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Write a letter to Metropolitan Kirill. An open letter to Patriarch Kirill from a Russian nationalist

His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'

Your Holiness!

We, Orthodox Christians in Russia and Abroad, ask you to pay attention to the campaign to purposefully denigrate the reputation of the famous preacher Archpriest Vladimir Golovin, as well as tens of thousands of Christians who listen to his sermons and pray by agreement with Orthodox akathists. At the XXVI International Christmas Readings, the clergyman of the Novosibirsk diocese, Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, delivered an unannounced report on the topic “The commercial-religious project of Priest Vladimir Golovin,” which almost entirely consisted of rumors that contradict the truth, borrowed from the schismatic website ( ). A few days after his speech, a full-fledged persecution of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin was organized on the Internet. The fact that each accusation of the report from the commercial motives for prayer by agreement and its non-canonicity to the desire of Fr. Vladimir to guruism and false eldership is not true, both the ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church and tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians throughout Russia and abroad have already expressed their opinion. Ignoring the 9th commandment and the gospel covenant, “if your brother sins against you, go and reprove him between you and him alone; if he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; but if he does not listen, take one or two more with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the mouth of two or three witnesses; if he does not listen to them, tell the church; but if he does not listen to the Church, then let him be to you, like a pagan and a tax collector” (Matt. 18:15-17), Fr. Alexander cast a shadow on the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, the image of an Orthodox priest and the reputation of tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians, who, in addition to the liturgy, the morning and evening rule, decided to carry out prayer work in the form of cell prayer by agreement with the akathist to the Lord God, the Mother of God or Orthodox saints. We live in different cities and countries, we go to Orthodox churches of different dioceses, we take nourishment from different confessors, we teach in Sunday schools, we sing on the kliros, we enter parish meetings, we lead audit commissions churches and do not see our life outside the Russian Orthodox Church, but Fr. Alexander and his supporters call us sectarians. We approach the same Chalice, participate together in church sacraments, pray for the hierarchy and the Russian Orthodox Church, and we are called schismatics. We stand up for worldwide prayer for Russia on the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and we are told that our understanding of prayer is utilitarian and does not correspond to the centuries-old experience of Orthodoxy. WE ARE ORTHODOX BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, and they are trying to separate us from the general mass of Orthodox Christians because we decide to pray a little more, to stand up for prayer no matter what, with tens and hundreds of thousands of other Orthodox Christians at certain times every week, regardless from desire, well-being and life circumstances. Many of us came to the churches of our dioceses and became churched after the sermons of Fr. Vladimir Golovin, but is it really possible to call Golovins for this? Does Christ teach this in the parable of the prodigal son? Archpriest Vladimir Golovin led many people to liturgical life with his word. Thousands of Orthodox Christians after the sermons of Fr. Vladimir revised their views on chastity, civil marriages, abortions, as a result of conciliar prayer they created families in the Lord. For their prayerful work, many have received from God the gift of parenthood and, importantly, from birth they bring up children in the spirit of Orthodoxy, communion and accustoming them to life with Christ. Sermons about. Vladimir, already churched people, heartily experiencing the unbelief of their loved ones, were able to light a flame of faith in their hearts, lead them to the threshold of the temple, to the first confession, to Communion, and someone even to accept the Orthodox faith. You once said: “People do not come with buckets to a well where there is no water. No one would turn to Heaven if Heaven did not answer. It really is! If the Lord did not bless prayer by agreement, then what is described above would not have happened. Orthodox churches would not be replenished with people who experienced by experience how close the Lord is and how he loves us sinners. After all, this is exactly what Fr. Vladimir. And how many people he returned to the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church from schismatic communities! Do not count. In the words of Alexander Novopashin, completely different things are happening now: believers leave prayer, are disappointed in priests who condemn their brothers in an impermissible rhetorical manner, people change their attitude towards fasting, watching how the Novosibirsk cleric and his supporters write obscene texts during the first week of Great Lent and Good Friday to your brother in Christ. Truly, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit… Therefore, by their fruit you shall know them” (Matthew 7:18, 20). It is said: “Blessed are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness, for they will be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6), so we ask for your paternal protection and intercession! We cordially ask you to familiarize yourself with the attached materials and understand what is happening with your usual concern for your flock. We fully trust you and rely on your objective opinion.

This letter was sent by me to the address of the press service of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' [email protected], but without much hope that it will reach the addressee. Having a certain experience, for this purpose I publish it in Live book.

Holy Lord, bless!

An indestructible pain in my soul made me write this impartial letter to you... For the hitherto unprecedented general retreat (primarily through the fault of the hierarchs) from the purity of the Orthodox faith, reducing it to the level of an ideology that creates the appearance of legitimacy for the current usurper regime, and, as a consequence of this , by all our enemies, its humiliation and desecration ... For mercilessly robbed by the invaders and already prepared for the slaughter and division of our Motherland ... For exhausting under the Jewish yoke, our once great Orthodox people, now literally standing on the verge of disappearing from the face of the earth ...
Lord help us!!!

I am fully aware that in our pragmatic age, when human relationships have lost all sacredness, and even in church life it is often replaced only by its imitation, this act of mine by many, alas, most likely by you, will be regarded as stupidity, whim, charm , a manifestation of exorbitant pride ... and the like. After all, in Lately among the Orthodox firm opinion about the fact that the Lord reveals His Holy will necessarily through some clairvoyant elders, for Christ's sake (which is often not a fact) holy fools and other blessed "cal And to passers-by." (Thank God, on Mount Athos, “sagacity” is still not held in high esteem.) And this idea is unconditionally accepted by everyone and suits everyone, first of all, ... the opportunity to interpret the “veiled allegory” of the elders and the blessed, as it is convenient and profitable for someone. But, as you know, God is in truth. But the truth is rarely convenient and beneficial for us, in the passions of the children of this evil age. And therefore, often, the words of truth, and hence the voice of God through them, we are not able to accept and reject them, justifying ourselves by the fact that they sounded from the lips of someone unworthy and sinful.
I understand what temptations will follow this appeal to you. (On the spiritual plane, first of all...) But what has accumulated in my heart, I must tell you. Since “prudently” and “humbly” my conscience does not allow me to remain silent - to wait until someone else, more worthy of this, says these words to you, the Russian people have no time left.
Do not take this letter as a denunciation of another "zealot not according to reason." Today everyone and sundry is accusing you - this will not surprise you and will not move you to anything - and I do not intend to stand in the ranks of your accusers. On the contrary, being a great sinner myself, I understand you in many ways, I sympathize with you and wish you to repent (in the Greek meaning - to change) and come to the mind of Truth. And I am addressing you through an open letter not with the aim of “revealing the nakedness of my father”, but only because I can’t find any other way to convey its content to you.
As for the fact that, by calling a spade a spade, I can lead the church people into temptation, I will say that the times have already passed when it was possible to embarrass someone. IN modern society it is extremely difficult to hide information, it quickly becomes public property, and the Orthodox are tempted precisely by the fact that numerous recent scandals around the Church are hushed up or clumsily justified, and the most acute internal church problems are not resolved.
Knowing full well that - let's be frank - you have long been one of the main conductors of globalist processes in Russia (your participation in the Congress of Leaders of World Religions now taking place in Astana is eloquent confirmation of this) and, according to the plan of the creators of the existing system of Russian power, are an integral part of it and built into it to create an illusion of legitimacy for it, I don’t have much hope for the success of my enterprise. However, I am deeply convinced that you, by the grace of your dignity, are now the only person in this world , which with one will can turn the course of History, destroying all the plans of our adversaries, and thereby save Orthodoxy and the Russian people from the fate prepared for them by our enemies. That is why I consider it my duty to convey this conviction to you, no matter how minimal the chances for understanding on your part are.
And hope for understanding, no matter what, remains. After all, "the heart of the king is in the hand of God" ... And even more so, the heart of the patriarch.
Firstly , in my view, you are still a believer. Your past in this context does not bother me at all - Almighty God "turns evil into good." The Providence of God in its majesty and wisdom is indescribable, and if He had not allowed you to be dragged into the Masonic nets, you would not have become the Patriarch of All Rus'. (This, as you yourself perfectly understand, is the realities of today's reality.) ...And that means they would not become the person who is now able to change the world. (!)
Secondly If we are talking about personalities, then Metropolitan Kirill and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of All Rus' are two incarnations of the same person, but with completely different life motivations, and therefore different spiritual dispensation. How Patriarch Cyril, in the earthly hierarchy you have reached the very top, therefore, all kinds of career aspirations and all the associated everyday cares that once occupied metropolitan Cyril, you are already deprived. It's time to think about Eternal Life and about its mark in Russian history .
And that's why, Thirdly Your word, at the World Russian People's Council, dedicated to the significance of the feat of the Patriarch-Martyr Hermogenes for our time, gives reason to believe that, thank God, such thoughts visit you.
I will quote you:
“...In conditions when the authorities were in turmoil and lost their legitimacy in the eyes of the population, the Orthodox Church became the main integrating factor in Russian society. It was the Church, represented by its First Hierarchs, that did not recognize the legitimacy of impostors and foreign pretenders to the Russian throne. It was the Church, through the letters of Patriarch Hermogenes, that called the people to the national liberation struggle.”
There is a trace of Surkov in this speech, but no matter for what purpose and by whose order this word was uttered, I am sure that you made analogies with today and in your thoughts tested yourself in the place of St. Patriarch Hermogenes. And no matter what excuses you find for yourself, force yourself to believe your own words that "the majority of our people consciously, reasonably and freely elected" Putin as President Russian Federation, and that he has the trust of the people , you will never be able to. Conscience will always rebuke you.
And this ominous video is a reproach to you and an eternal reminder that you blessed the terrible tyrant and gravedigger of the Russian people, anathematized by us here, on Athos Caroulia, to the Russian throne.

And therefore, Most Holy Master, we pray that the Lord grant you the spiritual strength to dissociate yourself from the Pretender, follow the example of the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, and gather together the Russian people to overcome the Time of Troubles. After all, you yourself write that the soul that gives life to the Russian people's organism is our Orthodox Church. That is why the Russian people are now in an utterly oppressed, already near-death state, because the strength of their soul — the Russian Orthodox Church — has run out as a result of the general and ubiquitous deviation from the canons, the oblivion of traditions and groveling before the mighty of this world.
Return the strength of our Church can first of all and only one of yours, Most Holy Master, a strong-willed impulse. Point to the enemy who has settled in the Kremlin, and all the Russian people and all Orthodox Christians will rise behind you to save Russia from usurpers and uninvited guests.
And if you can find the strength in yourself for this feat, the Victory crown in Heaven and the grateful memory of the people in Russian History await you. Amen!
And let the most regrettable death of your predecessor, who in 1993 could become the new Hermogenes, be a warning to you, His Holiness, and a bitter example. But the scouting attitudes received from the time of his stay in the RSHD fettered his will. He could not overcome his fear of the one-fingered demon, and therefore he lost his Heavenly awards and ended his earthly path ingloriously.
May not befall you, Most Holy Lord, his fate!

Monk Athanasius,
Heron of Hesychastirion St. Sava of Serbia on Karuli.
Holy Mount Athos, May 31, 2012.

P.S. (10. 06. 2012.) On your Facebook page, His Holiness, the letter hung for some time. I would like to believe that it was removed by vile moderators who did not inform you about this. Let's wait and pray that this letter will become known to you.


Think of the millions of believers you are called to bring to Christ

The recent events that have taken place in the Russian Orthodox Church make me, Mr. Patriarch, as an Orthodox Christian, raise my voice in defense of Orthodoxy. I do not address you using the full patriarchal title, as my Christian conscience does not allow me to do so. The title that your predecessors were proudly and rightly called, and which you trampled down, at a meeting with the heretic and false prophet of the Antichrist, the Pope of Rome. Of course, our bishops should have been the first to denounce these deeds, but, unfortunately, all of them cowardly hid, pretending that nothing had happened. I'm afraid to assume that they share your position. The monastics and priests are silent, with only rare exceptions, but if everyone “is silent, then the stones will cry out” ( OK. 19.40).

This meeting is not even a slap in the face, not even a spit in the face of every Orthodox person, we would have endured it, no one gets used to it, it is a blow to the very heart, to the soul of every believer in Russia. Just like a thief or a murderer strikes from behind, from a suspender. You kindled a fire in the minds and hearts of people and calmly observe what will happen next, it will burn itself out and go out, or you will have to extinguish it. And on the ground, unfortunately, the performers create a kind of informational vacuum, when people look at the pastors with hope, but they are silent. But, according to the words of St. Gregory the Theologian: "God is given up in silence." Why, Mr. Patriarch, do you hate your flock so much? Or do you, like the ancient scribes and Pharisees, think that "... this people is ignorant of the law, cursed is it" ( In. 7.49). Yes, we are sinful, but lazy, yes, negligent, but we are God's! And God, unlike you, does not leave his sheep to be torn to pieces by wolves, and not even by wolves, but by jackals! Although today the condition of our people leaves much to be desired, but for the most part they are still drawn to God, and you are depriving them of their last hope for salvation.

I, like so many, previously justified you, realizing that we are all not without sin, but now, my conscience will not allow me to do this. What should we look for in Latinism, if many of our saints have raised their voices against it? Or will you command us to forget, to erase from memory and from the Church the names of Patriarch Photius, St. Mark of Ephesus, Gregory Palamas, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, Righteous John of Kronstadt, St. Seraphim (Sobolev), who is now glorified? Why should we rummage through this dung of Catholicism that we didn't see there? Our Russian people are not stupid, they judge the situation not by words, but by the fruits of deeds, for the last hundred years they have learned this Gospel commandment too well. After all, the Apostle John the Theologian himself warns us to beware of heretics: “Everyone who transgresses the teaching of Christ and does not abide in it does not have God; he who abides in the teaching of Christ has both the Father and the Son. Whoever comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not greet him. For he who greets him participates in his evil deeds" ( 2 Jn. 1:1,9-11).

I think you know these lines as well as I do, because after all you are not a rural pastor, but a patriarch. But your kisses with Pope Francis completely contradict the teachings of the apostle of love. The Apostle John preached not such brotherly love; he himself abhorred heretics like the plague. Yes, I somehow lost sight of the fact that we do not call a heretic a heretic today, ecumenism is in the yard. But show the Orthodox people the fruits of your so-called ecumenical activity, "witness to the truth."

Present to the people crowds of Catholics who have converted from delusion, cardinals, after all, fifty years of this activity, this is a respectable period, at least some “fruits” should appear from it. Unfortunately, the "fruit" of this so-called "activity" is only the worm of heresy, which wears away the tree of Orthodoxy, and there the worm of Gehenna is not far off. Catholics are not our brothers, they never were, and they can become them only through repentance, no matter how colorful yours and the Pope may sound " beautiful words". Moreover, in the will of the founder of Russian monasticism, St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, we find:

“Do not partake of the Latin (Catholic) faith, do not adhere to their customs, run away from their communion and avoid all their teaching and shun their customs.” And then he adds: “Beware, children, of the crooked believers and all their conversations, for our land is also filled with them…

And those who live in a different faith: in the Catholic or Muslim, or Armenian - they will not see eternal life. It is also not fitting, child, to praise someone else's faith. Praising someone else's faith, it's the same as blaspheming his own. If someone begins to praise both his own and someone else's, then he is a two-believer, close to heresy. But you, child, beware of such, and unceasingly praise your faith. Don't fraternize with them, but run from them and pursue in your faith good works.” You can cite many more quotations, but you know them as well as I do, so why do you not follow the path of the holy Fathers of the Church, and at the same time try to push others astray from the true path? Yes, and only one Latin dogma about the primacy of the pope is enough to understand the full depth of the fall of Catholicism. Here are just some excerpts from the resolutions of the First Vatican Council in 1870: “The Pope is divine man and human god... The Pope has divine authority, and his authority is unlimited. It is possible for him on earth the same thing as God in heaven. what is done by the Pope is the same as what is done by God... The Pope commands heavenly and earthly things. The Pope in the world is the same as God in the world or the soul in the body. everything is given to the power and will of the pope, and no one and nothing can resist him.

If the pope dragged millions of people to hell with him, then none of them would have the right to ask him: holy father, why are you doing this? the pope is infallible, like God, and can do everything that God does"

What blasphemy and satanic pride these lines are saturated with! The Catholics have created an idol that they worship, and we are invited to follow their example, that is, to start moving towards hell, without asking too many questions. Here is another short quote from the same document:

. “Papa can change the nature of things, make something out of nothing. He has power to create truth out of untruth, power against truth, without truth and contrary to truth, to do whatever he pleases. He can object to the apostles and to the commandments transmitted by the apostles, he has the power to correct everything that he recognizes as necessary in the New Testament, he can change the very Sacraments established by Jesus Christ.

When you read these lines, you get the impression that we are talking about Satan. Do you, Mr. Patriarch, propose to regard this person as a brother in Christ to all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church? Recognizing and equating the Catholic "church" with the Orthodox Church.

You have taken a step of apostasy, trampling on the Creed drawn up by the Holy Fathers and approved by the Ecumenical Councils. You have given a start to the complete catholicization of Orthodoxy, which will be further enshrined at the upcoming “holy council”, within the framework of ecumenism. It is not difficult to guess what will follow all this, the secularization of the flock and pastors, as well as a trailer of sodomy, debauchery and moral degradation. As an Orthodox person, I do not want our churches to be sold for one euro in the future for hotels and discos, bars and skateboards, so that rock concerts can be held in them, as is happening today in Europe.

Think of the millions of believers you are called to bring to Christ, not to Antichrist; to salvation, not to destruction. Just think of your own soul, with which Christ will ask for all this! Are you not afraid of the Judgment of God? By acknowledging the papists as "brothers" and not denouncing their delusions, you are depriving almost a billion people on the planet of the possibility of salvation. Therefore, I call on you to repent before the entire Orthodox people for participating in the meeting in Cuba, to refuse to participate in the ecumenical movement, to change the course of our Church, to withdraw from the WCC, to refuse to participate in the upcoming “Pan-Orthodox Council.”

Patriarch - the highest rank of the church hierarchy, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, referring to it, both orally and in writing, one should follow the generally accepted dogmatic rules.


Before writing a letter Patriarch, you need to clearly imagine the subject of your appeal to him. You must understand that the church's first hierarch daily has many concerns about the fate of the church, so the subject of your letter should be really important. Make sure you can't go to lower clergy with your question, like your local bishop or metropolitan.

Begin letter follows from the next call to Patriarch(indicated above the text of the letter in the upper right corner):
His Holiness
Patriarch Moscow
and All Rus' [name of the Patriarch]
from [your submission].
For every believing Orthodox Christian, it is important to receive a pastoral blessing, so you can directly begin the story with the words: “Lord, bless.” Or: "Your Eminence, bless." The following appeal will also be true: “Your Holiness, His Holiness, Vladyka Patriarch, Gracious Archpastor and Father!”

The text of your message must be correct and grammatically correct, it must not contain threats, insults and profanity. During the course of the story, refer to Patriarch followed by "Your Holiness" or "Most Holy Master". Express your thoughts consistently, in simple and understandable language, without the use of jargon and dialects. Be respectful.
Be sincere and open, don't write anything you can't be sure of. It is not good to turn to the Most Holy Master with conjectures and doubts.
Titles and titles of His Holiness Patriarch should be capitalized.

Address your letter to the press service of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', located at the address: 119034, Moscow, Chisty Lane, 5. Your letter will not reach the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church immediately - first it will be studied by responsible employees of the Patriarchate.

Helpful advice

An example of an appeal to the Patriarch:

His Holiness
His Holiness Patriarch
Moscow and All Rus'


Attention, only TODAY!

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