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The procedure for obtaining a permit to trade on the street. Street trading - rules for organizing business outdoors Do I need permission to open a stall

Land lease is required for stationary objects, namely those that have a foundation. Non-stationary objects (without a foundation dug into the ground) are movable property and are no different from cars parked near the house. That's why. To organize a stall, land lease is not needed, but permission is needed to accommodate non-stationary trade. (At least in Moscow, that's how it is) But in order to have even fewer questions, wheels are attached to tents and stalls.

Improvement of the territory around a private house

When the house is built and surrounded by a fence, only the owners and their guests have access to the private territory. And all the improvement of the territory around a private house will be aimed only at these two categories of users.

The requests of the owner and his family permanently residing in the house may differ somewhat for families with different levels of income. But still, there are fundamental requirements that the owners impose on the improvement of the territory around a private house.

I installed a non-stationary metal stall 5x3m in the courtyard of a private house, I plan to do a tire fitting

Hello! Strictly speaking, you need to start with the fact that such activities should not be carried out on the territory of a private home. Further, in fact, your residential building and the territory of the site are connected as one electrical receiving device. Separately, no one will attach a stall within its borders to you. You can simply increase the power for your home, and then power the equipment in the stall as you power, for example, other appliances.

How can land be leased from the city?

If you live in a city and want to start your own business or just build a new home of your own, then the first thing you need to do is to rent land from the city. According to land legislation, the tenant has the right to build on the site, to build on it not only private houses, but also public institutions.

In order to rent land in the city, you will first need to contact the city administration.

Kiosk on the territory of a private house

More precisely, the administration will not give its permission. If you can do without their coordination, then it is possible to succeed. “On the territory of the yards it is forbidden to place any trade enterprises, including tents, kiosks, etc.”

At the same time, no one can force the kiosk to be removed. Therefore, you have only one option - to look for the owner and rent a kiosk from him. It should be noted that the kiosk is free.

Kiosk on private property

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Rufer guys climbed into the private territory of a fenced long-term building in order to take photographs. They were accordingly caught. What threatens them? 06.

Kiosks and trampolines on the territory of the church

We had a kindergarten in the microdistrict. Closed in the 90s. At the beginning of the 2000s, it appeared above a typical kindergarten building. Orthodox cross. A church was opened here.

At first, everything seemed ok. The two-story building is not abandoned, they don’t thump and don’t crap there. But soon the owners of the building fenced off the surrounding area. Over the past 20 years, traffic within the microdistrict has changed a lot, every first one now has a car, in addition, minibuses have been launched.

There is no place for a kiosk in the local area

The balcony and loggia can be used not only in the warm season and not only for storing bicycles and potatoes. If you properly equip these areas, you can do business and spend leisure time here all year round.

The building built in 1963, along with six other houses in the Nizhny Novgorod region, was included in the short-term overhaul program. But the residents are vehemently against it.

House number 168 on Komintern Street is an architectural monument and a visiting card of the district.

Landscaping of a private house

Since ancient times, people have sought to equip their own housing in the best traditions of their era, in order to make it not only beautiful, but also comfortable for life. Today, you can achieve comfort, harmony and beauty in a living space in different ways: by choosing beautiful furniture, aesthetic flower arrangements or interesting decor items. However, if the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings can make their housing comfortable and beautiful through a well-designed interior space, then those who are lucky enough to become the owner of a private house, in order to achieve harmony and comfort, should consider not only the interior, but also take care of the landscape design of the territory adjacent to the house.

A fairly common practice in our time is the sale of various goods right in the courtyard of a residential building, and it does not matter for merchants what to sell - clothes, shoes or meat and dairy products. Quite a profitable business for merchants, turns into another problem for residents. Constant noise under the windows, nightly unloading of goods, heaps of waste, garbage and many other problems fall on the heads of the owners of a nearby house. They sell everything from food and liquor to a variety of things, and as a rule, in complete unsanitary conditions. Basically, all such trade is illegal, and entrepreneurs do not have any permits and licenses, and even more so, sanitary books. For sellers, the presence of apartment buildings in the yard is important, where a large number of potential buyers live, and the more such houses in the district, their income will be higher. The main popular commodity sold is alcohol and, with the advent of such "pedlars", the yard immediately begins to attract various suspicious personalities, from which the yards turn into brothels, and you will no longer let the children go for a walk without risk. In the evenings it becomes scary to walk, fearing for your safety. Complete unsanitary conditions, together with dirt and mountains of garbage, turn the adjacent territories into a kind of dump. Management companies only shrug their shoulders, although all this happens, almost always, with their tacit consent. The public utilities, the place to put things in order, are ready to lead this suspicious business. In the city of Omsk, dairy products are sold in the yard under the guidance of a senior in the house:

The shadow of public utilities is clearly visible. Cases of underground trade in surrogate alcoholic beverages are not uncommon, as it happened in Serpukhov:

Only the intervention of the residents, and not the management company, attracted police officers. A person in a state of intoxication poses a threat to others:

Overflowing trash cans from yard entrepreneurs are becoming the norm:

Residents of an apartment building pay for garbage collection, and management companies remain silent. And here the entrepreneur is completely insolent and believes that he is right:

The utilities prefer not to interfere. It is often impossible to achieve understanding from management companies that must keep order and cleanliness in the yard. Very often they themselves profit from this and simply do not want to take legal action.

To understand this problem, you need to understand what a yard is and to whom it belongs. By definition, the adjacent territory belongs to all residents and includes parking lots, playgrounds, and communal facilities within the boundaries of the territory. All this is described in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Based on this, only homeowners have the right to decide how to equip their yard, but at a general meeting of residents and collectively. The same general meeting elects the board and chairman of the homeowners association, which concludes an agreement with the management company on the maintenance of the apartment building and the surrounding area. Utilities must maintain the cleanliness and good condition of the yards. The management company, without the permission of the owners of the apartments, does not have the right to equip something on the territory near the house, and even more so to build. The same applies to individual homeowners who want to grab a piece of the yard for personal needs. This is described in detail by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which can be found here: Also, trade in the local area is prohibited by SanPiN 2.1.2, approved by the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation. This law clearly restricts the placement of any trade, catering and industrial facilities in the local area. The management company is responsible for the order in the yard, since the yard belongs to common property, this is described by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006. For cleaning, residents pay in the column of the receipt “maintenance of common property” and have the right to demand timely removed garbage and a clean yard from the housing and communal services. Owners of housing in an apartment building, when any objects of trade appear on their adjacent territory, as well as various garbage from this activity or other inconveniences, have the right to write a complaint to public utilities. The latter are obliged to accept it for consideration, as prescribed by the relevant legislation. When confirming the facts stated by the residents in the complaint, the housing and communal services workers take measures to restore order. If necessary, they turn to law enforcement agencies and, together with them, eliminate illegal trade. If the management company does not take any measures and simply ignores the appeal of citizens, you should go with a statement to the State Housing Inspectorate or the district administration. In the event that housing and communal services workers themselves are suspected of being involved in trade, you can write a statement to the prosecutor's office or court. They will help to restore order in the local area, and will force the management company to work, observing all prescriptive rules and laws, and will definitely bring the perpetrators to justice.

On the adjacent territory owned by residents of an apartment building, it is allowed to place any objects of trade only with their permission and on legal grounds. This decision is made at the general meeting. Management companies do not have the right to personally dispose of the territory of the yards. They are obliged to keep the common property in order and in good condition and to suppress all illegal activities. The adjacent territory should be used for its intended purpose and in the interests of the apartment owners.

What is outdoor trading? What are the rules for organizing trade in goods on the pedestrian zone? Reading in this article...

Characteristics of outdoor trading (street trading)

The sale of goods outdoors, non-stationary trade, trade "from wheels" and trailers, from stalls and tents in specially designated areas is otherwise called "street trade". It is worth noting that we are not talking about street trading with the sale of goods in specialized food markets, where “ordinary pensioners” sell products from their personal subsidiary plots (onions, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.). Local authorities turn a blind eye to such trade, and no one will touch grandmothers. Another thing is if a private person with his tent stood somewhere in the center of the city or on the roadway, without any permits and approvals, and sells anything. For example, there is a widespread method of illegal street trading, in which vegetables and fruits are purchased at wholesale depots, and then resold directly on sidewalks and roadsides without any sanitation standards.

Therefore, I propose to study this issue from the point of view of the law. What will happen if you organize trade according to a simple principle - “I took any product, stood anywhere and trade as much as I want”? Let's analyze the points: - According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 14.1, carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles; - According to the same code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, Art. 14.4, the sale of goods that do not meet the quality standards entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles, on officials - from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without formation of a legal entity, - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles; for legal entities - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles; - The rules for organizing outdoor trade are present in the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, therefore the amount of fines and administrative penalties for trading in unspecified places is regulated by local laws. Usually the penalty for trading in an unspecified place is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Why do the authorities dislike "chaotic" trading on the street so much? Yes, because it poses a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, fire and road safety.

Moreover, many entrepreneurs who legally organized their business really do not like street "illegals" who set up their stalls near them without any approval from the administration. And, often, it is precisely at the call of private entrepreneurs and businessmen that this chaos of illegal street trading is at least somehow controlled.

A good alternative to street trading is online trading. For this, it is not necessary to open an online store. You can create your own VK group, for example, or use message boards such as Avito. If you know how to organize trade, you can get stable income on bulletin boards.

Bodies controlling trade on the street

The main regulatory bodies that oversee compliance with the rules of outdoor trade are the local administration, Rospotrebnadzor (SES), tax and police authorities. Compilation of protocols for violation of the rules of street trading can be carried out by Rospotrebnadzor and police officers, and for illegal business activities - tax.

For a more detailed study of the rules for conducting inspections by regulatory authorities, we advise you to read the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”.

Which taxation system to choose

1. Register as individual entrepreneur(IP) or a legal entity (LLC) in the Federal Tax Service (tax), since it is not possible for a private person to obtain a permit for street trading. Tax regime - UTII or USN;

2. Registration with the PFR (pension fund) and the FSS (social insurance fund) as an employer if you plan to hire sellers; 3. Submission of an application to the trade department of the local administration for obtaining a permit for traveling or street trading. As a rule, the following documents will be required to be attached to the application:

  • Location plan (or map) of a mobile object;
  • A copy of the certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • A copy of the charter for legal entities;
  • A copy of the identity document of the applicant;
  • A certificate from the tax office stating that there are no debts to the budget for tax payments.

It should be noted that permission can only be obtained in certain places, according to the territorial plan for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities, and not where you want. This plan is approved by the local administration. 6. Start of trading activity. Do not forget that when selling food products, all established norms must be observed, for example, sellers must have sanitary books. And if you plan to sell meat, then also a veterinary certificate of Form No. 2 for products.

How much can you earn from street trading

  1. The sale of chicken eggs has a 100% profitability. When selling 100 eggs a day, you can get more than 500 rubles. net profit.
  2. The markup on vegetables and fruits is over 150%. By selling rare and expensive vegetables (asparagus, arugula, salads, etc.), you can earn over 400 thousand rubles per season. with 15 acres of land.
  3. Opening a point for the sale of honey rightfully considered a profitable business. Honey is very useful, has excellent taste and practically does not deteriorate.

To get a high income from street trading, you need to correctly determine the cost of products. To do this, you will need to evaluate your time and add the price to the money spent. If a self-produced or grown product is used, it is necessary to determine how much time will be spent on production and on sale. The markup on goods depends on demand and seasonality. For example, a bunch of fresh herbs or a kilogram of carrots in early spring will cost much more than in summer, homemade eggs will bring several times more income in winter

How much money do you need to trade from the tray

Street trading can be organized without initial capital, one has only to sell vegetables grown by oneself, berries and fruits. To sell products you will need:

  • Disposable plastic containers - from 2 rubles apiece;
  • Small table - from 500 rubles. (can be made by yourself)

When selling other goods, funds will be required to purchase them. A certain amount is needed to start almost any business. Having a small capital, it is very profitable to do investments in new buildings. If you approach investing wisely, then it will not require large investments.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Street trading business plan (16 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

How to choose business equipment

A table or a rack can be made independently from natural wood. You can also purchase inventory made of artificial materials.

Which OKVED to choose during registration

  • 12 - other retail trade in non-specialized stores;
  • 33 - retail trade in cosmetics and means, perfumery;
  • 62 - retail trade in a tent, market;
  • 63 - other retail trade;

What documents are needed to open a business

To obtain a street trading permit, you must provide:

  1. IP registration certificate.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in the food trade.
  3. The list of products agreed with the SES.

Do I need a permit for street trading?

When trading on the "spontaneous market" goods that do not require licensing, additional permits are not required.

There are several subtleties in opening your own kiosk, stall or stall. In our article, we will consider this issue using the example of organizing the sale of dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.) by installing a non-stationary trading facility. The manufacturer of such products can be either a large organization (agro-industrial holding), or a small peasant (farmer) economy. Therefore n it is necessary to start entrepreneurial activity with the state registration of a legal entity (LLC, CJSC), an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a peasant farm (KFH). As a rule, state registration is carried out within a period of not more than five working days from the date of submission of documents to the registration authority and is not difficult.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012) "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", legal entities, individual entrepreneurs are required to notify the authorized or authorized body (bodies) of state control (Rospotrebnadzor) in the relevant field of activity about the start of certain types of entrepreneurial activity.

Small retail street trade in the city is consistent with the local administration.

After state registration, you need to find a place for trading, and if a suitable place for placing a trading tent is found, then you need to contact the trading department of the administration, council, on whose territory your tent will be located, to obtain permits. The fact is that each local administration has a different attitude towards small retail street trade, and the procedure for providing one or another section of the street to an entrepreneur who decides to open his point of sale here is also different.

Often, the administration restricts the placement of small-scale retail trade facilities in the city in order to organize this trade on the market territory, referring to the Order of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region of September 21, 2011 N 17-R "On Approval of the Procedure for the Development and Approval by Local Governments of Municipalities of the Moscow Region of Schemes for the Location of Non-Stationary Trade Facilities". The specified order was approved in order to implement the Federal Law of December 28, 2009 N 381-FZ "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trading Activities in the Russian Federation", which regulates the placement of non-stationary trading facilities on land plots, in buildings, structures, structures that are state or municipal property. According to the law, the placement of objects is carried out in accordance with the scheme for the placement of non-stationary shopping facilities. At the same time, the need to ensure the sustainable development of territories and the achievement of standards for the minimum provision of the population with the area of ​​retail facilities should be taken into account.

Thus, in the presence of the above need and a positive agreement on the placement of an object on the territory of the city with the administration, it will be necessary to conclude a lease agreement with the city for a land plot to accommodate a trading tent (non-stationary object). And this is sometimes very difficult.

Sales of dairy products in the markets.

Today, the simplest way is to sell dairy products on the territory of the markets, since the requirements provided for by the order do not apply to relations related to the placement of non-stationary trade facilities located on the territories of retail markets, fairs, as well as during festive and other mass events of a short-term nature. In order to organize retail trade in the market (if there are trading places), it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the management company of the market (Federal Law of December 30, 2006 N 271-FZ "On retail markets and on amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation").

Placement and use of a non-stationary trading facility on a privately owned land plot.

It is also possible to place and use a non-stationary trading facility on a privately owned land plot. The requirements for such objects are established by the owner of the land plot, taking into account the provisions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the intended purpose of the land allows you to place a stall on it, then you just need to conclude a lease or other agreement (taking into account the permitted types of activities) on placing a tent and ensure compliance with the requirements legislation of the Russian Federation on consumer protection, legislation Russian Federation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, requirements legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers in settlements with customers, the rules for engaging in labor activity in the Russian Federation, hygienic and qualification requirements for employees (presence of medical books, etc.), hygienic requirements for small retail chains, etc.

Control by Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities.

Since a variety of food products will be presented in the assortment of your kiosk, you cannot avoid close attention from Rospotrebnadzor - it is better to immediately go to this institution “on the carpet” and test the ground for further interaction.

Products of animal origin are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination in order to determine their suitability for use for food purposes. Before the production of products, it is necessary to obtain a passport-conclusion of the territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor (at the location of the animals) on the conduct of subsidiary farming in accordance with the current veterinary norms and rules.

The issuance of veterinary certificates takes place in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2006 N 422 (as amended on March 19, 2010) "On approval of the Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents" and is carried out based on the results of laboratory tests and samples (milk and other products).

Veterinary and sanitary examination is entrusted to the federal statesthese institutions and is carried out on a fee basis (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 352 (as amended on 08/30/2012) "On approval of the list of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services by federal executive authorities and are provided by organizations involved in the provision of public services, and determining the amount of fees for their provision"). For all types of research, a conclusion is issued based on SanPiN. 2.3.2. 1078-01 "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" and technical regulations for milk and dairy products, as well as fat and oil products.

When selling dairy products, it is necessary to comply with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them” - Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP (as amended by Change No. 1, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 03.05.2007 N 26).

Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (as amended on June 25, 2012) "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 N 4979-1 (as amended on July 18, 2011) "On Veterinary Medicine", Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ (as amended on 25. 06.2012) "On Environmental Protection", Federal Law of 01/02/2000 N 29-FZ (as amended on 07/19/2011) "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products", Federal Law of 06/12/2008 N 88-FZ (as amended on 07/22/2010) "Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products" contain an exhaustive list of requirements for keeping and breeding animals, certification, production, transportation, sale, sellers, labeling of dairy products, etc.

On a note.

To collect all the documents, you need to go through a lot of instances and approvals. If you are going to sell food products, then you, of course, cannot do without a refrigerator and scales. Remember also that trading is not always possible without a cash register. It is necessary not to forget about taxes, salaries to sellers, a possible fee to the owner or administration of the market for cleaning the territory, garbage disposal, etc.

Walking through the streets, we periodically come across large and small stalls that offer their customers fruits and vegetables, various trifles, ice cream and flowers, newspapers and magazines. Surely each of you has seen small chaotic markets where you can buy fresh berries and herbs. They are sold by summer residents, which guarantees the naturalness of these products. But few people know that you first need to get permission to trade on the street. What it is and how to get it, we'll talk today.

Why do authorities control street trading

In fact, the authorities have enough reasons to dislike spontaneous markets. This is due to frequent violations. Large clusters of trays are difficult to control, such markets can reach quite large sizes, which means that the risk of fires and accidents on the roads increases.

Not only the city administration, but also entrepreneurs who act in accordance with the law, also have a negative attitude towards such sellers who set up tents right under the windows of their establishments. This reduces the influx of visitors, and ultimately affects profits and the treasury by reducing incoming taxes.

Who is authorized to supervise

There are special bodies that can check street stalls for compliance with the law. These events are planned or spontaneously organized, so it is very difficult to predict the date. The main regulatory bodies are:

  • SES (Rospotrebnadzor).
  • local administration.
  • Tax service.
  • Police.

Each of them has its own claims to the entrepreneur. SES and the police note violations of the rules of trade, and the tax service will punish if it detects a lack of registration and tax evasion.

Who needs such a document

First of all, we remember summer residents with radishes and strawberries, as well as grandmothers who sit with newspapers and magazines. But this is not the only audience. Permission to trade on the street will also be required for those who are formally on the premises. These are small prefabricated stalls that are installed without a foundation. By law, these are also street stalls. In addition, a catering establishment will need a similar document if its owner wants to install summer tables nearby. As you can see, the audience is quite extensive, so the topic is relevant for many.

Business plan

Do not forget that a private person will not be able to obtain the relevant documents. Therefore, when you see summer residents who sell products from their garden, you can be sure that they are doing this without any control. Only an officially registered entrepreneur can obtain a permit to trade on the street. There is one more nuance: the city administration itself determines the places for trade. If the stop you have chosen does not go according to plans, then it is impossible to obtain documents, and work without them is fraught with fines.

The order of placement of objects of trade

Since we started talking about the distribution of places for commercial activities, let's dwell on this issue in more detail. Permit to trade on the street is easiest to obtain if you are in the mood for the territory of municipal markets. In this case, you just need to contact the local administration to obtain the appropriate document. By purchasing it, you can immediately install the tray and carry out commercial activities. The only thing that will be required of you is to regularly pay the administration “for a place”.

But there are other options as well. It is logical to assume that street trading in the market takes place in conditions of fierce competition. In a more advantageous position will be merchants who already own land, the purpose of which allows its use for trade.

If there is no site of your own, then you can contact the owner of the selected one. It can be an administration or a private owner. You will need to discuss the terms and conclude a lease agreement for a place to place a tent or tray.

Choosing products

Street trading is a certain risk group, since the conditions do not imply full compliance with sanitary norms and rules. This means that if you want to trade, the city administration will definitely organize an inspection and close your business if violations are found. There is one caveat. Summer residents who sell greenery in the morning are usually not touched. Although if there are a lot of them together, the police can disperse them for one day, but without applying penalties. Another thing is a covered stall in the middle of the city that sells cakes, pastries or something similar.

Responsibility for breaking the law

If an entrepreneur believes that he can take any product, settle down in a convenient place and conduct commercial activities for his own pleasure, then soon he will be greatly disappointed. If the seller is not registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then he risks receiving a fine of 2 thousand rubles. The punishment will be much more severe if the goods sold are of inadequate quality.

  • For an individual - 2 thousand rubles.
  • For officials - 10 thousand rubles.
  • For unregistered entrepreneurs - 20 thousand rubles.
  • For legal entities - 30 thousand rubles.

Trading in the wrong place is subject to a fine in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. for the first time. If the violation is repeated, or the entrepreneur wants to deploy pavilions for trade without permission, then the punishment may be more severe.

No problems with the law

To sleep peacefully and not have trouble in the future, you need to know certain rules. Trading on the street without a permit can be profitable for a while, but if it comes to a serious check, you can lose a lot more. So, first of all, you need to register with the local tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Right now you have to choose a mode for work. For a start-up, small business, a simplified system and a single tax are best suited. They can tell you more about them directly in the authorized bodies, today we will not dwell on these subtleties.

Use of labor of hired workers

The second point that you need to decide is whether you will directly engage in trade yourself or hire sellers for this. The second option requires registration with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. When the issue is resolved with these documents, you can move on. Since obtaining permission is not difficult at all, it is better to go through the entire procedure to the end. In this case, there will be less problems in the future.

So, the next step is to go to the local government administration. In another way, it is called the department of trade. Together with the application of the established form, it is necessary to provide a complete package of documents. As a rule, you will need:

  • Plan or map of the location of the outlet.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration in the form of LLC or IP.
  • Document on registration with the tax service.
  • Copy of an identity document.
  • Certificate of no unpaid taxes.

The decision will depend on the chosen location. There are certain areas in the city where trade pavilions are not located, and this will have to be taken into account. Within 10 days, the commission considers the provided package of documents, after which it issues its verdict. Permission is issued for a certain period, and in case of refusal, you have the opportunity to submit the package for verification again.

Getting Started

So, all the documents are collected, it remains to equip the place and get to work. Now back to what you will be trading. Remember that the SES also often arranges raids around the city and looks for violators. Therefore, if you plan to sell food through a street counter, you will need a sanitary book and mandatory compliance with all standards. If there is meat or fish among the products sold, then be prepared for the fact that you will also be required to have a veterinary certificate confirming the quality of the products. In general, product trading is one of the most difficult areas. It needs to be sorted out in detail so as not to earn large fines.

How much does a patent cost

No more than your peace and security. In fact, it is difficult to say in advance how much you will have to pay for paperwork. Everything will depend on the policy of the city authorities, the scale of your business and the chosen taxation system. In certain areas specially allocated for such activities, even the lease of a site may be free. The main thing is the observance of sanitary standards.

Registration with the tax authorities is also not a very expensive procedure. You will need to make copies of documents, attach an application and pay a fee that does not exceed 400 rubles. If you decide to use the services of special organizations that independently prepare for you the entire package of documents for opening and running a business, then the prices may be different. The easiest way is to call some of them first and find out how much the patent costs. Then there will be concrete numbers on hand. Or maybe it is more convenient to do business according to the US? It is best to ask your accountant about this.

Basic requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

If you plan to trade in flowers, glasses or souvenirs, you can safely skip this step. However, most often it occurs to entrepreneurs to make money on what people want to eat and drink. This is really a profitable business, but you need to carefully consider the equipment of the workplace so that there are no comments from the inspection authorities. Of course, every seller should have a health book. It's not even up for discussion.

  • Implementation without refrigeration equipment is unacceptable. Therefore, trading in fish and meat, milk and other similar products on the street in the summer heat is simply prohibited.
  • It is not allowed to store returnable containers at the place of work and the adjacent territory. It needs to be taken out regularly.
  • The table for trading should be kept in perfect cleanliness. The entrepreneur or seller himself is obliged to come to the workplace in neat overalls, wear a hat and have a badge.
  • It is permissible to trade in a combined assortment of goods in tents and mobile shops, but only if the area allows each group to be placed on a separate shelf. In addition, if the sale is carried out by one seller, then all products, including bread, must be in their original packaging.
  • Hot finished products (patties, belyashi, meatballs) should be dispensed from isothermal containers.
  • The temperature at the workplace in summer cannot be above +26, and in winter below -18 degrees.

Instead of a conclusion

Running your own business is a tempting idea that is pursuing a lot of people today. If you decide to try and start with street trading, then first get acquainted with the material presented in our article. This will avoid mistakes at the start and lay a solid foundation for your future. Many giant retail chains started with street stalls, gradually growing as they recruit regular customers and demand for the products offered.
