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Where to start discussing the organization of the prom at school: we are preparing for the first parent meeting. Prom theme: how to choose and what ideas do you have? If you contact us…

The graduation party of the 11th grade should be a grand event that the graduate will remember for a lifetime. After all, such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime - this is the beginning of an adult life, completely new - full of incredible events and magical things - graduation should be one of such events for former schoolchildren. Absolutely every graduate deserves such a holiday. Is not it? After diligent preparation for the exam, constant experiences, you need a great rest, moreover, how nice it is for everyone to celebrate graduation day in the circle of their classmates, with whom so many years have been spent and with whom many memories are associated.

Young people - future students will definitely appreciate the style and modern approach to organizing our graduations, because each of our events includes: a fashionable venue, excellent service, famous artists and presenters, fashionable Djs, cool photo and video reporters of the Geometria fashion portal. Moreover, it is in our programs that modern trends are combined with the Petersburg style, attracting both residents of our city and graduates from other cities.

We offer a variety of graduation programs for 11th graders: graduations in the best restaurants of St. Petersburg with famous presenters, graduations on the ship, discos with fashionable Djs and much more.

Graduation script for 11 classes- this is the work of professionals who have vast experience in organizing such events, cooperating with fashion presenters, artists, Djs, restaurants, ships and more. etc. - this is our work, which we love and appreciate very much for more than 18 years.

Organization of graduation - grade 11

Despite the fact that the school year has not yet begun, this year's graduates should already be concerned about how they will spend the 11th grade of 2019. The academic months of the last school year in their lives will fly by very quickly, and at the end, most of them will be busy with passing exams. But the holiday should not be forgotten either. And the sooner preparations begin for it, the more likely it is that graduation will be excellent, deserve the highest marks and leave only the best impressions.

It is simply impossible to make a mistake in organizing this holiday. After all, there will be no opportunity to repeat it, to fix something. And although in the future there may be graduation parties of the institute, university, they finish school only once. So, the organization of the prom in the 11th grade should be at the proper level.

Of course, it is better to immediately appoint people responsible for organizational issues. It could be a class asset, a parent committee. But it would be best to entrust the graduation to 11 specialists who organize such holidays. Our company "CAPTAIN-CLUB" will be able to offer a choice of several options for the program, start preparing for the holiday in advance, and free those who will participate in the graduation from difficult duties. In addition, in this case, the effect of surprise will be preserved. Students of the 11th grade will not be completely familiar with the rich graduation program. Therefore, what will happen this evening will also be a surprise and discovery for them.

If you want the graduation to be remembered by all participants only with positive impressions, start preparing for it in advance, cooperating in this with the professionals of our company "CAPTAIN-CLUB"!

Graduation from school and the holiday - graduation 11th grade are the most exciting events in the life of every student. School years will remain in my memory for a long time with various sorrows and joys, worries before exams, with memories of childhood pranks, friendship and first love. And now comes the moment of final farewell to the school, and hence to childhood, teachers and classmates.

Adult life powerfully calls graduates and excites them with its obscurity. And the final graduation of 2020 11th grade becomes for everyone the last opportunity to spend this both joyful and a little sad holiday with their classmates, to meet the dawn of a new life together.

Where will the graduation party leave the most vivid and exciting memories of this celebration?

Parents begin to discuss this issue many days before the end of school. Choosing a venue for the holiday - graduation 11th grade is of great importance.

In practice, the celebration takes place according to one plot - first, the solemn part, which completes the last academic year and marks the final farewell to the school and is held within the walls of the native school.

The festive part, which is intended to give a cheerful and energetic start to a new adult life, to fill graduates with strong positive emotions so that memories last for many years, has its own characteristics.

Usually, prom in the 11th grade is held both in the school itself and outside the school.

The venue of the holiday has its own unique features and vividly memorable moments. Therefore, the choice of a venue for the holiday - graduation 2020 grade 11 must be agreed with the graduates themselves.

The organization and holding of a prom is a very complex and multifaceted process, you need to prepare for it in advance, think through everything to the smallest detail. Of particular interest to both parents and graduates is the choice of scenario for the holiday. But such issues as renting transport to deliver graduates to the venue of the holiday, regardless of whether it will be Gorky Park or Surikov Hall, and many other organizational issues are no less important when holding such a grandiose event.

Our company can offer interested parents several carefully worked out options - how and where to hold graduation 2020 11th grade. Information about all the possible venues for the celebration and the algorithm of the celebration is presented in a very accessible form on our website.

In addition to these standard proposals, our specialists can develop a thematic holiday scenario - graduation 11th grade on an individual request, organize and hold it in a place chosen by graduates. They will provide delivery of graduates to the venue of the holiday, festive decoration of the hall, provide a host, an entertainment program, prepare a menu of your choice, lay tables, provide the necessary service for a banquet hall or a buffet table.

Choose the option you like and connect with our company.


Our company "AS-GROUP" was created to organize graduation parties in Moscow schools, and has in its large number of various highly professional specialists.
We can offer for any most demanding taste and choice a sufficiently large number of interesting places for graduation parties, where we will spend for your children a fun and unforgettable start to a new life according to a scenario that has been worked out many times and with high quality.
Our company offers parents of primary, secondary and senior students several specially equipped venues, where, according to the established tradition, the organization of graduation parties in Moscow takes place.

This evening is the most important in the life of every student! There are no trifles in this holiday - everything must be perfect! It should be both touching and incendiary at the same time, and most importantly, be remembered for a lifetime. It is with these basic rules in mind that we have developed our programs. We tried to combine in them the solemn beginning of the prom with an incendiary extravaganza at the end. This is not just a ball, this is a ball that should be a fun party at the same time. Our managers have been carefully selecting artists for programs for several years, realizing that our clients, although they have already become “young adults”, are still children, even if not for long, just for one night.

This year we managed to improve the best and most interesting programs, open new venues, taking into account the wishes of our previous graduates.

Program cost: 8000 rub/person

Dates of the event: Dates of the event: Moscow 23.06, Moscow region date set by the Government of the Moscow Region, Time of the event 23.00-05.00

Our Royal Ball is not just a beautiful name, it is a real ball that will be held in one of the most luxurious complexes in the capital - the Izmailovsky Kremlin. You have a great opportunity to become participants in the most prestigious ball of Moscow graduates.

The cost of the program: from 4700 rubles / person.

Dates: Dates: Moscow schools on June 20, schools near Moscow on June 20, time 24.00-06.00

A real cool party will take place that night in one of the best Moscow disco clubs "B-12". A unique show program (bartender show, interactive African drummers, super-fashionable graffiti battle), incendiary youth presenters, and, of course, one of the most fashionable club DJs in Moscow. It will be a real graduation disco break in an adult way!

Program cost: 6000 rub/person

Dates: Moscow 23.06, Moscow region date set by the Government of the Moscow Region, Time 22.00-04.00

We invite you to the most popular alumni program. The restaurant "Mikhail Svetlov" is distinguished by its elegant interior, gourmet cuisine, excellent arrangement of tables and disco zones. After the solemn part, you will take part in a real enchanting show of drummers, a freestyle show, a neon show and, of course, fashionable youth hosts and the coolest Moscow DJ will make this holiday unforgettable for graduates.

Program cost: 4 700 rubles/person

We invite you to the most popular alumni program. This hall is distinguished by an elegant interior, gourmet cuisine, excellent arrangement of tables and disco zones. After the solemn part, you will take part in a real enchanting show of drummers, a freestyle show, a neon show and, of course, fashionable youth hosts and the coolest Moscow DJ will make this holiday unforgettable for graduates.

Program cost: from 2900 rubles per person

Event dates: Event dates: Moscow 23.06

This program was developed by us at the numerous requests of our graduates and their parents who wish to attend a city event in Gorky Park and at the same time hold a chic graduation. Since then, it has become extremely popular.

The cost of the program: from 3500 rubles / person

Dates: Dates: Moscow 23.06, Moscow region date set by the Government of the Moscow Region

This program will allow parents to really get rid of the hassle of organizing a graduation party for their children and will allow them to focus on much more important tasks facing the parents of eleventh graders. Professional presenter, competitions, show program, disco with one of the best DJs in Moscow. Catering service will relieve you of the hassle of organizing a banquet. Designers will decorate the hall with balloons.

Program cost: 5000 rub/person

Dates: Dates: Moscow 23.06, Moscow region date set by the Government of the Moscow Region, Time 23.00-03.00

Luxurious limousines will pick you up from school. Then you will take a 4-hour walk through the center of Moscow on one of the most comfortable and beautiful ships of the Moscow fleet.During the cruise, you and your children will be entertained by the best presenters and DJs of Moscow, a show program that includes the performance of the popular "bartender show".A magnificent banquet with cold and hot appetizers, salads, pastries and several hot dishes of your choice. Then limousines will take you to school.

The cost of the program: from 2000 rubles / person

Dates: Set by the government of Moscow and the Moscow Region

For those who have their own graduation venue, we offer a unique program. If you have already rented a restaurant or a banquet hall, you have a cottage outside the city, or you have decided to spend this evening in a holiday home, then by ordering our program, you will not have to think about anything else.

The cost of the program: from 3800 rubles / person

Host in a 1930s Chicago tuxedo. Photo shoot in American retro style. Pyramid with non-alcoholic champagne. A professional youth presenter and club DJ works with you all night long. Each graduate will receive 1,000 fake rubles and will be able to play roulette with a real croupier, a laser shooting range, and tell fortunes using Tarot cards. neon show, dance groups and of course a real club disco.

Important information

Dear representatives of parent committees and alumni!

We inform Vaso that the director and administration of your educational institution, in an ultimatum form, can force graduates and representatives of the parental community to celebrate the "Graduation Party" only on the territory of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after M. Gorky, the Vorobyovy Gory educational institution or at school, while referring to the orders of the Government of Moscow or the orders of the Department of Education.

These actions by school administrations violate the rights of graduates and their legal representatives, enshrined in Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish restrictions on the choice of the venue for the "Graduation Party" by parents and their children.

In confirmation of the above, we ask you to carefully read the official position of the Moscow Government represented by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow L.M. .

company management

11th grade prom script

Good evening, dear guests of our holiday.

Leading. How many guests are in our hall today,
How many smiles, shining eyes!

Leading. It seems that the assembly hall has become wider,
Everyone has gathered for the gala!

Leading. The music is ringing, pouring,
Leading. Graduation ball is starting!

Once a first-grader boy,
Coming home from school for the first time
Parents asked: “How are you?
Did you enjoy your first class?”

“I liked it, but it's all the details, -
The son taunted his parents in response, -
So why didn't you just tell me?
And why, answer, you hid all your life,
Why do they go to school for so many years?”

And the years flew by like in a fairy tale.
The boy did not have time to look back -
And there is no longer a teacher's hint,
And erased to the last crumb of chalk.

Earthly mountains surrendered to teachers,
Nebulae of heaven Andromeda,
Spiritual appearance of Uncle Chernomor,
Pants from the Pythagorean theorem,
And Archimedes, who displaced the water.

And today in this room
We have gathered so that without further ado,
Congratulate them, for this at the beginning
We invite all graduates.

Attention! The solemn moment is coming!

Behind the scenes, any graduate.

Parents are also worried in the hall,

Everyone's hearts beat in unison.

The director is worried and the teachers -

Their students are now on the doorstep.

What doors will open before them,

How happy they will be on the road.

Let's begin our solemn ritual!

Graduates, we invite you to the hall!

Alumni Exit

Good afternoon, good afternoon to all participants of today's holiday. Today in our hall there will be a presentation of a new serial film. After all, if we take our life, a separate fragment of it, let's say, a school, it's a kind of cinema and art, in the creation and implementation of which a lot of effort and patience have been invested in order to get a decent result.

And now it is ready, a masterpiece about the school life of graduates, a dedication poem to everyone who was nearby.

We present you a new multi-part saga “Geniuses are not born or in anticipation of a miracle”.

The shooting ended successfully and today we will see not only the heroes of our film, but also people who are always behind the scenes.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the film begins with the general director of the motion picture.

Dear graduates, parents, teachers! You are welcomed by the director of the school Borisova Olga Ivanovna.

So much strength, will comes from you,

That children are drawn, as if to the light, to you.

Because you have chosen this share,

All the scenes of the world applaud you.

There will be many in this room
Bright faces and kind words,
Everyone now wants to congratulate
Dear graduates!

Friends! Today without cheating

With prom guests

Without preamble, this very hour,

Let me introduce you

Series 1 "First meeting".

First day of autumn. First of September.

A little-studied mystery of the calendar.

If you think carefully - just one of the days.

Like a childhood dream where they learn to fly

Like the sun through the foliage, like a gentle breath

Like a song without words, sung from a sheet.

The day was like a new house, painted blue,

My head was spinning in anticipation of miracles ...

The bell rings again. You are in 1st grade again

And ahead is a lesson with a short theme of life.

Q: Guys, has it really been 11 years?

V-tsa: Yesterday I remembered how we came to the 1st grade.

VK: I was very proud.

Q: And I was a little scared.

Q: Do you remember our first trip to nature?

Q: Our first teacher only had time to catch us from trees and all sorts of holes.

V-tsa: Everything was new, unfamiliar, but curiosity took over,

And we went the way of knowledge.

Q: Our first teacher is the best in the world!

Q: That's right. She is with us today.

The first person who met our heroes on the way was their first teacher. They loved her tenderly and resignedly, listening to the magic words she spoke.

Knowledge entered their heads with these words, although most of it was immediately weathered. But the persistence of the first teachers knew no bounds.

You loved us all the same
Love is shared by all.
For the fact that you sculpted people from us
Thank you teachers

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,
When we opened the world from scratch.
For the fact that we are a little like you
Thank you teachers

We worried all of you little by little,
Sometimes angry, sometimes funny.
For taking us on the road
Thank you teachers

For the eternal multiplication table,
For giving us the Earth.
For the fact that we are all your continuation -
Thank you teachers.

Episode 2

That's the end of elementary school. A greater tragedy for our heroes, it seemed, could not happen. Every day to go to different rooms, different teachers, the name of each of which is impossible to remember. Horror, panic. What to do?

And then she appears. A class teacher, a kindred spirit in this stream of diversity. You can tell her everything, or almost everything; she can talk to her parents like this ... In general, she knows how to talk to her parents.

She knows many secrets about you, sometimes unknown to you. She loves you the way you are, even though she says you need to change.

Q: Do you remember how we graduated from elementary school and plunged into a world where there are many subjects and teachers?

VK: But here, as always, the class teacher was nearby.

In-tsa: only she alone could calm, and captivate, and help.

VK: With her, even the boys forgot about everything.

Q: It's great that she was always there.

V-k: And next to us you walked, taught us, endured us.

And we only understood you and how the class went home to our native.

Behind the last class, the lessons have already ended,

But it will be very lonely without your words, without your eyes.

We did not have time to realize that those years will not be repeated,

We sometimes dream about them, but we want to say.

V-tsa: Thank you for your soul, for work, patience, kindness,

For investing a lot in us, even though it was not easy.

We have come to you already big -
Each required their own approach.
Your talent and words are simple
They figured out that difficult move.

We were interested in you.
We looked up to you all the time.
Cool mother for adult children
Today he will say: It's time! Good time!

And how did the class teachers live with our graduates, what do they want to say to them in response.

We would like to wish our teachers that they always take a worthy place in the past of our students, and that their knowledge directly influences their future.

V-to: Each lesson was memorable for us, it was painted with bright colors. We lived like in a movie, sad, laughed, loved, worried, in general, felt all the emotions that are possible. We have learned a lot and all thanks to the teachers. Thank you.

V-k: Yes, we amazed our teachers with high intelligence and a flight of thoughts.

V-tsa: Only the flight was not at all the same often.

Q2: But our main heights were taken thanks to our dear teachers.

How can we thank the teachers who taught us?

Do not fall into banality, do not be cunning, in what words should they glorify their feat?

Thank you teachers for your good deeds,

May the sun give you smiles, and let happiness be in abundance!

V-k: Who loved mathematics at school, who doted on the Russian language,

Who put his whole soul into history, and who honored and glorified literature,

Who in chemistry was looking for an answer to everything, who was in love with physics with inspiration,

And I was crazy, I'll tell you a secret, I was in love with a big change.

V-k: At recess, they don’t call you to the blackboard, they don’t ask you difficult questions,

They do not appeal to your consciousness, they do not expect an answer to a question from you.

It's time for a big change in our lives!


Series 3. "Main people"

In our harsh present, immediately behind the director in importance on the set are the producers. Each of the actors has its own producer, it is they who have a great influence on the emotionality, brightness, acting talent of our heroes. We talk …

Of course about the parents. Sponsors are not only material, but also spiritual. Our graduates went to them for support, advice, shared sorrows and joys with them. What do they mean for our actors?

Today the moment has come for them to come out of the shadows, to show their kind, sweet, affectionate faces and eyes sparkling with happiness. We invite ……..

Thank you for such words.

Graduate . How many feelings today. How many emotions! It seems that my friends will not withstand a flurry of feelings and emotions and burst into tears!

Graduate . My friends, don't, think about your parents! They are also sad that we have already grown up and are starting an independent life.

Graduate . They hope so much for us and believe in our lucky star!

Graduate . Therefore, let us not upset them and say everything that is in our hearts.

Graduate . Has it really been 11 years since the time when we, small, with funny pigtails and briefcases half our height, went to school, proudly turning up our noses and considering ourselves to be quite adults.

Graduate . But, despite this, they were afraid to lose their mother in this noisy world called school, and therefore held tightly to her hand.

Graduate . We still consider ourselves adults, only for some reason our hearts aches and our souls are sad.

Graduate . Our adult lives are different. Our successes and failures will be different. But we are sure of one thing...

Graduate . All our lives, our home will shine like an affectionate star. Our parents are always waiting for us here.

Graduate . We owe our lives, our present, our happiness to our parents, relatives and relatives.

Graduate . Say quietly: ma-ma, pa-pa. You will feel how something alive, warm, tender embraced your chest and your heart beat faster.

Graduate . At such moments, one believes in goodness and justice. Because there are great words "mom" and "dad" in the world.

Graduate . Because now they are kind, the best in the world. They gave us this sky, and these stars, and this heart, which is able to feel, rejoice and love.

Graduates .
You. Mom, mom, we are already adults, look, we have already said goodbye to braids.

The blossoming of the spring garden is exuberant… It was already my 17th birthday.

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying and smiling, don't you hide your tears?

I’ll rush off into a big life from the ball ... Mommy, mom, but I’ll be back!

A huge blue sky awaits us, roads where there is no trace of us yet.

Mom, mom, everything will be able to understand, will hope, believe and wait!

You-k. Look, I am a head taller than my father, and he is a copy, they tell me, from the face ...

Forgive me if I am very stubborn, forgive and understand me, mommy, mom!

Thank you dear parents!
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement.
For youthful pride and impatience.
For the gray hair at the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
In the belt we will bow to you to the ground
Thank you, family, to you all from the bottom of my heart!

We have the last frame of the school film,
And today we want to tell everyone
That we, yesterday's boys and girls,
Ready to conquer all the peaks in life.

And we think that every step in life,
It will be made with you.
We'll always be friends
And what you gave will remain forever with us,
We cannot do without you.

Series 4. "And here it is, the long-awaited certificate ..."

Thunder fanfares, solemnly glorifying,

The main action is waiting in this hall,

Looking forward to the award ceremony

The highest award for years of teaching.

Remember this day!

Remember this hour!

Remember these minutes!

Remember this moment!

For the presentation of certificates, the director of the school Borisova Olga Ivanovna is invited to the stage.

Though this day will be on a film,

It will be written by many hearts.

You have the art to perfection

You deserve a laurel crown!

Today is another milestone

And from it your bright path lies.

You are the embodiment of talent and success,

And all the applause now belongs to you!

Will never fall silent in our hearts,
And it sounds and excites everyone again
Ageless school waltz
Prom night symbol.

But that's what makes this moment so interesting.

We talk about it with excitement.

And each issue dances its own dance,

It is unpredictable, unique!

(graduate waltz)

Issue - to.

Goodbye, dear teachers,

Goodbye, my class, my desk!

The dawn will beckon with a scarlet ribbon in the sky,

Will call us to a distant tomorrow.

And today they send us their farewell greetings

Nightingales and open spaces expanse.

A happy dawn awaits us over a quiet river.

Goodbye dear school!

Final song of the graduates

Life is a theater, the people in it are actors

So Shakespeare bequeathed to posterity.

Try to play a worthy role

In the sea of ​​life, among the waves and rocks.

Today you are a graduate!

Beautiful moment of youth

The soul is sublime-air

And you believe in tomorrow innocently.

Now your choice is free

And all desires are fulfilled.

You don't like peace

And so the soul is still vulnerable!

The hour has come to say goodbye to school

And different feelings are crowded!

A year will pass, and many years,

Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably glorify

Others, he will set up barriers!

And it's very hard to give advice

And sometimes you won't find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,

Sometimes stuffing cones,

Don't rush to retreat

Only the strong can win!

May your life be full

Surrounded by the warmth of friends

And warmed by personal happiness,

And unusual as a comet!

The lights go out, the beam of the spotlight is directed at the graduate, who has a star on her palm, made of fishing sticks "firefly".

Vyp-tsa: A star fell on my palm.

I asked: - "Where are you from?"

Star: -

Let me take a breather

I flew from such a height ..., -

Like a bell rang.


Don't see how small I am

I can do many things.

You only need to remember

What is most important to you in the world

I can make a wish come true

I do this all the time.

I know what you need

I don't have to remember for a long time.

I wish everyone to be loved

Don't forget your loved ones on earth.

So that on our woeful planet

Only the stars fell from the sky

They were all trusting, like children,

And they loved the rain, flowers and the forest.

So that friendship is not a burden,

So that loyalty is not a burden,

So that old age is not a heavy burden -

Wisdom would lie on the heart.

Remember that difficult tasks

Life will present more than once.

May joy, happiness and good luck

You are not bypassed!

(Graduates pass the star from hand to hand, the light is turned on).

What is happiness? It's very simple.
This is when people light up the stars.
May your life always accompany
Warming souls, happy fate.

We light your stars

Let them shine with a golden glow

And in this solemn moment,

You guess at will!

The day when schoolchildren complete their studies in grades 9 and 11 is distinguished by an unforgettable festive event - Prom / Ball!

We invite you to spend this amazing Graduation party of the 11th grade at the official city venues in Moscow that meet all requirements of the Department of Education.
For over 10 years McGore has been organizing the best graduations of Moscow, which have gained their popularity among schoolchildren and parents with their amazing quality, interactive show programs, chic restaurant meals, a high level of security and a caring attitude towards customers.

Graduation party of the 11th grade in the WORLD

The MIR Banquet Hall is a new ultra-modern luxury segment venue that opened in early 2017. This is a unique venue that combines cozy and elegant interiors with the most modern technologies.
Graduation party of the 11th grade in the WORLD is an amazing event that combines space technology, amazing futuristic shows, exciting competitions, unforgettable performances by artists and an explosive disco with DJs!

Graduation party of the 11th grade at the Radisson

The Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel is one of the most famous luxury hotels in Moscow.
A favorite place to stay for VIPs from all over the world. Angelina Jolie, Michael Jackson, Sharon Stone, Linda Evangelista, Queen, the Scorpions and other stars have repeatedly stayed in her apartment.
Graduation party of 11 classes at the Radisson- this is an incendiary atmosphere of a club evening with a colorful show program, entertainment competitions and artists, with great food, famous DJs and a disco until the morning!

Under the arches of the legendary Metropol Hotel you will find yourself in an atmosphere of splendor and luxury, intrigues and revelations of secular Balls of the middle of the 18th century. Empress Catherine the Great will personally arrive at the Ball to congratulate elegant young ladies and gallant gentlemen and open such a solemn event!
is the magical atmosphere of a fairy tale, masterpieces of world classics, a fantastically beautiful hall, a theatrical performance from the artists of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the most delicious Graduation Banquet in Moscow and an extensive entertainment program!

The five-star "President Hotel" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation is a high-class closed residence, which traditionally hosts the first persons of states, politicians, famous businessmen from all continents and world stars of culture and art.
Graduation Ball of the 11th class at the President Hotel is a grand celebration that combines the official atmosphere of the hotel and the casually cheerful mood of the Graduation Party entertainment program with superbly prepared dishes of European and Russian cuisine.

Graduation party of the 11th grade at the Renaissance Monarch

"Renaissance Monarch" is a five-star luxury hotel belonging to the world famous Renaissance chain. The contemporary architecture with superb finishes and stunning neon interiors make it one of the finest luxury hotels in the world.
European Prom- this is an amazing entertainment program taking place in stylish and comfortable interiors, excellent European cuisine, performances by artists, competitions and master classes, incendiary dances and entertainment until the morning!

Graduation of the 11th grade at the Artist's Gallery

Banquet complex "Gallery of the Artist" - these are halls that stagger the imagination with their scope, surroundings and amazing beauty, located in the unique architectural ensemble "Dolgorukov's House", not far from the Kremlin.
Graduation party of 11 classes at the Artist's Gallery is a mysterious festive atmosphere full of surprises and amazing discoveries. An unforgettable show program, bright performances of artists, a charming presenter, funny contests and pleasant surprises await you!

Graduation 11 class in Azimut Olympic

Hotel "Azimut Olympic Moscow" is a modern business class hotel. In 2009, the designers of the Marriott chain made a large-scale reconstruction in the hotel, which completely changed its appearance, which combined the Great Russian Traditions and the trends of modern European style.
Graduation party of the 11th grade at Azimut Olympic- this is an unusually bright event, with an exciting "club" show program, great food, fun contests, entertainment and incendiary dances!

The Barvikha Luxury Village Concert Hall is one of the most modern transformer halls in the world! The unique infrastructure of Barvikha, stylish designer interiors, modern technical equipment and an impeccable reputation make this place ideal for holding a 11th grade school graduation.
is a dynamic show program with amazing performances by artists, competitions and master classes, a magnificent banquet and incendiary dances!

Graduation party of the 11th grade in Volynskoye park

"Congress Park Volynskoye" - Stalin's former dacha, now the residence of the President of the Russian Federation. Absolutely closed territory for the majority of Russian citizens. But not for you! It is here that an amazing holiday will take place with an unforgettable bright atmosphere of "Hi Tech and Luxury" of the modern world!
Graduation party of 11 classes in Volynsky is an exclusive platform with a unique show program, as well as an amazing opportunity to learn how to dance in style from real masters of the dance world!

If you are looking for a place to spend the Graduation Party of the 11th grade in Moscow, you will find a suitable place for celebrating with us, and we will do our best to make this Graduation Ball become the brightest and most unforgettable Event in their life for your children.
