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What should an SMM specialist be able to do? What kind of profession is an SMM manager and why is it needed? What criteria did you use to choose your employer?

The profession of SMM manager is confidently gaining popularity among progressive Russian (and not only) youth. And this is not surprising: active computerization of commercial activities requires the participation of specialists in promoting online sites, manufactured or sold goods, and services provided. This is precisely what SMM managers are required for – specialists in working with content and social networks.

Smm manager: responsibilities

Why do you think some posts receive tens or even thousands of likes, while others go unnoticed? It’s simple: the post was made effective by a professional SMM manager who knows how to create “catchy” texts, use “explosive” topics and create “bright” titles.

He is well versed in the environment of social networks, understands their functionality, marketing, psychology, copywriting, SEO. He knows how to work with a special, unique, narrow-profile audience, and easily determines the preferences of the target group. Often SMM specialists are familiar with the work of graphic editors and understand layout and programming. Another important plus is excellent knowledge of Russian or another working language.

Promoting websites on social networks is an extremely dynamic process that requires an active lifestyle, constant development, the ability to process enormous amounts of information, and adherence to strict deadlines. In addition, the specialist must be able to use analytics sites, track user behavior and current topics of interest.

Job responsibilities of an SMM manager

  • Development of a website/product/service promotion strategy. The manager, independently or with the help of in-house marketers, determines the target audience, its needs, interests, monitors behavior, placement and location on the network. The SMM specialist also develops a loyalty system for target visitors of the Internet resource and improves the usability of the site.
  • Development of an online advertising company. The employee prepares a plan for advertising online, determines its budget, directions, and monitors changes in conversion.
  • Monitoring the company's online reputation. The specialist monitors public opinion about the quality of the company’s services/products, directs user opinions “in the right direction,” works with problem clients, complaints, objections, and removes negative reviews or “hot” comments from the site that could harm the company’s reputation.
  • Creating and posting quality content. As a rule, employers often require experience in writing articles, posts, creating and editing pictures, and video editing skills from an SMM manager.
  • Posting information about the company on social networks. This is one of the main responsibilities of an SMM specialist.
  • Analysis of competitor activity. The employee monitors the activity of competing companies on the Internet, analyzes their work methods and adopts the most effective ones.

An SMM manager can work both remotely and in the office on a 5/2 schedule. (Read the link for why one of the most promising forms of labor.)

A lazy, measured person who types phrases on the keyboard with one finger will clearly not like this profession.

That is why recruiting managers pay attention to the following qualities of candidates for this position:

  • analytic skills;
  • strategic planning skills;
  • experience of successful forecasting;
  • communication skills;
  • broad-minded, quick learner;
  • stress resistance;
  • sense of humor.

How much does an SMM specialist earn? In different ways, depending on the regions. For example, in Moscow he can earn 30-80 thousand, a professional with 5 years of experience can find a job for 100-120 thousand rubles. In addition, SMM managers often create personal communities, successfully promote them on social networks and make good money from advertising.

You can learn important skills in this profession from this video:

Greetings, dear friends. Today we’ll talk about one of the interesting professions in which you can work and earn decent money. Considering that we are all constantly connected to social networks and spend almost all our free time there, it is also possible to find a job there. Which one? Highly paid!!!

The profession of SMM specialist has appeared recently. With the development of social networks, it is becoming more and more in demand. The work of an SMM manager is based on the tasks and principles of SMM marketing.

SMM marketing tasks

Smm ( Social Media Marketing– social media marketing) - work to attract the attention of the target audience to a website, brand, company or product through social platforms.

Objectives of this direction in marketing:

  • promotion of web resources, products or services through social media. networks;
  • unobtrusive placement or encouragement of posting information, links to resources in topics;
  • stimulating interest among users to switch to the full version of the site from social media. networks;
  • viral marketing – spreading advertising on a social network using likes, reposts, etc.

Smm specialist who is this

A manager in Social Media Marketing is a person involved in attracting attention to a brand, product, website through social networks. The main task is to interest and attract target subscribers with the offer, create a positive image of the product, provoke them to take actions to go to the main page of the site or purchase the offered product. The marketer must conduct hidden advertising so as not to alienate users.

Functions of an SMM specialist:

  • administration and moderation of groups and communities - attracting and encouraging users to advertise the group on their pages, suppressing obscene language, answering questions from participants, maintaining topics;
  • drawing up a plan of articles and topics for social platforms;
  • preparation of videos for promotions;
  • placement of fresh materials;
  • analysis of traffic and sources;
  • miscalculation of work efficiency;
  • miscalculation of the advertising budget.

How to become an SMM specialist

Due to the novelty of the specialty, the profession of SMM manager is not taught in educational institutions. At various online courses, seminars and trainings, you can gain the knowledge that an SMM specialist should have, who he is and what he does. A professional must have the knowledge and skills:

  • psychologist - be able to communicate, predict user reactions, reduce the negative reaction of the audience;
  • analytics - be able to analyze the results of your work, look for effective tools;
  • marketer - recognize your target audience, know in which communities they communicate;
  • copywriter - be able to create interesting, attention-grabbing, unique selling content.

To work successfully you need:

  • know and be able to buy likes, reposts, retweets, offers, etc.;
  • process photos in a graphics editor;
  • be able to work with animation, memes;
  • come up with interesting texts for posts that correspond to the customer’s topic;
  • know the basics of contextual advertising, internet statistics, SEO, SMS;
  • be able to analyze Internet traffic.
How much does an SMM manager earn?

Salaries for social media marketing specialists. networks can vary greatly. The income range ranges from 5 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the following factors:

  • customer region;
  • work experience and qualifications;
  • volume of work;
  • employer;
  • remote work.

In the regions, the average salary of a SMM specialist ranges from 25 to 30 thousand rubles, in Moscow he receives an average of 50-60 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg 40-50 thousand rubles.

The qualifications of the manager are of great importance. A beginner specialist can receive from 25-30 thousand rubles. in Moscow. One year of experience in SMM marketing allows you to receive a salary from 30 – 40 thousand rubles per month. A professional with at least 2 years of experience and good knowledge of SEO and web analytics tools can earn money in Moscow from 50-60 thousand rubles. Good command of foreign languages, in addition to the listed skills, increases the lower salary threshold from 70-90 thousand rubles.

Working full-time on staff at a company or agency pays higher than working remotely. In agencies, managers manage several projects at the same time; accordingly, their salaries are higher than those who work on one project in the company.

Salaries depend on the size of the organization. In large companies, the salaries of SMM managers are higher than in medium and small companies.

The profession of an SMM specialist is today a promising and well-paid one. Demand for social marketing professionals networks are constantly growing. Having enough knowledge and constantly learning, you can master a sought-after profession with a permanent income.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Who is an SMM manager?? The profession of SMM manager is one of the most popular and promising in the IT industry. Moreover, this profession requires constant dynamic learning to keep up to date with the latest trends and knowledge in the field.

Thus, he is a universal specialist whose activity is the professional management of people and processes within the brand’s social platform.

Publishes interesting material from the results of an on-line survey of the site MediaJOBS.RU.

Results of the on-line survey “About the work of an SMM manager according to the SMM managers themselves” published the portal MediaJOBS.RU, the leading Russian specialized resource about work and professions in media and advertising.

317 people took part in the survey. These include both users of the MediaJOBS.RU portal itself, as well as specialized groups on the social networks Facebook and VKontakte.

Three main questions were asked:

  1. The job of an SMM manager: what qualifications are required first of all?
  2. Where do they provide quality training for working as an SMM manager?
  3. Your advice on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager.

The following emerged as leaders qualities of a successful SMM manager such as an understanding of the brand being promoted, a sense of humor, as well as knowledge of the laws of marketing in SocialMedia and the social base of the audience. Only a little more than half of respondents (54%) consider literacy an important quality of an SMM manager. 51% of respondents are confident that social media workers require the ability to quickly search and process information and analytics. 39% of respondents indicated that for SMM campaigns to be successful, a manager needs to work beyond time (it would be interesting to know how many of them are really willing to work long hours for the sake of results). A third of survey participants noted the need to work with graphic packages and knowledge of design. And one in five said knowledge of SEO basics would be useful.

As for the professional training of an SMM manager, according to the majority of survey participants, a person working in social media gains 50% of their experience independently, through their own trial and error; the rest helps by participating in conferences on SMM, monitoring foreign resources upon request, reading books on general marketing , advertising, consumer psychology, as well as publics and communities on the topic.

During the survey, it was noted that there are several good courses in Russia for beginners to work in SMM. Among them, respondents indicated such courses as IKRA, Center for Online Education “Netology”, School of Social Media “Involve”.

Among the authors of specialized courses and seminars more often than others, survey participants named Igor Ashmanov, Damir Khalilov, Dmitry Sidorin. In addition, the courses were noted Natalia Odegova, Ilya Balakhnin, Dmitry Rumyantsev and Alena Lenskaya.

At the same time already increased criticism towards to the “founders” of SMM “generation SMM-next”. “Some “gurus” remained in the time when they themselves first looked into social networks, and social networks have already left and turned aside along the way. Yes, there is still enough trail of the past “guru”, but there is no desire to learn in the dust of the past. And what “funny” accounts the teachers themselves have! Come in and laugh. What can people teach who don’t know how to keep their own company page interesting?” noted one of the respondents.

“We need to communicate and read those who truly run client and brand publics and receive these rights not because of a kickback. The pros are Fedyunin Sergey, Malikov Sergey, the guys from the RIA Novosti team, someone from Apostol, those who lead groups of all sorts of complex goods and services (pumps, windows, cars), which are difficult to attract an audience to,” points out another of young SMM managers.

There are many tips on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager. Among Western sources, “Social networks” were noted as the most interesting. An Instruction Manual by Mike Dalworth, Marketing in the Age of Like by Dave Kerpen, and the work of Odden Lee.

Among the most interesting resources, which help to “understand” the profession are called,,,,,,,,,, , fb: SMM 100% , fb:ideablog , vk: SMMers , vk: Online magazine about SMM, twitter: SMM News.

However, there is currently nowhere to get a systematic and high-quality education in this area. “But getting a job for a beginner is a pain,” say SMM managers.

The editors of MediaJOBS.RU asked leading experts to comment on the results and answer pressing questions from SMM managers themselves:

Katya Tulyankina, Head of SMM and Reputation Management Department of the Internet Marketing Department, Ashmanov and Partners company

“I think about a sense of humor that it is important in any job. But whether it is good or not is not the most objective concept. Rather, it is important for an SMM specialist to be on the same page with the team. As for education, I personally can only single out Damir Khalilov and his school; everything else, in my opinion, is a way of making money. It is ideal when the educational base of an SMM specialist is a higher marketing or psychological education, and everything else comes with experience.

The three most important qualifications of an SMM manager today: understanding the basic psychology and behavior of the social media audience, strategic thinking, and easy-going.

We accept people into our team, first of all, based on an intuitive feeling of whether this field of activity is suitable for the applicant and whether he will join our team. The internal atmosphere in each project team is the key to successful project implementation. We will never accept a person into our team who does not understand the goals and objectives of his actions. That is, in my opinion, a good SMM specialist should be a good analyst, be aware of the performance indicators of each SMM tool, be able to predict the achievement of indicators, and promptly adjust the direction of his activities if the result does not live up to the forecast.”

Ekaterina Rukavishnikova, SocialMedia manager at Beeline

“The main qualification requirements for an SMM manager are the highest degree of responsibility (social networks are not just a public space, they are a hyper-public space where you need to monitor your every move). Ideal literacy, knowledge and understanding of the stylistics of the Russian language. It is also important to understand the specifics of the promoted brand and its target audience on social networks.

A candidate for our team must have one or two years of SMM experience. Plus, I would add stress resistance and the ability to quickly gather in an emergency situation, and correctly prioritize when dealing with a large number of tasks. We will never hire a person as an SMM manager who still believes that the job of SMM is to post once a day over a cup of coffee and engage the audience with cats. More seriously, a person who cannot clearly define the line between a joke and harsh banter, which can be very dangerous for the brand.”

Alina Bazelyuk, editor-in-chief of COSSA

“One of our goals is to train new people in the industry. It’s great that, judging by the polls, we are succeeding. By the way, materials on SMM are some of the most read and commented on Cossa). Sometimes such interest is even frightening: do readers need anything besides social networks?!

At the same time, we are not an agency, we do not have the position of SMM manager, social networks are handled by editorial staff. We formulated the basic principles of running social networks for ourselves as follows.

User, not page. A social network is not a mirror of a website, it is a separate territory, one might say, an independent mini-publication. We strive to not only announce our main materials, but also to use the features of the platforms: we communicate with users, look for new topics in the dialogue, discuss news, materials from colleagues, posts from readers. We strive to behave on social networks like a “who” and not like a “what” - a user, not a page.

Dialogue and self-criticism. We try to answer questions and comments and “get in touch.” It is not always possible to do this without emotion, especially when you need to respond to a remark: the reader loves to grumble, and not always to the point. But criticism can also be fair, and it is important to accept it with dignity and extract a lesson, benefit, or even material for a future article from the comment.

Time and immersion. Practice shows that social networks cannot be dealt with sporadically - the reader notices this. You need to be there constantly to promptly offer news and be a participant in communication. This is perhaps the most difficult thing.”

Kristina Mikheeva, managing partner of the MediaJOBS.RU portal and expert recruiting agency States.RU

“The results of the survey on qualifications in the work of an SMM manager, in my opinion, demonstrated the obvious “maturing” of this profession. It is important that the functionality is structured - at least in the profession of SMM manager there is an SMM analyst, marketer and editor. The majority of survey participants already working in SMM recognize the need for a serious background: marketing, branding, Public Relations and journalism. Plus psychology is desirable. In addition, cases of internal self-restraints and responsibility for SMM activity have been developed, which always indicates that the professional group as a whole is emerging from a childish state.”

In my opinion, it is necessary to distinguish between two types of “SMMers”: those who use social networks simply as a tool and 80lvl SMMers.

In the first case, practice is most important. You need a thorough knowledge of the interfaces and rules of all major platforms, competent speech and, in principle, everything else that previous authors listed.

The second option is more interesting. You must absolutely hate the word “esemem”; for me it is perceived as a curse word. I position myself as a specialist in Social and Community (sorry, the bane of employees of international companies is to insert English words into Russian speech in an untranslated form). First of all, you need to look at social beyond the scope of your own channels in it; a VKontakte group, and even a VKontakte group + FB page + Insta account is a very narrow vision of the situation. For me, social has long been intertwined with classic PR, working with partners, and simply communicating with people. The second follows smoothly from this: people are the most important resource in the modern world. It turns out that you never know when and how a particular person may be useful to you and where he will come from (maybe a malicious troll from your VK group in the future will suddenly become your good business partner or introduce you to the right person, or turn into a brand ambassador after a pleasant experience interacting with you). You'll never know.

No matter how trite it may sound, a good SMM manager (as in principle a good marketer and generally a good professional in any field) is a one-man orchestra. In my work, I apply knowledge from the field of Internet marketing in general, psychology (and my favorite - the basics of working with difficult teenagers), journalism, mathematics, classical PR, e-commerce, all this is just a small part.

And lastly, the last but not the least, you need to be in touch 24/7 (life hack: “working” does not equal “being in touch”). If you are a real texter, at some point you yourself will begin to feel uncomfortable during any flights, traveling on the subway in a car without wi-fi, in the bathroom and any other places where the phone and any communication will be absent.

Nothing is needed at all.

1. Be literate and express your thoughts well in writing. Moreover, be able to put a lot of meaning into a small number of words.

4. Be creative. In life, very often you need to make candy from scratch, but in the life of a smm-maker you have to do this several times a day.

5. Be a bit of a psychologist and predict the behavior of social network users several steps ahead.

6. You can show yourself as a specialist by building a so-called self-brand - convincing everyone around you that you are a real expert in the field of SMM. By the way, this should also be done on social networks.

Complementing OLI ZITCH’s answer, I want to say that a good SMM specialist should also have:

1) A broad outlook, so that he can adjust the content to any topic.

2) The ability to abstract from one’s social role and be able to put on a “mask” of the target audience

3) Always practice - theory is 10 percent of your skills.

In general, if you want to gain practical experience, I highly recommend going for an internship at an agency from the Tagline () rating or launching your own project (preferably investing a good budget into it) so that you understand how the process works from the inside.

I worked as a content manager in an SMM agency, I will tell you about my experience.

Firstly, there must be a predisposition to this. Not every person can navigate large amounts of information and be able to analyze it competently. The lion's share of success in SMM is competent text content. Both the content of materials and selling texts and headlines (offers). Knowing how to attract attention to your service or product is a real art. To learn how to write catchily, correctly and concisely, I can recommend GlavRed’s free newsletter. It really helps.
