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Outsourcing examples. Outsourcing company as a business. What does an outsourcing company do?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! When working on the Internet or even just surfing, you often come across terms that are not always clear to the inexperienced user. Therefore, valuable time has to be spent searching for adequate definitions.

This is especially true for concepts borrowed from foreign languages ​​(mostly English, which serves as the language of international communication). Outsourcing is just such a term that requires additional clarification, which is what we will now do.

Moreover, I will try to give an explanation in the simplest words, and not in abstruse definitions, so that it is clear to everyone without exception, otherwise what is the point of this publication. Moreover, I will try to demonstrate existing types of outsourcing using very specific examples.

What is outsourcing with available examples

To begin with, let us immediately give a clear definition of this concept, and only then we will discuss in more detail about its essence. This term comes from English outsource(outsource - external resource) and its derivative outsourcing(the process of using an external resource).

The meaning of the word outsourcing in the vast majority of cases is inextricably linked with business, and it is applied both in real life and in online entrepreneurship. In any enterprise, even the smallest one, with a small number of staff, along with the main one, several related business processes take place at once and need to be managed. This includes accounting, transportation, logistics, the use of IT (IT) technologies, working with personnel, etc. These are all potential outsourcing services.

So, we can answer the question quite specifically: What is outsourcing in simple words? In essence, this is the transfer of some related functions of the company on the basis of contracts to third-party services (outsourcers).

Moreover, in this case, you not only relieve several “headaches” at once, but also get a very high-quality result, since, as you know, highly specialized specialists know the work in their field an order of magnitude better than generalists, which is logical.

Of course, you have to pay for everything in this life, both literally and figuratively, outsourcing is no exception. But we’ll talk about this in more detail below. Now I want to move on to real examples to demonstrate the above.

Think, An online store can serve as a clear example. Let's say you yourself are a good specialist in the field of creating websites and attracting potential clients. But this is not all, since you need to communicate with clients, and in this regard, a call center is required.

In addition, ordered goods require delivery to their destination, so there is a need for logistics specialists, and turnover should be somehow tracked (accounting). In general, it is impossible to do without appropriate structuring, otherwise there will be no success.

This is where outsourcing comes to the rescue. You can focus on the main direction of your business, and you can delegate the solution of related tasks to specialists (call center, accounting services, delivery of goods) on the basis of an outsourcing services agreement.

Another illustrative example the following may serve. Let's say you have your own website. To host it, a specialized server is required, provided by , which, in turn, can be considered an outsourcer. After all, he takes upon himself the responsibility to ensure the reliable functioning of your project.

Promotion of a web resource can be left to an SEO company, the same can be done for the actual creation of a corporate website, its maintenance, including installation and configuration of software, etc. All this can logically be attributed to IT outsourcing.

If we take a large corporation, then it is possible to outsource many areas at once: advertising department, sales, personnel, accounting, legal department, security functions, etc. Naturally, solving all these problems requires hiring personnel, the provision of which is the responsibility of the outsourcer.

Main, need to understand the difference between an ordinary service that provides one-time services, and an outsourcer that performs the necessary functions on for a long time(from several months to several years) based on the contract.

Types of outsourcing

Well, we looked at simple examples. Now, to complete the picture, we should systematize the information received and list the types of outsourcing and how they are characterized:

1. Production outsourcing— production of products (in whole or in part) or individual components is transferred to a third party. You can see examples everywhere. Let's say, for a well-known large automobile company (for example, Ford), components are manufactured not only at various factories, but also in different countries.

2. IT— I have already mentioned this type of outsourcing. It involves delegating programming functions to third-party companies, creating websites, including hosting services, developing, configuring and maintaining software.

3. Business process outsourcing— transfer of secondary functions (one or more) to the outside. This could be, for example, financial services, including accounting, marketing, logistics, and personnel issues.

4. Knowledge Management— this type of outsourcing involves the administration of processes that require serious analytics (use of intelligence), which may be needed in the future, including for making important decisions.

Outsourcing services can be classified according to form and in this case, they are divided into outsourcing in the field of IT, personnel management, marketing communications, legal, information support, publishing, logistics and social services.

Pros and cons of outsourcing, as well as its prospects

As in any business, when deciding whether to outsource certain functions of a firm or company, you need to think carefully. Situations are quite possible when outsourcing may become economically unprofitable and even cause losses.

Therefore, it's time to analyze the positive and negative sides of outsourcing, which undoubtedly exist. TO benefits The following can be included:

  • This is significantly cheaper than maintaining your own department to solve related problems. Sometimes the services of a high-quality specialist with a high salary need to be used a limited number of times, while outsourcing allows you to adjust the frequency and volume of necessary work
  • Provides an opportunity to increase the efficiency of business processes by optimizing costs and turning them from permanent to temporary
  • Allows you to concentrate on running your core business and working with clients
  • Creates favorable conditions for structuring work with personnel and reduces the risk of undesirable situations (unplanned dismissal of valuable employees, sudden absence due to illness, etc.)

As disadvantages We can highlight the possibility of disputes regarding contractual obligations, the risk of leakage of confidential information, and working relationships with personnel who are not a permanent part of the company.

In addition, it is necessary to clearly calculate how necessary it is to delegate certain business processes to third-party services; errors in this aspect can result in financial losses. However, clear and scrupulous analytical work in this direction can reduce the impact of cons to the minimum limit.

Well, as a summary, it should be added that outsourcing as a management strategy has long been used in the advanced countries of the world and is gradually spreading its influence in the post-Soviet space at the present stage. It is already proving its effectiveness, including when doing business on the Internet.

In times of crisis and tough competition, companies need to conduct business in the most efficient way. One of the proven optimization options is to transfer the execution of part of the production or business functions to outside professionals. We are talking about outsourcing, which allows the company to free itself from non-core responsibilities and thus reduce labor and material costs.

This practice has acquired particular relevance with the development of production specialization and the introduction of various international standards (in the IT field, accounting, personnel management, security service, etc.). Combining all areas in one company (especially in small and medium-sized businesses) is impractical and unprofitable. Whereas a third-party organization providing services in a specific area is able to perform them efficiently, at the best price and on time.

The concept of outsourcing and the responsibility of these companies

Outsourcing is the transfer by an organization of minor, but regularly carried out business processes or production functions to an external contractor - an outsourcer (a specialized company). Translated from English, outsourcing means “the use of an external resource or source.”

The outsourcing company most often has a narrow specialization, which increases the quality of service and level of responsibility. The customer receives professional services, while saving his time and money (up to 50% of the company’s expenses). Since the outsourcer performs services for more than one company, their cost is reduced. Outsourcing requires warranty obligations and non-disclosure of information to third parties.

From freelance cooperation, service and support services to outsourcing distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • model of continuous service provision (from 1 to 5 years);
  • regularity of work performed;
  • existence of an agreement on the transfer of functions;
  • performing only non-core tasks for the customer company;
  • the possibility of transferring business processes (accounting, personnel management, technical maintenance, etc.).

It is important for an outsourcing company to have a well-deserved reputation and positive customer reviews.

To rightfully be called a reputable and reliable company, you must remember about responsibility to customers, strictly adhere to pre-agreed requirements, and perform their work conscientiously. The outsourcing market is saturated but unstable; Finding truly responsible professionals is not easy, so companies should be careful when choosing performers.

What is outsourcing is explained in the following video:

Features of concluding transactions with these companies

Transfer process functional responsibilities are documented in the form of contractual relations. The fact is that the legal framework for outsourcing in Russian legislation has not yet been developed. However, according to Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities can freely enter into contracts of any type. Suitable for outsourcing contract for paid services. According to it, the contractor undertakes to provide services to the customer, and he, in turn, pays for them (Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Upon conclusion An agreement for outsourcing services must specify in detail the rights and obligations of the parties, a specific list of services and actions transferred to the outsourcer, deadlines for completion and payment procedures, that is, all essential conditions. It is mandatory to stipulate the observance of confidentiality and responsibility for its violation, as well as sanctions in case of poorly performed work.

To an external contractor may be redirected almost any enterprise function.

Most often these are:

  1. IT sphere;
  2. accounting and ;
  3. legal support;
  4. personnel Management;
  5. publishing and translation services;
  6. logistics (transport) services;
  7. advertising and marketing;
  8. security Service;
  9. telephony services;
  10. individual types or stages of production;
  11. transport maintenance and repair.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Pros and cons of outsourcing

Outsourcing is a relatively young and controversial phenomenon in the Russian economy.

Pros of use outsourcing are:

  • Concentration of effort on the main types of production and business processes of the company. The organization's resources are being redistributed from secondary areas outsourced to strategically important core ones, and routine work is eliminated whenever possible.
  • Saving the company's budget. There is a reduction in costs for: completing tasks; to organize workplaces; for payment of wages to a separate staff unit; on and other taxes; on and ; for staff development.
  • Solving the labor relations problem. The head of the customer enterprise is not the employer responsible for the specialists of the outsourcing company, but the client. At the same time, labor functions are performed in full.
  • Improving the quality of products and services thanks to the professionalism of the performers. The assigned tasks are completed in the shortest possible time.
  • Increase in production volumes without expanding and complicating the organizational structure. The narrow specialization of the outsourcer and the sale of services to many customers immediately help reduce their cost compared to execution within the enterprise.
  • Access to technologies and solutions higher level, specialized functions. Outsourcer services are more competitive due to in-depth specialization and continuous training.
  • Partial transfer of risks to another company. The contractor is responsible for the functions performed. But we must remember that we are talking about sharing risks, and not about shifting full responsibility to the outsourcer.

In general, as a result of outsourcing, the enterprise’s activities are optimized and the efficiency of business processes increases.

The advantages of using the services of an outsourcing company using the example of a warehouse business are discussed in the following video:

Among shortcomings outsourcing services are worth noting:

  • Possibility of disclosing confidential information of the enterprise in case of access to documents and data.
  • The risk of violating the safety of property and material assets of the customer organization.
  • Concerns about the correctness of documentation and its submission to regulatory authorities (especially financial and tax reporting).
  • Lack of direct control by the company head over the work carried out by outsourcers. This can lead to reduced process efficiency.
  • The complexity of actions in extreme situations due to the extra transmission link and approvals.
  • Possibility of unprofessional actions by employees of an external organization. The damage from mistakes made by the outsourcer can exceed the company's expenses for the required staffing unit.
  • Lack of clear legal regulation of outsourcing processes, which leads to legal disputes and proceedings.

There is a simple rule: you should turn to outsourcing only if the cost of performing a task by an external contractor is less than the cost of maintaining an employee within the company’s staff with the same quality of services.


Companies providing outsourcing services can be either universal(multidisciplinary) and have a narrow specialization depending on the type of outsourcing.

Production (industrial) outsourcing means the transfer to a third party of all or part of the production of a product or its components. Typical for high-tech enterprises, for example, in the production of equipment and telecommunications. The result is a reduction in the cost of manufacturing products, increasing their quality and reliability. The customer, meanwhile, focuses his efforts on promoting existing products and developing new types of products.

Business process outsourcing involves the use of knowledge, experience, resources, and infrastructure of an external contractor to perform functions that are not core to the organization. This allows the company to work as efficiently as possible in its core area. In fact, this group may include all other types except production (accounting, IT, logistics and transport, cleaning, personnel management, security service, etc.).

IT outsourcing is the transfer of functions performed in the field of information technology to a third-party company. This includes: operation of information systems and applications, maintenance of equipment or software, programming, website support, information security, etc. In this way, you can significantly reduce the load of the system administrator, or even do without this position.

Outsourcing in the financial sector (accounting) designed to perform accounting and reporting functions at the enterprise. Some time ago, such a service was used to pay salaries to the management of an enterprise in order to avoid publicity. Full or partial transfer of accounting is acceptable, which is convenient for small businesses due to significant savings. Correctly maintaining accounting operations, preparing reports for government agencies, and protecting financial information require a high degree of responsibility.

Watch this video about the benefits of accounting outsourcing:

Legal outsourcing more beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses than maintaining an in-house lawyer. Responsibilities include: service tasks in civil, tax and labor law, issues of reorganization and enterprises, conclusion of contracts, legal examination of documents.

Staff. Today, the successful operation of a company largely depends on its human resources. Work with personnel is usually the core area for recruitment agencies. At the same time, the tasks of selecting and hiring employees, personnel leasing and outstaffing, calculating bonuses, compensation and tax deductions can be transferred to an outsourcer.

Outsourcing of telephone services allows the company to remotely process information received via telephony and thus continuously maintain contact with clients. By using outsourced call center services, you can have your own hotline and effectively carry out telephone sales and telemarketing.

Outsourcing in publishing activities provides the customer with editorial and proofreading services, translations and printing of documents, and publication of corporate publications. Sales of printed media may also be organized.

Logistics (transport) associated with inventory management, warehousing and transportation of goods, control of cargo movement. Very convenient for organizations that rarely require logistics services.

Cleaning specializes in professional cleaning of premises. Such services are periodic in nature, so it is important for a company not to waste time searching for appropriate specialists, but simply turn to cleaning services.

The procedure for organizing your own outsourcing company

Before organizing an outsourcing business, it is necessary to analyze the services market and determine the most profitable areas.

Most popular today are: IT services, accounting, legal support, telephony, personnel management, logistics, cleaning, etc. It is in these areas that there is a high staff turnover.

On the one hand, in order to withstand tough competition, it is better to have a wide range of services provided. At the same time, this is difficult for a start-up company; in the first period, it is recommended to carefully develop a narrow specialization that is in good demand in the region.

The next step will be cost calculation to organize a company. Cash capital will be required for renting office space, furniture and equipment, registration of documents, advertising campaign, and wages for employees (even before making a profit).

Before opening The company undergoes state registration. You should also competently draw up a standard contract for the provision of services, in which special attention should be paid to the “confidentiality” section. The better the contract is written, the more clients you can attract.

A beginning outsourcer may difficulties arise when determining the price of your services. It should be remembered that you will have to work with both large, wealthy companies and small firms with a modest budget.

Staff may initially range from 5 to 10 people. They are subject to requirements: professionalism, responsibility, communication skills, etc. It is important to improve the qualifications of specialists every six months, as well as invest in technology development.

Necessary create a company website, think over an advertising and marketing campaign. You can offer your services via the Internet, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, using booklets and business cards. Office It is better to be located in the business part of the city.

It is advisable to quickly find regular customers (at least 2-3) in order to recoup the costs of opening a company, and only then can you count on a base of regular customers.

A reputable outsourcing company is ready not only to provide quality services, but also, damage, in case of incompetence of its employees. Therefore, it is necessary to earn and protect your business reputation.

Brief business plan for opening

Properly composed a business plan can attract serious investors. It allows you to systematize ideas, calculate business efficiency (the ratio of income and expenses), and anticipate possible risks.

Approximate initial capital to open an outsourcing company – 500 thousand rubles.

It can be distributed like this:

  1. Registration costs: 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Office rent: 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of furniture: 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of computer equipment and licensed software: 150 thousand rubles.
  5. Marketing and advertising activities: 30 thousand rubles.
  6. Salary to employees: 150 thousand rubles.

Payback: approximately 2-3 years.

Planned income indicator: 30-40%, which is capable of increasing by 20-30% annually.

The following video is devoted to the specifics of outsourcing:

Franchising in this area

Since the outsourcing business is still developing in Russia, you can buy this type of company with a thorough search. Due to the insufficient degree of professionalism in this segment, the future franchisee has to choose an outsourcing company “through trial and error.” At the same time, there is a chance to become the exclusive representative of outsourcing services in your city.

Pros of the franchise are: working under the brand of a well-known company, as a result of which you can win a serious tender; established customer base; obtaining proven technologies for selling services and supporting specialists. To organize a franchise, it is necessary to fulfill the franchisor’s requirements regarding the rental of premises, personnel selection, compliance with technology and standards of the main organization.

Approximate fee: 200 thousand rubles, royalties: from 10 thousand rubles per month, average payback period: from six months. Profitability can be quite high.

For domestic businessmen, outsourcing is a new concept, but despite this, many enterprises actively use this service. Transferring non-core activities to third-party specialists is much more expensive, but the work is performed at a high quality level. Such a business can generate good and stable income. In the previous publication we told you. You will learn how to open an outsourcing company in this article.

What is outsourcing?

Many people ask the question: What is an outsourcing company in simple words? Everyone knows that it is impossible to become a professional in all industries, so each organization has its own narrow area of ​​activity. In order to pay more attention to the development of the enterprise, many entrepreneurs shift additional, important functions to other companies that specialize in a certain field of activity. This useful mutual assistance is called outsourcing.

Previously, this service was used to calculate salaries for management at some enterprises. This made it possible to avoid publicity of information. Today, businessmen who are trying to optimize their expenses are happy to use the services of leasing staff. Third-party specialists handle tax filings, visit banks, and even have access to some confidential information.

It is worth noting that in Western countries, personnel outsourcing is a fairly popular service. Some companies outsource almost 80% of non-essential functions. In our country, the outsourcing business is at the stage of development, but despite this, 30–40% of entrepreneurs are already actively using this service.

Types of services

Before drawing up a business plan for an outsourcing company, you must first decide on the type of its activity.

Among the most common services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Accountant services;
  2. Tax reporting;
  3. Advertising activity;
  4. Employee management;
  5. Office printing;
  6. Cleaning;
  7. Website creation and promotion.
  8. Experts recommend choosing niches that have not yet been filled, which include:

  • Development of corporate publications;
  • Sales department management;
  • Logistics services.

This list is unlimited by law. If an entrepreneur has found a highly specialized type of activity in his region that is in great demand, he can safely occupy this niche.

Registration of activities

Before opening a recruitment agency, you should legalize your business. If several co-founders will be involved in the business, an LLC should be opened. One owner can register an individual entrepreneur. This type of activity is not licensed, so you will not have to obtain any additional permits.

To build a business on staff rental you will need approximately 400 thousand rubles.

This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. Office rent – ​​70 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of furniture – 100 thousand rubles;
  3. Business registration 10 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  5. Computer equipment – ​​100 thousand rubles;
  6. Salary – 100 thousand rubles.

At the start, you will not make a solid profit. You must first establish yourself in the market and gain regular customers. If you use the right personnel selection methods and are able to prove yourself to be the best, within 2–3 years of operation the profitability of your business will reach 40%.


The success of your business largely depends on the choice of employees. Use advanced modern recruitment methods to select the best talent.

They are subject to the following requirements:

  • Competence;
  • Experience;
  • Communication skills;
  • Ability to communicate with clients.

Over time, as your business begins to flourish, you can hire a professional to handle employee selection. The responsibilities of the recruiting manager include interviewing the applicant, checking his professional qualities, and applying for a job.

At first, 5–10 people are enough for full-fledged work.

Basic methods of personnel selection

The main task that every new entrepreneur faces is finding employees. For this purpose, various methods of personnel selection and assessment are used. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Advertisements in business newspapers and magazines;
  2. State employment centers. This is one of the most common methods of personnel selection. The center offers employers several interesting programs. For example, a company can accept an employee for an internship, and after he is enrolled in a permanent job, the employment center pays him a salary for a year.
  3. Recruitment agencies. Nowadays, the services of recruiting agencies are very popular. They charge 2-3 months of an employee's salary for their work. Some organizations work on a prepayment basis;
  4. Advertisements in print media. By analyzing data in the media, you can find not only semi-skilled workers, but also employees for management positions. It is not practical to use such recruitment techniques to find highly qualified specialists, since they usually do not read such publications;
  5. View resume. Specialists post their resumes on employment sites. If you decide to hire staff, you can use this information to select employees for your organization;
  6. Advertisements on the Internet. To find specialists to work in an outsourcing company, you can post vacancy announcements on specialized websites on the Internet. To prevent competitors from finding out about your plans, you don’t have to disclose the company name. For feedback, just provide your email address. Such traditional methods of personnel search usually give good results;
  7. Sending commercial proposals to various organizations;
  8. Own internet site.
  9. An important source of advertising can be your first clients who rented workers from your company and were satisfied with the level of service provided. Positive customer reviews will help you create an impeccable reputation and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the enterprise.

    The main task that new entrepreneurs face is to tell their potential clients about the benefits they can get by using their services.

    Features of personnel management

    Many businessmen outsource all accounting calculations and personnel document flow. This is quite labor-intensive work. Outsourcing organizations also offer motivational and appraisal projects, as well as human resource management for small businesses. They use a different approach to work, so this activity is considered a separate type of business.

    Video on the topic Video on the topic

    Before choosing an outsourcing company, you should decide what you want to get from such cooperation. If you want to get rid of routine and save your time, but keep all strategic aspects within the company, you should choose HR document management outsourcing. Another goal is staff training, competent independent assessment, and a motivation system. In this case, you should contact outsourcing companies that conduct seminars, trainings and other events.

    Many business managers who do not know how to manage personnel spend too much time solving various organizational issues. If you entrust this matter to a professional, you can calmly deal with solving major problems and developing new business development strategies. Experienced entrepreneurs know what benefits can be obtained if they transfer secondary functions of the company to third-party specialists, and therefore actively use such a service.


    In any business, there is no absolute guarantee that it will be profitable and profitable. If you correctly analyze your actions and take a responsible approach to your work, outsourcing your workforce can bring in good income. Competition in this area is low, so you can safely enter this business.

To solve production issues, there is no need to recruit highly specialized specialists or train them in the specifics of specific activities. It’s easier to hire highly qualified specialists who will do all the work for a fee. In order to save money, enterprises began to enter into contracts with third-party organizations, having appreciated what an outsourcing company is.

What is outsourcing

The meaning of the word outsourcing must be found in English. Outsourcing is a kind of abbreviation consisting of three words outer + source + using, which literally means “using an external resource.” In a broad sense, outsourcing activities involve the transfer of certain work in some area to a third party. For this purpose, a contract must be concluded.

You should not confuse outsourcing with one-time support or occasional work, when you also turn to the services of third-party organizations. Contracts with outsourcing companies are concluded mainly for a period of at least one year and help the smooth operation of the enterprise. In this way, the organization manages not only to save money, but also to direct financial and human resources for the development of its core activities. More often, financial, accounting, transport, IT services and other administrative functions of enterprises are outsourced.

Signs and distinctive features

Outsourcing companies have a narrow specialization, which allows them to complete tasks at a high quality level in the shortest possible time. Unlike technical support or freelance services, outsourcing has its own distinctive features:

  • concluding an agreement to transfer certain functions to a third party;
  • the company is transferred to non-core operations that are not related to the main activity, but are mandatory for the full functioning of production;
  • business processes are transferred, not those related to product production;
  • long-term cooperation.

Types of outsourcing

At the moment, there is no single approach that would allow us to determine the main types of outsourcing activities. The list below reflects a more in-depth approach to classification according to a specific set of characteristics:

  1. by type of transferred functions;
  2. by type of activity;
  3. by validity period;
  4. by ownership of production assets;
  5. by personnel affiliation;
  6. by the volume of work performed;
  7. by number of suppliers;
  8. on a territorial basis;
  9. by type of product supplied;
  10. by volume and complexity of information services;
  11. on the approach to the development of software outsourcing.

By type of transferred values

At the present stage, there are three main types of outsourcing, which are based on the type of transferred values:

  • operating. A common type, the essence of which is the transfer of certain types of operating activities on the basis of a subcontract agreement. These include transportation, storage, and sales of manufactured products.
  • resourceful. Its main idea is to attract additional financial, human resources or fixed assets, while outsourcing is considered a targeted strategy of the organization.
  • functional. Its purpose is to transfer certain functions, including planning, accounting, and economic activities.

By type of transfer of functions

The following types of outsourcing can be distinguished depending on the type of transfer of functions:

  • full. It is not functions that are transferred to a third party company, but staff, assets and production processes (for example, finance or IT services);
  • selective. Used in the production of expensive products. It consists of transferring a specific set of functions to an outsourcing company;
  • improved. It is used by well-known companies when some functions are transferred to outsourcers, while the company itself remains the distributor;
  • intermediate. The list of functions is carried out by a third, well-established party;
  • reorganization. Its purpose is to create a new enterprise, with personnel and assets transferred to the new company rather than to the service provider.
  • joint. In one case, according to the agreement, the parties are partners, and in the second, it implies signing an agreement simultaneously with several organizations to minimize possible risks.

Based on the division of labor

Depending on the benefits obtained as a result of the division of labor, the following types of outsourcing can be distinguished:

  • geographical. The main production is transferred to other countries of the world, where the cost of paying workers is lower, thereby saving significant financial resources.
  • specialized. The relocation of entire production or a specific function occurs due to the uniqueness of the new location.

Outsourcing services

Depending on what type of activity or services the company is engaged in, the following types of outsourcing can be distinguished:

  1. by type of assets involved. There are services of a material and intangible (intellectual) nature.
  2. by type and quality of work. Here, services are distinguished based on the use of human labor (low or highly qualified and professional) or using special or complex equipment (automated, standard, specific).
  3. by the role of the process in the value chain. A distinction is made between outsourcing of core business processes and infrastructure.

Business process outsourcing

One type of outsourcing activity can be called business process outsourcing, which represents closer cooperation between an enterprise and a third-party service provider. Non-core functions are transferred to the outsourcing organization, which represent a closed cycle. All these services are not basic for the enterprise, or, as they can also be called, business-forming. These include:

  • accounting and financial accounting;
  • personnel Management;
  • logistics services;
  • Advertising activity;
  • marketing;
  • legal services.

Financial and management accounting

If we turn to practice, we can see that part of the processes associated with the accounting activities of an enterprise is often transferred to financial outsourcing. This could be accounting for accounts payable and receivable, or payroll. Some business leaders are taking more radical steps - transferring all financial, accounting and management accounting to outsourcing companies. Financial services provided to third parties include:

  • preparation of financial statements;
  • formation of an accounting and tax base;
  • audit of financial activities;
  • inventory;
  • preparation of tax returns;
  • informing about changes in legislation;
  • support of inspections.

Legal services

The essence of legal outsourcing is that an organization transfers all legal support to a company that specializes directly in this field of activity. The benefit of such cooperation is that the client is offered a diverse range of legal services, even of the narrowest specificity, which is difficult to achieve with a specific staff of lawyers.

On the other hand, there is always the possibility that the confidentiality of information may be compromised. In addition, a deep analysis of the situation does not always occur. For this reason, the ideal form is considered to be a combination of the work of an in-house legal department, which would deal with current issues of the organization, and an outsourcing company, to which the functions of in-depth analysis of issues would be transferred.

Personnel outsourcing

The essence of the concept is that the functions of the organization’s personnel service are transferred to a third-party company. The main difference between personnel outsourcing and leasing and rental (they are often combined into one definition - personnel outstaffing) is that the company orders the execution of services, rather than recruiting staff to perform it. In practice, outsourcing activities are distinguished:

  • working personnel;
  • warehouse personnel;
  • construction personnel;
  • production personnel;
  • sales personnel.

Outsourcing of temporary staff is beneficial primarily because the company does not need to contact recruitment agencies with a request to select people to perform certain types of work. At the same time, there is no need to purchase equipment and organize a workplace, bonuses, vacation pay or salaries to employees. There is no need to provide employees with a social package and other privileges that employees of the enterprise have. This helps to avoid large expenses, saving large financial resources.

Logistics services

The essence of the process is that logistics operations are transferred to a third party to reduce transport costs, expenses for maintaining warehouses, etc. One or more companies can be selected for cooperation. It is advisable to completely outsource logistics functions to a company if you need comprehensive services. Otherwise, to save money, it is recommended to combine the activities of your own logistics service and those brought in from outside.

The most common outsourcing logistics services include:

  • customs clearance;
  • transport and forwarding services;
  • procurement coordination;
  • warehouse services;
  • packaging of goods.


Distinguish between outbound and inbound telemarketing. In the first case, a telephone survey is carried out and goods are sold. With incoming telemarketing, it is aimed at processing orders from potential buyers and litter of reviews about the company’s activities. In Russia, there is a slightly different terminology: outbound refers to telemarketing itself, and inbound telemarketing refers to call centers. In order to reduce the cost of services, they are based in provinces or countries with cheap labor.

Outsourced telemarketing is an important tool that helps increase sales, as there is a live dialogue between the seller and the potential buyer through various communication channels. You can find out how your employees work and what customers think about your company’s activities by using:

  • automatic notification;
  • updating databases;
  • informing;
  • marketing research;
  • survey or questionnaire;
  • looking for new clients;
  • telesales;
  • work with accounts receivable;
  • cold calls.

Industrial outsourcing

Manufacturing or industrial outsourcing is beneficial to an enterprise when producing products in-house becomes expensive. This entails an increase in the price of manufactured products, which ultimately can affect sales growth. In this case, the client can transfer to the outsourcing company both part of its production cycle and the entire production from the initial to the final stage.

Vivid examples of outsourcing in industrial production are electronics and telecommunications manufacturers who, in order to reduce production costs, outsourced their production. In modern practice, several types of industrial outsourcing can be defined:

  • production of raw materials;
  • production of components or workpieces;
  • outsourcing of individual functions and operations designed to provide a full production cycle;
  • technological;
  • involvement of third-party specialists.

IT service

IT outsourcing can be considered the most common type, since the widespread use of information technologies requires deep knowledge and professionalism of employees and system administrators. It has a wide range of functions that are associated not only with the maintenance of computer or office equipment, but also with the development and maintenance of software products.

It is impossible to completely outsource the entire IT system to outsourcing companies, since there are a number of processes that must be performed exclusively within the company. This concerns information architecture, since it represents commercial information, access to which is primarily limited. The same applies to critical services that are responsible for key business processes.

What does an outsourcing company do?

Not many people fully understand what an outsourcing company is, confusing this concept with contract work. Its main difference can be considered that cooperation occurs over a long period of time, and sometimes on an ongoing basis. As a rule, such companies conduct highly specialized activities, which helps improve the quality of work performed without overpaying for services. Today you can count a huge number of types of outsourcing services, which suggests that this activity is profitable from both production and financial points of view.

Standard contract

When contacting outsourcing companies, an agreement must be concluded, which includes the timing of the work and its cost. The entire list of services provided should be as detailed as possible. If any activity is subject to licensing, the contractor must provide this document. In addition, the agreement specifies the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as options for resolving disputes and under what conditions a claim can be filed if the rights of one of the parties are violated.

Rights and obligations of the outsourcer

Each contract spells out the responsibilities of the outsourcer verbatim. Firstly, this is the fulfillment of all conditions specified in the agreement. Secondly, he must keep trade secrets and not disclose information obtained in the course of his employment. In addition, the company must provide the customer with a report on the work done, eliminate mistakes made and pay fines if they were made through his fault. On the other hand, the performer has the right to receive timely payment for his work, and to receive all the necessary information to carry out his activities.

How to open an outsourcing company

Every year the number of outsourcing firms that provide services in various fields of activity is growing in the world. As practice shows, interest in such organizations will continue to grow, so if you decide to organize your own outsourcing business, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Decide on the area of ​​activity in which you plan to work.
  2. Draw up a business plan, and treat this stage extremely carefully. Only a high-quality and correctly drawn up document will help not only to maintain a stable position in the market among competitors, but also to make a profit due to the profitability of outsourcing activities.
  3. Register your company with regulatory authorities.
  4. Renting premises. It is preferable to choose an area in a business center or business part of the city. Renovate the premises and purchase new furniture to create a pleasant impression on future and regular customers.
  5. Engage in personnel search and selection of qualified personnel - people with work experience and responsible attitude towards their responsibilities.
  6. Launch an advertising campaign. You can use all means - from leaflets to television commercials. It is necessary to create your own web resource that would provide comprehensive information about your services.

How to choose a company providing outsourcing services

Although the number of organizations providing outsourcing services is large, choosing one that would suit all parameters is not so easy. In order not to make mistakes, there are several small rules:

  • Pay attention to the company’s experience and the time it has been on the market. This point is important, since extensive work experience helps not only to create a cohesive team, but also to improve the quality of services provided.
  • Study reviews of the company’s activities, and you should pay special attention not only to positive assessments from satisfied customers, but also to how the company responds to criticism - whether it corrects shortcomings, taking care of its reputation, or ignores them.
  • Choose a company with transparent tariffs for its activities.

Cost of services

If you carefully look into the cost of work provided by outsourcing companies, you will see that formally their price is higher than the work performed by their own employees. In reality, using the services of third-party organizations has a significant economic effect, because companies do not incur additional costs for recruiting and training personnel, paying them bonuses, vacation pay and other funds. There is no need to equip workplaces and purchase tools and equipment, which can cost a lot of money.

Transfer of money to outsourcing companies occurs only upon completion of work, and there are three types of remuneration:

  • payment based on results;
  • payment according to the hours specified in the contract;
  • payment for actual time worked.

Outsourcing work - advantages and disadvantages

Outsourcing has become popular recently, especially among the management of small and medium-sized businesses due to a number of advantages:

  • saving time and money;
  • performance of work by professionals;
  • increasing labor efficiency by switching all resources to production;
  • possibility of choosing an organization on a competitive basis.

However, before deciding to transfer a number of functions to external contractors, it is necessary to point out the disadvantages of outsourcing:

  • errors in performing assigned tasks due to the involvement of unqualified personnel;
  • the likelihood of disclosure of trade secrets;
  • Outsourcing companies are subject to less control than their own employees.


Since workers are drawn from the contractor’s organization to conduct certain business processes, the corresponding departments of the company can be reduced;

Payroll reduction

Personnel hired from a recruitment agency are not registered with the staff, so they do not have to pay a salary. There is also no need to make social and tax contributions from the payroll;

Avoiding additional staffing costs

Tax optimization

Attracting freelance workers helps to reduce the number of officially registered employees. This allows you to maintain the status of a small enterprise and deduct a minimum share of profits in the form of taxes. Also, tax costs are reduced along with the payroll;

Preventing costs for inventory, work uniforms

By ordering labor services for workers, an enterprise can receive a complete team by signing the appropriate contract;

Reducing the costs of running a non-essential business process

If the contractor is entrusted with the management of a complex of non-core tasks, and not just the responsibility of personnel selection, then the costs of performing auxiliary functions are eliminated. The customer only periodically pays the outsourcer under the contract and is guaranteed to receive the desired result.
