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What do you need to start earning money with translations? “This is an absolutely thankless profession”: young translators talk about the pros and cons of their work. Practice your written translation

Six tips from MSLU teacher, former translator of USSR leaders Andrei Chuzhakin on how to become a high-class translator

Without knowledge of the Russian language you will not become a good translator

The translator must have excellent command of a foreign language. But first of all, he must perfectly know his native language - Russian. First, reading classical literature will help here. In particular, such masters as A.S. Pushkina, A.P. Chekhova, L.N. Tolstoy and many others.

In addition to the classics, you need to read newspapers and magazines, going so far as to study in detail the annotations for medications and instructions for household appliances. This will help you be fluent in different styles of language: journalistic, official business or scientific. When translating into your native language, you do not have to reinvent the wheel; you will have the necessary supply of standard phrases and expressions that are used to describe the same medicine or airplane. In addition, watch your speech in everyday life, think about what you want to say, and construct your sentences correctly. As a result, you will bring your speech skills and abilities to automaticity, you will speak correctly always and everywhere.

Be erudite

With proper persistence, anyone can learn to speak a foreign language. But if you do not have knowledge of geography, history and, for example, politics, it is impossible to become a good translator. It is very difficult to translate a speaker's speech if you do not know the subject of the conversation. You will be aware of events if you watch the news every day and read analytical publications in the media, both in your native language and in a foreign language. Nowadays both the Internet and satellite television help with this. If you make some mistakes when translating into English or it is difficult for you to find an exact analogue in Russian when translating an English proverb, this is forgivable. But if you have a vague idea of ​​where Vietnam is and don’t know its capital, then this is serious. If you do not know who the Prime Minister of, for example, Canada is, there can be no talk of any transfer at the highest level.

Read the works of the ancient Greeks and the Bible

Knowing how it is customary to greet each other in a particular country or how one should behave at the table, that is, knowledge of etiquette, is a prerequisite for a translator. And yet, it is necessary to study the history of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, read works of that time, such as Homer’s Iliad. It is imperative to know the Bible. In high-level negotiations, it is very common to translate quotations from the Bible and Latin proverbs. Knowing them, firstly, will help you immediately figure out which expression is used and from which plot. Secondly, all this has been translated a long time ago, and you will be able to use forms in your speech that are known to everyone. At the same time, you definitely won’t look funny.

Practice your written translation

Many countries have their own forms of writing not only documents, but even letters, and not only business ones. You should definitely know all these cliches. In France, for example, if a doctor refers a patient to another doctor, he writes to his colleague that it was a pleasure to work with the patient and he wishes his colleague the same. Little things like this you should know. Therefore, you just need to sit down at your desk and draw up various documents, certificates and letters in the form of the countries whose language you speak. After drawing up the documents, they need to be checked in all sources that are available to you, first of all, of course, in educational literature, for example, in spelling dictionaries and other manuals.

Watch your appearance

Often when translating you will have to come into very close contact with people. Therefore, in addition to daily personal hygiene, you should pay special attention to your oral health, in particular fresh breath. In this situation, we are not talking about the need to brush your teeth. You should also take care of your mouth throughout the day. Various breath freshening products can help you here. In addition, you should always have well-groomed hands and hair. Men, by definition, cannot have too long hair. Your clothing should be in neutral colors and you should not draw more attention to yourself than the person you are interpreting. This point especially applies to women. No cleavage. A formal suit, blouse and soft makeup - this is what a female translator looks like. Remember, high-level meetings involve eye contact between leaders, whether politicians or businessmen. You should help negotiate, and not take the fire yourself.

Learn cursive writing techniques

Remember, a translator not only translates from a native language into a foreign language, but also vice versa. He writes down everything the guest says. This is necessary so that after the negotiations, with the help of an interpreter, a picture of the negotiations can be drawn and analyzed. In this case, cursive writing helps the translator. You can develop your own cursive writing system, the main thing is that it helps you quickly write down and then just as quickly transcribe your notes. One sure way is to write down key nouns. They will help you quickly remember not only specific words and expressions of guests, but even their facial expressions.


Andrey Chuzhakin, Translator
Born on September 1, 1949 in Moscow.
Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. M. Toreza, translator-referent (English and Portuguese), Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee.
He worked in the international department of the CPSU Central Committee, focusing on developing countries in Africa. Founder of the “applied theory of interpreting and translation cursive writing.” Author of the “World of Translation” series and other textbooks.
Teacher at Moscow State Linguistic University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at Moscow State Linguistic University, Faculty of Translation.

If you are looking for vacancies for translators without work experience, then you probably already understand how difficult it is. Once upon a time I also started working without experience. And let me share with you my “secrets” of how you can find a job, even if you haven’t translated a single line in your life before.

And first, let’s figure out where it’s best to look for vacancies for novice translators. And do they even exist in nature?

Where to find vacancies for translators without work experience

If you asked me what the main problem of novice translators is, I would definitely say that this is a problem with work experience.

Nobody needs our language certificates and professional diplomas as translators. Everyone just needs this very “experience”. Moreover, vacancies may require one year. From three years, and even from five years of work experience.

This is what I call “the vicious circle of a novice translator.” They don’t give you a job because you don’t have experience, and you don’t have experience because you don’t have a job. But where do new translators come from? No one is born with five years of work experience right away.

So, first, we need to decide where we will look for work. There are different types of translation clients. The most common type is a translation agency. They act as intermediaries between the direct customer and the final contractor.

Translation agencies are the most undemanding clients. It is with them that it is most convenient to “start” as translators.

Many more vacancies are usually posted by different factories and enterprises.

Why shouldn’t you “go to the factory”?

The fact is that at the factory you will always be dealing with the same topics. Accordingly, you will learn to translate only on one topic. And in other topics you will remain the same beginner.

I've encountered this often. A translator with 40 years of experience (literally!) comes to get a job.

He worked for the company for 40 years, and now he is 60, retired, and wants to have additional income from working as a freelance translator in a translation agency. You give him an order, but he doesn’t give a damn.

At the plant, he knew everything about his topic literally by heart. He didn’t even have to read the translation in order to immediately write everything correctly and quickly in Russian. The same terms, the same language constructions. And as soon as “a step to the left - a step to the right,” he immediately gets lost and turns into the same “newbie” without work experience.

Therefore, if your goal is to grow as a translator, it is better to start working with a translation agency. They won't let you relax there. Today are instructions, tomorrow are contracts, the day after tomorrow are personal documents. You will become so skilled that you can handle any topic later.

But translation agencies also require experience.

If you have already tried to send your resume to such agencies, you have probably encountered the fact that they do not even respond to your letters. And neither the attached test translations nor language certificates help. No diplomas with honors.

And here let’s figure out how to contact a translation agency to receive an order.

How to submit your resume correctly to get an order

And here is your first revelation, which you probably didn’t even know about. In fact, the translation agency does not need your work experience. Even if you write “10 years of experience from call to call” in your resume, they most likely will not answer you.

The whole point is that they don't know you. They don't trust you. Where did you work for 10 years? What result did you get? If you have been working for 10 years, why are you still cooperating with a translation agency and haven’t found your customers?

There are many questions, but there is only one answer - just in case, we won’t get involved. We will carry out all orders using the translators we have already verified.

And here is a very simple way to “introduce” the translation agency to yourself. Just call them.

Yes, it's that simple. If they even hear your voice, you will already stand out from the dozens of faceless applicants every day.

And if you also visit them in person, then it will be absolutely great. There you tell about yourself, show what you are capable of.


In conclusion, I would like to briefly summarize all of the above.

There are vacancies for translators without work experience. There are a lot of them, and they are literally under your nose. But they won’t give them to you, even if you have 10 years of experience =)

Simply because they don't trust you. To inspire trust in the translation agency (so that they risk giving you an order at least once) - call and visit them in person.

On your first orders, take everything they give you and don’t haggle over rates. First you need to enter the market, and only then look to see where it is warmer.

If you want to start earning good money right away, get at least 3 years of work experience in 30 days. This can be done under the guidance of an experienced editor.

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

You will learn how and where to find a job as a translator via the Internet, how to correctly apply for vacancies, and how much you can earn by translating texts at home.

“Knowledge of languages ​​is the path to wisdom,” said Roger Bacon. Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages ​​helps to earn both additional and main income.

In the era of open borders and information technology, everyone can travel freely around the world, and the Internet leads to a constant exchange of information. In this regard, the demand for translations of texts of various types is growing, and knowledge of foreign languages ​​opens up a lot of prospects for earning money remotely.

Working as a translator at home - when knowledge brings profit

To make money from text processing, you need to know foreign languages, but this alone will not be enough for a successful career as a translator.

A professional must have the following qualities:

  • feel and understand the source information;
  • be able to think and describe your thoughts in specialized languages;
  • correctly transfer information from one language to another.

A qualified specialist needs to know many topics, understand lexical features and subtleties. This will allow for high-quality translation of literary or technical information. Making a text that is interesting and understandable for the reader is what the customer will demand.

The level of literacy and style of writing an article - these requirements for an interpreter are extremely important. It will be necessary to translate primary sources of various types, from informational to specialized, in all areas of human activity.

To get started, you need to decide on the type of services provided:

  1. Oral processing is not a very popular, but relatively simple way to make money.
  2. Specific translations require excellent knowledge in a certain field and are decently paid. As an example, we can consider the field of information technology and medicine.
  3. Processing of legal sources. Interpreters in this field can work remotely for large companies.
  4. Working as a remote editor - text correction.

Before you start working remotely, you need to determine the area of ​​activity and the type of texts, and only then get down to business.

What types of translations are there?

Finding a vacancy for article processing is not so difficult if you have the necessary knowledge. This does not require investment and is available even to students and schoolchildren. There are many companies that process text information of various types and recruit both full-time and remote employees.

Or try yourself in the field of freelancing, which will allow you to independently choose clients and determine the type of source. You can find an application for broadcasting or editing on copywriting exchanges.

An article exchange, or as it is also called, a copywriting exchange, is an online resource that posts tasks in an area of ​​interest to you with specifically defined technical specifications, requirements and a fixed salary. All a freelancer needs to receive an order is knowledge of languages, literacy and a certain amount of free time.

There are several types of translations:

  • technical;
  • art;
  • notary (legal);
  • adjustment.


This interpretation is understood as the processing of specialized information that serves as a way of mutual exchange of knowledge. The most popular type of technical subject is translation into English and vice versa. This is due to the international significance of English.

Technical sources have a number of features:

  1. Information is presented in a formal-logical style.
  2. Impersonal forms of verbs are used.
  3. Accuracy of the information provided.
  4. The text is presented in free form, without the use of emotional shades.

Processing technical texts is considered one of the most difficult. It requires good knowledge of the language and knowledge in the field of technical research. That is why this type of broadcast is the highest paid.


It is relatively comfortable to deal with primary sources in artistic style. Articles of this type have a large number of epithets, comparisons, metaphors, author's expressions, and so on. Interaction with any source will require a deep, thorough knowledge of the language, but several translation options are allowed.

Freelancers rarely have to work with such texts.


As more and more people travel around the world, notary-type information sources are becoming increasingly popular. People who travel to another country, especially on a business visit or for permanent residence, are interested in articles and sources that contain legal information. These are laws, articles of civil law, insurance documents, and so on.

To work with sources of this kind, it is necessary not only to know the features of stylistics, but also to understand legal issues at least at a basic level.


Another popular activity is adjustment. That is, bringing information into the proper form that meets all the requirements of the technical specifications.

Most often, it is necessary to correct sources of a scientific, technical or legal nature, such as laws or instructions, which requires the performer to have a clear, perfect knowledge of all the rules, norms and features of the language.

Finding customers for remote workers is not that difficult.

You don't need to have experience to do this. But you need to know a foreign language at a good level and follow expert advice.

Tip 1. Read the terms of reference carefully

Each order must be accompanied by a technical specification (TOR). A technical specification is a document (file) that describes all the requirements for the result.

The following parameters will be described here:

  • volume;
  • in what style the translation should be made;
  • uniqueness is an indicator important for search engines;
  • basic wishes of the customer;
  • in what format to submit;
  • amount of payment.

The file needs to be studied thoroughly. The information contained in the TOR will help determine whether the order is suitable for you and at what level it should be completed.

If an order is accepted, it must be fulfilled. Finishing what you start to the end is a quality without which you cannot become a pro in any business. And it doesn’t matter that the work is remote and the customer is not the boss. You still need to be responsible for your work. This is the only way a reputation is formed.

Therefore, even if it is difficult to complete the work, it is better to ask to postpone the deadline, reduce the level of payment, find a way out of the situation, but complete it to the end.

A responsible executive is a rarity in the freelance market. If you are one, you will get an additional advantage. This will encourage customers, for example, on online exchanges, to leave positive feedback about the contractor, and this will add to the rating and payment. The more reviews, the more expensive orders.

A freelancer works at home in comfortable conditions. But therein lies the catch. It’s tempting to take a break and postpone the due date until later. But you can’t do this if you don’t want to waste time.

Any freelancer should be as organized as possible. First, you need to study all the requirements and find out how much time is allocated for its implementation. For example, a freelancer was given five days to write an article of ten thousand characters.

You need to translate 2 thousand characters per day. In this case, it is best to allocate two hours a day and, according to these deadlines, divide the order into parts, leaving one day for verification.

This approach will help you make the most of your personal time without missing deadlines or working in rush mode, which is disastrous for any freelancer.

A portfolio is a folder, website or any other resource on which completed freelancer orders are posted. If the performer speaks several languages, for example, English, German and Turkish, you must post examples of your work.

What does a portfolio give? The presence of such a resource indicates that the performer has experience and determines his level as a professional. The more often the portfolio is updated, the more diverse examples it contains, the more interest customers show.

Most potential employers will look at your portfolio online. The design of the resource will indicate a good level of technical knowledge of the employee.

Advice: make a portfolio on a free website creator, for example, Tilda. Such files look impressive, neat and professional.

Where to find work at home as a translator

Finding deleted orders is not difficult at all. There are many vacancies, such as, for example, a translator from Italian to Russian or from Russian to Kazakh.

You can find remote work translating articles and more on resources such as:

  1. Freelance exchanges.
  2. Professional communities and associations.
  3. Translation bureaus and international agencies.

Marriage agencies have become a popular place of employment. Such organizations are positive about freelancers who can do both translation and interpretation.

Freelance Exchange

Freelance exchanges are considered the most popular place to search for orders for broadcasting information articles and materials. On such resources, users create an artist account, fill out information about themselves and look for clients. Collect portfolio, reviews and ratings. The higher these parameters, the more serious offers will be available to the freelancer.

The most popular freelance exchanges are:

  • - copywriting exchange;
  • Advego is a large exchange of articles and texts of varying complexity;
  • is a freelancing platform where you can find many orders, even for schoolchildren.

Translator communities and associations

In Russia, the most popular place to search for orders and performers on the subject of information translation are considered to be communities of translators. The most popular system in this regard is called “Translator Search”. This community is used by a huge number of high-class test translation specialists. This community works only with Russian-speaking audiences.

The main advantage of such resources is constantly updated information for both customers and performers.

Translation bureaus and international agencies

Many vacancies are advertised by translation agencies and international agencies. Such organizations are only looking for remote translators. They work as intermediaries between the contractor and the customer and are responsible to both.

Among the disadvantages of such platforms, we can note the high requirements for the level of knowledge of the performer. He is required to be absolutely literate and well-read in a certain topic.

Is it possible to find a job for a novice translator - personal experience of freelancers

Translators have three main types of clients, namely:

  1. Customers from article exchanges and copywriting services.
  2. Orders from translation agencies.
  3. Customers working directly (companies, marriage agencies).

The easiest way to find a job for a beginning translator or proofreader of articles and texts is on the article exchange. This is the simplest, most guaranteed, but also the least profitable way to earn money. Customers go to the exchange in search of high-quality, but cheap translations.

An example is the ProZ order exchange for text translations. This is an international resource. It is not difficult to make money here, but the main requirement of foreign clients is an excellent track record, many reviews and a good portfolio.

It is best for a novice performer to start working with a bureau. Such systems hire performers without experience, and the pay, as freelancers say, is good. Also, unlike an exchange, a translation agency will be able to organize a constant flow of orders for a freelancer, and, consequently, income. For a beginner in the field of text translation, it is best to start with a translation agency.

How much can you earn

As for the earnings of a remote interpreter, it all depends on his level and topic, as well as the niche in which he works. Each niche pays differently. For example, art material costs less, and scientific material is the most expensive. The situation is similar with languages. The fewer language specialists, the higher the cost of translator services.

Let's list some facts:

  • the cost of services starts from 150 rubles. for 1000 characters;
  • depending on the complexity of the order and the topic, the payment reaches 500 rubles per thousand characters, quite often including spaces;
  • if you start with the simplest requirements, then your monthly income will reach $300 with a work time of up to four hours a day;
  • Having regular partners significantly increases income;
  • Constant work will allow you to increase your level of skill in rewriting and copywriting, which can increase your income to $500;

Hello, Alexander Gavrin is in touch with you.

Nowadays, working from home is very popular, convenient and profitable. One of the ways to earn income without leaving your apartment is.

As in any other business, there are a number of pitfalls that you need to be able to avoid. Let's take a closer look at what you should pay attention to.

Who can work as a translator at home?

Almost anyone can do such a difficult task as translations. Even if you don’t have much knowledge, you can make money from it. Contrary to popular belief, written translation does not require much knowledge.

Of course, you need to speak the language at least at a minimum level, but most importantly, understand what you are translating.

There are many specialists who speak the language at school level. To understand what is written in documents, they only need to see a few words or images.

So what do we have? When working as a translator, it is more important to know the topic than to speak the language. You may have a bunch of dictionaries, glossaries and the Internet at hand, but you need to know exactly what you are working with.

The only thing that deep knowledge of the language can affect is the speed at which you work. If you constantly sit in the dictionary, the translation will take a lot of time.

But again - with experience and skills, you will work faster and faster because you will be immersed in the same topic.

Most common orders

Without any experience, you probably think that you will work with booklets, articles or books. This happens, but very rarely.

Basically you will have to work with those. instructions and various agreements. In addition, there is a lot of documentation, such as passports, certificates, certificates, etc.

Another peculiarity of the work is that not all instructions and contracts are written in correct English.

Most often, the text will be written by the Chinese, Arabs, French or Turks, who themselves are not fluent in English.


Because of this, you will often have to work with words and phrases that simply cannot be found in the dictionary, because they do not exist.

Working with such documents will require special training and skill. But don't worry - everything will come with experience. Knowing the topic will make it much easier for you to understand what is written in clumsy English.

Where to find a job and how to avoid falling for scammers

Translators often work in specialized bureaus. These organizations themselves look for work for you. All that remains is to complete the task and receive payment.

Naturally, finding such a job is not at all easy, especially if you are a beginner. Bureaux are usually very attentive to clients, because one poor-quality translation can ruin a relationship that has been built over a long period of time.

Because of this, it often happens that your resume may simply be ignored. You may not be able to complete the parameters. You need to learn to present yourself well and then your chances will increase.

You can also search for orders on translation exchanges. But there, for the most part, you will be dealing with one-time customers. And the likelihood of contacting scammers is much higher.

Of course, you shouldn’t see everyone as a deceiver. There is an opinion among beginners that scammers like to give test tasks and then disappear.

Anything can happen, of course. But usually, that’s what exchanges are for, to ensure a reliable transaction and so that no one gets scammed.

Do not rush to draw conclusions about test tasks. If they didn’t want to work with you further, perhaps the customer was simply not satisfied with the quality.

And this, by the way, happens in 90% of cases. Newbies often do work that needs to be completely redone.

How much can you earn from translations?

This is a very common question and many people really think that they can earn a lot by translating some documents. Let's make the situation clear right away - there won't be millions here.

For the most part, the translation market looks like this: high-quality translations are required very rarely, since documents are needed mainly for show (for example, for customs or inspection). In reality, no one really needs your translations.

This means that customers are not interested in paying dearly for a piece of paper that will lie in a stack of documents or gather dust on a shelf. Due to the low translation requirements, it can be completed by almost anyone and for little money.


The translation fee is very small. The average cost of one page (1800 characters) ranges from ₽100 to 200. In a day of work, you can translate about 10 pages.

But this is only if you type quickly and know your topic. Now you can roughly calculate how much you will be able to earn at first.

Of course, there are niches where translators earn several thousand per page, but it is very difficult to get there due to great competition.

First you need to work at low prices, get better and gain experience. Only after mastering some skills will you be able to take on more serious work.

5 disadvantages of working as a translator from home

We noted one minus. You will have to work “for pennies” for some time and only then will you be able to move on to more profitable orders. However, there are other disadvantages of working as a translator.

  • You will have to sit at your PC for a long time. You will spend most of your time at the computer. Staying in one position for several hours is quite difficult. So immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will need to take breaks, rest your eyes and take regular walks.
  • Will be required to work weekends and holidays. Translations are often needed on weekends and as soon as possible. So overtime is an opportunity to make money. But on Monday morning, when everyone is running to work, you can allow yourself to relax.
  • Be prepared for big surges and lulls. Freelancing is an unstable thing. This means that at some point you may be overwhelmed with work or, on the contrary, complete stagnation will occur. You just need to be prepared for this and not worry.
  • At first it will be scary, and then it will get boring. At first, you will worry about your work. But when you get used to it and immediately understand what you are dealing with, you will want something new. For example, translating a book. But orders will only contain instructions and contracts. There's nothing you can do - it's the same type of work and variety is rare here.
  • You will need to master self-discipline. When working from home, you are on your own. No one will “stand over your soul” and force you to work. There will be a lot of things that need to be done now, but you will want to postpone the work until “tomorrow”. This approach will lead to the fact that the bulk of the work will be completed on deadline. To make translations efficiently and on time, learn to distribute the load. You will be able to relax normally and earn the maximum.

Conclusion - where to start

So, the first and most important thing you need for work is confidence. Once you start, you will quickly get used to the shortcomings and understand how to earn faster and more.

Working as a translator of written texts requires practice, knowledge and patience. This is a fast-paced field where you will have the opportunity to constantly learn new things and work with different people. Working as a translator, you will help people get the information they need, learn, have fun and communicate with each other.


Part 1

Where to begin

    Learn a foreign language."Explore" is something of an understatement. You must master a foreign language inside and out, from formal dialogue to everyday conversations, including terms from sometimes the most unexpected areas.

    • It's also a good idea to learn your own language. Most people speak their native language, but cannot explain in words how it works. Study your native language not just as a native speaker, but as a linguist, so you can better understand what rules apply and how foreigners learn it.
  1. Get an education in a specialty in the field in which you plan to work. You can enroll in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and get a diploma as a translator, but many take a different path. Do you see yourself as a translator at a bank? Get an education in finance. Do you see yourself as a medical translator? Study biology or medicine. You need to understand what you will be translating to be able to do it well and quickly, and the right knowledge base will help you with this.

    • Also work on your writing skills. Many people think that knowing a foreign language is enough to work as a translator. In fact, to become a successful translator, you must become a good writer. You need to not only study the language and your specialty, but also constantly polish your written speech. Just because you speak a foreign language does not mean you can translate written text professionally. The ability to clearly express thoughts in writing, a rich vocabulary, fluency in different styles (depending on the field of translation), excellent knowledge of the spelling and grammar of your native language - without this you will not become a good translator.
  2. Enroll in interpreting and translation courses. Translation requires true skill. A good translator makes tiny changes to the text he is working with to ensure that the translation is as relevant as possible to the audience, culture and context. If you are a student of another specialty or have already graduated from a university, sign up for translator courses: these could be professional retraining courses, a second higher education or another form, depending on what your level is at the moment and how much effort, time and money you are willing to invest in additional education. Proper education will not only give you the necessary knowledge and skills, but will also help you sell your services to future employers.

    • While you are studying, look for opportunities to work as an interpreter or translator within the walls of your school. It is very important to start as early as possible to gain experience and get recommendations. You'll need them later.
  3. If possible, travel to a country where your chosen language is spoken. The best way to appreciate a language, to truly understand it and see its nuances, is to travel to a country where it is the official language. You'll hear how people really speak, learn local catchphrases and catchphrases, and get a real sense of the language in its natural environment.

    • The longer you stay in this country, the better you will become at mastering the second language. Spend more time with locals rather than other expats!

    Part 2

    Compliance with professional requirements
    1. Volunteer. When you're just starting out, you'll likely have to work for free to build your resume and make connections. Contact community organizations, hospitals, and international sporting event organizers to see if you can help with translation. Many translators start with this.

      • Perhaps you know someone who works in an industry that deals with people speaking different languages. Ask everyone you know if they would like your free help. It is unlikely that you will be refused! If it's hard to find volunteer opportunities where you live, look online for non-profit sites that need volunteer translators.
    2. Get your diploma. Although a diploma of higher or additional professional education is not an absolutely necessary thing, having one will make it much easier to get a job. Employers will look at what education you have received and trust that you have the skills to do the job.

      • Other countries have professional associations (such as the Association of American Translators in the United States) that independently certify translators. This practice has not yet spread in Russia.
      • If you want to become a translator in the forensic or medical fields, look for specialized courses in these areas. Domestic legislation does not require mandatory special certification.
      • However, certification centers have already appeared in our country, where you can obtain a document confirming your qualifications. This can be useful if you speak a rare language for which vocational education programs are impossible or difficult to find.
    3. Take a language proficiency exam. Take a foreign language test to show potential clients that you are truly fluent in the language. Although the results of such a test will not show how well you speak your native language, they will demonstrate to potential employers your level of foreign language proficiency.

      • Each language has its own testing system. For English - IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge exams (CAE, CPE), for French - DELF, DALF, for Spanish - DELE. Find out on the Internet which exam you can take in your language, where it is accepted and how to prepare for it.

    Part 3

    Job search
    1. Register on a job search forum. Sites like ProZ and Translators Cafe (only for translators), as well as the Upwork and Guru exchanges (for any freelancers) post freelance jobs that can help you start your career. Some of them are free, some require a membership fee or take a certain percentage of the rewards received - however, if you are serious, this payment is usually worth it. There are translators who make successful careers working mainly - or only - through freelance exchanges. You can make good money on them by completing orders for foreign clients, but competition is very high, which means you will have to constantly prove that you are the best.

      • There are also sites like Verbalizeit and Gengo, which require you to take a test, the results of which are then put into a database of translators that clients access to find translators. If you are fluent in the language and have a good resume, try these sites to earn extra income.
    2. Get an internship. Paid or unpaid internships are a very common way for interpreters and translators (as with many other professions) to gain experience. Upon completion of the internship, you may be hired on a permanent basis.

      • Working as an accompanying interpreter is a good opportunity for future interpreters to work alongside a more experienced colleague. If you are an interpreter, ask your potential employer if they need translators to accompany you.
    3. Find your niche. Focus on one or two areas in which you know the language And the item itself. For example, if you know medical terminology, it will be much easier for you to cope with medical translation. You will also be able to identify errors or inaccuracies in the original text.

      • Translators often find it easier to find work in areas with particularly high demand for language services. For example, business and legal translation is in demand. It's good if your niche is in one of these areas.
    4. You can write to employers directly. Translation agencies are always looking for good translators. Provide brief information about yourself - name, contact details, language - and ask to send you the text for a test translation. The longer your letter, the less likely it is to be read. Keep in mind that translation agencies usually have their own fixed payment rates, and they are usually quite low, but at least you won’t have to look for clients yourself.

    Part 4

    Career success

      Stick to market rates. As your experience (and with it your resume and portfolio) grows, you can increase your rates per hour, word, author sheet, and so on. Keep your price competitive and target those with similar experience.

    1. Install the required software. Computer-aided translation (CAT) tools are essential for translators, especially in business or scientific fields where there is a lot of repetitive terminology and wording. In the field of, say, literary translation, they are completely optional. And no, Google Translate does not count - CAT tools imply that the text is translated by a person, not a machine; the program only helps to make the process easier and faster. We are talking about an automated one. A good idea would be to install, for example, the free OmegaT program and the free Open Office package, which are suitable for any projects you plan to work on, or use the online tool Smartcat.

      • Unfortunately, many clients (especially translation agencies) may require you to work with Trados translation memory. When you can afford it, consider upgrading your software.
    2. Translate only on your native language. You will soon discover that translating from a foreign language into your native one is much easier than vice versa. This is because for each project you will need to know certain vocabulary that you may not know in a foreign language and which you will need to do some research to master - something that is much easier to do in your native language. In addition, no matter how well you speak a foreign language, if the text is sufficiently complex, then certain nuances will immediately tell an experienced reader that it was not translated by a native speaker. This is especially true for literary or journalistic translation with a variety of idioms, slang, wordplay and the like.

      • As you can see, you need to be fluent in Russian. A successful translation happens when you translate on native language texts on a topic that you know like the back of your hand. However, when working with domestic clients or employers, you will often be faced with the fact that you will be required to translate on foreign language. Whether to agree to such projects is up to you to decide.