Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Presentation for the All-Russian lesson: my future profession. Presentation-project "my future profession". He is not a pilot, not a pilot

Profession- a type of labor activity that requires certain training and is usually a source of subsistence.

A game

“The profession is a mystery.”

He loves us to listen to the lungs

And he can give injections.

He will set the thermometer himself,

Put a vitamin in your mouth

Love nature

Respect old people.

He notices beauty

And everything distinguishes colors.

Maybe brush on paper

Draw your portrait.

And seeing the sun in the sky

Create a joyful landscape!

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

We get up very early.

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.

Doctor, but not for children,

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift

This doctor...

Among the clouds, on high

He is building a new house together,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who say this?

In the sea of ​​books it is endless

A real captain

Find any book

Helps us quickly!

There are many rare unique professions.

  • An arborist is a specialist in treating trees for various diseases and monitoring their condition.

Rare professions

Genetic therapist - genetic engineering consultant.

Gondolier is a profession that exists in only one city - Venice. 425 people.

Rare professions.

A paleontologist is a specialist who studies the fossil remains of ancient animals.

Dergal – seaweed collector

A sign language interpreter is a person who knows sign language and helps deaf people. (4 interpreters per 1000 deaf people)

A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass.

A flavorist is a scent specialist who is involved in the composition of scents in perfumery.

A pastizher is a master who makes wigs, mustaches, eyelashes, etc.

Rare professions

Stringer is a freelance correspondent working in hot spots and natural disaster sites.

Rare professions

Rare professions

A surveyor is a mining engineer, a specialist in the construction of underground structures.

Rare pr

Penguin flipper


Unusual professions

Extinct professions.

lamplighter F

Shoe shiner.


Switchboard operator (telephone operator).


Ice picker

Pied Piper

Disappeared professions

Man is an alarm clock.


Clerk, stoker, stoker, tinker, water carrier, organ grinder, barge hauler, draftsman, copyist, etc.

  • Stuntman
  • miner

Trainer crocodile herder









  • The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
  • Every trade is honest, except theft.
  • To be held in high esteem, you must love your work.
  • See trees in their fruits, and see people in their deeds.
  • -What are these proverbs about?

It is not the profession that chooses the person, but the person who chooses the profession. (Socrates.)

“On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. Life is not that simple. Well, think for a moment, who will each of you really be when you grow up? A king? King? - I would probably like to, but - alas!.. What if I become a shoemaker? Or a tailor?

In general, it's time to talk about


History of professions

The first king appeared in Rus' 600 years ago. His name was Ivan III. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, armorer, gardener, huntsman, fisherman, pipe maker, sexton, miller, duck maker, falconer, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, stoker, sufferer, merchant, clothier.

In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. In the old days, people didn’t go to the other end of the city to work, but lived where they worked. The streets were named according to the craftsmen's occupations. In ancient cities there were Oruzheinye, Myasnitsky, Kuznetsky streets. These ancient names are still preserved in Moscow. Sometimes entire cities were named after the profession of their inhabitants. For example, the town of Bronnitsy near Moscow!

What is a profession?

Profession They call something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training. Each such case has its own rules. For example, a carpenter must know how to hold a plane and how to remove chips. The violinist has different rules. A violinist needs to be able to hold a bow in his hands, not a plane.

Each profession has its own tools (like a carpenter has a plane, and a musician has a bow). Some professions require very complex machines. For a pilot - an airplane, for a captain - a ship, for a scientist - a computer.

What is a specialty?

By meaning of the word "speciality" close to the concept of “profession” and corresponds to the types of areas of work within professions. For example, you won’t meet “a teacher at all.” This will be either a mathematics teacher, or a geography teacher, etc. The same can be said about other professions: doctor - pediatrician, surgeon, dentist... Lawyer - lawyer, prosecutor, notary... Locksmith - emergency repair mechanic , toolmaker, mechanic, etc.

How to choose a profession?

It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

Let's say a person loves nature. Then he will like the work of a geologist, agronomist, gardener, vegetable grower, veterinarian, shepherd, milkmaid, farmer, fish farmer, forester, game warden or biologist. Almost everyone who later chose such professions loved all living things as children. Were young people. They collected collections. Cultivated plants were grown at home or in the garden and beds. Took care of pets.

How to choose a profession?

The other person is interested in everything related to people. Such a person likes to be a tour guide, teacher, nanny, coach, educator, waiter, salesman, cashier, investigator, judge, librarian. Nowadays, a new profession has appeared - manager.

How to choose a profession?

A technique ? Isn't this interesting? There are so many important and useful things to do for those who love cars and mechanisms! Technology is a very complex and responsible matter. There are many different professions in technology. Metals are processed by turners, drillers, and millers. Joiners and carpenters process wood. Leather is produced by tanners. Spinners make thread from cotton, wool and silk. Weavers make fabrics from these threads... And all these professions are related to technology! A watch assembler sits in a cozy chair and assembles a very precise mechanism from tiny parts - a watch. Assembly mechanics assemble cars, tractors and machine tools.

Man is man”

  • communication skills;
  • excerpt;
  • tact;
  • good memory, etc.

1. Trade and service.

2. Treatment.

3. Training, education, cultural and educational work.

4. Protection of rights and safety.

5. Organization and management.

Man is technology”

  • good coordination of movements, accuracy;
  • certainty of action;
  • high performance discipline;
  • accuracy;
  • developed technical thinking;
  • high performance, etc.

Man is a sign system”

  • abstract thinking;
  • sustained attention;
  • good memory, imagination;
  • equilibrium;
  • concentration, perseverance;
  • literacy.

Man is nature”

  • love of nature;
  • observation;
  • persistence;
  • excerpt;
  • independence in thinking and behavior.
  • Growing and caring for plants.
  • Work on landscape design.
  • Working with animals.
  • Working with microorganisms.

Man is an artistic image”

  • creative imagination;
  • creative thinking;
  • talent;
  • hard work, etc.

Requirements for the profession

  • The profession should be interesting
  • The profession must be in demand on the labor market
  • The profession must correspond to one’s own capabilities

Formula for successful career choice


successful choice of profession

Guess the profession

Looks after the cows

And when he’s angry with them,

He cracks his whip loudly.

So who is the mystery about?

Guess the profession

We will wake up when you are sleeping,

And sift the flour in a sieve,

Let's heat the oven red hot,

To bake bread in the morning.

Guess the profession

I'm always in flight

On a snow-white plane.

I help passengers

I offer the press and coffee.

I'm an air princess

And my name is...

Guess the profession

Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.

Guess the profession

Fun job

Envy from the heart!

Whistle when you're hunting

Yes, wave your wand!

Guess the profession

He writes and draws with chalk,

And fights with mistakes,

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys?

Guess the profession

Walks along the seabed,

Disturbing the depth.

He will find everything under the silt,

The bottom of the ship will be welded,

If there is a leak, trouble has struck -

Water is no problem either.


this is when you go to work with joy in the morning, and happily return home in the evening

The right choice of profession allows you to realize your creative potential, avoid disappointment, protect yourself and your family from poverty and uncertainty about the future.

Victor Hugo

  • “The true treasure for people is the ability to work” (Aesop)
  • “Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure” (Stendhal)
  • “He who knows from childhood that work is the law of life, who from a young age understood that bread is earned only by the sweat of the brow, is capable of heroic deeds, because on the right day and hour he will have the will to fulfill it and the strength to do it” ( Jules Verne)
  • Every person should be judged by his deeds. (M. Cervantes)
  • What a man does is what he is. (G. Hegel)
  • A lucky person is a person who has done what others were just about to do. (J. Renard)
  • The work we do willingly heals pain. (Shakespeare, William)

PROFESSION (from Lat. Profession - “I declare my business”) - these are historically established forms of labor activity, for which a person must have certain knowledge and skills, have special abilities and developed professionally important qualities.

SPECIALITY- a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through special training and work experience, necessary for a certain type of activity within a particular profession (ecologist, hairdresser, choreographer, art critic...

There are more than 50 thousand professions in the world.

How to find yours among them?

How many of them do we more or less imagine?

What to focus on?

The problem of choosing a profession is very serious. Especially today, when our society has entered into market relations.

A person is increasingly required to have high professionalism and a willingness to quickly adapt to new phenomena in social and economic life.

The intensity of work increases sharply, requiring increased endurance.




TEMPERAMENT- a set of natural, innate properties that characterize the dynamic features of the course of mental processes and human behavior.

Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov described 3 main properties of nervous processes that determine the type of nervous system:

  • Strength of nervous processes;
  • Balance of nervous processes;
  • Mobility of nervous processes ;

The relationship between the basic properties of the nervous system underlies temperament.




















  • Actions are impetuous, abrupt, rapid, fast pace of movements and speech.
  • Initiative, energy, activity.
  • Tendency to sudden mood swings, thoughtlessness, short temper, irritability.
  • Prone to emotional breakdowns.
  • Lack of emotional balance can lead to an inability to control your emotions in difficult life circumstances.

CHOLERICA fits cyclic operation, in which periods of great effort and quiet activity alternate.


  • High mental activity, energy, performance.
  • Quickly adapts to new conditions and gets along with people.
  • Sociable.
  • Feelings arise easily and change easily, facial expressions are rich.
  • Characterized by openness and accessibility, and in some
  • cases - carelessness, superficiality, inconstancy.
  • Strives for frequent changes of impressions.
  • Experiences failures relatively easily and quickly.

SANGUINE more interesting to study varied work, where he constantly receives new knowledge.

Professions must be constantly associated with communication, as well as the organization of people's activities.


  • Low level of mental activity, slowness, inexpressive facial expressions.
  • New forms of behavior are formed slowly, but are persistent.
  • As a rule, he rarely loses his temper and is even and calm in his communication.
  • Thoughtful, peaceful, diligent and measured, but in some cases passivity, lethargy and indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will may appear.
  • Feelings and moods are usually constant.

Phlegmatic person at work must be able to maintain the usual routine; activities may be monotonous.


  • Low level of mental activity, slowness of movements, restraint of motor skills and speech, fatigue.
  • High emotional sensitivity, depth and stability of emotions with weak external expression, and negative emotions predominate.
  • These are, as a rule, anxious, uncommunicative people.
  • Under unfavorable conditions, increased emotional vulnerability, isolation, and alienation may develop.

Melancholic fits work requiring precise manual skills. Professions associated with surprises and difficulties are contraindicated.


With the development of the post-industrial and information society, the structure of the labor market, labor relations and employment of the population is changing. As a result, there arise new professions .

Over the course of several years, quite a few of them appeared: project leader and manager, web designer and web programmer, and brand manager, logistics, promoter, supervisor, webmasters, copywriters, coaches, interviewer, developer, sommelier, jobbers .


In addition to the fact that new specialties are being introduced, there are also disappeared professions. Usually, they become unnecessary due to the development of science and technology, which replaces human labor.

These include professions such as: weavers, coopers, furriers and tinkers, coachmen, jesters and buffoons.

Even currently in-demand professions are fading into the background: secretary, telephone operator, stenographer, copywriter, shoe shiner, etc.

Professions that will disappear by 2020

This information is not 100% reliable, but still no one can doubt that these particular specialties will soon cease to exist. Already now they are losing their former relevance, becoming less in demand, and after 2020, most likely, they will move into the category of “disappeared professions”: postman, librarian, travel agent, ticket taker, seamstress, elevator operator, etc.


LABOR MARKET represents a special the area where workers trade using their own strength, knowledge and skill.

Such a market is not standard in the understanding of the average person. However, it functions successfully, allowing it to meet the needs of all its participants.

The subject composition of the modern labor market is very numerous. All prospective members of the modern labor market can be divided into categories:

  • "Blue Collar". This category is represented by factory workers who perform exclusively physical work.
  • "White collars". This category is represented only by employees who use mental abilities and knowledge to perform the job.
  • "Grey Collar" This category represents regular rank and file workers.

The main components of the labor market can be determined by the totality of proposals that cover the entire labor force, as well as aggregate demand, which determines the overall need of the economy for hired labor.


When choosing a profession, you must be able to combine “I want, I can, I need”, only then will your professional choice be successful. In other words, you need to choose a profession that

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Project: “My future profession”

Completed by: 10th grade student Likhanchan Kristina

MBOU "Novozhilkinskaya Secondary School"

2015-2016 academic year

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Goals and objectives:

Justify the choice of this profession. Reveal the essence of the concept of “journalist”. Describe the necessary requirements for a successful career as a journalist. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen profession. List universities that have a journalism department.

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A journalist is a person who has the gift of filling the void every day. Dame Rebecca West

A journalist is a specialist engaged in journalistic activities in newspapers, magazines, television and radio, and other media. He obtains information and transmits it to his readers, listeners, and viewers, thereby participating in the formation of public opinion. The journalist finds interesting topics for articles, reports and broadcasts, prepares and edits messages and materials for the media. These specialists need to obtain news, express their opinions on the issues under discussion, and give forecasts for the development of socially significant processes.

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Journalism is a profession almost as ancient as... in a word, it is the second oldest profession. Robert Sylvester

History of the profession in Russia In Tsarist Russia, for the autocrats Mikhail Fedorovich and later for Alexei Mikhailovich, newspapers were made by hand. These were the newspapers “Chimes” and “Newsletters”, which were based on the translation of articles from newspapers of foreign countries - Poland, Holland, Sweden, Germany, England, etc. Under Peter I, the first printed newspaper in Russia appeared. According to the autocrat's plan, the newspaper was supposed to contain foreign news and reports about Russian incidents. It was the Vedomosti newspaper, the first issues of which were published in 1702 (December 16-17).

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Gonzo Journalist These are subjective narratives about events, filtered through the prism of the correspondent's own self. Articles are written in the first person. They pay great attention to their own attitude towards a particular event. Humor, mockery, and even swearing are used to emphasize details. Gonzo journalism is one of the best methods of propaganda. Reporter - This is a specialist in the field of writing articles about events in which he was directly involved or witnessed them. This is one of the most dangerous branches of the profession, because reporters often have to work in hot spots and risk their own lives for the sake of good material. A columnist, unlike a journalist, prepares for publication (broadcast) summary information on a certain topic, obtained from various sources.

Commentator is a position in the media, mainly on television and radio. A person in this position is the author of comments regarding a specific area of ​​​​events (for example: social, political, sports). In the editorial department, the commentator position is usually given to a professional journalist for whom the relevant area is an area of ​​specialization. Sometimes the functions of a commentator are performed by columnists. Often, freelance specialists from the relevant field of activity are invited to comment.

Internet journalist. These specialists have the widest profile. One person will combine almost all varieties at once.

A photojournalist is a photographer who works in the genre of reportage and supplies a periodical with his photographs.

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90% of a journalist’s job consists of searching for the necessary information. There are three basic ways to get it:


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Requirements for candidates

A qualified journalist should know: classical and modern literature; theory and practice of journalism; psychology; methods of analysis of social and cultural processes; professional office equipment.

A qualified journalist must be able to: collect and highlight important objective facts (from interviews, surveys, documents and other sources); cover current events and phenomena from public life; independently analyze and interpret current phenomena and events; establish contact with any interlocutor, observe the behavior and lives of people and understand the psychology of people from different walks of life; quickly switch from one job to another; work in a team of professionals; promptly prepare printed material for publication, giving it a certain literary and artistic form in accordance with the requirements of style, genre, and canons of literature.

Individual characteristics of a specialist: desire for constant self-development; excellent command of oral and written language; observation; well-developed lexical abilities; a strong tendency to work in the field of communication; propensity to work with information; logical abilities; ability to concentrate; activity and physical mobility; high emotional stability.

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Pros and cons of the profession


A journalist is not so much a profession as a way of life or a vocation. Active lifestyle; Meetings and communication with many famous, talented and simply good people; The opportunity to travel to different cities and countries, to go where most are not allowed; Status of a “free artist”: no need to work “from call to call”.


Freedom of speech, which democratic states so loudly proclaim and for which the profession of journalist is so valued, in reality often turns out to be ordered or subject to strict censorship. Journalism is a dangerous profession; many bright minds have paid with their health, and even their lives, for the truth that is inconvenient for some people. Another disadvantage is increased employment. And also the inability to abstract from what is happening, since all information is perceived as a reason for new articles and reports.

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Where to study

There is a journalism department in almost every humanities university in the country. The most prestigious are: Moscow State University; Academic International Institute; UNIK Institute; Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education; Samara Humanitarian Academy. Journalism education is offered by many other higher educational institutions in the country. The choice of university is not so important, because in this profession the main thing is talent.

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What specialties to study?

In order to become a journalist, you should choose one of these specialties: Journalism. Publishing. Culturology. Dramaturgy. Arts and Humanities. Literary creativity. Theater studies. History of art.

Ohh... And now you need to choose....

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The main thing in choosing is sincerity

The origins of decisions in choosing a future profession often begin with childhood dreams. But a different outcome is also possible. As I wandered through my jumbled thoughts, I often came across a strong knot in thinking about my own preferences regarding professional definition. Yielding to the overwhelming feelings, it seems to me that I managed to find solid support in becoming a completely independent person capable of self-sufficiency. The love of writing, a deep interest in literature, the desire to see and hear everything, the desire to experience a new flavor of sensations and emotions allow me to be imbued with the special hopes that I place on myself as a journalist.

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Journalism is literature on the run. M. Arnold

The constant change of events, communication with people and an active lifestyle can replace both sleep and rest for journalists. Some classify journalism as creativity, others as a craft, but one thing is certain: journalists will never exchange their hectic, sometimes dangerous profession for another.
