Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Earnings on admitad contextual advertising. Vkontakte earnings on Admitad. Adding and waiting for moderation

Today we will talk about the site - a well-known and popular affiliate program that works according to the CPA method. CPA affiliate programs mean pay per action. The affiliate network combines various offers that provide rewards for certain user actions. Such actions include: ordering and paying for goods, registering in a mailing list or a game, ordering and paying for services, and so on.

The Admitad affiliate network has been officially operating in Runet since 2010. At the moment, the catalog contains 630 different affiliate programs. Initially, Admitad positioned itself as an affiliate program for gaming offers, however, after some time, offers of other categories appeared in the catalog: product, financial, and others.

  • Online shopping- at the moment it is the widest category, which is presented in the catalog. It has 355 online stores. These offers are called commodity. They provide a reward in the form of% of paid orders.
  • Online Games— 97 offers, which are browser-based and client online games. Payment for such offers occurs in two ways: for registration (the reward will be credited for each registration in the game) or according to the "active player" tariff (it is not enough for the user to simply register, but also need to perform a set of certain actions, for example, enter the game or reach a certain level).
  • Internet services: 74 offers are currently presented in this category, most of which provide a reward for a paid order. Some offers also provide payment for registration or placement of high-quality resumes, depending on the type of offer.
  • Mobile offers- there are 70 proposals. Various tariffs are provided here, for the most part, a redeemed order or an issued loan is paid, but there is a tariff for installing the application. In this case, the money will be paid according to the number of installs, which is quite a favorable rate for webmasters and affiliates.
  • Insurance and finance- in this category there are 28 offers, most of which are somehow related to, loans and credit cards. Remuneration in most offers is provided for the issued loan, but there are also tariffs that provide for a completed application, registration in the Personal Account or opening a current account.
  • Tourism and travel— in this category there are 26 offers, which provide for payment for booking a hotel, paid order for a tour, hotel, air tickets.

As you can see from the offer categories, the admitad affiliate network has a wide range of different affiliate programs, the vast majority of which are well-known advertisers and popular online stores.

Registration and login to Admitad personal account

  1. To start registration, go to the site.
  2. In the upper corner of the site you will see the inscription "Register as a webmaster or advertiser". In this article, we will consider registration as a webmaster - that is, we will register to earn money in the affiliate network.
  3. In the center of the page you will see 2 orange buttons that say "I am a webmaster" and "I am an advertiser" and click on the button that says "I am a webmaster".
  4. You will be taken to a page that contains brief information about earnings in admitad. You need to scroll down and click on the "I want to earn with Admitad" button.
  5. A registration form will open in front of you, in which you must indicate your first and last name in Latin letters.
  6. In the column your status, you must select the status in which you will work on the network: as an individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  7. In the "Your Country" field, enter your country of residence.
  8. Next, enter your email, create a username and password.
  9. In the next paragraph, indicate that you agree with the terms of participation in the admitad network. To do this, check the box next to this item and then click "Continue registration".
  10. After that, you will see a form in which you need to enter the type of your site. At this point, you can choose one of several options: a website, contextual advertising, Youtube channel, social networks, email newsletters or an arbitrage scheme.
  11. If you have your own website or blog, you can list it as a traffic source. If you don’t have a website, then you can specify “Social Networks” as the source. In the “Ad type” item, you can specify “Ad in profile or targeted”. As a social network, you can select the social network VKontakte. In this way, you fill in the name of the site for yourself, for example, “VKontakte - targeted”. As a region, we choose Russia, as a category, for example, online games.
  12. It is also necessary to fill in the item: "How will you advertise the affiliate program." Here, in your own words, you can write "Placement of targeted advertising on the Vkontakte network" and click on the "Continue registration" button.
  13. After that, you will receive a notification that the registration is completed and an email from the Admitad service will be sent to your email with a special link that you need to click on to activate your account.
  14. Now you need to go to the specified mailbox and wait for an email with a link and further instructions.
  15. We go to the specified mailbox. Here, the first in the list of received incoming letters is a letter from Admitad with the name of registration in the affiliate network.
  16. We go into this letter and see the big blue button "Activate". Click on it to confirm registration on.
  17. You will see the inscription "Confirmation of ownership of the site", click on the "Pass verification" button, which is located below.
  18. Enter your username and password to access your VKontakte account. You will see an inscription that the AdmitadChecker application is requesting access to your account.
  19. You must click on the "Allow" button. After that, you will receive a notification that the confirmation was successful and you can start working by logging in to your personal account.

This registration procedure needs to be completed only once, later on you will be logged into your admitad personal account using the login and password that you specified during registration.

Overview of personal account

By logging into your personal account on the site, you will see the top menu with the following categories:

  • home— this page contains statistics on your account, which shows the number of impressions, clicks, targeted actions performed on your affiliate links over the past 30 days. Also here are the latest news and new offers that are present in the system.
  • On the page " Tools» you will find various tools that are designed to make working with affiliate programs easier.
  • In point " Partnership programs» contains a complete catalog of programs, which contains all the offers.
  • In point " My programs» - there are affiliate programs that are connected in your personal account, as well as new programs that have recently been connected to the network.
  • In point " Goods» you will find original products from partner sites, as well as export templates, thanks to these tools you can upload products according to various criteria in CSV and XML formats, for further creation of both advertising campaigns and product showcase sites based on them.
  • On the menu " Statistics» You can see statistics on actions, time, companies, sites, and also on SubID if you made bindings on them.
  • In point " Applications» there are additional services that can be used to earn money in admitad.

How to work in Admitad from scratch

Now let's take a closer look at how to start working on the site.

  1. Registration - the first thing to do is to register in the affiliate program and indicate your available traffic source, we described in more detail how to do this in this article.
  2. Your next step will be to enter your personal account and get acquainted with the tools and available affiliate programs.
  3. Offer selection — go to the catalog of affiliate programs and select any of the available offers.
  4. Connecting an offer and getting an affiliate link.
  5. Placing an affiliate link on your website or creating an advertising company in an advertising network (arbitrage).

How to choose an offer

To select an offer, go to the "Affiliate Programs" section located in the top menu of your personal account. You will see a complete list of all available affiliate programs. To sort offers, you need to select the desired criterion on the right and click on it with the mouse.

The main indicators when choosing an offer is a bunch: rating + Ecpc +% order confirmation.

How to connect an offer

Example: an AliExpress offer is one of those affiliate programs that approve the application almost instantly, so in just a few seconds you will receive a notification that the affiliate program is available to you. This will be evidenced by such a green icon at the bottom of the offer, which says that you are cooperating with this program.
This means that you can now post affiliate links available for this offer.

Getting an affiliate link

How to create Deeplink

In the same way, other offers are connected in the admitad partner network. You can choose offers not only for products, but also in other categories, such as games or credits.

How to make money in Admitad

To simplify the start of earning on CPA, the Admitad affiliate network provides special tools. With their help, you can create your own product showcases, sites with coupons and promotional codes, monetize existing content projects, and also earn money on arbitration.

  • GetDirect- provides for work with the Yandex Direct system. This application will help you reduce company costs, increase revenue and see complete statistics and profits for each keyword.
  • Seopult is an application for webmasters and owners of their own websites or blogs. With it, you can promote your resource in the Top 10 of Yandex and Google in order to take first positions in search engines and receive thematic search traffic.
  • addcontent- an application that allows you to add content to your sites automatically. This happens through Ip-requests to the admitad service.
  • Youlamedia is an advertising network based on RTB technology. This app will help you get the most out of interest-based targeting. The application will primarily be of interest to owners of sites, blogs, coupon and product aggregators. When placing the code, an RTB-format banner ad will be shown, which will help you get additional income from CPA.
  • Web Form Builder- allows you to create any web-forms: feedback, surveys and order forms. With this constructor, you can customize and create any form that matches and fits perfectly into the design of your site. It will take no more than 5 minutes to create one form.
  • Mailganer— the application allows you to automatically collect emails from blog or website visitors. It is enough to insert the Mailganer code on your website and the application will begin to collect the base and send thematic mailings to it.
  • Wizard.Sape is an automatic website promotion system from the Sape Top Exchange. This service is relevant for owners of their own resources. It will save you from the routine work of website promotion, speed up the process of promotion and promote the site to the Top, which will lead to an increase in traffic, and this means profit.
  • GetCoupon- using this application, you can create a tool for coupons and promotional codes. With it, you can place coupons and promotional codes on your site page, while users will be shown only current and valid coupons, which will be updated automatically. To use the application, it is enough to generate a special code and place it on the pages of your site.
  • GetZaim- this service allows you to get a loan from 10 to 100,000 rubles, for up to 2 months. The loan amount itself is paid to the WMR WebMoney wallet. You can return borrowed funds both from the wallet and from the main balance in the admitad personal account.
  • white label- this application allows you to create ready-made showcases of goods. More than a million products from 50 online stores have already been added to it. The number of products is constantly growing and new partner stores are constantly connected to the showcase. Currently, with the help of White Label, you can create showcases in the following categories: clothes and shoes, credits and loans. Connecting the showcase takes literally 1 minute.

All of the above applications are the main assistants in making money on affiliate programs in admitad. In the event that you have questions about using a particular tool or connecting an offer, you can always contact the support service that works quickly on the site or ask your question on the forum.

Payment and accrual of remuneration in Admitad

Full statistics on your sites, as well as earnings, is in your personal account. To do this, you can go to the main page and see the full statistics on conversions and earnings on your affiliate links. Also available here are statistics on the funds that are available for withdrawal.

Statistics in are generated by several indicators: by day, by advertising companies, by offers, by SubID. Here is an example of how coupon offer statistics look like.

Once you have verified rewards in your account and the amounts are confirmed and ready to be paid out, you will see them in the "Ready for Withdrawal" window. To withdraw money, you must click on the green button "Withdraw money". Money can be entered both in rubles and in US dollars. To do this, click "Withdraw money" opposite the amount you want to withdraw and select the withdrawal methods, in this case it will be the WebMoney ruble wallet.

By clicking on the "Withdrawal History" button, you can see all the payments that have been made from your account, and also in the comments you will see the expected day when the payment will be made, in this case, the payment will be made in a week.

Affiliate program

The affiliate network has a profitable affiliate program. To connect it, you need to go to the program catalog, select an offer from there. The affiliate program is represented by two tariffs: "Special Referral", payment for which is provided for 100 rubles and "Active Referral", for which a reward of 50 rubles is provided.

To connect an affiliate program next to the offer, you must click on the "More" button and carefully read the terms and description of the affiliate program, then submit an application and wait for its approval.

After that, you will be able to receive special affiliate links and advertise the Admitad affiliate network on the Internet, and for each referral registered using your link, you will receive an affiliate reward.

In this article, we tried to tell from all sides about the partner CPA network. To start earning, go through a simple registration on the site and indicate your traffic source. Wait or confirm your traffic source and log in to your personal account. Next, check out the catalog of available offers and choose the best one for you according to the specified criteria. To start working with an offer, you need to submit an application and wait for its confirmation, after that you will get access to affiliate links and can use special tools to attract traffic and earn money on CPA. If you have any questions about the site

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what the Admitad service is and how to make money on it from scratch. In order not to torment you with lyrical introductions for a long time, I would like to immediately note that Admitad is a network of affiliate programs (CPA network), so here you have the opportunity to receive monetary rewards for attracting users to perform any actions.

What is the difference between this principle of earnings from the "standard"? By "standard" I mean the work of webmasters, for example, with the Google Adsense affiliate program, where remuneration is paid for clicks (users click on an advertising banner and a certain amount of money is immediately credited to the webmaster's balance).

Admitad pays for actions! Accordingly, it will not be enough if the users you attract simply follow the affiliate link - you will earn only if the traffic registers, purchases, downloads, etc.

Each of the affiliate programs, which is presented on the Admitad project, has clearly defined conditions for receiving a monetary reward. For example, representatives of one affiliate program pay for registration, others for the sale of goods, others for some other activity, etc.

It is very easy to understand these concepts when you directly start considering the internal interface of the Admitad site. Immediately after registering for the project, you will be taken to your personal account, where detailed statistics will be available to you. In particular, I want to draw your attention to the graph, which is called "Statistics for 30 days."

Personally, I like it very much because of its informativeness: the user has access to data on the amount of earnings, the number of clicks and actions, and affiliate link impressions. Thanks to the markers, it is convenient to view statistical data for a specific day. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the “Views” indicator is one of the most “useless” on the charts, because with the growth in the number of views, the affiliate link or banner you placed, the clicks will not always grow, and so will the “actions”.

Now let's move on to the consideration of the left sitebar, where information about money is posted. Two important cells are “In Processing” (the amount of funds that has not yet been transferred to your balance from the affiliate program - the latter, in turn, reserve the right to delay payments for several days in order to double-check the “leads” and find out if there were actions) and “Delayed” (the funds in this cell are displayed if the customer’s balance has run out of money and their payment will occur when the owner of the affiliate program replenishes his account again).

At this stage, it is very important to decide which advertising platforms you plan to use to achieve the desired result. For example, if you have a personal website or blog, then the choice of an affiliate program will depend on the subject of your online resource.

If we continue further on the topic of cooperation between webmasters and Admitad, then it is also worth mentioning such a moment as “mandatory addition of your site to the project”. This is done so that Admitada managers check your resource for quality - traffic, appearance, content. The main criterion is attendance and it should be large enough, at least 50 people per day will not be enough.

After your application for adding a site is approved by Admitad employees, you will be offered a list of offers that match the theme of your site. That is, if your site is about medicine, then you can only advertise affiliate programs on medical topics. You will not be able to influence the formation of the list of available affiliate programs, but in the "Programs Catalog" section, you can select any other affiliate program for advertising (they mean not only medical), but this is not advisable because the conversion of inappropriate traffic is usually useless does not lead to good.

To add your personal platform to Admitad, you need to click on the appropriate button, the appearance and location of which can be seen in the image below.

Next, we indicate the type of site (YouTube channel, contextual advertising, publics on social networks, doorways, mailing lists, etc.), URL, name, region, and category. In the last cell, you must, at least briefly, describe the advertising methods that you will use to attract users to the affiliate program.

As I mentioned above, in the "Programs catalog" section, you can view the entire list of affiliate programs offered by Admitad. Thanks to a large number of filters (name, region, type of action, etc.), you have the opportunity to sort them and find only those that interest you.

As an example, I will sort the parterres that belong to the "Online Games" category. As you can see in the screenshot below, the Forge of Empires project pays webmasters for registration at 0.56 euros.

On Admitad you can also find options when the affiliate program pays for activity. One of these projects is War Thunder RU. Registration in this game is not paid, but if the user you attracted is actively playing, you get from 20 to 190 rubles.

You can earn on this service in four currencies: rubles, hryvnias, euros and dollars. You can view the amount of funds that you have the opportunity to withdraw from the project in your personal account, in the “Ready for withdrawal” column (see the screenshot below). There is also a "Withdraw money" button, which you will need to click on.

The minimum withdrawal amount from Admitad is 300 rubles. Money from the balance will be debited immediately, but they will arrive at your source after about five days. The money itself can be received on a bank card or on PayPal and Webmoney e-wallets.

Many users consider Admitad only as a service through which you can earn on affiliate programs with your own information platform. But these are false judgments, since there are many options to earn income from working with Admitad and without a platform.

For example, let's return to the same gaming affiliate programs - if you want to earn 20-40 rubles in commercials, then it’s enough to invite your friend to follow the link with a particular game and play with him for a couple of hours.

A similar example can be given with affiliate programs that pay not for leads, but for sales - we offer your friend to purchase the goods he needs using your affiliate link, sending it through a social network, by e-mail, via messenger, etc. Or you can buy goods yourself through your own affiliate links, thereby getting some sort of cashback back.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to say a few words about how affiliate programs pay per action ( CPA affiliate means Cost Per Action - i.e. you get a profit from the goods or services paid for by your refs, for registration, etc.).

One of the brightest representatives of the catalyst for such affiliate programs is the service Admitad, which has German roots, which is probably reflected primarily in its very concise design and functionality. Although I haven’t used other CPA affiliate aggregators yet, so this opinion can be considered one-sided.

It all started with the fact that one of my new projects was not accepted in, and is not shown on a good half of the pages (there are topics that Rsya does not want to deal with for ethical reasons).

By and large, only (be careful with shocking teasers, for the installation of which Yandex began to punish with pessimization), and affiliate programs remain. I dealt with them, but I didn’t work with their aggregators very often, so I want to stop here today and see how it all works organized on the example of Admitad. I will be glad to your remarks and additions.

Ways to make money on CPA affiliate programs (offers) in Admitad

The essence of this action is to use the so-called, which lead to the partner's website and have a special ending, which is stored in the browser cookies of the user who followed this link to the target page ().

Thanks to this, it will be quite easy to track later whether this user will buy something on the partner’s site or perform some other action specified in the rules and paid at the established rate. The cookie expiration date is negotiated for each offer separately.

Word offer, in relation to affiliate programs, means the entire program or its separate campaign, where the terms of cooperation are negotiated and a referral link and other promotional materials are obtained. If you look from the owner's point of view, then the offer will be a campaign aimed at increasing sales by sharing income with partners (webmasters, doorway workers and traffic arbitrage experts).

Your task is to skillfully manage the referral link. The whitest and fluffiest option would be using an affiliate link on your own site, either in the form of , or in the form of a banner () with a reflink hung on it.

The whole point was to fine-tune selection (long keys with a price of a few cents) and screening out ineffective ads in order to cut off junk traffic as much as possible, thereby ensuring a high percentage of purchases among all users who came from Direct.

In fact, everyone can engage in arbitration, but success here will certainly depend on experience and the choice of the right segment (finance-loans, goods, games, etc.), and the income you receive will also depend on the free funds at your disposal, because the return on CPA affiliate programs will come with some lag and at first you will just have to invest, not being able to assess the profitability and expediency. For a beginner, going into the red will be a trifling matter.

If you plan deeper dive into the topic of traffic arbitrage(not necessarily in relation to Admitad), then I advise you to watch the following master class, where everything is laid out on the shelves and a lot of the most important nuances are noted:

In Admitad for each offer possible options for attracting traffic are discussed. Someone objects to doorways, someone to Direct, or to mentioning the brand when compiling advertisements (so that they don’t start competing with the owner of the affiliate program and thereby increase the rates in Direct and Adwords):

The designation Cashback in Admitad should be understood as the use of payment for the actions of certain users, which can be found in cheat systems. If the offer pays for registration or filling out a form, then Cashback may well be effective, but affiliate owners most often prohibit this (sometimes they allow it in game offers with a penny payment for registration in the hope that one of the corrupt users will still be interested game).

Traffic from popunders is also often prohibited. Traffic from your own or other sites is not separately specified. Not all methods of traffic arbitrage will allow you to send it directly to the affiliate CPA landing page using a referral link.

In some cases, the reflinks you take will be impossible to put down, it is more profitable to attract users through an intermediate site. In this case, "pads" are used - site pages that are optimized for the user to go where they need to and do what the affiliate program requires (analogous to MFA - resources tailored for Adsense).

doorways it is also allowed to be used in many offers available in Admitad, although they belong to the category of “black SEO”, which search engines struggle with alternate success.

However, doorwayshiks are very sensitive to changes in search algorithms and always find a way to push their pseudo-sites into the top search results. When users go to them from the search, they are automatically redirected (100% CTR) to one of the most appropriate affiliate links.

For the owner of an affiliate program, doorways are not something “nasty and vile”, because they redirect real target visitors from the search results (by) to the pages of their online stores or any other selling pages.

Therefore, this type of traffic is allowed in many offers. Although the doorway business itself is quite difficult for beginners to enter, because it requires very serious knowledge in the intricacies of the search and finding vulnerabilities in it.

Another interesting, in my opinion, way to make money on CPA affiliate programs of Admitad is the opportunity unloading the cards of goods available there to create your own based on them, similar to Wikimart.

For these purposes, even a special one called adCMS appeared. There you can also find a link to a demo store created on the basis of this CMS and products from the CPA affiliate program, as well as examples of stores that actually work according to this scheme and video set explaining the installation and configuration of this engine.

In general, I don’t know if Admitad is the best CPA affiliate network in RuNet, but I can definitely say that it is the most hyped. The year before last, they held a competition among bloggers, and in the past they started another marathon, the winner of which was the one who earns the most on a completely new site with an adCMS affiliate store installed on it. This CMS was distributed to the first participants for free, and to the rest - at a big discount.

It is only allowed to promote a store created on a new domain (the adCMS engine allows you to change it for any pages), contextual advertising in Yandex and Google, as well as with the help of doorways, which were later placed in a separate category due to their clear advantage at the start.

Registration in Admitad and adding sites

Registration in Admitad is quite serious and you will need to indicate not only your mailbox, but also the cell phone number to which the confirmation code will be sent to complete this process (they care about user safety). Everything starts on this page, where you will be asked to fill out a rather voluminous form, and you will need to enter your full name in Latin (), because, as I already mentioned, the aggregator has bourgeois roots:

Scroll the list of conditions to the end, agree with them and click on the "Register" button. Next, traditionally follow the link from the incoming letter, and then also enter the confirmation code sent in the SMS message.

That's it, registration is over.

Now you can go directly to adding the first site. As I already described a little higher, there are a lot of ways to work and earn money on CPA affiliate programs from Admitad's arsenal, and in each case there will be a different algorithm for adding a platform. I will not consider them all, but will focus on the traditional earning money on your website, by placing reflinks or affiliate banners there.

So, go to the page for adding a new site in Admitad and choose the first of the proposed options "If you want to add a website":

After clicking on the "Add site" button, your site will go for moderation and you can track the change in its status on the page with your sites:

About how to add sites based on attracting traffic from contextual advertising systems, doorways, social networks or anything else, you can learn from this short video:

For some time, the site you added will be under moderation. After its status changes to "Active", it will be possible to proceed to choosing the most suitable offers for you.

Selection of CPA affiliate programs for sites and Admitada tools

It’s not so difficult to select them, because on the Program Catalog page, in the left column, you will find a whole group of filters that allow you to segment the subject of offers, select the type of traffic you need to receive in the CPA affiliate program, and also indicate the tools you need:

We talked about the possible traffic options for CPA affiliate programs in Admitad a little higher in the text. Concerning categories, to which certain offers can be attributed, then skimming the surface we can say that there are three large groups:

  1. Online games - this is where this affiliate network began. Usually, a site (portal) is created for these affiliate programs, where they describe all the games from these offers, put down reff links or banners, and then they start promoting this site or pouring traffic to it.
  2. Online stores (products) are currently the largest category of offers. There is an option to create your own CPA store based on the CMS mentioned above with its subsequent promotion or traffic drain. But you can also use context and social networks without creating a pseudo store.
  3. Finance - you need to sell loans, which is not so easy.

All these categories in Admitad are constantly updated with new offers, as well as new popular sections appear on such as tourism or Internet services. Next in the filter column are "Tools". With a check mark in the box "Goods" you will be able to see all affiliate programs where it is possible to upload product cards for your CPA store.

All suitable for you offers will need to be connected to your site. To do this, click on the desired affiliate program in the program catalog, read its terms, see the options for accepted traffic and the proposed tools, then at the very bottom check the box "I have read ..." and click on the "Connect" button:

In some cases, you will see another button at the bottom of the affiliate CPA description page:

In this case, you still have to wait for the moderation of your site by a representative of this affiliate program. They may or may not accept it.

If you are nevertheless accepted into affiliate programs that allow you to upload product cards, then after that you can go to the “Products” tab, where using the filters in the left column, select the ones you need and upload (export) them in Csv or Xml format:

Pretty cool. Filters for other Admitad tools will also be available on the Program Categories page. For example, deeplink, which allows you to create reflinks to any page of the affiliate CPA owner's website, and not just to the main or registration page.

This can reduce the cost of context (ads for specific products will cost less, and the conversion for them will be higher), and offer owners do not always allow their brand to be used in contextual ads.

If you go to the section of advertising materials of those CPA affiliate programs where the Deeplink tool takes place and which you connected to your platform, then on the corresponding tab you can get a referral link to any page of the offer website:

Well, it's clear that "Coupons/Discounts" can also be actively used to improve the efficiency of attracting buyers. In the catalog of Admitada programs you can find out in which affiliate programs these same discounts / coupons are provided, on the tab "Tools" - "Discounts and Coupons" to get acquainted with specific offers.

It’s still impossible to tell about everything within the framework of the article, so I advise before working with Admitad go to their thematic forum to dig a little deeper into the topic and understand the main vectors. Well, and their blog, I think, will also not be superfluous to look at.

Yes, you can earn money from offers once a week withdraw from Admitad(minimum 300 rubles or 10 evergreens). Withdrawal is possible to a bank account, or even, which, probably, will be convenient for those living over the hill.

All in all, register and see for yourself whether you need it or not.

is a system for combining affiliate programs for webmasters. Any website or blog owner can make money with the help of Resource topics are unlimited. Those who wish to earn money with the help of social networks, doorways or contextual advertising are also allowed to participate. Today, there are 137 advertising offers in the system, whose employers are ready to adequately pay partners to attract new customers to their Internet resources.

Registration and earnings in

1. First of all, you need to register there and for this, click on this link <>. The partner registration process begins with choosing the type of account: individual, company or entrepreneur. Data about yourself is entered in the appropriate fields: first name, last name, e-mail, mobile phone number and other information. Here, the new participant puts a mark of agreement with the terms and conditions of the program.

2. After activating the account by email and mobile phone (an SMS will be sent with a code that must be entered on the page), a transition to choosing the type of site opens. The choice is provided from several categories: website, contextual advertising, social networks, doorway networks and arbitration systems. When adding a site, be sure to enter the correct data, otherwise you will not be able to confirm it.
Next, you will have to wait a bit until your site is approved by the moderators. After approval, in your profile you will see a message about the approval of the site and a green circle "It signals that you can start earning."

Site moderation is from 5 to 7 business days. And when you add a site, you will have a status (under moderation). Throughout the approval period, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the system and choose for yourself those affiliate programs that are more suitable for your resource.

Search for advertisers

Earnings on consist in placing on its site materials of an advertiser selected from the list offered. What is it for? Various organizations building a business on web resources need an influx of customers. And for their search, members of affiliate programs are involved, who host materials that can convey to the visitor information about the services of the advertiser and, preferably, interest in it.
Terms of affiliate programs are different. Some advertisers pay a certain percentage, for example, for making a purchase in an online store, others for registering on the site, still others for the number of new visitors, others for downloading materials from the site, and so on. The participation of "Admintad" in this process is to help users of the system find the most profitable and interesting offers of affiliate programs. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from.
So, your site is approved and you start choosing a suitable affiliate program. Go to page " Software catalog» and view the list of offers.

At the top positions, by default, are the leaders - the most popular advertisers among the participants in the system. For convenience, you can use the filter - select the appropriate region, find something specific in promotional offers by keywords, select the desired categories of offers (participant companies), as well as the appropriate type of traffic and earning tools.

Currently participating in the program 137 advertisers the following main categories:

Online Games;

insurance and finance;

Internet services;

tourism and travel;


online shopping.

To find out in detail what conditions are offered by the program you are interested in, click the “ More» - you will be taken to a page where it is quite fully described what you have to work with: on the right side all the main information about the affiliate program is summarized, on the left side there is a small presentation of the advertiser site. On the same page you will find a link to a collection of promotional materials.

Consider what this or that concept means in terms of affiliate programs.

Program launch— date of commencement of this affiliate program.
Average and maximum processing time- how many days the payment will be delayed when, say, a purchase is made by the client you brought.

post click cookie- the number of days during which the client who came from you is considered yours, from the moment he first hits the site and until the payment for the goods.

Geotargeting- determining the location of the visitor by IP address.

% confirmation- the percentage of your earnings, according to confirmed data.

eCPC— average cost of 1 click. That is, if 1 order was made for 10 clicks on your link, and your commission for it is 1 ruble, then eCPC for 1 click will be 10 kopecks.

CR- the ratio of the actions of visitors who came to the site through your link to the number of transitions.

Region— the location of the clients for whose actions payments are made.

Rates— price of registration of one user.

cashback- various bonuses to attract new customers.

Adding a company to your site is done by clicking the "Connect" button. After the advertiser's materials are placed with you, you will be able to see the statistics of clicks from you to the target resource in your profile on

Today, over 50,000 webmasters work in the system. The maximum earnings on for the current day is displayed at the top of the page, and everyone can see it.

Dear visitors of my site! If you dream of making money on the Internet, I can safely tell you that this is real. Around the clock through the Internet are huge amounts of money. You need to find out how to get into this cash flow and be able to stay in it longer. Here, to create your own business, contains all the useful and necessary information about real ways to earn money, thanks to which you will become financially independent.

Here you need to add a new site and select the appropriate item here. The type of your platform, if for example you have a YouTube channel, groups, select "Arbitrage system". Further, in the next paragraph, the arbitration system, choose which arbitration system, if you have a YouTube channel, choose Youtube. The next item is "Region", choose in which region you will work - Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc., i.e. choose which country you are in. Category - choose what you want to work with (online stores, online services, online games, insurance and finance). And the last point is how you will advertise the affiliate program, here you need to specify, for example, a link to your channel, i.e. where you will post a link to the affiliate program. After filling in all the fields, click add site.

When you add a site, you will have a new site in the site tab that you will work with. At first, its status may be under consideration, when it is approved, it will be active for you.

After you have done this, go to the program section, program catalog and select the appropriate programs that interest you.

For example, if you want to join the myToys affiliate program, see the conditions for how much you will be paid. Let's look at the detailed conditions for working with the affiliate program. What do you offer? For each paid order of the client you brought, you are paid 400 rubles, the maximum working time, i.e. Your coockie lives for 30 days, which means the user must pay for the order within 30 days, the maximum processing is 45 days. If everything suits you, click "Apply".

Here in submit an application, you must have a site indicated, if you have a YouTube channel, select a YouTube channel site, read the rules, what type of traffic is allowed, which is prohibited, this is also very important, because if you use prohibited methods, then it is quite possible that you will be disconnected and you will no longer be able to enjoy the benefits of the affiliate program, check the box that you have read and it is advisable to fill out “How will you advertise the affiliate program”, see the following figure for an example to fill out. Better to give as much information as possible. And then click connect.

After you have done all this, then in the “My programs” section you will have sites for moderation, i.e. those that are now being considered and decisions are being made to connect your affiliate program. If everything goes well, your affiliate program will become active and you will be able to take advantage of it accordingly. What should you do next after your affiliate program has become active?

I highly recommend installing the Admitad extension. In Chrome it exists, i.e. you can quickly generate your affiliate links with this extension. Go to Chrome store, enter Admitad extension and install this extension. Log in when you get to the site of an advertiser with whom you have an affiliate program, you can quickly generate links. Let's say you went to some product of an affiliate program and in order to generate a link for any of your sources from where you will drive traffic, you click on the extension and get the generated link, click copy the code and paste it, for example, into the description of your video, place it in the group social networks, website, etc. And in this way you can bring people, and if a person buys something, then partner rewards will be accrued to you accordingly.

The next method of how to make affiliate links is to go to the product of the advertiser you are cooperating with, copy the link, go to your personal account of the Admitad affiliate network, in the "Tools" section, there is a menu item "Deeplink generator". Select the affiliate program you want to link to now, copy the link and click "Generate". Once generated, you get a link, which of course you need to shorten. There are many services for shortening links - Vkontakte, Google link shortener, etc.

When a person clicks on your link, he gets to the advertiser's website and the service understands that the person clicked on your affiliate link and you will receive affiliate rewards upon purchase. This is such a simple scheme of work, there is absolutely nothing complicated here.

The first step is to add a site, the second is to connect an affiliate program and, if approved, then generate links accordingly and place them under your videos, group posts, on your sites, etc. I think there is absolutely nothing complicated here.

Today, I talked about how to start working and earn money in the network of affiliate programs Admitad, those who have not connected yet can connect, but then work accordingly. If you have any questions, write in the comments.
