Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Effective bar advertising. Advertising media in cafes, restaurants and bars Advertising will not spill by, We have a stand for beer

Heat. On a misted glass of cold beer, drops of water flow directly onto your hand. A high head of foam with a pleasant hiss rises above the golden-amber drink, giving off the smell of natural hops and malt. In the beer restaurant "Munich" you will find varieties of dark beer with flavor notes of caramel and light beer with a slight bitterness of hops. Come and enjoy the taste of real beer according to old monastic recipes.

Winter. It's cold outside, and in the restaurant "Chekhov" you will find a hot steak from farm beef on the coals, ruddy potatoes with a golden crust and a rustic salad. The smell of tender, smoky juicy meat will go well with crispy potatoes.

Real homemade sausages from poultry, rabbit, pork will not leave anyone indifferent. From above they are covered with a thin fried crust, but inside they are juicy. Basil, coriander and marjoram will enhance the taste of hot, freshly roasted sausages, which go very well with dark Czech beer or dry red wine from the wine cellar.

Roe deer or hare skewers with Provence herbs convey a slightly grassy forest smell of natural meat. And the fish freshly caught from the aquarium, baked in the oven in its own juice, is beyond praise!

Restaurant Chekhov is made in the form of a traditional landowner's estate. Oak tables, hunting trophies on log walls, a Russian stove and live music perfectly convey the charm of the bright traditions of an old tavern. For a few hours you will feel like a nobleman. Call and book a table today - sometimes there are not enough empty seats.

Pizzeria Corleone prepares pizza in a wood-fired oven right in front of you. The juicy piping-hot stuffing will gently sizzle on thin crispy dough, exuding the aroma of smoke from fruit trees. Having bitten off a piece, you feel the taste of fresh tomatoes and spices: basil, oregano, marjoram. And we have the longest strings from viscous cheese in the city. Come and see for yourself!

What to write on the website of cafes and restaurants?

Let me tell you a secret – the restaurant business is very competitive. On the one side. On the other hand, the demand is very high. And a huge plus: most establishments do not pay enough attention to marketing. Especially selling texts.

It gets to the point that many restaurants do not even have their own simple business card website. People look at prices and restaurant menus on third-party resources. Even if you start your website on a free template and fill it with information, you can significantly outperform your competitors and make your restaurant a shining star on the gastronomic map of the city.

But it just so happened that people go into the restaurant business, aimed at quick profits. They are too lazy to study marketing - they just think that you need to work hard and make money. Don't waste your time on stupid things. And if you start applying the basic selling techniques of marketing and copywriting to the restaurant business, the profit will increase significantly.

How to attract visitors to cafes and restaurants

  • Targeted advertising. A person drives into the search, for example, "cafe Novosibirsk" and gets to your page. You will have to pay for each click - but the average check will more than pay off all expenses.
  • Advertising in social networks. One advertising post in the promoted group of the city - and you are provided with a hall of visitors.
  • Establishment catalogs. Be sure to make sure that there is up-to-date information. And conduct a dialogue with commentators - people will see that the institution values ​​​​its reputation.
  • Advertising in transport. People traveling home from work by public transport think about which cafe to go to relax after a hard day's work. Your ad will help them make the right choice.
  • Distribution of leaflets. Leaflets are best distributed near the cafe.
  • word of mouth. The most reliable promotion channel for those clients who fundamentally do not accept advertising.

Classic example: one American, the owner of a chain of restaurants, spent very little money on advertising. But there was no end to visitors. His marketing ploy was ingeniously simple. From time to time he hosted free banquets for barbers. Hairdressers then sincerely praised this restaurant to their customers. And every second person goes to the hairdressers.

An example of text for advertising cafes, restaurants and bars on the radio

The main thing is to invest in timing. For example, 20 seconds is approximately 250-300 characters of text. If you shove something that is not shove, there will be a machine-gun burst. In the radio commercial, you need to repeat the name of the institution 2-3 times, emotionally describe the menu in a few words, and add a call to action at the end.

Here is a nice example: a text for an advertisement for a cafe on the radio in an entertainment center, running time is 40 seconds:

Are you interested in the answer

What to eat for lunch?

Maintain your figure

And beautiful nature

There is nothing better

Than the cafe "Golden Key"

Hot dishes, salads, desserts,

There is a pizza to choose from - seize the moments,

And besides, each of you

You can celebrate your holiday with us

On the playground with the soul to frolic

Cinema 3D then find yourself

There are a lot of desires, a lot of ideas,

Attraction 5D is for you and friends,

And also you catch a happy moment,

Come to the "Golden Key" on the weekend with your family,

Cheer with us for football

With live broadcast you will not miss a goal!

Come to the cafe "Golden Key". We work daily from 8.00 to 22.00 in TRTo "Cosmos".

  • Women who look after their figure
  • Young mothers with children
  • Groups of friends
  • football lovers

There is a clear hint in the advertisement that the cafe is located in a shopping and entertainment complex and there are other entertainments besides food. That is, this cafe is ideal for celebrating a birthday, New Year, graduation, closing the session, playing your favorite football team, and just the end of the working week.

Another example: a text for an advertisement for a cafe on the radio in an entertainment center, running time 40 seconds:

Attention, attention, attention!

Cafe "Antalya" opened today

Only we have oriental cakes,

Shawarma with veal and potatoes,

For the first time in Sumy chicken hamburgers,

Our cafe is the most hospitable,

There is little time left before the holiday,

Try not to be late for it You start,

So don't waste time

Come join us for the opening!

March 8 at 16.00 a lot of prizes and drawings. Animators, competitions and valuable gifts. We look forward to seeing you near the Kyiv department store. Cafe "Antalya"!

This is a typical example of a coffee shop invitation text. A very well crafted call to action.


Often people are looking for where to sit in search engines. In the search, queries such as “pizzeria Gagarin Avenue”, “Odessa restaurant”, “cafe in Orel menu and prices” are typed. That is, a person is mainly interested in the place, menu and price category. Highlight these points in the text on the restaurant website, and free customers from search engines will come to you. The selection of keywords on the example of clothing can be found in the article. Let me just say that I personally use Wordstat and the Bukvarix keyword database installed on my computer for this purpose.

Call to action

At the end of any advertising text Necessarily should be a call to action. Tell them to come to you today, tomorrow, on your birthday or on New Year's Eve. Without a specific call to action, any restaurant ad copy becomes "almost ad copy." You don't want customers to "almost walk" into your bar, do you?

Order an article for advertising a cafe and a restaurant

Are you a restaurant owner or manager? You do not have time and experience to write beautiful selling texts? There is a solution - order an article for a restaurant, cafe or bar from me. I will select the best keywords that will quietly bring the article to the TOP, bring visitors and buyers. At the same time, the text will have an easy-to-read selling structure. Do not be shy - !

View prices

Breakfast, lunch, dinner of a modern person is always accompanied by advertising. She is everywhere ... On the menu, on the table, on the bar and even on the mirror is placed advertising in restaurants. Information for the client has a special taste and aroma. Nothing should distract from the meal, except for advertising!

Visiting cafes, bars and restaurants has long been an integral part of our lives, a tradition passed down from generation to generation. This is a great occasion to meet friends and family, have effective negotiations over a business breakfast and just have a cup of coffee when it snows outside the window. Cozy, tasty and comfortable. As a rule, visitors spend a lot of time in a restaurant or cafe, they have the opportunity to study the surroundings in detail. A resting person is positively disposed and ready to receive information.

This place can be your ad!

Table layout, video, branded restaurant supplies… Cost advertising in cafes depends on the level of the institution. Cafes at business centers are distinguished by a high level of attendance: up to 1,600 people a day. It is much cheaper to advertise here, but the institution cannot guarantee you a diverse composition of visitors. We recommend that you pay attention to network cafes located in different parts of the city. A wide coverage of the target audience will ensure effective results of the advertising campaign. Statistics show that from 100 to 2000 people visit the catering system on the day of establishment, the average number of tables is from 20 to 60.

All you have to do is prepare a creative promotional dish. This is art! But we promise you, it will be very tasty!

The chef is waiting for your compliment, Look at the table tent!

Cost: from 20,000 rubles / month.

Table tent is a desktop design of A6 or A4 format for advertising and menus. It looks like a house in which your information should settle. When waiting for an order, the client of the cafe will definitely pay attention to the original medium and study its content. The real estate agency placed table tents with an interesting slogan in premium segment restaurants: “You are on the sea! You are in the Alps! Your property makes money!” The visitors appreciated the advantageous offer, and the next toast was: "For success in business." Table awnings are made using various types of paper and cardboard (coated glossy and matte, different densities from 240 to 315 g/m2, laminated with a matte or glossy film, coated with UV varnish).

And in the folder - the bill is your advertisement, Tastefully, brightly and without spam!

Cost: from 25,000 rubles / month.

Any customer leaving the restaurant must pay the bill. A check for the services of the institution may accompany your advertisement. It is desirable that it be a discount coupon or a gift certificate. The main task of the advertiser is to motivate the guest of a restaurant or cafe to save information, to become interested in the offer. It can be a flyer with a discount on the services of a beauty salon or the nearest car service station. You can provide a flyer to each guest sitting at the table, or make one general tab on the bill. Among the main advantages of this placement method, one can note the low cost, the ability to analyze the advertising campaign by the number of returned flyers.

I'm sitting in a wonderful restaurant - And I see a video on the screen!

Monitors are installed in many establishments of the Horeca segment today. Visitors like to watch interesting and easy-to-read videos. Even in moments when a person is busy chatting with friends and does not want to make serious decisions, you can draw his attention to your advertising product. We advise the agency organizing events to show a short film about the events that have been prepared. The construction company will show on the screen a modern house that everyone can live in, and the dance studio will develop a creative concept for a video about learning incendiary Latin dances. Recommended timing: 10, 20 or 30 seconds with rotation from 2 to 10 times per hour. Even the most fastidious client will have to watch your ad to the end, there are no “turn off” or “switch” buttons for this format. The advertiser must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy the broadcast in the entire network of cafes or restaurants. For example: institutions of the Ginza project, etc.

I'll keep the advertisement for sure, Because I found it on the menu!

We invite you to consider branded menu inserts.

Cost: from 20 000 rub./month. - for a logo up to 200,000 rubles / month. - for A4 format.

Very often, this method of presenting an advertising message applies only to products that can be purchased in a cafe. For example: mineral water. It must be remembered that a person holds the menu in his hands for only a few minutes, then the waiter takes him away. This type of advertising will provide 100% viewing and an instant decision to purchase products.

Paper menus

Cost from 35 000 rub./month.

Thus, it is possible to imagine a new alcoholic drink, upon ordering which the guest receives a pleasant gift. Among the disadvantages of such a dialogue with the client, it should be noted that advertising occupies only a block and is often placed on the back of the menu.

Branding of napkins, chopsticks and other restaurant supplies

Cost: from 25 000 rub./month.

This is suitable for advertising a cinema located near a restaurant. All of these products are usually provided by the customer. One of the main disadvantages is the limited space for creating a full-fledged advertising message. Most likely, you will be able to place only the logo, phone number or website address.

Advertising will not spill by, We have a stand for beer!

Cost: 15 rubles / piece. Accommodation individually, in agreement with the institution.

Today, in many bars, cafes and restaurants, along with a mug, a glass of beer, bartenders offer a branded stand with the logo of the establishment, brewing company, beer brand or any other image. This stand is called a coaster (bonfire, birmat). Your information can be placed on such a stand. For example: an advertisement for a taxi or a sober driver service.

Many bars use disposable beer coasters or coasters made from absorbent cardboard. Unfortunately, these coasters quickly wear out, become soft, become unsightly and end up in the wastebasket.

We recommend that you use plastic coasters - durable, wear-resistant, they are resistant to abrasion, water, chemicals, fats, and high temperatures. Such a coaster will be on the table for a long time.

And every right tray, Clients will provide you with an increase!

This option advertising in cafes and bars, you can consider in self-service establishments or in those cafes where the client must take the tray in hand to place an order. Such catering establishments are located in large, in shopping malls, in the city center and in. You must analyze the target audience depending on the objectives of the advertising campaign. Most likely, your potential customers are business lunchers. It is worth considering the fact that the average cost of lunch in such places is no more than 300 rubles. By presenting an advertisement for a stain remover or a new therapeutic toothpaste on a tray, you can be sure of the loyalty of this category of customers. This method of advertising will be effective for a mobile operator and for a family dentistry clinic. Advertising on such a medium cannot be underestimated. London cafes have recently begun using flying trays. The success exceeded all expectations.

We can't run away from advertising! And you will have to become a client!

Price:stickers next to sinks (from 15,000 rubles/month) A3 posters on booths (from 20,000 rubles/month) Video clips on mirrors with the possibility of targeting (from 25,000 rubles/month) or full branding of this space.

Washroom advertising is considered one of the most effective media. In 1939, electric typewriters were advertised in this way in London. Sales of this product increased by 30% after advertising. The advantages are obvious: the client carefully studies your message (from 30 seconds to 3 minutes), nothing interferes with him. For example: advertising can be placed above the urinal. Advertising in washrooms is novelty, originality and great targeting opportunities.

And the guests will have a reaction! After all, there is a promotion in the restaurant!

Price:from 6,000 rubles/day – sampling in an establishment by promoters of a new whiskey brand or issuing prizes for a one-time order of 2 glasses of a certain beer.

Promotions in a cafe or restaurant can attract a large number of visitors, increase the average check and increase the attendance of the establishment. This is a great opportunity to introduce a potential customer to the product. The nature of the promo can be different: from tasting alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to cultural programs. You can give a guest a New Year's Eve dinner or a discount upon presentation of a coupon from a magazine, for a check-in at, "like" on the page, organize a photo shoot for customers with an advertising product. The strategy for developing and conducting promotions depends on the level of the institution, on your concept of promotion. You are provided with instant contacts with the target audience and a loyal attitude. The main thing is to make your potential customers smile. A good mood is a great helper in all matters!

Follow the development of advertising! In cozy cafes, restaurants!

Interactive menus

Cost: from 15,000 rubles / month. up to 50,000 rubles/month

Advertisers are constantly offered new opportunities for advertising in public catering establishments. Pay attention to the interactive menus on the tables in a cafe or restaurant. Outwardly, they resemble a tablet in which the menu of the institution is loaded. A car dealership can place a video or banner with a direct link to its website, where the client will be asked to sign up for a test drive. It will be interesting for a travel company to organize an instant drawing of a certificate for a tour according to the following plan: guests leave their data on the advertiser's website, the draw itself takes place, the server receives information about which phone number won, at what time, and if the guest is still in the institution, then he is given a certificate.

Making advertising tasty is an art!

Advertising in cafes, bars and restaurants is a great opportunity for your business. Efficiency is achieved due to many factors, but one of the main ones is the loyal attitude of visitors to and its positive perception. "Sir, your client is ready!"

Many establishments make less profit or even go out of business because their owners and crew do not know how to advertise a bar. As in any other business, there are right and wrong methods of promotion in this area. This article will help beginners choose the most effective advertising methods and immediately eliminate too expensive or simply useless methods.

Point decoration




Pavement signs are an invariable attribute of any bar. They work as an excellent means of attracting attention. Gradually, such establishments began to move away from the usual model of “ready-made” pavement signs, and acquire special boards on which you can write and erase ads. As a rule, the inscriptions on them are bright, enticing and even provocative. Of course, most of them are focused on alcohol.


Pointers can be used as an additional element of advertising and even decor. If the bar is roadside, the signs can be large and bright, whereas if you place the sign in close proximity to the bar, it can be small but stylish.


Lightboxes can be placed both outside and inside the establishment. Stylish luminous inscriptions on them make any bar more stylish and therefore attractive to customers.

Internet advertising


It is important for any institution to create its own website. If you have a small local bar, you should not invest too much in its creation and promotion, a simple business card site will be enough, where visitors can get acquainted with the menu, prices, promotions, work schedule, find out the address, see photos. However, you should not save too much - a poorly designed, unattractive site will simply scare away customers.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups in social networks

Be sure to create your communities and social media accounts. Promote them by advertising in larger communities in your city, as well as offer bonuses and discounts to subscribers for reposts, retweets and likes. You can bet on intrigue or an interesting offer, for example, offer those who shared the post a special, secret item on the menu.

Ads on ad sites

Post information about your bar on city announcement sites and city forums. Despite the fact that most people do not look for information about establishments on such resources, a visitor to a site or forum can see your ad and remember the name of your bar, and this is already a huge plus. Another undoubted advantage of this kind of method is that it remains free.

Printable advertisement


Print out one batch of thoughtful flyers whose main task will be to inform people about your most delicious offer. Remember, you should distribute them regularly, once a month. Leaflets can be handed out on the street, and laid out in mailboxes. Remember, the design must change every month - otherwise, the picture may simply become boring to consumers.

business cards

Not every bar gives business cards to customers. However, they significantly increase customer loyalty, especially if, upon presentation of a business card, they receive a nice bonus or a small discount. Hand out business cards to all customers without exception. In addition, if your bar is themed, you can negotiate with salons, shops, and other points with a similar theme, and leave your business cards with them. Of course, they must also contain information about the discount to the bearer.

no material


Carrying out price promotions

Give special discounts to customers - on birthdays, on special occasions. Develop new special offers and promotions on a regular basis - they must be thoughtful and relevant, and also should not cause a significant blow to your budget.

Hosting an event

Hold themed evenings, holidays, evening parties, decorate a bar for an event, inform about the event through all available communication channels - this will interest both regular and new visitors.

Advertising in electronic directories

Be sure to place information about yourself on resources such as 2Gis. This service is free and can provide you with a decent number of customers. However, remember that paid ads are not particularly effective there, which means that these funds are better saved for other purposes.

What ads don't work for bars

  1. Advertising in newspapers and magazines. Such establishments are not advertised in printed publications, regardless of whether the latter are paid or not. Such a move is simply useless.
  2. Advertising on radio and television. Such advertising costs a lot of money, and is not very effective for this business. Moreover, having heard an audio clip even on a local radio station, a person will most likely forget about it in a minute.
  3. Billboards . Despite the fact that large networks often use this method of promotion, it is not profitable for ordinary bars. The fact is that in order for such advertising to be effective, it is necessary to place at least 10 billboards throughout the city, and this will undermine the budget of the institution. Moreover, it is far from certain that such investments will pay off.
  4. Advertising in and on transport. Advertising on own transport can be relevant, for example, for sushi bars that deliver their dishes. As for advertising on buses, trolleybuses, metro, it costs much less, but it is ineffective, which means it is better to refuse it.

Examples of slogans and texts for bars

  1. Where your friends are.
  2. Pleasure without remorse.
  3. Houses are more expensive!
  4. The main bar in the city.
  5. Feel the freedom of taste!
  6. Better to see once...
  7. Vodka for the price of a liver.
  8. Bar of bad habits.
  9. Liberty Island.
  10. Creative cuisine, northern romance.
  11. Knows what you deserve.
  12. Let's sit down and let the rush pass by.

"As a rule, high-profile decisions are made in cozy restaurants"

Joseph Lafayette

Spectacular ambiance, quiet mesmerizing music, highly qualified staff, designer furniture and first-class cuisine are all indispensable attributes of premium restaurants. Here people gather to celebrate important events or hold business negotiations, less often they come here just to chat or have dinner. Placing ads in such a place is tantamount to an accurate shot at the target, if your .

In isolated cases, they agree to place advertisements, more often on barter terms. And, nevertheless, there are worthy institutions of a high level.

How should such an advertisement look like? How can you attract attention, which has everything and even more? Let's take a look at some creative possibilities. advertising in restaurants luxury class.

1. Information desk

Such panels are installed in prestigious establishments around the perimeter of the restaurant. This media is similar to a mini monitor or tablet. On it, you can broadcast ads in the form of a static image or a slide show. The cost of the information panel is from 70,000 rubles in one institution. This is a relatively new medium, currently installed in small numbers in select restaurants.

Advertising stand - branded stand, where in the lower part there is a light banner (lightbox of A2 format), in the upper part - the logo or slogan of the company. Such a stand looks representative and attracts the attention of those passing by with its originality. Its cost starts from 170,000 rubles.

3. Branding of dishes

Branding dishes - applying the company logo on the surface of the dish. Such placement will cost from 100,000 rubles, taking into account production.

In some restaurants, an unusual placement of advertising is possible: promoting a product with the help of ... food. The logo or company name can be placed directly on the meat steak or other suitable dish. This placement is implemented in conjunction with the branding of dishes, so a greater effect is achieved. Such accommodation is prepared on an individual basis.

5. Edible compliment

A compliment is a small snack from the chef, which is served on branded dishes. Offered to every guest as a free treat. The cost starts from 150,000 rubles.

In cities with a population of over one million, today, two premium restaurant chains occupy most of the restaurant business: Ginza Project and the Arkady Novikov Group of Companies. They can accommodate more standard:

- Table tents. Desktop plastic stand with a business card holder. The cost of accommodation in one restaurant is on average 250,000 rubles per month.

- Attachment to account folder. The cost of placing 1,000 tabs will be 100,000 rubles per restaurant.

- Advertising on monitors. In its free time from advertising, fashion shows or music videos are broadcast here. When placing a 30-second video 2 times per hour on the monitor, the price will be from 15,000 rubles for one institution.

It provides great opportunities for business. For example, during important negotiations Advertisement for legal services can come in handy. It is recommended to implement something like this accommodation with the help of quality ones that you want to keep. A reasonable offer, an attractive design and a good placement will help you get new customers.

Alternative method

The restaurant manager, in turn, receives a powerful marketing tool: he sees all the statistics of visits and purchases of guests in his personal account. Statistics also include the number of new and regular guests, gifts given out, additional revenue, the number of recommendations in social networks, etc. Guest reviews about the visit appear in the personal account, which allows you to quickly respond to service problems.

Experiment and its results

For the experiment, a new restaurant of the O’Sushi chain in St. Petersburg was chosen, which opened in the summer of 2013 in the city center. A mobile loyalty program has been running in the institution for the second year.

Campaign target audience:

Employees of nearby business centers
families with children on a walk in the city center
middle-income people aged 20 to 40 who visit cafes in the city center from time to time
regular patrons of competing sushi restaurants and pizzerias in the city center
regular customers of other O’Sushi restaurants (who already have a mobile application installed)
active leisure enthusiasts who are looking for different ways to spend their free time (frequent visitors to cinemas, theaters and other entertainment places)

Explanations for the last two formats: a large customer base has accumulated in the O’Sushi mobile application, which also needed to be attracted to a new restaurant. The existing audience received push messages with a gift that could only be received at the new O’Sushi restaurant. Information about visits and the amount of the guest's order was collected automatically.

As for recommendations to friends, the user is offered to get additional points for referring new friends by making a post with a recommendation and a link to install the application. You can find out exactly how many people became new visitors after the user's recommendation, and what additional revenue they brought.

The most effective channels according to the results of the campaign:

Sending push messages to an existing audience (that is, loyal to the O'Sushi brand), which attracted 91 people and brought in 61,965 rubles. additional revenue at zero cost
distribution of leaflets on the street, with the help of which it was possible to attract 43 people with a total revenue of 64,193 rubles.
distribution of leaflets in the Bookvoed store and at the box office of the Khudozhestvenny cinema
