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Is it possible to make money by writing? Is it possible for a writer to make money in Russia? How to make money for a beginning writer?

It is difficult for a modern writer to be a leader of minds and the voice of a generation. In pre-revolutionary times, a writer was regarded almost as a prophet; the voices of writers were listened to and believed. In the Soviet Union, you could buy a car and an apartment with a writer’s salary. After the establishment of market relations in the book market, writers were quickly brought back to earth. Nowadays you can’t really live on writer’s fees. And a writer can make money on his own books only with the proper skill and effort.

Is it possible to make money by publishing books?

For some reason, it is believed that having written a bestseller, you can sell it to a publishing house and live comfortably on royalties. It's not like that at all. Even famous writers have to come out with a new product from time to time in order to earn good money. Only the heirs can live on the interest from one book - through the sale and resale of rights.

In market conditions, a book is the same commodity as bread, a refrigerator or a winter coat. People have their own necessary expenses, so a writer must strongly convince his readers that his book is worth buying. In fact, a book is a luxury item, an indicator of status. Fiction itself does not bring economic benefits; it is useless: you can’t make coffee with it, you can’t wash clothes. The only thing it provides is aesthetic experience and entertainment. But you can get them for free and without much effort: for example, through cinema.

So the book has to compete with everyone and everything. And, let’s be honest, it is losing on many fronts.

The need to compete leads to the fact that the book must be taught as a product and advertised. Writing and publishing books should be considered a business. If you decide to convey your word to readers, you will have to play by the rules. Otherwise, you won't get anywhere.

According to eminent masters, beginning writers can earn up to $1,000 maximum from publishing one book—that’s about 60,000 rubles at the current exchange rate (as of November 2015). Nothing at all, you see, for a year of work (and that’s exactly what it takes to write an intelligent book). So in most cases, writers have to take matters into their own hands and become famous.

Is it worth collaborating with a publisher?

It is believed that after creating an imperishable book, a writer must contact the publication, and the publisher must buy the manuscript from him. This misconception is so widespread that publications are literally inundated with manuscripts from aspiring writers. And that's bad. In the constant stream of graphomaniac works, a real masterpiece will certainly get lost. Even if it is found, the publisher is unlikely to publish it: no one knows the name of the author. You will have to invest additionally in promoting the name of an unknown writer, developing a marketing program, etc.

If you are interested in how much writers earn in Russia, then you should first understand and accept a few things. Writing does not bring super profits to everyone. And the talent of a writer means at least something. Read about everything at once - what the writing business is, how much new writers earn, how to write your own book and the most popular topics for making money from writing.

Firstly, a person will not become rich after publishing his first book. Even after going through the long journey of writing a book, editing it, searching for a publication and signing a contract, you, as a beginning writer, can only count on a small circulation, and, consequently, a fee. Moreover, you often have to pay for the publication of your work yourself.

Second, understand that it will take years before you can reach a certain level of fame and success with your talent and hard work. More than 144 million people live in Russia. Of these, about 20-30 people can boast of significant income from writing books. Daria Dontsova, for example, for each published book can count on approximately 7,000,000 rubles, if you do not take into account the money received from the re-release. Boris Akunin in such a situation receives more 1,000,000 rubles. Fee in 800,000 rubles boasts Alexandra Marinina.

A writer can get rich and become famous throughout the country; this cannot be ruled out. However, comparing the above figures, we can rather talk about exceptions to the rule, right?

How do writers make money?

First, you need to understand the basic concepts of how a writer can make money. A young author entering into a contract with a publishing house is faced with two basic concepts:

1) royalties- a certain amount of money that a writer receives from each copy of his book sold. You can count on 3%-25%. It depends on how successful and respected the writer is. Most often the royalty is 5%-10%.

2) fee- the amount of money that the writer receives immediately after the book is put into print. The first work can bring the author about 5,000-20,000 rubles.

Often a beginner is content with either one or the other. It depends on the terms of the contract. You shouldn’t expect to receive both a fee and a royalty at the same time, because the publishing house won’t agree to that.

There is such a thing as selling rights to translate and publish a book abroad. Revenue in this case can vary from $1,000 to $3,000 on average.

Understand that the first 5 books will not ensure your existence (with rare exceptions). That is why most modern Russian writers have a permanent job in another sphere of life, but they do not give up their hobby. Only those who have more than 20 published works behind them can count on a good income. Their fees reach 50,000-150,000 rubles for a book.

Average Earnings for a Newbie in the World of Writing

So, how can a writer make his first money? After the work has been written and edited, it is necessary to find a publishing house that will agree to publish it. Often, beginning authors contact several organizations at once so as not to waste precious time.

If your work is appreciated, and one of the publishing houses agrees to publish it, then an agreement is concluded between you, which describes the amount of the fee or royalty. It was mentioned earlier that at the initial stage you should not count on fabulous money.

Let's look at the possibility of receiving royalties using a specific example. First you need to understand what the selling price is. This is the amount for which books are sold by the publisher itself. It is worth noting that works appear on store shelves at 3-4 times more expensive. Royalties are received from the selling price, and not from the final price. Beginners can only count on a small print run, as the publisher needs to see if the book is in demand. At best, you can count on 3,000 copies. It’s easy to calculate the author’s final income. Let the selling price of the book be 100 rubles. With a 5% royalty and a circulation of 3000 copies, the writer will receive 15,000 rubles.

Reprinting of books

Sometimes books become so popular that it becomes necessary to re-publish them. For the author, this situation is quite beneficial. The fact is that the writer’s deductions are somewhat reduced, but at the same time he is freed from any work, because the work has already been written. The publishing house takes care of all the troubles. Royalties vary between 3%-15%.

The book can be re-published by another publishing house after a few years if the contract is drawn up correctly. For the author, this can bring more favorable terms of cooperation, including higher income.

As mentioned earlier, a person who has published about 20 works can count on a decent income. However, most Russian writers do not earn their living by publishing their own books. Although writing, but without the involvement of publishing houses. How it's done? Look for links at the end of the article.

Rating of the most popular genres of fiction in Russia

The main question for some new writers is what topic to choose to make the book popular? The correct answer is to be guided by your knowledge. However, if this does not happen, you can study five popular book genres that guarantee a high chance of selling your book well.

1) Takes honorable first place female detective. It is worth noting that it is the female audience that can be considered the most active in the field of purchasing books of any subject. As well as the authors. It so happens that today the most popular book authors are women.

2) Action. However, we are not talking about a foreign action movie, but rather a Russian one. This head start may lie in the fact that foreign literature takes quite a long time to be translated into Russian. And the translation cannot always be considered successful, that is, an important play on words or the meaning of the entire work may be lost during translation.

3) Historical adventure classic. This genre has reached an honorable third place relatively recently. But, he quickly gained his popularity. This is due to many factors, including increasing interest in period dramas on television, such as The Magnificent Century or Downton Abbey. This, by the way, is used by many beginning writers. They write their works on similar topics, thereby gaining guaranteed initial interest in the book.

The modern market is overflowing with new authors; dozens of new works are published every day by major publishing houses, but most of them are refused publication. Fiction is in less and less demand; only specialized publications are still of interest to buyers. The ability to get a book for free from the Internet makes sales unprofitable and non-revenue-generating.

Average fee

The author usually offers the first work to several publishing houses. If someone undertakes the publication, an agreement is concluded that specifies the amount of the fee. Usually the writer is promised up to 20% of the cost of the book, but at the initial stage even 6-10% is an excellent option. The publisher's selling price is usually 30% of the cost, and it is from this that the calculation should be made. New authors are usually published in small editions to see the demand for the work. Up to 3 thousand copies are published by large publishing houses.

The author's fee can be calculated without effort. The average selling price of a paperback book in 2014 is 60 rubles. If 3 thousand copies are printed, and the author receives 5%, then he will put 9,000 rubles in his pocket. If he is lucky and the royalty is 10%, then his amount will increase to 18,000 rubles.

Reprinting of books

If a book is popular, if demand for it is growing, then there is a high probability of a second edition being released. In this case, royalties to the author are reduced, the percentage usually varies from 3 to 15%, but there is no need to write anything, the text is only re-sent to store shelves.

If the contract is drawn up correctly, then after a few years the books can be published in another publishing house, and then you can bargain for better conditions. Usually the price increases along with fame; if the author has earned the trust of buyers and a circle of fans has formed, then his fees can become more significant. But most writers still make money not from books, but from writing articles, reviews and other work. A book is an opportunity to make yourself known, not to get rich.

rare chance

Today in Russia there are about 20 authors whose income from writing books is very significant. Their names are known to many; it is their recognition that allows them to be at the top of the ratings of modern authors. For example, Daria Dontsova receives about 7 million rubles for each new book, plus additional amounts from reprinting. Boris Akunin receives a little more than a million rubles for a new work, Alexandra Marinina is counting on 800 thousand.

JK Rowling was named the most expensive writer on the planet in 2014. Its annual income from reprinting and publishing books is more than $300 million. Huge circulation and publication in different countries of the world allows her to receive at least $500 every minute. But no author in Russia has received such fees yet.

Earnings for a writer are a complex and opaque indicator. Earnings can vary from 30,000 rubles per year to tens of millions of dollars per month. The scatter is quite large and it is far from being measured by the talent of the writer. It used to be simpler in the USSR - write a book, get access to a feeding trough and live the rest of your life. Now everything is much more complicated. Today we will find out how much modern writers earn.

For the third year in a row, he is in the lead in the list compiled by the influential Forbes magazine. James Patterson. An American pensioner earned $94 million in a year. He has 14 new books published. His bestsellers about psychologist Alex Cross, novels about detective Michael Bennett and a dozen books from the “Women’s Murder Investigation Club” series are widely known.

Horror legend Stephen King, of course, lagged behind my colleague, but also made decent money. Agree, 39 million greens per year is a very decent amount. On such an income you can live long and well, even during periods of creative stagnation.

Another American literary star Janet Ivanovich earned $33 million over the past year. Working field for Janet are detective novels about former lingerie saleswoman Stephanie Plum, who changed her destiny and became a bounty hunter.

You tell me this is abroad, what to compare? But let's admit that their expenses are not the same as ours, not to mention their requests. Ours, however, are far behind their Western colleagues, but this does not prevent them from earning decent amounts of money from their creativity.

Example, Daria Dontsova Everyone is already tired of it, but I will repeat it. In 2011 alone, Dontsova, according to the Russian Book Chamber, published books with a circulation of over two million copies. It is not known for certain how much she receives from the sale of each book, but even the minimum option of 1 dollar is already more than 2 million dollars a year. If the author is prolific, the amount of earnings is decent.

Boris Akunin According to some data, he lags behind his colleague in the shop. His circulation in 2011 was about 500,000 copies, but according to others he is the richest Russian writer. Even Forbes rated it. After all, do not forget that selling books is only the tip of the financial iceberg of a real professional writer.

What about our science fiction writers? Now one of the most popular genres of literature brings decent money to its masters.

Sergei Lukyanenko launches circulation easily and naturally from 200 thousand pieces. By analogy, you can estimate how much it turns out in monetary terms. Life is quite possible and even good.

I would also like to point out that selling books is not everything. There are sales of rights to film adaptations of books, writing scripts, advertising in books and in life, passive income from publicity. Any professional writer will find a way to make money to their liking.

These are masters and professionals. How much do newbies earn? If a novice author manages to persuade a publishing house to put his work into circulation, and it will be published in the amount of 3,000 - 5,000 books, then this will bring him an average of 30 thousand rubles. Agree, mere pennies compared to labor costs. This is where the question arises: why all this? We need to throw everything to hell and go to the job we hate!

And then you need to think, why are you writing? If it's a hobby, then that's one thing. An income of 30 thousand rubles a year from a hobby is also not bad. Well, if you decide to take up writing, then to hell with everything! Take it and do it! Write every day, a lot and for a long time. This is the only way you will get better at it and create enough books to make yourself known.

This is good, if you have no family and obligations, then the whole world is at your feet. It would be a sin not to try to become a writer and make yourself known to the whole world, but what should a family office plankton do with a set of decent devices, issued on credit? In this case, you should prepare for the transition.

The transition to a writing career must begin early. First you need to write your first book. Tips can be read on our website. Next, we close all debts. The transition must occur on a sound financial basis. After this, we find an additional, preferably the most passive source of income, you can read about it here. Then, when your passive income begins to bear fruit and you learn to meet your minimum needs, quit. Now is your time to become a professional writer. Get busy with this. Write every day and sell. Sell ​​yourself, creativity, experience - this is what will help you get the real life of a writer.

Today we learned that a writer’s earnings are directly dependent on desire and experience. Mind your own business, and your business will always make you RICH.

What do you think about writers' income? Please leave comments below.


There are a lot of printed and hobby publications. These could be magazines about cars, or blogs about movies or music. Find several such publications on the Internet and offer them your services. Perhaps they just need an author. As a portfolio, you can offer them what you have ever written so that the editors can evaluate your level, or write something just for them.

If you speak foreign languages, you can make money from translations. It is very important for a translator to have a good command of not only a foreign language, but also Russian. You can find such work both in the office and at home. Send your resume to the translation agency. If you have a diploma as a translator, you will get a job without any problems. if not, you will first have to gain experience on one-time projects, which can be found on job exchanges for freelancers and thematic sites for translators.

Many writers complain that it is difficult for them to sell their books. If you are among them, think: maybe you just didn’t do it actively enough? Send your books to all well-known publishing houses, as well as literary magazines. It is quite possible that you will be noticed, especially if you write books on current topics or genres that sell well.

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Trading has always brought good income. In order to make good money from trading, it is not necessary to sell something expensive. Making money on small things can be even more significant if you know what to sell, where and to whom.


It should be said right away that you must have a calling. If you hate the very thought that you will have to sell some junk product from morning to evening, in heat and cold, trying to interest indifferent buyers, it is better to immediately abandon this idea and look for some other activity. If you feel that you can do it, then you can move on to the planning stage of your future business.

So, what and how to sell? There are two main options: sell just one product, but where there is demand for it, or choose a fairly wide range of inexpensive piece goods that are in constant demand. Before starting trading, be sure to settle all legal formalities with the local administration.

A good trading option is to sell seasonal products, in particular vegetables and fruits. The principle is simple: buy goods in bulk, sell them in . On such trading you can make up to one hundred percent profit. Some products can be processed and, for example, raw, cooked and sold several times more expensive in places where there are a lot of people.

Try to trade what is in constant demand. This could be toothpaste, toilet paper, socks and underwear, light bulbs, inexpensive kitchen utensils, etc. and so on. - everything that people use every day. Due to the large turnover, even a small trade margin will allow you to earn a good income.

A very good option is outbound trade in villages. Many villages have special market days, they happen a couple of times a week. This means that you can choose two or three villages with divergent days, while getting employment four or six days a week. Trade in villages is convenient due to the absence of much competition. The only drawback is the need to have your own transport.

The method of trading by institutions is quite common. By choosing a group of goods in the price category from 500 to several thousand rubles - for example, inexpensive electrical equipment, devices for the treatment and prevention of diseases, etc. etc., visit schools, institutes and other institutions and offer their products to their employees. The secret of success here is traditional - buy goods in bulk at a very low price and sell them several times more expensive.

There may be many options for making money on small things, but all of them are relevant if you do not expect to engage in such trading for a long time and for you it is only the first stage of accumulating capital for the subsequent transition to a new, higher level of doing business. For example, it could be the organization of a stationary retail outlet, then several. The very thought that you have development potential will give you strength and help you cope with all the difficulties that come your way.

Not long ago, social networks entered the lives of Internet users. Some of them gained extreme popularity, many remained unknown. Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Habrahabr - all of them have become very famous and bring multimillion-dollar profits to their creators.


The idea of ​​social networks is simple - to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other, look for former friends and generally have a good time. Therefore, creating your own social network is a promising business idea that can bring considerable income if implemented correctly. If you are excited about the idea of ​​starting this type of business, soberly assess your own strengths. Even if you have good experience as a webmaster, do not set yourself the goal of competing with popular projects. If you are going to use third-party specialists, calculate your investment. Achieving success is not easy, and you can very easily fail, as has happened to many.

So, to create a well-known, popular and highly profitable social network, you need powerful investments, professional marketing, promotion, and business connections. Therefore, beginners need to rely on highly specialized networks designed to unite users by interests. It is in narrow market niches that competition is minimal. For example, a project for dog breeders, for cat lovers, for checkers or players, for residents of a small town, and even for food lovers. There are many options, the main thing is to guess which of them may be of interest to potential users, and determine the level of competition in order to correctly calculate your strength in the fight for the client. The ideal option is that there are no competitors, then your social network will not require a lot of effort and money for development.

Please note that users will not appear on their own. To attract them, fill the network with high-quality and interesting content - articles, images, audio and video materials. Create several accounts on your behalf, create blogs and posts for your fictitious visitors, among whom there must be handsome and charismatic men. Display their profiles with photos and articles on the main page of your network. They will become the face of your project, create the impression of its popularity and attractiveness, and will make you want to register and communicate. Develop various bonuses and benefits for newly registered people.

To practice marketing and promotion in advance, try maintaining your thematic page on some already existing and well-known social network. This will not only give you invaluable experience in attracting visitors. If you manage to get a large number of subscribers or group members, you will succeed. Thanks to the experience gained and the funds earned in this way, your chances of creating your own network and promoting it with the help of professionals will significantly increase.

Don’t forget that for any social network, an important condition is its functionality. A visitor in his account should be able to create a virtual account for himself, post photos, music and videos in it, and keep his own blog or diary. Also, you should not skimp on the design and layout of the home page. Be sure to display the most interesting and popular posts, images, videos and articles on the subject of the project.

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There are many ways to make money online. Not everyone knows about them, of course. Recently, the number of people wanting to make money online has increased. Let's consider possible options and prospects for this work.

For beginner Internet businessmen, the easiest ways to make money on the Internet are the following methods that do not use money.

  1. Writing reviews about products that you have used. Everything here is elementary. What could be easier than writing a review about a book you read, a product you viewed or purchased? Tell us where you bought it, what you bought it for, and how much you bought it for. Do you recommend this product to other users? You can add a backstory about what prompted you to purchase, as well as interesting facts about the product, advantages, etc. Earnings will depend on the number of views of your reviews, so they need to be made in such a way that it is interesting to read. No dry material. Your work will be paid on all kinds of review sites. You can, of course, share your experience on personal social networks, but this is out of the kindness of your heart without monetary payment.

  2. There are sites that require operations such as joining a community, reposting, liking, etc. For each action, real money is awarded, which in the future, having accumulated a certain amount, can be transferred either to a mobile phone, or to an electronic wallet, or directly to a plastic card number. But, as a rule, no more than 1.5 rubles are awarded for such simple actions. When searching for such online part-time jobs, enter the specific name of the job you need into the search engine. For example, “join the community for money.” And they will give you what you were looking for.

  3. Writing articles. This can be an article of 1500 words or more, it must be original (usually at least 75% unique), in addition, it must correspond to the given topic. Earnings vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the specified volume. As a rule, you can earn from 30 to 75 rubles per article (approximate data). When searching, specific wording is also important, namely “writing articles for money.” This work is relevant for many websites and online stores. After successful writing and approved verification, the text is published in the form of a review, article, news, product description or review.

  4. Typing. Can you type quickly? You will enjoy this activity. But be careful and careful! If you need to enter into an agreement, be sure to read all its clauses (don’t forget about the fine print). If some kind of down payment is required, look for another site or type of income, because then they may tell you that they don’t know who you are or what you require from them. As a rule, you need to type the text of abstracts, coursework and other documents.

  5. Running your own blog or channel. The main thing is to be able to interest the user, since there are millions of people like you who are trying to make money from this. You must put your soul into your creation, this applies to any work. Earnings again depend on the number of views. Many people make educational videos, interesting culinary recipes, or just something interesting and funny on social networks such as Instagram, Youtube.

  6. Creation of new sites. Computer skills must be at a fairly high level. The pay here is prestigious, but orders are difficult to find, but it’s worth looking for. Online stores that have just opened need this service. It is possible that in the future, with your consent, you will be required to adjust and supply the site with new materials.

  7. Participation in surveys . Nothing complicated, just answer numerous questions. For them you can get approximately up to 5 rubles.

These were just some of the ways to make money online. There are still a whole bunch of them. The main thing is to find what you like. This work is in demand among students (since it is not possible to fully devote oneself to work due to studies or age), among pregnant women or those on maternity leave (additional income, since the family is waiting for a new addition, money will not be superfluous), as well as who tend to get bored with housework and want to do something new.

Basically, these forms of activity are used as additional income, since constant routine work quickly gets boring.

Don’t forget that when looking for a part-time job, you need to enter the exact wording of the job into the search engine.

Tip 8: How to learn to make money doing what you love

When you master several skills, try yourself in several ways to earn money, then determine for yourself what you do better, what you are not at all interested in doing, and what type of activity does not bring you income or is too small and insignificant compared to others. Immediately discard unprofitable options and stop pursuing them. Better spend more time developing a useful business.

Many beginners, and simply people who are passionate about their work, often devote too much time to work. Sometimes they are ready to work almost 24 hours a day. Only such zeal passes very quickly and disgust appears even for the most beloved activity. Why? Yes, because a person is tired, he needs rest and a break. Don't let this happen. For example, if you write articles, it is better to do 3 or 5 every day, and then rest. Yes, it seems to you that this is not productive, but you must agree, it is better to write little by little, but regularly, than to create 20 rewrites and hate making money on the Internet for a month.

Set your daily quota and stick to it consistently. Don't do more, even if you feel strong. If you feel like you can't do something (because you're not feeling well), leave the activity, continue it later, or reschedule it for the next day. However, don't let yourself be lazy.

Don't stop there. Yes, you have already found your favorite activities and eliminated those that are unprofitable, but this does not mean that you need to stop there. Look for new types of income, try yourself, develop. May you have several interesting and profitable sources of income.
