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Life happy you status. About a happy life statuses. Statuses about a happy woman and mother

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

Beautiful smile, Confident gait, A drop of perfume, Heels and a whisper behind her back: "She's still happy."

I have unlimited tariff"Personal Happiness!"

Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They don't have proof!

Do not disturb... found happiness...

The main thing is to feel happy, and what the rest will say is no longer important.

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...

The greatest happiness in the world is the belief that you are loved!

To hell pink glasses- they do not suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy!

I love the truth, but still I prefer happiness ...

I tried on happiness ... But it suits me ... I will wear it.

Let's go with a friend! She's so chic in heels. And I'm so happy in slippers!!!

I'm happy! I'm doing what I love.

I want, I can, I will and already now - happy!

I'm very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And who will spoil my mood - I will throw slippers!

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeous!

I am happy that every day I see my future more and more clearly next to him ...


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What could be more beautiful than an insanely happy woman? Absolutely nothing, because a happy woman, like any hero from Greek myths, is capable of performing a lot of “feats” and deeds. You know that most of the fair sex has hundreds of troubles about being overweight, their beauty and attractiveness, they always see a sea of ​​flaws in themselves and are always ready for self-criticism. But few people know that all this self-criticism is almost always based on a lack of the most banal happiness. I don't think you know many ladies who, being happy, delved into their shortcomings or believed that nature did not reward them with an attractive appearance. As proof, let's give an example of a banal girl in love, who, like winged, goes on a romantic date with her boyfriend, she feels great, smiles at passers-by and does not see in the sun dark spots. And also, even if, a week ago, she stood in front of the mirror for an hour and looked at her not ideal, as it seemed to her, body, did not know what to wear today, because she believed that everything did not suit her and, having dressed, went out into the street , sullenly striding into a new day. It is not surprising that love, the soulmate and the family as a whole make a young, happy woman out of a girl who, with male support, can overcome any difficulties and failures both in the family and in career growth and in life in general. Our statuses I am happy are simply obliged to raise the spirit and inspire you, dear creatures.

Real happiness is when you hold his strong hand tightly and are afraid to let go, although your fragile fingers are already completely frozen.

You are happy? - And who is this? You're right. Who can answer what it is? - Nobody. Maybe a deep abyss that you're holding on to.

How handsome are you today? Is there any reason? I just finally found what I've been looking for all this time. And what did you find? - great happiness to you, my beloved.

Love is a very strange feeling that brings to life not only joy and happy moments, but also difficult obstacles that you need to fight and overcome them all your life while you love.

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It turns out that great happiness is when at night a loved one turns to you carefully, hugs you tenderly and whispers: “my beloved baby.”

Many say that happiness walks somewhere near us. I look around in fear, realizing that he has a worse orientation than me.

I haven't seen such beauty in a long time! There were cops beaten everywhere! Looks like there have been fights here recently. After all, happiness for everyone is to kick off the traffic police!

Slowly drink coffee! Watching the snow fall and people who love summer! And with a feeling of happiness I understand that the long-awaited winter is now online.

There are people who bring happiness and love, there are people who bring resentment and evil, and there is me, and I ... I carry a bag!

For a Russian person, the greatest happiness is to do what is absolutely impossible to do.

Happiness is not in those women with whom you want to sleep, but in those with whom you want to wake up.

Closing my eyes, I fall into happiness ...

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.

If you found a horseshoe for good luck, then someone else threw back his hooves.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love. Confucius

Until the seventh, there was only one heaven left for me ...

Take me by the hair and face so in happiness in happiness.

Tomorrow, the one who reads this status will find his happiness 😉

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

But when we didn't have computers, TV was the happiness of our whole life. 🙂

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that the person you love loves you...

Happiness is nothing if there is no one to share it with

Happiness has never placed a man on such a height that he does not need a friend.

And happiness was so close... 🙁

Happiness lasts seconds, but memories of it remain for a long time.

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it Show B.

Happiness knows my phone number, but for some reason does not call ...

The authorities do not reduce wages - they remind you that happiness is not in money!

Wow, I almost forgot what real happiness looks like. Happiness ... For the sake of it, you can die.

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness, you only understand over the years, happiness is the absence of unhappiness

Tired of waiting for happiness... Tired of problems... And life without you!

- Excuse me, did happiness pass anywhere here?

The phone was silent ... Happiness simply did not know my number ...

Happiness is not in money, but in how to increase it (American proverb)

Happiness is when all the hangers in the closet are occupied.

Happiness is when they say good things about you, and you are still alive.

Happiness is not a station you will ever arrive at, it is the way you travel!

If you are happy, do not revel in your happiness alone, but share it with the people around you.

we have learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Beautiful. sincerely. inimitable. loud and goo.

“The ability to think is already happiness”

- What is happiness? - This is when such a question does not arise.

You can not become attached to people with all your heart, this is a fickle and dubious happiness.

I'm not crying, it's just happiness dripping on the floor ...

Happiness is rationality, purification from false opinions!

It's just happiness - the way home!

Happinnes exists! Not to eat - that's a misfortune!

You spoil me with happiness! Adore you!

Spring. Sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Keds. Positive. Love.

And I won’t worry ... Dreams, after all, also break into happiness ...

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.

I want Orbit with the taste of “happiness” ...

True love shows itself in unhappiness. Like a light, it shines the brighter, the darker the darkness of the night.

Happiness is in the little things! we just don't see it...

People can be happy only on the condition that they do not consider happiness the goal of life Orwell J.

Happiness is not in money, happiness is in goods and services...

Looking for a country called "Happiness". It's very nice and cozy there. They also serve delicious coffee with cream.

Happiness is freedom in the present, satisfaction with the past, hope for the future!

Real happiness is when you are happy for no apparent reason - just like that! This is happiness!

For me, happiness is falling asleep on your shoulder ...

After watching the second "Matrix": - What a blessing that "Titanic-2" was not filmed!

My life is always beautiful, and a fire burns in my soul. My God, what a blessing, I'm one in a million!

Happiness is when you want to jump above your head! And, oddly enough, it works!

Happiness is when you see the former with the current girl, and she is dumb! 🙂

Happiness is when you always remain yourself, keeping your "I"! 🙂

Suffering is the only thing that life has not deprived a person of; therefore, when you are happy, remember that happiness is a precious and fleeting gift.

Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven - she wants heaven.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

A good woman, marrying, promises happiness, a bad woman is waiting for him.

Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Good luck!

The happiness of my soulmate is that I don’t have it!)

Yes, happiness sometimes descends to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming.

If you're not crying from happiness, then stop.

Looking for happiness... I know that I will definitely find it! 🙂

Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you do not have time to jump aside.

There is not enough money even to understand that happiness is not in them.

When there is a lot of money, it is somehow easier to bear that happiness is not in them.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Leibniz G.)

The one dressed in happiness looks good! Be happy!)

In happiness, one should not be overly self-confident, and in trouble one should not lose confidence.

Look around. Happiness is very close, it is in your hands, and you, as before, still live in the past.

The pursuit of illusory happiness is often fraught with disappointment

Usually happiness comes to the happy, and unhappiness to the unfortunate.

Only the unfortunate knows what happiness is...

Happy is not the one who seeks happiness, but the one whom it found by itself. And let there be 0 lovers in me, but one is enough for me! Love you.

You can’t show that you are absolutely happy, because happiness is easy to frighten away.

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it ...

Health, like happiness: when you don’t notice it, it means that it is there.

We will never again be the same as then - in love, stupid and happy, with childish naive happiness in our eyes ...

And so we live ... Exchanging happiness for habits, like a fire for small matches.

Chinese happiness is cheap, and almost like a real one.

The wind gently whispered to me that happiness will not come true soon ...

The best way to avenge yourself is to be happy!

You are happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, leading to tantrums, tears, nervous breakdowns and a terrible fear of losing you ...

Falling asleep and waking up with you is a great happiness!

Happiness will definitely come - he is also interested ...

After all, the sea does not love anyone, but near it - such happiness.

"Perhaps happiness isn't about getting what you want, but about getting what you need." Coco Chanel

Happiness is when not only it is for you, but also when others around you rejoice

do you believe in happiness? hmm, I somehow believe in the tooth fairy more.

I don't need other gifts. Happy to be with you!

If you can't have what you want, learn to want what you have. Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied.© Aristotle

Happiness excludes old age. Whoever retains the ability to see beauty does not age.

Do not part with dreams of happiness, without them your life will turn into a dreary existence.

His lips on my neck, a smile on my face, and a quiet whisper in my ear: “mine” is real happiness.

Hugging the toy, she falls asleep to the music and believes that she will find happiness.

Happiness is when, after 2 minutes of your goodbye, he writes: “darling, will you leave now? I'm bored."

If someone asks me what happiness is, I will bow my head on your shoulder, snuggle up tight and say with a smile: “Here it is!”

All people bring happiness: some by their presence, others by their absence!

And among the crowd of gray faces I am looking for you, my blue-eyed happiness.

Happiness is like health: when it is not noticed, it means that it is there.

Happiness is like a fleeting moment and, sometimes, our life changes in a matter of seconds. Sincerely rejoice in the little things that made you smile!

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do!

Happiness is when reality is better than a dream. 🙂

Happiness is when the time when you wake up and get enough sleep coincide.

We have learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Handsomely. Sincerely. Inimitable.

Simple human happiness has become as unreal as rain in a drought.

Sooner or later, one way or another, everyone will find happiness ...

Maybe I'm a little naive, but I believe that a lucky minibus ticket can really bring happiness!)

What is love? Ahh, I think I know, at first it's the happiness of your life, but when you get dumped, it's terrible.

In order to find happiness - learn to enjoy the little things :)

Yes, there is, there is happiness - he sits next to him and smiles sweetly!)

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable

Happiness is like a butterfly - if you do not catch it, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder

Learn to let go… Happiness will always find its way back.

How nice, every day, to see in the mirror, a happy person.

you hold happiness in your hands and it seems tiny to you. Let it go and see how big it is

Happiness is good revenge and go to sleep...

Because of the lack of happiness, we climb into someone else's life.

Happiness always comes in time, even when it seems to you that it was too late on the way ...

Make every day of your life the best! Love hell and it will seem heaven to you! Happiness lies in living today!

The day of your own wedding is the happiest day for every girl. If only because in the morning she will not face the usual question of choosing “what to wear today?”

Happiness is to admire his smile while he sleeps ...

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I closed the doors to my soul… And don’t try to understand it… I’m tired of hearing that I’m divinely beautiful… I want to take happiness in exchange for appearance…

Even if a person feels incredibly happy in the present, he still sighs about the past ...

I’m happy… and I want to fly… I don’t understand the reason myself… But it’s so great to live, and I literally love every minute for this fact.

Every morning I see a satisfied person in the mirror - this cannot but rejoice!

Happiness is to see him in a dream, enjoy the dream, and when you wake up, see the continuation of the dream in reality ... And all this is due to the fact that he is a real miracle ...

Happiness is only possible together...

There are only two ways to live your life. The first is as if there are no miracles. The second is as if everything in the world is a miracle.

I always have the sun in my pocket, sparks in my eyes and happiness in my soul ...)

Remember, you promised to be happy? Watch!

Happy is not the one who has everything, but the one who needs nothing else!!!

For complete happiness, I need 4 things .. Sleep, Nutrition, Breathing and She ...

Love that survives separation is rewarded with eternity

Happiness is to be happy for someone who is happiness to you!))

I'm in seventh heaven...)) And don't put the stairs up, I won't cry anyway!!!...

I see no reason to be unhappy, I have the audacity to be happy.

I don’t want to smoke weed and other drugs, but I want to feel good-natured cats by the muzzle

Well, well, well ... everyone moved! Now it's my turn to be happy..

Happiness is on the side of the one who is content.

Happiness is when everyone envy you, but they can’t spoil ...

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.

What we see depends on where we look.

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what happens to him.

What does not hurt is not life, what does not pass is not happiness

In misfortune, fate always leaves a door for the exit.

A good salary is when you need to get the next one, but you haven’t spent the previous one yet =))

There is something comforting to be found in every situation, if you search well.

Women have only one means to make us happy and thirty thousand means to make us unhappy.

Today I woke up, I look - something is not right. The main thing is that “something is not right” also woke up and looks ...

As long as we put off life, it passes.

God gives difficulties not as a hindrance, but as steps on the way to Success!!!

You will forget about your troubles if you put on tight enough shoes.

Those for whom the days are similar to each other, stop noticing all the good things that happen in their lives.

Happiness is when people who don't suit you don't suit you.

Happiness is not in happiness, but only in achieving it.

Happinnes exists!!! It cannot be!!!

He: I sent you a rose ... She: you still throw a film on my wall, tell me that you took me to the movies ...

When I eat I am deaf and dumb, when I drink I love everyone.

Making a woman happy is difficult, but possible. It's hard to be happy on your own.

Loves not the man who talks about his love, but the one who silently makes you happy.

Life is a tragedy for the one who feels and a comedy for the one who thinks.

Happiness is when he is ready to carry you in his arms all his life.

Happiness runs for a minute, from time to time, to those who have learned to do without it. And only for him...

do you want to be happy? learn to suffer first

I have a table with a view of the dream. Espresso and sunset flambé. No, nothing else is needed. And yet ... a star in the palm of your hand. And blues with bitter chocolate.

When we are happy we are always kind, but when we are kind we are not always happy.

They say misfortune good school: may be. But happiness is the best university

The day is long for those who know how to live.

Happiness is usually brought and carried away by the same people.

Happiness is when you wake up from the fact that they pull your hair, shout in your ear maaaam, hug you, lie down with your whole warm body on your face, cutting off oxygen, and then kiss you many many many times!!!

What is happiness? Happiness is easy! Happiness has no weight, Happiness has no growth. Happiness cannot be measured with bright words, happiness cannot be seen with clear eyes. How then to answer, What is happiness? After all, it comes in a variety of colors ..!!))

Delicate creamy sweet waffle caramel honey here it is, happiness ...

We don't live to eat, we eat to live.

Pleasure may be based on illusion, but happiness is based on reality.

Great misfortunes are not lasting, and small ones are not worth attention.

If you ever find it while chasing happiness, you will find, like an old woman looking for her glasses, that happiness was always on your nose.

If people suddenly begin to believe in God and various signs, then these are students and they have a session.

Grief does not exist in itself, but in our imagination.

There is only one way to happiness - to stop worrying about things that are not subject to our will.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you have to die now, and you were suddenly given another day.

I love ice... 4 splits, 2 somersaults, 5 swallows and I'm in the store...))

Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you might have to work hard for this.

Do not offend, even rashly, loved ones, They have someone to offend except you. Do not torture them in long silences, Forgive them ten thousand times)

It is important not to miss that one girl in your destiny, mistaking her for another ... But it is also important not to count the next one as the only one.

I don't care what you think of me, because I don't think about any of you at all.

Your girlfriend will become an angel for you if you create heavenly conditions for her!

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If a girl said that she hates you, most likely she is still in love, it's just that you are a beast!

The soul of a loving girl after the betrayal of her beloved is like a fortress that was captured, devastated, defiled and abandoned.

Even the most insightful person will never comprehend all the evil that comes from him.

During the night raid, police officers detained 25 women of easy virtue. On this fact, 120 police officers were initiated ...

If the prospects fail, then they no longer look so tempting.

There are no identical girls, only the consequences are similar.

Sometimes it's easier to be deceived by a loved one than to find out from him how things really are ...

True love is rare, and true friendship is rarer...

No matter how hard you try to escape your dark side, it will find its way to you..

Noise proves nothing. A hen that has laid an egg often fusses as if she had laid a small universe. (Mark Twain).

You can outsmart one person, but you can't outsmart everyone in the world.

Is it worth looking for something that you will lose later ..?

Politeness is the desire to always be treated with courtesy and to be known as a courteous person.

Do not be offended by people for not living up to our expectations ... we ourselves are to blame for expecting more from them than we should

You need to make a princess out of the one that is nearby, and not look for a ready-made one all your life ...

While the fading passion still agitates our heart, it is more inclined to new love than later, when complete healing occurs.

Love exists as long as the fear is alive, losing a loved one

Everyone says that alcohol destroys families, but no one talks about how many families it has created.

Dreams come true... the main thing is to dream from the bottom of your heart

This world was created for you!

I never get offended, I just change my mind about a person ...

It would be better if you looked after your appearance as much as you would take care of my personal life.

We look at the future with anxiety, and the future looks at us with anxiety.

Life gives a person at best one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.

and let the guys think that they are smarter than us .. let them think that they are more talented, more capable, more successful. let .. let them think so) but we have boobs!)

People learn from mistakes, and after mistakes they are treated ...

Love is evil, but not in the way the goat hopes

Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything...

People who do not have enough bright events in their own lives begin to be overly interested in someone else's.

Only a mother deserves love!

“give me the strength to fix what I can fix, accept what I can’t change, and the strength to distinguish one from the other”

The one who thinks that he loves his mistress only for her love for him is very mistaken.

We will all die someday. But it is important to hold out until the end in something believing. This is the biggest difficulty, because it seems that there is not a damn thing that is really worth believing in.

The only ones don't meet twice

Appreciate those people who gave up their pride for you

Charming insidiousness in all the brilliance of innocent cruelty ...

Sometimes we say hurtful things when we don't really mean it.

Always choose the most difficult path - there you will not meet competitors.

He said that he was in love ... Me too ... But how to say that he is not? =(

Time is running out... Don't stand still, take the first step... Otherwise, someone else will take it...

While you are breaking down, they confess their love to her, offer to meet, find out the phone number ... and you break down, break down further ...

Exams must be feared, otherwise they decide that they are not respected, and do not give up ...

“Men prefer blondes because they think brunettes are smarter and therefore more dangerous.” (Marcel Achard)

Never leave the one who loves you for the sake of the one you like. Because one day the one you like will leave you for the one he loves.

Weak Men make mistresses ... Strong - Strong Families! Anyone can become a Father, but only a special one can be a DAD!!! :)

Not the wise one who knows a lot, but the one who knows the right thing.

Appreciate the one who is next to you and gives you a reason to smile and live.

Will he write? - He will write ... if you are who he breathes ...

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in marriage

They say that everything passes ... Well, come on, go already, you are blocking my future!

Everyone wants something to happen, and everyone is afraid that something will happen...

To be loved, you need to sneak into the head, and this is much more than the fly ...

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Man is God's first creation. Like the notorious pancake, he turned out to be ...

Our mind is lazier than the body.

There are few decent women in the world who would not be ashamed of their virtue.

If a person is able to fully love, then he loves himself; if he can only love others, he cannot love at all. (Erich Fromm)

The happiness of love lies in loving; people are happier when they themselves experience passion than when it is instilled.

Sometimes the past pleases only because today you can say "it's been worse"

Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected.

When I get a runny nose, everyone thinks I'm doing drugs. That's what reputation means.

Justice is when the weak yield to the strong, stupidity yields to the mind, and evil yields to good.

Do not bend under the changing world - one day it will bend under us!

I began to understand that the lack of meaning in life is only my fault.

People who are not envious are even rarer than those who are disinterested.

Eight hour sleep.

We have a strange relationship with him ... We are not in love with each other, but we can’t stand it when one of us falls in love ...

Spring has come: the boys swell, the girls bloom.

Do not quarrel over trifles, do not be offended by stupidity, we all have the right to make mistakes ...

After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s like you don’t exist ...

Why is it that when a guy has a lot of girls he is cool. And when a girl has a lot of guys she is a whore? Answer: because when one key fits many locks, it's good, but when many keys fit one lock, it's bad :)

People so willingly believe bad things, not trying to penetrate into the essence of the matter, because they are vain and lazy. They want to find the guilty, but they do not want to bother with the analysis of the committed offense.

You can sympathize with hundreds, get carried away by dozens, admire units, and love only one ...

A woman never knows what she wants, but she will not rest until she achieves it.

Perhaps the whole point of this life is to be needed by at least someone.

The effort we put in not to fall in love sometimes hurts us more than the cruelty of those we've already fallen in love with.

There will always be someone for whom you will serve as an example. Don't let this man down...

Those who happened to experience great passions, then all their lives rejoice at their healing and grieve about it.

That's why when you ask a person not to leave and stay, he turns around and leaves, slamming the door, and when you shout “Go away”, he stays and bothers you more and more ...?

He, whose merit has already been awarded with true glory, should most of all be ashamed of the efforts that he makes to be credited with all sorts of trifles.

We are almost always bored with those people with whom we are not supposed to be bored.

Ugly girls find it easier to lead a modest life

A man who is able to constantly pleasantly surprise a woman will never lose her interest in himself.

Love, dream, suffer, fall in love, but never humiliate yourself!

Youth is a constant intoxication, it is a fever of reason.

Action does not always bring happiness, but without action there is no happiness.

Trust is like virginity: you lose it once and for all

In order not to annoy a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to annoy a woman, a man changes women.

There are few women in the world whose virtues outlive their beauty.

- Hi! - Hi! - What are you doing? - Press shake. – What is it? - Good for health and figure. - Give me the link, I'll download it too.

Desire - a thousand possibilities, unwillingness - a thousand reasons!

My life is not a photo. No need to comment on it.

It seems to me that a copper basin has already sparkled on the horizon, which threatens to cover my entire carefree existence ...

I love people who put a smile on my face!!!

All our qualities, bad as well as good, are uncertain and doubtful, and almost always they depend on the mercy of chance.

Don't demand respect! Just do it in a respectful way...

The miracle is not chosen by us - it happens!

Finding a job is always easier when you already have a job.

Trying to remake a loved one for ourselves, we do not understand that we are creating a new pet for ourselves. Without will, desires, opportunities ...

Was rejected, but - but what! (Vishnevsky)

Everyone sees what you seem to be, few people feel what you are.

Before it's too late, don't forget that life's work is not business, but life

If I am like everyone else, then who will be like me ...

Try to get what you want or else you will be forced to want what you got

Loves the one who does not want to be happy with you, and who just wants you to be happy

Our envy is always more durable than someone else's happiness, which we envy.

Where are you? - To the jumps. “Then hurry up. Your horse has already called twice.

Even when he is not online, the temptation to write to him remains ...

Let them hate me for who I am than love me for who I am not

When you are approached with a request: “Tell me, only honestly!”, You realize with horror that now you have to lie a lot ...

When we try to deceive others, we only deceive ourselves.

The height of perseverance: typing the wrong password until the computer agrees.

It is easier to neglect a benefit than to give up a whim.

The search for mutual love is similar to car racing: we are chasing one, others are chasing us, and we find reciprocity only by flying into the oncoming lane

Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long.

Forget peace, who decided to rule a woman.

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  • It seems to me that if there is absolute happiness, then this is the feeling of being in the right place and with the right person. © Yes Soya
  • A small woman's happiness is worth a huge man's effort.
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    • When I cook, I think that I am the most economic, when I dress and make up at the mirror, I think that I am the sexiest, when I dance on the dance floor - that I am the most beautiful. Well, when we are together - then I think that I am the happiest!
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    • Girls want to be loved very, very much. And even if someone already loves them very, very much, it doesn’t hurt to be loved even more!
    • I changed... I change... And I will change... my life for the better!
  • I myself will create my own little world for myself, and I will live happily there, taking care only of myself.
  • You need to go to the dream with someone by the hand.
  • My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it.
  • Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!
  • Life is worth seeing in the mirror of a happy person.
  • I am kind and sweet, gentle and affectionate, romantic and caring. And all this is for you!
  • People say that impudence is the second happiness! And how to live without happiness? This is where you have to look.
  • I will reach out to where they are waiting for me, but I will stay where I am appreciated!
  • She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.
  • If happiness has not yet come, then it is huge and goes in small steps!
  • I will go all the way to the end. And in our relationship, I will go even further.
  • Finally, I'm in seventh heaven! I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway.
  • True happiness is when someone who doesn't fit you doesn't fit you.
  • You know, I'm happy. You call me and I will smile and look at your name. And I won't answer the call. Suffer, dear, but I have happiness!
  • In childhood, everyone was happy. Where did the ability to rejoice and be happy go?
  • Happiness is when the same person is in the house, in bed and in the head.
  • Don't be ashamed of your bad habits. Smoking, wine, impulses of passion - of course, shorten life, but they can prolong moments of happiness.
  • No need to think long about what happiness is! Just do what makes you feel happy!
  • Happy people glow from within. They, like fireflies, illuminate everything around them with light.
  • Do not disturb! Found happiness.
  • And I do not need someone else's happiness. I would like to keep mine.
  • To hell with pink glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present. To hell with everything - I'm happy!
  • Whoever says that happiness cannot be bought has never bought a puppy.
  • Beautiful smile. Confident walk. A drop of spirits. Heels. And a whisper behind her back: "She's happy all the same."
  • Happiness will definitely come ... he is also interested.
  • Where are you, happiness? If you pass by, look at me, even if we drink some coffee.

    Life is worth seeing a happy person in the mirror.

    We all have the ability to choose. Choose happiness.

    You don't even know how lucky you are.

    Sometimes you need to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

    Well, well, well ... everyone moved! Now it's my turn to be happy.

    Never take revenge on mean people, just become happy. They won't survive this.

    All people have beautiful eyes when they are happy.

    Happiness is not happy or sad. It is simply happiness.

    Happiness - when you don't have to lie that you feel good.

    Happiness is never enough. And only when you lose it, you realize how much it was.

    Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

    Happiness is not when you are not hurt, but when you protect someone from pain.

    Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

    Happiness is like a butterfly. The more diligently you look for happiness, the further it is. You lose hope, happiness quietly flies and sits on your shoulder.

    Happiness is within us.

    I will buy happiness. Wholesale. With instructions for use.

    The hardest thing to wake up when in a dream you were happy.

    Happiness lives in simple things- that there is a person who hugs your back every night so that it does not freeze.

    Happiness is usually brought and carried away by the same people.

    Nowadays social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki are hard to imagine without statuses. This is a great way to cheer yourself up and those around you by sharing some cool phrase. This applies especially to joyful moments. After all, to enjoy them, they must be shared with someone. How else to do this on social networks, if not with the help of short statuses about happiness.

    For a person to look good in photographs, it is enough for him to be happy.

    Only the one who gave him the most happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

    Nothing hurts like pieces of your own happiness.

    Happiness is impermanent.

    Follow your happiness and the universe will open its doors to you where there were only walls.

    All I need to be happy is happiness.

    A fool has stupid happiness.

    If you don't know how to live, live happily.

    Happiness is not sought, like gold or winnings. It is created by themselves, those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

    Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

    The most beautiful outfit for a woman is happiness! I wish you to wear it without taking it off!

    Happiness is generous. It does not destroy others in order to live.

    Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his mobile number. And his eye color. It is very kind. Always laughing at me. I love happiness. Thank you for being with me.

    I'm too smart to be happy.

    Happiness is a step before a dream, a nightmare is a step after ...

    Courage is half happiness.

    We create our own problems. So, we can invent our own happiness!

    If your happiness depends on what others do, then perhaps you really have problems.

    Happiness is known in comparison. Sometimes it's good to remember yesterday in order to appreciate the present more.

    The secret of happiness: never compare health, wife and salary with others.

    Do you ever need to let the world know what grace you are experiencing, but the right words don't come to mind? I want something beautiful and meaningful. In this case, all hope for statuses about happiness. Copy, paste and you're done - all your friends are aware that you feel good.

    I often see happiness. But for some reason, only his back.

    Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others continuously look for it, and others find it everywhere.

    The place for happiness is here, the time is now.

    Happiness is when you close your eyes and still see with your heart...

    There is an abyss between happiness and unhappiness. It is in it that we live.

    Whoever cannot find happiness along the way will not find it at the end of the road.

    Do not feel sorry and do not scold yourself for the past - after all, you tried to be happy.

    It is difficult to find happiness in yourself, but it is impossible anywhere else.

    When there is money, it is somehow easier to agree that happiness is not in them.

    Happiness is when you think that you were killed, and you just tore off your leg.

    We don't know what will happen tomorrow; our business is to be happy today.

    Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what he most lacks.

    Happiness itself finds its way to a strong spirit.

    A moment is a measure of happiness.

    Happiness doesn't just come. He needs to like it.

    Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

    Happiness is not to own what you want, but to want what you own.

    Many seek happiness in areas above their level, others below. But happiness is of the same height as a person.

    Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

    If money doesn't bring happiness, give it to someone else.

    A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness!

    It is ridiculous to think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy.

    Whoever seeks meaning in life has not found happiness in it.

    What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? It only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

    Who is happy, he is silent.

    We look for happiness in the future and the past and stubbornly refuse to see it in the present.

    Loving what you do is happiness.

    Many people are happy, but few know about it.

    People are often happier than they wanted.

    For happiness, you need to fight with yourself ...

    You can not get enough sleep, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, but at the same time be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

    Sometimes happiness falls so unexpectedly that you do not have time to jump aside.

    Happiness is a five-minute walk, and sometimes we wait half a lifetime.

    If someone wishes you good night every day, you are already happier than so many people.

    If happiness has not yet come, then it is huge and goes in small steps.

    Everyone finds their own happiness.

    Live in youth in such a way that you will be happy in old age.

    For a minute of happiness, you pay with two minutes of loneliness.

    Healthy people imagine happiness in different ways, but sick people imagine it only in the form of health.

    You don't have to draw a rainbow to be happy! Enough to be her.

    With the help of statuses, you can not only please your friends, but also offend them. So think carefully before writing anything. Better yet, take advantage of our selection. Here only best statuses about happiness. These are exactly the phrases that will please everyone who knows what bliss is.

    Some people think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

    You can't find happiness in love if you don't bring it with you.

    There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.

    Happiness is the road itself, not where it leads...

    The difference between happy and not happy families is in two or three phrases that are not said daily.

    Freedom, of course, is a cool thing, but sometimes you still want to exchange it for happiness.

    Happiness quickly becomes memories.

    A person needs so little to be happy, but, alas, so much to understand it.

    Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you remember to turn to the light.

    Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

    The first person you think of in the morning and the last person you think of at night is either the cause of your happiness or the cause of your pain.

    I am happy that I live.

    Life is for happiness. Nothing more and nothing less.

    Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. Gotta be happy today.

    The key to happiness is being able to enjoy what you have.

    I walked towards happiness... We missed each other.

    Happiness is contagious: the happier you are, the happier those around you are.

    You can be happy even in the most adverse conditions.

    There is no happiness without action.

    A person does not feel happiness, just as he does not feel the air he breathes.

    Use these short statuses about happiness with meaning, share and enjoy them. And if it’s not enough for you, then we advise you to read also beautiful parables about happiness. After all, statuses are short and clear, and parables are deeper and wiser.
