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Is it worth believing the legend of swan fidelity. Why is a swan called a "mute"

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Sample based exercises; II. constructive; III. Creative. Suggestion exercises can be divided into 3 groups:

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The main methods of working on sentences: reading samples to adults: Intonation work on a sentence helps, firstly, to better understand its content; secondly, to learn and remember the patterns that the child should imitate; thirdly, it helps the child to better understand the structure of the sentence, its internal connections, to highlight its constituent parts, which in general has a positive effect on literacy, and in the future on the ability to punctuate. Good diction, clear lively intonations develop a linguistic sense (flair) in children. I. sample-based exercises;

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question of an adult: - “What did the children collect in the forest?”. - "Children picked raspberries in the forest." - "What did the children do in the forest?" - "Children picked raspberries in the forest." (Mistakes: “children did - they picked raspberries in the forest”).

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compiling sentences similar to the data, but on a different topic: For example: "The cat laps milk." "A dog chews on a bone." "Horse chews hay."

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From words in the initial form: Wolf, run, into, forest. Mom, go, on, work. Dad, do, car. The wolf runs into the forest. Mom goes to work. Dad makes a car. From the words in the initial form, confused with each other: Run, forest, wolf, c. Work, on, go, mom. Machine, dad, do. The wolf runs into the forest. Mom goes to work. Dad makes a car. When all the words are given in the right form: We saw, children, a squirrel, a redhead, a forest, c. The children saw a red squirrel in the forest. In the forest, the children saw a red squirrel. II. Constructive exercises

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“Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard. The lake began to freeze. Swans could die. In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing. It is recommended to deform a text unfamiliar to children, its restoration requires greater independence: In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing. The lake began to freeze. Swans could die. Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

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Division of the text (by ear 3-5 sentences). “Mom had a daughter, Masha, she helped her mother with the housework, mother cooked soup, and Masha helped her peel potatoes, carrots, and yes, an assistant” “Mom had a daughter, Masha. She helped her mother with the housework. Mom cooked soup, and Masha helped her. I peeled potatoes and carrots. Hey, helper!

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Extending a simple sentence with questions: The birds are back. - What birds? - Migratory birds returned. - Where did you return from? Migratory birds have returned from warm countries. - Where did you return? Migratory birds returned from warm countries to their native nests.

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Combining two or three simple sentences into one: The boys dug up the potatoes. The girls picked tomatoes and cucumbers. The boys dug up potatoes, and the girls picked cucumbers and tomatoes. Addition of words to the sentence: The boat swam ... (to) the shore, beach, island, bridge. Children play ... (in) cubes, cars, dolls, hide and seek.

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Editing sentences or their groups containing speech errors, shortcomings: The boy gave the girl a mushroom. The bear sleeps under the den.

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On the topic given by adults “Clothes” I have new clothes. Mom washed my clothes. Dad came home from work in dirty clothes. Clothes are sold in the store. The clothes are made in the factory. By subject or subject picture III. creative exercises

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By key words or pictures A hippopotamus is being driven in the car. The hippo didn't get into the car. Kamaz rides for a hippopotamus. Behemoth looks like a big Kamaz. Behemoth is smaller than Kamaz.

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According to the given turn of speech, idiom, winged expression: "Golden hands" My mother has golden hands. I was told that I have golden hands. Golden hands of people who know how to do everything.

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Models of proposals I stage. "Noun + verb" - "Mom strokes." "Dad is reading."

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A pair of swans with heart-shaped necks evokes romantic feelings, but is the story of swan fidelity really true? Why is the swan called "mute"? Can you feed swans bread? We will look for answers to these and many other questions together within the framework of the new Rastishki project. A new sticky picture with a swan from "Rastishka" for your collection!

To meet a swan on a pond is not a miracle, but it was not always so. The mute swan was completely exterminated by early XIX centuries and until the 80s of the XX century was practically absent in Belarus. Then the mute was repopulated, in 1981 it was listed in the Red Book. Now it breeds throughout the country, most often it can be found in the western regions, on lakes, river backwaters, reservoirs and fish ponds. Swans are well tamed and get along well in captivity, they can often be seen on the ponds of city parks.

Mute swans prefer places where there is a lot of emersed vegetation. They lead a settled way of life, only occasionally fly from place to place. Some of our swans fly away to more southern regions by winter, but many remain and winter on non-freezing water bodies, especially where they are regularly fed.

How to recognize a mute swan?

The mute swan can be recognized by its beak with a black “bump” and the characteristic curve of the neck (in the shape of the letter “S”). The legs of this bird are black. Males weigh 6 - 13 kg, females - up to 8 kg. It is the largest water bird. Wingspan over two meters! The paws of swans are short, with swimming membranes. On land, the swan walks clumsily. The tail is short. The coccygeal gland is located above the tail; it secretes fat with which the bird lubricates the plumage. This lubricant makes the plumage of a swan waterproof. The bird can stay in the water for a long time without getting wet, this also improves thermoregulation. The plumage of swans is thick and lush due to the well-developed downy layer, the feathers themselves are very soft. An adult swan has about 25,000 feathers.

The life expectancy of a mute is 25-28 years in the natural environment and about thirty years in captivity.

Meals: mute menu

Muteers feed on fruits, coastal and aquatic greens, and plant roots. Also, swans are not averse to eating insects, mollusks, small crustaceans and worms. Such food is especially useful for young swans, they need animal protein for normal growth and full development. In summer, birds can peck at grain in wheat fields.

Swans cannot dive. To get food, they immerse their head and neck in water. The mute is able to get food from a depth of 70-90 cm.

You should not feed mute swans with bread, they often get sick and die from it.


Swans live in married couples and take care of their offspring together. Each pair occupies a certain area and protects it from the invasion of neighbors and other birds.

The nest is built in deep reed beds. It is very large, 2-3 m wide and up to 80 cm high. Swans use the same nest for several years in a row and repair it if necessary. They make it from cattail, reeds and other plants, they line the bottom with their fluff.

The clutch usually contains 5-7 eggs, sometimes more. Young birds have 3-4 eggs in the nest. One brood per year. The female sits on the nest for about 35 days.

When the female incubates the eggs, the male guards her and sometimes even warms the eggs instead of her when the expectant mother needs to leave urgently.

The swan is a caring and courageous father, he is constantly near the nest and actively protects it in case of danger. Eagles, kites and others hunt swans predator birds. powerful beak the swan, if necessary, is able to severely injure the enemy, and scare anyone with its hiss. With one blow of the wing, a swan can kill a fox or a medium-sized dog. Humans can also get hurt if they inadvertently get too close to the brood. In general, these large strong birds can be very aggressive if it is necessary to protect the egg-laying or offspring from enemies.

Gray "ugly ducklings" are born in early summer. They immediately know how to swim and are ready to feed themselves. After 3-4 months they begin to fly.

The chicks stay with their parents all the time. Adult birds protect them from danger and keep them warm in cold weather. Very often, young swans do not leave their parents and the whole family fly south.

Young swans have a gray-lilac beak, and gray plumage lasts up to three years. Before the flight, the swans will have two molts. During the first molt (in summer), swans lose all their flight feathers and temporarily lose their ability to fly. This is very dangerous, as they become easy prey for enemies.

By the end of summer, the feathers grow back, the birds are ready to fly. During the second (autumn) molt, contour and tail feathers are replaced. With the onset of the first cold weather, the swans fly south.

Why is a swan called a "mute"

Swans got the name "mute" for a reason. If the bird is disturbed or angered, it begins to hiss menacingly. The voice of the mute is low, hoarse, slightly rattling. When the swan flies, you can hear quite loud sounds from the flapping of the wings - it also looks like a hissing whistle.

Why do swans fly like a wedge?

During flights, swans create a wedge, at the head of which the strongest bird flies. The remaining members of the pack use the aerodynamic currents created by the leader and spend less energy. When the leader gets tired, another bird takes over.

Due to the large body mass, it is difficult for swans to take off, they flap their wings for a long time and sort through their paws while gaining altitude. For the same reason, the swan never sits on the ground, but only on the water; during landing, it clumsily slows down with its paws on the water.

Swan fidelity: myth or reality?

Photos, where the curved necks of swans resemble a heart, have convinced many that love and swans are synonymous, legends make up swan fidelity.

However, in fairness, swans are far from beavers. Don't believe? Read HERE.

It is said that if a female dies, the male flies to a great height, falls down like a stone and breaks. However, this is not quite true! Yes, swans live in families, they really have a couple throughout their lives. But if one of the pair dies, the second partner will create new family they don't live alone.

  • The mute swan is the national bird of Denmark.

  • Commemorative coin. 1 ruble, Belarus, 2003. Mute swan.

  • All swans in England are the property of the Queen. "To date, the Crown retains rights to all mute swans in open waters, but the Queen's property extends only to certain sections of the Thames and its tributaries." Long live the monarch, the lord of the swans! Until the 19th century, swans remained a decoration of the royal table, now it simply helps to keep records and protect birds. Until today, the position of the royal keeper of the swans has been preserved.

  • The ring of Ukrainian jewelers got into the Guinness Book of Records. His name is royal - "The Swan Princess". Jewelers used 2,525 diamonds to inlay the ring. High Quality, it took 530 hours to develop the design, and more than 3,625 hours of painstaking work of craftsmen to make it. The price for a unique decoration is 1,300,000 US dollars.

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Dear readers! Share interesting facts and stories about swans, we will study the fauna of our native Belarus together.

As part of developmental education, it is necessary to pay close attention to the development of students' written speech. This is facilitated by lessons in the development of speech of various types:

  1. Drawing up a story from a picture and writing sentences.
  2. Written answers to questions to the read text
  3. Drawing up stories from pictures and matching it with the author's text. Comparison of texts.
  4. Continued text.
  5. Drawing up a story from a picture and a finished plan.
  6. Drawing up a story based on a picture on a given topic.
  7. Working with deformed text on the picture.

Already in the 2nd grade (1-4), children learn to restore deformed texts with their continuation.

Here is an example of such a lesson.

Russian language lesson in 2nd grade.

Topic: The development of speech. Restoration of deformed text from pictures and its continuation.


  1. Learn to establish the sequence of parts in the text and continue it, taking into account the development of the action.
  2. Learn to use the red line when writing text.
  3. Develop communication skills when working in pairs, groups.
  4. Cultivate respect for nature, love for the Motherland.

During the classes

1. Accession.

I am glad to see you and our guests today at the lesson. We will talk about very important things in a person's life. About his attitude to what surrounds us.

2. Introduction to the topic. Work in a group, couples.

There are envelopes on the tables, phrases in them. Try to make a proposal out of them. And explain what you think it means.

1 option. Protecting the Motherland means protecting nature.

Option 2. Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

What proposal did you make?

What does it mean in your opinion?

Who else has an offer?

Guys, you explained everything correctly. These words about nature and the Motherland were spoken by the wonderful writer M.M. Prishvin.

A portrait is hung out and the words:

These words were addressed to the children by a man who loved nature, knew how to tell about it simply and fascinatingly.

3. Resource circle.

What does it mean to love nature?

How does love for nature manifest itself in a real person?

Generalization: It is important not to talk about love for nature, but to prove your attitude by actions. To do good.

Today we will learn about one of such good deeds.

4. Working with text and pictures.(T.G. Ramzaeva Russian Language Grade 2)

Uncle Misha and his son Vasya brought the swans home. Birds began to live in their yard.

The lake began to freeze. Swans could die.

In autumn, two swans remained to live on the lake. One of them had a sore wing.

Consider pictures.

Who the pictures are about

Match each picture with sentences from the text.

1. Read the entire text

2. Determine which part belongs to each picture

3. Read the sentences for 1,2,3 picture

4. read the whole text

5. Title it

How can you continue the story?

Look again at picture 3.

How did the birds begin to live? What did Vasya do for them?

Look at the swans. Are they afraid of people? They are trusting.

They are with Vasya.

Such care for the birds helped to cure the diseased wing. Was the recovery fast?

Could birds stay with people?

(Yes, but they )

(address to the words of M. Prishvin)

Was it a pity for Vasya to part with the birds?

What kind of people are Uncle Misha and Vasya?

What qualities do these people have?

5. Independent work.

Write down part 4 of the text. Use the key words on the board.

6. The result of the lesson.

Read part 4 of the text.

And I would like to end our lesson with these words:

Don't stand by indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.

And if someone, someone will help
Your kindness, your smile
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,
What years you live not in vain!

As a keepsake, I give swans to children and guests. Children glue swans in a notebook and color them.

Sauliukas rushed to us, hardly taking a breath. He was talking about something. I just realized that someone flew in and descended to the ground. Saulyukas sped away, and we rushed after him.

Bee, who was in the forestry, went to the shore. Sauliukas, our zealous assistant, "birdhouse keeper," as we called him, pointed with his hand.

They flew in with huge wings and fell into the very middle of the lake. Now they are on the other side...

And the truth! Two swans landed on our lake! They are turning white there by last year's reeds! .. This has never happened before! We stood and looked... Swans swim along the shore, swim behind one or another islet and appear again... These birds are beautiful! Like two snowy sisters from a distant cold land ...

The next morning the swans were still on the lake. Spring... Ducks have chosen a place for their nests. What if the swans want to settle in our lake? We knew that swans are protected in Lithuania, that every year there are more and more of them, that from the famous lake Žuvintas, where swans have settled for a long time, these noble white birds fly to other lakes every spring. Maybe the turn has come for our lake to receive swans?

In the forestry they only talked about swans. Everyone gathered and decided: if swans have already arrived at our lake, we need to meet them as best as possible. It was decided not to fish, not to go boating, not even to walk along the shore. Let our white guests settle in. And the forester's son, Saulyukas, who is older than his brother and other children of the forestry, will not only be a "watchman of birdhouses", but also a "shepherd of swans." He will watch and tell us what the swans are doing.

And the swans for the second and third day all swim on the lake. Sauliukas says they even go out to the island of R a go out and walk along its shore ...

Those spring days were clear. Each wave shimmered with solar reflections. Near the island of Ragas, the white swans seemed even whiter. They swam proudly, spreading their magnificent wings like sails of white silk, and the spring breeze fanned and ruffled the dry reeds.

In the mornings we didn't start work without standing on the shore of the lake and admiring the swans. And everyone only dreamed that they would not leave our lake. Even the geese, which loved to swim near the shores of the lake, we locked up in a barn. Nobody interfered with the swans.

And they all swam, puffing their silky wings, and playing spring games. It seemed that two clouds descended from the sky to the lake and they are carried along the waves by the solar wind.

But that day has come. Once again, Saulyukas was the first to tell us the news. One swan swims around the island of Ragas, and the other sits hidden in the reeds. Through the thickets of dry reeds, it turns a little white.

We quit our job. And the forester, and I, his assistant, and the linemen, who had gathered in the forestry to discuss business, went to the coast opposite the island of Ragasa. And, having carefully examined through binoculars, they decided that the swan was already hatching swans in her nest, and the swan was swimming around the island and was watching everything. We were so concerned about the tranquility of the swans that we missed the moment when they made a nest for themselves. The swan swam by the reeds, its wings raised and its neck arched.

Swans have settled in our lake! Who wouldn't rejoice at this news!

Again, everyone guarded the rest of the swans and waited for the swans to hatch. We were not afraid that some winged or four-legged robber would attack the swans and destroy their nest. The strength and courage of the male should have saved them from danger. We really wanted the swans to like our lake so that they would return here next spring.

Now we regretted that we had not been able to catch an otter in the winter. We knew that she lived in a river that flows out of a lake. How many times we lay in wait for her, and the otter eluded us. She was lucky. True, we did not try at all costs to catch this beautiful river animal. Although the otter sometimes caught our goslings and ducklings, you won’t get angry and lose your temper just because of this. But now we have begun to fear for our swans. When a cunning otter seizes a floating little roan, no amount of his father's courage will save him. Disappear under water - and the end!

How to repel an otter?

Our swans have finally hatched. Gray and silver. When they swim out into the open lake, you can count them all. The swan swims first, cutting through the water with her white chest, and behind her is a flock of round, fluffy swans, seven heads, seven black beaks, fourteen legs row through the water ... The last to swim is the swan. He always seems to be counting his cubs, carefully looking around to see if his fluffy family is in any danger.

The cunning otter again attacked a flock of domestic ducks, but did not even approach the swans. Smart otter! Maybe we won't hunt her?.. Although the housewives were angry, they also said that it's better to let her drag ducks than attack swans.

The swan took his family out of the nest and appropriated half of the lake for himself. And he reigned there, fearing no one. He allowed only warblers to sing in the reeds and wild ducks to walk their ducklings. He drove everyone else away.

As soon as domestic ducks, which were splashing near the shore, inadvertently swam across an invisible line, immediately a mighty white bird rushed towards them, cutting through the waves and belligerently raising its wings. Horror gripped the ducks, they turned around and, quacking in voices hoarse with fear, rowed with all their might from the swan waters. But the swan did not immediately forgive them. Drove to the very shore. The frightened ducks dispersed. Then the swan drove them one by one until not a single duck remained in the lake. He even went ashore and chased the ducks all the way to the poultry house. And ducks and swans on the shore are equally clumsy. Ducks run, waddling from side to side on crooked legs. And after them the swan is chasing, slowly, clumsily, slapping the ground with its broad paws. It's funny to watch. Near the aviary, the swan flapped its mighty wings so that the poor ducks even had their feathers bristling. After that, the lake king calmly and solemnly returned to his domain.

When someone played pranks on the shore of the lake, the swan did not like it either. Once I saw a pig run out of the barnyard, climb into the water and begin to gnaw on the reeds. And the swan is right there! The pig twisted its tail into a ring, flapped its ears, and stared at the swan with its small eyes. The swan swam up to her and beat her wings so that she jumped out of the water with a grunt. The swan also ran ashore and, spreading its wings, chased the pig, but where is it?

The poor geese suffered the most. True, geese, being much smarter than ducks, immediately understood where the swan border passes, which cannot be violated.

One day, after a hot day at work, we let our two horses go to drink in the lake. The horses, snorting, went to the watering place. And something happened that no one expected.

A swan floated out of the reeds. He quickly made two combat turns in the water and rushed at the drinking horses. At first the horses were frightened and jumped back, but why should they be afraid? Eka unseen - gander? Brown calmly went on and continued to drink. The swan did nothing to him. And he didn't even let Bely to the water. The horse went further along the shore, and the swan swam alongside, not lagging a single step behind. When Bely leaned over to drink, the swan straightened up and with all his might hit him on the head with its wings. I had to take Bely far away and give him a drink.

I realized that swans don't like white birds or white animals. Therefore, the geese got more from them than the ducks. The swan thought that only swans have the right to be white.

And we, the inhabitants of the forestry and the swan family, the farther, the better we got along with each other. But most of all the swans made friends with Saulyukas. They even took treats from his hands. We used to call Sauliukas “shepherd of swans”, but now we call swans “Sauliukas swans”.

At the sight of a stranger, the swans immediately became alert. But they recognized them. All to one. Probably even distinguished by voices.

Now it's autumn. The first leaves have begun to fall. Soon the wind will spin them like yellow butterflies, and they will fall into the waves without crossing the lake.

The sunny days of autumn are coming to an end soon. The lake, whipped by downpours, will darken. Water always looks up to the sky, and if the sky is covered with clouds, the lake also becomes gloomy. Only the white swans will remain as white as they were on that first spring morning.

All seven swans grew up. The first white feathers appeared on their simple gray clothes. But only next autumn they will turn into real white swans.

I know the day will come when the frost will build glass ice bridges on the lake. And our nine swans, rustling their wings, will rise into the air. They will make a circle and fly away. They will wave their wings to us, and we will wave our hands to them ... Sauliukas, little Andrius, Elenute, Iruta, the forester and I will see off the swans. Even the geese who have forgotten all the grievances will cackle after them, wishing them a happy journey.

Sauliukas and I firmly believe that the swans will return in the spring. Will they find another lake like ours? Will they really find another forest area where people would be waiting for swans so much? ..

Of course they will return. Swans love their homeland like people do.

Autumn is a mysterious time of the year, captivating with the beauty of crumbling leaves.

Gentle singing of birds and Magical Natural Landscapes .. How wonderful it is to walk slowly through the park on a quiet, sunny autumn day, tossing bright scatterings of leaves with your feet, wander through the forest, breathing in the fresh air and enjoy the unearthly beauty of nature of the wonderful and .. mysterious season .. Autumn..

Swan Lake in Autumn! Some of the most beautiful birds live on its water surface.
White Swans.. Lake.. Swans.. Autumn.. And silence is like in Paradise..

Autumn! It rings like a polished glass, thinner than Czech glass ...
It became colder at night, the heat flowed away somewhere .. The dew, hardening, turns silver ..
The water is clear as crystal..

The sky of Autumn, like a huge ceiling, casts a whitish light that does not give a shadow..
Since ancient times, people worshiped the Swans, revering them for their proud and impregnable appearance.
For many peoples of the Trans-Urals, Swans were totem animals ..

In autumn, Swans should be completely independent. Gold autumn at the pier .. White ships Autumn click .. A flock of Swans rushed my thought,
On the river only white wings gleam ..

Often quarrels and even fights arise because of the territory .. Thus, the Swans win for themselves the opportunity to feed themselves and feed their offspring ..

Swans go south in autumn.. At the beginning of their movements, they fly in pairs or single individuals.. Later, when the bulk of them fly, they gather in small groups of 10-12 individuals..

Swans, swans - White graces .. Summertime Hallucinations ...
Like crystal ice in Autumn... Farewell again.. Long-distance flight...

Flights take place at night.
During the day, the birds rest on the lakes and in the reeds.

The accumulation of swans in autumn on some lake is a rather rare phenomenon. Swans in autumn fly quickly, along the shortest and most direct path, not stopping to rest until they are exhausted ..

The first birds fly at the beginning of October. Most of them are from October 15 to November 20. After that, only individual birds fly.

Some birds in pairs, and sometimes several pairs, do not fly away in autumn ..
These Swans remain to live on lakes and in parks not far from people. In autumn, people living nearby try to feed such birds. In cities, houses are built for the remaining birds, in countryside let them live in barns.

Swans are very beautiful and graceful birds .. I don’t know how someone can raise their hand to this perfection? Those who feed them and help those birds that did not fly south in Autumn, but stayed with us for the winter, are doing the right thing.

Swans and Autumn! They have a very romantic story.. people have always bowed to this proud and faithful creature.. It’s a pity we don’t meet them in the wild anymore..

It’s certainly useful for everyone to know why there are so few Swans in cities where there are no more people already. It has become too dangerous. In autumn, it is in the ponds and lakes of city parks.

In autumn, Swans settle much further and often fly from place to place .. And before that, I remember a couple of Swans even in winter you could see ...

Lake.. Swans.. Autumn.. Colored round dance leaves..
They fly under the clouds
With the sunset burning down on them..
Threw his neck thin presenter
Back and call out to the others..

White Swan.. Pure Swan.. Your dreams are always silent.. Serene silvery.. You glide, giving birth to waves..

Silent depths under you .. Without a greeting, without an answer .. But you slide, drowning
In the abyss of air and light..

What a different autumn! Now gloomy, then clear .. Then bright .. Happy, then gray, dreary ..

Autumn is the time of wisdom.. Autumn leaves no one indifferent, forcing even the happiest people to think about the transience of our existence..
