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Does a sensory deprivation chamber help with autism? Floating: what is floating and a true review of the sensory deprivation chamber. What is floating

I have long wanted to get into the deprivation chamber, since I read from many authors about its effect, including Pelevin.
True, Pelevin's hero climbed into this bath under special kvass, so it was not a pure experiment.
But most floaters (literally - "swimers") are engaged in this procedure on an absolutely sober head, and nevertheless, they sometimes get a very interesting experience generated by the brain in such conditions.

Today, there are many centers in Moscow that provide such a procedure.
Basically these are some kind of yoga centers or various esoteric movements.
But centers are already appearing that specialize in floating. I think this direction will develop, because, at least, this procedure relaxes all the muscles of the body very well, including the back and neck, which most of our fellow citizens have some problems with.
I went to the yoga center, which had good reviews, and where you can book this procedure for two hours (instead of an hour, as in most places).
I immediately assumed that out of ignorance and out of habit, one hour would not be enough. And so it happened. But more on that later.

In most centers you will be offered a special closed chamber of about one and a half by two and a half meters, filled with a dense saline solution that keeps the body afloat.
Sometimes there is also an option with a whole separate room with a bathtub filled with the same solution. This option is preferable for those who suffer from claustrophobia, or who simply do not have enough oxygen in a confined space.

I arrived, filled out a form, walked through a whole suite of rooms to some very far corner of their center. They explained everything to me quite briefly and left me alone with the room in which there was this camera, burning candles and a statue of Buddha. However, Wi-Fi was also available there. :)
The room also had a door to the regular shower room which was a very useful addition.

First, I watched the door to the cell open and close and touched the water. She really was very warm (should be the same as the body temperature of a healthy person).
I was told that when the ozonation (a very noisy procedure) is finished, I can climb inside.
So I did.
When I climbed in, there was a small LED on that could be turned off with a button.
This is a reasonable decision, because without any light at all, not everyone will be able to lie down straight at first. In addition, the complete absence of light frightens many.
I settled down in the water (it turned out to be quite comfortable). However, I already experienced a similar feeling of lying on the water at the Dead Sea.
And after that I turned off the light.
And here the sensations completely ceased to resemble those at the Dead Sea.
They promised me to turn on music at the beginning of the session, however, I did not hear anything. I tried to take my head out of the water, took out my earplugs - silence. I put the earplugs in again, lay down in the water - silence...
Thoughts began to occur to me that I wouldn’t understand when the session would end and strangers would come to my cell to wake me up. I didn't like this idea at all.
I began to worry a little internally about this, and on the external plane I was constantly bumping into the edges of the camera, because I was constantly moving from one edge to the other by inertia. The inertia gradually died down (although much slower than in ordinary water), but I expected a little more space from the deprivation chamber.
I had to use a little effort with my hands to force my body to stop. After that, the “waves” that moved me slowly faded away.
It became more interesting. I actually stopped feeling my entire body except my face.
Finally, they turned on the music. She was very quiet at first, so at first I took her for an auditory hallucination)
After the music ended, my face began to itch terribly, and in turn in different places.
At first I tried not to pay attention to it, but then, it seemed, my nose had been itching for a very long time, and I decided to scratch it.
This was my mistake. During this attempt, I got a drop of salt in my eye.
The eye began to burn very unpleasantly.
I had to get out of the bath and go into the shower to wash my eyes.
Then I lay down in the bath again, but while I was getting into bed, a drop from my hair again got onto my nose and eyes.
I had to get out and wash it again, and my hair too.
After that I managed to lie down again slowly.
But after lying there for quite a long time, it became clearly more difficult for me to breathe.
I began to think that it was my problem nose that was playing pranks. But no - it looks like there really is less oxygen!

My internal dialogue kept jumping from topic to topic, without really stopping. I tried to drown it out by counting to myself and saying mantras, but it still didn’t intend to stop, unlike light meditation, for example!

The internal dialogue basically talked about all sorts of nonsense, and in fragments of thoughts.
For example, about why the Western tradition is so popular with us, even in typical phrases of people and in the course of thought?
Why do our girls wait for a “prince on a white horse” and not a “prince on a white horse”?
We have in our heads such a terrible mixture inside of the post-Byzantine imperial and post-Soviet tradition and the belief that "everything is better in the West", that a significant number of people have a "roof going on".
People do not notice this, but very often there can be a set of contradictory statements in one head. Moreover, a person can convince you of both contradictory statements for a long time, being sure of the truth of both.

Then I began to think about the fact that we are all parts of God, and everyone in this world has been given some kind of task, and a quest for everyone is to discover this true task and purpose in this world.
And that there is no evil and good, it's just that this whole world revolves on these contradictions.
But in reality, none of us, in essence, exist. For we are the processes running on this global computer to keep it running. But the process cannot stop itself, it can only freeze.

Sometimes I was able to briefly drown out my internal dialogue, and in these brief moments, it really sometimes seemed to me that I did not quite understand my position regarding the entrance to the cell.
It is difficult to say how much time has passed since my second dive into the camera (but according to my feelings - towards the end of the session) something made me laugh a lot. And I began to laugh, while my whole body “jumped” up and down in this water. It's a very funny feeling.

After this, some strange sounds were heard, similar to knocking. Only I thought that now they were definitely auditory hallucinations! But it was not there. Judging by the sounds, I guessed that the cleaning lady had just come into the room next door and was rattling a bucket.

In general, towards the end of the session I still managed to relax in to a greater extent than at the beginning and middle. And even if there was an objective lack of oxygen, I practically stopped feeling it. I even started to like lying like this. But as soon as I managed to settle into this comfortable state for me, music with the mantra “Om shanti shanti shanti” sounded in my head, which kept increasing in volume. Then I realized that this was a signal that it was time to get out. I lay there for a couple more minutes and got out.
Streams of dense salty water rolled off me again, but this time I prudently left a towel right at the entrance to the chamber. It helped me avoid dripping salt water directly into my eyes again.

When I then went out into the street, where the grass was green and the birds were singing, I was very, very glad that I got out of there. Although I didn’t feel any fear there.
And yet I think after some time I will repeat a similar experience, only not in the Samadhi chamber, but simply in a large room with a salt bath.

Relaxation in a sensory deprivation chamber. Its developers claim that the results of floating are comparable to the meditative state of yoga. And that the camera is suitable for everyone: from pregnant women to astronauts. A journalist from “The Village Vladivostok” tried floating on herself and shares her feelings.

How does floating work?

You are immersed in a special chamber with water to recover from stress, relax and unwind from outside world. Literally, “floating” means floating on the surface. This effect is achieved by dissolving Epsom salts (a mineral compound of magnesium sulfate) in water at a concentration higher than that of the Dead Sea. While in the solution, you can take any convenient position. You won't be able to drown.

A few minutes after the start of the session, a person stops feeling the touch of water, feeling weightless. The muscles relax and tension disappears. It's even better if you can fall asleep. They say that such sleep is superior in quality to normal sleep in bed.

To keep the saline solution clean, it is subjected to several types of filtration and disinfection. Additionally, there is an ultraviolet lamp, and hydrogen peroxide is added at the very end of cleaning.

Studio with sensory deprivation chamber

The only sensory deprivation chamber in Vladivostok is located behind the PKDC stop. Look for a white sign at the end of the five-story building at 28 Cheremukhovaya Street.

The studio is open by appointment so that no one disturbs guests. I call and the administrator lets me in. There are three rooms in the room: for floating, massage and relaxation after. The atmosphere is homely. I leave my outerwear in the hallway and put on disposable slippers. Then the administrator gives instructions. You will have to lie in the cell for 60 minutes, not including a “before and after” shower, rest with tea and drying your hair with a hairdryer.

Among the contraindications before floating are mental disorders, problems with the heart, lungs and ears, hypotension, as well as infectious diseases and skin diseases. It is still not recommended to shave before the procedure. There won't be any big problems, but the first minutes will seem less than relaxing due to the salt. It is better to eat an hour before the procedure.

If you have a difficult work schedule or have trouble sleeping, you can try floating at night.

Testing on ourselves: temperature and modes

After the briefing, I change into my swimsuit in a separate room. I was warned that after the session my clothes would need to be washed thoroughly because of the salt (my swimsuit was not damaged). You can undress completely so that locks and elastic bands do not interfere. Then I go to the shower; I didn’t have to take anything with me - I had all the toiletries, a robe and a towel.

The floating chamber turns out to be spacious, it was possible to stand almost in full height. You shouldn't have any problems with confined spaces. But if you're worried, you can simply press the door instead of closing it. And call the administrator if necessary.

On my camera the water temperature was set to 35 degrees. And two modes were offered: darkness and silence during the procedure, but light and music at the beginning and end, or vice versa. I left the first one, and at first it was scary. But my eyes quickly adjusted.

The wind blows and you are carried into outer space

I lay down in the water and at first I was “moved” from side to side. I even had to hold on to special handles. For comfort, there is a pillow under the head, I tried it with and without it. In the latter case, the ears were under water, which, by the way, is not worth trying. I was told in advance that it was bitter.

When the traffic stopped, it began to seem to me that the wind was blowing. And the body is carried into outer space. In general, it was difficult to think about one thing for a long time during a session. The brain, like the whole body, began to rest - thoughts disappeared. However, I might not be able to forget about everything the first time; I still couldn’t fall asleep.

On Saturday I visited a sensory isolation chamber, and now I’ll tell you about this unusual experience for me.
This activity is also called floating - from English word float - to float. Moreover, according to the sensations, the word float does not refer to a floating person, but to watercraft, such as a ship, or to cute whales, dolphins, and other creatures with a built-in marine navigator.

How to feel like a dolphin or a person in zero gravity? That is, somehow turn off or switch consciousness for a while? Perhaps such questions were asked by the American psychoanalyst and neuroscientist John Lilly. And in the middle of the twentieth century, the sensory deprivation chamber was invented.

The chamber is a reservoir with water, approximately 25-30 cm, in water 30% salt solution. Such a high concentration allows a person to freely float on the surface of the water, practically without feeling his body. This cabin is also isolated from light and sound. Or rather, the cell where I was was isolated from light, there was no special sound insulation, but there was complete silence in the room.
As a result, we have an attempt to completely isolate ourselves from external influences - light, sound, even the feeling of gravity. What will happen to the human brain if you get into such conditions?

I arrived in Akademgorodok, the floating center "Integrity" is located not far from Technopork. Yes, there are outstanding brains visiting this cabin, but let's see what happens to me.

This is me before the dive, why is this kind of stupid? I forgot to take off my glasses, but the owner of Integrity, Alexey, took the glasses from me, closed the lid and I plunged into darkness for a whole hour.

You need to completely relax your muscles and try to turn off all thoughts. If you have problems in the cervical region, then lying in such a bath is the best thing; after a while you will naturally be able to relax the neck muscles and not control the position of the body. To make this happen faster, I recommend opening your mouth and relaxing your jaw. If you look closely, this is what 100-meter runners do at distances - they relax all the muscles that are not directly involved in running, and the body’s energy is redistributed.

I read that astronauts are placed in such chambers before preparing for a flight. How much time a person can spend in an isolated bath depends on his psychological state. They say that astronauts adapt to weightlessness in one day, but it is more difficult to get used to loneliness in limitless space.
Yes, the Ren-TV channel reports that weightlessness is a native state for a person, in contrast to walking on the Earth, that we are all aliens and so on. I don’t know what mushrooms they give people on TV, but while I was lying in the dark, thoughts also suddenly came to my mind about the difficult fate of the dogs that were sent into space, how they poor fellows endured all this, etc.) Then I began to look for a comfortable body position . She folded her hands under her head, then on her stomach, pushed back and forth (the length of the tub is 2.4 m), then pressed her head against the side, felt that there was an air vent somewhere nearby.
Then I remembered that this is a place for meditation. She closed her eyes and tried to get rid of thoughts, partly succeeded. I do not expect any altered states from myself - is it good? Either skepticism, or excessive closeness.

Try it, you may be able to reset all the thoughts in your head.

Overall, I spent the hour normally, I didn’t experience any claustrophobia, and the long-term feeling of hanging in the water was very pleasant. I love swimming and the feeling of being in the water. By the way, if you have a fear of the dark, closed spaces, or don’t know how to swim, it’s definitely worth a try. An hour in the water in a closed box - and part of the fears should go away. Because it is clear that nothing bad will happen, again you are hanging in the water, but there is no chance of drowning.
I love to swim, I'm not afraid to swim far, but here are the elevators in other people's residential buildings They strain me, I try to walk. Let's see if this fear goes away or not.
The only thing is that the water temperature of +35 degrees is too high for me. +30-31 would be normal.
But here everything is individual. The purpose of the camera is to smooth out differences in environments. Skin temperature +35. But remember, when it’s +35 outside and the humidity is 100%, not everyone considers such an environment comfortable and inconspicuous.
But +30 is the most comfortable and unnoticeable water temperature, even though the air temperature around is +22, at least +40, at least +30, I remembered different cases)

About the center and preparation for the procedure. You need to take a swimsuit, towel and slippers with you. By the way, girls, if you don’t wear the top part of your swimsuit, no one will notice; there’s no need for extra dragging elements. Before diving, you need to wash yourself; there is a comfortable shower with plenty of shampoo. Afterwards, of course, you need to wash yourself, wash off the salt, and you will feel that your skin has become smooth.

Everything is very clean - both the room and the water cabin.
After each visitor, all water is passed through a filtration system, which ensures complete purification. Actually, it’s basically difficult for bacteria to survive in such a strong salt solution; just ask the cucumbers in the jar in your refrigerator. Although cucumbers have only a 6% solution, if memory serves.
Ultraviolet filter.

The rhythm of human life in modern conditions contributes to the development of various mental disorders under stress. According to statistics, symptoms characteristic of depressive syndrome are observed in more than forty percent of the inhabitants of our planet. There are many ways to solve such problems. To treat mild forms of mental disorders, various methods of psychocorrection, medications and various ways relaxation. In this article we will look at the fashionable floating procedure, which is only gaining popularity in our country.

Sensory deprivation chamber - a chamber that isolates a person from any sensations

The essence of the method

Floating, what is it? This relaxation technique allows you to get rid of various psychological disorders, thanks to the improvement of the body. WITH in English, the word Float is translated as “float”. The floating procedure is carried out using a special capsule, which protects the person immersed in it from various external irritants. The deprivation capsule into which a person is immersed is filled with a solution that consists of thirty percent salt. The temperature of the liquid contained in the capsule is thirty-six point six degrees Celsius. This spa procedure allows you to get rid of various worries and get positive emotions thanks to relaxation.

Diving into the capsule can be compared to swimming in the Dead Sea. Due to the high concentration of salt, the solution keeps the human body afloat in any position. Immersion in a deprivation capsule can be compared to flying in zero gravity. The person undergoing the procedure forgets about gravity, which allows the muscles to fully relax.

What is floating therapy used for?

Immersion in a sensory deprivation chamber allows a person to fully relax and detach from various problems. It is here that you can achieve the maximum concentration of peace and tranquility. The sounds of water, silence and mysterious twilight allow you to fully immerse yourself in nothingness. Such a spa procedure allows you to fully relax your muscles and increase the synthesis of endorphins in the body, which is the hormone of happiness. It is important to note that an increase in the level of endorphins can reduce the impact on the body of various stressful situations. Thus, immersion in a floating chamber allows you to restore energy balance and normalize your own psychological health.

Scientists studying the effect of such procedures on the human body say that an hour of floating therapy can be compared with five hours of full sleep. Experts also note that this method allows you to set yourself up to achieve various goals both in the professional and personal spheres. This procedure allows you to put in order not only the nervous system, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. Immersion in a highly concentrated saline solution eliminates lactic acid that accumulates in muscle tissue. In addition, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restoring elasticity and firmness to the epidermis.

The room in which the spa therapy procedure is carried out is completely isolated from various external stimuli. Thanks to this, the person immersed in the capsule gets the opportunity to be alone with his own “I”. Such temporary isolation in conditions of weightlessness allows you to discover new personal facets in yourself. Often, patients who have undergone floating treatment find solutions to get out of situations that have haunted them for a long time.

A person placed in a tank is, as it were, in weightlessness

According to experts, undergoing the procedure allows you to eliminate stress, reduce anxiety and completely get rid of depressive syndrome. An increase in the level of endorphins in the blood, allows a person to stay in good mood for a whole week after visiting the SPA center.

When immersed in a capsule, the human body gets the opportunity to redistribute its own energy resources. This contributes to the fact that all the main “forces” hidden inside a person are directed towards eliminating various ailments. During the session, the need for self-control disappears, which promotes complete relaxation. One of the main advantages of this technique is increased resistance to stress and complete relief from depression syndrome. This effect is achieved due to the absence of such external stimuli as:

  • gravity;
  • sounds;
  • light.

Description of the procedure

Before entering the sensory deprivation chamber, a visitor to the SPA center must receive consultation from a specialist. During the consultation, the duration of the session is determined and short lecture dedicated to safety. The sensory deprivation chamber itself is a capsule filled with a highly concentrated saline solution. The level of salt concentration in this liquid is several times higher than the amount of salt in the Dead Sea, which prevents the body from immersing in the liquid. Thanks to this, a person immersed in a capsule is in a state of weightlessness, “floating” above the water.

Please note that the temperature of the solution strictly corresponds to the temperature of the human body. This factor allows the body to practically not feel contact with the liquid. The capsule containing the liquid is equipped with a special door that protects a person from various irritants. At the request of the visitor, the capsule can play various sounds that have a positive effect on the psyche. These sounds include the sound of the sea, the cries of birds and dolphins.

The average duration of one procedure is about sixty minutes. By plunging into the capsule, a person gets the opportunity to completely relax and detach himself from everyday worries. According to representatives of spa centers, the vast majority of visitors fall asleep within ten minutes after immersion in the chamber.

The sensory deprivation chamber, or floating, is a capsule in the shape of a large egg about 2.5 meters long.

Types of floating

Most specialists from various fields of medicine speak positively about this procedure. Reviews of floating say that immersion in a sensory deprivation chamber allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the body. The therapeutic effect extends to both the physical and emotional spheres. In addition, the floating technique allows you to influence the spiritual development of the individual.

The capsule itself, into which the patient is immersed, is a large tank, protected from the effects of odors, light and extraneous noise. The main component of the liquid is Epsom salt, which has a density equal to the human body. The “weightlessness” effect, the absence of external stimuli due to the tightness of the chamber and the beneficial effect on the muscles allows you to achieve a state of nirvana. A sensory deprivation chamber is one of the most accessible ways to get rid of stress, depression, sleep problems and other mental disorders. In addition, complete relaxation helps to launch regeneration processes, which has a positive effect on the physiological state of a person.

Just a few years ago, the procedure in question was inaccessible to most ordinary people. Today, in addition to the widespread prevalence of floating, there are methods for carrying out this procedure. “Dry floating” is a technique in which the human body does not directly interact with the salt solution. A special mattress is installed in the sensory deprivation chamber, which envelops the person.

The main advantage of this method is the absence of direct contact with liquid. Thus, people who were previously contraindicated for this procedure have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with it. It is important to note that the cost of dry floating is several times lower than the standard method. The low cost is explained by the absence of the need to constantly sterilize the capsule and frequently change the saline solution.

Many spa centers combine the dry floating technique with various cosmetic procedures. Clay and seaweed wraps are especially popular. The combination of these techniques improves blood circulation, eliminates cellulite and normalizes cellular metabolism.

One of the main indications for undergoing this procedure is the restoration of psycho-emotional balance. Immersion in the sensory deprivation chamber contributes to the complete relaxation of the body. The level of relaxation experienced by a person can be compared to nirvana. According to experts, this effect allows you to accelerate the regenerative processes in the nervous system and muscle tissues.

The components that are an integral part of the saline solution have a beneficial effect on the body, due to the removal of excess fluid. Epsom salt helps to eliminate harmful toxins and toxic substances. In addition, this component is endowed with an anti-cellulite effect, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is also important that a long stay in the sensory deprivation capsule normalizes blood circulation and increases the level of endorphins in the body.

Water with a concentrated saline solution easily pushes a person so that all parts of the body drift calmly on the surface of the water.

An increase in endorphins leads to a decrease in cortisol, better known as the “stress hormone”. Thus, the spa procedure allows you to discover the hidden potential of the human body. Many people say that this relaxation technique has helped them completely reconsider their own life priorities. In many European countries, this procedure is used by specialized institutions to treat bad habits and addictions.

Particular attention should be paid to the benefits of floating therapy during pregnancy. During this difficult period of life, many women are under constant stress. Conducting a relaxation session allows you to normalize not only your psycho-emotional balance, but also relax your muscle tissue. In addition, the procedure in question can reduce tissue swelling. Floating therapy for many women is an opportunity to completely renounce personal problems and get a lot of positive emotions. Such changes in mood will have a positive effect on the child’s development.

The floating procedure, which is called “daydream,” allows you to significantly unlock the potential of the human brain. While in the capsule, a person is in a spatial state between sleep and wakefulness. In this condition, the left side of the brain significantly slows down the speed of computational functions. It is this brain region that is responsible for the constant analysis of various life situations. In the “spatial” state, the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain increases, which is responsible for creative thinking, feelings and emotional state. Thus, regular attendance at this procedure allows you to maximize the potential of the human brain.

Experts also note the fact that one hour spent in a sensory deprivation chamber is enough to restore the body’s energy resources. Thanks to isolation from external irritants and the positive effects of the saline solution, the rate of metabolism and regenerative processes occurring in the body increases.

Many professional athletes resort to similar techniques to relieve muscle fatigue after intense physical activity.

Some compare floating to the womb, others to a cloud, others to the depths of the subconscious


Like many therapeutic procedures, floating has certain contraindications. Diving into the capsule is prohibited for persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances. Also, experts do not recommend attending spa sessions in the presence of bleeding. Floating contraindications are as follows:

  • skin diseases that have an acute form of severity;
  • epilepsy;
  • hearing diseases;
  • asthma;
  • fear of the dark or closed spaces.


People who have been to the Dead Sea are familiar with the feeling of floating - diving into a highly saturated saline solution that keeps the body on the surface. During this position, the muscles relax and the mind rests. It is easier for a person to achieve a meditative state than from yoga. The weightlessness procedure has become available quite recently, and few people know about it. The essence of the new method is to relieve a person from the stress of everyday life.

What is floating

Every person experiences stress throughout his life, many of which he pushes into the subconscious if he cannot or does not want to deal with them. Not only the psyche suffers from this, but also the body: muscle tension forms, and places of constant spasm arise. The American doctor and neuropsychologist D. Lilly noticed in the fifties of the last century that staying in a saline solution relaxes the human body.

John conducted experiments by immersing people in salt water. The subjects were placed in an indoor pool with masks on to create isolation from all irritants. environment. The subjects relaxed, feeling the purification of their minds and consciousness. The attempts were a great success and a new procedure was born. Floating is a word translated from English as “floating on the surface.” This is the essence of the technique.

Floating camera

After 1972, John Lilly designed the first sensory deprivation device, which today is called a float tank. After several successful tests, the production process of capsules called “Samadhi” was launched. They were used for commercial and private purposes. A little later, scientists from a British university proved the benefits of a float chamber on the health of the human body.

What is the procedure? Floating capsule is a technique for quickly relieving a person of depression, nervous disorders and stress. The modern procedure is carried out in a deprivation capsule without sides or a head pad, completely protected from light and sound. The float chamber is partially filled with a 30% saline solution, where a patient is immersed who wants to get rid of worries and gain new emotions. The temperature of the salty liquid is 36.6 °C, that is, equal to the body temperature of a healthy person.

The high concentration of salt allows you not to immerse yourself in the solution, but to lie on its surface. The person does not touch the bottom, although the salt layer is 25 cm thick. This position creates a feeling of weightlessness. Comfortable temperature helps the visitor to imagine himself in the air or in an open space. For relaxation, a light melody is turned on, which from the first minutes of the session helps you disconnect from the problems of the outside world and immerse yourself in weightlessness.

Indications for use

The activity of the brain occurs continuously in the human body, but often due to external stimuli, people cannot comprehend the signals that it sends. In a floating chamber, a person is at rest, but not sleeping. The state between sleep and reality helps to evoke unexpected associations, the solution to a confusing life problem, and forgiveness of the offender. A person can understand information that he did not want to understand before.

The floating procedure is comparable to meditation, which, unlike any acquired technique, comes effortlessly, spontaneously. Since salt chamber sessions have a complex effect on the body, causing deep relaxation at all levels of perception, they are recommended for many people:

  • for muscle pain of unknown etiology;
  • for recovery after serious injuries and physical exertion;
  • during stress, depression, nervous or psychological disorder;
  • to prevent premature aging of the skin;
  • to remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • for chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • to prevent the development of cellulite;
  • with high loads on the musculoskeletal system;
  • for relaxation and enjoyment of weightlessness.

Impact on the body

What problems does floating solve? When a person enters a float chamber, he receives complete oblivion and tranquility, a state of relaxation and peace. There reigns a pleasant twilight and ringing silence, which is very rarely interrupted by the sound of water. In the capsule, a person forgets about everything, his muscles are in a state of complete rest, and endorphins - the hormones of happiness - enter the blood. In this regard, the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol sharply decreases, which leads to normalization of the mental state and restoration of physical strength.

Just 1 hour of being in a float chamber gives the same amount of positive emotions and strength as a person gets in 5-6 hours of sleep, that is, after an hour of session, the body returns to working condition, as if after a two-week beach holiday. Not only do the nerves and muscles return to normal, but the skin also undergoes significant positive changes. After the procedure, a person achieves the following results:

  • complete muscle relaxation occurs;
  • dry floating is used for professional athletes, as this procedure improves reactions and helps maintain physical fitness;
  • prevention of sprains is carried out;
  • mental state improves;
  • sleep is strengthened;
  • phobias get rid of;
  • Treatment of panic attacks and fear is carried out;
  • productivity of any work increases;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • emotional balance is maintained;
  • brain activity increases.

During pregnancy

For many health procedures, pregnancy is a contraindication. With floating, the opposite happens. The procedure is not only safe for expectant mothers, but also shown to them. According to reviews from pregnant women, the sensations during the sessions exceed even the best expectations. In the last months of pregnancy, a woman in a float capsule can even hear her baby's heartbeat.

Scientists have proven that the condition of a pregnant woman directly affects the development of the fetus. The fatigue of the expectant mother, which increases with increasing gestation, is transmitted to the baby. For this reason, during this important period, it is necessary to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that the new little person develops normally. Floating, which gives weightlessness, frees a woman from gravity, relaxes muscle spasms, and gives peace of mind.

Doctors have identified another aspect of floating - the mirror effect. When a pregnant woman's body rests peacefully in a capsule with saline solution, the child inside the mother feels universal peace. Many women find that swimming helps deepen their emotional connection with their baby. During the procedure, pressing pains in the abdomen go away, the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs. During the third trimester of pregnancy, being in a float tank is often the only chance for a woman to get proper rest.


There are two types of floating: dry and wet. They differ in that during the first procedure the body does not come into contact with water, and during the second it is completely immersed in it. Dry floating sessions are very popular in spa salons, as you immerse yourself in a bath with a saline solution. high density You can do it at home, so why pay money for it? In addition, this procedure can be carried out in conjunction with other manipulations: masks, wraps, scrubbing and others.

Dry floating has no contraindications, unlike wet floating. The essence of the procedure: a person lies down in a bathtub filled with water, but on top there is a PVC sheet designed to eliminate contact with water. This is done not only for convenience - dry floating is less expensive for the salon. It is ideal for all categories of citizens: business people, creative individuals, practicing yogis, pregnant women, the elderly, athletes.

How is the procedure

Before floating, the patient must take a shower. During the session, quiet relaxing music is heard, which helps to relax the brain and body. After each procedure, the saline solution, to which magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is added, is filtered and sterilized. During floating, the most comfortable conditions are created for each visitor:

  • the capsule and room are completely isolated from external influences and irritants, so a person does not feel any extraneous sounds or smells;
  • the solution is so concentrated that the visitor does not experience even the slightest load on the musculoskeletal system, his body is almost on the surface of the liquid;
  • the spine does not have to support the neck, head, back;
  • if a person has claustrophobia, then the capsule lid remains open, and the tightness of the room contributes to the success of the session;
  • procedure time – 20-40 minutes;
  • a stable body position ensures the density of the saline solution, so during floating a person will not be able to roll over or plunge headlong into the liquid;
  • it is impossible to damage your vision while swimming - the saline solution will not get into your eyes, even if they are open;
  • so that the liquid does not get into the ears, the visitor is given earplugs;
  • after the session, you should visit the shower to wash the salt off the body.

How to carry out the procedure at home

If you carefully examine the shape and size of the float tank, you will see that it resembles a simple bathtub. It becomes clear that a wet floating session can be easily performed at home. To get a good therapeutic effect, you must adhere to the basic rules of the procedure. In addition to obtaining the correct concentration of saline solution, when carrying out floating yourself, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • in the bathroom, the floors should be smooth and non-slip;
  • good light, sound, heat insulation is important;
  • the appearance of any irritants that may interfere with relaxation is excluded;
  • air and water temperatures must be maintained at 36.6 °C.

Floating carried out independently will be inferior in effectiveness to a deprivation chamber. To actually be on the surface of the water, you will need about 60 kg of salt. To dissolve this amount you need to spend about 3 hours. It is not necessary to make such a solution at home. Enough is 1 kg of sea salt, which should be dissolved in water. It is advisable not to eat any food 2 hours before the procedure.


Floating is a unique procedure, comfortable and painless. It is indicated for pregnancy, pathologies of the nervous system, skin diseases and many other diseases. In order for a float tank to bring only benefits, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Sessions should not be performed for people suffering from epilepsy;
  • Patients with any infectious diseases are not allowed to undergo the procedure;
  • if the visitor is intoxicated, the session should be rescheduled for another day;
  • in case of extensive skin lesions or open wounds on the surface of the skin, floating is not performed;
  • It is prohibited during the session to taste the water, touch the mucous membranes with your hands, wash your face, or rub your eyes;
  • since during the procedure there is no auditory, tactile, tactile and olfactory information, a person may panic during the first minutes, therefore, in order to avoid discomfort, you must immediately relax completely;
  • For safety, during a floating session, you should not make sudden movements or get up quickly after completion.


As already mentioned, the floating procedure can be obtained at a spa. Prices per session vary depending on the marketing policy of the establishment, the professionalism of the staff, and the quality of the equipment. Average cost of floating sessions in salons in Moscow and the region:

Salon name

Price in rubles for 1 hour

Moscow, Academician Yangelya street, 3

Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya street, 6/4 building 2

Moscow, Bolshaya Tatarskaya street, 7k1

Moscow region, Odintsovo, Chistyakova street, 6

Massage Medical

Moscow, st. Narodnaya, 12
