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SMM promotion on social networks - what it is and how it works. What is SMM marketing and how does it work? How to open an SMM agency

Hello, my dear readers! Rimma Belyakina is with you. On the pages of the blog site we talk about remote work and the opportunities it provides. Internet technologies are no longer even the future, they are the confident present.

More prudent and enterprising businessmen began to think about introducing business into the Internet space and attracting consumers to their goods or services on social networks.

Are you thinking about this too? Looking for ways to sell your product? Then you definitely need to know what SMM is and how it works. This is what we will look at in more detail in this article. We will also talk about what problems can be solved using SMM, its advantages and how to learn SMM promotion.

A lot has been written about the role of social networks in our lives. And if we put everything together, we would probably get a pretty big ledger, some kind of treatise on how 70-80% of all humanity spend their second, parallel to the real, virtual life in them.

And if we associate social networks with life, albeit virtual, we mean, if not all, then many important aspects of this very life: hobbies and entertainment, learning and work, shopping and sales. That is, everything that we previously had only in real life has now smoothly migrated to the virtual one.

SMM: deciphering the abbreviation and analyzing the essence

What does SMM mean? It is also called social marketing or online marketing. This concept came into use from the English language (“Social Media Marketing” literally means “marketing on social networks”) and is the process of attracting interest to any Internet resource through social platforms.

In other words, this is a mechanism for attracting traffic, that is, a flow of visitors (aka potential consumers), to a brand, service or product through social networks.

To put it even simpler: you are a businessman (real or fictitious), want to do business on the Internet, choose a social platform for this, go there with your product, determine your target audience and offer them your product in every possible way.

And if you want to succeed in online entrepreneurship, you definitely need to be present on a social platform, take part in communicating with users of this social network and selecting interesting, useful and constantly changing content on the topic of your product so that interest in it does not disappear. This is the whole “salt”, it is the essence of SMM promotion.

SMM management tasks

It is clear that SMM is not done by itself; there is a person behind this process. He is called differently: SMM specialist, SMM manager, SMM specialist, Internet marketer. The essence does not change, and the tasks are the same in any case:

  1. Determine your target audience and study their interests.
  2. Conduct a niche analysis: on which platform is it better to promote the brand, in what ways and tools.
  3. To achieve an increase in the number of audiences through a set of activities, which includes advertising, promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes.
  4. Work on creating the company’s image: conduct a PR campaign, monitor feedback, eliminate negativity.
  5. Monitor the promotion process: analysis of statistics and dynamics.

I have listed only the main tasks of SMM management, but, as you understand, this is not the entire list, since each company pursues its own interests and sets its own goals.

SMM in action: stages of promotion

SMM promotion is not an easy job, carried out in several stages:

  1. Choosing a site for your target audience. Why might this be important? Because there are quite a lot of social networks now, and each has its own contingent. Accordingly, their interests are different.
  2. Placement of a communication platform. Having decided on a social network, it is important to think about where the audience will gather for communication. What could it be? A specially created group, or community, or public, or your account. The main thing is not this, but that this platform is constantly working, giving the audience “bread and circuses”, i.e. the content it needs. And this is the next stage.
  3. Content creation and posting. It should not only be interesting and useful, but also viral, that is, one that is liked and shared. To quickly promote your public, you need to invest money and run advertising.
  4. Making a profit or monetizing the project. The most difficult and ambiguous stage, because the main goal of the SMM manager is to ensure that the bulk of subscribers are transferred to the customer’s website and become consumers. Here, whoever is lucky. There are various cases of monetization, both successful and exactly the opposite: you can achieve good earnings from a group with a number of subscribers of 3 – 5 thousand, or you can receive “mere pennies” from groups of “hundred thousanders”.

Here, perhaps, it would be useful to recall the development of the right strategy and tactics for the successful implementation of the project. And also that in every business, in addition to the plan, you need your own mechanisms and tools.

SMM tools

This paragraph of the article will be the shortest, because I have already written about Internet marketing tools and do not want to repeat myself. You can read about this in my previous article about. By the way, there you can watch a video with a detailed analysis of all SMM tools and find out how it all works.

I also advise you to refer to another of my earlier articles “”, where you can glean a lot of useful information and even life hacks on this topic. Don't be lazy to do this. After all, your success will depend on how effectively you use SMM tools.

Pros and cons of SMM

Any industry has its pros and cons, and before starting any business, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Let's now look at what priorities social marketing gives and whether it is worth doing it at all.

So, here are the benefits that social marketing gurus highlight:

  1. Demand. The demand for the services of SMM specialists is steadily growing.
  2. Freelance work. Having understood IT technologies and mastered SMM mechanisms, you will be able not to “steam” in the office. Many people prefer to work from home.
  3. Creative path. An opportunity to show all your hidden talents.
  4. A huge audience of potential clients: after all, social networks have millions of users.
  5. Minimum costs at the start and high payback after promotion.
  6. Solid reward for quality promotion services. The minimum cost of one SMM project is from 30,000 rubles.

What about the downsides? I would prefer to call them difficulties that will have to be encountered in the course of work. And first of all this:

  1. Selection of content that favorably illustrates the promoted product. It requires a rich imagination, which is inherent in few people, and a considerable amount of time to find the right material and design it.
  2. Working with advertising. Most likely, it won’t be possible without investments. You will have to spend money on advertising the product, and you will still need to learn how to do it.
  3. Competition. Business is firmly moving to the Internet. This is where competition comes in.

How to become an SMM specialist?

Since the specialty in question would most correctly be characterized not as narrowly focused, but rather as broad-profile, a lot of knowledge and skills that an SMM specialist must have are required.

What knowledge and skills should an SMM specialist have?

It is clear that he must know the basics of marketing first, but also:

  • understand information technology,
  • know media automation tools and be able to use them,
  • know the features of community management,
  • have analytical skills,
  • understand and be able to use targeted and other types of advertising,
  • have communication skills,
  • be able to establish contacts and interest,
  • be creative: be able to create exciting viral content,
  • be able to develop and put into practice strategies to attract audiences from social networks to the customer’s website.

Self-organization and self-discipline are important qualities. If a specialist needs a kick from his boss, then he is a bad specialist. However, excessive initiative is also unnecessary. As you know, it can be “punishable.” Here it is important to “find a middle ground” so as not to “burn out.”

Where can you learn this?

Social marketing can be learned in specialized online schools or courses, of which there are plenty on the Internet. In a separate article, we have compiled for you a selection and review of the best SMM courses.

Of these, we can highlight the TOP 3 best:

  • Course from the ConvertMonster project.
  • Three-month course “SMM Manager” from the online university Netology.
  • “SMM Manager” course from the Geekbrains portal and company.

Apparently, there are options, there are many of them, because progress does not stand still. Those who want to study science can only “roll up their sleeves” and get down to business. Well, when you “grind your teeth on this granite,” you will, in the same way and without difficulty, find something you like in the online space, since this business is modern, relevant, and profitable.

Let's sum it up

So, we looked at what SMM is. I tried to present the material as simply as possible. I hope it was clear.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: SMM is in trend today. This is a difficult but effective way to manage your turnover and relationships online. This is a varied and promising job that will suit energetic, pragmatic, people who keep up with the times.

In the next article we will look at the profession of an SMM manager in more detail. Stay tuned.

I would like to believe and know that the article was useful and helped in some way. One way or another, I look forward to your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Let's discuss. For now - bye. And see you again.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Relatively recently, a new online business has emerged that allows you to promote your company’s services or products on the market. It’s called SMM – social media marketing, and as you can guess from the name, it involves promotion on social networks. Often, SMM acts as some kind of assistance in SEO promotion, but it can also be a separate direction in the development of your marketing campaign. This type of business is very relevant, and a competent marketer can create a good source of income for himself. You just need to take into account that SMM is a progressive type of activity that requires the most modern knowledge and skills.

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Today there are already a considerable number of companies that provide this type of service. This is due to the rapid growth in the number of registered users of social networks, with the development of such sites, which are no longer just a means of communication, but also information platforms. It’s not worth missing out on the opportunity to reach such an audience, and in which it is very easy to sample according to the specified criteria, and many companies understand this. However, not every company has specialists of this profile, and not even every marketer can engage in marketing directly on social networks, because this is a rather complex and extensive area of ​​​​knowledge that needs to be studied further. And now there are few universities that give their students knowledge about SMM. That is, a significant part of the specialists working in this area simply studied all the features from their own experience and came to their level. This can be a difficulty when entering the market, because personnel issues are very important here, and a competitive organization that employs good SMM specialists can be a very serious rival. Here you won’t be able to play even by providing cheaper services; the price for your work may be lower at first in order to attract clients, but they need the same good result that other companies can offer.

To get started, you must register as a business entity. Here you can also register as an individual entrepreneur, because this will require small financial and time expenses. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a limited liability company, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves transferring to the state no more than 6% of income or 15% of operating activities as taxes, the form of deductions is calculated depending on profitability indicators. Activities can be classified in different ways, the following codes are suitable to one degree or another: (OKPD 2) 73.12 Services for representation in the media, (OKPD 2) 73.20 Services for researching market conditions and public opinion, (OKPD 2) 73.11 Services provided by advertising agencies (OKPD 2) 63.12 Contents of portals on the Internet information and communication network (OKPD 2) 63.11 Data processing, placement and related services.

It must also be said that it is not always advisable to engage exclusively in SMM; it is optimal to engage simultaneously with the promotion of sites and pages on social networks and simple optimization and promotion of sites - SEO. There are, of course, companies that deal exclusively with SMM, but still this tool, although it has its own distinctive features, is very close to SEO, and many clients are interested in the general “promotion” of their portal, and not just their presence on social networks. Therefore, initially it is better to count on opening a studio that deals with both SEO and SMM, so that you can outsource most of the services without significantly increasing your capacity. Usually it will be enough to attract one or more staff members to add SMM to the SEO activity. You can read more about opening a studio that deals with SEO. In this regard, if an entrepreneur already runs a website optimization studio, it makes sense for him to think about expanding his online business.

It should be noted that this market will only increase; today a significant number of businessmen work exclusively through social networks, and many newcomers first start only with a page on a social network, creating their own website much later. Therefore, if you offer clients high-quality services at normal prices and are able to resist competitors, then you can count on the fact that there will always be plenty of clients. And now is still a time when the market is not oversaturated with supply in many cases, but this will almost certainly change soon - it is too promising a direction.

Of course, you will have to find a room to house your office. There are, of course, companies that actually work from home or are represented by a network of remote workers, and in this case they do not need an office, but this is more likely to apply to very small companies or even enthusiasts who are just starting to do business. But for a full-fledged studio, you will have to look for an office, and it is best to look for premises somewhere in the city center or in business districts, exactly where there are the most potential clients. After all, it is mainly organizations that become clients, so their representatives should be able to conveniently get to the venue for negotiations. It is best to be located in some business center, then a significant part of the clients will be recruited from enterprises that are located in the same building. If possible, you can buy the premises as your own, although this is usually not advisable because it will require too much investment right away. Therefore, most often such enterprises make do with renting a small space (about 30 square meters), although its size can be large if the organization is involved in a huge number of projects and a large staff of employees is simultaneously involved in the work.

The cost of rent strongly depends on several factors, the most important is the location; in the center and business centers in particular, rent is often the most expensive. In addition, you need to count on the fact that some funds will be required to equip the premises, as well as for its repairs, at least cosmetic ones. Together with the purchase of furniture and equipment, the amount can reach 100 thousand rubles, and for large offices it is an order of magnitude more.

Ready ideas for your business

In this business, however, the determining factor for success is not whether the enterprise is equipped with any production or other facilities, but rather the presence of employees who can perform the tasks assigned to them as efficiently as possible. It has already been noted that to work, you will have to find marketers who are well versed directly in SMM techniques and have sufficient experience to deal with a project of any complexity. The entrepreneur himself, if he has sufficient knowledge, can become the leader of a group that is responsible for promoting websites and pages on clients’ social networks; otherwise, it is better for him to concentrate on fulfilling the duties of a manager on administrative and organizational issues. SMM specialists can be hired, including lured from other companies, but sometimes it is more expedient to train your employees by allocating the appropriate funds and time for this. It should also be noted that each specialist should mind his own business, so people who are engaged in general marketing should not study and conduct SMM to the detriment of their main work. At the same time, SMM tools also differ from each other, and here you will need to have several professionals involved in different areas at once.

So, programmers will be needed - these are people who know how to create websites, and despite the fact that representation on social networks is ensured by creating pages directly on the social network site itself, sometimes a lot of knowledge is required in order to make this page beautiful and functional. Plus, it may be necessary to provide support for third-party or simply complex code. And finally, SMM involves working not only (albeit primarily) within a social network; sometimes it is necessary to post materials and maintain portals on third-party resources or even create your own website. Next, the staff must also have SEO specialists who know how to optimize a website or page to obtain a higher ranking and to place the customer’s information in the top positions in search engines. In general, of course, this is not such a deep and professional work (and sometimes it is not required at all), but without specialists in this area it may be impossible to take on some orders or engage in certain categories of projects. Next, we just need marketers who are directly involved in advertising - that is, writing (creating) advertising material, studying market conditions, collecting statistics, analyzing, that is, doing everything necessary from an advertiser. Next are the SMM specialists themselves, who know about social media marketing technologies, who understand everything about creating and posting pages, attracting people, representation, and so on. It makes no sense to describe all the techniques here, because it will take too much time, and when you start working, you will still have to absorb a large amount of information. Finally, we need people who will promote their company’s services, contact potential clients, offer them a product, convince people that SMM will truly allow you to conduct your marketing campaign more effectively and increase your sales/demand for your service among the population. Their responsibilities also include working directly with potential consumers, that is, they communicate with people on social networks, find them, increase the number of views, and deal with technical implementation. In a small company, the staff rarely exceeds 10 people; some close, but still different duties can sometimes be performed by one person, but in a large organization that is forced to work with a large number of consumers, entire groups are created, each of which leads its own projects.

Ready ideas for your business

All business processes that are not related to the organization’s making a profit can be outsourced, this includes accounting, advice on legal and tax issues, as well as security of your office if it is located in a separate building and is not provided with security initially. Working with outsourcing companies allows you to significantly reduce your costs due to the fact that the staff will not have additional units, the work of which in no way affects the final result of the activity. It is also worth noting that a certain percentage of full-time employees can work remotely, or people can be involved only as needed, who are engaged, for example, in writing advertising texts and/or creating simple pages used in the further promotion of the customer company.

As you can understand, the personnel issue is the most important in the organization of such an enterprise, because here it is people who are the main value that forms the profit of the enterprise. Employees not only fulfill orders, but also find consumers. The organization itself must create its own website to post information about itself; through the website you can directly contact potential consumers, and if the studio itself does SEO, it can optimize its Internet portal so that it has high traffic. It’s not bad if the company employs a person who understands and knows how to conduct lead management, then it will be easier to find your clients. Otherwise, you can contact a company that specifically deals with this, that is, contact an outsourcer. And, of course, it makes sense to post information about yourself on the social networks where the work will take place.

Currently, the most popular website in Russia is VKontakte; it is through it that the promotion of customer goods/services can be most effectively carried out. To the credit of this portal, it is worth noting that it supports this direction, and the advertising sphere on it is more or less developed. The next site that is also worth considering is the foreign “Facebook”, despite the fact that it is now the most popular social network in the world, and it is developing quite quickly in Russia, and there are relatively many Russian users of this social network, work through it will not be possible be as effective as VKontakte. “Facebook” is a very promising direction, but not yet a priority, although there is also support for online business, in some aspects even more powerful and effective. A page on this site can become a full-fledged website, which will at least allow it to be used as an advertising and information platform for the client. Finally, organizations that are aimed at working with clients from other countries (hereinafter referred to as the CIS) should consider Facebook as the main direction for promoting their products and/or services; Thus, the SMM studio needs to be able to work on this resource. Next, you should develop your work in such social networks as Instagram and Twitter; they have their own specifics (one, roughly speaking, is a site for posting photos, the second is a microblog), because they do not involve providing full support in an advertising campaign, they have not so broad functionality, but required as additional resources. Considering the universal integration and gradual merging of these services (or rather, the synchronization of one user’s profiles with each other), it is also possible to find a fairly large number of clients through these social networks.

There are some other social networks that are worth considering for your work, but they will be needed for somewhat non-standard tasks, for example, when searching for clients in a certain region or a certain contingent of users. In general, an SMM studio should be able to work with any task, even if we are talking about a social network or representation in general in another country, so you need to develop in your employees not only the ability to work with specific sites, but also understand the principle of operation and the scheme for the development and promotion of portals. Then it will be possible to cope with a completely non-standard task, for example, representing the customer company on a dating site.

Ready ideas for your business

The amount of starting investment for opening a very small studio may not exceed 100 thousand rubles, but then we can talk about opening only a home enterprise, within which several people work (if not one at all), offering the simplest services to a small number of clients at the same time. Now it is not worth considering this a full-fledged business, and without further development such an undertaking is doomed to failure. But even if you consider the option of opening a large company, you won’t have to count on a million-dollar start-up budget, because a simply equipped office is enough to get started. Significant funds, however, will be spent on your advertising campaign, which will still have to be paid for regardless of how smart the employees are at the enterprise. To summarize, we can say that this type of online business is very promising and promises great profits, this area is still developing, and a company that can offer something completely new will receive a very important competitive advantage.

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Just 10 years ago, social networks existed in their infancy, no one understood how to make money on them, and no SMM simply existed. Today SMM is one of the hottest topics, along with , but no university will train you to become an SMM specialist.

All SMM specialists on the market are self-made, they all learned from scratch from their own mistakes, tested hypotheses, pointed their fingers at the sky and made their mark. “But how can I get into SMM from scratch?” - you ask.

In this material we will talk about how to learn SMM promotion on your own. Many people are intimidated by the scale of the task - how to get a lot of subscribers to the group? For any SMM tasks, there are automated solutions. Questions about how to invite friends to a group on VK in the conditions of 2017, with strict anti-spam algorithms and blocking of accounts for several invitations a day, how to gain thousands of subscribers and start making money on advertising in your community, will no longer belong to the realm of the highest for you mathematics.

Reconomica I found for you a cool Social Media Marketing specialist who agreed to talk about his profession and how he builds his business online - in detail, based on his experience. If you want to become a social media promotion specialist, be highly valued in the labor market, or start your own business on the Internet, you won’t find a better practical guide! We give the floor to the expert, and don’t forget to give the article a thumbs up!

Let's first define the terminology and topic of the article, for those who read from the tank.

What is SMM promotion?

What does the abbreviation SMM stand for?

If everything is more or less clear about retaining an audience for anyone with profiles on social networks - a couple of offset pictures, thematic infographics, collections of interesting information materials, articles, photographs of events, interviews with people from your industry - then recruiting an audience is a headache and a real SMM item. This article will discuss methods of audience recruitment and promotion on social networks.

Training in SMM promotion at the moment practically does not exist as an independent educational service, but after reading this material you will have a good basis for an independent start, and maybe in a couple of months you will be able to post your resume on for the position of SMM specialist .

How I got into Social Media Marketing

My name is Ridvan Arifmemetov, I live in Crimea and I want to tell you about my personal experience of making money on SMM promotion. I am and I work for myself. In principle, a social media manager can get a good salary in an office, or. At the moment I have my own website offering services on the social networks Intagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. It has been operating for a short time, but it already brings in a stable income, which suits me. We are talking about the amount of 40,000 rubles of net profit per month.

I plan to tell you how, with the help of programs and services, I was able to organize work on adding real and offer subscribers to groups, increasing likes and polls, video views, etc. But we will start from the very basics.

Step one - the path into the unknown

I entered the SMM promotion market in 2015. At that time, I noticed that the Internet was developing rapidly. and every day the number of people interested in promoting their groups and pages is growing inexorably. I took a look at the existing automated drug services and realized that they make good money. I already had a certain understanding of the process of promotion on social networks. All that remains is to understand how to implement this and where to start?

Finding tools to achieve your goal

To automate monotonous and labor-intensive processes, programs were needed (in other words, “software”). Good developers always hang out on reputable forums. For example, such as searchengines .guru, antichat .ru,, smmok .ru, etc. I registered on the sites and started looking for a software developer. First I found one programmer; he had special templates that were used to add real people to groups. I got burned on it for the first time and lost my hard-earned 20,000 rubles.

The fact is that such programs need constant updating, because social networks do not stand still and regularly change their algorithms. This affects the operation of the software. So, I bought templates from the developer. I tried them and tested them.

The first month everything was fine - the program worked properly. I promoted my own non-profit groups (humor and cooking topics) and slowly looked for people who would be interested in my services (I will describe how and where I did this later). But then the templates “stood up”. I wrote to the programmer, telling him the essence of the problem. And now two full years have passed, he still hasn’t answered me :). In general, after a week of active SMS attack, I realized that the person had deceived me. But while the program was working, I saw all the delights of SMM promotion and realized that this is a very profitable topic.

These two groups were the first to be promoted by me (later they were sold):

Humor group at Odnoklassniki.

Cooking group there.

Where to get working software to automate promotion on social networks

What to do now? I lost 20,000 rubles and did not make any profit. Then I found another programmer (I still work with him to this day). Ironically, he also turned out to be a resident of Crimea. A cool developer who helps with all the breakdowns and errors of the program. Corrects them even at night. I will write his Internet nickname at the end of the article; if you wish, you can quickly find it on the forums listed above.

Palyu interface of professional software for SMM

I bought programs from him for 50,000 rubles. Not all at once, but in parts over the course of two months. Here are some of them:

Program interface.

There is a large array of different settings.

The interface is tailored to my needs.

Request intervals are automated.

Social network accounts and proxies - you can’t live without them

Next, we needed accounts from which we would send invitations, assign classes, post comments, watch videos and join groups. I needed a lot of accounts, since I planned to take several orders and do them at the same time. I found two services where the price of one activation was 2 rubles.

I invested 20,000 rubles into accounts for various social networks.

Now we need proxies. This is a numbered computer address assigned by your ISP. The system of Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, YouTube and Vkontakte does not allow you to do many of the same type of actions from one proxy address. To get around this limitation, it was necessary to rent proxy addresses on trusted sites on an ongoing basis.

I found these resources on the same thematic forums. I made contact with one of these services and still work with them to this day. The price for renting one Russian proxy for a month is 90 rubles. I planned a large scale of work, so I immediately bought 100 proxy addresses for half a year in advance. The site administrators made a discount.

In total, I invested 45,000 rubles in this business. Everything was ready, and now I needed orders to recoup my investment and make a profit.

Step two - the soul is looking for work. Where can an SMM specialist get clients?

I immediately created accounts on social networks and began searching for groups where community administrators and moderators gather. There weren’t many of them, but those that existed remained quite active and were considered authoritative. I started advertising there with my services, and orders gradually began to appear.

To begin with, I only worked with Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. One real person on Odnoklassniki, whom I added to the group, cost 1 ruble. If the client was interested in a specific contingent of people (that is, they needed participants in the group from a certain city, a certain gender and age), then the price for 1 participant was 3 rubles. On VKontakte, prices varied - 2 and 5 rubles per member, respectively.

First earnings

Let me remind you that I invested 130,000 rubles in this business (this includes advertising my own services on the Internet). The first two months I didn’t earn that much - 10,000 rubles and 18,000 rubles, respectively. I had no reputation online and many customers didn’t trust me (this is understandable, because they don’t know me at all).

It was the third month of my work, and things were not moving forward. Regular customers appeared, but they ordered very little. Among them were:

  • sellers of fashionable clothing and jewelry;
  • sellers of knives and accessories;
  • bloggers;
  • travelers;
  • dealers in children's toys and shoes;
  • and even implementers of Orthodox icons.

The income level remained within 15,000 rubles. Development has stopped. And I urgently needed to find out why this happened and where did I go wrong? Great, another difficulty on the way to success :)

How to overcome the low income plateau? Step three - analysis of mistakes made and their correction

Based on the results of my research, I was able to find out several reasons for the low profitability of SMM business:

  • competitors appeared who greatly reduced prices (there were guys who promoted groups according to their mood - that is, for the sake of 300 rubles for beer, they placed an order at low prices, but did not spend money on buying proxies and a large number of accounts; they did not have scale, they were just spontaneous promoters);
  • scammers began to operate, which changed the attitude of clients towards SMM managers (it became difficult to persuade new clients to place an order, they were afraid of deception on my part);
  • The services were not advertised to the maximum (at that time I did not understand that the more advertising posts I made on numerous non-authoritative and less popular forums, the more I would attract the attention of clients).

Reputation in a professional environment is everything!

It was decided to improve their status and increase the trust of potential customers in themselves. At that time, I was an ordinary user who did not have any feedback on the work done. Reputation on thematic forums and groups was low. My contact details and other official information that would inspire confidence in a stranger were nowhere to be found.

As a result, I chose two development vectors:

The first is “auxiliary” (I offered my services to moderators and administrators unfamiliar to me with the first order being completed free of charge, so that, so to speak, the person would see the quality and understand that they could trust me; this method was needed to attract more clients and increase income).

The second is the main one (creating your own website with an automated engine; this requires additional money, so an “auxiliary” development vector was invented).

I invested another 30,000 rubles into creating the site and setting it up. The result is such an automatic service for promotion on social networks.

This is what my site looks like.

This significantly increased interest and trust in my services on the part of moderators, administrators and webmasters.

Step four - stable income achieved

Orders have appeared and at the moment I have a stable income from the site of 35-40 thousand rubles per month net. I'll even show you what these numbers are made up of.

My costs

Number of activations.

SMS costs.

These are services that provide phone numbers for one-time activation on social networks. I work with them through a purchased program that automatically registers accounts, uploads photos and statuses to the profile.

The second expense is proxy addresses - here is a website with current prices. I buy at a discount.

Proxy prices.

And income

Now about the profit: I provide the history of replenishing the wallet through the site by my clients:

Yandex money. Period (last 2 months):

These are all translations for work.

Total approximately 29,000 rubles.

Qiwi wallet (same period):

Total 28,000 rubles.

WebMoney wallet (last two months):

Total 16,640 rubles.

Total earned in two months from the site: 73,640 rubles.

Step five - as professional SMM managers recommend doing

Of course, many authoritative people with a high reputation in the SMM field recommend immediately investing a large amount in this business to instantly gain trust from the client and high-quality fulfillment of orders. For me, the process from the idea stage to the stage of my first impressive earnings took six months. I recouped my investment only after another six months. Now there is a confident and stable income.

As in any other business, you need to invest a certain amount of money in order to immediately receive a return.

And, of course, it is recommended to work exclusively with trusted people who will not deceive you, and with long-term cooperation, they will even give good discounts. I got burned by some programmers and services, lost money, but gained invaluable experience.

To fully immerse yourself in this topic, you need to spend a couple of weeks studying forums where experts in this field gather and discuss pressing problems. I provided a list of these resources above.

Step six - I advise you on the best way to proceed. Step-by-step instructions for starting an SMM business

  1. You need to buy a program - first, one that will send out invitations to the group and put classes on photos and posts. The best software is made by a programmer under the nickname Vendue. There is a lot of information about him on the net. He is also a Crimean (from Kerch). Very conscientious and honest developer. Gives discounts, explains all the nuances in detail and promptly corrects any errors that arise.
  2. Next, you need to register accounts to work, this can be done through the service. A very convenient and cheap resource.
  3. Then we buy proxy addresses. I collaborate with the guys from Adequate, they issue proxies that are clean and not exposed on social networks at affordable prices.
  4. We invest in website development- cheaper and better made by Izet Alibaev, he is also Crimean (the gang just looms :)). His pages are on Instagram, Vkontakte. A man of his word and a true professional. Creates websites of any complexity quickly and efficiently.
  5. The last stage is advertising your SMM services. I advise you to advertise in groups where community administrators and moderators gather (VK, FB, OK), as well as on the Searchengines .guru, OK-club forums.

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a promotion tool as promotion on social networks or SMM promotion.

Today you will learn:

  • What is SMM;
  • What tools exist;
  • How to implement SMM marketing.

What is SMM promotion

Many entrepreneurs skeptically wave their hands when they hear the phrase “promotion using social networks” or SMM. Each of them is sure that social networks are not capable of bringing customers, since they are not aimed at sales, but at entertainment. They are right, but only half. Social networks can attract customers and increase sales.

  • Sell;
  • Inform;
  • Teach;
  • Entertain.

Selecting tools for promoting a page on a social network

White promotion tools on social networks - all officially approved tools for promoting groups and pages on social networks. Each social network is represented by its own promotion tools.

But the most common ones include the following:

  • Targeted advertising– small advertisements in various areas of the resource page, as a rule, they consist of an image and a caption to it. Such advertising is displayed only to a specific target audience, the parameters of which can be selected in the settings of this type of advertising on the social network. Almost all social networks offer targeted advertising. The average cost for a month of placing such advertising is 5-10 thousand rubles, payment is made both for impressions and for clicks (your choice).
  • Advertising in other communities and social network pages. Almost every social network has a community platform where an advertiser can place advertisements for their group. Each community sets its own price for advertising, but on average, a one-time placement will cost you from 100 to 500 rubles.
  • Competitions– an excellent tool for promoting your company’s group. Organize a contest in which a lucky random person who reposts the post will receive a free gift from you, and users themselves will spread information about your company on the social network.
  • SEOgroup optimization. Yes, yes, pages on social networks also need to be optimized for results both in search engines and in the results of the social network itself. But in the case of a group, we need to optimize the following elements: the name of the group - affects the results on the social network and in the search engine; group description – affects the search engine placement; URL – affects the location in the search engine.
  • Communication with users. The most time-consuming and useful method. It allows you to better understand the consumer and gain his trust.

Gray tools tools for promoting groups and pages, the use of which is prohibited by the rules of social networks.

These include:

  • Cheat subscribers. Not endorsed by any social network. It allows you to rise in search results on a social network, but there is a high probability that the social network will “see through” you and block your page. The average cost for 1000 bots ranges from 100 to 1000 rubles.
  • Spam is also prohibited by the rules of social networks. However, it can bring positive results. To do this, you just need to send advertising messages only to those who may be interested in your offer.
  • Massfollowing – following someone on a social network in the hope that they will follow you back.

Black tools those promotion tools that are prohibited not only by the social network, but also by Russian legislation. This is hacking pages and then sending spam.

Content Creation

The main thing here is not to forget who your consumer is and that your ultimate goal is to sell the product.

This means that you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Create content that the user would want to post on their page. Your content should revolve around the product, brand or company and at the same time interest the target consumer. Everyone knows that a person “reposts” a post when it reminds him of some situation from his life or himself, take advantage of this fact. This is what the Coffee House cafe chain did, which posted pictures with a funny owl and the captions “Bright morning”, “Sometimes coffee is the only reason why I still have friends and work.”
  • Brand graphic content and videos. Brand your images and videos, otherwise you won't be recognized.
  • Teach. Show users how else they can use your product; don’t be afraid to come up with something unusual.
  • Open the comments and let users discuss you.
  • Create a plan for posting new posts. You need to consider when during the day your target consumers typically visit social media. But in any case, the publication of new entries must be done at least twice a day.