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What components are needed for the production of furniture foam rubber. Production of foam rubber in Russia as a business. foam manufacturing technology

To date, foam rubber manufacturers operating in our country cannot fully satisfy the demand for this product, so it has to be imported from abroad. Shipping costs significantly increase the cost of products, so consumers prefer to buy material made by domestic manufacturers. The production of foam rubber in Russia brings a lot of profit. How to organize such a business, we will understand in this article.

Business Features

Modern foam rubber is significantly different from the material that was produced several decades ago.

Among its advantages I would like to highlight:

  • High moisture resistance;
  • Mold resistant;
  • High degree of heat and sound insulation;
  • Elasticity.
  • The most important advantage of the product lies in its low cost.

Like any other material, foam rubber also has disadvantages. First of all, the production of such products is considered environmentally harmful, therefore, high requirements are placed on security systems at enterprises for its production.

In addition, polyurethane foam is a combustible material. When ignited, it begins to release harmful substances that can lead to poisoning. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers use special impregnations, but usually they do not provide the desired effect.

Manufacturing technology

For the production of foam rubber, one of two methods can be used:
  1. Continuous;
  2. Periodic.

The simplest, periodic method. It is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs. This foam rubber production technology does not require special knowledge and the use of sophisticated equipment. All chemicals are mixed in a foaming machine, after which it is sent to a special form. In it, the material is no more than half an hour. Further, the finished product is cooled for 3 days and cut to size.

Particular attention in the manufacture of foam rubber should be given to the temperature regime. In the production room, the temperature should not fall below +18 degrees. This requirement does not apply to the warehouse, utility rooms and cutting area.

In addition, you need to correctly determine the dosage of the components. There is no room for error in this matter. The production process must be controlled by an experienced chemical technologist. A video of foam rubber production will help you to get acquainted with the production process in more detail.

Scheme: foam rubber production

Raw material

For the manufacture of foam rubber, polyisocyanates and polyols are used, which are produced by petrochemical enterprises. To establish the smooth operation of the production line, it is necessary to conclude long-term contracts for the supply of high-quality raw materials. In this case, your company will not be idle without work and suffer losses.

In addition, a room should be allocated for a warehouse for raw materials in order to have a reserve in case of force majeure situations. In addition, if you buy material in large quantities, manufacturers can significantly reduce the price, which will allow you to save money and reduce the cost of production.


Consider the main types of foam rubber:
  • Increased rigidity. For the manufacture of this material, special polyols are used, which give it increased strength. Such foam rubber is used for the manufacture of seats and mattresses;
  • Latex highly elastic foam rubber. This type of product is presented in a wide range. It is much more elastic than other types of polyurethane foam. Material with such properties is used in the furniture industry for the manufacture of pillows, mattresses and other products. It is durable and resistant to dents;
  • Material for molding various elements. To achieve an orthopedic effect, many manufacturers use spring blocks with multilayer filling in the manufacture of upholstered furniture. Synthetic flooring materials, for example, block elastic polyurethane foam, can significantly reduce the cost of products;
  • Foam rubber. This material is made from rubber. It is produced in the form of molded elements or sheets. Foam rubber has excellent sound and heat insulation properties, as well as durability and high hygiene.


The finished foam rubber production line can be used regardless of the method of organization of the enterprise.

It consists of the following units:

  • foaming machine;
  • Thermal camera;
  • Device for cutting material;
  • dispenser;
  • Form block.

To make production waste-free, you should also buy a crusher for processing edges and defective material. In addition, you will need a packaging device, with which the foam is rolled up and packed in polyethylene.


To work at the enterprise, it is not necessary to hire qualified personnel. It is enough to find one experienced chemist-technologist. Other employees may receive special training. Usually such courses are offered free of charge by equipment suppliers.

2 people are required to service the cutting and pouring equipment. You also need to hire 3 workers for loading and unloading.

Financial calculations

To start a plant for the production of foam rubber will require large capital investments. Since the profitability of such a business is quite high, and the demand for foam rubber is constantly growing, the start-up capital will return in just 5-6 months.

The purchase price of foam rubber production equipment is quite high. You will spend approximately 17 thousand dollars to purchase it. For installation and staff training, you will have to pay another $7,000.

To improve performance, you must also purchase:

  • Thermal camera - 6 thousand dollars;
  • A set of dosing devices - 6.5 thousand dollars;
  • Band saw machine - 5 thousand dollars.

With this additional investment, you can increase the productivity of the plant by 2.5 times, but only if the periodic method is applied.

A fully automated line will cost 6.5 million rubles. This is the main equipment for the production of foam rubber, to which you will also have to purchase additional accessories:

  • Packing machine - 7 thousand dollars;
  • Crusher for foam rubber crusts - 2 thousand dollars;
  • Equipment for waste processing - 9 thousand dollars.

To the cost of equipping the workshop should be added:

  • Payment for the rent of the premises;
  • Employee salaries;
  • Purchase of components for the production of foam rubber;
  • Fare;
  • Payment of utility bills.

According to preliminary calculations, the net income of such an enterprise is about 220 thousand rubles a month. According to experts, the profitability of such an enterprise is at least 15%.

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Sales of finished products

Furniture factories that use foam rubber as padding for upholstered furniture can become your regular customers. They are the main consumers of this material, since they purchase 70% of the total volume of products on the market.

In addition, foam rubber is used in construction for heat and sound insulation. Shoe manufacturers also buy this material in small quantities. In the medical industry, foam rubber is used to make fixing splints and prostheses. Finished products can be sold to manufacturers of audio equipment for the manufacture of headphones, microphones and other devices.

Foam rubber can also be taken to hardware stores. Such goods are bought by individuals in small batches. Factories for the production of children's toys often use this material for stuffing various products, so you can try to conclude contracts with such enterprises.

The main chemical components of the formulation for the preparation of polyurethane foam (PUF) are polyethers and polyesters. When using polyesters, an elastic molded polyurethane foam is produced. Many times superior in performance to foam rubber, which is polyurethane foam based on polyethers, it is twice as expensive to manufacture and has practically disappeared from our daily use.

On our production of foam rubber technologists use a molded (periodic) method for preparing foam rubber.

When using this option, the production of foam rubber occurs by pouring an elastic mass into molds, where it foams. During polymerization, the foam rises above the level of the upper cut of the mold. After that, we remove the finished block of polyurethane foam from the mold and send it to a special chamber for 24 hours until maturation. After this time, we cut off the crust frozen at the edges from the block and cut it into sheets of the required size and shape.

Thus, molded foam rubber has wider stereometric possibilities, that is, depending on the requirements of the customer, we can produce a product of any shape, i.e. contour cutting is applied to certain parts.

Our production offers various grades of foam such as: ST - standard foam; EL - foam rubber of increased rigidity; HL - super hard foam, HR - high resilience foam; S - soft foam rubber; HS - super soft foam; VE - viscoelastic foam (memory foam).

The main range of products made from foam rubber in our production is sheets with a size of 1000 × 2000 mm., The thickness of the sheet varies from 0.5 mm to 200 mm. Also, at the request of the customer, we are ready to fulfill the order for non-standard sheet sizes such as: 1200 × 2000 mm; 1300×2000 mm; 1400×2000 mm; 1500×2000 mm; 1550×2000 mm; 1600×2000 mm.

The business idea is to organize the production of foam rubber to meet the needs of the furniture market, manufacturers of soft toys, sports and other goods.


Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) - is an elastic elastic material made of polyurethane foam, the volume of which consists of 9/10 of air cells.

Where is foam used?

  • furniture (and even in),
  • Stuffed Toys,
  • car seats,
  • (sponges, rags).

Soft tissue production in Russia is growing annually, the growth rate is at least 7-10%, according to preliminary forecasts, the market growth in 2012 will be at least 7% in value terms. According to analysts' forecasts, sales of upholstered furniture by 2015 will increase by 4 times compared to 2010.

The growth of the upholstered furniture market leads to an increase in demand for consumables used in production.

For it is sold in the form of foam rubber crumbs:

One of the main materials used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture is foam rubber ( PPU).

There are two main technologies for the production of polyurethane foam:

  1. continuous method
  2. periodic method.

Small enterprises use the periodic foam rubber production method, as it is simple, the costs are insignificant, the production process does not require special education, it is enough to go through the training offered when purchasing the equipment.o

Required equipment

The minimum composition is as follows:

  1. foaming machine
  2. thermal camera
  3. Material cutting machine
  4. Dosing equipment
  5. Pumps, hoses, couplings, etc.
  6. Form block

To organize a full-fledged year-round production with maximum productivity, it is necessary to purchase the following additional equipment:

  1. Waste crusher
  2. Rolling and wrapping machine.

All of the above equipment can be purchased both individually and as part of a turnkey production line.

The cost of a minimum set of equipment with a capacity of 10-12 cubic meters of finished products per shift will be about 300,000 rubles, a semi-automatic line, which includes all the necessary equipment for the production of various grades of foam rubber, with a capacity of 20-30 cubic meters per shift, will cost 1.3 million rubles.

If we consider the purchase of a line in China, then for 1.6-1.8 million rubles, you can purchase a mini-plant with a capacity of at least 50 cubic meters per shift.

Feasibility study of activities

  • Organizational form of ownership: Individual entrepreneur (find out)
  • Taxation system: Simplified tax regime, taxable base "income minus expenses", 15%.
  • Production shop: rent, 200 sq.m.
  • Main buyers: Organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the manufacture of upholstered furniture.
  • Form of payment: When drawing up a contract for the supply of products over 100,000 rubles, payment is only by bank transfer, in case of shipment of products for a smaller amount, payment is possible in cash. Postponement of payment for shipped products no more than 30 days-60 days. Postponement is possible only when working with verified buyers and when buying more than 100,000 rubles.
  • Banking services: To work with suppliers and buyers, the company has a . To cover cash gaps resulting from shipments of products with deferred payment, a loan product in the form of 300,000 rubles was issued in the servicing bank.
  • Features of doing business: The activities of the foam rubber production shop are directly related to the volume of sales of upholstered furniture. The peak of revenue falls on the period from September to December and February - April, as during this period the maximum sales of upholstered furniture are observed. During the period from May to August, there is a seasonal decline in revenue. In January, it is most optimal to engage in equipment maintenance, as there are practically no orders in this month.
  • Number of staff 7 people
  • Working hours: 8 hours per shift, 23 shifts per month.
  • Number of teams: 1

Capital expenditures

The total amount of capital costs for organizing the production of foam rubber will be approximately 2,530,000 rubles. Cost structure:

Calculation of the profitability of the enterprise

* Revenue

The average monthly revenue is calculated based on the equipment load by 50%. Subject to the production of foam rubber with a width of 20 mm and a density of 25 kg / m3, the wholesale price for 1 sheet is 200 rubles (retail price for a sheet is 250-270 rubles).

** Cost price

The cost of manufacturing 1 sheet includes the cost of raw materials and electricity:

The return on investment in the organization of the production of foam rubber is 12 months.

The production of foam rubber (elastic polyurethane foam) is a technologically simple process. This fact should be considered as a business idea for small investments. The main thing is to adhere to all safety standards in production. In fact, foam can be made in elementary laboratory conditions in a chemistry lesson. Today we all meet with foam rubber every day in its various manifestations. Upholstered furniture is covered with foam rubber, soundproofing is done, doors are insulated, etc. Elastic polyurethane foam (PPU) is found in our kitchen, and in the bathroom, and in the children's room, and in our furniture, and in many other things that a person faces throughout the day. Based on the fact that foam rubber is in great demand, you should think about its production. Moreover, the price of the minimum configuration of equipment is quite affordable for small businesses.

Equipment for the production of foam rubber

Foam rubber is produced using two production technologies:

  1. Continuous production technology.
  2. Periodic production technology.

The batch foam production method is simpler, which is why it is ideal for small businesses and beginners in this field. At the same time, equipment for the batch method of manufacturing is somewhat cheaper, and this method does not require special training. The equipment can be installed by a company that sells and installs working equipment. The services of such a company usually do not exceed 10% of the cost of the machines themselves. Minimum set of equipment:

  1. Foaming apparatus.
  2. Thermal camera.
  3. Foam cutting machine.
  4. Dosing device.
  5. Block forms.

Additionally, you can purchase a crushing machine (it will allow production to be waste-free) as well as a packaging machine (for twisting foam sheets into rolls and wrapping them in plastic wrap). The minimum set of equipment can be purchased from $7,000.

Periodic technology in the production of flexible polyurethane foam

The batch production technology is as follows:
  1. In a mixing tank of the required volume, a polyurethane foam mixture (water, isocyanate, polyol and other standard components) is poured in a certain amount.
  2. Depending on what type and with what characteristics the foam rubber should be obtained, a strict recipe for mixing the components is observed. Although they can be purchased already dosed for each type of flexible polyurethane. Prepared components are slightly more expensive, but greatly simplify preparation before production. Depending on the proportions of the components, during the reaction, cells of distinctive sizes and shapes are formed in the foam rubber. The smaller the cells, but the larger the walls of the cavities, the better it resists loads. For example, furniture elastic polyurethane at break must withstand 270 Newtons. Such high-quality foam rubber will be elastic and quickly restores its shape. On the other hand, it requires more consumables and therefore has a higher cost.
  3. The mixture is stirred in special equipment. The mixed mixture is poured into a special block mold. In this block mold, the foaming process takes place. After that, the resulting foam block is kept in shape for some more time. After the allotted time has elapsed, the side walls are opened in the block form and the finished foam block is removed. But, in order to make the foam rubber fully ready, it is moved to a separate room, where it will be kept for at least another day. And only after that, the foam blocks are cut into sheets of the required thickness, which are mainly used in the furniture industry.

This production technology does not require large financial costs for equipment and personnel. That is why it is suitable for small businesses.

Profitability of a business idea

We calculate the profitability using the example of one standard portion of foam rubber produced by a batch production method. To get one block (2000x1000x1100 mm) of the finished product, you need to purchase a six-component portion of raw materials 50 kg (in the kit, all the necessary components are already in exact proportions) = $ 140. After the production process, we get a block of foam rubber at the output, which should be cut into foam rubber sheets (2000x1000x10mm). The retail price of one such sheet is $2. We should get at least 100 sheets (because 2 of them will most likely be defective).

And that $2 x 100 - $140 = $60 profit. With a large production facility, the $7,000 line can produce 10 tons of flexible polyurethane per month.

Properties in quality foam rubber

By itself, the foam rubber is quite dense and light material. It, like all other types of polyurethane foam, has a porous structure and consists mainly of air bubbles (up to 90% by volume).

The main parameters for assessing the quality of foam rubber:

  1. Strength of flexible polyurethane foam. At this stage, the level of ultimate strength is checked, which is determined by the level of elongation at break.
  2. Elasticity. This indicator directly depends on the rigidity of the elastic foam, the greater the rigidity, the less elasticity. Such a quality item is checked by measuring the height of the "jump" of the ball that falls on the sample.
  3. Rigidity. This indicator is checked by compressing the sample of the product by 40% of the total length of the sample. The stiffness depends on the pore size, the larger the size of the balloons, the higher the stiffness.
  4. The density level of PPU is measured in kg / cubic meter. And this is the main indicator of quality.
  5. Percentage of permanent deformation. This parameter indicates the ability of flexible polyurethane foam to maintain its original performance throughout the entire service life. It is measured by squeezing a polyurethane foam sample for a certain amount of time, and setting the percentage of the original values.
  6. Comfortable elastic foam. This parameter distinguishes furniture foam rubber marking HR.

Based on these basic evaluation parameters, it is divided into three main types:

  1. Standard (ST).
  2. Highly elastic (HR).
  3. Rigid polyurethane foam (HL).

In the furniture industry, mainly EPPU with the HR marking is used. With the ST marking, they are also used for the production of furniture, but only for those that will not be subjected to heavy loads.

Sales of manufactured products

Still, the main consumers of flexible polyurethane foam are furniture manufacturers. Therefore, before starting such a business, it is necessary to consider ways to market the products. But do not forget also about the manufacturers of soft toys, household companies (production of various types of sponges), acoustics and many other areas of activity. Elastic polyurethane foam has always been a sold type of consumables, so it will be easy to sell.

Today, we can say with some certainty that the market for the production of foam rubber is quite competitive. Therefore, you should not count on large factories and enterprises as partner-consumers. But if you have small furniture enterprises in your city, you may well compete with large competitors.

Manufacturing Precautions

The elastic polyurethane foam itself is safe for humans, therefore it is allowed to produce upholstered furniture from it. Although the finished foam rubber itself is not hazardous to health and meets all hygiene standards, the process of its production requires strict adherence to industrial precautions. Chemical components in contact with mucous membranes in humans can cause irritation. Isocyanate (mandatory component) has a negative effect on the skin and respiratory tract. Therefore, the operator must wear a respirator, goggles and a protective suit. It is also necessary to equip the production room with supply and exhaust ventilation, which is designed in accordance with safety standards. This will get rid of the bad smell. And all harmful substances decompose under the influence of air into elements that are absolutely safe for humans. It is forbidden to pour non-recycled components into the sewer, as this affects the pollution of the environment. Unrecycled raw materials should be safely disposed of.

If you pay attention to which companies are most often opened today, then here you can undoubtedly name jewelry, alcohol, automotive and furniture. Let's take a look at the furniture. It consists of simple and light materials, but with an interesting design, it can be very expensive. Thus, the furniture brings a high income with minimal costs. As a result, equipment for the production of foam rubber is considered relevant for the acquisition.

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  • foam production technology

The material is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, toys, sporting goods. Foam rubber is a material consisting of polyurethane. It is very elastic and resilient, as 90% consists of cells filled with air.

The material is used in the manufacture of:

  • various furniture;
  • soft toys;
  • car seats;
  • sports and household goods.

The production volumes of upholstered furniture in the Russian Federation are increasing every year. The annual growth in this market segment is 10%. With the development of this industry, the demand for materials that are needed also increases. The main one is foam rubber.

At the moment, there are two main methods that are used in the manufacture of foam rubber: continuous and periodic. Small firms use the second technology, as it is simple, and the cost of buying equipment and maintaining it is minimal. In addition, no specific education is required to make foam rubber, it is enough to take training courses offered by suppliers.

Equipment for the production of foam rubber

In order to start making foam rubber, you need to have:

  • machine (automatic) for foaming;
  • thermal chamber;
  • machine for cutting blanks;
  • dosing device;
  • configuration block (forms);
  • related materials (couplings, hoses, etc.).

In order to organize a full-fledged line, you should purchase additional devices: a waste crusher, a machine with which you can twist sheets and a film wrapping machine. The above types of equipment can be ordered separately, or you can purchase a complete line.

Necessary costs for the production of foam rubber

A set of equipment that produces 12 m 3 of material in one shift costs around 300 thousand rubles. If you order a line that includes all devices for the production of foam rubber of various brands and is capable of producing up to 30 m 3 of foam rubber per shift, 1.3 million rubles will be required.

There is an option where you can order a mini-factory in China. The output of such a line is not less than 50 m 3 of finished material per shift. Issue price 1.6-1.8 million rubles. This option is more profitable. To effectively build a process, you will need 7 employees who will work 8 hours per shift. Capital costs for the organization of the line for the production of foam rubber will amount to approximately 1.78 million rubles.

Those who decide to engage in this activity must issue an IP. Find a suitable room where the work shop with a total area of ​​200 m 2 will be located. Find buyers among enterprises and firms that are engaged in the production of furniture and other goods where foam rubber is used.

The loading of the line is closely related to the demand of buyers for upholstered furniture. It will be possible to receive the largest revenue during the peak time of furniture sales (autumn and from February to April). The rest of the time there will be a decrease in revenue associated with seasonal customer requests. There are very few orders in January, this is primarily due to the holidays. This is the best time to do equipment maintenance.

How much can you earn in the production of foam rubber

Revenue is best calculated with the condition that the line will be loaded by 50%. In the manufacture of foam rubber with parameters of 20 mm, thickness and density of 25 kg / m3, the price of large orders will be 150 rubles / sheet, and retail 250-270 rubles. As a result, we can create the following table.

In the manufacture of foam rubber sheet, the cost will include the cost of raw materials for production and the energy used:

Thus, after making approximate calculations, you can see that even with a payback period of 12 months, you can regularly receive high income even with 50% line load. With 100% operation of the equipment, it will be possible to return your costs in six months. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the ways of selling products in advance.
