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Qsi winery is holding a qualifying round of the start project. New exhibitions at the winery - start and open studios Gallery start winery

START is celebrating its anniversary in the company of four curators: Ilya Smirnov, Elizaveta Matveeva, Olga Deryugina and Nikolai Smirnov. Ilya Smirnov was the first to enter the site this season with the project of the artist Dasha Kuznetsova “Who is my mother really”. The exhibition opened on October 9 and will run until November 11.

The exhibition "Who is my mother really" combines interest in psychiatry and neuroscience with a practical study of mythological thinking. The artist's main tool is automatic drawing, which allows her to transfer forms onto paper, the source of which can be folklore, the mechanics of memory, dreams, and borderline states.

Ruins, abandoned buildings and fragments of the urban landscape hidden from everyday view work for Kuznetsova as symbols of the unreflected zones of the human mind.

More details:
Entrance to the START Project exhibition is free.


Winzavod open studios, continuing the traditions of the Winzavod workshops, presented new artists at a closed preview on October 9th. The new residents are Liza Stormit; Natalya Gudovich; Michael Levius; Tanya Klyat, Andrey Andreev, Maria Ivanova; Katya Garkushko, Slava ATGM. At the closed preview, Sofia Trotsenko, President of the Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art; The project tutor Andrey Parshikov gave a tour of the Studios and introduced the artists.

“The project Open Studios of Winzavod in the new season, I am sure, will be a discovery for everyone. New artists have passed a serious selection of the expert council. As previous experience has shown- Open studios provide a unique experience for all participants in the process. Based on the results, we concluded that it is important to continue the project, but the emphasis in the new season will be on the uniqueness of the collective experience of the creative workshop and self-organization”, Sofya Trotsenko said in a preview.

A personal exhibition is the best way for a young artist to express himself. Every month, "START" gives an opportunity to one author to show his project at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art and reveals the names of such well-known artists today as Evgeny Antufiev, Tatyana Akhmetgalieva, Tanya Pyoniker, Ivan Novikov and others. The project actively develops the international direction and helps participants to gain experience in art residences abroad.

As part of the portfolio review, START experts will discuss the work of the participants, give comments and suggest possible ways of development for their projects. The best of the authors will be included in the START short list and will have a chance, together with the curator, to organize their first solo exhibition at the CCA WINZAVOD. As part of the parallel program of the Biennale, a lecture by Vera Trachtenberg "Artist statement, cv, portfolio: getting ready for the review" will also take place.

The project to support young artists CCA WINZAVOD "START" will host the START season 2017/2018, art historian and teacher Vera Trakhtenberg and project expert, curator, deputy director for exhibition activities of the Multimedia Art Museum Anna Zaitseva will meet with young artists as part of a portfolio review and will perform with an open lecture. Based on the results of the review of works, which will be held jointly with the experts of the Biennale, they will select a short list of applicants for the exhibition at the START site in Moscow.

Lecture by Vera Trakhtenberg "Artist statement, cv, portfolio: getting ready for the review"


Portfolio-review of the project CCA WINZAVOD "START"
Venue: Ural Instrument-Making Plant, st. Gorky, 17, 3rd floor, lecture hall
Portfolio review projects can be submitted for participation in a printed version or on the author's electronic media. There is no limit on the number of entries from one participant.

About the experts:

Vera Trakhtenberg - curator of the 2017/2018 season of the CCA WINZAVOD "START" project, art critic, curator, teacher at the British Higher School of Design. Currently works at the State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO".
Anna Zaytseva is an expert of the CCA WINZAVOD "START" project, curator, deputy director for exhibition activities of the Multimedia Art Museum.
Alisa Prudnikova - Commissioner of the Ural Industrial Biennale, Director for Regional Development of ROSIZO-NCCA.
Vladimir Seleznev - curator of the Ural branch of the NCCA.
Evgenia Chaika - Deputy Director of the Ural branch of the NCCA for creative activities.

Center for Contemporary Art WINZAVOD (Moscow)

Portfolio review

Special project to support young artists "START" in St. Petersburg

The project of CSI WINZAVOD "START" continues a series of portfolio reviews. On November 15, the project team and invited experts will meet with young artists in St. Petersburg at the site of the international cultural forum in the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. Participation in the START portfolio review is an opportunity to receive an expert assessment of works from professionals in the field of contemporary art, to meet with the project curator, as well as a chance to become a contender for an exhibition at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art.

A personal exhibition is the best way for an artist to express himself. Every month, at the START site, one young artist begins his career in contemporary art. The project revealed the names of such well-known artists today as Evgeny Antufiev, Aslan Gaysumov, Tatyana Akhmetgalieva, Tanya Pyoniker, Ivan Gorshkov and others.

Field portfolio reviews are an important part of the START program. The project works with almost all regions of Russia. In the 2017/2018 season, artists from Krasnodar, Barnaul and Novosibirsk presented their works on its site. The project is also actively developing the international direction. With the support of START, artists participate in the programs of the best foreign art residences.

As part of the portfolio review in St. Petersburg, experts will give a professional assessment of the participants' projects and suggest possible ways for their development. The best of the artists will be included in the START short list and will have a chance, together with the curator, to organize their first solo exhibition at the CCA WINZAVOD.

The experts will be the curator of the START project for the 2017/2018 season Vera Trakhtenberg, the rector of the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin Semyon Mikhailovsky, art critic, curator, head of the Department of Contemporary Art of the State Hermitage Museum Dmitry Ozerkov, gallery owner, founder of the Marina Gisich gallery Marina Gisich, the first curator and expert of the START project Anastasia Shavlokhova.

Sofya Trotsenko, President of the WINZAVOD Contemporary Art Support Fund:“We are pleased to have the opportunity to meet young artists in St. Petersburg during the international cultural forum, which annually brings together leading experts in the field of culture from all over the world. Especially for this portfolio review, we expanded the list of experts and invited our partners who are actively involved in educational and exhibition activities in St. Petersburg.”

Curator of the season 2017/2018 Vera Trachtenberg:“The cultural forum taking place in St. Petersburg is an excellent opportunity to present to the general public the possibilities and specifics of the CCA WINZAVOD “START” project. Participation in a portfolio review will allow me, as a curator, to get acquainted with artists from St. Petersburg, discuss their work with experts and give useful advice.”


Portfolio-review of the project CCA WINZAVOD "START"

Venue: Manege Central Exhibition Hall


Portfolio review projects can be submitted in original, printed version or shown from your laptop. There is no limit on the number of entries from one participant.

About the experts:

Curator of the 2017/2018 season of the CCA WINZAVOD "START" project, art critic, curator, teacher at the British Higher School of Design.

Semyon Mikhailovsky- Rector of the State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. IE Repina, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation and the Council for Culture under the Governor of St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Ozerkov- art historian, curator, head of the Department of Contemporary Art of the State Hermitage.

Gallery owner, founder of the Marina Gisich gallery.

Anastasia Shavlokhova- expert and first curator of the START project, curator of the Philosophical Club of WINZAVOD project, curator of exhibition projects.

About the START project

START is one of the main projects to support young artists in Russia, created by the VINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art in 2008. Participation in it gives the artist the opportunity to organize his first solo exhibition under the guidance of an experienced curator. During the existence of the project, more than 40,000 applications were accepted, 52 solo exhibitions were held. In the last two years alone, ten young START artists, thanks to the CCA WINZAVOD, have taken part in international residencies.

About the VI St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

The VI St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum is a unique world-class cultural event, a discussion platform that annually attracts several thousand experts in the field of culture from all over the world: stars of the drama theater, opera and ballet, outstanding directors and musicians, public figures, representatives of government and business, academic community.

About the Manege Central Exhibition Hall

The Manege Central Exhibition Hall is the largest exposition space in the center of St. Petersburg. The main activity of the Manege is the holding of art exhibitions and accompanying events - lectures and master classes, seminars on art and culture, film screenings and concerts. Since 2017, the Manege has been the second official venue of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.

The project to support young artists CCA WINZAVOD "START" will take part in the 4th Ural Biennale of Contemporary Art. Curator of the START 2017/2018 season, art critic and teacher Vera Trakhtenberg and project expert, curator, deputy director for exhibition activities of the Multimedia Art Museum Anna Zaitseva will meet with young artists as part of a portfolio review. Based on the results of the review of works, which will be held jointly with the experts of the Biennale, they will select a short list of applicants for the exhibition at the START site in Moscow.

A personal exhibition is the best way for a young artist to express himself. Every month, "START" gives an opportunity to one author to show his project at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art and reveals the names of such well-known artists today as Evgeny Antufiev, Tatyana Akhmetgalieva, Tanya Pyoniker, Ivan Novikov and others. The project actively develops the international direction and helps participants to gain experience in art residences abroad.

As part of the portfolio review, experts from START and the 4th Ural Biennale of Contemporary Art will discuss the works of the participants, give comments and suggest possible ways of developing their projects. The best of the authors will be included in the START short list and will have a chance, together with the curator, to organize their first solo exhibition at the CCA WINZAVOD. As part of the parallel program of the Biennale, a lecture by Vera Trachtenberg "Artist statement, cv, portfolio: getting ready for the review" will also take place.

Portfolio review projects can be submitted for participation in a printed version or on the author's electronic media. There is no limit on the number of entries from one participant.

About the experts:

Vera Trachtenberg- curator of the 2017/2018 season of the CCA WINZAVOD "START" project, art critic, curator, teacher at the British Higher School of Design. Currently works at the State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO".

Anna Zaitseva- an expert of the project CSI WINZAVOD "START", curator, deputy director for exhibition activities of the Multimedia Art Museum.

Alisa Prudnikova- Commissioner of the Ural Industrial Biennale, Director for Regional Development of ROSIZO-NCCA.

Vladimir Seleznev- curator of the Ural branch of the NCCA.

Evgenia Chaika- Deputy Director of the Ural branch of the NCCA for creative activities.

About the START project

The project of CCA WINZAVOD "START" is one of the first projects in Russia to support young artists. Participation in the project makes it possible to organize the first solo exhibition at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art under the guidance of an experienced curator.

START graduates are nominees and winners of such prestigious awards as the Kandinsky Prize, the Innovation Prize and the Sergei Kuryokhin Prize. You can take part in the project and make a personal exhibition at WINZAVOD by filling out an application on the official website of the project.

About the Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art as part of ROSIZO

A branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art appeared in Yekaterinburg in 1999, taking on the mission of introducing contemporary art into the public space of the city. To date, more than ten UfNCCA projects have become nominees for the All-Russian Prize in the field of contemporary art "Innovation". Exhibition projects, educational programs in the field of contemporary art are being implemented on the site of the center; residences and workshops of artists.

Since 2014, the Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art has been regularly conducting portfolio reviews in order to study the state of contemporary young Ural art, as well as to keep in touch with those who are already familiar, but not always in sight.

In February 2017, a series of chamber solo exhibitions 5x3 was launched, giving young artists from Yekaterinburg, Perm and Nizhny Tagil the opportunity to show their work in the museum space. The artists who responded to the portfolio review become participants in small (Non-random Connections, Night of Museums at the National Center for Contemporary Arts) and large (Taming the Void: 50 Years of Contemporary Art of the Urals) group projects taking place on our sites, and also participate in the projects of the Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art

This is the largest of the regional international art projects launched on the territory of the Russian Federation. Once every two years, the biennale takes place in large non-exhibition spaces in Yekaterinburg and the cities of the Sverdlovsk region. The first and second biennials were held on the territory of the Uralsky Rabochiy printing house. The third showed the city for the first time the Iset Hotel, a unique monument of constructivism. The fourth one takes place in the former building of the Ural Instrument-Making Plant. The Biennale explores industrialism as a heritage and current practice of the Ural region. Using contemporary art, the biennale integrates the region into the global artistic context. Curators, artists, sociologists and culturologists from all over the world tell the Urals in a new way.

The START project is a project that has no analogues in Russia and functions as a professional "elevator" for beginning young artists.

For the first time in the ten-year history of the START project, it will host four curators. In previous years, one curator was chosen for the season, an exception was made for the anniversary year.

Winzavod START, a special project to support young art, is celebrating its tenth anniversary. In the 2018-2019 season, the founder of the independent artist-run fair, curator work with artists Lizaveta Matveeva; art critic, founder of the New York gallery Alyssa Davis Gallery Ilya Smirnov; curator, artist Olga Deryugina; artist, geographer Nikolay Smirnov.

The START platform will bring together four curators with completely different backgrounds and curatorial concepts. A graduate of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Ilya Smirnov behind him a lot of experience in the international arena, up to the foundation of his own gallery in New York. Independent curator Olga Deryugina explores digital media and interdisciplinary practices. Lizaveta Matveeva founded an independent artist-run fair and advises the world's best museums on the St. Petersburg contemporary art environment. Former employee of the Laboratory for Integrated Geocultural Research of the Arctic Nikolay Smirnov in 2018 received the prestigious Pernod Ricard Fellowship for his research project.

Sofia Trotsenko, President of the Winzavod Contemporary Art Support Fund: “For ten years, START has been discovering bright talents. It is no secret that the project's graduates participate in the best festivals, art fairs and exhibitions in Russia and abroad. START was and remains an experimental platform, so in the tenth anniversary year we made a strategic decision to collaborate with four curators instead of one.”

For ten years, more than 50,000 applications have been received on the START project website, more than 50 personal exhibitions have been realized.

More about curators

Lizaveta Matveeva is the Project Manager of the international organization CEC ArtsLink, which encourages multicultural partnerships between the former Soviet Republics, Russia and the United States. Part of the curatorial group of the annual international art festival in the public space ART PROSPECT. She was a co-curator of the artist-run space LUDA together with the artist and curator Petr Bely.

He is one of the founders of independent artist-run contemporary art fairs in St. Petersburg, and the curator of the annual contemporary art fair SAM Fair at the Museum of Street Art, St. Petersburg.

He writes for publications Around Art, Dialogue of Arts, Decorative Art, Art magazine, Sobaka.Ru, etc.

Deriugina Olga is an independent curator, artist, member of the Daisies art group, author of texts about art. Graduate of the Belarusian Higher School of Economics, School. A. Rodchenko, BAZA Institute. Participant of the 5th Summer Curatorial School of the V-A-C Foundation. In 2017-2018 was one of the editors of

Her areas of interest include digital media research and interdisciplinary practices. Among the implemented curatorial projects are “Nice to Meet You” – personal exhibition by Alexander Minchenko (Krasny Center, Moscow, 2016), “I am not a robot” (Electromuseum, Moscow, 2018), “Matter of Horror” (together with Nikita Vasilenko, State Gallery on Solyanka, 2018).

“Nikolay Smirnov works as an artist, curator, geographer and researcher with spatial practices and representations of space in art, science, museum practice and everyday life. His work is expressed in the analysis and implementation of complex narratives in various forms. The main ones are: text, exhibition and film.

Former employee of the Laboratory for Integrated Geocultural Research of the Arctic, in 2018 received a Pernod Ricard scholarship for a research project on left Eurasianism, author of research texts published in Art Journal, Disagreements, Urban Research and Practice, on and the Centre's blog Experimental Museology, nominee for the Innovation Award for a curatorial project (together with Kirill Svetlyakov)

Ilya Smirnov is a graduate of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, artist and curator, founder of the Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York. Previous exhibitions: Mechanics Alley, 2015, 63rd–77th STEPS, Bari; Il Futuro Era Bellissimo Per Noi, 2016, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris; The malignancy of stupidity: the cutest evil, 2017, Lily Robert, Paris; DOUBT(in collaboration with Vitaly Bezpalov), 2018,, Rostov-on-Don; Ruminations of the Midnight Stroll, 2018, no. 29 Marefield Gardens, London. Curated projects: Emma McMillan, Hard Times, What? 2017, Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York; Ed Fornieles, Sim. Vol. I, 2017, Alyssa Davis Gallery.
