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What is a light filter. How to choose a light filter? Protective, polarizing and gradient filters. Why filters are needed

Some have not heard of him at all, someone has heard that he is needed for landscapes, and someone thinks that he is needed so that the sky is bright blue. I will go over the most interesting and simple in my opinion and will not paint the brands of polarizers. I will also mention the "pitfalls". It seems to me that a beginner in terms of using a polarizer is not so important to immediately dig up a whole bunch of information, but first he needs the impulse that he will receive after seeing all the pros and cons of using such a filter.

I bring to your attention a small record with practical examples of the use of a polarizer filter (hereinafter we are talking about the C.P.L. circular polarizer)

This image shows that in addition to changing the brightness and saturation of the color of the sky, the color and brightness of the roof, leaves and walls also changed.

Here we see that if the roof has not changed much, then the sky has become bluer, and the glare on the window glass has disappeared.

Here are the histograms of the resulting images.

See how much more color information we captured?

But keep in mind that the polarizer does not work at all angles to the sun's rays and is almost useless in cloudy weather (you can only remove glare, but the color will not change).
The best result is achieved when the sun is on the side of the lens. Worst of all - backlight.

Please note that you saw something that, in principle, could not see without using a polarizing filter. The foliage finally turned green, and the water darker and more pronounced green reflexes from the foliage appeared in it. The image on the left is dull, while the image on the right is rich in color. In my opinion, nowhere is more obvious.
But the sky in this case darkened unevenly. I used a filter on a wide angle lens. To darken the sky, it is better to use a gradient filter, but more on gradient filters in another article.

Please note that the glare on the metal is not removed in this way, because the light from the metal is polarized, but from glass, plastic, water - easily.

Here in the picture below, I wanted to see corals, for this it was necessary to remove the glare from the lambs of the waves and thus penetrate into the water column.

In general, I hope I inspired those who do not use a circular polarizer for experiments.

And remember that when using a circular polarizer, you first need to think about what effect it will get and whether it makes sense since it darkens the frame by about 2 stops. Or it makes sense to use advanced polarizing filters such as , which darken only 1 stop and practically do not affect the quality of polarization (perfect polarization).

When buying a polarizing filter, do not forget about your smartphone. If earlier we laughed at pictures from a smartphone, now many modern phones take pictures very well and the polarizer helps them in this. This is a little know-how.

This photo was taken on iPhone 4s with polarizing filter B+W. So the power is in the polarizers. Especially the good ones.

Now for smartphones, special small filters are being produced. For example, such...

Uneven shading

If many have heard about the effect of the polarizer, then it is possible that there is no uneven darkening of the circular polarizer on wide-angle lenses.

The polarizer, of course, does not work for the entire length / width of the image taken with a wide-angle lens. the angle of incidence of rays on the polarizer also changes along the width of the image. Those. a large angle of view of the lens means uneven operation of the polarizer across the width of the image, which leads to the appearance of a round darkening of the sky in the image taken, for example, with a 16mm lens on a full-frame camera. On cameras with a crop factor, the angle of view of the lens is smaller and therefore such unevenness will be less noticeable. A dark spot in the sky that should be uniform spoils the photo.

The polarizer on a full-frame camera will work most evenly with telephoto lenses from 85mm focal length, but because Since it can be extremely important for landscape photography, we often have to put up with unevenly darkened skies for the sake of beautiful grass and leaves (there is no replacement for a polarizing filter here). Remember that by rotating the polarizing filter you can move the uneven darkening of the sky from side to side and, as a result, place it in a place where it is easy to remove it in Photoshop.

Here dark spot in the center of the sky (picture from my trip to ). It is noticeable. It can be removed, but a relatively time-consuming process.

And here I moved the dark spot to the right, darkening a piece of the sky, it became more saturated blue. In this case, nothing needs to be corrected, the sky is dark and the inexperienced eye will not notice the spots.

the picture was taken with a circular polarizer Marumi DHG C.P.L., 2011.

Shade unevenness shifted to the right.

taken with a polarizer

And here, by the way, the film Emmanuelle was filmed... Do you recognize it? :)

Gradient is sometimes more convenient than a circular polarizer

red arrows indicate gradient filters, and blue arrows indicate circular polarizers

But at the same time, there is another type of filter that can give us a blue sky if we don't need other polarizer effects - this is a gradient filter.

As you can see, the linear gradient gave us a no less pleasant sky than the circular polarizer and evenly darkened it.

taken with 50% gradient filter, Malaysia, 2007.

But such a filter is only suitable for darkening one of the parts of the frame with an even gradient and is not suitable, for example, for fragments of a picture.


shot with a circular polarizer C.P.L.

Which filter to choose

So we smoothly approached the question of preferring a gradient filter or a circular polarizer.

For example, in a situation when there is a horizon.

shot with a circular polarizer

If the sun does not shine in your face or from your back, then use a polarizer at a focal length of 50 mm or more. To the polarizer, you can either add a light gradient (if necessary) or add a gradient correction (software equivalent of a gradient filter) in the RAW converter. This way you will get the most out of the color of the picture and enhance the sky.

there is no horizon and in general the sun is not clear where

shot with a circular polarizer

Use a circular polarizer. Grant filter is powerless here. It is not always possible to achieve uniform illumination of the sky, but sometimes it even gives the picture a "liveness".

More examples.

Clear horizon line, wide lens angle

Use a gradient filter to even out the light in these conditions to avoid unevenly lit skies - this is hard to fix later.

That seems to be all. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

It is now difficult to establish exactly when such an invention as a UV filter appeared, but immediately after this, articles in the specialized literature awarded this device with a lot of useful qualities. But in the process of describing the numerous advantages, experts somehow missed one important fact: no one has ever seen the actual optical result that this filter gives.
But what does it exist for? We will be puzzled by the goal to find out, and google what they write about him. It turns out that they write a lot and very intricately.

Here, for example, the site, describing the incredible advantages of this device, comes to frank insanity:

"The UV filter protects the camera's sensor from ultraviolet waves, helps fight sun glare in photos, increases contrast and sharpness of the image. The UV filter improves the quality of photos when shooting outdoors on a sunny day"

I did not quite understand why you need to "protect the matrix from ultraviolet waves." Have you ever heard of the Matrix being affected by these vicious waves? Me neither.
Then what is this "glare of the sun"? In the sense of the reflection of the sun from shiny surfaces? That is, this filter removes them? Even funnier.

And it also "increases contrast and sharpness." Here I am generally lying around, not a single additional glass worn on the lens is able to improve the contrast and sharpness of the image. None! Here to worsen, by reason of his Low quality- quite, but never improve! This is an axiom.

The following passage "improves the quality of photographs when shooting outdoors on a sunny day" with the blurriness of its meaning can only argue with the idiocy of the term "open shooting". Does the dog know what they mean?

Moreover, counting on a very close-minded reader, the text is illustrated with a picture in which a gray car suddenly turns blue after applying the filter.

In the second pair of examples, after putting on the filter, the landscape is flooded with the sun, and in the sky there is such a selection of clouds, which is not always possible from a polarizing one!

Actually, everything is clear with this site, let's go to the site, here advertising strongly convinces us of the usefulness of such a purchase:

"The filter readily demonstrates its protective UV properties in the mountains and on the seashore, where without protection from the harmful effects of the sun, the picture will not be sharp. And when shooting on film, a light purple haze and unwanted blue colors can easily appear."

Again, we are promised sharpening and, as a plus, the absence of "unwanted blue colors" when shooting on film. It remains unclear what happens to the "desirable" blue colors in this case? It also delivers "harmful effects of the sun."

Let's try the official websites of the manufacturers of this optical miracle, maybe they will speak more definitely about the merits of their products? Go to , Find out how ultraviolet can damage:

"If something reddish becomes blackish, this is also a sign of ultraviolet radiation."

I won't even comment on this.

Let's try a more eminent manufacturer, and take a look at According to Hoya UV Filter:

"Blocks out ultraviolet rays that cause a hazy effect in outdoor images. Images are clearer, with detail in dark and bright areas.

It turns out that this filter also enhances the detail in the dark and light areas! Here it is, happiness! To hell with this filthy Photoshop with its Shadows/Highlights! As soon as you screw on the UV filter, how the study of lights and shadows will become perfect!

"Protects the front element of the lens from moisture, fingerprints, dust, scratches and fading. It has 16 layers of coating"

Protecting the front lens from burnout? Check if your lenses have burnt front lenses? Has the evil sun burned them to ashes?

Well, a little lower on the same page as the control in the head:

"The powerful multi-coated Hoya HD UV filter eliminates unwanted reflections such as water and glass and prevents glare."

So, the ultraviolet filter now also performs the functions of a polarizing filter? Very cute. And the boys don't even know!
And of course, the effect of this miraculous filter is demonstrated by a photograph, when you see it, you just want to break away and run to the store.

On this I think it's time to upload, and you can briefly summarize what you read.

Everyone who writes about ultraviolet filters lets their imagination fly free and does not hesitate to endow the described product with those properties that it never had, quite calmly illustrating their words with clearly fictitious photographs.

So why is this filter so actively promoted by sellers and manufacturers needed? Yes, in general, it turns out that for nothing. Well, except perhaps in order to earn some more money from photographers.

Having shot many times in conditions in which the use of this filter is highly recommended, I have never noticed any damage caused by ultraviolet light. Moreover, having such a filter, bought on the occasion along with the lens, I tried more than once to take a couple of test shots with and without a filter to see what it does. In all cases, the effect was the same: absolutely zero. No difference was found between photos taken with and without the filter.
Unless a detailed comparison at high magnifications revealed a slight, but quite distinct drop in sharpness. (And where is the promised increase in picture clarity?)

So, it turns out that the ultraviolet filter is completely useless, and no one ever needs it? I won’t be so categorical, the fact is that a long time ago in one of the books of the “black series” of the Mir publishing house, I remember reading the following about the ultraviolet filter (I quote from memory):

"Sometimes, when shooting in high altitude conditions, when using a very telephoto and very fast lens, due to the fact that the rays of the UV spectrum have a wavelength that does not coincide with the wavelength of visible light, and are focused in a slightly different plane than visible light, in some cases, on distant objects, false contours may (!) Appear.

So when you're planning to take your Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 on your next Everest climb, don't forget to bring your UV filter, it might come in handy. In all other cases, the use of this glass will be useless at best.

P.S. Of course, you can use UV as a protective one, but we will talk about "Protect" filters a little later.

Greetings, dear readers! I'm in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Many amateur photographers sooner or later think about expanding their own collection of accessories and add-ons for the camera. One of the items on the list of important acquisitions are filters for optics.

Certainly in the century digital technologies photo processing works wonders, and the use of most filters has become impractical.

However, there are several types that will come in handy in any genre of photography.

I propose to devote today's article to one of them - the UV filter, which should be in the arsenal of every self-respecting photographer.

In one of the previous articles, I already talked about the possibilities.


The purpose of a lens UV filter is primarily to protect the front lens from dust, moisture, and accidental damage that often occurs as a result of being dropped or hit by a hard object.

The main declared difference of this accessory from others is the prevention of direct sunlight on the matrix of a SLR camera, which is more sensitive to ultraviolet light than the human eye.

A UV filter is used during long and short distance landscape photography to avoid haze that is very noticeable when photographing in mountainous areas or outdoors. open areas where in sunny weather there is an excess of ultraviolet rays.

A high-quality filter does not affect contrast in any way, so it is not necessary to remove it from the lens.

What brand of UV filter should I buy?

Having installed the filter on the optics, remember that from this very moment it becomes part of your photographic device. So that in the future there are no problems limiting the capabilities of technology, do not chase cheapness, choose those manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market for photographic products.

Here are a few of them: Hoya, Marumi, Kenko, Tiffen, B+W.

When choosing, the material of all its components should be taken into account.

As for the lens itself, it must be made of high quality glass and covered with a protective layer.

Cheap analogues are made of plastic and after some time they begin to collapse, and the protective layer flakes and peels off, which ultimately does not decorate the photo.

In order to choose the right filter for your optics, it is enough to know the thread diameter, which is indicated on the lens or on the inside of the protective cap.

By the way, the cost of the filter depends on the diameter, the larger it is, the higher the price.

How to use Adobe Photoshop to replace the UV filter?

As you understand, Photoshop will not get rid of mechanical damage and scratches, but it can cope with the final effect of ultraviolet radiation on the photo.

So, you can remove unwanted phenomena as follows:

  • By increasing the overall contrast of the photo with the help of the sliders ( Image > Correction > Brightness/Contrast).
  • By lowering the saturation of the blue tint by moving the slider ( Image > Correction > Hue/Saturation > Blue).

In conclusion, I want to reveal a simple truth, a filter, like a lens hood, is an integral part of the photography process, but the success of a photographer does not depend on the availability of these accessories, but on the ability to use them.

Do you have a SLR camera? If yes, how well do you understand it? Do you have misunderstandings about usage? If so, I recommend studying a powerful video course. Thanks to him, you will learn to better deal with your reflex camera. You will no longer have many questions and begin to get beautiful photos.

Digital SLR for beginners 2.0- for owners of NIKON photographic equipment.

My first MIRROR— for owners of CANON photographic equipment.

Subscribe to blog updates, and share a direct link to the article with friends and family. Happy filming!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Light filters are optical devices used in photography to suppress or highlight individual segments in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. In the digital age, they continue to be in great demand as professional photographers as well as among amateurs. Buy filters for cameras and owners of radio-controlled drones equipped with video cameras. When choosing such devices, it is important to consider that each of them has its own functionality and is intended to solve certain problems.


Experts note that polarizing filters for quadrocopters “steal” light. They can "pick up" about 1-2 stops, depending on the shooting conditions and the features of the filter itself. Drone photos are often characterized by an abundance of cool shades - blues and blues. The polarizing filter fills the pictures with warmer tones, "taking away" some of the unnecessary "blue". Many owners of radio-controlled drones note that thanks to such devices, they get exactly the kind of shots they would like to see.


Such optical devices are used to protect lenses from scratches, dirt and UV radiation. UV filters are in great demand among quadcopter owners: they often save the outer lens of the camera from falls, collisions and other unforeseen troubles. Dust, sand, dirt, raindrops and fingerprints - this device will take any blows, while the camera lens itself will remain clean, dry and undamaged.

Another important task that a UV filter performs is blocking ultraviolet rays. This function is especially important when shooting in highlands or on the ocean in sunny weather. In such situations, the influence of ultraviolet on the quality of the resulting images is especially high - and it is the UV filter that allows the drone owner to get high-quality and realistic shots that do not need additional processing.


The effect that can be achieved with a neutral density filter is almost impossible to recreate with further processing of the resulting image. The fact is that such optical devices reduce the amount of light flux entering the lens during shooting, but do not affect the contrast, color brightness and the presence of glare. With the help of such a filter, the owner of the quadrocopter can adjust the required exposure when shooting rivers, lakes, waterfalls, streams and other “moving” pictures.

ND filters vary in strength. They can be 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and even 10 stops. The higher the strength of the filter, the less light it lets into the frame. With the help of such an optical device, spectacular pictures of water are obtained, in which the waterfall resembles a “milk river”, and not a lot of frozen drops. At the same time, the owner aircraft can take pictures like this even without long exposure and in sunny weather.

Having decided on the type of filter required for a quadrocopter, it is important to remember that such devices differ in diameter and thread. Therefore, before going to the store or placing an order via the Internet, it is necessary to determine the diameter of the lens for which the optical device is purchased.

It must be said right away that filters for lenses are not mandatory for use. So why do we need filters on lenses, what are their types and how to use filters in photography.

One of the tasks performed by such filters is lens protection, if a foreign object hits the lens, the filter will take the blow.

Another task for filters is luminous flux control, they are able to delay the desired waves of light and so you can achieve certain artistic goals.

Polarizing filters

A polarizing filter is used to reduce reflections and glare from surfaces, such as reflections on water. The polarizing filter reduces the aperture ratio of the lens, because of this, you need to make a correction to the exposure. But such a filter enhances colors. The sky, grass and other colored objects become richer. Well suited for shooting landscapes, landscapes.

There are linear "PL" and circular "C-PL" polarizing filters. They consist of two plates and before shooting they need to be adjusted by rotating the plates relative to each other. Rotation occurs between 0 and 90 degrees.

When buying these filters, choose carefully desired system, because linear filters often block the autofocus system. And circular polarizers are more expensive, but they basically allow the autofocus and metering system to work normally. Also pay attention to the attachment to the lens, because the filter will have to be rotated and you must not knock down the setting of the first lens of the lens if you also have to adjust it.

The price of polarizing filters is from $20 to $150.

Examples of using a polarizing filter

Neutral ND filters

If it becomes necessary to change the exposure, but it is impossible to reduce the shutter speed, then reduce the amount of light entering the matrix. In such a situation, a neutral ND filter is used. They differ in density, which means the amount of light transmitted. Such filters may be needed when shooting on a sunny day, if you need to increase the shutter speed (shooting water in the sun). Or you need to increase the aperture for a shallower depth of field.

Neutral density filters for cameras do not affect colors, contrast, glare, reflections.

They can cost from $10 to $200.

Gradient ND Filters

Such filters for lenses are used only to reduce the light flux, but their density varies over the entire filter area. There is a smooth gradient, when the transition between different areas of density is smooth. There are filters with a clearer boundary between different areas. And there are filters where the gradient is applied in a circle, the filter is denser in the center, and enlightenment comes to the edges.

Such filters have the abbreviation "GND". They are used when objects with different illumination enter the frame. For example, a bright sky and earth with a clear horizon boundary. By applying a gradient filter, you can get a picture with a normal exposure over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame.

Usually the part of the filter that transmits more light is made transparent. Then the marking of the filter indicates the difference in the transmission of light at different ends of the filter, that is, how many steps the dark part delays the light. For example, "0.6 ND" means a difference of 2 f stops (1.4).

Gradient ND Filters


Infrared light filters on the lens serve to filter almost the entire visible spectrum of the light flux, only infrared radiation is transmitted to the matrix. Because visible radiation is blocked, aiming at the object (focusing, exposure metering) must be done before using the infrared filter. As a result, in the picture you will get a dark sky, white trees and all objects will change their color greatly.

The approximate price of infrared filters is from $50 to $100.

Examples of using an infrared filter

Protective filter

Used to protect the lens of an objective. You can purchase immediately with the purchase of a lens, especially if the camera will be used outdoors. Protects the lens from fingerprints, dust, dirt, sand, scratches. Today, ultraviolet light filters are mainly used as protective ones.

UV filters

They have the letters "UV" in the designation, and are often used as protective filters. They were widely used for film cameras, the digital matrix is ​​much less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. But you can still notice the difference in the pictures with and without a UV filter. Applying a filter can make the image a little more contrasty, affecting the display of blue. Its use is especially noticeable in the mountains or at sea. However, today its main role in digital cameras- This is the protection of the front lens of the lens. Price from $5 to $50.

Changes with ultraviolet filter


The main manufacturers of filters for lenses are the following companies: Marumi, Hoya, Kenko, Matin, Meike. When choosing a filter, pay attention to the size in millimeters so that it matches your lens. Also, filters can be either threaded or overhead. With a threaded connection, great protection and it is not scary to move the filter during shooting. But for screw-on filters, you need to carefully look at compatibility with your lens.
