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Behavior on ice presentation. Presentation on the topic of the rules of safe behavior on ice. with arms outstretched

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Watch out ice!

The first ice only seems to be strong, but in fact it is thin, weak and cannot withstand the weight of not only an adult, but also a child. Therefore, do not rush to go out on the thin ice of reservoirs. It is necessary to wait until the ice under the influence of frost becomes thicker and stronger.

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Failure to follow this advice may result in failure on the ice. Unfortunately, help for those in trouble on the water sometimes comes too late and the incident ends tragically. To prevent this from happening, you must remember that you can go out on the autumn ice only as a last resort and with the utmost care.

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In all cases, before leaving the shore on the ice, it is necessary to carefully look around, outline the route of movement, choosing safe places.

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You should be wary of places where the ice is covered with snow: under the snow, ice grows more slowly. Sometimes it happens that throughout the reservoir the thickness open ice- 10 cm, and under the snow only 3 cm.

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It is necessary to know! Ice at least 10 centimeters thick in fresh water and 15 centimeters thick in salt water is considered safe for humans. The strength of ice can be determined visually: blue ice is strong, white ice is 2 times less strong, gray, dull white or with a yellowish tinge, ice is usually spongy and porous, unreliable. Such ice collapses without a warning crackle.

Slide 7

Required ice thickness

Single pedestrian - not less than 5 cm Single pedestrian with load - not less than 7 cm Group of people (distance between people not less than 6 m) - not less than 7-9 cm Bus (without passengers) - not less than 40-60 cm Tractor - more than 60 cm

Slide 8

It's dangerous to walk

On ice covered with snow (snow that has fallen on newly formed ice, in addition to masking polynyas, slows down the growth of ice cover) Ice is thinner in currents, especially fast ones, in deep and windy places Above shady and peaty bottoms Near marshy shores At the exit points of underwater springs Under bridges

Slide 9

In narrow channels Near places where industrial and municipal enterprises discharge warm and hot waters into reservoirs In places where reeds, reeds and other aquatic plants grow, the ice is thinner. Ice in the downstream of the dam, where even in severe frosts, short-term releases of water from the reservoir can drain the ice and form dangerous gullies in it. If the air temperature is above 0 degrees for more than three days, then the strength of the ice is reduced by 25%.

Slide 10

Crossing a pond safely

On ice that is transparent with a greenish or bluish tinge and is at least 7 cm thick. Before moving on the ice, you need to make sure that it is strong. To do this, you need to use a hard stick.

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When moving on a frozen pond with a pole (stick), they hit the ice in front and on both sides of themselves several times in the same place. If after 2-3 strokes the water does not appear, then the ice is reliable. If the ice breaks through and water appears on it, you need to stop immediately and turn back, but slowly and trying to walk without taking your feet off the ice (with a sliding step). When moving back, continue to check the ice with a pole.

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It is strictly forbidden! To test the strength of ice with a kick on the ice - in this case, you can immediately fall into the water. It is not allowed to cross the reservoir alone, because. in case of failure under the ice, there is no one to wait for help from. It is also undesirable to walk on ice at night. Skating, sledding, playing hockey on thin ice is strictly prohibited. The preparation of ice for skating must be carried out very carefully. Ice thickness must be at least 12 cm, and for mass skating - at least 25 cm. It is not recommended to ride on frozen ice alone.

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Rules of conduct on the ice In no case should you go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain). When crossing a river, use ice crossings

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Rules of conduct on ice When forced to cross a body of water, it is safest to follow the beaten paths or go along the already laid track. But if they are not there, before going down to the ice, it is necessary to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route. When crossing a reservoir in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 5-6 m from each other.

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Rules of conduct on ice It is better to cross a frozen river (lake) on skis, at the same time: unfasten the fastenings of the skis in order to quickly throw them off if necessary; hold ski poles in your hands, without throwing loops on your hands, in order to immediately discard them in case of danger. If you have a backpack, hang it over one shoulder, this will make it easy to get rid of the load in case the ice falls under you.

slide 16

Rules of conduct on ice On a frozen pond, you must take with you a strong rope 20 - 25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and a load. The load will help to throw the rope to a comrade who has fallen into the water, the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more securely by passing it under the armpits. Do not let children go on the ice (fishing, skiing and skating) without supervision.

Slide 17

Rules of conduct on ice It is very dangerous to slide onto the ice from steep banks in an unfamiliar place. For skating, skiing and sledding, you need to choose places with a solid ice cover, examined by adults. Special care must be taken on the ice if thaws occur during the winter days. Where a few days ago it was possible to skate on ice without fear, it is very dangerous to do it during the thaw days.

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What to do if you fall into cold water:

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If you need help: Arm yourself with any long stick, plank, pole, or rope. You can knit together scarves, belts or clothes. You should crawl, spreading your arms and legs wide apart and pushing life-saving equipment in front of you, carefully move towards the opening.

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If you need your help: Stop a few meters away from a person in the water, throw him a rope, an edge of clothing, give a stick or pole. It is not safe to give a hand to the victim, because, approaching the hole, you will increase the load on the ice and not only will you not help, but you yourself are at risk of failing. Carefully pull the victim onto the ice, and crawl out of the danger zone together. Without sudden movements, crawl back in the direction you came from.

Be careful and remember: strict adherence to the rules of conduct and safety measures on the ice will save your life!

View all slides

Accidents happen on ice. often due to non-compliance with the rules. A torn ice floe, cold water, a fast current threaten death. Not even every adult can get out of a cold hole.

Be careful, attentive and


Rule #1

Never walk on the ice alone, unaccompanied by adults, do not wear shawls and do not play on the ice.

Rule #2

Avoid places where the ice can be thin

Where streams flow or springs flow

Near bushes, trees, reeds

Under snowdrifts and near the shore

Where any objects are frozen into the ice

At plants and factories

rule №3

Before you step on the ice, look for a well-trodden path or fresh tracks. If there is, then it is better to move along it, since this path has already been tested.

The presentation is intended for younger students. school age. Contains animations and illustrations.


  • Ice is especially dangerous during a thaw.

Don't be afraid to go out on the ice, just

be careful!

slide 1

Safety measures and rules of conduct on the ice

slide 2

Today we will tell you: How to minimize the risk of being on ice; How to feel confident on it; How not to get into trouble on the ice. And also: What to do if you still fell through the ice; How to help the victim.

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With the onset of the first frosts, when the water in rivers, lakes, ponds and other bodies of water is covered with ice, the period of freezing begins. We must not forget about the danger that freshly frozen reservoirs are fraught with. The first ice only seems to be strong, but in fact it is thin, weak and cannot withstand the weight of not only an adult, but also a child. Therefore, do not rush to go out on the thin ice of reservoirs. It is necessary to wait until the ice under the influence of frost becomes thicker and stronger. Failure to follow this advice may result in failure on the ice. Unfortunately, help for those in trouble on the water sometimes comes too late and the incident ends tragically. To prevent this from happening, you must remember that you can go out on the autumn ice only as a last resort and with the utmost care.

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The strength of ice can be determined visually: Blue ice - strong, 2. White ice - strength is 2 times less 3. Gray ice, dull white or with a yellowish tint - dangerous.

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Safe ice thickness for crossing a reservoir on ice: for single pedestrians - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-12 cm; for a group of people - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15-20 cm; for skating rinks and sledding - - - - 25 cm. Particular care must be taken when the ice is covered with a thick layer of snow.

slide 6

It is necessary to know.

It is dangerous to walk on ice covered with snow (snow falling on newly formed ice, in addition to masking polynyas, slows down the growth of ice cover). The ice is thinner in currents, especially in fast ones, in places that are deep and open to the wind; over a shady and peaty bottom; on marshy shores; at the exit points of underwater keys; under bridges; in narrow channels; near places of discharge into reservoirs of warm and hot waters of industrial and municipal enterprises.

Slide 7

In places where reeds, reeds and other aquatic plants grow, the ice is thinner. Ice in the downstream of the dam, where even in severe frosts, short-term releases of water from the reservoir can drain the ice and form dangerous gullies in it. If the air temperature is above 0 degrees for more than three days, then the strength of the ice is reduced by 25%.

Slide 8

test the strength of ice by kicking the ice - in this case, you can immediately fall into the water. It is not allowed to cross the reservoir alone, because. in case of failure under the ice, there is no one to wait for help from. It is also undesirable to walk on ice at night. Skating, sledding, playing hockey on thin ice is strictly prohibited. The preparation of ice for skating must be carried out very carefully. Ice thickness must be at least 12 cm, and for mass skating - at least 25 cm. It is not recommended to ride on frozen ice alone.

Slide 9

If you went on a winter fishing trip, you must follow the following rules:

It is necessary to know well the reservoir chosen for fishing in order to remember where the depth on it is not higher than the height of a person, or where from a deep place you can quickly go to the sandbank going to the shore. It is necessary to know about the conditions for the formation and properties of ice in various periods of winter, to distinguish between signs dangerous ice know the precautions and follow them at all times. Determine the route from the coast.

Slide 10

During winter fishing, think first of all about safety and only then about the catch!

slide 11

If you fail, what do you do? Most importantly, don't lose your temper! It must be remembered that even a poorly swimming person is able to stay on the surface for some time due to the air cushion formed under the clothes.

Safety measures and rules of conduct on the ice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Every second of being in ice water works against: even 10-15 minutes of being in water is life-threatening.

slide 12

Do not panic! Call for help. Don't dive head first!

slide 13

Spread your arms and try to get rid of excess weights. Do not make sudden movements - do not break off the edge.

Try to get to the edge of the polynya where the current will not carry you under the ice.

Slide 14

Try to lean your chest on the edge of the ice with your arms thrown forward, try to get out onto the ice.

Once most of your body is on the ice, roll onto your stomach and back away from the edge of the hole as far as you can.

Get out in the direction you came from, because there is proven ice.

Accidents happen on ice. often due to non-compliance with the rules. A torn ice floe, cold water, a fast current threaten death. Not even every adult can get out of a cold hole.

Be careful, attentive and


Rule #1

Never walk on the ice alone, unaccompanied by adults, do not wear shawls and do not play on the ice.

Rule #2

Avoid places where the ice can be thin

Where streams flow or springs flow

Near bushes, trees, reeds

Under snowdrifts and near the shore

Where any objects are frozen into the ice

At plants and factories

rule №3

Before you step on the ice, look for a well-trodden path or fresh tracks. If there is, then it is better to move along it, since this path has already been tested.

The presentation is intended for students of primary school age. Contains animations and illustrations.


  • Ice is especially dangerous during a thaw.

Don't be afraid to go out on the ice, just

be careful!

Ice safety rules The presentation was prepared by the educator L. B. Barantseva

Rules for safe behavior on ice When you go out onto a pond, you cannot test it for strength and hit it with your foot or some object. Because the ice is already melting and can break underfoot. If there are adults nearby, they can check the strength of the ice by eye. This is not difficult - the color of the ice is blue - it means it is still strong, and when it is white - it is already dangerous, because its strength has decreased by 2 times.

Rules for safe behavior on ice When a grayish or matte shade appears on the ice, it is very dangerous to go out on such ice. Ice that is more than 10 cm thick is considered safe. Ice of this thickness can withstand both a child and an adult and not break through. Do not forget about the cracks and holes, it is from these places that the ice is not at all strong. And if you hear that the ice crackled under your feet, there is no need to panic, make sudden movements or run. You need to calmly, slowly lie down on the ice and try to crawl or roll to a safe place.

What do you do if you get caught in ice? Try to call adults for help. Before the arrival of adults, you need to spread your arms, try to grab onto the ice, and, if possible, give your body a horizontal position. Try your best to stay on the surface.

Poems about safety rules on ice Winter! Rather on skates! What glorious days! But you can’t go out on the ice, As long as it is fragile, friends, When there are cracks on it, When it suddenly gets warmer during the day ... If you fail, trouble will come: In winter, cold water ...

On frozen lakes Ice is fragile, And it's very irresponsible to walk on such! Reservoirs are dangerous: The ice may fall through, And saving you in vain

The whole district will rush in… After all, it is almost impossible to get close to the polynya – It will be difficult to pull you out of the water, brothers…
