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Why do we need characteristics of the nomenclature. Why item characteristics are needed 11.2 3 use item characteristics

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About hobbits... I mean about characteristics.

Another standard transition from UT 10.3 to UT 11.4. The most common problems with a large number of items:

  1. Loss of quality and search speed of products over time.
  2. Due to the overgrown hierarchy of groups, there are difficulties in visualization huge amount nomenclature in different systems, incl. external (websites, etc.). Managers begin to say: "Is it possible to remove the extra item and not show it in the selection?". RLS? Brrrrrrr... Collapse the base?! Director, financier: "But what about the past periods for comparing data .... No! Go ...!!! Well, etc. of that kind.
  3. Garbage is a nomenclature that will no longer be used, over the years it can reach 100-200% of the total number of goods.
  4. Duplication of pictures of the nomenclature. Sometimes 100 positions have the same picture. You look at the upload file on the site and see gigabytes there, although in theory 150 positions have 1 picture.

What will the characteristics give you in UT 11.4:

  1. Reducing the number of nomenclature by dozens (in practice) times.
  2. A more convenient structure for the presentation of the nomenclature and its detailing in reports, incl. to upload to the site. For example: the nomenclature is "Paint Neva", and the characteristic (color): White, Red, Black, etc.
  3. The ability to use one picture for several characteristics, which will save space and time of uploading to other systems.
  4. Types of nomenclature - in fact, another criterion for detailing, selection, search, etc. Remember where you need to start filling in the empty base UT 11.
  5. "Increasing the speed" of the standard search *, in terms of reducing the number of items in the nomenclature.

* About the search, it is said strongly, in fact, there are "features", but more on that in the next article "Selection of nomenclature and characteristics with search by characteristics".

An example from a modified selection.

Cons of characteristics:

  1. Oddly enough, in UT 11.4 there is no normal search by characteristics. Try to find all "green paint" in the database with characteristics, where the substring "green" in the name of the characteristic. Yes, and in the database there are 5,000 positions of the nomenclature and about 30,000 elements of characteristics. And we solved this problem, see fig. higher.
  2. Characteristics do not have conversion factors, packages, etc., but there are additional properties and information, and these are great things in 1C.
  3. Oh yes, I forgot, only the nomenclature is uploaded to the accounting department, i.e. out of 100 positions that were uploaded earlier, only 1 can be uploaded to the accounting department, because now 1 nomenclature and 100 characteristics. And there is a solution for this - the rewritten rules for converting and registering, but this is in another article.

We are considering a simple option when an organization moves without documents or with a small number of them, for example, at the end of the year, so that after replacing links, many documents are not retransmitted. Perhaps the method is not suitable for databases where records are kept for years, but everything is in your hands or money or time. There are examples of commercial treatments, for example: .

The proposed algorithm for the replacement of nomenclature and nomenclature with characteristics.

  1. Before starting work with processing, we make a backup copy of the database.
  2. We have the receiver nomenclature (for example, it appeared as a result of a standard transition from 10.3).
  3. With the help of processing, we create and compare the source nomenclature with the receiver nomenclature and characteristics, as well as simultaneously create the required types of nomenclature.
  4. We leave the nomenclature without characteristics unchanged and mark it in order to understand how much of the nomenclature we have already processed.
  5. We replace links in the source nomenclature base with nomenclature with characteristics.
  6. We will transfer the documents and re-close the months.
  7. Delete the source nomenclature.

*** Working, testing and don't forget to say thank you...

Processing functionality in attachment:

  1. View hierarchy, source nomenclature and destination nomenclature with characteristics.
  2. Hierarchy management and source nomenclature creation.
  3. Quick creation of an applicator nomenclature with characteristics.
  4. Mark the compared nomenclature (including without characteristics) to control the work done.
  5. Untie an erroneously created nomenclature with characteristics.
  6. When you create characteristics, pictures are transferred to the additional information of characteristics.
  7. Replacing the matched item in the database data with an item with characteristics.

Preparatory work, without which the correct operation of the processing is impossible:

  1. Create item types, and set up product categories that are common with other types of item, for example, weight, volume, length, and so on.
  2. Create additional information for the item: GUID (string type), New (boolean type). They are needed to identify an item that will not have a characteristic, but we need to know that we have processed it.
  3. Create additional information for the characteristic: GUID (string type), Characteristic picture (File type). The GUID is needed to synchronize the source item and the target item with the characteristic.

A feature card might look like this:

Algorithm for working with matching processing

  1. From processing, you can create items, copy, create a group, etc.
  2. We can select the necessary nomenclature and by clicking the "Nomenclature without characteristics" button, mark that given nomenclature will be without characteristics and so that we do not return to it.
  3. We can select the necessary nomenclature and by the "Select" button we select those positions that we want to combine into one and create characteristics.
  4. Next, click "Create an item with characteristics" and fail in the next step.
  5. By button "<<" из первой номенклатуры будет взята основа для новой номенклатуры, алгоритм не делали, не был нужен, тут вы можете придумать, что вашей душе угодно.
  6. Correcting the name.
  7. Select the item type.
  8. If necessary, select the item groups where you would like to place it.
  9. Click "Create Listing".
  10. Fill in or create characteristics.
  11. Fill in the general and individual properties.
  12. Click "Create Features".
  13. Ready! Press "Back" and see the work done. We repeat everything.
  14. If you need to untie, i.e. we were wrong. Select the nomenclature and click "Take".
  15. After we've finished the job. We make sure to copy and start the second processing of "Nomenclature replacement".
  16. We select the date from which to replace the nomenclature and press successively all the buttons from top to bottom.
  17. The replacement is ready.

1C has accounting settings that we must define for the entire program. But part of the settings we should define for each specific organization. They are set in the accounting policy of the organization.

In the new generation of 1C 8 programs, the accounting policy setting mechanism is significantly different from the old "eights".

If you keep records for one organization, then you fill in the accounting policy in the menu:

NSI and administration - NSI - Information about the enterprise - Information about the organization.

Now the path to setting up an accounting policy will change somewhat, as a menu item will be added:

NSI and administration - NSI - Organizations.

Here you will need to create each organization and select an accounting policy for each. If the accounting policy is the same, then you can choose the same one for different organizations.

In fact, some accounting policy settings require appropriate settings in other sections to work correctly.

For example, if at least one organization has UTII or separate accounting at VAT rates, you will need to specify additional settings for accounting for goods in the section Financial result and controlling. I will point this out explicitly in some situations.

But, I will make a reservation right away. In this article, I do not pretend to be a complete description of all such connections. Before starting work, you should go through all the program settings in order to correctly set all the accounting parameters you need.

Accounting policy in 1C 8.3 forBASIC

So, in the organization we created in the list (or in the only organization), we open the tab “Accounting policies and taxes”.

Under the heading Accounting Policy, we see a single line: the "Create New" hyperlink. Click this link and proceed directly to filling out the accounting policy.

Think of a descriptive name. So, to understand what kind of accounting policy it is. This is especially useful if there are multiple organizations. For example, if some legal entities have the same accounting policies, then it is enough to create one accounting policy and select it for all such organizations.

tax accounting

Check the box here if your organization uses UTII. And indicate the base for the distribution of expenses by type of activity (those for which this will not be indicated explicitly).

Additionally, to set up UTII, you need in the menu NSI and administration - Financial result and controlling - Accounting for goods select batch accounting and set the Separate goods accounting for VAT taxation flag. The Financial result and controlling section will be discussed in more detail in a separate article.

You do not need to set this flag if you use the program only for management accounting (for example, accounting is kept separately in Accounting 3.0).

and Choose which depreciation method you use in tax accounting: linear or non-linear.


Here, the parameters for separate accounting at VAT rates are determined (i.e., when there are 0% and excluding VAT rates during sales). There are only two of them. If you have such rates, then put down the flags for the rules that you use.

If you do not keep separate records, just skip the bookmark.

The very maintenance of separate accounting at VAT rates is configured in the section NSI and administration - Financial result and controlling - Accounting for goods. Here it will be necessary, as for UTII, to set batch accounting and the Separate accounting of goods for VAT taxation checkbox. As I said, a separate article will be devoted to this section.


Choose one of the options for calculating the cost of goods when writing off. As usual, be careful - see if the selected setting matches the parameters specified in the section Financial result and controlling - Accounting for goods. For example, for FIFO, it will be mandatory to specify the batch accounting option (you cannot select Not Used).

There are two options for FIFO.

FIFO (weighted) - estimation of reserves according to a mechanism similar to advanced analytics from the PMS and the previous generation of Integrated Automation. FIFO balances are calculated at the end of the month. But all write-offs during the month will be written off at the same average monthly cost

FIFO (sliding) - the document of receipt of goods is considered a batch. There are some differences from traditional FIFO. For example, if there are several warehouses, then the date of receipt of the batch will be determined as the date of receipt at the current warehouse, and not at the organization. Thus, movements affect the write-off order in FIFO. You will not see this setting in the selection list if you do not have batch accounting installed.


Settings relate to some features of accounting. Here you can define:

  • Whether products will be accounted for at planned prices during the month (they will need to be set up separately) and whether account 40 will be used.
  • Will information on the accrual and payment of salaries be visible to accountants in the turnover - balance sheet 70 accounts for each employee or only the total amount. If you select the total amount, then detailed information will be available only in the payroll subsystem for users with the appropriate rights.
  • Do I need to additionally keep an off-balance sheet of goods and materials in operation.
  • How to generate postings for mutual offsets: whether to use intermediate account 76 or to offset directly. Sub-accounts 76 accounts for these purposes are predetermined: 76.09 and 76.39.


On this tab, you define the parameters for accruing reserves in accounting and tax accounting. These are the rules in accordance with your real accounting policy, there is nothing specific to 1C here.

On the switch General - Simplified choose Simplified:

You should indicate the date of transition, notification data and select the STS option: Income or Income and expenses. The program offers a default maximum tax percentage, you can change it if necessary.

All other parameters are filled in the same way as described above for the OSNO.

Accounting policy in 1C 8.3 for a management organization

The management organization in 1C 8.3 programs is optional. It is needed for those cases when in management accounting part of the operations of the movement of goods and materials should be taken into account differently than in the regulated one. For example,

  • the dates of acceptance for accounting of goods and materials differ,
  • prices differ upon receipt, shipment, etc.
  • operations have a different economic meaning. For example, in one type of accounting it is a write-off, and in another it is a shipment, etc.

You don't have to specify any accounting policy for this organization. And that's how it will work. But there is a section of accounting for the sake of which it is worth introducing an accounting policy for a management organization - this is inventory accounting.

What happens when you use a Management Organization?

For one operation, you enter documents for management accounting and for regulated accounting separately. At the same time, management reports on cost, gross profit, etc. you will get documents specifically for the Management Organization.

The usual operations, which, as a rule, are the majority, are accounted for in management accounting for the same organization as in the regulated one. And according to the inventory write-off cost calculation policy specified for this organization.

In one report, we will need to see the cost of goods for the Management Organization and for our legal entities. It will not be very convenient to analyze the data if, for example, your organization has a FIFO (sliding) write-off policy, and suddenly an average one in the Management Organization.

For a management organization, you can specify an accounting policy in the same way as for the rest. It only needs to specify the inventory accounting method.

Return of goods from the customer

Such situations occur for various reasons. The documents for returning goods from buyers are located in the section "Sales". In Group "Returns and Adjustments""return documents".

Return documents can be of 3 types: return from the client, return from the commission agent and return from the retail buyer. Depending on the selected view, certain document details will be available or not.

Also, when returning, you can use "requests for the return of goods from buyers", which are also in the section "Sales", in Group "Returns and Adjustments" relevant documents for the return of goods from customers.

At the top of this magazine are the already familiar quick selection commands. This Current state return item, deadline, a priority And responsible manager.

The created applications can also be of 3 types, namely - "request for the return of goods from the client", "request for the return of goods from the commission agent" and "request for the return from the retail buyer".

Buyer return request

Let's create the first application and see what the program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) offers us here 11.2.

First, of course, the status. Applications can have several statuses, and, depending on the status set, certain actions will be available or not available on the application.

For example, in order to return goods, the application must have the status "to return" or "to be done". If she is in the status "under agreement", then a refund on such an application will not be possible.

On basic the tab contains information about the client, his counterparty, the agreement used, the payment procedure. The data of our organization, the warehouse and a rather important field are also indicated - this refund for returned goods. There are three compensations:

  • "Replace Items", that is, instead of the returned product, the client will be provided with another product, possibly different from the returned product. Depending on this, the goods on the tabs will be filled "returned goods" And "replacement goods".
  • "Refund money"- everything is simple here. Refunds are made by documents - either this is an account cash warrant, or a non-cash write-off of funds.
  • "Keep as an advance"- that is, after the return of the goods in the configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2, our debt to the client is registered, and on account of this debt it will be possible to ship goods in the future.

On the tab "returned goods" the nomenclature is filled in. The only thing worth paying attention to here is the most extreme field "Document of Sale". You can pick up goods according to the sales documents by which they were previously shipped. Also, if we manually filled in the goods themselves, you can use two commands, namely - "Fill out sales documents and prices"(then sales documents and prices from these sales documents will be entered).

The selection is carried out according to the LIFO principle, that is, it is considered that the shipment was in the last documents.

Or you can use the command "add items from sales documents". Then a sales document is selected, and goods are already selected from it.

On the tab "replacement goods" indicate which goods are provided in exchange for those returned, and at what prices such compensation will be provided.

On the tab "additionally" the type of operation, the return of the client (either from the commission agent or from the retail buyer) and the fields familiar to us - such as transaction, division, manager, currency; flag, whether the price includes VAT, and the taxation regime.

So, according to the conditions, we return 1 refrigerator. The return price is indicated. We indicate that everything will be done on the same, today's date. As compensation, we will indicate that a replacement product will be made.

It will be possible to add a credit to payment after shipment of 100%, we will indicate today's date.

On the tab "Replacement Products" we will indicate what product will be provided in return. Let it also be a refrigerator - for example, a Siemens refrigerator. We indicate that 1 position will be provided. Wholesale price. The 1C Trade Management program selected the prices from the prices registered in the program.

On the tab "additionally" the type of operation is specified - the return of goods from the client. Our deal is complete. Filled in information about taxation, and that the price includes VAT.

Let's go back to Replacement goods. Once again, make sure that we have the intended action here. "to ensure". Returned goods - fill in all the information. Status "to return", And

Issuing a return invoice

Now let's try to issue a refund directly. To do this, we go to the document log "Returns of goods from customers" and use the assistant to create a refund based on the order.

Here we see our return request. Having selected it, we use the command "make a refund".

The 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 filled in all the basic necessary information based on the data it had. And we see that the application is the basis. The return is carried out according to the document of sale, our past.

On the tab "Goods" the return refrigerator is full. The sales document is indicated, on the basis of which we previously carried out the sale, as well as the quantity and price of this refrigerator.

On the tab "additionally" information on the manager of the transaction, within which the return operation is carried out, is indicated. Subdivision specified. The currency of the document is rubles. The operation is the return of goods from the customer. Taxation regime – subject to VAT, the price includes VAT.

Such a document can be posted and closed.

Now we need to get back to our customers' return requests. Given that the client has already returned the refrigerator to us, now we need to return the replacement goods (refrigerator) to our client. To do this, on the tab "replacement goods" it is necessary to install the provision of the goods " for shipment". Specify an action "ship" and carry out such a document.

Registration of an invoice for the shipment of goods in exchange for the returned

Let's go to the magazine "sales documents". We see that our application for the return of goods to customers appears in the instructions for registration. In this case, in terms of the refrigerator provided as compensation, our return request begins to play the role of a customer's request for sale.

Therefore, we can select this application, and on the basis of it, draw up the implementation.

System 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 says that the status of our application does not correspond to the required one.

Let's go back and change the status "to be done". We will carry out such an application, and now, on the basis of it, we will try to issue an invoice again. Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 successfully created the "sale of goods and services."

On the tab "Goods" Refrigerator provided as compensation.

On the tab "basic" filled in all the information on our client, counterparty, agreement with him. Our organization is indicated - Trade House Optovichok; warehouse from which the sale is made. Currency specified.

On the tab "additionally" the responsible manager is filled; the transaction in which the operation takes place. Subdivision and taxation parameters are indicated.

Such a document can be posted and closed.

Payment of the buyer's debt in cash

As a result of the operations performed, namely, the return of the goods and the provision of another, more expensive goods as compensation, we have formed a debt of the client to us, and now it is necessary to reflect the fact of payment of this debt.

Suppose that the customer has agreed to pay this debt in cash. To do this, we go to the section "Treasury Department", V "Incoming Cash Orders", and in the journal of incoming cash orders go to the tab "for admission".

Choose here payment basis- billing documents. In the order list "for admission" we see our return request from the customer.

The amount of the debt that the client must pay to the cashier corresponds to the difference between the value of the returned goods and the goods that we provided him as compensation. By selecting this application and using the command "apply for admission", we create an incoming outgoing note.

The 1C Trade Management program has already filled out all the necessary accounting information, namely, the cash desk, the payer.

On the tab "payment breakdown" all supporting documents are indicated, the buyer, the cash flow item is filled. The only thing on the tab Seal- we can clarify the data for printing an incoming outgoing order, and such a document can already be posted and closed.

Thus, we have completed almost all operations. The only thing left for us is to find our return request and make sure that it has the current state done. Otherwise, you could set this state manually.

Thus, in the program 1C Trade Management version 11.2, the operation of returning goods from our customers is carried out.

Item characteristics

“Characteristic of the nomenclature” in 1C is not a characteristic at all, but a trade offer or product variant.

Here is such a pun. Let's see why this happened.

Reading the topics on the forums on 1C, I came across the fact that not everyone understands what the “characteristics of the nomenclature” are in the programs of the 1C company.

The term "characteristic" in 1C appeared a long time ago and if earlier it somehow answered its name, now it does not answer at all. Even in 1C Trade Management 10.3, the characteristics were still associated with the properties of the nomenclature. Now it's not like that.

After all, the term " nomenclature characteristic” is not very correct in this case, which is why many users misunderstand what it is.

What is the characteristic of the nomenclature in 1C?

It would be correct to call not "Characteristics", but " Trade offers" or " Item options". And then it would immediately become clear what it is and how to work with it.

And when users hear the term “characteristics”, they understand it as the properties of the nomenclature (color, size, etc.). In fact, the characteristic is precisely nomenclature variant subordinate to a specific nomenclature (or type of nomenclature).

What are item properties in 1C?

For description " properties» in 1C are completely different objects and terms. This and Additional information. Moreover, additional information migrated to 1C UT11 from previous editions and, in my opinion, more for compatibility than for practical use. Therefore, the properties of the nomenclature are best described through.

Below I will explain and show you how to use Additional details in 1C Trade Management 11 and what they give in practice.

An example of using characteristics and additional details in 1C.

To begin with, we will enable the use of characteristics in the settings of 1C UT11. Let's go to the section AdministrationNomenclature.

We will also enable the use Additional detailsAndInformation in general settings.

But that is not all. After these settings, the use of characteristics will not appear in the nomenclature. Why? But because it is necessary to include the use of the characteristics of the nomenclature in Type of nomenclature.

Let's go to the section Reference informationSettings and directories, and then to the subsection Setting up item maintenance.

Here you need to enable the ability to edit details and check the box Use Characteristics. Select use case Individual for nomenclature.

If you choose to use features Items common to type, then the characteristics will be common for a certain type of item or, as in this example, where Item types are not used, for the entire item. This is convenient when the characteristics are strictly the same for the entire product or a separate type.

For example, for the product type "Nuts", there may be common characteristics for designating the thread size: "M10", "M14", etc.

In our case, the characteristics will be individual.

We also need to create . This is also configured in the Types of item reference on the tab.

Let's get some additional details. The value type of these attributes will not be arbitrary strings, but the ability to select values ​​from the reference book. Those. we will also get the values ​​of these additional details.

Another thing we will set up right away is a very convenient functionality for auto-generation of the name of characteristics when creating a directory element. All this is also configured in the directory. Types of nomenclature on the bookmark.
This is how the formula for naming the characteristics of the nomenclature looks like. (The same template can also be set for the nomenclature).

You do not need to enter the entire formula manually. No need to be scared. To enter formulas, there is a convenient formula editor in which you can select additional details. It remains to manually put down the addition signs and separators.

Now, when creating a new characteristic, you can fill in Additional details, and by pressing the button Fill in the name according to the template automatically generate the name of the characteristic. What should be noted is very convenient.

So it’s not so difficult to figure out what the characteristics are in 1C Trade Management 11 and how to use them in conjunction with additional details.


In fact, there is no difference between the nomenclature and the characteristic in 1C. The nomenclature is just a grouping when accounting for characteristics, for the convenience of working with the goods, to reduce the stock list reference and no more.

And there is no need to add functionality of characteristics as properties of the nomenclature.

Characteristics (in the sense of various parameters) - in 1C UT11 are called Item properties or Additional details.
Pink options for the nomenclature (trade offers, product options) - in 1C UT11 are called Nomenclature characteristics.

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First system. Trade Automation Center

Using the characteristics of the nomenclature makes it possible to detail commodity operations and warehouse balances to the level of properties of the nomenclature.

A specific example - when selling shoes, not only the model matters, but also the color and size; when selling a cable, there is a need to detail the cross section of the cores, "core" in the cable, etc.

Of course, there is a simple way out - for each size / color / diameter of the cores, make a separate nomenclature card. However, there will be an unreasonable expansion of the nomenclature directory, and besides, it is rather problematic to group such goods, for example, in reports (that is, to see, for example, how many sales there were for some shoe model).

First, I will show where the functionality of the characteristics is enabled:

There can be several options for using characteristics:

  • are not used
  • common nomenclature for this type,
  • common to another type of nomenclature,

Create an item type

The variant is defined at the item type level:

For example, let's create an item card with the view Shoes and we will detail the accounting by size.

Let's create a new item type and enable accounting by characteristics.

General characteristics for the item type

Because create the type Shoes, then select the type of characteristics Common nomenclature for this type(since it makes no sense to start a size range for each item):

In the list of characteristics, we introduce new ones:

The result is a list:

When creating an item, the characteristics setting is immediately filled in:

Individual characteristics for the nomenclature

Now let's fill in the second type of nomenclature Cable production, in this situation (because of the wide variety of cables) I will use individual characteristics for the nomenclature:

Create a nomenclature card:

Because characteristics are individual, then for each product you will have to make a list of available characteristics (I will take the number of cable cores as a property):

If an item is accounted for by characteristics, then it is displayed in the list with the following icon:

When selecting such an item in documents, after selecting the item, a window appears with a choice:

Let's create a document for the purchase of goods for new positions. The only difference here from the usual nomenclature is the filled column in the tabular part:

The reports also display characteristics:

For such a nomenclature, prices can be set both general (the same for all characteristics), and separately for each characteristic:

When printing accompanying documents, the characteristics are also displayed:

Using Multiple Properties in a Feature

Previously, we used a specific property as a characteristic - the size for shoes and the "vein" for the cable. But what if there is a need to use not one, but several properties?

In such a situation, the mechanism of additional details comes to the rescue.

First of all, we will add additional details, for this you need to first enable them:

In the item type card, we indicate 2 additional details - color and size:

Let's set a list of possible values ​​for the color:

If desired, we can set up automatic name generation, for example, by a combination of color and size:

Now, when entering a new characteristic, only the color and size are needed:

The name is filled in automatically according to the template:

Let's create a new purchase document, select new characteristics there:

Let's display a report on balances and availability:

Now I will show the properties "in all their glory" - for example, we will display the remains of all white children's moccasins. To do this, let's add our own filter to the report:

Now the report contains only the necessary information:

That. as characteristics, you can use not only a specific commodity property, but also a combination of them, and subsequently in reports you can collect information in the context of each such property separately.

If you don’t know whether you need to use characteristics or just different item cards, I suggest you follow this rule: if there is a group of similar products that differ in some property and have the same article, you should use the characteristics; if the article, then you need to stamp separate nomenclature cards.

When using the characteristics, remember that when exchanging with the accounting department, they will not be uploaded (because there is no accounting by characteristics), so. there you will lose analytics by color / size / diameter of cores, etc. If this information is important for the accounting program, then the characteristics should be discarded.

Many companies sell products that have additional characteristics such as color, size, weight, material, etc. Suppose our company sells clothes in different colors and sizes. In total there are 6 colors and 4 sizes for each model of clothes. When entering information about goods into the database, we can use one of the following methods:

Method 1. Creating a new nomenclature for each color/size

In this case, we will be able to track all the information for each color/size (stocks, sales, profits, prices, etc.). But then there will be a lot of positions in the “Nomenclature” directory, because for each model you will need to enter 24 (6 * 4) items in the directory. Such a number of products will make it very difficult to work with the directory, including the search for the desired product in it. And if a new color or size appears, the volumes will grow even more.

Method 2. Do not reflect the presence of colors / sizes in the database

In this case, the volume of the "Nomenclature" directory will not grow. But then we will not be able to get the necessary information about the goods in the database. For example, we won't know what colors/sizes a given model comes in. If a customer orders, for example, a white T-shirt in size M, we will not be able to immediately tell him if it is in stock. We will only have information about the total number of T-shirts of this model in stock, but to find out about a specific size, you will have to go to the warehouse. Not knowing exact color/size balances will also cause difficulties when ordering goods from suppliers. We also won't be able to see which colors/sizes sell best, because the sales report will only contain general sales data for the model.

Method 3. Using item characteristics

Both of the previous methods have significant drawbacks and are not suitable for use in a trading company. Therefore, 1C:Enterprise programs have a special mechanism for creating additional product characteristics. On the one hand, when using it, there will not be very many positions in the Product catalog, since there is no need to enter each color/size as a separate element. On the other hand, all the necessary detailed information will be available to you, for example, sales of a product of a certain color or its leftovers.

Let us consider in more detail the use of the mechanism of additional characteristics on the example of the program "1C: Trade Management, rev.10.3".

Enabling the use of item characteristics

The use of characteristics in the database is optional, so this option can be enabled or disabled in the settings. Let's go to the accounting settings and enable the use of characteristics in the program.

Menu: Service - Accounting settings - Accounting settings

On the "General" tab, set the "Use item characteristics" flag:

Click the OK button to save the changes and close the form. Now you can use the item characteristics mechanism in the program.

Creating an item with characteristics

Next, you need to create a product and specify its possible characteristics. As an example, let's create two new positions in the "Nomenclature" directory - "T-shirt" and "Jumper".

Menu: Directories - Nomenclature - Nomenclature

Let's add a new element and specify the name - T-shirt. Let's select the item type - goods, and the base unit of measure - piece.

In order to be able to specify additional characteristics for the product, set the flag “Keep records for additional characteristics":

Save the new product by clicking the "Save" button. After saving, you can start entering additional characteristics on the "Characteristics" tab:

Each characteristic will represent several properties and their values, for example:

It will be possible to create any number of additional characteristics for the product with different colors and sizes. The properties themselves (color, size) are created in advance or at the time of entering the first add. characteristics.

Click on the "Add" button to create a new characteristic, a new window will open:

The name of the characteristic is indicated at the top, it can not be filled in manually - it will be filled in automatically.

The properties table will list the possible properties (while the table is empty - no properties have been created) and their values ​​for this particular characteristic.

Let's create the properties we need - "Color" and "Size". To do this, click on the "Add" button in the properties table, specify the name of the property:

The "Property Assignments" tab specifies the products or product groups for which this property will be specified. If all your products with additional characteristics will have the “Color” property, then this tab can be left blank.

Suppose that in addition to clothing, we also sell laptops. Laptops will also have additional characteristics, but completely different: hard drive capacity, processor power, video card type. Those. when entering laptops, we do not need to specify the color in the characteristic. If no additional settings are made in the "Color" property, then it will be displayed when entering the characteristics of any product, including laptops.

Let's specify the product group - "Clothes" as the destination of the "Color" property. To do this, add a row to the table and select the appropriate product group in it:

Thus, the program will understand that when entering the characteristics of any product from the "Clothes" group, you need to show the "Color" property. If the product is not included in this group, then the "Color" property will not be shown in it, as if this property does not exist.

And list the possible color values ​​​​in the table using the "Add" button:

Important: the possible values ​​of the property can be added later, it is not necessary to enter all the values ​​at once.

The properties and its value are ready, click on the "OK" button and return to the window for creating a characteristic:

In the same way, let's create the second property - "Size":

Now everything is ready to create the characteristics of the product, select the desired color and size:

And by the button "OK" we will save the first characteristic. Please note that the name of the characteristic was generated automatically.

Product with completed characteristics:

Let's create a second product with characteristics similarly. Creating properties (color, size) is no longer required, you only need to select the desired values ​​and create product characteristics.

Preparation of documents for goods with characteristics

Once characteristics are created, you can use them in all documents of the program. For example, you can buy or sell a specific color T-shirt, set different prices or discounts for different sizes, and more. Consider the execution of documents with characteristics using the example of the document "Receipt of goods and services" - we will issue the receipt of T-shirts and jumpers from the Modnik company.

Menu: Documents - Procurement - Receipt of goods and services

Let's create a document and fill in all the standard details - organization, counterparty, warehouse.

Specify the color/size of the purchased T-shirts in the "Characteristics" column. We can choose one of the previously created add. characteristics or create a new one.

To issue the receipt of other colors / sizes, add new lines and indicate the desired characteristics in them. Also fill in the price and quantity in each line.

An example of a completed document:

Similarly, other documents on the movement of goods are drawn up. It is enough just to indicate the additional characteristic of the product in the column "Characteristic"!

Note: There are some peculiarities when setting prices and discounts for products with additional features. If you set a discount for a product without specifying a characteristic, then the discount will apply to all possible characteristics of this product. If you set a price for a product without filling in the characteristic, then this price will not be valid for any of the characteristics of the product.

Product reports with features

If the product has additional characteristics, then it is very important to be able to view information about it in the context of each characteristic. For example, look at the remains of black T-shirts in size S. The program has this option in all necessary reports. Take, for example, the report "Statement of goods in warehouses."

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - List of goods in warehouses

In the report, click the "Settings" button and add the "Item characteristics" grouping to the row groupings:

An example of a generated report:

The "Nomenclature characteristic" field can be used not only in groupings, but also in selections, additional fields, and for sorting. With it, you can always see the necessary information about the product in the context of additional characteristics.
