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Project on the theme of vinaigrette using technology. Presentation “Preparing vinaigrette in the preparatory group. Preparing Vinaigrette in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium No. 2"

Theme "Vinaigrets"

Davydova N.E.

Technology teacher at MBOU “Gymnasium No. 2”

Sarov, 2013

Guess which one the dish will be discussed

It is also called "Russian salad"


What do you know about vinaigrettes?

VINEGRETTS (from French vinaigre - vinegar; vinaigrette - that which is sprinkled with vinegar) - salads of boiled vegetables, pickles and onions, seasoned with salad dressing or mayonnaise.

Historical reference

The name "vinaigrette" appeared during the reign of Alexander I. The famous French chef Antoine Carême, who worked in the palace kitchen, watched the work of Russian chefs and became interested in preparing a salad unknown to him. Seeing that the cook was pouring vinegar over the finished dish, Karem, pointing at it, asked: “Vinegra?” (in French vinaigre - vinegar). It seemed to the cooks that he had pronounced the name of the dish, and they nodded their heads in agreement: “Vinaigrette, vinaigrette...” So a new name for the dish appeared on the royal menu, which, having gone beyond the palace, was simplified beyond recognition and soon became a common snack for Russian people.

Vinaigrette recipe

vegetable, G :











Pickled cucumbers (sauerkraut)


Bulb onions




Salad dressing (mayonnaise)




Vegetable oil

Salt, spices

Salad dressing

for the vinaigrette


Combine and mix


vegetable vinaigrette

Step 1

Potatoes and carrots are washed well and cooked until tender for 20-25 minutes.

Step 2

The beets are washed with a brush and boiled for 60-75 minutes.

Step 3

Boiled vegetables are cooled.

Step 4

... peeled and cut into slices or cubes.

Step 5

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Step 6

Pickled cucumbers are cut into slices or cubes.

Step 7

Grease the beets with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Step 8

Combine vegetables and add green peas .

Step 9

Add salad dressing or mayonnaise and mix.

Step 10

The vinaigrette is poured into a salad bowl in a heap.

With meat

With fish



With others


With canned


Quality requirements :

Appearance – vegetables are chopped

thin slices or small cubes;

Color – light red or hot pink;

Taste – spicy, similar to boiled

vegetables, pickles or pickled


Consistency – boiled vegetables – soft,

cucumbers and sauerkraut – hard and


Methods registration vinaigrettes


Add to the cooking plan

vegetable vinaigrette




Boiled in skins

Cut into small cubes

Or mayonnaise


Salad dressing


Scheme for preparing vegetable vinaigrette




Bulb onions


Boiled in skins

Cut into small cubes

Cool and clean

Cut into thin slices or cubes

Combine and mix

Or mayonnaise


Salad dressing


Technological dictation

on this topic


1. More vinaigrettes

called ….. salad.

2. Translated from French into Russian, vinaigrette means ….. .

3. The main product in all vinaigrettes is ….. .

4. Before cutting beets, potatoes and carrots ….. V ….. .

5. To prevent beets from staining other products less, they are pre-seasoned ….. ….. .

6. Cut beets, carrots, potatoes and pickles for vinaigrettes ….. or ….. .

7. Pickles in vinaigrettes can be replaced ….. ….. .

8. You can add green to vinaigrettes ….. .

9. Vinaigrette can be prepared with meat, ….. , canned ….. and other products.

10. The consistency of boiled vegetables in vinaigrettes should be ….. , and cucumbers and sauerkraut - ….. And ….. .

Right answers:

1. Russian;

6. slices, cubes;

2. vinegar;

7. sauerkraut;

3. beets;

8. peas;

4. boiled in the skin;

9. fish, corn;

5. vegetable oil;

10. soft, hard,


Criteria for evaluation:

"5" - 10-9 correct answers ;

"4" – 8-6 correct answers ;

"3" - 5-3 correct answers ;

"2" –2-0 correct answers.

Thanks for the work!

Until next time

Elena Nikolaevna Gulak
Presentation “Preparing vinaigrette in the preparatory group”

Preparing Vinaigrette in the preparatory group

I'm at lunch today

I'll make a vinaigrette

Myself. Without any help

I will cut vegetables. (excerpt by V. Borisov « The vinaigrette» )

During the thematic week "Vegetables", we learned to cook the vinaigrette. First we played didactic games: “Guess the taste”, “Wonderful bag”. We talked about the benefits of vegetables. What vitamins are in them? We told the children how to cut vegetables into the vinaigrette.


1) To develop in children the skills of safe handling of dangerous objects in everyday life, the ability to use them correctly (shred vegetables, etc.)

2) Develop the ability to distinguish vegetables by appearance (fresh, boiled, salted, recognize them by taste).

3) Cultivate accuracy while working.

The kids really enjoyed cooking the vinaigrette. They tried very hard. The vinaigrette it turned out very tasty! It’s also delicious because the kids eat it themselves prepared. Real jam!

Publications on the topic:

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Technology teacher Taskozhina Meiramgul Balmyrzakyzy Topic: Vegetables. Preparing vinaigrette salad 6th grade Purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with the vitamins of vegetables and the method of cutting. LESSON OBJECTIVES:

  • gain new information about familiar vegetables
  • Safety Precaution
  • get acquainted with methods of primary processing of vegetables
  • learn how to cut vegetables
  • Prepare the vinaigrette salad
Lesson Plan
    • Quiz
    • Methods for primary processing of vegetables
    • Ways to cut vegetables
    • The vinaigrette
    • What did you remember?
What are the benefits of vegetables? VEGETABLES - garden fruits and greens used for food; irreplaceable food products. They contain vitamins and mineral salts, proteins, various organic acids, essential oils necessary for the human body, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes. Adding vegetables to any dish made from fish and other products promotes better absorption. Main groups of vegetables
  • ROOTS (?)
  • TUBERS (?)
  • LEAF (?)
  • PUMPKIN (?)
  • LEGUMES (?)
  • BULB (?)
  • SPICE(?)
Familiar-strangers TOMATO - “golden apple” - a fruit vegetable, a plant of the nightshade family. Rich in carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, minerals. It is used in cooking for preparing salads, first and second courses, stuffing (what does this mean?) Tomatoes are consumed both fresh and processed (?) POTATOES The most important food crop, popularly called second bread. The tubers contain 11-23% starch, 1-3% protein, fats, mineral salts and vitamin C. Various dishes are prepared from it (?) When stored for a long time when exposed to light, it produces a toxic product - salonine, (has a greenish color) which can cause poisoning . Cabbage
  • Cabbage contains a lot of useful substances. It is rich in mineral salts, which improves intestinal function. Cabbage helps maintain vigor and good mood.
  • Cabbage grows on a stalk alone, Potatoes grow as a friendly family. Cabbage and potatoes are always in the kitchen - the most necessary vegetables.
CARROTS A very nutritionally valuable root vegetable due to its high content of sugar, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, as well as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Used in cooking for seasoning soups and sauces passivated form, as well as for making juices and salads, fillings for pies. ONION GARLIC. Onions are a valuable vegetable crop. Contains sugar, proteins, vitamins. It has disinfecting (bactericidal) and antiscorbutic properties. Used for food in fresh, boiled, fried and dried form. Garlic is a bulbous plant with a pungent odor and pungent taste. Contains phytoncides. Used as a seasoning for appetizers, first and second courses. PEPPER The ripe fruits of this vegetable contain sugar, proteins, mineral salts and vitamins B and B1. It ranks first among vegetables in terms of vitamin C content. Green and red fruits of vegetable pepper are used fresh and canned as a seasoning for seasoning soups, meat dishes, and vegetable salads. Quiz
  • What vegetables do they eat roots and tubers?
  • What vegetables do they eat leaves from?
  • Which vegetables do they eat fruits from?
  • What vegetables do you eat seeds from?
  • What vegetables are skinned from?
  • Which vegetables do you scrape the skin off?
  • What vegetables are eaten washed?

carrots, beets, potatoes, onions, radishes

cabbage, lettuce, dill, parsley, sorrel, celery

tomato, cucumber

peas, beans, corn

potatoes, turnips

young, potatoes, carrots, parsley

Method of primary processing of vegetables

  • Select (sort)
  • Wash thoroughly (sometimes dry)
  • Peel (if necessary)
  • Sliced ​​or grated, or crushed in some other way (?)
Ways to cut vegetables What forms of cutting vegetables do you see?



Rings and half rings


Salads are not only the smell of summer and warmth, they are a source of vitamins that people need, especially in winter, so no lunch should be complete without a salad.

What is a salad?

A salad is a cold dish of one or more types of vegetables (without beets), which includes dressing with sour cream or mayonnaise. Beets are included in a variety of salad - vinaigrette.

  • Slice vegetables only on the board, without lifting the knife high from it.
  • Pass knives and forks only with the handle forward
  • Hold cutting tools only with the blade down while working; do not walk around the room with a knife in your hands.
  • Upon completion of work, place tools in certain places

Safety precautions

Sanitation rules

  • When starting work, put on an apron and scarf, roll up your sleeves
  • Fingernails should be cut short, hands washed with soap and a brush. When preparing food, make sure your hands are always clean.
  • Monitor the cleanliness of utensils and equipment, the cleanliness of the workplace and premises.
  • Use separate boards for raw and cooked foods.
  • Taste food with a separate spoon, not the one used for cooking.
  • Before processing food products, check their quality by appearance, color, smell and taste.
Technology for preparing “Vegetable Vinaigrette” salad.
  • Boil carrots, potatoes and beets
  • Peel cooked vegetables
  • Squeeze the sauerkraut, rinse the cucumbers
Cut the peeled beets, potatoes and carrots into cubes, chop the onion.
  • Cut the peeled beets, potatoes and carrots into cubes, chop the onion.
  • Combine vegetables, salt, season with vegetable oil
  • Place the vinaigrette in a heap in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs, garnish with vegetables
  • What main groups of vegetables do you know?
  • Which vegetable contains the highest amount of vitamin C?
  • What cooking methods do you know?
  • What is the primary processing of vegetables?
  • What cutting shapes have you learned?
  • Come up with recipes for cooking vegetables

“Dishes of Stewed Vegetables” - Massa. Cutting forms. Technology for preparing dishes from stewed vegetables. Fry the onion. Onion. Cooking food. Technological sequence of preparation. Ways. Duration of heat treatment of vegetables. Potatoes. To cover with a lid. Cutting potatoes into cubes. Sliced ​​zucchini.

“Vegetable salads” - Two types of food processing. Salad decoration. Keep boiled foods separate from raw ones. Vegetables. Vegetable dishes. Vegetable salads. Salad dressing. What do you use to dress salads? Sliced ​​foods. Thermal cooking of vegetables. Products included in the salad. Rules for preparing salads.

“Vinaigrets” - Methods for decorating vinaigrettes. Vinaigrette can be prepared with meat. The vinaigrette is placed in a salad bowl. Criteria for evaluation. Rubik's cube vinaigrette. Complete the recipe for preparing the vinaigrette. The beets are washed with a brush. Guess what dish we are talking about. Pickled cucumbers for vinaigrettes are cut. Scheme for preparing vegetable vinaigrette.

“Characteristics of vegetables” - Characteristics of vegetables. Parsley. Pepper. Vegetables. Vitamins. Turnip. Pumpkin. Radish. Useful tips. Seed. Sunflower seed cutlets. Zucchini. Spicy. Conditions for processing vegetables. Eggplant. Cabbage.

“Vegetables” - Tomato. Tools and accessories. Tubers. Roots. Tools and devices for carving. Groups of vegetables. Watercress. What is a salad? Carving in cooking. Salad preparation technology. Spices. Making vegetable salads. Beans. Rules for preparing salads. Vitamin content.

“Fresh vegetables” - Parsnips. Diseases of cabbage vegetables. Requirements for the quality of root crops. Onion vegetables. Broccoli. Packaging and storage of tubers. Brussels sprouts. Cauliflower. Cauliflower. Dessert vegetables. Spicy vegetables. Sweet potato. Packaging and storage of onion vegetables. Kohlrabi cabbage. Parsley. Tartronic acid.

There are 15 presentations in total
