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Hanging vk. Gallows - history in photos — LiveJournal. ancient methods of death penalty that chill the blood

10 ancient death penalty methods that chill the blood

Although the death penalty is used much less today, it was once a daily routine. Often, convicted criminals were subjected to brutal torture in order to demonstrate to everyone what awaits them for breaking the law. All over the world, each country had its own creative ways of the death penalty.

In most cases, the idea was for the perpetrator to suffer as long as possible, and often the remains were often put on display to further humiliate the executed. Here are examples of some of the most brutal and horrific methods of capital punishment in ancient times.

1. Linchi (slow cutting)

Lingchi was a brutal execution method in China that was practiced until 1905. It consisted in the fact that many small pieces of flesh were cut off from the victim until she died from blood loss. The executioners had to cut off as many fragments of meat as possible without killing the victim. This method was also known as "death by a thousand cuts".

Linci originated in the 10th century and was outlawed only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since it was only practiced a little over 100 years ago, it is one of the few execution methods on this list that has been captured on film. The execution process depended on several factors, such as the skill and mercy of the executioner, as well as the seriousness of the crime committed.

According to some surviving records from the Ming Dynasty, as many as 3,000 pieces could be cut from the victim until they died, while other reports claim that the entire process took less than 15 minutes. Opium was sometimes given to the convicts, but it is unclear whether this was done to make them suffer more or less (this could keep them conscious for a longer time). Linci was one of the main forms of the "Five Punishments" - a scale of punishments depending on the severity. The victim could not even be killed, but "simply" cut off his nose, legs or castrated.

2. Sawing

In medieval times in Europe, victims were sawn in half for crimes such as witchcraft, adultery, murder, blasphemy, and theft. The Roman Empire preferred to lay the person to be sawed horizontally, while the Chinese were more inventive, hanging their victims upside down and sawing them from the groin. This method was more effective in that the victims suffered more, as there was better blood flow to the brain, prolonging consciousness.

According to the historical documents of the Czech Hussite reformist movement, at that time, the victims were first sawed off their arms and legs, burning the wounds with a torch, and only after that the condemned was sawn in half. As for ancient Rome, Caligula was known to enjoy dining while watching people execute people in a similar way, enjoying their suffering.

3. Execution by elephants

Also known as "gunga rao", this form of punishment was mainly used in Asia and India, although some evidence of this method exists in the Western world (but in very rare cases). Elephant execution has been a popular form of capital punishment in India since the Middle Ages. The victims were often enemy soldiers or civilians who committed crimes such as theft, tax evasion, and rebellion.

Despite the abundance of animals that could be used for execution, elephants were used due to the fact that they could be trained to torture and kill criminals. For example, an elephant could be commanded to crush the victim's limbs. Another example of execution by elephants was told by the French traveler Francois Bernier. He saw an elephant trained to "cut" criminals with blades that were mounted on its tusks.

4. Hanging, gutting and quartering

According to English law, this was a punishment for a man who was found guilty of treason (women were burned at the stake). Until 1870, those found guilty of treason were tied to a sledge or horse-drawn sleigh and dragged to the place of execution. There the criminal was hanged, but they did it gradually, and not knocking the chair out from under his feet (so that his neck would not break). Moments before death, the rope was cut and the person was laid on the table. There, the executioner cut off his genitals and gutted his insides, burning them.

At the end, the victim was beheaded and the body cut into four pieces. Often the head and body parts were doused with boiling water (so that they would not rot so quickly) and hung on the gates of the city as a warning. This sadistic method of execution was first invented in 1241 to punish William Maurice, who was convicted of piracy. The Treason Act of 1814 made the method of execution "easier". Now the criminal was simply hanged (already as usual, with a broken neck) and posthumously beheaded.

5. Gibbeting

In Scotland, this form of capital punishment was reserved mainly for convicted murderers. Under the Murder Act 1752, the bodies of executed murderers were either dismembered or hung in chains. Gibbeting virtually disappeared in the late 1770s, although there were laws providing for this penalty until 1834.

One of the reasons why the popularity of this type of death penalty began to decline is the fact that the bodies of the criminal were paraded only in the place of their execution, and could not serve as a general "scarecrow". The best description of this method of capital punishment is the story of Alexander Gillan. He was a farmer's servant who was convicted of raping and murdering an 11-year-old girl named Elspeth Lamb in 1810. She was tending her father's cattle when the accused attacked her and beat her to death.

The judge wanted to impose a death sentence that would be considered exemplary for such a crime, so he decided that Gillan would be executed at the same place where his victim was found, and his body was hung in chains to serve as a reminder of the retribution for the murder.

6. Immuring

This form of punishment consisted of placing the convicted criminal in an enclosed space with no exits. Sometimes it became a prison for life, and other times the victims would be doomed to death from starvation and dehydration. In the photo, which was first published in the issue national geographic 1922, this execution was clearly shown: a Mongolian woman was locked in a wooden box in the desert.

Photographer Albert Kahn witnessed a woman begging for food but was forced to leave it in a box because it would be a huge offense for an anthropologist to interfere in another culture's criminal justice system. According to Kahn, the woman was convicted of adultery. But the victims did not always die of hunger.

According to a 1914 newspaper report, in China, criminals were locked up in heavy iron coffins in which they could not sit up straight or lie stretched out. For only a few minutes a day, they could see sunlight as food was thrown into their coffin through a small hole.

7. Poena cullei

Also known as "pouch execution", this type of execution was reserved for those found guilty of killing relatives. The victim was sewn into a leather bag along with a living snake, monkey, rooster and dog, after which they drowned in a pond. Interestingly, initially (at least, as stated in the oldest document in which poena cullei was mentioned), only a snake was sewn into a bag with a criminal. Before drowning, people sentenced to "execution in a sack" were first beaten with sticks painted in the color of blood, and only then drowned. Eventually, poena cullei was replaced by being burned alive.

8. Skafism

It was an ancient Persian torture method reserved for those who had committed serious crimes such as murder or treason. The offender was stripped naked and tied tightly in a hollowed-out tree trunk or between two boats, after which they were forcibly fed with milk and honey. This punishment usually took place in a swamp or in the sun. Not only was this mixture forcibly given to people, but the body of the victim was also smeared with it. This attracted all sorts of insects, as well as rats.

The victims of scaphism also suffered from severe diarrhea (remember what they were given to drink), which left them weak and dehydrated. However, they did not die from diarrhea-induced dehydration because they were constantly fed plenty of milk and honey.

This meant that criminals could survive for days and even weeks in a little hell of their own feces, milk, honey, and insects that ate flesh and laid larvae in it. In the end, the larvae ate the body from the inside.

9. Wheeling

Also known as "Catherine's wheel" because its origins were associated with Saint Catherine of Alexandria, this brutal torture device was used during medieval times in Europe.

It was popular in France and Germany, and in some cases was still used even after the Middle Ages. People who were convicted of aggravated murder were tied to a cartwheel and then had their arms and legs broken with a hammer or club. After that, the wheel was raised, and the criminal was put on public display.

10. Garrote

Execution by garrotte was first introduced in 1812 as an alternative to hanging. At least 736 people were executed in this manner in Spain during the 19th century. Usually, those who were convicted of crimes such as murder, banditry, or major terrorist acts were condemned to this method of death penalty. The prisoner was seated with his back to the bar, and a loop of rope was tightened around his neck, which was then tightened by the executioner from behind with a stick.

There was also a Chinese version of this method of execution using a bowstring. Several improvements have been made over time. The rope was replaced with a metal hoop, which was driven by a screw and a lever mechanism. In the Catalan garrote, a star-shaped blade was added to the screw, which, when "screwed", entered the prisoner's neck and crushed the spine, effectively preventing the prisoner from suffocating.

Although the victim usually quickly lost consciousness and died within minutes, this was never a guaranteed result. This led to the conclusion that a similar method of execution was never faster or more humane than hanging.

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The case of Maria Motuznaya, the girl who wants to be imprisoned for memes in VK, seems to be drawing to a close (and less than a year has passed!).

05/08/2018, early in the morning, around 8 am, 6 people broke into my apartment: an investigator, three opera officers and two witnesses. They poked a piece of paper with a search warrant in my face. Waking up, I saw only two lines there: the ID of my old VK page and the wording: humiliation of the Negroid race. Naturally, I thought it was a joke. But when they took away my phone and started a search, I turned pale. They took my computer and phone from me, ransacked the cabinets and took me away. I didn't know then that I was being taken to the so-called Department "E". Having seated me at the table, the conversation began with the phrase "Well, confess."

Today in Barnaul, another court session was held in the case of Maria. The recently "deceased" Husky came to support her.

As a result, the case of Maria Motuznaya was returned to the prosecutor's office - most likely, this will all end.

“In general, the case of Masha shows that the only shield in Russia in 2018 is publicity and the public defense of one’s rights,” they write about Maria on Twitter.

By the way, not so long ago Supreme Court proposed not to consider publications in social networks with signs of inciting hatred or hostility as a crime, if they do not pose any danger to society. It is possible that this proposal also affected the Motuznaya case.

An eerie photo selection depicting one of the pages of the process of Europeanization of our country. Attention: under the cut the photo is not for the impressionable and the faint of heart.

________________________________________ __

We have a lot of fools who consider themselves "almost Europeans" and choosing between "Light High-born Civilized European" and "fucking Russian", of course, admire the first and despise and hate the second.
This tradition is old, it is boldly there for three hundred years. But I will write about this later.
For now, I want to just lay out a simple thematic photographic material.
I warn you in advance that it is not very pleasing to the eye.
A lot of people won't like it.
But as a bitter medicine - needed.

Having climbed the Internet for about an hour, I picked up a photo of the gallows with our citizens and women, with which cultural Europeans from the paramilitary formations of the Third Reich adorned our land.

The culture and civilization of Europeans is simply rushing from photographs. Because the kulturtragers really liked to be photographed with joyful faces against the backdrop of the gallows. Well, it's fun - against the background of the gallows with a woman to act in film. Culture. The Germans took such photos very willingly in 1941 and 1942. Then the fashion came to naught (not the fashion to hang everyone in a row, but the fashion to be shot with a happy smile), because it turned out that stupid scoops do not understand all the charm of such photos and, having found one in the next Fritz, most likely they will not take him to far Siberia, but end right there. Naturally, well-educated Europeans did not want to die like this. Therefore, they continued to hang. And they stopped taking pictures.

That's for that scum who loves to argue that in the war everyone is the same - like the scoops were terrible and ferocious, just like the fragrant Europeans - I am doing this publication. With a request to answer for their words by presenting a photo of happy scoops against the background of hanged Germans and German Frau and Madchen, or shut up your stinking hail and not lie.

Also, this publication can work as a visual material in a conversation with our homegrown Hitlerophiles.

I especially note that I have presented here the material collected in half an hour, in no way disturbing, for example, the materials of the state commission for the investigation of Nazi atrocities on the territory of the USSR. This is a small grain of sand in the total amount of villainy and genocide. Also, I did not put anything here except the gallows - no mass executions, no mockery, no rape, no robbery and other charms of Europeanization.

A textbook example - it's fun to act against the backdrop of a nurse hanged for helping wounded Red Army soldiers.

As you can easily see, enlightened Europeans were alien to sexism and therefore women and girls were constantly hanged. I can't write anything about these dead. Alas, our fucking journalists were lazy rubbish even then - only Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was covered in the press. At the same time, her partner, who was hanged a few kilometers further, did not receive any press.

Separately, I note that even a company commander, and in some cases a lower rank, could hang any civilian. No trial. For those who are interested, see the directive on special jurisdiction in the occupied territory, according to which any German could do anything with us here without fear of punishment. (Well, it’s true that you couldn’t kill your own Germans, and you couldn’t rape and rob the German officers’ wives, which we see in the example of the SS Brigadeführer Kaminsky, who was shot by the Germans just for such exploits of his heroes.)

As you can see, it was fashionable to act next to the hanged woman. It was also fashionable fun, in European style, to mock a corpse. By the way, such Aryan fun as cutting off women's breasts in this case did not work - it does not roll on a frozen corpse. And so - then met very often. Another thing is that against the background of tens of thousands of deaths, this was no longer very impressive, because ours did not spread too much about it. Who knew there would be so many homegrown bastards in the early 21st century.

It was also fashionable to hang girls on monuments. The first two photos show a hanged teacher in Voronezh.

But nothing stopped them from improvising. Trees and hastily put together structures, or anything adapted, were fine.

(this is the only Soviet photograph in the selection. They liberated Volokolamsk - and saw
such. Stationary gallows for permanent hangings. So they held a rally - right from

But quite solid buildings were often made, especially for executions - for example, in the first photo there is a stationary gallows in Volokolamsk. What is especially piquant - to remove the gallows, was forbidden by the German command. Nevertheless - judging by the last three pictures - the Germans did not care about the bans. The poster is up. What is impossible - but figs with him. With a poster. Nevertheless, German discipline had a place to be - therefore, not everyone filmed the gallows, only varmints. Think about it. If it were not forbidden to take pictures - how many photos would we have now?

Here, for example, you can look at these pictures - how many people take pictures. But more often they hung on everything that came to hand - for example, it was popular to hang on balconies. Kharkiv, Sumy and beyond everywhere.

And so that in the best traditions of the Great German and Austrian army. Famous for the gallows for civilians back in the First World War. If readers are interested, I can easily dig up a dozen photos from the First World War on the Internet. However, many have read Schweik, it is well written about it.

Finally, I want to show the nauseating infamy of our unfinished Hitlerophiles and Reich defenders. Here they are very fond of, speaking of the snow-whiteness and fluffiness of the innocently accused Wehrmacht and the SS, cite this photo as an example:

Which is a photomontage. In fact, the background is the SS men swaggering over the orthodox Jew. A Jew whose sidelocks are cut off is an object of ridicule. Because of this, our assholes yell about fake. Nevertheless, the photo of a Soviet nurse was hung - not a fake, which can be seen if it is considered separately from the background.

And I'm just wondering how these monkeys from among my - alas - compatriots, were brainwashed that they associate themselves - fucking unsmaller ones, which the Germans did not put even a penny on and safely eliminated until 1942, when it turned out that their strengths were not enough and you have to attract collaborators, with purebred Aryans.

Idiots - yes, the citizens of the Reich would have identified you in a ditch for such impudent behavior. With a hole in the back.
