to prevent drying out.

An important point that you should pay attention to before dyeing fur at home with paint is the choice of coloring matter. The structure of the pile in natural furs is similar to human hair, due to which ordinary hair dyes are suitable for dyeing fur products, which can be found in almost any store (up to supermarkets). But it is worth remembering that the quality of the final result depends on how resistant you have chosen the dye. It should be noted that depending on the type and size of the product, you may need from 1 to 3 packages.

A small life hack: before starting the procedure, it is better to try out the purchased paint on a small and barely noticeable piece of the product: this way you can make sure that you have chosen the right shade, and also make sure that the dye falls on the material evenly.

Raccoon fur

So that painting raccoon fur at home does not cause problems and difficulties, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the material. Compared to other furs, the raccoon has a denser pile, which is why it will take much more time to color. At the same time, the number of consumables also increases: practice shows that 1.5-2 packs of paint may be needed for uniform coloring of one hat.

The paint is applied evenly, for this you can use a brush, often included with the purchased product. The time indicated in the instructions for use will be enough for the paint to

"grabbed" and penetrated into the structure of the pile. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed under warm running water and hung to dry. ATTENTION! Never use a hair dryer or other dehumidifier, as there is a possibility of damage to the product.

Astrakhan fur

Painting astrakhan fur at home does not require special knowledge, skills and abilities. Astrakhan fur can (and should) be dyed black. The paint is applied to a wet pile and washed with hands for even distribution, after which the product can be set aside for the time specified in the instructions from the manufacturer. After the period for which the paint should “grab”, the product is washed under warm running water, laid out on a flat, slightly inclined surface and, with the help of simple manipulations, is cleaned of excess moisture. After complete drying, the pile is combed with an ordinary comb in the right direction.

rabbit fur

So that dyeing rabbit fur at home does not lead to the “destruction” of your favorite thing, you should remember a few nuances. In particular:

  1. The dye must be one tone darker than the original color of the item being dyed;
  2. To evenly distribute the paint, in addition to standard cleaning procedures, the rabbit should be immersed in a solution of washing powder for fur with water heated to 30-35 degrees Celsius and kept in it for 1 hour, then rinsed under warm running water;
  3. When performing the procedures directly, it is recommended to use the instructions that came with the purchased paint.

Practice shows that dyes "Henna", "Basma" and "Gamma" are suitable for dyeing rabbit fur, in which the main substance penetrates into the deep structure of the pile. Drying occurs by analogy with previous products.

Fox fur

Due to the similar structure of the pile, dyeing fox fur at home occurs by analogy with a rabbit. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shade: the most common mistake of people who undertake self-dyeing of expensive furs is non-compliance with the rules for choosing the required tone. Like last time, the substance should be one tone lower than the original color.

After the procedure, you can use the balm (comes with the dye): it will give the product a special shine and silkiness. Dry naturally, without hair dryers, radiators and heaters. Preferably - on a horizontal surface, securing the edges of the product with pins.

Mink fur

Contrary to the common misconception that dyeing mink fur at home is impossible, the dyeing procedure is no different from everything that was described above. However, it is important to remember that the coloring of mink products is used purely to restore them to their original appearance: when you try to change the color, you can get the most unexpected and, at times, quite frustrating results!

Sheepskin fur

Unlike previous methods, dyeing sheepskin at home is a little different. To evenly distribute the paint over the surface, the product is placed in a solution consisting of aniline dye and chemicals and heated at 40-50 degrees until the material acquires the desired color. But due to certain difficulties, this method is not very popular among the inhabitants. Fortunately, at present, people who want to dye sheepskin are offered an alternative in the form of aerosol dyes.

The process is carried out outdoors. Do not neglect personal protective equipment, because. in some cases, the coloring matter contains elements that can harm human health (after drying, under the action of UV rays, their harmful effects are leveled).

fox fur

Dyeing fox fur at home takes place in several stages:

  • Preliminary cleaning;
  • Applying paint with a brush;
  • Rinse under warm running water;
  • Drying.

It is important to remember that the product should be dried away from fans and heaters. It is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer and other drying equipment: otherwise, the structure of the material may be broken and you will have to contact specialists to restore it.

Silver fox fur

Dyeing silver fox fur at home is extremely rare: the thing is that products made from this material are resistant to wear and are able to maintain their color throughout the entire period of operation. Another thing is yellowing, which occurs in 8 out of 10 cases. Dealing with it is easy enough. To do this, you can use both dry and wet methods. In the first case, a mixture of stationery chalk powder, talc, semolina, starch or wheat flour is rubbed into the fur. Since the main cause of yellowing is fat accumulating on the surface of the fur, these substances contribute to its effective removal.

In the second case, a wet solution of liquid soap and shampoo is applied to the surface of the thing. 5 minutes is enough for the active ingredients to penetrate the hair structure and clean it from dirt and dust. Rinse off the solution carefully, without catching the core (bottom layer). Before being sent for drying, the fur should be combed with a comb with frequent teeth.


Summing up all of the above, you might think that dyeing natural furs is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. However, if you doubt that you can do it yourself, it is better to trust the experts: most companies involved in such activities can guarantee a 100% effective result!
