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Red-headed kinglet bird. Singing birds. "Red-Headed King" in books

The red-headed beetle is as small and nimble as the yellow-headed beetle. Their habitats are also similar, they are coniferous forests with a predominance of spruce and fir. The nest of the red-headed beetle, like the yellow-headed one, arranges under the side branches of spruce or fir, weaving its walls with needles and hanging twigs. It is built, as in the yellow-headed beetle, mainly from moss and tapers towards the top. Its edges are strongly bent inward and protect eggs and fledglings from falling out when the wind shakes the branches sharply. Their nests are similar - both are spherical with an open top. In the laying of the red-headed beetle - from 8 to 10 eggs. The reddish coating on them is more pronounced than on the eggs of a related species. Common to both species are the smallest eggs among European songbirds. Their average weight is 0.72 g, dimensions are 13.5 x 10.5 mm. Therefore, a clutch of 10 eggs with a total weight of 7.2 g is heavier than the female, more precisely, represents 144% of her body weight! It seems incredible that a tiny female is able to produce so much substance in just 10-11 days, and even twice during the summer. She incubates the clutch alone, the male then helps her feed the chicks.

Central European populations of the red-headed beetle are migratory, they arrive at nesting sites in March - April, and fly away in October. They winter in the Mediterranean region. Mediterranean populations are sedentary.

The red-headed beetle is very similar to the yellow-headed, but noticeably more mottled. A black stripe passes through the eye, above it is a white eyebrow. The crown of the male is bright orange, bordered by black stripes converging on the forehead. There is an orange tint on the shoulders (1). The female differs from the male in having a yellow crown (2). The chicks do not have this color, but their white eyebrow is already visible.

The range of the red-headed beetle is much smaller than that of the yellow-headed beetle. These are Europe (without Scandinavia), Asia Minor and part of Northwest Africa (3).

AT North America lives another kind of beetle - Regulus Calendula , the male of which has a bright red cap (4). The female is absent. Both species have a white ring around the eye, which makes them seem to be big-eyed.

Regulus ignicapilla (Temminck, 1820). It is very similar to the yellow-headed beetle, from which it is quite difficult to distinguish from a distance. But close up, the details of coloring differ well. The red-headed kinglet has a brilliant white eyebrow, a black stripe running through the eye, black spot behind the eye, a bronze tint on the sides of the neck, a brighter orange-red crown, the plumage of the body is lighter. The singing of the red-headed kinglet is similar to the singing of the yellow-headed kinglet, but the song ends not with a flourish, like with the yellow-headed kinglet, but with an almost monotonous repetition of one note.

Wing 47.4-55 mm.
Tail 36-42 mm.
Metatarsus 16.5-18 mm.
Beak 7.7-8.2 mm.
Weight from 5 g and above.

In an adult male vertex satin-orange, bordered in front and on the sides by a thick black stripe, accompanied by a narrow lemon-yellow edging. The anterior part of the forehead is ocher-yellowish. A contrasting white stripe extends from it above the eye and ear coverts. Parallel to it, a black stripe passes through the frenulum and eye. White spot under the eye. Very narrow black "whiskers" and gray ear coverts complement the variegated pattern on the sides of the head. The back, shoulders and rump are yellow-green. The sides of the neck are greenish-yellow. The wings are gray-horn in color, with two transverse white stripes on the coverts. There is a black square spot at the base of secondary feathers. Covering brushes form a triangular black spot. All flight feathers with yellow-green narrow edges, and inner secondary ones with light ends. The rudders are the same color as the flywheels. The underside of the body is dirty buffy white, whiter in the middle.
adult female similar to the male, but the stripe on the top of the head is lemon-yellow, the orange color on the head is usually not.
Juveniles in breeding plumage brownish-green above. There are dark gray stripes on the crown and sides of the head.
Beak black; legs light brownish; iris brown.

Singing is a monotonous repetition of the call sign squeak.

Coniferous forests: spruce, pine and fir, as well as mixed forests and juniper thickets. In the mountains (Carpathians), according to Kistyakovsky (1950), it does not go as high as the yellow-headed beetle, and is rarely found near the upper border of the forest.


The nest is located on spruces, firs and in bushes of juniper, wild rose or in thickets of ivy. It is suspended from branches, has thick walls, a small but deep tray and somewhat tightened edges.

Eggs 7-12, usually more reddish than the yellow-headed beetle.
Dimensions 14.3-12.5 x 11-10 mm
Full clutches are observed from early May to mid-July. There are two clutches in the summer. Incubation lasts 14-15 days.

Central and southern Europe: France, Holland, southern Denmark, Germany, the Kaliningrad region and the Lithuanian SSR. To the south it reaches southern Spain, southern France, Italy, Sicily, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and east to the Transcarpathian region and Poland; in addition, nests in the Taurus Mountains in Asia Minor (Vadley, 1951).
Thus, the red-headed beetle enters the USSR only in a narrow strip in the west - the Transcarpathian and Kaliningrad regions and the Lithuanian SSR. According to old reports (Loudon, 1909), it breeds in Lithuania, Latvia and possibly Estonia, but according to Taurins and Vilks (1949), it is a rare migrant in Latvia and thus it is hardly possible to assume that it nests in Estonia.

It winters in the Mediterranean, occasionally in Egypt, and finally in Transcaucasia. Returns from winter quarters in March-April.


  • "Birds of the Soviet Union". Dementiev G.P., Gladkov N.A., Blagosklonov K.N., Volchanetsky I.B., Mecklenburgsev R.N., Ptushenko E.S., Rustamov A.K., Spangenberg E.P., Sudilovskaya A. .M., Shtegman B.K. Under the general editorship of G.P. Dementieva and N.A. Gladkov. Ed. "Soviet Science" Moscow. 1954 volume 6.
  • "Birds of the USSR" Portenko L.A. Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow. Leningrad. 1960 part 4.
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    Systematic position
    Class: Birds - Aves.
    Squad: Passeriformes - Passeriformes.
    Family: Kinglets - Regulidae.
    View: Red-headed kinglet – Regulus ignicapillus (Temminck, 1820)

    Status. 3 "Rare" - 3, RD. The red-headed kinglet is included in Appendix 2 to.

    Global population endangered category on the IUCN Red List

    Least Concern - Least Concern, LC ver. 3.1 (2001).

    Category according to IUCN Red List criteria

    The regional population is categorized as Near Threatened, NT. R. A. Mnatsekanov, P. A. Tilba.

    Belonging to the objects of action of international agreements and conventions ratified by the Russian Federation

    Not belong.

    Brief morphological description

    The red-headed kinglet is a very small, agile bird with olive green upperparts and off-white underparts. A white eyebrow is well defined, above which a black stripe passes. A black stripe extends from the corner of the mouth through the eye to the back of the head. The top of the head is orange.


    Global range: Northwest Africa, Europe, Asia Minor. Within the Russian Federation, it occurs in the western part of the Greater Caucasus. The regional range is limited by the southern slopes of the GKH. In KK, the red-headed beetle is a resident breeding species.

    Nesting is established in the mid-mountain forests of the river basin. Mzymta and in the low-mountain districts of the river valley. Hosts. In autumn and winter, it occurs in the low-mountain forests of the Black Sea coast from the river. Ashe to the border with Abkhazia. Sometimes it flies into the steppe part of the region and into the Eastern Sea of ​​Azov.

    Features of biology and ecology

    An understudied look. Inhabits mid-mountain coniferous forests, as well as low-mountain forests with a predominance of evergreen trees and shrubs.

    In winter, in addition to nesting habitats, it is found in green spaces of settlements, in parks. It arranges spherical nests in trees. Clutch contains 7-12 eggs. Incubation lasts 14–17 days. Feeds on small insects.

    Numbers and trends

    In KK, where the entire nesting group of the red-headed beetle in Russia is located, its number is estimated at 50–150 pairs.

    During the nesting period in the river basin. Mzymta per 2–3 km of the route there are 1 pair of birds, in the low-mountain forests of the Colchis type with a predominance of boxwood - 2.5 individuals per 1 km2.

    In winter, in the Black Sea forests, the number of red-headed beetles is higher - from 7 to 21 individuals per 1 km2. Significant changes in the abundance of the species are not observed.

    Limiting factors

    Cutting down and rejuvenation of mid-mountain coniferous forests, as well as low-mountain Black Sea mixed forests.

    Necessary and additional security measures

    The species is protected in the territories of KGPBZ and SNP. It is necessary to identify areas of regular bird nesting and introduce a ban on the destruction of forest vegetation in such places.

    Information sources. 1. Belik, 2005; 2. Boehme and Stepanyan, 1974; 3. Butiev, 1983; 4. Zabolotny, Khokhlov, 1997; 5. Ivanov, 1976; 6. Red Book of the Russian Federation, 2001; 7. Minoransky, Kharchenko, 1967; 8. Ochapovsky, 1967a; 9. Birds of the Soviet Union, 1954b; 10. Stepanyan, 2003; 11. Tilba, 1994b; 12. IUCN, 2004; 13. Unpublished information of the compiler. Compiled. P. A. Tilba.

    see also 18.18.1. Genus Korolki - Regulus

    Red-headed Kinglet - Regulus ignicapillus

    The forehead and eyebrow are white, the crown is orange-yellow, limited by black stripes that join on the forehead.

    Nests in the forests Krasnodar Territory, Kaliningrad and Pskov regions, in winter it occurs in the Sochi region. The song is a gradually rising thin whistle "fi-fi-fifi-fiu", the cry is a quiet "chi-chi-chi".

    On about. Wrangel flew American kinglet - Regulus calendula, without dark and light stripes on the head, with a red spot on the crown of the head and a white throat.

    Table 51 . 559 - ladle ( 559a - northern form, 559b - southern form); 560 - whiskered tit (560a - male, 560b - female); 562 - brown sutora; 612 - yellow-headed beetle; 613 - red-headed kinglet; 633 - remez (6ЗЗa - Caspian form, 633b - European form, 633c - Siberian form); 644 - common nuthatch (644a - northern form, 644b - Caucasian form); 645 - black-headed nuthatch; - rocky nuthatch; 647 - common pika (647a - sitting bird, 647b - pattern of movement along a tree trunk); 648 - short-toed pika; 649 - red-winged wall climber (649a - in summer, 649b - in winter).

    • - - Aythya ferina see also 6.1.7. Genus Nyrka - Aythya - Aythya ferina Male bluish-gray with a chestnut-red head and neck, black chest and red eyes ...

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    • - a defect in the form of a ball of metal, separately frozen and not melted with the casting, formed from splashes during improper pouring ...

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    • - "...: a frozen drop of the melted top of the pyrometric control cone ..." Source: "GOST R 53788-2010. National standard Russian Federation. Refractories and refractory raw materials...

      Official terminology

    • - a genus of birds from the warbler family, with a straight, thin beak, the edges of which are concave, and the nostrils are covered with a leathery scale, a slightly notched tail, a tarsus, dressed in horny tops and loose dense plumage, on the crown of the head ...

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    • - R. kinglet / ...
    • - ...

      Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    • - ...

      merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

    • - lka, husband. 1. Sweet orange variety with reddish flesh. 2. A small forest bird of the passerine order with a bright crown coloration. 3...

      Dictionary Ozhegov

    • - queen, husband. 1. Sweet orange with red flesh. 2. A rooster or chicken of an especially small breed. 3. A small ingot of a noble metal, about the size of a pea, usually obtained from the laboratory processing of ore ...

      Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    • - red-headed adj. Having a red head, a head...

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    • - ...

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    • - redhead "...

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    • - ...

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    • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 bird ...

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    • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 plant ...

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    "Red-Headed King" in books

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    Kinglet Key attribute: Courage and resourcefulness Period of activity: Spring There are more than a dozen species of Kinglet. It is a small, squat bird that people often treat with the same fondness as a robin. As a rule, the kinglet has a reddish-brown

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    Red-headed pochard A bird of this species is much more widespread than the white-eyed pochard: it lives in almost the entire European part of Russia, inhabits the forest-steppes and even the steppes of Western Siberia, reaching Baikal itself. The bird loves mainly lakes with thick reeds, on

    • Class: Aves = Birds
    • Subclass: Ornithurae, or Neornithes = Fan-tailed birds, new birds
    • Superorder: Neognathae = New-palatine birds, neognats
    • Order: Passeriformes = Passeriformes, passeriformes
    • Suborder: Oscines = Singers
    • Family: Regulidae = Kings

    Species: Regulus ignicapillus (Temminck, 1820) = Red-headed Kinglet

    Species: Regulus ignicapillus = Red-headed Kinglet

    STATUS. Little-studied species (IV category) Habitat: Rare, little-studied species. Wing length 52-56 mm. Forest zone. Spreading. The northern border of the range enters Russia. Distribution is only approximately known. Bird sightings are confined to the western part of the Greater Caucasus Range and the Black Sea coast in the area of ​​the villages of Lazarevskoye - Khosta, perhaps somewhat wider.

    Outside of Russia, it is distributed in the Black Sea region of the Lesser Caucasus, in the Crimean mountains, in Transcarpathia, as well as in the Baltic states (1 - 4). outside former USSR found in Western Europe, Madeira and Canary Islands, Northwest Africa, northern Asia Minor (1, 3). In recent years, in Europe and in our country, the dispersal of this species to new areas has been noted (5).

    The nature of his stay in Russia has not been finally clarified. Obviously, the red-headed kinglet is a sedentary species, making small migrations outside the breeding season. Nesting is expected in the fir forests of the Western Caucasus. The mating behavior of birds was observed in the spring in the area of ​​Krasnaya Polyana. Males with enlarged testicles and a female with an egg ready for laying were also obtained here. In summer, broods of young birds were recorded in the vicinity of Sochi (6). Red-headed kinglets regularly winter on the Black Sea coast of the Western Caucasus in the forests. different type, predominantly deciduous, tending especially to dense areas with evergreen vegetation (6 - 8).

    Number. The total population of the red-headed beetle is unknown. In the fir forests near Krasnaya Polyana in the spring of 1965, there were 1 pair of red-headed beetles per 2–3 km of the route. In the autumn of 1966, a significant number of these birds were recorded near the village of Lazarevskoye, but in the winter of 1960/61 and 1961/62. in the vicinity of Sochi, beetles were not numerous (6 - 8).

    limiting factors. Not studied. The limited distribution and low abundance are probably due to the conditions of existence of the species near the boundaries of the range. Security measures. No special security measures were taken. Some part of the population lives within the Caucasian reserve. It is necessary to study the distribution and ecology of the species. Sources of information: 1. Ivanov, 1976; 2. Zhordania, 1977; 3. Stepanyan, 1978; 4. Kostin et al., 1981; 5. Bosak, 1977; 6. Boehme and Stepanyan, 1974; 7. Stepanyan, 1965; 8. Stepanyan, 1966. Compiled by: V. T. Butiev.

    Red-headed beetle in the Crimea

    Nests in coniferous forests Western Europe, Mediterranean islands, North Africa, Asia Minor. There is very little information about this species due to the sporadism of its distribution. In nesting time, this beetle was found in the Carpathians, the Caucasus, and the Crimea. The details of distribution in our country are unknown, biology is little studied.

    In the Crimea, the red-headed beetle was found in small areas of coniferous forests on the territory of the reserved hunting economy: in 1968 - in the tract Red Stone, in 1975 - in the Central Basin. Both plots are no larger than a few hectares. A thorough examination of similar pine forests in other places of the Crimea did not find these birds. Sedentary or migratory beetles of the Crimean population remains unknown.

    Thus, the red-headed beetle occupies the position of a very rare and unexplored species in the fauna of the CIS and Ukraine. The kinglet enters the territory of the CIS at the edge of its range; this bird deserves careful study and close attention as a species whose extinction for some "unknown" and "unforeseen" reasons is not excluded. It is advisable to consider the inclusion of the red king in the list of rare animals of the Red Book.

    In order to preserve the species, it is necessary to avoid any forestry work in the places where this species is supposed to nest.
