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Recruitment agencies. What is a recruitment agency What is a recruitment agency

A recruitment agency is an organization that mediates between a job seeker and an employer on a professional level.

The essence of the work of a recruitment agency is that the employer pays for assistance in finding and selecting personnel that meets his requirements, and the applicant, in turn, is helped to find a suitable job for free in accordance with his wishes.

The amount of the fee that the employer pays for the search for personnel depends on the amount of earnings of the future employee. Usually, this is a certain percentage of the monthly salary of the future employee or his annual salary. The cost of recruitment agency services is formed based on the level of the vacancy, the level of service, the type of recruitment technology and quality.

In fact, a recruitment agency is a database of employers' requests and applicants' proposals, and the larger this database, the more offers this agency can offer to both parties, the more solid it is considered.

What do employers and job seekers get from cooperation with a recruitment agency?

It is beneficial for the employer to contact professional recruiters because of saving time and own labor resources. The HR manager does not need to advertise the search for specialists and engage in preliminary interviews, the secretary does not need to spend time on phone calls, making an appointment for an interview, preparing questionnaires and other organizational issues. All technical and preparatory operations are carried out by a recruitment agency, as a result, the employer receives carefully selected, in accordance with all his requirements, candidates for the position, with whom you need to conduct a final interview.
For the applicant, the benefit in cooperation with recruitment agencies is that the search for suitable vacancies is carried out faster. No need to waste time on phone calls, ineffective resume mailing, as well as unnecessary interviews.

The history of the development and emergence of recruiters

Such business entities as personnel (recruiting) agencies arose along with the development of market relations, that is, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the phenomenon of compulsory employment of young specialists disappeared.
The first agencies began to appear in the early 90s of the last century. With the emergence of large companies on the market, as well as enterprises with foreign investments, the number of recruitment agencies began to increase exponentially, because these employers are the main customers of recruiters' services.

Modern recruitment agencies

Today, the Russian recruiting services market is represented by agencies of a wide variety of profiles. There are agencies that, in addition to their usual duties, are organizing various trainings, seminars, lectures on the topic of employment, that is, they are additionally engaged in educational activities. Employers deserve special attention from institutions that use non-traditional methods of personnel search and selection in their work. For example, instead of the usual tests and interviews, they arrange something similar to a stressful interview or a test for quick reaction and non-standard thinking.
But most often, the traditional activity of agencies is the search for employees of rare qualifications, narrow specializations with a special specialized education. For the most part, agencies work not for quantity, but for quality. That is why recruiters do not engage in a mass search for workers for non-key positions, or they are engaged on a contractual basis as a subscription service to their regular customers.

Who are recruiting agencies for?

Absolutely all recruitment agencies position themselves as institutions that work for both the employer and the job seeker. But in fact, the key client of any agency is the employer, because it is he who pays for the services of the agency. Only at the expense of the hiring party, recruiters receive their profit, since for applicants all services are free. Accordingly, in the Employer-Recruiter-Applicant relationship, the first participant is the buyer who pays and orders, and the last participant is the product that offers itself. This is the way all reputable and trustworthy recruiters work.

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The market economy has captured almost the entire space of the Earth and dictated its own rules. There are many organizations, their number is growing by leaps and bounds, but the supply of jobs is still limited. The market now exists in the field of recruitment. Every employer wants to find an employee who is most beneficial to his business, and every employee wants to find a workplace with the best working conditions. This search can take many years. And the constant turnover of staff also does not disappear anywhere. People, while still in one workplace, are already looking for another. And so without interruption. It got to the point that it became problematic to find something successfully on your own. So such services and agencies appeared that built their own business hierarchy on hiring personnel and specialists.

What is a recruitment agency

This type of organization is now very popular. And the most interesting thing is that almost the entire labor market is controlled by them. There are very few applicants left who are independently looking for a job or an employee and have never before used the services of such a structure as a recruitment agency. As soon as an employee posts his resume to find a job, he immediately receives an offer from the managers of such a company. Recruitment agencies are a staff of such managers involved in the search for workers and jobs. Of course, there are other specialists in their composition, but these organizations got their name precisely because of them - recruiters. They collect information about vacancies and unemployed people looking for a job. Recruiting agencies - creating databases of organizations and names.

The purpose of recruiting agencies

Recruiting agencies are the place where employers turn to, leaving a list of vacant positions, wishes for the applicant and a description. The agency looks through the resumes they already have in the database, conducts interviews, records their results, compiles psychological and professional pictures of the applicants' characters, and then transmits the results of the work the customer firm. If these people do not fit the position, the search for an applicant goes beyond the internal database to job search sites, ads in various sources are studied.

Recruiting agencies are the way to find a job. By contacting such an organization, the applicant saves time on viewing vacancies that do not suit him for various reasons. Or it doesn't suit them. It is convenient to use this service if at the time of the search the applicant still continues to work in another place, but plans to change his employment to more comfortable and suitable conditions. It is also an interesting option for those who are already desperate to find

Who works in a recruiting agency

This organization provides services. So, she must do this business at the highest level. Like no one else can do it. Therefore, specialists working in this direction are really experts in many fields of knowledge.

For recruitment, you need to know some of the specific requirements of the vacancy and at least a little understanding of the industry in order to correctly assess how suitable the applicant is for the position. In addition to professional qualities, knowledge and skills, it is necessary to assess the mental state and personal characteristics of the future employee. To do this, you need to understand a lot in human psychology. Well, let's not forget that it's still a service. It must be able to offer. A manager cannot earn a normal salary if he cannot offer his work to people. That is, the qualities of salespeople are not the latest in this career ladder.

Recruiting agency: work and its search

Often recruiters find your resume on the Internet. Then you receive a call offering services. You may have just been found for a particular position for which you are ideally suited. In the latter case, very often you do not even have to pay for the job search service. This has already been done by the future employer.

But there is also a moment when you need to contact a recruiting agency yourself. You pay for their services immediately or from the first salary, they record your data in their database and start searching for a suitable vacancy. You will have to go to interviews for the proposed jobs, and the entire search process will lie on the shoulders of the agency. In some cases, even these trips are not required. That is, such a job search service makes your life much easier and relieves an extra headache. A lot of time is freed up for more important and urgent matters.

Finding an employee with the help of recruiters

The human resources department is usually responsible for finding employees. But not all firms have such a division. Entrepreneurs are now quite a lot, especially beginners. Their staff sometimes consists of one person, well, or several. But this is still not enough. People are forced to do a huge range of various actions, and there is simply neither time nor energy to search for a new employee. This is where a recruitment agency can help. It is much more reasonable to pay another legal entity a modest amount for the search for applicants than to abandon all your important cases and endlessly look through not the most original resumes. Yes, and the only accountant-secretary-clerk in one person to distract from all these cases is not the best solution.

Sometimes even large organizations with several hundred people in their staff turn to an agency. Whether it is not enough what situation can be. There is only one personnel officer in the organization, and then he went on maternity leave. And there is no one to search for a new one. And in the agency, all applicants will be selected according to the relevant requirements of the customer, and even tested on their own. There is convenience.

How much does such a service cost? Rates

Of course, each individual agency has its own tariffs and works according to its own scheme. Applicants may be charged a fee ranging from 500 to 4000 rubles, depending on the region. An organization that wants to find a new employee is charged for the service as a percentage of the salary of the position. This pattern is the most common. For example, recruiting agencies in Moscow charge customers an amount ranging from 10 to 14 percent of the salary of the vacancy that HR specialists will look for. That is, if the company decided to find a programmer for itself, allocated a salary of forty thousand for him, then recruiters will have to pay from four to six thousand rubles for his search.

Recruiting agencies in Moscow

The capital has more than a thousand organizations involved in the search for personnel. Such a huge city, huge competition, but at the same time - a huge choice. Recruitment agencies have introduced new service options into their work. For example, Now the necessary skills for a fee can be taught to future employees immediately in the personnel department. Trainings teach teamwork, the ability to sell, generate ideas, and so on. Moreover, these trainings are conducted by experienced specialists, who are not the cheapest and most logical pleasure to keep in their staff.

Some of the recruiting agencies have wide networks of branches in other regions and even around the world, others only deal with certain areas, and others specialize in specific industries in their area. The choice is huge. Each agency has its own set of services and prices. A competitive market forces everyone to play by their own rules. Some of the most famous: the personnel center "President", the group of companies "A. N. T.", "Maxima".

Agencies in St. Petersburg

The northern capital of our country is also not inferior to Moscow in terms of the number of HR specialists. Recruitment agencies in St. Petersburg are also trying to take their place under the sun, including training, testing, basic training, team building and other development programs for staff in their list of services. You can apply there not even to search for new employees, but to improve the skills of people already in the state. One of the oldest recruitment companies in St. Petersburg is Ares. No less famous are "Avagar Group" and HR-profi. They rightfully got into the top lines in the rating of recruiting agencies.

Rating and reviews

The first line in Moscow is occupied by Staffline - a recruiting agency, reviews of which are extremely positive. It has helped many people find jobs, and employers - good specialists. A wide coverage of areas of activity allowed us to earn a solid five out of a possible five points. In St. Petersburg, the first line is occupied by "Gardarika". This is exactly the case when people value the good name of their company and do not want to spoil it with small troubles with the clientele.

On what should any company be built? Of course, the staff. Huge corporations, enterprises, medium-sized businesses and even small food stalls work and earn thanks to their employees. Much of the activity depends on their skill and devotion. After all, any company is a system. And most of the links in this mechanism are occupied by people.

Have you noticed that some salespeople can make you smile? And once again you will come to that store, to that seller. This proves the statement of the founder of Honda. Soichiro Honda said that people work harder and are more innovative when they are not forced. When you are in your place, you love what you do, you want to do everything for greater progress.

How to choose a person for work? Yes, so that he was in his place ... This question torments many directors. They are assisted by recruiters.

A recruitment agency is an organization that helps people get jobs and employers hire their staff. A director or person in charge who has been assigned to look for new employees comes to them, pays money, and the search for specialists helps to find a suitable candidate. HR agencies provide benefits to everyone. Employ the unemployed. They give valuable workers to an employer who does not have to spend his time searching. They also bring money for their services.

Do not confuse recruitment agencies with employment services. The former are aimed at employers, and the latter at the unemployed. Both organizations receive money from the people they target. Most often, HR agencies take a fixed percentage of the future salary of the employee they have selected.

The organizations under consideration are of two types. Consulting and recruiting firms. Consulting companies provide a wide range of services. They not only select employees, but also evaluate the entire activity of the enterprise from the standpoint of personnel matters, give advice on improving productivity, conduct trainings and seminars, and develop motivation programs. Recruiting services provide only recruitment services. There are also specialized HR services in certain areas. For example, the selection of specialists only for engineering enterprises.

What kind of work do such agencies do?

Added to the base of the unemployed, who themselves seek help;

Looking for specialists from resumes on the Internet;

Resume screening - search in the candidate database for the company;

Headhunting - luring an already employed employee of organization A to organization B. This happens with people who have outstanding abilities, as well as a rare specialization;

Organize mass selection of employees for large firms. For example, when opening a new department or branch;

They are engaged in the search for such candidates for the position, who belong to the so-called "tops". Usually such people do not expose their resumes. They have reached such a level that they work by invitation;

Conduct competitions and interviews among job seekers;

Replacing HR departments

Conduct corporate trainings and courses. All this helps to increase the efficiency of the already recruited personnel at the enterprise.

It's great that there are so many companies out there that make life easier. Recruitment agencies are one such service. Their main task is to ensure competent hiring of specialists for the client company. And they do an excellent job with this task.

Tags by material: How recruitment agencies work, how recruitment agencies work for job seekers, how recruitment agencies work for employers.

There are more and more recruitment agencies, and it is considered prestigious to work with them. Only fairly large and wealthy companies can afford it, because recruitment agencies charge quite high fees for their services. Applicants who decide to apply to the agency for help in finding a job will also have to pay a lot of money if they find a suitable job for them.

Before you start using the services of recruitment agencies, it does not hurt to study how they work. Often companies, and especially applicants, do not fully understand the principles and schemes that such agencies use, and as a result, they expect not quite what they get in reality.

What are the differences between recruitment agencies

First, let's understand the concepts. Employment agencies, recruitment agencies, recruiting agencies - is there a difference between them and what does it consist of? Recruitment agencies is the general name of companies that provide certain services related to personnel (whether it be recruitment or vice versa employment). Recruitment agencies are looking for employees for different companies and enterprises. That is, their customers are the companies themselves, and not specific people. Employment agencies are looking for suitable vacancies for people who apply to them. Here, the clients are already specific individuals who are looking for work.

There is also such a specific direction of personnel organizations as headhunting(headhunting - "hunting for heads"). This is a search for true masters of their craft, professionals with extensive experience, highly qualified specialists. Now more and more recruitment agencies are switching to a mixed type of activity, that is, providing services for both job seekers and enterprises. But still, employment services for individuals can not be obtained in all agencies. It is much more profitable for them to work for enterprises financially, so this type of service is the main focus.

Scheme of interaction with employers

A recruitment agency receives a request from a client company to fill a specific vacancy/vacancies. At the same time, the agency should receive detailed instructions on what knowledge, skills and qualities the candidate should have. Work experience and level of education often play an important role as well. Some even make demands on gender, age, marital status.

After receiving all this information, the recruitment agency sorts the resumes of applicants that are already in the database and selects those that meet all the requirements of the employer and are potentially suitable for the declared position. Usually about 5-7 applicants are selected. If there are no suitable options, or there are not enough of them, then open vacancy announcements are published on various job search resources. Moreover, the ads indicate the contacts of the manager who represents the recruitment agency, and not the contacts of the employer. If a company applied for a service to a recruitment agency, it means that it does not want all applicants in a row to call it, but only waits for those who will really apply for the position. The name of the company that is looking for an employee is most often hidden by a recruitment agency.

All suitable candidates for the position are then invited for an interview. First, it takes place in the recruitment agency itself. After it, a certain number of applicants may be eliminated. All applicants approved by the agency are already sent for an interview with the employer. If one of them is approved for the position, the company pays a fee to the recruiting agency for the services rendered. Under the terms of the contract, sometimes the fee can be paid only after the candidate has passed the trial period. In case he did not pass it, the recruitment agency starts the search for the position again. The amount of the fee is usually from half to two full monthly salaries of the found employee, depending on the specifics of the activity.

Scheme of interaction with applicants

People seek help from recruitment agencies for various reasons: someone is already desperate to find a job on their own, someone simply does not want to bother looking for it, someone is convinced that the best vacancy can be found through an agency. One way or another, when contacting an employment agency, you need to understand that the very fact of applying there does not guarantee that you will be found a suitable vacancy and get a job. It often happens that a candidate is denied all potential jobs, no matter how hard the agency tries. In this case, the person remains unemployed, and he still has to pay for the services rendered by the agency, at least consulting.

What is the scheme of work of agencies with applicants based on? The candidate contacts a recruitment agency, where specialists conduct an interview with him. Its goal is to find out what position the candidate is looking for, what requirements he has for it, what salary he would like, what career ambitions he has and other important points.

The next step is to create a quality resume. Compiling a resume so that all the positive points are favorably highlighted, attention is not focused on the negative ones, and with all this, the resume is absolutely truthful is not so easy. That is why most resumes that candidates write on their own are not competitive. In some cases, it is necessary to translate a resume into a foreign language. This can also be done by a recruitment agency, of course, all services are paid.

The resume is entered into the database of the recruitment agency, and an interview is conducted with the applicant. At this stage, the manager of the recruitment agency will already have a certain picture of what the candidate is like and in which company he can really be hired. Then the specialists begin to search for suitable vacancies.

A good agency has its own extensive database of enterprises that are looking for personnel of various specialties. The manager compares the “portrait” of this applicant with the available vacancies, from which those that he can apply for stand out. Information about the candidate is sent to these companies, then an internal interview is conducted with him in the organization. The decision to accept or not to hire is made, of course, not by a recruitment agency, but by a company that is a potential employer. When the applicant has been hired, he pays the recruitment agency a fee for the services rendered, usually it is a percentage of the monthly salary (from 25% up to 100%). Less commonly, agencies set a fixed fee amount.

To avoid deception on the part of the client, a recruitment agency concludes an agreement with him at the very beginning of cooperation, where all the obligations of the parties are prescribed. Sometimes the terms of the contract suggest that the fee will be paid only after the candidate successfully completes the probationary period in the company. Recruitment agencies may also provide services of a purely consulting nature. For example, regarding career building, job search methods, principles of successful interviewing. The client can use these services at will, and all of them are paid separately.

Such schemes of interaction with clients are used by the vast majority of recruitment agencies. Headhunting agencies have their own specifics. First, they need to have an extensive database of all the city's top managers. Information about such specialists contained in databases is most often exclusive and should be protected. Secondly, the people who got into such a database are professionals in their field who rarely sit without work. Therefore, recruiters are faced with the task of not only finding a suitable candidate, but also persuading him to quit his current job in favor of the declared position. It can be very difficult, but the reward for the successful provision of services is also very high.
