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Dalai Lama: wise sayings of a spiritual leader. Quotes from the Dalai Lama Sayings from the Dalai Lama

Why is this person so interesting to many of us? Why do people around the world listen to the words of this simple Buddhist monk who leads an unrecognized government in exile and a nation of six million people? This man is a diplomat. He is a Nobel Prize laureate. He is the apostle of non-violence. He is a representative of another civilization, at a high level of spiritual development. He is an example of how to remain calm in a critical situation. He is a fearless optimist with a great sense of humor. Here are some valuable lessons from the Dalai Lama that will be useful to you at all times.

Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain. Straddle every stone he tripped over. And only after that say that you know how to live correctly.

Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer to questions.

A person with a huge reserve of patience and tolerance goes through life with a special degree of calm and tranquility. Such a person is not only happy and emotionally balanced, but he is also healthier and less susceptible to illness. He has a strong will, a good appetite, and it is easier for him to fall asleep, because his conscience is clear.

Our enemies provide us with the perfect opportunity to practice patience, perseverance, and compassion.

Follow three rules: Respect yourself, Respect others and take responsibility for all your actions.

The world is imperfect because we are imperfect.

Humans are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of those around us. Whether we like it or not, we can hardly find moments in our lives when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, it should not be surprising that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others.

When you lose, you don't lose any experience gained.

Learn the rules so you know how to break them correctly.

Live a decent life so that later, in old age, you will have something to remember.

A loving atmosphere is the basis for your life. In disputes, talk only about the present, do not remember the past. Sharing your knowledge is the way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the Earth, love it. Once a year, go somewhere you've never been before.

Be aware that great love and great success come with great risk.

By maintaining a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

We often increase our own pain and suffering by being overly sensitive and overly concerned with details, and by taking things too personally.

I don't celebrate birthdays. It seems to me that this is a waste of time. For me, this day is no different from others. In a way, every day is a birthday. You wake up in the morning, everything is fresh and new, and the main thing is that this new day brings you something important.

“One thing is certain: if we are not kind to ourselves, we cannot be kind to others. In order to love your neighbors and surround them with tenderness and care, in order to wish them happiness and freedom from suffering, you need to learn to experience all these feelings for yourself. Then we will understand that other people’s aspirations are no different from our own, and our hearts will open to love and compassion.”

“When our mind is closed, we can easily give in to feelings of fear or discomfort. The more open it is, the less discomfort we experience in communicating with people. This is my personal experience. When meeting people, be it an important person, a beggar vagabond or just an ordinary person, I do not make any distinction between them. The most important thing is to smile at another, showing him your real human face.”

“I don’t mean to say that we shouldn’t do business or strive for development and prosperity. Economic success is a blessing. Among other things, it allows us to provide jobs to those who need it. Business activity is beneficial for ourselves, for those around us and for society as a whole. If we all chose a monastic lifestyle and went begging, the economy would collapse and we would simply die of hunger! I am sure that in such a situation the Buddha would have said to his monks: “Okay, now let’s go to work!”

“We should develop love and compassion in ourselves, because they can fill our lives with true meaning. This is the religion that I preach, perhaps even more so than Buddhism. Everything about her is simple and clear: her temple is the heart, her commandment is loving kindness and compassion, her ethical standards are love and respect for others, no matter who they are. Whether we are lay people or holders of monastic orders, we simply have no other way if we want to continue living in this world.”

“We are accustomed to thinking that when we object to someone, we inevitably enter into a conflict with this person, which must necessarily reveal a winner and a loser or hurt someone’s pride. But let's not take everything in that light. Let's always look for something in common between us. The secret to success is to show interest in the other person's point of view from the very beginning. I am absolutely confident that each of us can do this.”

“Once a man wrote to me that once during meditation the image of the Dalai Lama appeared to him, and this helped him a lot. Now, whenever he feels irritated, he thinks about me and his anger subsides. I'm not sure that my photo really has the miraculous power to pacify anger! Rather, the point is that when we suddenly become angry, we should not focus our attention on what provokes it, but think about someone you love, or just something pleasant, and then our mind will calm down , at least partially."

“I think that if we want to succeed in this world, we need to be confident and be able to stand up for ourselves. I’m not talking now about stupid arrogance, but about awareness of our inner potential and the belief that we can always adjust our behavior, change for the better and become spiritually richer. After all, there are no hopeless situations.”

“Instructing his monks, the Buddha said that by depriving themselves of adequate nutrition, they are making a mistake, because this weakens their bodies. But he also taught them that if they made their lives too comfortable, they would soon run out of good karma. Thus, he urged us to moderate our desires, learn to be content with what we have, and strive for spiritual development, but at the same time take care of our own health. Whether we overeat or undereat, we will sooner or later get sick. Therefore, in everyday life we ​​must try to avoid any extremes.”

“If we do not have respect and compassion for our neighbors, then even if we reach transcendental heights of wealth and knowledge, our life cannot be called Human in the full sense of the word. To live happily, causing minimal harm to other living beings, is the life to which each of us has the right and which is truly worth living.”

“Never put yourself above those you help. When donating your money, time or energy to the needs of others, be unarrogant and modest, even if the one you are helping is dirty, stupid, dishonest and dressed in rags. When I meet a beggar on the road, I try never to look down on him, but I strive to see in him a person not much different from myself.”

“Learn to see the difference between a person and his position on a particular issue. Attack not the person, but the harmful emotions and specific behavior. Never wish harm on the person himself. Try to help him change, do everything in your power for him. If you limit yourself to trying to stop his negative actions, there is a high probability that he will quickly cease to be your enemy. He might even become your friend."

“About six billion people live on Earth. Most of these people are concerned mainly with material well-being and are almost not at all interested in religion and spirituality. This means that humanity for the most part consists of non-believers, whose way of thinking and acting largely determines the course of evolution. Fortunately, in order to act humanely, you don’t have to belong to one religion or another: just being human is enough!”

“Love is the perfect way to change other people for the better, even when their hearts are filled with anger and hatred. By continuously giving them your love, without retreating and without knowing fatigue, you will sooner or later reach their hearts. This can take a lot of time, and it is possible that you will need a fair amount of patience. However, if your intentions are impeccably pure, and your love and compassion are unwavering, you will certainly achieve success.”

Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Humans were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. But our world is in chaos... Because things are loved, but people are used.

The goal of our life is to become happy.

By maintaining a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

I believe that truly true religion is a good heart.

Happiness is the absence of suffering.

Love in its purest and most sublime form is the strongest, absolute and unconditional desire for happiness for another person. This is a desire that comes from the heart and does not depend on how this person treats us.

If a problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then there is no use worrying about it.

By maintaining a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

An optimistic attitude is the key to success. It's difficult to achieve even small goals if you're pessimistic from the start. This is why it is important to always remain optimistic.

A person himself chooses whether to suffer or not, choosing his reaction to a particular situation.

The more you are moved by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be.

We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot live without love and compassion.

The warmth and love we give is much more important than the warmth and love we receive. Only when we share warmth and love, feel genuine concern for others, in other words, show compassion, do we find the conditions for true happiness. It follows from this that loving oneself is more important than being loved.

Humans are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of those around us. Whether we like it or not, we can hardly find moments in our lives when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, it should not be surprising that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others.

We will never establish harmony with the world around us until we come to terms with ourselves.

In difficult personal circumstances, the best remedy is to try to remain as honest and open as possible. Responding rudely or selfishly will only make things worse.

Remember that the best relationships are those in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

We are bound by true friendship if it is based on a true human feeling - a feeling of closeness, in which there is a place for a feeling of inner connection with another and the desire to share his joy and pain. I would call such friendships genuine because they are not affected by the rise or fall of material wealth, status and influence.

I am a professional laugher. I have faced a lot of difficulties in my life, and my country is still in its critical period. Nevertheless, I laugh often and my laughter is contagious. When people ask me how I find the strength to laugh in such a situation, I answer: I am a professional laugher.

What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Don’t go to the other side of the earth to look for them, you will return disappointed, sad, and devoid of hope. Look for them on the other side of yourself, in the depths of your heart.

Followers of Tibetan Buddhism revere the Dalai Lama as the earthly incarnation of Avalokiteshvara - the enlightened one who refused to go into nirvana to save all living beings.

"Dalai" in Mongolian means "ocean" meaning "great". All rulers after Genghis Khan were called "Dalai Khans". "Lama" is the equivalent of the Sanskrit "guru" ("teacher"). According to Buddhist legend, after his physical death, the Dalai Lama moves into the body of one of the newborn babies.

The current spiritual leader of the followers of Tibetan Buddhism is the 14th in a row.

The 13th Dalai Lama left a prophecy accurately describing the place of his next birth, so lamas searching for his new incarnation in 1937 had little difficulty finding the village of Taktser and a little boy named Lhamo Thondrup.

After the required tests, the baby was recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama and received a new name Zhetsun Zhampel Ngagwang Yeshe Tenjing Gyamtsho. On February 22, 1940, his enthronement ceremony took place and the five-year-old boy was proclaimed the head of all Tibetan Buddhists.

During his life, the XIV Dalai Lama visited more than 40 countries, met with politicians, clergy, businessmen, published many books and monographs, and became a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

  1. We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot live without love and compassion.
  2. We can never achieve peace in the outer world until we achieve it in the inner world.
  3. My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
  4. An error is the cause of problems and its timely elimination prevents the problem from developing into a disaster. But in order to eliminate a mistake, you must first admit it, and this is not always easy: it hurts our pride.
  5. Learn to see the difference between a person and his position on a particular issue. In an argument, attack not the person, but his position. Don't get too personal - don't give in to emotions.
  6. The world is imperfect because we are imperfect.
  7. No matter what happens, never lose heart. Anyone who constantly tells himself: “I can do everything” will eventually achieve his goal. If you inspire yourself:
    “This is impossible, I am not capable of this, I will never succeed,” then you are dooming yourself to failure. As the Tibetan proverb says: “Without the strength to resist despondency, it is impossible to overcome poverty.”
  8. What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Don't go to the other side of the world to look for them, you will return disappointed! Look for them in the depths of your heart.
  9. Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.
  10. We are part of humanity, so we should take care of humanity. And if this is not in our power, then we must at least not cause harm.
  11. Love is the perfect way to change other people for the better, even if their hearts are filled with anger and hatred.
  12. Be willing to change your goals, but never change your values.
  13. Humans are social beings. We are born thanks to other people. We survive with the help of those around us. Whether we like it or not, we can hardly find moments in our lives when we are not dependent on others. Therefore, it should not be surprising that human happiness is the result of our relationships with others.
  14. Everything we have today is the result of our actions yesterday.

Dalai Lama- is the ruler of Tibet, at the same time both the political and spiritual leader of his subjects.

It is believed that Dalai Lama XIV is the fourteenth incarnation of the very first Dalai Lama, whose soul must again be incarnated as a baby each time after death. No one ever knows where the child who is destined to become the next ruler of Tibet will be born; a special group of lamas is sent to search for him. Using a special recognition ritual, they find a little boy who must have certain characteristics and pass tests. The knowledge and wisdom of centuries are transmitted to him.

Current Dalai Lama born July 6, 1935. He is one of the most significant figures of modern civilization. We invite you to take a closer look at his thoughts and statements.

  1. Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer to questions.
  2. Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain. Straddle every stone he tripped over. And only after that tell him that you know how to live correctly.
  3. If the problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it,
    If the problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying.
  4. I believe that the real religion is the Good Heart.
  5. When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.
  6. Our enemies provide us with the perfect opportunity to practice patience, perseverance, and compassion.
  7. The world is imperfect because we are imperfect.
  8. Remember that what you want is not always what you really need.
  9. Be willing to change your goals, but never change your values.
  10. If you can help, help. If not, at least do no harm.
  11. Prosperity comes through action, not through prayer.
  12. I am a professional laugher. I have faced a lot of difficulties in my life, and my country is still in its critical period. Nevertheless, I laugh often and my laughter is contagious. When people ask me how I find the strength to laugh in such a situation, I answer: I am a professional laugher.
  13. Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.
  14. We will never establish harmony with the world around us until we come to terms with ourselves.
  15. Sometimes, if I really want to eat a cookie, but I can’t, I think about it. What pleases God more? To make the Dalai Lama happy? Or should I eat only what I should? And I eat a cookie.
  16. Arrogance is never justified. It comes from low self-esteem or temporary, superficial achievements.
  17. The planet does not need a large number of “successful people”. The planet is in desperate need of peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. She needs people who are good to live with. The planet needs people with morals and love who will make the world alive and humane. And these qualities have little to do with “success” as it is defined in our society.
  18. Love in its purest and most sublime form is the strongest, absolute and unconditional desire for happiness for another person. This is a desire that comes from the heart and does not depend on how this person treats us. The topic of compassion has nothing to do with religion. This is a universal matter, a single condition for the survival of the human race.
  19. I don't celebrate birthdays. For me, this day is no different from others. In a way, every day is a birthday. You wake up in the morning, everything is fresh and new, and the main thing is that this new day brings you something important.
  20. Each of us is responsible for all of humanity. This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart - this is our temple; our philosophy is kindness.
  21. If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you along the most difficult road, because there are no easy paths to happiness.
  22. What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Don’t go to the other side of the earth to look for them, you will return disappointed, sad, and devoid of hope. Look for them on the other side of yourself, in the depths of your heart.
  23. Every morning, when you wake up, start with the thoughts: “Today I was lucky - I woke up. I’m alive, I have this precious human life, and I won’t waste it.”