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Dymkovo toy presentation template. Presentation "Dymkovo toy"

  • Dymkovo toy , Vyatka toy , Kirov toy- one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. Arose in the riverside settlement Dymkovo near the city of Vyatka (now on the territory of the city of Kirov).
  • There is no analogue of the Dymkovo toy. Bright, elegant Dymkovo toy has become a kind of symbol Vyatka land

  • The history of the fishery
  • The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest crafts of Russia, which has existed on the Vyatka land for more than four hundred years. The appearance of the toy is associated with the spring holiday Whistler, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the craft not only survived, but also received further development.

  • The revival of the craft took place in Soviet time in the 30s of the XX century and is associated with the name of A. I. Denshin, who managed to persuade hereditary craftswomen BUT. Mezrin, E. Penkin, E. Koshkin not to give up the craft and organize the Vyatka Toy artel.

To acquaint children with the history of the Dymkovo toy; Show the characteristic features of the painting of the Dymkovo toy; Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, a cage, dots-peas). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm, color. Cultivate love for folk art Russia

People lived in the same village. When it was cold outside and the winter frost bound the earth, stoves were lit in the houses, smoke shrouded the roofs, so much so that nothing could be seen. One smoke ... So they called that village Dymkovo. Adults worked in that village from morning until late in the evening: they dug the ground, cooked food, herded cattle, and the children joked, played in the meadow, sang songs. They didn't have toys like you. And adults thought: how to please the kids. They collected clay from the river bank, fashioned various funny figures, burned them in an oven, covered them with chalk diluted in milk, and painted them with paints. For the “whistle” holiday, the masters of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks. So Dymkovo toys appeared. Bright, cheerful, perky, these toys lead us to their own special, fabulously beautiful world.

Dymkovo toy handmade. Each creation of one master. From modeling to painting, the process is creative, never repeating. There are no and cannot be two identical products. Each toy is unique and unique. Clay for manufacturing was traditionally mined in the settlement of Dymkovo, which is on the low bank of the Vyatka River near the city of Kirov. The collected red clay in the settlement used to be chopped with a shovel, mixed with fine river sand - there is a huge river beach nearby. So, the clay, after mixing, was turned over many times, moistened with water. In the old days, they generally kneaded it with their feet. Now the craftswoman does not dig clay and does not knead it. The preparation of the material takes place by machine, in one of the ceramic industries. Clay comes to the workshops ready-made - polyethylene packages-briquettes of 10 kilograms.

Each toy, from a piece of clay to a finished sculpture, is made by one master. If earlier a craftswoman spent a lot of time preparing clay and whitewash, now more attention is paid to the process of modeling and painting toys. Pieces of clay are separated and rolled into balls. Separate parts of the toy are made from balls. The Dymkovo toy is different in that it is made not from one piece of clay, but from several. A ball of clay is rolled into a pancake, a cone is made from the pancake - the lady's skirt is ready. It is hollow inside with walls 4-6 mm thick. The walls of the cone are leveled by turning the workpiece in their hands. Then, moistening with water, attach sausage handles, a head ball. All from small pieces of clay. All the main elements of the toy are made first. All joints are smoothed with a damp cloth. It turns out like a single whole. Then they decorate the toy with details - a kokoshnik, a clutch, a handbag, a dog, pigtails, a hat, etc.

The molded workpiece is dried for 3-5 days, sometimes longer, in air. In the old days, the toy was fired in Russian ovens. They put it directly on the firewood, or on an iron baking sheet. The clay begins to warm up and soon becomes as if transparent - it glows with an even red color in the fire. This was the end of the firing process, and the toys slowly cooled in the extinct furnace. Now toys are fired in muffle furnaces at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. Such heat gives the clay even more strength. The ovens are quite large and toys are loaded in batches. Again, the craftswomen do not take away precious time for uncreative processes.

After the oven, the workpiece turns brown-red. For whitewashing in the old days they used a solution of chalk in milk - they dipped the whole toy. Milk turns sour on the surface and forms a strong bright film of casein glue. Whitewashing is a characteristic feature of the Dymkovo toy. Now whitening is done with the help of tempera white, which is applied with a brush. The final part of the process is painting. First, let's talk about the old traditional way murals: Dry paints were rubbed with an egg, peroxide kvass or vinegar was added. The color scheme was not rich, only the main tones. Compositions from soot to magenta and chromium have been used. These paints seemed to give some of their color to the workpiece and sounded muffled. In the 20th century, they used gouache, also diluted on an egg. Now using bright acrylic paints- very resistant.

Brushes are used mainly soft, of different sizes. Thin brushes allow the craftswoman to bring small details into the plot - this is not always good, as it leads to a glut of the plot. Pieces of gold leaf or gold leaf - a mixture of zinc and copper - are glued on top of the paint. They shine and give, together with bright colors, a dazzling charm to the Dymkovo toy.


G de de la Yu t dy m to in With ki e and G RU sh ki ?

Dymkovo toys

do in the city

From the high bank of the Vyatka River you can see the Dymkovo settlement beyond the river. In winter when

stoves were heated, in the summer, when there was fog, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. That's why

the name is like that. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo fishery was born.

G de de la Yu t dy m to in With ki e and G RU sh ki ?

So Dymkovskaya Sloboda looks like today.

And the shops in which toys were made moved to the center of the city of Kirov.

Red clay for toys was usually collected in the spring after the flood on the Vyatka River and mixed with fine, clean river sand so that it would not crack during firing. The finished clay is rolled into balls, from which pancakes are made and the basic shape of the desired toy is folded using a known technique.

A pancake is rolled up, and you get a bell skirt for a lady. The camp, handles, head will be “attached” to it.

Decorate with molded frills, twisted braids, kokoshnik, hat. You won’t notice any traces with all your desire: with a sharp splinter, the craftswoman deftly cuts off excess pieces of clay, and with a damp rag she “strokes” the toy all the time, and it turns out to be even, smooth, as if not made by hands, but cast in a mold.

The next stage of work is whitewashing. The toys were immersed in a solution of finely ground chalk diluted in milk.

The red clay toy turned dazzling white and was ready to be painted. The patterns on the toys suggested traditional ones that go back to ancient sources: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.


Why is Dymkovo famous?

With my toy.

It has no smoky color,

And there is the love of people.

There is something of a rainbow in her,

From dew drops.

She has something of

Thundering like bass.

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Dymkovo toy

There is one amazing profession to which people dedicate their whole lives - they are toy craftsmen, or just toys.

Among the Russian clay toys, the most famous are perhaps those from Dymkovo. This is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts, which is over 400 years old.

Dymkovo toy - bright, cheerful, with character.

Where are Dymkovo toys made? From the high bank of the Vyatka River, you can see the Dymkovo settlement beyond the river, near the city of Vyatka (now the territory of the city of Kirov). In winter, when the stoves were heated, in the summer, when it was foggy, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. Therefore, the name is. Here, in ancient times, the craft of the Dymkovo toy was born.

City of Kirov Kirov (Khlynov, Vyatka) is a large city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. The city is located on the Vyatka River, 896 km from Moscow.

Monument to the Dymkovo toy on the Vyatka River, view from Malaya Mountain City view Dymkovo toy museum

Vyatka was famous in the old days for its bazaars, holidays-fairs, which were called "whistle dance". The entertainment of the holiday was clay whistle toys.

Had these whistles various forms animals - a deer, a bear, a ram, a goat, etc., which were simple in execution and were called upon to perform not a decorative, but a magical function.

After the holiday lost its magical meaning, clay whistles began to become whiter, pretentious and decorative. Along with totem animals, whistles have already appeared in the form of women dressed smartly, with birds, with babies in their arms, baskets of pies, with yokes ...

And a little later, the toy began to be made according to urban plots - these are citizens, fashionable ladies, officers, merchants, buffoons.

Although Dymkovo toys are diverse in form, they are always recognizable due to their simple ornament and unique elegant coloring. Usually, White background painted with cheerful blue, blue, green, crimson colors. The number of flowers on one toy cannot be more than ten.

A simple ornament in the form of stripes, rhombuses, cells, circles carries some information in itself - a blue wavy stripe means water, a circle with an asterisk in the middle - the sun, crossed stripes - a log cabin of a well.

The technique of modeling a Dymkovo toy is very simple and there is no mass production for this craft, since this is a true handiwork. Various figures are molded in parts, which are connected with liquid clay. The seams are smoothed with a wet cloth. The toy is dried and fired.

Previously, toys were fired in a real Russian oven, now they are fired in muffle furnaces.

The fired Dymkovo toy has a red-brown color, which is common for clay. For whitewashing, a mixture of chalk and milk is used, into which a Dymkovo toy is dipped. In this case, the surface is covered with a dense white layer. For coloring, dry paints ground on an egg were used. Now gouache, diluted on an egg, is used.

Dymkovo toys

Today, any adult and child, even those who do not have a special education, can try to make a Dymkovo toy. All you need is clay, a brush, paints and your imagination.

Master Class. Making a Dymkovo cockerel Elements from which everything is made: a ball, a sausage, a drop. What clay should not be: too dry, too liquid.

Modeling a cockerel Making a torso: the ball turns into a cake; a cup is formed from the cake, the edges of the cup are closed, and a “dumpling” is molded, hollow inside.

Modeling the legs A droplet is molded from the ball, the lower edge of the droplet (legs) is made concave for stability; the upper part of the leg is prepared as a lodgment under the body, the edges of the lodgment are sharpened.

Connecting the leg to the body Before connecting the parts, the junction is soaked with water with a brush and scratches are applied (to better get wet). The torso is connected to the leg and rubbed with rotational movements. The pointed part of the leg is attached to the body so that the place of their connection is not visible.

Neck and head The neck is molded in the same way as the leg, only a pointed lodgement is made both at the bottom and at the top. The lower part of the neck is attached to the body, and the upper part to the head. Making the head: the head is a ball, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the breast.

Making a tail A cake is molded from the ball, a notch is plucked in the lower part of the tail in shape coinciding with the back of the body. The junction of the tail and body is sharpened.

The tail is attached to the body. It is important that when viewed from the front, the tail and head are symmetrical.

Wings are molded from 2 identical drops. Droplets are flattened into leaves, sharpened and cling to the body.

Beak The beak is a pointed drop. Attached to the middle of the front of the head.

Decoration Head decoration can be just a ball or a flat cake resembling a beret. It may look like a cockscomb. In a word, everything that fantasy tells.

The breast and neck are decorated with a beard, which can be fashioned from droplets or ruffles. Wings and tail can also be decorated with droplets and ruffles.

Modeling ruffles A thin long sausage rolls out on a hard surface. It is covered with a damp cloth. With smoothing movements, the sausage should be turned into a ribbon about 2 mm thick. The ribbon is removed from the cloth. A ruffle is formed from it.

The history of the Dymkovo toy. Dymkovo toy - the city of Vyatka is perhaps one of the oldest crafts in Russia. It arose out of love for the pottery tradition of the Vyatka lands in ancient times. The name of the toy comes from the Dymkovo settlement, today it is a district of the city of Vyatka. According to many researchers, the development of the Dymkovo clay toy is associated with the ritual spring festival “whistle dance”, which was dedicated to the sun.

To take part in the celebration, one needed a clay whistle and a painted clay ball that could be tossed around. The whistles had the forms of various totemic animals: bear, goat, ram, deer, but in essence they were very simple, since their main function was magical, not decorative. Despite the ritual significance of clay whistles, there is a certain irony with which the craftsmen sculpted them. A bear, for example, could play on some musical instrument, the goat could be dressed in funny pants. Such clay figurines-whistles were sculpted by women and girls long before the holiday. This work was considered exclusively female.

In the 19th century, the holiday turned into a lively “whistle” fair, with an indispensable whistle. magical meaning the festivities are gone. The whistles were preserved, but acquired more and more pretentious, decorative forms. If in ancient times animals were the main plot, then in the 19th century women appeared in elegant clothes, with babies, birds, with baskets of pies, with yokes, on benches and in boats. Later, the masters of the Dymkovo toy turn to urban subjects: fashionable ladies, townspeople, officers, merchants, buffoons.

What are Dymkovo toys made of? Raw materials for the production of Dymkovo toys are local: red clay mixed with sifted sand. Its manufacturing process is very simple. First, the torso of the figurines is molded from clay dough, then balls (heads and handles) are glued to it, connecting them with liquid clay. The finished figures are dried and calcined in an oven, whitewashed with chalk diluted in milk and painted with tempera. Usually the toy is painted with a simple geometric ornament - these are bright spots, circles, zigzags, stripes, a cage. Contrasting colors are boldly combined - blue, red, light blue, yellow, crimson, green - from four to ten colors, sometimes supplemented with rhombuses of copper potal. Once used even leaves of gold leaf. Whistles are also molded by hand, and holes are pierced with a stick.

Each craftswoman makes a whole toy - from molding to the final touches of coloring. Despite the rigid stylistic limits dictated, in many respects, by the souvenir status of the Dymkovo toy, each author brings his own style and favorite color to his works. Each figurine is handmade and exists in a single copy; traditionally, this fishery does not have mass production in-line.

Dymkovo toy in the 21st century. The Dymkovo toy, attracting children and adults with its cheerful diversity, became more and more popular. The proof that it has become an integral element of modern culture is the fact that absolutely everyone in Russia, young and old, knows about its existence. Its production in children's circles and gardens has become a classic element. educational program. Today, any adult and child, even those who do not have a special education, can try to make a Dymkovo toy. All you need is clay, a brush, paints and your imagination.
