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Data collection terminal for 1s 8.3. Connecting and configuring a data collection terminal. Typical errors and problems. What hardware and software is supported by the new functionality

This article describes how to connect a data collection terminal (TSD) ATOL MobileLogistics with the configuration "Inventory with data entry", which is installed by default on the TSD to typical configurations 1s UT 11 or Retail 2. This is how the “Inventory with data entry” configuration menu looks like (for Opticon Smart it will be colored).

First you need to download the driver for the terminal or terminal stand . For Opticon Smart choose USB Driver for other models look at the stand. Install the driver and connect the TSD to the computer. When properly connected in the device manager, you should have a new virtual COM port.

The problem when using this configuration with 1s, when you try to load data from the terminal into the document, all the goods that are in the TSD appear in the document and the quantity in them is zero, to fix this error you need to go to the procedure DownloadTable in the general module PluggableEquipmentAtollData Acquisition TerminalsCustomer paste code

In settings

Click "Functions" - "Install driver" The ATOL driver installation wizard will open. Let's select the "Power User" mode and leave only a tick on the "Data collection terminal driver", we do not need other drivers. If other equipment is already connected to your computer via the ATOL driver, then this operation must be done carefully, it is better to install the driver in a separate folder. Re-installing to this folder will overwrite drivers for other hardware.

Let's put the MobileLogistics 4.x Model, Port number of the virtual COM - the port to which your TSD has connected. The default speed in the TSD is 115200 baud. The loading and unloading table for the "Inventory with data entry" configuration will be the same, i.e. "0".

To configure the "Formats" tabs, you need to know in which directories (Tables) the TSD stores data. This data can be obtained from the "User Guide for the Atol MobileLogistics Program". For the “Inventory with data entry” configuration, the data structure will be as follows: Directory 0 “Special Goods”

Field index Field name Type Size
0 HK String 20
1 Quantity UFloat 3
2 Name String 40
3 Price float 2

The ATOL company announces that the Opticon SMART data collection terminal with the ATOL driver has received the certificate “Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system!

What gives a certificate?

What 1C configurations support the new functionality?

    1C* configurations using BPO** version 1.0.21 and higher.

How to start using?

Select and install on the TSD a configuration from the folder samples, For example,

In folder samples contains configurations:

  • Fully supporting the regular functionality of automatic configuration of directories: Simple data collection with separated directories.ctf, Inventory with data entry.ctf and others. For such configurations to work with 1C, the functionality included in the new BPO is sufficient.
  • To work with other typical configurations with 1C, use:
    1. Updated external processing for 1C: Trade Management 10.3, 1C: Retail 1.0. Processing is part of the MobileLogistics distribution,
    2. Updated external processing for 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. Processing is part of the MobileLogistics distribution,
    3. Ready-made solutionsavailable for ordering through the ATOL price list → ATOL software tab → Ready-made industry solutions.

For additional improvements on the integration of MobileLogistics with 1C and other systems, please contact the contact specialists in the "" section.

Please follow these five steps:

Specify communication parameters:

Perform a device test:

After completing all of the above steps, you can start working with TSD and exchange data with 1C.

What hardware and software is supported by the new functionality?

  • Data collection terminals controlled by MobileLogistics software.
  • ATOL: TSD driver version 8.2 and higher. The driver is included in the MobileLogistics 5.5 distribution kit, it is automatically installed and works for free.

* 1C configurations, which include BPO for working with TSD using the ATOL TSD driver: 1C: Trade Management, ed. 11.1; 1C: Retail, ed. 2.0 PROF and Basic; 1C:UP (ERP) 2.0; 1C: Management of a small company PROF and Basic; industry solutions built on the basis of standard ones. The list of typical 1C configurations, which include BPO, may change. For information on how to use BPO in other configurations, please contact 1C Firm.

Us. We have our own developments in this area, which can significantly facilitate the implementation of the program.

The other day I encountered the refinement of data exchange between the data collection terminal Motorola (Symbol) MC9090 and 1C Trade management on platform 8.3. As software for was chosen domestic development from the company "Cleverence soft" - Wi-Fi data collection terminal driver for "1C: Enterprise" based on Mobile SMARTS, PROF version.

Usage commercial equipment, and in particular data collection terminals, greatly simplifies the task warehouse automation And improves work efficiency ordinary employees. Sometimes without TSD it is very difficult to make an inventory - this process stretches for several days, during which the balances have already changed - something has arrived, something has gone.

In the photo above, our experimental device, the top model of the Symbol TSD line, is the most nimble and functional terminal. Brains - a processor with a frequency of 624MHz, 128 megabytes of RAM (it's ridiculous to compare with new smartphones). On board as WiFi, Bluetooth, color touch screen. Operating system -Windows Mobile 5.0.

Terminals from Motorola have a very high degree of protection against external influences. You can literally throw them against the wall - nothing will happen to them.

Configuring the connection of the data collection terminal to 1C

The connection was configured using the warehouse automation software from Cleverence soft. A TSD web server is deployed on the computer - it receives data through the web-service technology, data from the terminal online. After that, the web service connects to the intermediate 1C, which, in turn, accesses your working configuration. It turns out the following scheme of work:

TSD - Web service - intermediate database 1C - working database 1C

Why is this done? Apparently, to make it easier to make an exchange between the web service and the working database. 1C with 1C will work easier 🙂

Mobile SMARTS settings for connecting to 1C

Let's return to our task. Open terminal configuration. After a short search, I found a place where additional product properties are added, for example, Price (price), Balance (qty), and added a new attribute “ cell» with type « string“, in it I will write the location in the warehouse:

Related video:

Data collection terminal (TSD)- a mobile device equipped with a barcode scanner, designed to read, store and transfer data to the accounting system for business transactions.

The general meaning of the technology of scanning devices is the exact identification of goods (products), correct quantitative and assortment accounting. Companies that implement equipment for warehouse automation and accounting are repelled from these goals.

Terminal functions are largely dependent on software installed on the TSD or accounting system, into which barcodes are directly read. That is, in fact, the function of the data collection terminal is very narrow - to read the barcode, store it, and transmit it. In many ways, the quality and usefulness of the TSD depends on the software and integration. Without integration and special software (software), TSD is nothing more than a barcode reader in itself. Many are mistaken when buying a terminal that supposedly the purchase of equipment solves the problem of warehouse automation. One "piece of iron", even very expensive, is not enough for automation. Next, we will consider options for integrating TSD with 1C in order to better understand the automation method, we will show the practical use of equipment “in the fields”.

Practical use of TSD in a warehouse

Arrival of goods– registration of the receipt of the nailed goods with checking the cargo on the acceptance ramp.

Product consumption- collection of shipments pre-order buyer in the "plan-fact" mode.

Inventory- recalculation of goods in the warehouse.


OFFLINE. Installation of special software on TSD, setting up synchronization of TSD with 1C
- ONLINE. Development of an interface for TSD, direct work with TSD in 1C

Option No. 1 TSD in OFFLINE mode

Software for TSD: "Data collection terminal driver" from the company "Cleverens" based on the Mobile Smarts platform.
Task: data transfer from the terminal to the 1C accounting system. 1C Enterprise is located on a remote server. The terminal is connected to the PC via a USB cable to the local computer. Those. you need to transfer data from a PC to a server with 1C.
Price Mobile Smarts licenses: UAH 4,000-5,000

To connect the terminal to 1C, we installed:
- Mobile Smarts platforms on the data collection terminal
- Mobile Smarts platform on PC and included utility for RDP file sharing
- Mobile Smarts platform to 1C server, 1C Mobile Smarts Driver, unpack exchange processing for 1C with TSD
After installing and configuring the solution based on the Cleverens software, we managed to complete all the planned tasks and use the terminal to automate the warehouse.

Benefits of OFFLINE Mode

High autonomy. The terminal operator is not connected to the WI-FI signal level and can move freely around the entire perimeter of the warehouse.
- on TSD there is navigation by pressing hot keys. For example, to select the document "Receipt of goods" just press the number 5 in the main menu of the program
- Thoughtful, not overloaded program interface
- the terminal can store several databases. This is necessary, for example, if the same terminal is used to work with different directories or different companies.
- TSD working autonomously does not create additional loads on 1C and the terminal server.

Disadvantages of OFFLINE Mode

Dead battery vulnerability. If the battery runs out while scanning is running, the terminal will turn off and no data will be saved. Will have to rescan the batch then
- multiple repetition of data transfer operations to/from the terminal. For example, to assemble a buyer's order, you need to put the TSD in the database (cradle), unload the order from 1C, synchronize the PC with the TSD, and after assembly, two reverse actions. Those. only 6 operations. Not a little with intensive shipment. Plus, every time you need to approach the base (cradle) with the terminal. From time to time (once a day/week), you need to completely download the Nomenclature reference book to update the barcode reference book.
- Complicated setup and connection procedure. Although the manufacturer Cleverens provides instructions and provides support for their solutions, integration and configuration will take time and require technical preparedness for the issue. You also need to be prepared for this.
- You need to buy a license for each data collection terminal

Option number 2 TSD in ONLINE mode

Terminal: Motorola MC 3190 based on Windows CE 6.0 operating system
Software for TSD: RDP-connection with the interface of the operator's workplace developed for TSD
Task: transfer of data from TSD to the 1C accounting system. 1C Enterprise is located on the server. The terminal connects directly to the server via remote desktop. Those. And regular user 1C and the TSD operator work directly in 1C online.
Solution price: 10 000 UAH

To solve the problem, we need to update the 1C configuration, add the TSD operator interface to it. After that, on the TSD, you need to set up a connection to a remote desktop with 1C.

Benefits of ONLINE Mode (RDP)

TSD always has an up-to-date database of documents and reference books. There is no need to do data exchanges.
- instant display of scanned data in 1C
- unlimited scalability of the solution. Once developed TSD operator interface can be used for 10 and 100 terminals
- Possibility to improve and make changes to the solution
- the ability to use the interface on devices running different operating systems: Windows, Android.
- the data collection terminal is not rigidly tied to the system. For example, if it is out of order, the battery is low, it is reconnected to the server session from another terminal and work continues

The most important advantage of the online mode of operation of the terminal is the absence of the need to go through the procedure for installing synchronization drivers and carrying out technical operations to set up a multi-link data transmission chain. Those. the terminal practically does not need to be prepared for work, provided that the 1C "TSD" interface is ready.

Disadvantages of ONLINE Mode (RDP)

It is possible that the connection between the terminal and the server could be interrupted both for local reasons (warehouse walls, range, coverage area) and for global reasons (problems with the communication provider)
- Online mode drains battery faster
- Additional load on the main corporate server of the company
- relative high cost of interface development, for example, for one or two TSD
In order to more clearly familiarize yourself with the described options, we recommend that you watch the video we shot specifically for this topic.

The functionality of the software allows you to perform the following operations:

1. For 1C:Enterprise 8: Buyer's order, Sample trading, invoice printing, Sales of goods and services, Return of goods from the buyer, Orders to suppliers, Receipts of goods and services, Returns of goods to suppliers, Receipt of goods and services in NTT, Repricing of goods at retail, Receipts and outgoing orders, Movements goods and services, Inventory of goods and services, Posting of goods, Write-off of goods, Adding barcodes for goods on TSD, + some others.

2. For "1C:Enterprise 7.7": Application for delivery (all in the form of Collecting barcodes), Application for a warehouse, Formation of a book of purchases and sales, Receipt of goods and materials, Receipt at retail, Inventory by warehouse, Entering balances, Revaluation, + any others where there is a nomenclature, quantity, unit .meas

Uploading documents/tasks to the radio terminal: For auto exchange documents need an automatic upload/download module

Support for product weight, characteristics, series, serial numbers: Yes

Remote (RDP) access to 1C: Not required! Everything is online through the data collection terminal server.

Supported directory volumes: Any! The entire nomenclature is taken online from the 1C database.

Many documents on one terminal: Yes

Collective work with documents: To collaborate on documents, you need a collaboration module.

Mobile printing: Printing requires a print module.

The software package for 1C includes:

1. Program for data collection terminal used for warehouse automation (free client Mobile SMARTS 2008);

2. Server of radio terminals for data collection (special version of Mobile SMARTS 2008 server);

3. Intermediate 1C:Enterprise configuration for redirecting calls from TSD, designed to automate warehouse operations, to the main 1C database and storing settings;

4. An external component for 1C, which implements the standard for a commercial equipment driver;

5. Trade equipment driver processing + additional processing for advanced driver functions;

6. Configurator for the data collection terminal program used to automate warehouse operations (free Mobile SMARTS 2008 control panel).

Advantages over using RDP or Citrix ICA

1. No disconnects. Mobile SMARTS on the TSD used to automate warehouse operations is a standalone program. It does not require constant uninterrupted communication over the network. If the network has fallen, then direct requests to 1C will end with a friendly error "Error accessing 1C: Retry / Cancel?".

2. Smart integration with the scanner. The scanner turns on only in places where scanning is expected. The transfer of the barcode of the goods is always complete, and not in separate characters, there are no delays. If 1C is “stupid” when processing some scans, then the program on the data collection terminal designed to automate the warehouse waits for processing to complete before turning on the scanner for the next scan, and does not send barcodes of goods into the void.

3. Sound messages. Mobile SMARTS on the TSD has the ability to issue audio messages. For example, if a product barcode is scanned by mistake, the user's attention will immediately be attracted by a loud sound warning.

4. Mobile printing. Mobile SMARTS on the PDA used to automate warehouse operations can print directly to mobile Wi-Fi and Bluetooth printers.

5. Work on GPRS/EDGE. Mobile SMARTS does not send screen pictures back and forth, but exchanges specific compressible data with the terminal - directories, barcodes of goods, results of calling 1C methods. Due to this, the network traffic with Mobile SMARTS is very small and allows you to work in an online connection to 1C even in cellular networks.

Benefits compared to using an extension for pocket computers (smartphones)

1. Direct connection to 1C, no need to upload and synchronize databases. Mobile SMARTS with TSD gets direct access to the 1C database via an OLE connector. At the same time, 1C processing can find out which specific data collection terminal used to automate the warehouse is making the call.

2. Competent integration with the scanner. The scanner turns on only in places where scanning is expected. The read barcode of the goods can be immediately transferred to the necessary processing of the 1C base (as it is implemented in the operations of checking balances and prices).

Screenshots of the program for 1C on TSD
