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Cow business - breeding (business plan). Breeding cattle for meat and milk

The cow is one of the most popular pets. With proper care, they can produce high-quality meat and milk. We will talk about raising cows at home in this article.

Before you start breeding cows, you should arrange a room for them. Its dimensions are selected depending on the planned livestock and the available space. Cows are quite whimsical: from dampness, cold or stuffiness they have problems with weight and milk.

It is advisable to build a barn at a distance from the house, water sources and neighboring houses. According to sanitary standards, the building should be located 15 meters from the house, and 20 meters from wells and boreholes (to maintain the purity of drinking water). It is best to locate the barn near the vegetable garden or orchard so that you can save time on manure disposal.

The choice of materials for construction depends on natural conditions. Most often, of course, wood is used - planed boards or logs. Brick, aerated concrete or foam concrete are also suitable for construction - materials with good thermal insulation. For flooring, concrete is considered the ideal option due to its hygiene and durability. The adobe coating retains heat well and is comfortable, but wood is not recommended: it absorbs all odors and quickly deteriorates.

  • a convenient warehouse for hay, where it retains its beneficial properties for a long time;
  • additional insulation of the ceiling;
  • It is possible to throw hay from above directly into the feeder.

If the attic is not being built, the ceiling is made of tightly laid boards, coating all joints with clay and then using insulation (slag, dry earth or sawdust are suitable). The insulation layer should not be less than 10 cm. A roofing material or slate is placed on top and a small cornice is made to prevent rainwater from flowing inside.

For one cow, the ideal barn area would be 18 square meters. m. – it’s enough for a cow with a baby and equipment with feed. If there are several cows, the size of the room is calculated based on 6 square meters. m. per head (and 9 sq. m. if there are offspring). This area includes a feeding area and a passage. The feeder should be in front of the stall. It is also advisable to come up with a drain for waste that discharges it into a cesspool.

In the barn, ventilation must be installed at a height of 2.5 meters. You can install a special pipe for constant air flow. The pipe must have a damper against low temperatures and precipitation.

You need to start with the foundation, and for a small building, a strip type is also suitable, which will withstand a large load. In non-flowing soils, the foundation is buried half a meter. The upper part can be protected from moisture with a layer of bitumen.

Walls are built above the foundation. Brick ones are well ventilated, but you will have to use insulation. Cheap adobe brick is considered optimal, since the building will be dry and warm.

The floor should be 10 cm above ground level. A slight slope is made towards the sump. The concrete surface can be covered with wooden boards, but they will have to be removed periodically for cleaning. At the end of the slope, a tray or groove is made, 15 cm deep and 25 cm wide. The design of the room involves reducing harmful substances in the air by removing slurry. To do this, a manure chute is made with an inclination towards the slurry collector. From there, urine is periodically removed with a bucket. The container should be designed for a month, that is, for a cow with a calf, a tank of 1 cubic meter is enough.

The optimal temperature for breeding cows is 10-15 degrees. It is important that there are no drafts inside. For ventilation, a pipe is made from boards (15x15 cm) and installed above the ridge. It is important to consider opening windows in the design. It is recommended to place the cowshed lengthwise from east to west. The window area is 1:10 in relation to the floor area, and window openings are made higher than 1.2 m from the floor.

How to choose a good cow

When the barn is built, before breeding cows, you need to choose the right cow. Most likely, you will need the cow for dairy, not for meat. Milk production is influenced by age, feeding conditions, body type and breed.

Good milk production is due to the cow breed itself. In our country, the following are considered popular: Ayrshire, Black-and-White, Lebedinsky, Dutch, Yaroslavl and Kholmogory cows - each has its own characteristics, but all give a large amount of milk.

When purchasing, be sure to ask what breeds the animal’s parents were and what productive qualities they have. It is advisable that your cow be a purebred, since the offspring of crossbreds do not inherit the characteristics of their parents well. Hereditary milk production is determined by the characteristics of the cow's older sisters, along the maternal and paternal lines.

Carefully examine the animal's physique:

  • the head should be light, dry and elongated;
  • the eyes are large and protruding;
  • the horns are small, thin at the base;
  • the ears are thin, almost without hair on the inside;
  • the cow's neck should be with a lot of folds, long and with a small dewlap;
  • the body of the purchased animal should preferably have strong bones, a voluminous belly and underdeveloped muscles;
  • the chest is large, with wide intercostal grooves (this means developed alimentary and pulmonary systems). If the chest is flat, the animal is susceptible to pulmonary diseases such as tuberculosis;
  • the rear should be with a widely developed rump for easy calving and not drooping;
  • tail – long and thin;
  • the skin of your future cow is preferably free of fatty deposits and elastic to the touch;
  • The udder should feel loose and grainy to the touch. It needs to be large and hairy, but not too huge so as not to interfere with the cow’s exercise. The highest productivity is in animals with a tub-shaped or cup-shaped udder. All quarters of it should be well developed;
  • nipples are required up to 8 cm long, cylindrical and widely spaced.

In general, in high-yielding cows, the body widens towards the rear, and visually the animals look angular. Do not buy fat cows or those that look like a bull, otherwise they will not produce enough milk.

There is also a popular saying: a good cow has a lot of wax in her ears, which means her milk will be fatty.

The productivity of cows depends on housing and feeding conditions. To avoid diseases, it is recommended to periodically disinfect the barn.

In summer, it is advisable for your cows to be on a walking area, with a canopy to protect them from rain and sun. Under the canopy you need to place a container with a briquette of lick salt. In winter, the animals will be kept in a warm barn. There should be constant light in the room (a 40 W bulb is enough). The cow can be tied, preferably with a chain, but even in winter the animals need a little exercise outside the barn. Walking is canceled only at temperatures below 15 degrees below zero.

Under home breeding conditions, your cow can gain weight up to half a ton, while the average weight of an individual from an industrial farm is only 300 kg. Cows are herd animals; it is advisable to have several of them on the farm. If there are only one or two of them, they need to be grazed with neighboring animals so that the animals develop normally .

The use of pastures reduces the cost of raising cows at home. Otherwise, cows feed on all types of waste from the garden and vegetable garden. They need to be fed twice a day, both grain and roughage (straw, hay). The water in the drinking bowls should be warm. For the winter, you need to prepare granulated food for your pets and dry the grass.

For your cow, it is desirable to have good quality feed on the farm: steppe or meadow hay, spring straw, beets, potatoes, corn silage. For the same individual, the need for food is different and depends on live weight, age, daily milk yield and the presence of pregnancy.

Good hay is considered the basis of the diet. On average, it is given 3.5 kg per hundredweight of live weight. If, in addition, the diet includes 12 kg of succulent feed daily, the share of hay can be reduced to 2.5 kg. At least 3 kg of succulent feed is required per day. Potato tubers are given both boiled and raw. Concentrated feed is added to the diet depending on milk yield - highly productive cows are given up to 200 g of bran, cake and corn dirt for each liter of milk.

Also, the cow's daily diet should include table salt (8 g per hundredweight of live weight).

To summarize, a cow with a weight of 500 kg and a daily milk yield of 15 liters. necessary:

  • 8 kg. quality hay;
  • 2 kg. spring straw;
  • 30 kg. succulent feed;
  • 3 kg. concentrates.

During the grazing period, the basis of nutrition should be pasture.

The same daily routine is needed for the entire stall period. The intervals between milking and feeding should be the same. Medium-yielding cows are fed three times a day, and high-yielding cows – 5 times.

About reproduction

To breed cows, you need to know their characteristics. Puberty of heifers occurs at 8 months, and physiological maturity at 18 months, when they reach a weight of 300 kg. Cows have a sexual cycle with a period of 21 days. The heat state is repeated if the cow has not been inseminated.

During the hunt, the animal often moos, raises its tail and arches its back. The heat is preceded by estrus, and the external genitalia become swollen. This state lasts approximately 11 hours, less in winter.

It is advisable to inseminate cows 2 times: when heat is detected, and after 10 hours. The inseminated heifer is kept on a leash at rest.

A cow is considered pregnant if she does not go into heat within 29 days after mating. There are various methods for detecting pregnancy, but not all of them are suitable for the first months of pregnancy.

Pregnancy lasts from 250 to 310 days. 45-60 days before giving birth, the cow must be started, that is, stopped milking, otherwise the risk of giving birth to weak offspring increases. The starting rules are simple: a cow with a milk yield of 4 liters is stopped immediately, succulent feed is excluded and concentrates in food are reduced. An animal with greater productivity is introduced gradually, over several days.

Agriculture is a popular sector of the modern economy; this is a reason to think about how to organize cow breeding as a business. Cow's milk and meat are always in demand, regardless of the time of year, the economic situation in the country and other factors. Even competition is not a hindrance in this business. The main and primary task is to plan everything correctly and carefully.

Business plan

The task of the future entrepreneur is to create a guide to action for himself, that is, write a business plan. This is an optional document; you don’t need to present it to anyone, only if you have to look for a source of financing, but more on that later.

Dairy cows produce 20 to 30 liters of milk per day

The business plan has its own function - to coordinate the actions of the manager. In simple words, this is a step-by-step guide, written in your own words exclusively for yourself. There are several mandatory items:

  • market analysis;
  • paperwork;
  • farm organization;
  • financial plan;
  • purchase of livestock;
  • hiring staff and purchasing equipment;
  • search for a sales market.

Nothing complicated at first glance, but at every stage an entrepreneur will encounter difficulties, and they cannot be predicted for sure, but you can clearly distribute your actions to reduce risks to a minimum.

Business Features

Breeding cows of any breed, meat or dairy, is one of the industries that is not afraid of competition. The products will be in demand in any region of our country. First of all, it is profitable to sell milk where there are dairies. In most cases, especially in the central and northern regions, raw materials for production are delivered from the southern regions. In this case, it is not necessary to study competition.

But you need to think about how profitable it will be to organize and maintain a farm in a particular region. For example, take into account the cost of land, construction, feed, young animals and other factors. In the southern regions, keeping animals is more economically profitable, but the cost of production is lower.

First of all, you need to decide on the specialization of the enterprise; breeding dairy cows is a more profitable undertaking. It has excellent development prospects, for example, over time it is possible to organize an enterprise or mini-factory for processing milk and producing dairy products.

Milk is in demand in all regions of Russia


If the company has one founder, then you can register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system - 6% of gross profit. This is the simplest form of business registration that does not require material or time costs.

The second option is peasant farm enterprise (peasant farm). This form of registration is relevant if the enterprise has several co-founders, for example, when organizing a family business, where each member of the peasant farm makes a material contribution to the organization and development and ultimately receives a profit. But the head of the peasant farm must be a chairman registered as an individual entrepreneur.

Read also: Breeding ducks at home as a business for beginners

Land plot

The key point of the enterprise is the choice of farm location. This should not be an urban area; it makes more sense to organize an enterprise in a village. Ideally, the site should be located where there is a pond and meadows for the favorable existence of animals. There is, of course, the option of organizing cow breeding at home, and this is a great start, but over time the enterprise will require expansion, which will entail the search and purchase of new land and the construction of pens.

It is advisable to acquire ownership of a plot of land at the initial stage; a lease agreement is an unwise decision, its validity period is limited. An alternative is to sign a lease with a subsequent purchase agreement with the owner.

The area of ​​the site depends on the scale of the enterprise. But you need to expect that on its territory you will have to build outbuildings for livestock, a warehouse for feed, premises for staff, storage of food and equipment, and a “shower” for animals. In addition, you can build a separate building, a shed for storing manure is enough, it will bring additional profit.

Cows can be kept in unheated barns

Construction of buildings

This is an expensive and costly event, but you can’t do without it. If you are very lucky, you can buy old buildings on the purchased plot. It is easier to repair and improve them, because for construction you need to obtain permission from the local administration, enter into an agreement with a construction company and purchase building materials, pay for the project and much more. This will take a lot of time and money.

Next, you need to calculate the area of ​​the pens, it depends on the number of expected livestock. It makes more sense to keep cows in stalls; these are separate “rooms” with feeders and drinkers. Minimum stall area 2 sq.m. one individual can be more, but not less.

At the initial stage, given the high cost of the enterprise, there is no need to plan large-scale production. The optimal option would be to purchase ten cows and not hire staff, that is, care for yourself if you have the desire and experience. Once sales are established and profits stabilize, you can take care of expanding and automating production.

Purchasing cows

There are more than 300 breeds of dairy cows in Russia. The choice depends on the region where the farm is opening, because you will have to purchase livestock from local farmers. They can advise a beginner on maintenance and care, and tell about the characteristics of the breed. You should not bring livestock from afar, because the breed of cows must be adapted to the local climate. Otherwise, you can make a loss or go broke on veterinary care.

Next, you need to request from the breeder documents for the animals, certificates of their origin and veterinary certificates. It is advisable to consult an experienced doctor to examine the animals, because it is difficult for a novice farmer to make the right choice. The age of the cow is of particular importance; individuals older than 2 years begin to produce good milk yield. Although they are more expensive, there is no point in waiting for the cow and milk business to start making a profit.

Don't save money - buy only purebred cows

Financial plan

This is an individual question; the price of the issue depends on many factors, and mainly on the region. The further south you go, the cheaper, but it all depends on the scale of the enterprise. The financial plan should clearly show the entrepreneur how much money he needs to organize the project. These numbers should be as accurate as possible.

There are different requirements for breeding and keeping cows for beginners at home and in production. Various methods of care and feeding are also used, which is also important to consider when opening a farm. The entire construction of a household must include the manufacture and equipment of cowsheds, the preparation of feed, the selection and purchase of livestock. But in order for the farm to function properly and generate maximum income, it is important to carry out all the necessary measures to care for the animals. In the process, you will need to take into account some norms, rules and recommendations. All these nuances will be discussed in this article.

Peculiarities of maintenance in a private household

When building a farm, it is important for each farmer to choose the main direction of activity.

How to choose productivity

The type of productivity of the cow is the direction that the breeder will need to choose. It all depends on what products need to be obtained during the production process. In cases where good milk yield is important, you should choose a dairy breed. Representatives of the varieties have a relatively small body weight (up to six hundred kilograms for cows and up to nine hundred for bulls), but with good feeding they can produce up to ten tons of milk per year or more.

Beef breeds produce enough milk to feed calves. However, dairy products are most often not enough for the breeder to consume. At the same time, the animals show excellent meat productivity characteristics. Cows of such breeds weigh up to eight hundred kilograms, bulls - up to one and a half tons. There are varieties that also produce elite marbled meats, which is an additional advantage.

Breeds of milk production

Among the most productive and popular dairy breeds:

  1. . Average productivity is four to five tons of milk with a fat content of four percent per year. It is considered one of the most highly productive and is the ancestor of many other varieties of the same direction.
  2. . Average productivity is three to four tons of milk per year. Widely distributed throughout the CIS countries.
  3. . The average milk yield is six tons of milk per year; cases of up to twelve tons are known. The breed is common in many regions of Russia and adapts well to any climatic conditions.
  4. . With good feeding, cows can produce up to six to seven tons of milk per year. The breed is one of the oldest that has survived to this day.

Representatives of dairy breeds produce mainly milk, but it is also possible to obtain meat from them, but in smaller quantities. Meat products from such animals have less fat content.

Meat breeds

The best meat breeds produce juicy and tasty meat with a slaughter yield of at least sixty percent per carcass. Among the most productive:

  1. Aberdeen Angus. Read about the Aberdeen Angus cow breed. The weight of an adult cow reaches seven hundred kilograms, and that of bull calves – one ton. They have precociousness and a wild disposition.
  2. . Females of the breed weigh more than six hundred kilograms, males - up to one and a half tons. Animals have excellent immunity, endurance, and unpretentiousness. The breed is distributed throughout Russia.
  3. Aquitaine. The weight of cows reaches nine hundred kilograms, bulls - one and a half tons. The animals have well-developed muscles, the slaughter yield is more than sixty-five percent.
  4. Kazakh white-headed. The weight of cows is up to six centners, bulls - up to a ton. The breed is hardy and unpretentious in feeding and maintenance, and is widespread in Russia. The lethal yield is up to sixty-five percent. Read about the Kazakh white-headed cattle breed.

Most often, for home keeping, breeders choose the stall-pasture method, which involves summer grazing of cows. In winter, the cattle are kept in barns on autonomous feeding.


Having a well-equipped premises is one of the conditions for successful livestock farming. As a cowshed, it is enough to equip a wooden barn, in which you will need to insulate the walls, floor and roof, as well as install ventilation. It is important to make the floor at an angle for more convenient cleaning and hygiene procedures. It can be made from earth or wood. Inside it is necessary to install wooden trough-shaped feeders and drinking bowls. The containers must contain at least twenty kilograms of feed for each head.


The most important conditions for keeping cows are clean, dry and warm barns. The recommended air temperature in winter is at least ten degrees Celsius (for calves it should be higher). If necessary, a heating system can be installed to maintain it. Cleaning of barns and walking areas must be done daily, replacing the bedding (straw or sawdust). It is also important to clean and wash the feeders.


Proper care is important to increase the productivity and health of individuals in the household.

The choice and influence of proper nutrition

From April to the end of November, cows and bulls feed themselves on pastures, where they also receive a sufficient amount of water. As complementary food to improve productivity, you can introduce seasonal vegetables and potato peelings, melons, as well as two hundred grams of cattle feed per head into the daily diet. For the winter, livestock need to prepare hay and silage. A large animal eats up to twenty kilograms per day, a medium-sized animal eats up to fifteen. It is also recommended to enrich the diet with root vegetables, cutting them into small pieces, pumpkin, and combined feeds. It is also possible to introduce steamed porridge into the menu. Plenty of water must be given. It is advisable that she always be in drinking bowls.

Read about the cattle feeding diet at.

Table salt in briquettes should be a mandatory food additive. It will need to be purchased at a specialized store and installed directly in the barn for free access.

The grazing period of cows can change the upper and lower limits depending on the region and climatic conditions.

Prevention of diseases of cows (including undersized and Holstein-Friesian)

An important preventive measure in the fight against common diseases is vaccination, which must be carried out starting from the age of two months. You will need to be vaccinated against pasteurellosis, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease, anthrax and rabies. To prevent many diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate cows in a timely manner.

In order to prevent the occurrence and development of infectious diseases, it is also important to keep the barns clean and dry. Once a week, it is advisable to treat the premises with slaked lime or caustic soda. In addition, it is important to prevent livestock from coming into contact with wild animals and rodents.

The health and well-being of cows must be systematically monitored. If you notice lethargy, refusal to eat, or discharge from the nose and eyes, you should call a veterinarian.

Sanitary and veterinary standards for cattle

In addition to a constant comfortable temperature (not lower than ten degrees Celsius), it is recommended to maintain a relative air humidity of at least forty percent and no more than eighty. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that an area of ​​at least four square meters must be allocated for each individual.

It is recommended to keep young animals separately from adult animals. Infected and recovered individuals must be quarantined.

Specifics of building a farm for profit (build a cowshed, create an optimal indoor microclimate, raise a purebred calf, how to keep and graze at home, income)

  • types of livestock for producing dairy and meat products, what are their differences and advantages;
  • features of raising livestock of the selected breed;
  • nuances of content in different seasons and seasons;
  • opportunities for marketing and selling dairy and meat products.

The farmer will need to draw up a business plan that will include:

  • initial costs, start-up capital;
  • fixed and variable costs;
  • possible profit from sales.

Based on calculations, it is possible to assess the real possibilities of running a farm.

Important features of starting a business are the need to maintain documentation and compliance with production standards.


In the video they will tell us about keeping a cow in the village. Stall size, watering, feeding, tethering and cleaning.


  1. Keeping cows in the household is within the capabilities of both beginners and experienced breeders. To achieve maximum productivity, it is necessary to choose the right breed, provide (build a barn based on the model, create an optimal microclimate) conditions for keeping it and raise it.
  2. A sufficient condition for obtaining income from raising purebred or ordinary livestock is the provision of hygiene standards and the influence of quality feeding.
  3. From a personal home farm it is possible to receive a good income not only in the form of meat and milk, but also as profit from the sale of these products and the sale of young animals by weight (Low-growing, Holstein-Friesian breeds, for example).

Read about breeding cows for business in.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


When starting a cattle breeding activity, you need to draw up a business plan for your activity. It will help to foresee all stages of the business and take into account many nuances. The plan has certain sections. By filling them out, the entrepreneur will see how much finance he will spend on his enterprise, what profit he will receive from it.

A business plan must be presented to credit institutions in order to receive a loan. The state supports livestock farming with huge sums. To get them, they draw up a business plan.

If the plan is drawn up to receive investments, then 1 section is drawn up. This is a summary of the activities of an entrepreneur. It contains all the farmer’s details: enterprise registration address, telephone numbers, email address, registration numbers with the tax authority, Pension Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund and statistics. It is necessary to indicate the current account through which the main financial flow will be carried out.

Next is a short message about the farm and animals. It describes what property is available: buildings, transport, pastures, hectares of land for building a farm or a finished barn. It is necessary to mention what livestock of cattle is planned to be bred or has already been purchased: what breeds of cows and bulls, how much milk yield and slaughter weight are.

Part 2 of the plan is a summary of the project. In it, the entrepreneur describes what he wants to purchase and for what purposes. What is the projected profit the farmer can receive at the end of the project. There is no need to describe everything in detail. Only general phrases and numbers.

Part 3 – production. It calculates all production costs. An entrepreneur wants to start an activity such as a business of breeding cows for milk. What should he do first?

If you buy heifers that are 2-3 months old, they will not produce milk soon. The chick needs to grow up. This will take on average 10-11 months. Everything will depend on how she gains weight. A young chick costs 8 thousand rubles. There is no guarantee that her adaptation to new conditions will go well and she will not get sick.

If the heifer is accustomed to a new place and eats well, then at 12-13 months she is taken to mating. The gestation period for a calf is 285 days, which is 9.5 months. She begins her lactation period, but milk can only be taken from her after 1.5 months. An entrepreneur will have to wait almost 2 years to start selling milk. To fatten the heifer, he will need feed worth 40 thousand rubles.

If you buy heifers, they will cost more – 20 thousand rubles, but they will produce milk in about a year. They require more feed than a one-year-old calf. The same amount is set aside for food. The entrepreneur benefits from animal care costs.

A dairy cow will cost an average of 40 thousand rubles, depending on the breed of the animal. She immediately gives milk, sales begin from the first days of purchasing the animal. Having made the calculation, the entrepreneur decides which animals to buy.

In addition to heifers, it is also necessary to purchase bull calves. They are necessary for the fertilization of heifers so that they can produce milk. The cost of a 3 month old bull is 10 thousand rubles. He will become an adult at 13-14 months, depending on the breed. As he grows up, he will need food worth an average of 60 thousand rubles. In some cases, yearling bulls are purchased. It will cost more, at least 20 thousand rubles. Per head. The farmer saves on feed.

In addition to animals, it is necessary to consider their maintenance:

  • build a barn or rent one;
  • purchase equipment for milking and cow boxes: feeders, drinking bowls;
  • lay water supply, connect electricity, install heating if necessary;
  • establish automatic control of all processes in the barn;
  • rent or buy meadow fields to be able to make hay; you need to think about whether it might be cheaper to buy hay;
  • build a hangar for storing feed;
  • equip a silo;
  • decide on the removal of manure: the best option is to enter into an agreement with a vegetable farm;
  • establish staffing levels for workers, milkmaids, and veterinarian;
  • purchase milk containers;
  • transport for transporting milk.

You will also need sawdust and straw to sprinkle on the flooring in the stall. Equipment for cleaning dirt in the barn. The construction of sheds for storing equipment and hangars for the vehicle fleet is being considered. A business plan for breeding cows determines all the expenses that an entrepreneur will undergo when opening a business in the livestock sector.

Part 4 of the cow breeding business plan is economic. In it, the entrepreneur calculates his projected profit from the enterprise. It describes the amount of milk that is planned to be sold. If a farmer sells manure, its value is indicated. An additional business could be the sale of young animals or the slaughter of bulls.

Part 5 of the plan is analytical. An analysis of the entire enterprise is carried out. What profit was made, taking into account the costs of maintaining and purchasing animals? If the farmer has already registered with the tax office, he will have to pay taxes and contributions to state funds.

Next comes the investment part. If previous calculations showed that there is not enough money for the cow breeding business, then the loan amount is determined. In the investment part, a calculation is made of what is planned to be purchased for this amount, and what income the entrepreneur, the credit institution and the state budget will receive from this.

Business plan: production part

Raising cows requires certain costs. They need to be counted. To begin with, it was decided to purchase 10 dairy heifers, 3 bulls and 10 cows to produce milk. This will be spent on (thousand rubles):

  • heifers – 10*20 = 200;
  • yearling bulls – 3*30 = 90;
  • cows – 10*50 = 500.

790 thousand rubles will be spent on animals. At the same time, it is necessary to resolve issues with milking, feeding, and keeping animals. If farming is already developing, and everything necessary for the cattle population is equipped, then this expense item disappears. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide for the following expenses in (thousand rubles):

It is necessary to take into account the costs of wages for workers and milking operators. Costs for water and electricity: 50 thousand rubles. Animals are vaccinated, given medical examinations, and milk samples are taken. 30 thousand rubles are allocated for these events.

To start selling milk, you need to spend 2,280 thousand rubles. With the condition of keeping cows in stalls, acquiring land ownership, purchasing a truck with a milk tank. 790 thousand rubles are added to this amount. from the cost of animals. To develop an enterprise for selling milk, 3,070 thousand rubles will be required.

In the future, less finance will be required. The farmer already has a barn, animals, pastures, and transport. The bulk of the costs will be for feed, veterinarian, and barn maintenance.

In this part, income from all areas of business is considered. In this case, the sale of milk. The cows will start producing milk immediately. If we take into account the period of adaptation of animals to new feeds and living conditions, then from 1 individual you can get 16-20 liters per day.

The calculation is made for the year in (thousand rubles):

  • during the lactation period, which lasts 305 days, 6100 liters of milk are obtained from the cow;
  • from 10 cows – 61,000 l.;
  • 1 liter of cow's milk costs 25 rubles at a wholesale price;
  • from 10 cows, milk revenue will be 1525;

By the end of the lactation period of cows, milk will appear in heifers. The same calculation is made, but taking into account that after the first calving they will produce less milk than adult cows. The entrepreneur's milk sales will be constant.

Over the course of a year, an average of 500 thousand rubles will be spent on feeding cows, bulls and heifers. The calculation is made taking into account seasonal feeding. During the warm period, cows do not need to be given succulent feed and concentrates separately. They receive their main nutrition on pasture.

Business plan - analytical part

This section summarizes the entire enterprise for the year. All expenses incurred by the entrepreneur to develop the business and the gross profit from the sale of milk are taken into account. The data is analyzed and the return on investment of the project is calculated.

RUB 3,070 thousand were invested in the new project. Received 1,525 thousand rubles from the sale of milk. Next year the amount from milk sales will be identical. The project will pay for itself in 2 years. In the 4th year, the profit will be double, because the cows that were purchased earlier as heifers have given birth to offspring. At 4 years old they will become adults. After calving they will produce milk:

  • in year 2, sales from milk will be 1,525 thousand rubles;
  • for the 3rd year – 1525 thousand rubles;
  • for the 4th year – 3050 thousand rubles.

Payback in 2 years is a good business option. Investments were made to generate profits in future periods. In the future, it is possible to trade calves or select bulls for rearing in order to obtain meat. If an entrepreneur has registered an individual entrepreneur, he will have to pay taxes to the budget: 6% of the profit. In 1 year it will be 91.5 thousand rubles.

By calculating a business plan, you can clearly see all the costs and income from the project and determine the payback period for the new enterprise. If an entrepreneur does not have enough funds to start a business, he can take out a loan from a bank or apply for a grant from the state. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the food supply of the animals. The calculation is carried out for each unit: hay, silage, concentrates. The business plan outline is provided by the credit institution.

An important area of ​​commercial and private agricultural activity is cattle breeding. This process, with the right approach, can become an effective and profitable business. But what is needed for this? Let's look at the basics of organizing activities for breeding cows to produce milk and meat.


The process of breeding cattle (cattle) - activities for the cultivation and maintenance of farm animals of the Bull subfamily. The purpose of the activity is to obtain meat, milk, hide and wool, use animals as draft power, as well as breeding work.

The total number of cattle on the planet is about 1.5 billion animals. In modern cattle breeding there are about 300 breeds of cattle. About 50 breeds are used in Russia.

Number of cattle in Russia and distribution by type of farm (data for 2016):

As can be seen from the population data, breeding and keeping cows is effective both as a business and as a private rearing activity at home to produce milk and meat.

Cattle breeds

Agricultural and farming organizations may focus on obtaining meat or milk. In Russia, mixed farms predominate, where priority is given to the breeding of meat and dairy breeds.

This approach allows you to quickly respond to market changes and effectively implement a flexible policy when selling dairy and meat products.

Cattle breed Origin Direction Height (cm) Weight, kg) Peculiarities Value
Hereford England meat 125 650-1350 They are hardy, strong, adapted to various climatic conditions, can withstand long journeys and being kept on pastures, and are well fed and fattened. High-quality marbled meat, slaughter yield - 65% of the total weight, the best meat for steaks.
Aberdeen Angus Scotland meat 120-150 500-1000 Excellent feeding ability, adapted to being kept outdoors even in cold weather. Excellent marbled meat for steaks, yield - 60%, milk production - 2 thousand kg per year.
Kholmogorskaya Russia dairy 130-132 400- 800 Adapted to regions with cold climates. Milk productivity - 3.5-4 thousand kg of milk, fat content - 3.6-3.7%.
Ayrshire Scotland dairy 125 450-850 Adapted for breeding in northern regions, it is characterized by constant milk yield, easy adaptation to new conditions, and digests roughage well. Milk productivity is about 8 thousand kg of milk with a fat content of 4%.
Yaroslavskaya Russia dairy 125-127 450-550 Tasty and high-quality milk, adaptability to harsh climates, resistance to diseases (leukemia). Satisfactory meat qualities, slaughter yield - from 52 to 62%, average milk yield - about 3.2 thousand kg of milk with a fat content of 4.2%.
Simmentalskaya Switzerland meat and dairy 135-140 550-650 Adaptability to various climatic conditions, high weight gain throughout the entire growth period. Optimal combination of meat and dairy qualities. Milk productivity - 3-3.5 thousand kg of milk.
Kostromskaya Russia dairy and meat 137-147 550-900 Hardy, have good health and high adaptability, live long and maintain milk yield until old age Milk yield - 3.5-5 thousand kg of milk with a fat content of 3.8%.

Other quality cow breeds:

  • Dutch;
  • black-and-white;
  • red steppe;
  • Sychevskaya;
  • Swiss;
  • Kalmyk;
  • Bestuzhevskaya;
  • Charolais;
  • limousine;
  • Kazakh white-headed.

The characteristics of modern meat and dairy breeds make it possible to effectively breed cows throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. The main conditions are the quality of feed and conditions of detention.

Sanitary requirements

An important condition for cattle breeding is compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules.

The norms of veterinary and sanitary control are regulated at the legislative level, annually updated and clarified by orders of the Ministry of Agriculture and other regulations of the competent government bodies.

Primary requirements:

  • maintenance and grazing in strictly designated areas;
  • compliance with the rules for protecting cows from other domestic animals;
  • availability of ventilation;
  • regular cleaning and storage of manure in special places;
  • the presence of washing, veterinary and other separate premises necessary for the quality maintenance of cows;
  • compliance with the rules for sectional and group placement of cattle;
  • availability of walking areas;
  • organization of quality feeding;
  • regular disinsection (destruction of insects), decontamination (destruction of ticks) and deratization (destruction of rodents) of the barn premises;
  • the presence of quarantine zones in barns;
  • systematic vaccination on time and regular examination by a veterinarian.

Breeding as a business

Cattle breeding is one of the promising business areas in agriculture.

In conditions of growing demand for environmentally friendly, high-quality meat and dairy products, well-organized farming can become a stable source of growing profits. But high competition and risks require a balanced and thoughtful approach to organizing such a business.


The first step towards organizing a farm is drawing up a detailed business plan that will take into account all financial costs and profitability.

Directions of financial costs when organizing a farm:

  • territory rental;
  • construction or repair of cowsheds and other production facilities;
  • current utility costs;
  • purchase of young animals;
  • procurement and purchase of feed;
  • maintenance of animals and premises.

Organizational issues that also need to be resolved:

  • registration of a farmer organization;
  • attracting credit funds (if necessary);
  • coordination of contractual terms for the supply of feed, equipment, livestock;
  • obtaining all veterinary and sanitary permits.

Working out logistics is key. Choosing a farm location must take into account a number of factors.

  1. Remoteness of food sources. It is better if it is directly from the manufacturer.
  2. Development of transport infrastructure.
  3. Availability of quality pastures and meadows.
  4. Product sales objects, distance.

Another important aspect of planning is market analysis in the region. The purpose of this work is to determine the degree of demand for farm products, the shortage or surplus of local items, their quality and price.

The choice of cow breed is an equally important factor to consider when planning.

When selecting the optimal breeds, there are a number of key aspects to consider:

  • adaptability to local climatic conditions;
  • milk yield and live weight indicators;
  • demanding conditions of detention and diet.

The purchase of livestock should be carried out in large breeding farms, where the work of breeding purebred individuals is carried out at a professional level.

Organizing a barn

The barn must meet the requirements established in the relevant GOSTs. When arranging it, it is important to take into account the parameters and conditions that are set out in these documents.

Key Requirements

  1. Ceiling height - at least 2.5 m.
  2. For one cow at least 6 sq. m, with a calf - 10 sq. m. The animal should move calmly and lie down to rest.
  3. Temperature range - from 10 to 18°C. In winter, the temperature should not drop below. There is a slight decrease - the rate of feeding for warming is increased, if the temperature drop is significant - it is necessary to take measures to insulate the premises.
  4. Cattle produce ammonia and carbon dioxide. The barn must have an effective ventilation system. There should be no drafts.
  5. Equipment of special drains for effective removal of manure and urine.
  6. Ensuring that barns are illuminated for at least 14 hours a day.

Factors to consider when organizing a barn:

  • square;
  • electricity;
  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • feed supply and dosage system;
  • equipment for obtaining milk (if breeding dairy breeds);
  • manure removal complex.

A cowshed for 30 cows for a small farm includes several sectors.

  1. Stables.
  2. Stall dividers.
  3. Feed table.
  4. Maternity ward.
  5. Stalls for cows and calves.
  6. Separate stalls for bulls.
  7. Dairy washing department.
  8. Technological passage.
  9. Prifarmskoe manure storage facility.
  10. Cup automatic drinker.
  11. Manure receiving and collection channels.

As the area increases, the number of barn elements increases. The availability of equipment provides varying levels of automation. In advanced farms, almost all cow maintenance processes are automated.


  1. Machine milking devices.
  2. Feed grinders. Cows eat fine feed better, it is better absorbed, which affects the quality and speed of weight gain. There are two types - root cutters and straw cutters.
  3. Feed crushers. Used for crushing feed. There are three main types - drum, disk, roller.
  4. Conveyors and conveyors. Machines for continuous movement of various loads. On large farms and in barns they are indispensable for feeding feed.

Staff of specialists

To organize the normal functioning of a barn, it is necessary to attract highly qualified specialists in several areas. Full staff:

  1. Veterinary workers.
  2. Milkmaids.
  3. Cattlemen.
  4. Calf sheds.
  5. Machine operators and other technical personnel.
  6. Engineers.

Cattle rearing techniques

The term breeding technique is directly related to the procedure for reproducing livestock on a farm. Selection work makes it possible to increase the number of cattle while maintaining pedigree properties.

Factors to consider during reproduction:

  1. Physiological and sexual maturity of individuals. Readiness for fertilization and insemination depends on factors: breed, age, nutrition, climate, living conditions. Beef cows reach reproductive age faster than dairy cows. The reproductive age of females occurs at 6-9 months, males - 7-8 months. Young meat breeds are divided by gender already in the third month after birth.
  2. Readiness of females for calving. The female is allowed for fertilization only if she has gained 65-75% of the optimal weight of an adult individual of the breed. The weight of small breed cows is 330 kg, large breeds are 360 ​​kg.
  3. Rational use of sire bulls. They are attracted to insemination from 14 months when they reach a weight of 400 kg. In a year, one male is able to inseminate up to 200 females. The load is calculated based on the age of the bull. Young animals are capable of effective mating 2-3 times a week, older ones - once every seven days. The minimum rest period for a bull is one day, preferably two days.
  4. Timing of fertilization of females. Cows are allowed to be fertilized no earlier than 18 months.
  5. Duration of “rest” after the birth of calves.

The insemination process can be carried out naturally (mating) or artificially (with the help of a special tool). Mating is divided into manual (forced) or free.

Instrumental fertilization can be visocervical or rectocervical. A more effective and productive artificial rectocervical method. In Russia, about 90% of cows are impregnated using instrumental methods.

In winter, cows are kept in a barn all year round; with the onset of green grass, many enterprises transfer the livestock to stall-free housing with movement to special pens for pastures.


Feeding plays a special role in cattle breeding. Its key parameters that are important to consider are diet and feeding standards.

The cows' diet includes 6 types of feed.

  1. Green - fresh herbaceous meadow plants.
  2. Juicy - silage, root crops, tops.
  3. Coarse - hay, straw, grass meal.
  4. Concentrated - bran, grain, legumes, cereals, meal, cake, yeast.
  5. Compound feed.
  6. Animal origin - meat and bone meal, fish meal.

Feeding standards for cows during the stall period (in kg):

Feeding standards for cows during the grazing period (in kg):

In addition to seasonality, the diet is adjusted depending on the specialization of breeding - meat or dairy. There should be more succulent, green feed for dairy cows. For meat animals, the amount of concentrated, protein-rich feed is increasing.

Bulls, steers and calves have their own dietary characteristics.

The diet of meat breeds can be of three types:

  • complete (compound feed);
  • summer grazing (daily grazing rate in the fresh air is at least 13 hours);
  • stall

Feeding also depends on the condition of the cow:

  • rest period, dry wood - two months before calving;
  • milking - the first three months after calving;
  • lactation;
  • start - stopping milking before the next calving.

Risks and difficulties

Raising and keeping cattle carries a number of risks. This applies to animal diseases. Diseases significantly reduce the quality of products, and infections can lead to the death of the entire livestock.

Main diseases of cows:

  • foot and mouth disease;
  • brucellosis;
  • udder diseases - furunculosis, mastitis, edema;
  • arthritis;
  • hoof problems - laminitis, strawberry disease, coronary phlegmon;
  • endometritis;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • leukemia;
  • leptospirosis.

Key causes of diseases:

  1. Low quality feed, poor diet.
  2. Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  3. Poor conditions in the barn.

Preventive measures:

  • feed quality control;
  • compliance with nutritional standards;
  • high-quality care - udder massage, nipple treatment, cleaning;
  • maintaining a comfortable level of maintenance - high-quality bedding, optimal temperature conditions, access to fresh air, absence of drafts, regular walking;
  • regular disinfection of barns;
  • vaccination against salmonellosis, foot and mouth disease, anthrax, etc.

It is important to observe the timing and frequency of vaccine administration.

In addition to commercial farming as part of a business project, you can raise cattle at home. The main condition is the availability of land and appropriate outbuildings. Breeding cows is excellent for private farms, as evidenced by the history of the development of the Russian village.

Raising dairy cows at home is not so easy. It is necessary to have the entire volume of knowledge, create optimal conditions of detention, and constantly devote time and effort to the matter.

Knowledge that is necessary to successfully raise cows at home for milk or meat:

  • features of keeping cattle in summer and winter conditions;
  • specifics of keeping livestock in a particular region;
  • variety of meat and dairy cattle breeds, their profitability;
  • diet and feeding standards;
  • diseases, treatment and prevention.

  1. Regular supply of feed.
  2. Monitoring the diet, adjusting it seasonally, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animals.
  3. Providing fresh and clean water.
  4. The storage areas are cleared of manure every day.
  5. Maintaining optimal temperature in the room, protecting the stall from drafts.
  6. Arranging a comfortable bedding on the floor and updating it regularly.
  7. Organizing walking, maintaining minimal physical activity of the cow.

A well-fed, warm and healthy cow will produce tasty and healthy milk. If necessary, it will become a source of quality beef.
