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Why do birds need beaks? Birds and their amazing beaks. Associations. Material with photos and crossword puzzles. Bird with a long beak: varieties


Birds And their beaks

Did the job:

Malysheva Tanya

Neshchiplenko Zhenya

Introduction 3

Chapter 1

1.1 The external structure of birds 4

Chapter 2

2.1 Variety of birds 5

2.2 Features of the structure of the beak 5-6

2.3 Beak shapes 6-8

Conclusion. 9

Bibliography. 10



Birds are the first and most reliable helpers of man. Defenders of our forests, fields, orchards and orchards. We cannot do without birds, but birds also need our help. In a hungry and cold winter, it is necessary to feed the birds.

Object of study - species composition of birds.

Subject of study - beaks.

Goal of the work – to expand and enrich knowledge about birds and their beaks.


    Get to know the diversity of the world of birds;

    Study the lifestyle of birds;

    Learn how and what birds eat;

    What are the shapes of the beaks.

Hypothesis - we assume that birds do not need beaks for beauty, they need them for getting food and are connected with the conditions of their life, therefore they are different.


1.1 External structure of birds.

Wherever you go now, you will meet birds everywhere. And once upon a time there were no birds at all on Earth. Only snakes and lizards lived - there was an era of reptiles. One of the ancient lizards became the ancestor of the bird. The scales gradually turned into feathers, the front paws into wings. And the first bird flew into the air. This is how the class of birds appeared.

Birds- a class of vertebrates, their body is covered with feathers and the forelimbs are modified into flight organs - wings. Birds use their hind limbs to move around. Thus, birds, unlike all other terrestrial vertebrates, are bipedal animals. The behavior of birds is much more complicated. Birds choose a convenient place for a nest, find suitable material for its construction, build nests and incubate chicks, feed and protect them from enemies. The lifestyle of birds and their behavior depends on:

    Climate (temperature);


    food and conditions for obtaining it;

    nesting conditions;

    population density and competition.


2.1 Variety of birds.

Each species lives in a strictly defined area. They even fly over ice-covered poles. Since birds fly, and many also swim and dive, they can often be seen in the open seas. They hunt for marine animals, diving after them or snatching living creatures from the water on the fly.

All Europe is covered with forests. That is why most of the birds here are forest birds. The inhabitants of the forests are woodpeckers, tits, blackbirds, warblers and crossbills, and blackbirds, great tits and finches, in addition, inhabit our parks and gardens.There are no outlandish things in the bird kingdom!

CONCLUSION: Birds live where they have enough food and nesting space. In the garden with tall trees and lush grass, overgrown with shrubs, there are many convenient places for nesting and a variety of insects, seeds and fruits.

2.2 Features of the structure of the beak.

Let's stop at the most important features beaks of birds.

The bird's nose, like most animals, helps to navigate the world of smells.

All animals use their noses to find food. Proved that sea ​​birds fulmars and petrels can smell fish from three kilometers away. But albatrosses smell the bait (a piece of fat) as far as thirty kilometers away.

The bird's nose is not only a nose, but also a mouth. In birds, it performs the same function that lips and teeth perform. Conclusion: thus, each bird has a beak that best suits its lifestyle.

2.3 Shapes of beaks.

Birds from different species were taken for the study. Birds eat both plant and animal food.

For example, birds of prey and scavenging birds who eat the meat of dead animals, he powerful, curved and sharp designed to tear prey to pieces (Annex 1). The hawk needs just such a beak. At herons and storks, beak - peak, long and thin, which allows you to get food from the bottom of reservoirs in shallow water, from under stones and in dense thickets of shrubs (Appendix 2).

At sandpiper the beak is also slightly different. He and an awl and tweezers. It will launch its beak through the fallen leaves into the soft damp earth, grab a worm there and pull it out (Annex 3).

Beak hummingbird Very thin, that with its help they extract nectar from flowers (Appendix 4).

Small forest birds like a sparrow, a tit, a chaffinch, short and round- they need it in order to peck the seeds of plants (Appendix 5).

Forest doctorwoodpecker the beak is needed to hollow trees and extract harmful bugs and larvae from under the bark. He even hollows out a hollow for a nest with such a beak in a dry tree. Therefore, he needs a very strong beak, straight and sharp. He thick, short and straight, adapted for chiselling dry trees (Appendix 6).

Crossbill It has crisscrossing beak (Appendix 7). You can’t catch a fly with them, you can’t peck a grain from the ground. But after all, the crossbill doesn’t need this, it guts the bumps with its “pliers”.

A parrot - it has a beak - a third leg, a formidable weapon. (Appendix 8) It can bite the wire with its beak and show signs of attention.

Rook - catches fish from the summer, immerses its beak in loose ground. (Appendix 9)

Flamingo is a beautiful bird, uses its beak like a scoop. (Appendix 10)

Thus, each bird has a beak that best suits its lifestyle. Its shape depends on the method of obtaining food, therefore, it allows you to judge the feeding habits of the bird (table 1)

Bird beak shape.

Table 1


bird species



Stork, heron, toucan, hatchet.

Honey plant, hummingbird.


Thick - get food from the water, from under the rocks

Thin - extract nectar, pollen.

Sochkom - to fish


Eagles, hawks.

Swifts, swallows.


Curved break food.

Wide catch on the fly

Strong, straight, sharp - extract from under the bark


Tit, sparrow, chaffinch.



rounded - peck seeds.

criss-cross - gut the cones.

With a hook.

Beak shapes of various birds can be seen in application 10.

CONCLUSION: insectivorous birds have thin and sharp beaks,

in granivorous - thick and blunt. For birds - fishermen - with a net, for a woodpecker - with a chisel. The bird's beak "jack of all trades" - pinches, grabs, crushes, grabs, defends and attacks. Weaves nests, cleans feathers, turns eggs in the nest, feeds chicks and sings songs.


In our work, we tried to study the species composition of birds. Understand: why is the shape of the beak so diverse?

After examining the species composition, we came to the conclusion that the need to eat a certain type of food depends on the shape of the beak. The beak in birds performs the same function that the lips and teeth of mammals perform: with its help they grab and absorb food, dig in the ground, clean feathers, build nests, feed chicks and defend themselves.

The beak is long or short, bent up or down, spoon-shaped, serrated or with crossed jaws. (Appendix 11)

Its shape depends on the method of obtaining food characteristic of the species, therefore it allows us to judge the feeding habits of the bird.

Thus, each bird has a beak that best suits its lifestyle.

Therefore, only those birds that feed on grain, bread crumbs and everything we can offer them fly to our dining room. And these are tits, sparrows and bullfinches.


1.Children's encyclopedia. Animal Kingdom. Moscow. Onyx 21st century. 2000.

2. Ilyichev V.D. Animal life. Volume six "Birds" M, ENLIGHTENMENT, 1986

3. Koshurnikova R, Yurmin G, Dmitrikh A. Pochemuchka M, PEDAGOGY 1990

4. Naumov D.V. Zoology Textbook for grades 6-7 M, ENLIGHTENMENT, 1985

5. Paul Bennet and Barbara Taylor. Living planet M, ROSMEN 2008

6. Sladkov N. Birds. Ornithology in pictures M, CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, 1984

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


Appendix 4

Each bird has its own food and its own way of getting it. And for each method, its own “tool” is needed. They are the beak. The bird's beak is its mouth. True, sometimes the beak is called the nose, but this is not true. The nasal openings of birds are located at the base of the beak.

What shapes and sizes are not the beaks of birds!

Long and short, narrow and wide, straight and crooked, sharp and blunt, strong and weak.

Among the many factors external environment that birds have to deal with, food plays an important role. Food is one of the main factors in the evolutionary development of organisms. Depending on the conditions of life, the type and nature of food, birds developed ways to obtain it. This especially affected the structure and size of the organs with which birds can catch prey, eat and digest it: teeth, beaks, pharynx, stomachs. A special role belongs to the beak. After all, it is the bird's beak that primarily captures food.

« Beak - a horn formation from two elongated closing jaws» - such a definition of the beak can be found in explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova.

Most birds obtain and eat food with their beaks. Only some predators first grab prey with their claws, and then they torment them with a sharp hooked beak.

The short strong beak of a chicken, a rooster is very good for picking up grains, insects, worms. The nightjar's beak is outwardly very small. And when it opens it - a huge mouth. This is because his jaws are elongated. Such a large mouth helps nightjars to catch prey on the fly and swallow it alive.

Many birds - herons, storks, cormorants, pelicans, flamingos can swallow quite large prey whole. Storks, for example, swallow fish, frogs, moles, lizards, and mice. On occasion, they can also swallow a chick of a small cake.

With a large and sharp beak, the heron quickly catches and pierces prey, defends itself well from enemies. Curving a long neck, she puts her beak up, with a bayonet. Not every predator dares to rush at her at this time - straightening her neck with lightning speed, she poke him with her beak so that she would discourage attack for a long time.

The pelican, or woman-bird, has a large leather bag attached to the lower jaw of its huge beak. During the hunt, full pelicans place the caught fish in it - in reserve.

The woodcock, a forest sandpiper, with its beak not only captures and eats food, but also searches for it. Its beak is very long, longer than the entire head. With its beak, the woodcock examines every bump for prey. He “feels” with his beak where food lies in the ground. At the end of the beak, it has small tubercles covered with soft skin. Under them are the endings of very sensitive nerves. The woodcock bird catches the slightest shaking of the earth from worms and insect larvae with its beak. He sticks his beak into the ground and already knows where to turn it, where to grab the worm. The beaks of ducks and sandpipers are equipped with the same sensitive nerves.

The beaks of birds have undergone various modifications in the process of evolution. This is natural. Everything changes, and so do the beaks.

Proverbs about bird beaks

Every bird is fed with its beak.

A bird of prey is recognized by its beak, a person with a sharp mind is recognized by words.

Features of the structure of the beak of birds depending on the method of nutrition

(Lesson-practical work)

Equipment: stuffed birds; tables and drawings depicting birds of different environmental groups, their beaks and paws; encyclopedias and determinants of birds; bird video.


I. Knowledge test - survey on the previous topic

In frosty weather, there are noticeably fewer birds in the air. It would seem that it should be the other way around: muscle work increases heat production, and birds should strive to fly more. Why do birds often sit ruffled in frost?

Answer. In frost, the birds sit ruffled, fluffing their feathers, and thereby create an “air jacket” around their body. In flight, the air that has had time to warm up a little near the bird's body is constantly replaced by fresh - colder air. The loss of heat can be so great that a flying bird dies of hypothermia.

II. Learning new material

“Every bird is full with its beak,” says folk wisdom. What is the biological meaning of this proverb? This is the question we will try to answer today in the lesson.
Let's write down the topic of the lesson: "Features of the structure of the beak of birds depending on the method of feeding."
According to the methods of nutrition and lifestyle, birds can be conditionally divided into insectivorous, granivorous (including frugivorous), predatory and aquatic. Accordingly, their beak types also differ.

(The class is divided into 4 groups - each will prepare a report on one type of beak. The task is formulated as follows: “Consider the shape and structure of the beaks and draw conclusions about the nature of bird feeding and the way food is obtained.” The teacher distributes additional literature. 10 minutes are allotted to complete the task .)

Group performances

(After the performance of each group, students write in notebooks a brief description of the type of beak presented..)

« Predatory "beak - sharp, bent down, allowing you to tear the meat into pieces. Birds with such a beak are eagles, hawks, falcons, vultures, owls.

There is a legend about how the soldiers of Alexander the Great (4th century BC) reached the Valley of Diamonds. But the cherished place was guarded by poisonous snakes, and it was impossible to go down there. Then the commander ordered to throw down pieces of fatty meat. The diamonds stuck to the meat, and the tamed eagles glided down, grabbed the meat and laid it at the feet of the king. What could be wrong here?

Answer. Eagles are predators, not scavengers, and they are less likely to pick up pieces of meat. Although the assistants of the famous commander could not only tame eagles, but also train them.

Why are the head and neck of the vulture devoid of feathers?

Answer. Vultures feed on carrion. The absence of a feather cover makes it easier for them to penetrate into the corpse of an animal and is beneficial for hygienic reasons.

"Water" beak - flat, with horny plates and denticles. Birds with such a beak are geese, ducks, swans, flamingos.

(Showing a video clip about flamingos.)

"Grain-eating" beak - short, thick and strong, allowing you to develop significant squeezing forces. Birds with such a beak are goldfinches, tap-dancers, bullfinches, crossbills, grosbeaks.

On the table are the following items: light blue cloth flags, rectangular strips of tin cans, green onion arrows and twine. What is the connection between these objects and fruit-eating birds?

Answer. These items are hung in the crowns of trees during the ripening of fruits to protect against birds, since birds do not like light blue, they are scared away by the shiny surface, birds cannot stand the smell of onions.

"Insectivorous" beak - sharp, thin various shapes and length. Birds with such a beak are swifts, swallows, flycatchers, wagtails, etc.

Solve the problem. Every day, during the period of feeding chicks, the swift flies to the nest 34 times. At one time, he brings 400 small insects (the food is enveloped in saliva and looks like "bags"). The period of feeding the chicks is 33 days. How many insects does a pair of swifts destroy during the period of feeding chicks? Answer: 400x34x33x2 = 897,600 insects.

III. Homework

To study the structural features of the limbs of birds depending on the habitat. Compare the paws of predatory, waterfowl, marsh, forest birds and birds of open spaces.


Alekseev V.A. 300 questions and answers about animals. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

Demyankov E.N. Biology in questions and answers: Book. for the teacher. - M .: Education, JSC "Study. lit., 1996.

Dmitrov E.N. Cognitive tasks in vertebrate zoology and their solutions. - Tula: Rodnichok, 1999.

Zhigarev I.A., Ponomareva O.N., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of ecology. 10 (11) class: Collection of problems, exercise and practical work to the textbook edited by N.M. Chernova, Fundamentals of Ecology. 10 (11) class. – M.: Bustard, 2001.

Filled with unique facets, these birds have some of the most amazing and incredible beaks in the entire world. When Mother Nature decides to endow an animal with special features, she does it with style! We are ready to present you 15 birds with incredible beaks.

Malay kalao

(Buceros rhinoceros) has a name as impressive as its incredible beak. On top of his beak is the so-called helmet, which bears a striking resemblance to the horn of a rhinoceros. A strong beak helps the Malay kalao to extract fruits from thin branches of trees. And the impressive helmet is used as a resonating chamber to create loud sounds with it.

Spruce crossbill or common crossbill

Spruce crossbill(Loxia curvirostra) has the most amazing beak of its entire family of finches. But for him, this is the perfect way to get to the main source of nutrition, the seeds that are in the buds. coniferous trees. Even from tightly closed cones, the crossbill can get its favorite delicacy thanks to the unusual shape of the beak.

Black water cutter

Black water cutter(lat. Rynchops) has a truly unique beak among waders, and indeed among all North American birds. Although the beak is large, it is very thin and the bottom is longer than the top. These features of the beak make it ideal for the type of feeding that the black water cutter uses. During the flight, he lowers the lower part of the beak into the water, and when he feels a fish in it, he snaps the upper part of the beak. Black water cutters are the only bird species in the North and South America with the technique of such nutrition.

rose spoonbill

Looking at rose spoon(lat. Platalea ajaja) it is not difficult to guess how this bird got its name. The roseate spoonbill is one of several species of spoonbill, all of which have this unique bill shape. It feeds in shallow fresh and coastal waters. Walking from side to side, the pink spoonbill uses its beak to get crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fish out of the water.

The beak that looks like a wooden shoe makes shoebill a skilled master of fishing and of course is the bird's greatest attraction. The same beak prevents the bird from getting any other food, and if it becomes difficult with the usual food, it is threatened with starvation. The shoebill is a fierce predator that easily and quickly kills its prey with its sharp beak.


Curlew(lat. Numenius) is a North American coastal bird that spends the winter on the coast, and hatches its chicks in the grass in pastures. Its long beak is ideal for both habitats: in winter, to catch shrimps and crabs living in deep holes, and in the nesting season, to pick up earthworms. Its beak is one of the longest among waders and competes only with the beak of the Far Eastern curlew. The female has a longer beak than the male, and a slightly different shape. When the male's bill is symmetrically rounded along its entire length, the female's bill is slightly rounded at the base and more pronouncedly curved at the tip.

sword-billed hummingbird

Among the 15 birds with incredible beaks, we could not pass by the hummingbird family and its representative. sword-billed hummingbird(lat. Ensifera ensifera) has the longest beak of any bird in the world in relation to its body size. Indeed, it is the only bird that sometimes has a beak longer than its body. Such an amazing beak helps to feed on the nectar of flowers with especially long corollas, which is not available to other species of hummingbirds.

Big Indian kalao

Another owner of a bright beak from the family of hornbills is big indian kalao(lat. Buceros bicornis). This is one of the largest representatives of the family. On top of its already amazing bright yellow with black beak, the Indian kalao has an additional helmet. Although at first glance it seems to serve no purpose, the hollow helmet can be used for sexual selection.

big toucan

We could not leave aside a bird with an incredible beak - big toucan(lat. Ramphastos toco). Its amazing beak is well-suited for peeling fruit skin, intimidating other birds, and scaring off predators. The beak is made of honeycombs of keratin, so it is not very heavy. This structure also helps it regulate body temperature. Recent research suggests that by regulating blood flow to the beak, a large toucan can release more heat without overheating.

rainbow toucan

Another type of toucan with a particularly amazing beak is rainbow toucan(lat. Ramphastos sulfuratus). Its beak has the same features as the great toucan but adds more vibrant colors. That's why he gets his rainbow name.

American white pelican

All pelicans have a truly amazing beak, with a pouch of skin called a throat pouch that connects to the underside of the beak. This unique structure acts as a fish net and water filter. During the breeding season american white pelican(lat. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) uses its beak for its screaming sounds. This is the only species of pelican with a horn on the top of its beak.


Flamingo(lat. phoenicopterus)- These are quite popular and well-known birds, but we very rarely pay attention to their amazing beak. The underside of the beak has a hairy filter-like structure that helps separate food from dirt and water.


Kiwi(lat. Apteryx) is the only bird that has nostrils at the tip of its beak. In all other birds, the nostrils are located higher, usually at the base of the face. But not the kiwi. The bird has an exceptional sense of smell and, along with specially placed nostrils, uses it to find food in the forest floor.

The flashy red and black stripes on its beak are the source of the different nicknames for this colorful bird: "sea clown" and "sea parrot". But the bold colors on the Atlantic puffin's beak are just the beginning of what makes this beak so special. The teeth on the upper jaw of the beak help the bird carry more than 10 fish in it at the same time.

American Avocet

American Avocet(Recurvirostra americana) has an elegant, delicate appearance that extends all the way to its long, remarkably thin, and slightly upcurved beak. Walking from side to side in shallow water, she catches crustaceans and insects. Although the beak of the American Avocet looks too thin and delicate, it serves as an excellent weapon in the fight against opponents.

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seasonal migrations. The development of the embryo in the egg. Variety of shapes and colors of eggs. Intermediate group. Functions of the parts of the brain of birds. Birds. Chicks are capable of independent movement after drying. The study of the structure chicken egg. It all starts with an egg. Egg shells. Adaptation of birds for flight. Incubation. The chicks are naked. Nesting birds. Nest building. Reproduction and development of birds. Sexual dimorphism in birds.

"Bird Study" - External structure. Birds need protection. Birds live everywhere. Flight gear. Caring for offspring. Egg. Reproduction and development of birds. Heart. Variety of birds and their features. Bird habitat. Bird nesting. Features of the structure of birds. The structure of feathers. Digestive system. Skeleton. Nervous system. Birds are divided into two classes. Digestive organs.

"Features of the structure of birds" - The jaws end with horny covers that form a beak. Walking and running birds. Internal structure. Language. The variety of beaks in birds is associated with different foods. Birds are feather-covered oviparous terrestrial vertebrates. With a magnification of 10 times, you can see the barbs of the first order. The variety of legs in birds is associated with a different lifestyle. Ochin. Neck. Head. The neck is highly mobile.

"Bird Information" - Parrots. Kiwi. Habitats. Birds of the moa-like order. Deep sea diver. The external structure of the bird (hobby falcon). Flying giant. New palate. Record birds. The most inept pilots. Speed ​​Kings. Owls. Patriarch of the feathered kingdom. Silly you. Pelicans. The subclass Fantails includes 4 superorders. At the base of the tail there is a single external gland - the coccygeal gland.

"A bird is a man's friend" - Sparrows. Jay. Moscow. Owl. Magpie. The conversation is conducted by tap dancers. Migratory birds. Crested tit. Take care of the birds. Black woodpecker. Bird feeders. What to feed the birds. Nightingale. Peacock. Blue tit. Wintering birds. Common nuthatch. Bullfinch. Parrot. Birds are our friends. Long-tailed tit. Common waxwing. Starling. Great tit. Woodpecker. Crow. Eagle. Crossbill. Children and birds.

"Characteristics of birds" - Pectoral muscles. Types of bird feathers. The fastest flyer. Part of the body of a bird. The external structure of birds. Fan. lower vertebrates. instruction card. Diseases transmitted from birds to humans. The longest flight. The most flying bird. Distinguish the class of birds from other classes of animals. Ornithologist. The largest wingspan. Beards. Today at the lesson. There are air bags. The bird has a streamlined body shape.
