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Breeding fish at home is a very serious income! Fish farming as a business. Your own carp

Russia has unique opportunities to develop fish farming. And yet, today half of all products on the market are imported from abroad. It's a shame, but in the current realities it is more profitable not to produce, but to resell.

The fishing and hunting industry in the country is not adequately developed, although it would seem that business in this area is the dream of every man, because all (or almost all) representatives of the stronger sex love fishing and hunting. Why does this happen? What pitfalls are fraught with the organization of fisheries? What are the secrets of such a thing? Read about this in the article.

Which fish is more profitable to breed?

Before drawing up a fish farming business plan, decide what kind of fish you will breed. The technology of work will depend on this. In fact, there are few options, or rather, there are only two of them - trout or carp. Only these types of fish are in constant demand among buyers, and they grow well.

Of course, if opportunities allow, you can simultaneously grow trout, carp, and other types of fish, as well as engage in fish processing (canning, smoking, etc.). But in the article we are talking about beginning fish farmers, who, of course, are not able to reach such scales of activity.

Unpretentious carp

Growing carp is probably the easiest thing to do. They are tenacious and can exist in any body of water. To learn the technology of breeding these fish, you do not need to graduate from a higher education institution with a degree in Agriculture and Fisheries; you just need to read some textbooks on your own.

Capricious trout

Breeding trout will require slightly higher costs than those required for growing carp. But you will sell it at a price almost three times more expensive. Great, right? Of course, everyone will want to grow trout in this case. But it's not that simple. This fish is very sensitive and whimsical; without hiring a qualified specialist, it will not be possible to organize a trout farm: both certain knowledge and experience in this matter are required.

Fishy climate

The main thing when organizing a business is to create conditions for the health and growth of fish. And to do this, you need to constantly monitor the water temperature and its oxygen saturation. Therefore, carefully consider the suitability of the pond you rent for fish farming. The best solution to the problem would be to conduct a fish farming and biological survey. If its results are optimal, you can stock the reservoir with fish. In general, such an examination should be carried out several times a year, in different seasons.


So, the temperature favorable for trout is sixteen to nineteen degrees. Warming up the pond to twenty-four degrees is disastrous for the fish: even if it does not die, it will definitely stop feeding. It is best to keep trout in a quarry about ten to fifteen meters deep, in which case you can be sure that even in the summer heat nothing will threaten the fish, because the sun's rays do not penetrate to such a depth. Due to the strong sensitivity of trout to temperature, many fish farms in Russia that specialize in trout breeding draw water from artesian wells or are located on cold rivers.

When breeding carp, everything is much simpler. It is desirable that the pond warms up well (up to 24-25 degrees), and it is also necessary that it is not contaminated with manure, oil products, or decomposing organic matter. The depth can be very small - only one and a half to two meters. The natural food supply at this depth will develop most actively. A pond of five hectares will be sufficient to produce ten tons of carp.

There is one secret: the larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish. It is quite difficult to operate a small pond - it quickly warms up and cools down quickly, creating a tense hydrochemical regime. In a large body of water, the temperature is more even, and this is favorable for any type of fish. If the carp pond is drainage, then the process of catching in the fall will be significantly easier. If a body of water is created by damming a river, a dam can be built.

Fish farming zones

A fishery project should be created taking into account the characteristics of the specific territory in which it is organized. All of Russia is divided into fish farming zones. So, for example, the Moscow region is the 1st and 2nd zones, and the Krasnodar Territory is the 5th and 6th.

In the southern regions, growing fish will be more profitable due to a longer growing season, during which it feeds intensively and grows actively. But this does not mean that if you decide to organize a fishery, you need to move to the south. With proper technology development and selection of a good reservoir, business can be effectively conducted in the middle zone of the country.

On the question of benefits

In general, is it profitable to maintain a fishery in Russia? The question is ambiguous. Wholesale prices for live fish are not very high now, but such a business can still be called profitable. However, when drawing up a fish farming business plan, consider everything carefully.

It is attractive that now all entrepreneurs involved in fish farming pay a single agricultural tax. The object of taxation is income minus expenses, and the rate is 6 percent. You will only need to pay this tax, protecting yourself from paying property tax, unified social tax, income tax, and VAT.

Still, fish farming is a very risky and complex business. Many people mistakenly believe that all that is needed is to put fish into a pond, and then it will grow on its own, and all that remains is to catch it and sell it. If only everything were so simple... In fact, nothing like that! Fish is a “living” product, and anything can happen to it at any time.

Main expense item

You probably know that the biggest expense of any fishery is the purchase of feed. Fifty to sixty percent of all expenses come from them. Many people ask: “Why buy food when you can put, say, carp in a pond and just wait for them to grow, feeding naturally?”

This is possible, but you will have to wait a very long time. And at the same time, you can get no more than 120 kilograms of fish from one hectare of water surface. At the same time, fish farms that grow carp using a highly intensive method manage to produce twenty centners of fish per hectare, or even more.

What is this high intensity method? It consists of using nutritious, high-protein feeds containing at least 5-7 percent fat and 26-28 percent protein, as well as high stocking densities. Such feed is on average 20 percent more expensive than conventional feed. Approximately a kilogram of food for carp will cost 7-8 rubles.

With trout, in this aspect too, the situation is much more complicated. This fish requires high-quality extruded feed, costing 30-40 rubles per kilogram. If you decide to feed the trout with cheap compound feed, do not be surprised later that it will have white meat. Consumers are accustomed to red, so it is unlikely that you will be able to sell such fish. And red meat can only be obtained by using special additives - carotenoids obtained from krill.

Such a significant difference in price is offset by the amount of feed required to fatten these two types of fish and, of course, by the final price of their sale. So, from one kilogram of food you can get a weight gain of trout, also equal to a kilogram. And in order to achieve a kilogram weight gain in carp, you will need to spend 3.5-4 kilograms of feed. Thus, the cost of growing one kilogram of carp will be somewhere around 25-32 rubles, and trout – only a little more.

Fishing business plan

Organizing such a business from scratch will require very large investments. It is not possible to name a specific total amount, since there are many nuances in this matter. Let us focus our attention directly on the aspects of fish farming. You can buy trout seeding material for 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

The price varies depending on how much the fry weigh (their weight can be from 1 to 50 grams). The smaller the individuals, the more expensive they are, because a kilogram of fry with less weight will ultimately produce more fish. About 10% should be allowed for losses. After 2.5 years, the fry will turn into eight-hundred-gram fish, and you can sell them at an average price of 160-175 rubles per kilogram.

Carp planting material is much cheaper in price - 60-120 rubles per kilogram. The weight of the fry ranges from 14 to 40 grams. The growing cycle to an optimal weight of 1.2-1.7 kilograms is three years. You can sell fish at a cost of 60-70 rubles per kilogram.

Return on investment

The fisheries business plan must contain a calculation of the payback period for investments. It should be said that the long period of refunds is the biggest drawback of such a business. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you will not start making profits very soon. But there are a number of ways that will allow you to quickly return your invested money.

For example, you can initially purchase not carp fry, but two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. They will cost more, but in just one season it will be possible to fatten them to marketable weight. Another good option for replenishing your budget is to organize paid fishing trips. By the way, you can sell a considerable part of your products this way. And fewer expenses will be required - there will be no costs for fishing the pond, logistics, etc. That is, in fact, you will sell the fish directly in the water, but at a price slightly lower than the market price. Good luck in your business!

Fish farming is a suitable business for those who like to spend hours fishing in water bodies. Having skills in this area, it is enough to devote 4-5 hours a day to production to make a profit. You can raise fish at your summer cottage: in a pond or pool. The market values ​​the products of small farms, considering them environmentally friendly.

First of all, when starting a business, you need to decide where you will breed fish. Possible options:

  1. Under natural conditions (pond farming).
  2. In the pool - the method is suitable for growing salmon, carp, bream, perch, pike.
  3. In cages - for large fish.
  4. In barrels or baths with an artificial air aeration system.

Draw up an individual business plan for your future enterprise. Be sure to include:

  • stages of project implementation;
  • necessary equipment and personnel;
  • calculation of costs and payback period;
  • marketing strategy.

An example of a business plan can be found below. When planning, take into account the features of feeding and maintenance - they vary depending on the type of fish.

Scheme of an automated fish farm - several pools and a water supply and purification system

Benefits and risks

The fish farming business remains profitable even during periods of declining market prices for finished products. Thus, with the cost of carp being 60 rubles/kg, the profitability of medium-sized production is 10%.

Organizing your own pond or swimming pool involves some difficulties, such as:

Documents for company registration

You can register a fishery in the form of a limited liability company (LLC), an individual enterprise (IE) or a peasant farm (peasant farm). Necessary documents for company registration:

  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • protocol on the creation of an organization (for individual entrepreneurs - the decision on creation);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • the organization's charter in two copies and a request to receive a certified copy of the document (except for individual entrepreneurs);
  • copy of passport (for individual entrepreneurs).

Be careful when filling out the application, as the registration authority has the right to refuse to accept documents, even if it discovers an error in the formulation of sentences or page numbering.

Application forms:

  • P21001 – for an individual entrepreneur;
  • P11001 – for LLC;
  • R21002 – for peasant farms.

To start work, you also need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Location and installation of the reservoir

When choosing a pond for fish breeding you must:

  • estimate its area, depth and volume;
  • check the acidity and temperature of the water. The optimal range for trout is 16-19 degrees, for carp – 24 degrees Celsius;
  • find out information about settlements within a radius of 50 km from the reservoir and access roads for transporting fish.

Large reservoirs have an even temperature regime and hydrochemical structure. To adjust parameters, use cleaning and disinfection units and oxygen generators. Clear the bottom of silt and algae, and monitor the amount of vegetation in the reservoir.

Types of ponds of natural origin:

  • channel;
  • floodplain;
  • beam

Reservoirs for breeding and raising fry:

  • feeding;
  • growing up;
  • spawning;
  • wintering

A swimming pool or bathtub can be installed in a utility room on your own site. To maintain an artificial reservoir, closed water supply installations are required.

Scheme of organizing a fish farm based on several ponds

Equipment for raising fry

The process of growing fish is ensured by closed water supply (RAS) installations. They create an artificial environment close to the natural one, eliminate wintering conditions, and accelerate the process of population growth.

RAS components:

  • pool;
  • filtration systems – mechanical and biological;
  • a group of pumps for supplying purified water;
  • denitrification plants;
  • acidity control units;
  • oxygen generators for saturating water with oxygen;
  • heat generators.

In natural reservoirs, gravity filters, compressors that provide oxygen access to fish, and ultraviolet sterilizers are used. Equipment varies depending on the size of the reservoir and the types of its inhabitants.

Elements of a fish keeping system in a pool

What type of fish to choose for breeding

Fish species suitable for artificial breeding on an industrial scale:

  • carp and others from the carp family.

Study the literature about the characteristics of different types of fish. If you decide to grow several at once, then select them in such a way that they do not conflict with each other. So, perches are predators and can eat fry.

Cyprinids feed on larvae, cereals, legumes and grain crops. They readily eat peas, corn and animal feed. In summer, fish are less active in feeding, and in autumn, on the contrary, they store fat for the winter season.

The market price of trout is higher than carp, but it is also more difficult to grow, as it requires professional care.

Types of fish for artificial breeding (gallery)

Trout Perch Tench Carp crucian carp

Nuances of feeding

For intensive weight gain, feed the fish with mixed feed containing 28% protein and 8% fat. The cost of food for the carp population is 8 rubles/kg, for trout – 70-80 rubles/kg.

When overfed, the fish slows down its growth, so stick to the following norm - 1-3% of the individual’s body weight per day.

Use automatic feeders for a regular supply of feed or a bell to give the fish a conditioned signal to feed.

The sizes of feed pellets vary by fish species

Sales of products and additional sources of income

To quickly sell fish, do not inflate prices at the beginning of work. Find three or four stores that are ready to accept products for sale.

Most of the fish on the shelves is brought from abroad at inflated prices, so grocery store owners gladly agree to cooperate with a local producer to reduce the input cost of products.

List of stores where you can offer goods:

  • city ​​markets;
  • supermarket chains;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • online stores;
  • own retail outlet.

The basis of the fishing business is the investments of regular customers. For additional income you can organize:

  • paid fishing. In this case, it is necessary to think through the structure of the reservoir and approaches to it. Develop paths, install walkways and ladders, trim bushes around and regularly mow the grass. You should also fence off the pond area and install a guard;
  • sale of fishing equipment;
  • rental (if you own a large body of water and two or three boats);
  • point of sale for selling goods.

Example of a fishing bridge


You can organize a business alone, but during the work process it is better to hire an assistant - a professional fish farmer or equipment administrator. Staff positions of fish farming organizations:

  • breeding specialist;
  • accountant;
  • administrative staff;
  • RAS operators;
  • auxiliary workers.

Promotion of products on the market

The supplier's key advertising tools are product quality and responsibility. If your fish is fresh and supplies are regular, stores will be happy to cooperate. Set prices in line with market averages to attract new customers. Advertising promotion methods:

  • social media;
  • cooperation with local media;
  • network work.

Take advantage of the Internet at work:

  1. Register VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Take photos of the product, write interesting stories about each product, attract subscribers. Hire an employee for regular promotion on social networks.
  2. Develop a business card website to present the company's services and products. Give away products and arrange discount days when ordering online.
  3. Join online communities of professional fish farmers and expand your horizons. Present your product, leave comments under other users' posts.
  4. Make friends with the press and get them interested. Write press releases, invite the media to significant events in the fishery industry. Create a media database for sending out information messages.

Write regularly, but unobtrusively - journalists do not like it when hundreds of identical materials are dumped on them a month. Find columnists who write for your target audience.

Networking involves concluding partnership agreements with like-minded organizations. Agree on cooperation with a fishing tackle store. Organize a joint drawing - for example, give a client who bought three kilograms of fish from you a fishing hook as a gift. Agree with partners so that they attract clients to you. If you have a public organization in your city that deals with fishing issues, join it and learn from the experience of professionals.

Project estimate and planned income

Initial Investment

Regular expenses

Projected Revenues

Profit = Income - Cost of production (includes the cost of fry, wage costs, insurance premiums, cost of feed, utility costs, transportation and others)

Profitability is 40%.

Payback period of the project (Sum of initial costs / Profit) = 1,096,800 / 40,250 = 28 months.

Breeding fish at home (video)

A fish farming business is profitable if you have a plot of land with your own pond and the possibility of supplying communications. Then growing new populations becomes a pleasure that brings regular income. Solve the sales problem in advance - conclude the first contracts with customers, think over an advertising strategy. If you are ready to invest, in 2-2.5 years, under stable market conditions, you will receive profitable production and will be able to begin expanding the range of services.

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs as a business attracts many entrepreneurs. Fish farms can bring good profits, however, they require significant capital investments. The state actively supports such projects, since food production ensures the country's food security.

Starting investments: from 850,000 rubles The number of employees: 3
Planned income per month: from 350,000 rubles Market competition: low
Approximate monthly expenses: from 170,000 rubles Payback: from two years

Fish farming as a business is accessible even to a beginner. The advantage of fish farming is that it does not depend on seasonal and weather conditions and is practically not subject to risks.

Fish farming as a business involves one of the following farming methods:

  1. Cage farming on rivers and reservoirs is suitable for growing large fish species.
  2. Pool farming is best used for the production of salmon, pike, perch or carp.
  3. Breeding in bathtubs or barrels is suitable for beginning businessmen with modest starting capital. Breeding fish at home as a business brings the first profit, which can become a source for the development of fish production.

Trout and carp are in stable demand on the market. These are unpretentious species during cultivation; in addition, they are less susceptible to various diseases than others and quickly gain weight.

Silver carp are also often grown in artificial conditions. This is due to its ability to quickly gain weight, it is unpretentious, and also gets along well, for example, with carp.

Growing tench is not very popular among farmers. At the same time, it has excellent taste characteristics, is resistant to various diseases, grows actively and is undemanding to itself during the growing process.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs requires going through the following stages.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

This area of ​​activity is characterized by particular difficulties in preparing documents to start work. Legalization of a business can take about a year.

  • Private enterprise must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or an LLC will do.
  • It will be necessary to obtain permission from veterinary control and sanitary and epidemiological stations to carry out farm activities.
  • To formalize the lease of a reservoir, you will have to collect a fairly large package of various documents and spend a lot of personal time. The organization of artificial pools simplifies this process.
  • Scientific and biological justification must be obtained before the fry are released into the reservoir.

Beginning entrepreneurs who decide to open a fish farming business can seek advice from professional specialists.

Stage 2 - search for premises

As a rule, novice entrepreneurs are recommended to rent a ready-made pond at the start of their activities.

Basic requirements for a reservoir:

  1. The optimal depth of the pond is at least 1.5 meters.
  2. The bottom should not be muddy or contain peat impurities.
  3. Reservoirs must have vegetation.
  4. It is advisable to have bushes and trees along the shore. They will provide shade.
  5. Water quality must comply with current standards.

Since caring for large bodies of water requires significant costs, beginners should limit themselves to small ponds. The optimal size is 30–50 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

  • Artificial water supply is carried out using a drainage system with a pump (from 10 thousand rubles).
  • Filters (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • Compressor for saturating water with oxygen (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • An ultraviolet sterilizer prevents water from blooming (from 60 thousand rubles).
  • Other equipment. Its set depends on the type of fishing method, its scale and the types of fish raised.

Stage 4 - selection of employees

To successfully raise fish, you will need qualified personnel. At the initial stage, you need to hire a livestock specialist, as well as several auxiliary workers. In the future, you should hire a sales manager.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Sales of the bulk of products can be organized through chain stores, hypermarkets and restaurants. In addition, you should create a company website that informs customers about the farm’s products. A new fish farming business requires special measures to promote products. At the initial stage, advertising on the Internet (contextual and banner on thematic sites) and local newspapers will be suitable.

Financial plan

If you are planning to organize a small fish farm, then your starting costs (from 850 thousand rubles) will consist of:

  • the cost of renting a pond for a year in advance (from 300 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of fry (from 30 thousand rubles);
  • purchases of feed (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • marketing expenses (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment and inventory (from 250 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 70 thousand rubles).

Monthly expenses include costs for:

  • feed (from 40 thousand rubles);
  • new fry (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • employee salaries (from 70 thousand rubles);
  • salary accruals (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 20 thousand rubles).

It should be remembered that you will be able to get your first profit only in a year or two, when the fish has grown and acquired a marketable appearance. The size of the fish will depend on the breeding plan.

Possible risks

This business is associated with the following risks:

  1. In winter, the fish loses weight.
  2. The risk of destruction or reduction of the fish population due to non-compliance with cultivation technology, improper nutrition and disease of individuals.
  3. Force majeure circumstances.

Breeding fish in a pond is a profitable and profitable business, for the organization of which the owner will need to determine the most suitable type of fish, the method of breeding and the characteristics of keeping the fish. The profit and benefit from this type of business will be obvious if all the details of the business plan are observed.

Pond fish farming (PF) is one of the most ancient types of economic activity. The ultimate goal of this production is fish of various varieties and a variety of products from it.

Main types of pond fish farming

Currently, PR is divided into two main types. The first type is called warm water, and the second cold water. The difference between them is that in the first case, certain types of fish are used, which require a relatively warm aquatic environment for normal physiological development. Such representatives include grass carp, carp, silver carp, crucian carp, pike perch, catfish and pike. The second category includes trout, peled and vendace. Growing these types of freshwater fish involves not only the difference in temperature conditions, but also hydrochemistry, as well as the level of oxygenation.

According to the cyclical nature of the process, pond farms are divided into:

  1. Full system.
  2. Feeding.

Full-system farming includes the entire growth cycle of fish from fry to commercial adult. Breeding farms also raise offspring sires. Fish hatcheries are engaged in the cultivation of fish seed mixtures: larvae, fry and fingerlings. In rare cases, fish are grown for up to two years. Feeding fish farms raise adult table fish.

Depending on the duration, fish farms are divided into farms with:

  1. Annual turnover.
  2. Two-year turnover.
  3. Three-year turnover.

The name depends on how long it takes to raise a sexually mature individual from a fry. According to their purpose, all ponds are divided into:

  1. Water supply.
  2. Head ones.
  3. Warming.

4 Settling ponds.

Types of reservoirs for breeding

A developed pond economy provides for the presence of several reservoirs for different needs and seasons.

The first and one of the most important ponds is the spawning pond. For this type of reservoir, the highest requirements for design and maintenance are put forward. It should be located in a non-swampy area with young vegetation and favorable conditions for spawning, hatching of eggs and development of larvae.

After the fry pond, the fish are released into the nursery pond. There the feeding and maturation of young yearlings takes place. For convenience, they are located next to the wintering areas.

Another important factor in any successful fish farm is the wintering pond. Often during wintering the main losses of fish occur. Lack of oxygen and unfavorable temperature conditions can cause pestilence of all beneficial ichthyoflora. The depth of the pond should not exceed 1.5 meters. A water supply source is installed nearby in a peat-free area.

The main role of feeding ponds is to produce marketable fish. Their sizes are larger in comparison with others, as they require more freedom for adults. An area of ​​up to 150 hectares is recommended. A larger volume did not justify itself, as it complicates control over all stages of fish growth. The reproductive rate of small pits is slightly higher due to better conditions for the development of the food supply.

The design of ponds must provide for complete drainage. Before the spawning period, breeders require separate housing in summer brood waters. Arrangement and size should be carefully coordinated to produce high quality offspring. Compliance with sanitary standards requires quarantine water tanks. They are located at a certain distance from the main ones and kept for starting, infected offspring or replacement young animals. It is strictly recommended to disinfect the water in such tanks before draining. To store table fish, cages are used, which are intended for short-term use in the autumn before sale.

The sizes of the ponds have very clear scales and relationships with each other. The ratio depends on the breed and intensification in fish production.

How to write a fisheries business plan?

If you decide to reproduce and sell freshwater fish in a home pond or organize lake fish farming, the first question that a novice fish farmer needs to answer is what type of freshwater fish to grow. This is a key production detail. It is necessary to study all the features of the fish species that you plan to breed very carefully and thoroughly. You need to learn all the features, possible diseases, annual growth cycles. It is more advisable to choose the most unpretentious and popular breeds. Carp and trout are the first candidates for selection. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can grow both types, but first it is recommended to master the basics.

Carp is one of the most unpretentious of the ichthyofauna of our region. It is easy and cost-effective to grow. However, trout costs approximately three times more to sell, and the likelihood of making the maximum profit from selling this type of fish is much higher. But for this production it will be necessary to recruit an experienced fish farmer. The choice is yours! Because the newly minted fish farmer also has to deal with risks and difficulties personally. The attractiveness of this enterprise has increased since all fish farms have been transferred to the general agricultural tax. It is the only financial burden and excludes VAT and other types of taxes.

Where is the fish most comfortable?

Good survival and decent offspring depend on the microclimate of the water body. Indicators such as pH, oxygenation and annual temperature must be maintained at optimal levels. The microclimate of the reservoir directly affects profit.

Before stocking a pond, you need to evaluate the above and many other parameters. The so-called “fish farming-biological justification” will answer the main questions. This is a list of indicators of the hydrochemistry and microclimate of the pond, as well as recommendations for the care, nutrition and maintenance of fish. The examination on the basis of which the RBR is made must be carried out by specialists from specialized institutions.

Comparison of temperature regimes for breeding trout and carp

Trout will grow favorably at an average temperature of 16 to 19 °C. Increasing temperatures to 24 degrees Celsius risks losing all the fish. Reproduction and nutrition will definitely stop and will lead to a decrease in body weight gain. It is better to use quarries 10-15 meters deep, in which, even in the hot weather of the southern regions, the temperature at the bottom is not higher than 14-15 °C.

Carp is more unpretentious. It is enough to clean the pond of pollutants. The temperature comfortable for carp growth and feeding is 24-25°C. It is enough to dig a pond to a depth of 1.5 meters. At this depth, the food supply develops well, which increases the economic effect. Another recommendation for constructing a katlavan is its size. The larger it is, the smaller the temperature changes and the more stable the microclimate.

Taking into account the zonality of Russia and selecting a water body with unpretentious rock, you can make a successful start and make the farm profitable. The frequent misconception that it is enough to throw a fry into a pond and it will grow on its own has bankrupted many aspiring Russian businessmen. Only a well-calibrated business plan and many consultations with experts in the field of fish farming will help you not to lose money and desire. Fish farming is a whole science and requires a thorough approach.

Fish “diet”: which food to choose?

Food will become the main cost item for any fish farm. You can grow carp on a natural feed basis, but the productivity will be more than 10 times lower. Experts recommend using high-protein baits with a high frequency ratio! Although the cost of purchasing feed will amount to up to 60% of your expenses, it will allow you to collect up to 20 centners of carp per hectare of water area. When assessing the market and purchasing in bulk, you can purchase feed for 8-10 rubles/kg.

Trout will require higher quality feed at a price not lower than 60-70 rubles/kg. Compound feeds have a specific composition that makes trout meat red. When using low-quality nutrition, the meat will be white, which will reduce the marketing appeal of the fish. Trout has a very high digestibility of bait products. To grow 1 kg of carp meat, you need to spend up to 3 kg of mixture; for trout this figure is 3 times lower.

It is very important to be careful not to overfeed the fish. In addition, excess feed additives can spoil the optimal microclimate in which the fish lives.

What should you pay attention to?

The main risk in fisheries is epidemics. The main ones include:

It is advisable to carry out monthly preventive catching to inspect the fish. If she is sick, it is better to immediately transfer her to a quarantine tank and invite a veterinarian.

The main negative in this business is the duration. The growth rate of individuals to marketable size, both carp and trout, takes 2.5 – 3 years. Carp growth ends in the fall, when the peak of sales is determined. For better commercial effect, the method of holding and selling at a later date is used. This allows for a good increase in profitability, but also for losing up to 15% of living material.

Economic expediency

Planting trout will cost 300-400 rubles/kg, 10% must be spent on the fry. After 2 years and 6 months you can get fish for 800 grams per individual. It can be sold for 120-200 rubles/kg.

Carp planting material costs from 70 to 140 rubles/kg. In three years you can grow carp weighing 1 kg. If we take as an example the cultivation of carp in a volume of 50 tons and its sale at a low wholesale price of 60 rubles per 1 kg, then the profit will be about 33,000 rubles.

Risks can offset even high profitability. Therefore, it is worth applying diversification. This includes the method of overexposure, the purchase of marketable carcasses in other regions at a low price, the sale of trash fish, growing in warm springs at state district power plants, paid fishing, etc. For example, commercial fishing can provide up to 5% of the profit. Experienced professionals are good at reducing risks and have developed many methods. High competition and significant imports create many obstacles in the sale of fish on the domestic market, so you should protect yourself in this matter.
