Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Small business ideas with a minimum of 1000. Business ideas with minimal investment. What and in what area is it profitable to work now?

Business with minimal costs: 3 categories of costs + 5 tips for beginners + 5 specific business ideas with detailed descriptions + bonus: 4 factors that will protect your business from failure.

Guess what reason is considered the most popular among those who would like to start their own business, but keep putting it off until later?

I don't have money for this!

This is not only a common excuse, but also a misconception.

After all, there are a wide variety ideas for business with minimal costs, which can be implemented with minimal starting capital.

Which of them can you implement, and what will you need to get started instead of money?

Ideas for business with minimal costs: do you still need money?

An attentive reader should have noticed that the article is about minimal costs, and not their complete absence.

The fact is that it is impossible not to spend anything at all on a business venture.

At a minimum, you will have three categories of business expenses:

    Salary for your loved one.

    If you left your regular job to do business, you are unlikely to be able to do without money.

    Therefore, the profit will be spent, at a minimum, on your personal expenses.

    Bureaucratic payments.

    When it comes to real business, and not a modest part-time job, you will have to face the need to fill out certain papers with government agencies.

    And this requires money. A simple registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost you 800-1000 rubles - and this is if you do everything yourself.

    Regular expenses.

    Any business requires constant expenditure of money.

    They can be minimized, but they cannot be completely eliminated. A business without investment simply will not develop.

As you can see, there are plenty of sources of costs.

And if the first point can still be abandoned until the time when the business begins to generate tangible profits, then you will have to pay for registration and development of the business out of your own pocket.

However, these costs can actually be kept to a minimum.

5 tips for beginners on how to start a business with minimal costs

    Don't stop learning.

    It’s very good if, when you start a business, you already have a knowledge base and good experience in some area.

    But it’s even better if you continue to improve your level of information literacy all the time.

    This applies not only to the main topic of the work, but also to various organizational issues. The better you know them, the more difficult it will be for our employees and partners to fool us.

    Prepare for difficulties.

    It would seem that everyone already understands that running your own business will take up almost all your free time and energy.

    Moreover, at first you don’t have to expect profit.

    More precisely, income that you can safely spend on yourself.

    All funds should be used to develop the business.

    If you are not prepared for this, you will quickly break down.

    Use connections.

    Even if you think that promoting a business with the support of friends is “blat” and not fair, do not disdain this method, if possible. Advertising yourself is not a shame.

    Your services may really be needed and useful to your friends, so just talk about them.

    Don't run a business for money.

    When a person motivates himself, first of all, he will not invest enough in the business.

    Solve problems.

    By offering your customers toilet lights or perforated rubber boots, you can also earn good money.

    But a real business with a future is only a proposal that will solve people's real problems.

How to open a business with minimal costs: TOP 5 ideas

1. Open an advertising agency with minimal costs

This statistic proves this:

Meanwhile, to open your own, minimal costs are required:


    At the start, you can work independently. Unless, of course, you are an advertising ace.

    To expand the scope of services (and therefore scale the business), you will have to hire a couple more people.

    It is advisable for everyone to specialize in their own specific area.

    You can agree with them to work on a percentage basis.

    Then you can cross off the payroll costs.


    As long as you work yourself, there is no need for an office.

    Even a team of people can work without renting premises, because specialists can solve problems remotely.

    However, in the future you may need to meet with clients and partners.

    Doing this constantly “on neutral territory” is not very convenient or respectable.

    But we should be honest: promotion without costs will be less effective and longer.

You set your own prices by studying the market averages and assessing your level of professionalism.

At the beginning of your journey, it makes sense to work at low prices in order to “fill” the clientele.

2. Beauty services at home - business with minimal costs

Minimum investment in business: 3,000 rubles.

It will not be a secret to anyone that home beauty services are in demand. Especially now, when people have to squeeze in expenses, but don’t want to completely deprive themselves of pleasures.

What can you do at home?

  • haircuts,
  • painting,
  • work,
  • the work of a browmaker,
  • holiday or everyday make-up and styling,
  • a range of cosmetology services (masks, facial cleansing, massages).

To implement this idea, the following minimal investments are required:


    Obviously, when providing services at home, you will not need to rent a salon office.

    However, you still need to equip your place. Rarely does a client want to be served in the middle of everyday chaos.


    In this case, you will not need anyone's help.

    If you have “third-party” tasks (for example, creating a personal website), you can delegate this work to specialists.

    Now Instagram works best for this area of ​​business.

    The sphere of beauty services is, first of all, a visual product.

    Beautiful photos + use of geotag and hashtags = promotion without costs.

The services listed above are not a one-time “good”. People will come again and again if they like everything. And those who want to develop their business can consider opening a full-fledged salon in the future.

3. Private club for children - minimum cost

Minimum investment: 20,000 rubles.

For some, time spent with a child is just noise, commotion and wasted hours. And others have a special talent for finding a common language with kids.

This is already a good reason to open your own business with minimal costs - after-school activities with kids.

As a rule, you don’t need to be an ace to teach skills to children. Basic information will be enough for kids.

To choose a business direction, focus on statistics:

The costs of starting a business will depend on what exactly you plan to do. At a minimum, you need study materials.

If you work with each child one-on-one and do not make a huge profit, the activity does not need to be registered.

But if you start to gather entire groups, you cannot do without the status of an individual entrepreneur.

The best advertising for this business, as well as many other options, is word of mouth. Ask your friends to spread the word about you to attract your first clients. If you conduct activities that are truly beneficial for children, your fame will quickly spread and your business will grow.

4. Is it possible to make money on holidays with a minimum of expenses?

Minimum investment: 6,000 rubles (design courses + advertising).

If you think that we are talking about the business of organizing holidays, then you are mistaken. This type of activity will require an investment of at least 30,000 rubles (and this is in the most economical option).

But making decor for events is another matter.

Colorful decoration sets the tone for the entire holiday. If at one time decor could be considered just a pleasant addition, now people rarely do without it (what about beautiful shots on Instagram?).

Don’t think that this in-demand niche is devoid of competition. On the contrary, to be “on top”, it is not enough to have a creative streak. You should attend advanced training courses and look for new original ideas.

There is also a significant advantage: you “recoup” your minimum business costs with your first order.

5. How to make money on technology with minimal expenses?

Minimum investment: 6,000 rubles (purchase of tools).

Many examples of modern technology confirm the thesis: it is easier to throw away what is broken and buy a new device than to repair it.

But if saying goodbye to a mixer or iron won’t really hit the budget, they still prefer to repair a broken computer or washing machine.

This fact is a reason for the equipment repair business to be not only a business idea with minimal costs, but
is also a very popular area.

You can repair equipment at the client’s home or take small-sized devices with you. The set of tools you need depends on what exactly you will be repairing.

And this choice, in turn, depends on your skills and experience. If you cannot complete the order, this is a minus. But it’s even worse if you break the equipment completely.

The big advantage of this business is that profits do not depend on the time of year. Equipment breaks down all the time. If you want to expand your business, you can hire additional assistants. To legally conduct business, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Business ideas with minimal costs: why can they fail?

To ensure that the chosen business idea with minimal investment (like any other) does not fail, it is important to follow 3 principles:

    Business should be based on what gives you genuine pleasure.

    If your eyes don’t sparkle and you don’t have a sincere passion, in a moment of crisis your hands will give up very quickly.

    And the development of the business will be difficult, because this requires sincere passion.

    The idea should appeal to the target audience, not just your loved ones.

    Testing the demand for a niche on friends and family members is very convenient.

    However, in order to make a profit, you must offer something that will be in demand by potential clients “from the outside.”

    There must be a "trick".

    Unless you are a startup based on a unique, innovative idea, you are guaranteed to face competition.

    After all, now there are no niches where you will become a “pioneer”.

    The sphere can be either partially filled or “full to capacity”.

    Therefore, without a twist that will distinguish you from other entrepreneurs, you should not count on a high income.

In this video, Pavel Bagryantsev will tell you

how to build a business with minimal investment, based on personal experience:

Find business with minimal costs- this is only part of the story. Even the most popular and well-thought-out idea does not work on its own.

If you are really determined to achieve success, despite the fact that there is no start-up capital, we hope that the collected ideas will inspire you.

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Are you ready to live your dream, work for yourself and rely only on your own strengths? Are you waiting for the right moment to start your own business? Not sure about the material side of the issue? We present 32 business ideas with minimal investment. You can start any of the listed areas today. To implement it you will need perseverance, a desire to learn and no more than 10,000 rubles in your pocket.

A word in favor of small business representatives

Small business owners deserve respect. They are independent, live their dreams and set realistic goals. We are talking about a caste of self-employed professionals, traders and service providers. Collected people, confident in their abilities. Knowing that no one will help them on their entrepreneurial path. They are used to solving all issues on their own.

No one deserves as much respect as these self-sufficient and brave people. The service industry is favorable to budding entrepreneurs. Providing services, along with trading, requires less investment. Allows you to turn an action into something like a product. Uses time, knowledge and experience of a specialist as resources.

The entrepreneur supplies his services independently or hires hired workers to help. Creates jobs. According to the US Department of Commerce, from 2010 to 2017, more than 73% of the working-age population is employed in small and medium-sized businesses. Russia can boast of approximately the same indicator.

Service business with minimal investment

The issue of business financing is the main stumbling block on the path to becoming an entrepreneur. Other obstacles are less material. This is a lack of motivation, energy, time and so on. The service sector involves lower costs for starting your own business. You are unlikely to need to rent premises, purchase display cases and goods, refrigeration units and other things.

Some services cannot be provided without special equipment and tools. The costs of purchasing the latter are incommensurable with what an entrepreneur needs to start successful trading. In the examples discussed below, providing your own business with everything you need will take you less than 10,000 rubles.

A service business does not exclude the possibility of taking out a loan or taking advantage of leasing offers. In this article we will focus on ideas with minimal investment. Another compelling argument in favor of the services considered will be time. Most of the ideas can be implemented by you today.

As you dive into the list, try to maintain objectivity. Assess your knowledge and capabilities. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to learn something new. It would be a mistake to dismiss promising business ideas due to lack of preparation on your part.

The main thing is your desire to do this particular business. Devote time and energy to it. This is the freedom of an entrepreneur. Every new day, every acquired knowledge and experience brings pleasure to a businessman. The working day is structured according to his individual schedule.

No one tells you what to do or demands more than what that person is capable of. He sets goals himself and looks for ways to achieve them. He enjoys the right to work in the service sector that he really likes. And get good money for your work.

We wrote in detail about the types of commercial and non-commercial services on a separate page. Another article about what kind of business is worth opening in a small town will also be useful to you. We recommend you read them in the near future. A detailed review will help answer several important questions.

Feel free to give advice and express your opinion in the comments. This way you will help visitors and authors of the portal become better. And you are guaranteed to receive feedback.

32 business ideas without investment or with a budget of less than 10,000 rubles

1. Elderly care

The sector of private care for the elderly is relatively new and not fully implemented in Russia. The services of a nurse, assistant or assistant may not require a medical education. Payment for the service is made for each exit and is time-based. The average rate ranges between 350 and 750 rubles per 1 hour of work.

2. Personal nutritionist

The business is ideal for a person with a culinary and fitness background. A personal nutritionist works with food without the need to prepare it. A specialist helps people lose weight and improve their health by eating right. Creates a meal plan, proportions, and develops an individual menu. The service sector assumes average prices of 15-20 thousand rubles for a 1-3 month course.

3. Environmentally friendly cleaning services

At the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, the market was overflowing with offers from cleaning companies. The relevance of the service was noticed back in 2012. If you want to succeed in this business, we recommend going your own way. Stand out from the crowd of similar companies by offering environmentally friendly services.

Worthy business ideas always have positive goals. For example, maintaining a clean environment and maintaining the health of residents of the cleaned area. The use of environmentally friendly products will be especially relevant for families with small children. The cost of work is determined as the ratio of the total area to the price per square meter. Average rate 100-150 rub./m2

4. Social network marketer (SMM manager)

An interesting profession that eliminates routine and monotony. Create groups on social networks. Attract new subscribers. Lead communities of stars, companies and individuals. Set up advertising, conduct negotiations and consultations. A portfolio is extremely important for the successful promotion of a business idea. So-called cases are objective proof of your knowledge and skills.

To start building your portfolio, work with a few nonprofits in your area. Or offer services at a discounted rate to local business owners. The average rate of an SMM specialist is 2500 - 5000 rubles per month. Without taking into account additional tasks, the cost of which is determined as a one-time remuneration.

5. Grocery delivery service

A promising idea for starting your own business with moderate risk. Accept orders for delivery of products to the customer's door. Negotiate with wholesale warehouses and stores. Use personal transport for transportation. Save your customers' time by taking over the routine of daily or weekly shopping.

The cost of the service is determined as a percentage of the purchase price plus the standard shipping rate. By combining delivery services with the work of a nutritionist, you can expand your offer. The average earnings per client will be from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per week.

6. Project management services

A person’s motivation lasts for 3 days. Good business ideas follow the same rule. The company sets itself a goal that will not come true without constant monitoring and management. Breaking down tasks, setting the time allowed to achieve each stage.

The specialist’s activities are aimed at achieving goals within the company or outside it. Your job is to help the company complete its project on time and on budget.

Project management by a hired manager is still gaining relevance in Russia. In Europe and the USA, this type has long been transferred to the outsourcing market. If you have sufficient knowledge. Do you feel interested in this area? And we are ready to spend time and effort to achieve the goals of a third-party organization, we recommend that you take a serious look at the direction.

7. Express repair from a handyman

If you have a unique ability to repair broken items. Ready to prove yourself in one or more areas. You understand the structure of household, mobile or automotive equipment. Turn your knowledge and ability to work with your hands into a profitable business. Express services require the speed and mobility of the technician. Departure to the site. Diagnosis and correction of breakdowns in a short time.

8. Tutoring/Training

The service sector is related to training. The latter is not limited to the school curriculum or university subjects. Via the Internet or through personal coaching, you can transfer knowledge in such areas as:

  • Cooking food;
  • Working with a PC and specialized software;
  • Design and programming;
  • Manufacturing of interior items and furniture;
  • Setting and achieving goals;
  • Psychology and self-motivation.

Areas in which you can consider yourself an expert. It is advisable to confirm the latter with factual confirmation. Diploma, certificate, letters of recommendation and customer reviews. The cost of classic tutoring averages 400 - 800 rubles per academic hour. Seminars and individual training in other areas are difficult to average.

9. Writing a sales resume

A resume is the first thing an employer looks at before deciding to schedule an interview. The competition for promising positions among applicants is quite high.
Many people do not get the opportunity to express themselves during a personal conversation because they have not aroused the proper interest of the HR specialist.

A good resume attached to a sales letter will impress even the most demanding HR employees. If you have enough experience. Skills of a psychologist and copywriter. You know how to correctly structure data and information. Could resume writing be the business niche you've been looking for?

10. Child care

Love for children, resistance to stress and responsibility. Three qualities that a person needs to provide the services of a nanny or caregiver. The range of offers, some of which are set individually, by agreement, includes:

  • Care for children;
  • Cooking food;
  • Feeding the baby;
  • Security control;
  • Going out for a walk;
  • Reading and educational games;
  • Room cleaning;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the daily routine;
  • Going to bed for daytime and nighttime sleep.

Informally, you become a teacher and mentor for the child. The nanny should give all the time spent in the house or outside to the children. Or spend it on implementing related tasks. The cost of services is set hourly. On average 150-250 rubles per hour.

11. Copywriting

If you love writing, turn it into a profitable business idea. The direction is conditionally divided into several adjacent ones:

  • journalism;
  • search engine optimization;
  • selling text;
  • translation and localization;
  • script writing;
  • subtitles for videos;
  • drawing up technical specifications.

Knowledge of design and experience with Adobe and Microsoft software products will allow you to add several more areas to the proposed list. For example, creating presentations and marketing kits. Preparing slides for a conference and much more.

The cost of the text writing service is calculated as the ratio of the total volume of material to the price of 1000 characters without spaces. The average rate for a professional copywriter is 250 – 450 rubles.

12. Private designer

Design, like copywriting, allows you to work from home or office on a flexible schedule. It does not involve large expenses. However, the designer's computer or laptop must meet the requirements of specialized software. The service includes several related areas. The most common of them:

  • graphic;
  • spatial environment (architecture, interior, landscape);
  • industrial.

Addition to the list are sound and light types of design. Scientists have proven that proper lighting and appropriate music motivate the consumer. Accelerates thought processes and physical activity. They program the client’s emotional state and provoke them to take a targeted action. Achieving the above is impossible without the help of a specialist.

13. Dropshipping or “trading without goods”

Formally, dropshipping is a type of intermediary or affiliate services. Your company negotiates with product manufacturers. Generates a price list that is offered to online stores on terms similar to sales. Or it places a list of products on its own website. Thus, both the store itself and an intermediary company can act as a dropshipper. The product is stored in the supplier's warehouse until the order is placed.

The role of the seller is minimal. Receive payment for the order, collect your percentage, pay the goods to the supplier or intermediary. Next, the product is picked up from the warehouse and sent to the buyer on behalf of the store. You are free to choose the format of participation in the process yourself. Become an intermediary between the store and the warehouse or agree on a partnership in the dropshipping system and create your own resource. In both cases you will be able to earn good money.

14. Affiliate marketing

  • affiliate links to landing pages;
  • promotional materials (banners, demonstration materials);
  • codes, scripts and applications for installation on the site;
  • training materials and more.

The affiliate uses methods permitted by the agreement and the Law to attract customers to the partner’s website. Own website, groups on social networks, contextual advertising, purchasing links, etc. Affiliate marketing does not exclude personal consulting in real or virtual space.

The attracted client is assigned to the affiliate until the moment of purchase, the expiration of a certain time, or forever. The percentage of remuneration in different areas of business is formed differently. Real goods rarely exceed 15% of the order. Less tangible products, such as paid streams or downloadable games, can reach 60%.

15. Consultant

Do you have specialized knowledge in a particular area? You might want to consider starting a consulting business. You will find consultants in almost all areas of business. Their task is to help other people make their work easier and more effective.

16. Event or Party Planner

Event planning requires a special approach, creativity and organizational skills. We recommend focusing on a specific niche:

  • weddings;
  • corporate events;
  • trainings;
  • conferences;
  • Exhibitions;
  • children's birthdays;
  • other areas of organizational services.

Narrowing your specialization will help you stand out from your competitors. Over time, regular customers will appear. Recommendations to friends and acquaintances will allow you to develop faster without advertising costs.

17. Blogs and video channel

Love and ability to write do not oblige you to go into copywriting. You can start your own blog or open a channel on video hosting. Regular readers and viewers generate traffic. A flow of potential consumers that can be directed through direct or hidden advertising.

Choose a niche that matches your knowledge and interests. For example, how to promote services or create something useful. Share your opinion on the latest events in the world of fashion or cinema. Any ideas or directions will find their reader and viewer. On average, you can earn from 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month on a popular blog.

18. Creation of information products

Creating information products can bring good income. Similar to blogging, compile useful information into a course, book, or series of educational videos. Connect to an affiliate program by expanding your channels for attracting new customers. The business idea is not new and has been actively developing in Russia over the past 15 years. It is important that by 2018 it has not lost its relevance. And its possibilities and directions have no limits.

The average cost of an information product ranges from 6 to 15 thousand rubles.

19. Shop window cleaning service

Narrowing your offer to serving individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will help you correctly form a circle of clients. Cleaning store windows, as a type of cleaning service, is promising and easy to implement. Help local businesses keep their displays clean by attracting the attention of potential customers to their products.

20. Dog walking and pet care

Owners will be happy to delegate dog walking or pet care duties to your company. The latter includes grooming, bathing, feeding, training and other areas. It is a mistake to consider the above as a simple hobby. The numbers speak for themselves.

Walking a pet, on average, costs owners 250 - 450 rubles. Hundreds of potential clients live in one apartment building. In one 90-120 minute walk you can walk 4 to 8 dogs at the same time. This way, a service business will provide you with an enviable income. And it will give pet owners several hours of free time.

21. Life coaching

Unlike a psychologist, a coach pays more attention to the client’s external environment. Helps create comfortable conditions for physical and mental well-being. It is reasonable to believe that the cause of stress is hidden in irritants outside of consciousness. Your possibilities in implementing this business idea are limitless:

  • help people lose weight;
  • become a mentor in organizing personal happiness;
  • teach how to properly organize the work process;
  • act as a personal stylist;
  • conduct personal wellness training.

Any niche corresponding to the direction in which you are able to act as a mentor will suit you. And the cost of such a service is not inferior to the tariffs for a personal consultation with a psychologist.

22. Writing

Putting your own book up for sale has become much easier these days. Thanks to open publishing houses and electronic trading platforms, the service is available to everyone. If you feel like you have writing potential, turn your passion into a worthy business. Write several books, if necessary, use the services of proofreaders and editors. Submit your work to popular publishers.

If publishers do not show sufficient interest, promote the books yourself or through an intermediary service. A company that has the ability to register and sell publications through popular trading platforms. The latter offer authors a percentage of sales without paying a publishing fee.

23. Direct sales consultant

Network marketing is a direction similar to participation in an affiliate program. You offer the supplier's goods and services, either with or without a specific script. You recommend the product to friends and acquaintances, place orders, and receive a percentage of sales.

24. Development of a business plan

The service sector helps aspiring entrepreneurs and young companies build highly effective businesses. Prepare for possible difficulties and develop a strategy to overcome them as quickly as possible. Making a business plan is not difficult. It is necessary to follow a generally accepted plan, collect comprehensive information and make calculations using formulas. A worthy product is sold to the customer at a price of 20 - 25 thousand rubles.

Direction, like marketing, is directly related to types of business services. Where it is adjacent to no less relevant species, which can be read about in a separate article.

25. Repair, restoration and assembly of furniture

The ability to work with your hands, understand instructions, and return things to their salable condition will help you make good money. Offer your services on city portals, use social networks. Take photographs of the results of your work using the “Before” and “After” principle. There are quite a lot of furniture assemblers in the service market. The niche for restoring visual and technical characteristics is practically empty in 2018.

26. Logo design services

This design direction should be separated into a separate group. It refers to marketing and its specialized area - branding. If you are a graphic designer but don't want to join big projects. You prefer to concentrate your attention and hone your skills on one thing, but profitable. Logo design deserves your attention. The average cost of the service is 3 - 5 thousand rubles.

27. Selection of a used car

Automatic selection is rapidly conquering the market. A specialist helps the buyer choose the best deal and reduce the cost of a used car. Based on the financial capabilities and preferences of the customer, you consider options. Check the visual and technical condition of the machine, identify hidden defects. Check the car's history.

In a word, you do everything to ensure that the buyer is satisfied with the purchase and recommends you to friends and acquaintances. How to promote car selection services? Word of mouth will help you save on advertising. The Internet will be another sure lever. Place ads, run groups and pages on social networks. Take photos and videos. It works.

28. Homemade soap making

Fragrant homemade soap, as a product made from natural ingredients, maintains a decent level of demand in 2018. Having started with soap making, entrepreneurs are gradually expanding their offer. Cosmetics, candles and relaxation accessories are added to it. The market potential is huge. And promoting services, thanks to activity on social networks, will not be difficult.

29. Consultation with a psychologist

Unlike a life coach, a psychologist pays special attention to a person’s inner world. His experiences, thoughts, motivation to act this way and not otherwise. Explains the causes of problems and gives recommendations for correcting errors. Leads to the right decision, never expressing a subjective opinion. Personal consultations are carried out in the office or via the Internet.

In demand on the market. Having a specialized education is desirable. At the moment, the service is not mandatory. It is enough to take a course or correspondence course in the specialization of a psychologist-psychotherapist.

30. Executor of orders

Get in line, go to the store, take the car to a car service center. All this takes time. The contractor performs small tasks for a fee. The size and size of the latter depends on the direction of activity. For example, for standing in line it will be time-based. And delivery of documentation or monitoring the work of car mechanics requires a fee for the action.

31. Text translator

A business idea similar in direction to copywriting. Translation and localization of texts, as well as video and audio fragments, will bring you a decent profit. We recommend that at the beginning of your journey you concentrate on literary translation. Having a specialized education will allow you to offer special services. For example, legal or medical translation.

32. Mobile application programmer

A current direction in the era of transition from desktop computers to tablets and smartphones. Your tools will be knowledge, time and specialized software. Working as a programmer will provide you with a decent income. For example, the cost of developing an application for Android OS starts at 60 thousand rubles.

How to promote services on the Internet?

In the proposed list, we have repeatedly touched upon the need to be socially active on the Internet. Running a blog, community or video channel will help you attract customers for almost free. You may need to order advertising to attract subscribers and make an initial statement about yourself. The cost of the latter will not exceed the agreed budget of 10,000 rubles.

Oleg Nebogatov

Portal City services

Speaking about general trends, in particular, 2017, it should be noted that most business ideas with minimal investments are related to making money on the Internet, hand-made goods or mini-productions in a rural garage.

The ongoing crisis has hit large and medium-sized market players hard, but small entrepreneurs, due to their business mobility, remain virtually unharmed.

In our list (the most complete of those existing in RuNet) you will find a wide variety of options in many different areas of life and the economy.

We intentionally did not describe every idea from A to Z, since this list is only a list of possibilities, and not a business plan for any project.

Learn more about a particular business model, you can find out in our separate articles, links to which will be posted below.

So, we offer you 70 relevant ideas for your own business, to start which you will need a minimum investment of money, as well as your experience.

Opportunities for earning money in this segment today are simply huge, and they continue to grow.

First of all, this is due to the stable growth of mobile traffic and the number of Internet users around the world. Thousands of new online stores, publishing houses, blogs, etc. are emerging, which, in turn, creates excellent niches for small businesses.

1 YouTube channel - you can make videos on how to make, cook, clean, catch or plant something. Anything. You won’t believe how many people use YouTube every day—hundreds of millions. The more views, the more profit. It will come from clicks on contextual advertising, and if you become a very popular video blogger, then from direct customers.

2 Blogging - starting your own blog has now become easy, fast and very cheap. Millions of people surf the Internet and search for various stories, guides, reviews, travel reports, etc. If you write a lot and interestingly, you will very quickly gain a permanent audience and a high attendance rate.

In this case, you will receive income from contextual advertising, as well as from placing banners of direct advertisers. You just need to learn how to talk interestingly about things you know or places you've been, and it will start making money.

3 Copywriting agency. Many webmasters, online stores and web portals need competent and qualified specialists who can proofread or edit an article, write a sales text using NLP techniques, prepare the perfect press release, etc. Demand for quality services in the field of creating and editing Russian-language and English-language content is huge at the moment.

4 Freelancing of a wide range— previously programmers, photographers, designers and others were considered freelancers. Today, the situation has changed radically, as there is a great demand for ordinary services that can be ordered via the Internet. Large portals and entire exchanges have appeared where you can earn your first capital by doing what you do best. Now anyone can call themselves a freelancer: an electrician, a teacher, a writer, even a lawyer and many others.

5 Creating a mobile application- Suitable for those who already have programming skills. The demand for smartphone apps in 2017 is perhaps greater than ever before. If previously the lion's share of them was complex and high-budget software, now the golden time has come for small and convenient programs. There are two options for earning money here. The first and simpler one is for developing an application and delivering it to the customer. The second (more complex, but also profitable) comes from online sales of the application in mobile markets (AppStore, PlayMarket, etc.).

6 Selling your photos to stock photo sites— since the amount of content on the Internet is growing exponentially, there is a great demand for photographs on various topics that publishers need to design articles. If you have a good camera and know how to use it, you have a chance to make good money from your job. There are a dozen large foreign photo stocks (online stores selling photographs and pictures) that are constantly looking for new images.

7 Reselling goods from online auctions- eBay, Avito, OLX, Aukro, etc. The level of income in this business model greatly depends on your knowledge of the items you decide to resell. In the CIS, the online sale of things is not yet very developed, so the range of items, as well as the number of potential buyers, is lower than abroad.

8 Affiliate Marketing- it is also called affiliate (from the English “affiliate”). The essence of this business idea is that if you already have a website (preferably informational or review), then you can place banners of a partner company on it (usually large online stores, for example, Amazon) to promote its products or services. If a user goes from your site to a partner’s site and buys something there, then you receive a commission ranging from 4% to 15%. The most profitable niches for this are electronics, home appliances and e-books.


The general trend in the field of food products and public catering is a clear trend towards more natural and healthy food, as well as the factor of originality and mobility.

9 Author's baked goods– if you know how to bake deliciously and have an original idea, then this business idea will be just right for you. The best option would be to choose a very narrow niche, for example, designer eclairs, eco-cookies for children and adults, pies made from forgotten recipes, handmade sweets, etc. Don't chase volume, focus on quality and presentation.

10 Food delivery from supermarkets and restaurants. Relevant for big cities. As an investment, you will need a website with the ability to prepay online, as well as a description of the full range of products from the most popular grocery and restaurant chains.

11 Unique sweets- both in form and content. In terms of the first, this is the production of sweets and cakes to order. As for the composition, the use of exclusively natural ingredients is now considered original. These sweets sell well at food festivals and fairs.

12 Mobile snack bars— we’re not talking about those “booths” with shawarma that “migrate” from one metro station to another. In this business model, the key role is played by an event or event that brings together thousands of people.

This could be a multi-day festival, a concert, a large fair, etc. At such events there is always a demand for fast food and the like. The organizers of such events are almost always open to small businesses, and you can make good money.

Various services

This section includes diverse business ideas that may be of interest to a wide range of people who want to start their own business from scratch.

13 Interior designer, decorator- this is an option for people who have the gift of combining interior items, the colors of various elements, which is supported by knowledge of the rules of good manners when decorating rooms. The best advertisement for your business will be finished apartments, so it is advisable to establish cooperation with a company that deals with renovations.

14 Niche (narrow-profile) consulting- is a business idea that really requires minimal material investments, but requires considerable knowledge from you. The key to success is to become the best consultant in a very narrow niche.

15 Repair of equipment - in every home there is only more of it. Accordingly, the demand for technical non-warranty service is growing every year. To get by with small investments in this case, you can start by renting a very small room (you can even do it in a semi-basement).

16 Real estate agent is a rather old idea, but you can implement it in your own way and begin to stand out from the crowd of colleagues in the industry. For example, specialize exclusively in commercial real estate or on a narrow target audience (for example, foreigners).

17 Writing and formatting a resume- sounds very simple, but at the moment there are already several recruiting agencies in the CIS that provide this service as an option. It is especially popular for job seekers who want to get a job abroad. The cost of such a service varies from 50 to 300 USD.

18 Selling rare imported goods— this refers to the resale of consumer goods for a narrow purpose, and not rare or antique items. For example, from China you can regularly order all sorts of inexpensive devices or gadgets that are either not available in our countries at all, or only a few people sell them. The best platform for purchasing such products is

19 Restoration of furniture and antiques– in our time, there are very few specialists who are ready to “breathe” new life into old objects, but there are many things that need them. Therefore, if you know how to do this, then take a closer look at this business idea. You can start with advertising on Avito or OLX.

20 Author's driving courses - there are hundreds of people who want to improve their driving skills. Some want to learn extreme driving, others want to improve their driving skills on highways or in heavy traffic. Your trump cards will be experience, an individual approach to the client and a flexible training schedule.

B2B (business services)

Providing various types of services in new small niches (sub-niches) that large companies do not go into is a very promising business idea that can be implemented with minimal investment.

As a rule, such services are based on understanding what your customer-enterprise needs and knowing where to find it. Undoubtedly, such services are subject to strict requirements for their quality and qualifications of performers.

21 Research of foreign markets and consulting on these issues. First of all, this concerns the study of new promising directions for the export and import of goods. China, for example, does not count, since it has already been explored far and wide. However, much less is known about trade turnover with countries such as India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Malaysia. If you have a working knowledge of these regions, you can make good money by consulting for companies interested in them.

22 Search for highly specialized personnel. In addition to finding good lawyers, accountants and sales managers, many companies have vacancies for which it is very difficult to find a qualified specialist. As a rule, this applies to rare technical, medical and interdisciplinary specialties, as well as top management.

23 Internet marketing and research. You can’t imagine how many online stores there are that don’t track the interests and behavior of their potential customers, as well as such global parameters as market size, the number of competitors, and price fluctuations in the niche. If you can efficiently collect, systematize and organize such information, you will definitely not have a shortage of clients.

24 Project management– this is the management of a large project (usually IT or the development of a business development strategy) or part of it for a large foreign customer. Working in this business will require you to be fluent in a foreign language and have excellent knowledge in the area in which you will need to provide services. Very often, such a business is opened by former employees who worked on similar projects, gained knowledge, understood how it works and decided to open their own business.

25 Outsourcing is the search for subcontractors for a foreign customer who has taken on a large project (IT, advertising, production). Basically, the main criterion for searching for outsourcers is good quality workmanship at a low price. That is why many European and American projects are partly done by guys from India, Pakistan, and Eastern Europe. If you know and understand how this can be arranged, this business idea is for you.

26 Local courier delivery– with the growth of online commerce, the demand for prompt and inexpensive delivery increases. Major players in this market inflate prices, and only come to pick up the goods the next day. This business idea is based on services for the delivery of goods within one locality on the principle of “delivery on the day of order”.

27 Remote IT services. Large companies have their own IT departments or, at a minimum, a system administrator. Small businesses are not ready to have a separate specialist on their staff, the need for whose services may arise once a month. But, since hardware does not last forever, sooner or later they need to configure hardware or software. Today, many of these problems can be solved remotely, which makes it possible to work even with foreign clients.

28 Remote accounting– as in the case of IT services, such services will be very interesting for small businesses (mainly individual entrepreneurs). The need to regularly submit reports, maintain records in strict accordance with the law, as well as the inability to maintain a full-time accountant, force entrepreneurs to seek the help of remote accounting and audit specialists.

For rural areas

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the realities of our villages are such that in the village itself you are unlikely to be able to sell anything. But! The village is an excellent platform for a range of business ideas. If the village is located near the city, then this is very, very good.

It is through city residents that you will earn your first capital. So, most likely you have a house (dacha, garage) and land there. Naturally, you need to make the most of these resources and here are some suggestions.

29 Greenhouse cultivation- on the one hand, many people already know about this idea, but on the other hand, quite a few are taking up its implementation. But in vain, because fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the village can be easily sold in a nearby city at a good price. You will receive the greatest profit in early spring. The range of what can be grown is very wide and you can find all the necessary information on specialized forums.

30 Breeding chickens and quails— there will always be a demand for poultry meat (and eggs). Having even a small plot, it will not be difficult for you to buy and maintain meat or egg-bearing breeds of chickens or quails. You will definitely need an additional refrigerator (for eggs), and a freezer to store meat supplies.

31 Fish farming - at first it may seem that this is an overly expensive idea, but, in fact, it is not at all. You can start artificially breeding fish even in small tanks with a volume of 2-3 cubic meters. The main thing here is to provide uninterrupted filtered water, proper nutrition and maintain the desired temperature. You definitely won’t have any problems selling fish, since it is always in price because it is both tasty and healthy. For example, there is a site that is entirely dedicated to the benefits of such a breed of fish as mackerel, a whole site of recipes. And he is very popular.

32 Homemade feed mixtures for animals. Small farmers have to buy feed from resellers with a double or triple markup. As a rule, in the village you can get a wide variety of cereals at a very low price. Knowing the composition of feed (can be found on the Internet), and also having even a small Soviet grain crusher and the appropriate ingredients, you can produce from 20 to 100 kg of ready-made feed mixtures per day with minimal investment.

33 Manufacturing and assembly of furniture– you will need a lot of different tools, as well as material, but you have a place where to do it. Ideally, it is most profitable to make such furniture to order on the terms of partial prepayment. In such conditions, you can either make furniture from solid wood or assemble cabinet furniture from chipboard according to catalogs.

34 Home canning— is essentially an optional idea, that is, an additional option for what else can be sold to “urban people.” As a rule, conservation made by hand at home by a skilled housewife has a number of advantages over factory-made analogues. These are the advantages that should be voiced when selling. Jams and pickles are the most popular in this segment.

35 Homemade bait mixtures for fishing- as in the case mentioned above, this is more of a way to earn extra money than a separate business idea. It won’t be difficult for you to find recipes for various dry baits for different types of fishing. At cost, a kilogram of your mixture will cost 3-4 times cheaper than branded analogues. The first customers for your product can be found on specialized fishing forums.

It would be best, of course, if you manage to do everything listed above on this list. Stable good income will help you move to another level of business: with hired staff, regular customers and even your own brand.


Caring for pets, especially purebred ones, always involves certain expenses for their owners. Here are some business ideas on how you can make money in this area.

36 Grooming. Have you noticed how many small (almost decorative) breeds of dogs there are? Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzus, Chinese Cresteds, Havanese Bichons and many others require regular grooming. Believe me, their impressive owners will only be in favor of having their shaggy “miracle” professionally cut. Plus, there are a number of other cat breeds that are cut for the summer. Of course, such a business idea only makes sense in large cities.

37 Training. At the same time, guard dogs are also always in demand. Owners of shepherd dogs, miniature schnauzers, cocker spaniels, Rottweilers and others will be interested in primary professional training of their pets. Naturally, you must have the proper experience and skills in handling such animals.

38 Breeding purebred cats or dogs. The business idea may not sound new, but if you start breeding rare, and not “pop”, breeds of animals, you can make good money in the long term. Greater success here can only be achieved if you have the appropriate experience and knowledge in this field.

39 Eco-scratching posts for cats They are a pressed mass of cardboard of a certain ergonomic shape, which is as comfortable as possible for animals. As a rule, harmless corn glue is used in production. In Europe, such scratching posts can be found in every pet store, but for now they can only be found in large cities.


The largest section in this article. This segment is one of the most popular in 2017, and here you can find many good business ideas with minimal investment.

The key factor will be whether you have certain skills and abilities in a particular craft. Believe me, a quality handmade product will always find its buyer.

40 Universal outerwear for children– many parents know that children's jackets and overalls are very expensive, and their range is very small. Moreover, as a rule, they are enough for a maximum of one season. As an alternative to factory-made clothing, there are already small ateliers that offer individual tailoring of children's overalls. If you know how to sew and design children's clothing, think maybe this business idea is worth paying special attention to.

41 Ceramic products– this is especially true for products made of polymer clay. You will need a minimum of time and investment to start making various crafts. They will have a fairly low cost and you can easily sell them.

42 Handmade decorations will always be in demand. As with other handmade ideas, imagination plays an important role here. A creative approach and high-quality execution will provide you with first and regular customers. Feel free to post examples of your work on social networks.

43 Knitting – but only if it’s not banal scarves and socks. The core of this business idea is knitting something very original. For example, one Ukrainian craftswoman began knitting blankets from very large links. She came up with a very original product, which immediately became very popular, especially in Europe.

44 Master classes (courses) in modeling, knitting, sewing and other handicrafts. Again, everything is very simple here. If you know how to do it, there is a place for a group, there is a desire - conduct, teach, have fun and money.

45 Handmade signs. More and more stores, salons and other small businesses are abandoning plastic signs. There is a good demand for high-quality products made of wood, metal and other natural materials. Your potential customers are shops in shopping malls, fast food restaurants, various beauty studios and others.

46 Sewing furniture covers– a narrow, but rather low competitive niche. Such covers, for example, are very necessary for sofas and armchairs in families with children or pets. Anyone will agree that it is cheaper to order a cover that is easy to wash than to buy a new sofa.

47 Making stained glass. Another type of “garage” production that can be implemented without significant investments. You can start with small stained glass windows, which are often needed by private furniture makers. In the future, you will have orders for large canvases that will decorate someone’s rich home.

48 Memorable children's souvenirs– absolutely any child will be pleased to have a small cup on the shelf for his success in sports or any hobby. This will be a source of pride for him and motivation for further development. Author's memorable gifts will be ordered by both ordinary parents and kindergartens, schools and sports clubs.

49 Mobile trading. Recently, especially in large cities, near shopping centers or at weekend fairs, you can increasingly see small portable “shops” of people who want to sell their crafts. This is a great opportunity not only to sell your product, but also to popularize your brand or product. As a rule, in such cases, the fee for the right to compact accommodation is very small (from 1000 to 3000 rubles).

beauty and health

There have always been a large number of small and low-competitive niches in this area in which you can easily start your own business with minimal investment.

50 Yoga instructor is one of the most popular business ideas in 2017, especially among women. If you have knowledge in this area, all you have to do is find a cozy room for group classes. You can promote your services through Facebook.

51 Healthy eating consulting- another good idea, the emergence of which is dictated by the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle. To get started, it wouldn’t hurt to start your own blog or Facebook page and share your experiences. Subsequently, people will start turning to you for advice on diet, child nutrition, and much more.

52 Beauty salon at home- a common and well-known idea. This is an excellent option for starting your own small business on the way to opening a full-fledged hairdresser or salon. During this time, you will be able to develop an excellent base of regular customers.

53 Mobile make-up specialist– a good option for large cities, where all kinds of events take place every day and there is a need for the services of a makeup stylist. Investments you will need are high-quality cosmetics, tools, Instagram accounts, and then a small website with many photos of your work.

54 Artistic tattoo studio. It is impossible not to notice that the number of people with permanent and temporary tattoos has increased significantly in recent years. Today it is possible to apply temporary tattoos and henna paintings, which are very popular among today's youth. For such a studio you don’t need a lot of space, but you will have to spend money on good equipment and materials.

Entertainment and leisure

Despite the crisis, people try not to forget about entertainment. In conditions of limited foreign tourism for citizens of the Russian Federation, the demand for domestic tourism, organization of corporate events and holidays, as well as various master classes has increased significantly.

55 Aerial photography with a quadcopter is perhaps one of the most modern business ideas, which is rapidly gaining popularity around the world during 2016-2017. Investments are minimal - only the quadcopter (drone) itself. With its help, you can shoot stunning panoramic videos that will appeal to newlyweds, organizers of public events, etc. With this technique, you will leave your competitors, who are used to shooting banal videos, far behind.

56 Bicycle tours. The cycling community in the CIS has grown 16 (!) times over the past 10 years. A whole mass of people have appeared who are ready to go on a long bike ride. Such tours can be organized for a weekend (local areas) or for several days (trips abroad). Now your hobby can become a full-fledged small business.

57 Organization of trips. As with bike tours, this business idea will appeal to those who have been hiking all their lives. The most profitable will be long-term international routes, which far from poor people will be willing to take. Having such experience behind you, you can easily organize such group trips.

58 City tours. This idea is especially relevant for tourist hubs, where visitors are willing to pay good money to see local attractions and get an interesting story about their history and origins. In this case, investments are minimal: you need to take special small courses and successfully pass the exam.

59 Master classes on tourism and survival. Another new business idea that will appeal to experienced fans of extreme tourism. Many novice tourists know absolutely nothing about equipment, physical fitness, climate, flora and fauna in a particular area. Such master classes are in demand in big cities, where people of average and higher incomes are preparing to go on hikes of high difficulty.

60 Event management. Services for organizing holidays, concerts, festivals and other major events are also popular today. You've probably noticed how many street food festivals, marathons, and charity fundraisers there are now. Event managers and agencies are behind their successful organization.

61 Master classes in drawing and other creative crafts. If you are a creative person who has been doing this as a hobby for a long time, then it’s time for you to make money from it. A large number of people want to learn how to draw, sculpt, embroider, sing beautifully and much more.

62 Organization of children's parties. Along with large “holidays” for adults, there is a need (demand) for organizing children's events. Birthdays, New Year's holidays, promotions of children's stores or salons - all this requires the development of a special program, selection of costumes and performers. Provide all this to the customer “on a silver platter” and start making money.

63 Dance lessons for adults– this is still a good idea for those who have been dancing all their lives and decided to open their own business. You just need to find a good hall, come up with a specialization (Latin, ethnic or other dances) and advertise on the Internet.

64 Shopping consultant– at first glance this sounds frivolous, but, for example, several such consultants are already successfully working in Moscow. Thanks to your sense of style, knowledge of the latest fashion trends and other important news, you can become an indispensable assistant for wealthy women and even men.

Educational services

As in previous times, many people are eager to learn something new, develop and improve their skills. In the age of the Internet

65 Cooking master classes. So far, only chefs do this, and then only as a part-time job or for TV shows. At the same time, if you have the skills and the opportunity to rent a kitchen, you can regularly conduct such practical classes. Believe me, there is a demand for this in large cities.

66 Organization of seminars and conferences. Here we are talking exclusively about the idea of ​​​​organizing these events. Considering the huge number of seminars being held today, the demand for such services is extremely high.

67 Own training webinars. An excellent business idea that has already been used by thousands of trainers, experts and other specialists. This model is convenient because no one needs to go anywhere. Everything happens in the form of an online conference. You, as the organizer, only have to bear the small costs of using the service, which makes it possible to conduct webinars.

68 Tutoring. This idea is perceived by many as a part-time job, but in reality it is not. Here, a lot depends on the level of income from classes, and it, in turn, depends on the field of knowledge and the audience with which you will work. Individual tutoring will be most beneficial for top managers, specialists who are preparing to go to work abroad, etc.

69 Own educational portal. It sounds global, but you have to start small. You must create unique training material for a specific niche of specialists. This material needs to be presented in a variety of forms: articles, videos, infographics, etc. Ultimately, you will be able to build an entire course in your discipline and successfully sell it.

70 Personal growth and motivation coach. Many people view this idea with skepticism. Largely due to the “notoriety” of some of these coaches, who do good PR but teach little. If you are a very energetic person, you know how to light a fire in the hearts and heads of other people, then maybe this path is for you.

Clients (customers) are your everything!

Therefore, remember one of the most important rules for starting any business with minimal investment - People, your potential clients, should know about your skills, your services or product.

You can be the world's best mechanic, trainer, artist, or bake the most delicious pies, but if only you know about it, you won't make any money.

Believe me, with the appearance of the first customers (provided that they are very happy with you), the next customers will not keep you waiting long.

Our team sincerely wishes you success in your new business!

Write in the comments what ideas you liked. We will be grateful for your likes and reposts =)

Now you can earn quite a lot from your YouTube channel. If your content is of interest to a large audience of people, then you can earn money without much difficulty.


All the business ideas proposed here are as old as the hills. 90% of them are no longer relevant in terms of earning money; you can only stay afloat. The market is full of similar offers. These are not ideas, but a list of projects existing on the market.
The essence of an idea is its uniqueness, and there is nothing unique here.



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Greetings, dear readers of the magazine site. Each of us wants to quit our unloved job and go open our own business, but not everyone knows where to start and how to choose the right and profitable direction. Just in this article, we have provided interesting examples and will look at ideas on how to open a business with minimal investment in 2019, as well as what is relevant today and what kind of business does not yet exist in Russia for a quick start.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the best business to invest in today?
  • How to open your own business without investment (from scratch) and what does a beginner need to know?
  • How to make money for a novice entrepreneur at home or in the office.

How and where to start your own business: TOP 29 ideas with minimal investment.

Business ideas for 2019 with minimal investment: TOP 10 ideas for small businesses

How to choose the right business idea before starting your own business and where to start

Over time, more and more people are starting to think about how they can open a business with minimal investment. Some business ideas are already on the surface, while to find some you will need to use ingenuity and find a sufficient amount of time. But with all the variety of business ideas for budding startups, not everyone can implement them. When thinking about taking an idea on the Internet, you need to be prepared for the fact that this idea itself may turn out to be a failure, and here’s why.

The thing is that each case is unique and to implement the same idea, different people may need a different set of tools. Here you should also take into account the geographical factor, the state of the market at a given time and the capabilities of the start-up. But regardless of the specific business idea, there are several stages that everyone must go through. These stages include: analyzing the psychology of competitors, choosing a niche, calculating start-up capital and taking into account possible risks that always accompany any business. But first things first.

No. 1. Analysis of client psychology

The first and most important axiom for anyone who is planning to open their own profitable business is that “the customer is always right.” Nobody talks about extremes and rudeness, but in the vast majority of cases it is the client who is the one thanks to whom the business, in principle, exists. In this context, the client is a collective image, personifying both one retail buyer and a large company ordering work or services. Therefore, it is very important from the very first day to establish relationships with the client and build them in such a way that they are effective for both him and the businessman.

The key to establishing such connections will be to study the client’s psychology, at least at the initial level. Client psychology is how the client will reason when making a decision to purchase a product and what points he will pay attention to first.

Well-known marketers and sales specialists advise adhering to the basic rules when dealing with business communications: a trusting environment, sensitivity and the gift of persuasion. All this together creates a positive impression and gives a person a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. After all, if you listen to a person’s wishes, sincerely enter into his situation and understand what he needs, the client will probably return again, and more than once.

No. 2. Choosing a current earning niche

Choosing a niche for business and answering the question “ what business to open?“is the key to the future success of the campaign, and the economic efficiency of the business will directly depend on the correctness and thoughtfulness of such a choice. What is a niche?

A business niche presents some kind of “problem” that needs to be solved. This could be an industry that objectively has good prospects for development, it could be a product or service that is needed by society, or a direction that is currently the most developed. Choosing a niche entails a labor-intensive process, which must consist of such stages as: a thorough study of the market, competition in a particular industry, and market conditions.

In other words, before you invest in any small business idea, you need to be sure that it " will burn out" The market does not need companies that have many competitors, and those that can offer more favorable conditions, especially if they are located in a small city. Only a large company can compete with such “long-livers”, and for a novice entrepreneur it is better to opt for something that is not yet on the market.

Before choosing the direction of your activity, you will need to answer three main questions:

  • Is the offer or product interesting to a certain circle of potential consumers that the entrepreneur is targeting?
  • Why should people choose this company? How will it differ from those that already exist on the market?
  • What disadvantages will the chosen business idea have?

Only if an entrepreneur can answer all these questions and look at himself objectively from the outside, will it be possible to make a decision about starting economic activity.

No. 3. Start-up capital

To implement any idea need start-up capital. The amount may vary, but often it greatly exceeds what you can simply spend at will. There are no enterprises that do not require the investment of a certain amount of funds, and often even the most modest business project turns out to be very expensive.

It is better to take your own money for start-up capital - this can be savings or a bank account. But even if you don’t have your own funds, there are several ways you can get this capital:

Option #1. Bank loan

Nowadays many banks offer such a service as a business loan. As attractive as the idea is, you should remember that even if something goes wrong, you will still have to repay the debt to the bank. Therefore, it is advisable to take the amount that, with a high degree of probability, can be returned painlessly.

Option #2. Friends and acquaintances

Alternatively, you can borrow money from acquaintances or friends - unlike a bank, you can do without interest. As a nice bonus, you can promise your friends some permanent discount on your product. Despite the close relationship, it would be correct to write a receipt stating that the money will be returned within the agreed time frame.

Option #3. Investors

With investors the situation is more complicated, since these are, as a rule, already adults with rich life experience and they will not invest their money in any first idea. To get help from investors, you will need to work hard to create a detailed and competent business plan, which will clearly indicate when and under what conditions they will be able to return the invested funds, as well as receive the agreed profit (share participation).

No. 4. Risks when starting your own business

There are always risks. It doesn't matter whether it's a small business or a large project. At any time, force majeure circumstances may arise, which can lead to the most unfavorable consequences. That is why risks must always be taken into account in any situation.

To calculate all possible risks, you should create a SWOT matrix, which will reflect all possible risks in great detail. The matrix has a column “Weaknesses” and “Threats” and all this together will indicate the main risks that exist in the campaign. To learn more about possible risks, you should spare no expense and draw up a detailed business plan or contact a consulting/marketing agency, where professionals will deal with the situation. But this way, you can protect yourself from many unpleasant surprises that a novice businessman did not even suspect about.

How to start your business from scratch with a minimum investment: 4 tips on how to start running your small business

Tip #1. Drawing up a business plan for a small business

Below are a few photos from the club's latest events.

Business idea No. 2. Website development

One of the most promising areas of activity today is the creation and promotion of websites. Being a good specialist, you can make good money from this, and even more so when you have your own studio. Today, the Internet is the main means of business communication for many companies. And if a few years ago, many sincerely did not understand why they needed their own website, or at least a page on the Internet, today this has already become obvious.

The ideal option for implementing such a business idea would be if the entrepreneur himself is an excellent specialist in the IT field and understands the entire internal mechanism of the functioning of such a project. As for the prices for your services, let them be modest to begin with because at first, the main emphasis is on the quality of the service. Only then, having secured the support of partners and established effective communication with clients, you can begin to think about gradually increasing prices for your work.

Business idea No. 3. Baking cakes to order

What ideas do you have to start your own business from scratch? For example, bake cakes to order. Custom cakes are a service that has found many supporters, so if you plan to make baking cakes almost your main way of earning money, you need to be prepared for initial difficulties.

Firstly, this is competition. There are a lot of people doing home baking these days, so you need to be different. There are two ways here: either at the initial stage set prices that are almost equal to the cost, or to impress your potential clients with something.

But such a business has several undeniable advantages:

  • Small investment. To get started, all you need is a stove, oven and food. The cost of products for each specific order can be included in the cost of production.
  • Work from home. This is important for mothers on maternity leave or women housewives who know how to bake and do it well. A plus will also be the opportunity to show imagination and develop your creative abilities. This is especially true for cakes for children, who often pay more attention to the appearance of the cake rather than to its taste.
  • Availability of free time. You can always manage your time yourself and free up that part of the day that is needed for household or personal matters.

Business idea No. 4. Coffee to go

According to the application Euromonitor International , people consume more and more coffee every year. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the very attitude of consumers towards this drink has changed: the culture of coffee consumption is now developing and, perhaps, very soon, the coffee ceremony will be given as much attention as tea.

Small coffee-to-go businesses are now available almost everywhere. In any city, walking down the street, you can come across small kiosks with a sign saying “Coffee to go” or “Coffee to go”. The idea is simple: a person is late, he doesn’t have time to go to a regular coffee shop and order a cup of coffee, so he’ll happily grab a treasured glass of his favorite drink on the go. The price of coffee is low, but there are a lot of people, and therefore, starting with one kiosk, you can increase their number over time.

Another type of implementation of the “coffee to go” service is a small counter in a shopping center or business center. Yes, in order to be profitable later, you will first have to spend money on renting premises and purchasing expensive equipment, but soon such a small project will begin to bring in the first profit. Also, over time, it will be possible to expand the line of drinks, as well as offer people different types of coffee.

Business idea No. 5. Intermediary services (work on interest)

Every day many people want buy something or sell something, but they don’t have the time or desire to spend several hours searching for an acceptable option. Unfortunately, intermediary activity, in most cases, mainly covers real estate and/or cars, so it is very important to really seriously understand the features of the product, but this is one of the few ideas that can start working from scratch without money. The coverage, of course, is not limited to finding an apartment or a car, but by definition this must be something expensive. Otherwise, people will not be psychologically ready to give commissions for searching for an insignificant product.

This also includes people who work in partnership with companies, finding clients for them and receiving a percentage of each successful transaction. At the first stage of working from home, you will need a computer with the Internet, a mobile phone and a great desire to earn money. Add here also readiness for the first failures, perseverance and routine work. But, if over time you manage to develop useful business contacts and the ability to persuade, then this can turn out to be quite a profitable activity. Mediation services are a clear example of how to start working for yourself.

Business idea No. 6. Start a channel on YouTube

As happened with many similar resources, Youtube was originally created so that users could watch interesting videos, or upload their own videos. But over time, when information technology has developed to the limit, and such a concept as “SMM marketing” can now be heard at every step, YouTube has become a tool for making money.

Now there are millions of channels on YouTube, some of which carry absolutely no meaning. But at the same time, there are also very interesting authors who introduce their viewers to something new, while at the same time earning money for themselves.

There are 3 main paths that lead to channel monetization:

  • Participation in affiliate programs
  • Writing annotations.
  • Direct employers

Partnership programs is a tool for making money when a YouTube partner company starts paying for clicks. To do this, the channel needs to have more than 10 thousand views. To become a participant in the program, you need to fill out an application for participation, after which the partner company starts paying for clicks. For example: for every 3,000 views, a company can pay about $100. Accordingly, the more promoted the channel, the more money its owner can receive.

Writing annotations. Annotation writing involves preparing some advertising text for a company, after which this text is inserted into the video description. The subscriber clicks on the link and goes to the customer’s website, where he can select and order a specific product or service.

Cooperation with direct employers, in the format of master classes that show how to work (how to use) some of the company’s products. In this case, the product belongs to the advertising company, which pays money to the author of the video. These can be household appliances, products, things, inventory, etc.

Business idea No. 7. Real estate services

One of the most specific ways to make money is a real estate organization. For a business to become profitable, you need to have a very good understanding of the nuances of this activity. The process of real estate trading itself requires knowledge of jurisprudence, the housing code, the ability to work with large financial flows, and also gain an excellent reputation.

To make the work of a real estate agency as effective as possible, you need to be a good manager and have a great understanding of people. The most important thing in the work of a realtor is competent, qualified personnel, which consists of agents, sales managers and lawyers. For each successful transaction, the real estate organization receives a profit, which is then divided among the participants in the transaction process.

To recruit clients, a real estate company must invest heavily. This is a premises that will be the “face of the company”, and good, high-quality advertising, and services at the highest level. After all, when selling or buying an apartment, a person works with very large sums of money, and in order to entrust this matter to an intermediary (in this case, a realtor), he will need to be able to make an extremely favorable impression on the person.

The only disadvantage of the real estate business is that earnings will not be constant, because profit directly depends on the number of successful transactions. And the real estate market, as we know, can sometimes go through very difficult times.

Business idea No. 8. Sale of goods from China

China is an amazing country that offers many different goods, and most importantly, at a very low price. There are many business ideas that involve buying goods in China and selling them at a “higher price.” Many current, popular and interesting ideas for business with minimal investment are related to the sale of goods from China, where every beginner can build their own business from scratch.

The most important thing in this case is to choose the right product category.

For example, you can open an online store that will specialize in selling unusual gifts. Such gifts include earrings, bracelets, watches, keychains, souvenirs, cups, stands for wine bottles and wine glasses, unusual lighting devices, etc.

Starting small, you can initially sell goods on Avito. To do this, you just need to add a product by selecting the correct category, and then wait for the first calls from interested users.

In addition to Avito, there are many groups on VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. The main thing is not to try to get everything at once, but gradually, in small steps, to move towards your goal. When the first money appears, it can be spent on creating a one-page website or a simple online store, after which you can take good photographs and post them on your resource.

The main idea of ​​​​earning money by selling goods from China is a large increase in price, and over time, it will be possible to order wholesale quantities, for which, as you know, the Chinese can make an additional discount.

Business idea No. 9. Reselling your own or someone else's car

Car resale is a fairly lucrative business, especially if you know how to approach it correctly. The idea of ​​the business is simple: bring it into perfect condition and sell it at a premium. The entire difference between the purchase price and the sale price will be profit.

The peculiarity of such a business is that the person who is engaged in this business has an excellent understanding of cars. Without serious practical skills, there is no point in starting this business - at best, you can break even, at worst, you can lose all your money.

As for legal registration, you can register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or. At first, of course, you can work without registering with the tax authorities, but over time, you will have to do this in any case. If you have the opportunity to carry out repairs yourself and at a high level, you will soon be able to talk about significant revenue.

Business idea No. 10. Hosting an event

The organization of events has recently developed into a separate area of ​​activity called “event management”. The essence of such a business is to take on the work of organizing various formats of events. Small companies organize one type of holiday, while large ones can specialize in several types at once.

The most popular ones at the moment are corporate events and weddings, but you can start with ordinary birthdays, anniversaries and children's parties.

You will need a decent amount of initial capital to organize an event agency, since it is unlikely that anyone will book an event with a company whose office is located outside the city in a room of 4 square meters. meters. In addition to the cost of renting an office, you will also need to hire qualified personnel, find presenters, food suppliers, catering companies, and purchase equipment.

The project itself is quite complex, so the business of organizing and holding events will begin to pay off no earlier than in 1.5-2 years.

What business is relevant now - TOP 5 profitable ideas

Option #1. Construction and renovation work

Carrying out construction and repair work can be quite a profitable business, especially if you approach it wisely. Despite the economic downturn, most people still decide to renovate. The repairs will not necessarily be major, it will be enough to do a small cosmetic one - but for the construction company this will also be a certain income.

Before entering the market, you need to decide whether the company will be multidisciplinary or whether it will specialize in a specific list of services. This can include installing plastic windows or metal doors, laying tiles, parquet, glazing balconies or cladding facades.

A mandatory minimum is the availability of mobile communications and a personal car, since orders can be in different parts of the city and traveling by car will be much faster and more convenient. Here you also need to add the purchase of construction equipment, such as a concrete mixer, hammer drill, drills, screwdriver and other tools.

Option #2. Installation of low-current systems

This business idea has every chance of becoming a profitable project, but this requires one important condition - in this case, it is simply vital to have experience and deep theoretical and practical knowledge.

The very concept of “low-current systems” is quite comprehensive and covers the installation of a local network, the Internet, video surveillance and alarm systems, as well as television, telephony and radio broadcasting. It will not be difficult for an experienced electrician-installer to understand all these tasks, but the more types of work a person can do, accordingly, the more income he can receive.

To organize your work in the most thoughtful way, it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. After registering with government agencies, you will need to purchase a stamp with your details and name, open a bank account, hire an accountant who will work on a piece-rate basis, and also obtain a license to carry out certain activities, be it installing intercoms or running cables.

Having collected at least a small customer base and completed the first few orders at a high level, it will be possible to easily recoup the funds spent on registration procedures.

Option #3. Precious metals

At the moment, anyone can purchase, at their discretion, one of four types of precious metals. Precious metals include gold, silver, platinum and palladium. For the convenience of the client, several basic ways of “working” with precious metals are offered: these are measured bars, investment coins and OMS (an impersonal metal account).

Bullions can be bought, and after a certain amount of time, resold back. But there are several nuances: before buying a bullion from a citizen, the bank very carefully and meticulously checks its [the bullion’s] condition. In addition, the purchase price by the bank differs significantly from the sale price, which also cannot but affect the feasibility of such an investment.

Compulsory medical insurance is much more convenient in this regard. The essence of an impersonal metal account is to purchase a certain amount of gold, but not receive it in your hands. It will simply be reflected in grams on an individual metal account, and this metal can also be bought or resold over time at a higher price.

The most ineffective in this situation are investment aspects. The fact is that the price for them increases extremely rarely and if this happens, it is usually a very long and slow process. Therefore, in order to make significant money selling investment coins, you need to know the coin market very well.

Option number 4. City tours

Another interesting opportunity to earn money is to start organizing city tours. Before starting a project, you need to carefully “test” the market, study competitors and find out which routes are in the most high demand among people. The result of this approach is qualitatively new tourist routes that will certainly be of interest to the most inquisitive tourists.

For example, you can study the direction of “green tourism”, the essence of which is immersion in nature - these can be walking, cycling or horseback riding tours, there is really a lot of scope for imagination.

After the direction has been determined, you will need to study competitors, draw up a detailed business plan, recruit employees (at least 2-3 people for the first time) and make interesting advertising.

If you put your heart, soul and acquired knowledge into this business, then soon it will begin to bear the first fruits.

Option #5. Organization of quests

Recently, quests have become increasingly popular among the population, and this type of recreation attracts not only young people, but also older people. The reason for such high popularity is most likely the intensity of emotions and realistic conditions. Tired of the daily routine, people try to break free, feel like a living person, and besides, everyone wants to reach the end.

There are a huge number of types of quests, but where they are held can be divided into three types: in quest rooms, in the city, and also in nature. The plot of the game may be different, but the essence is the same: players are given a task that they will have to complete to the end.

In order for quests to become a profitable business, you will need to do the following: determine the format of the game, register an individual entrepreneur, purchase all the necessary props and hire several staff. It’s safe to say that the key to the success of quests is an interesting and exciting scenario, so the team must have a talented screenwriter, as well as a person who knows how to bring all the planned details of the game to life.

With a thoughtful approach, organizing a quest becomes a truly successful commercial enterprise.

What kind of business is profitable to open in a small town and not go broke?

What kind of business can you open with minimal investment in a small town: TOP-6 ideas for starting a small business

1. Open a mini-bakery

A mini-bakery is an excellent solution for those who want to turn their hobby into a profitable business, although this will require a lot of effort. Modern realities dictate their own conditions, the toughest of which is high competition in the market, especially in big cities. According to the most conservative estimates, opening your own bakery will cost approximately 90-100 thousand dollars, most of which will go towards renting premises, obtaining permits and purchasing baking equipment. The average payback period for a business is 4-6 years.

The premises for a bakery must meet all sanitary standards, have running water, a bathroom, sewerage and ventilation systems, a warehouse for storing raw materials, and two separate workshops: for baking and for packaging. The biggest expense item is the selection of equipment. At first, you can get by with the bare necessities, but to expand the range, you will have to eventually purchase more modern automated equipment, which costs about 35-70 thousand dollars.

The key to the success of the bakery opening campaign is strict adherence to technology, selection of qualified personnel, dedication and patience. An important stage is also the marketing of bakery products. You can use two options: sell products to wholesale companies or sell them yourself, and in the latter case, more problems fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, but the earnings remain with him.

2. Tattoo artist services

The services of a tattoo artist require certain knowledge, experience and significant investment. First, you need to decide whether this will be a tattoo studio only, or perhaps they will also sell related products in the form of various additional accessories. On average, to begin with, you will need about 5-6 thousand dollars for the basic necessities. This includes rent, a couple of tattoo machines and obtaining licenses.

According to Russian law, tattoo parlors must be designed as a treatment room, which means that this requires permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Inspectorate and local authorities. All employees working in a tattoo parlor must have valid medical records and undergo regular medical examinations. The staff must have an employee with a medical education who gives permission to carry out procedures. You can, of course, register the salon as an individual entrepreneur, then before performing the procedure, you will need to refer the person to a third-party specialist (for example, to a clinic), and then begin to fulfill the order.

The success of the entire salon as a whole (after receiving all the permits, of course) directly depends on talented craftsmen who understand immediately what clients want from them, so the most important thing is a well-chosen staff. But, since the tattoos themselves often cost a lot of money, opening such a salon will pay off soon.

3. Private kindergarten or club

To open a private kindergarten, you will need to go through several basic steps:

  • State registration. A non-state preschool institution is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • Choosing a room. In this case, it is best to rent the premises where the kindergarten was once located, as this will guarantee that you will be able to obtain all the necessary permits. On average, the cost of the premises, including the installation of fire alarms, utilities and repair work, will cost approximately 15-18 thousand dollars. The same amount will have to be spent on equipping the kindergarten, including children's furniture, stationery and educational toys. Also add here the costs of arranging a catering unit, a bathroom, a medical office, as well as the salaries of workers - you get a very decent amount.

4. Services of a private driving instructor

Since every year there are more and more people on the city streets, but, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer competent drivers. In view of the current situation, recently more and more people are turning to private driving instructors for help. Here is the answer to the question “What business to start with minimal investment?” The most important reason for this phenomenon can be called a person’s fear of getting behind the wheel, especially if he has no driving experience.

From the point of view of developing this direction in business, you can go in two ways: deal with clients yourself, or open your own company, the main activity of which will be driving training.

You need to start with thoughtful advertising. To do this, you can make a small website or create your own page in blog format. There you can post interesting articles on automotive topics, give advice on proper driving, and maintain constant communication with readers. Only after this, when you manage to convince potential clients of your competence and professionalism, will you be able to take on your first clients who, if they are satisfied with everything, will be happy to recommend the instructor to everyone they know. The most effective advertising in this matter is positive recommendations. And of course, you need deep theoretical and practical knowledge of traffic rules, as well as decent driving experience.

5. Sale of small animals

To engage in this type of activity, you first need to love animals and have at least basic animal care skills. As a rule, the scheme of this business is simple: there are purebred representatives of the fauna, they are brought together with other purebred “brethren”, and the resulting cubs are subsequently sold for good money. Therefore, before you start, you need to decide who exactly to breed and sell. These can be: cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, parrots, fish and other animals.

It is best to sell small animals in thematic groups or on specialized sales sites. Registration for this type of activity is only necessary if each pet is provided with a certificate and passport certifying its purity of origin.

6. Sale of auto parts

Many people have cars, and almost every person has experienced a breakdown of their iron horse at least once in their life. Then begins the run to workshops and service centers in search of the necessary parts. Sometimes prices for spare parts can be greatly inflated (especially for expensive and rare cars), sometimes some components cannot be found at all. In light of such events, the idea of ​​starting a business selling auto parts seems quite feasible.

There are three directions in this business: spare parts for domestic, European and Asian cars - you need to choose a profile. Next, you need to think about what format the store will operate in: will it be an online store or an actual premises where you can come and look.

The specifics of the business are such that the automobile market is full of competitors, which means that you need to enter a niche either with a rich range of products, or at reduced prices, without sacrificing quality. You also need to have a great understanding of cars, otherwise there is no point in opening a point of sale.

Business ideas 2019 that are not in Russia: TOP-4 of the best abroad

Many entrepreneurs borrow ideas for their new businesses from abroad. The main thing here is to adapt it to the realities of our country and apply it in practice.

Example No. 1. Self-service laundries

One of the most thoughtful and interesting ideas that can be intercepted from Americans and Europeans. The meaning of such laundries is that a laundry room is set up in the basement of a residential building, where 10-15 machines are installed (depending on the number of residents of the house), and a person, as needed, goes down to the basement where he can wash his things.

To do this, you need to pay a small amount of money, throw things into the machine, set the desired mode, and then come and pick up the washed items. The reason for creating a separate laundry can be called the high price of water, and sometimes the idea of ​​​​creating such a business turns out to be convenient for everyone: people save a lot of money.

Self-service laundries have also begun to open in Russia, but so far they operate mainly in student dormitories. To open a business, you will need to obtain permission from the authorities, purchase washing equipment and powders - and you can start working. It will be more difficult to attract clients, because for Russian people this is still a new thing, and besides, there is a washing machine at home, why pay someone else.

Example No. 2. Rubber tiles

The business of producing rubber tiles has long become popular in Europe and the USA. The meaning of the idea is that the rubber remaining after production is not recycled, but is processed into crumbs, from which tiles are then made for laying. The price of raw materials is quite low, so the cost of rubber tiles will be low. Thanks to this, retail prices can be lower than for similar floor coverings, and the difference in price can be used as revenue from product sales.

Capital investment in this business requires the purchase of a vulcan press, pressing molds, raw mixers, drying chambers and construction tools. By the way, such tiles can be made not only for the home, but also for the courtyard areas of country holiday homes, summer cottages and cottages.

Example No. 3. Walking pets for several clients at once

For many people, pets are much more than just animals and for their comfort and convenience, people are willing to put in a lot of effort. Naturally, pets need to be walked regularly, and owners simply may not have the time. So why not entrust your pets to people who also love animals and will happily walk with them instead of the owner?

In Europe and America, this service has long developed into a separate line of business, so why not adopt this useful experience and apply it on yourself? Moreover, in addition to walking, you can offer owners related services, such as washing paws, feeding or bathing animals. A constant influx of customers will soon be guaranteed!

Example No. 4. 3D – sweets

This and other similar ideas began with the creation of a 3D printer, which, bringing to life many interesting ideas, quickly won thousands of fans around the world.

To put this idea into practice, you won’t need much: consumable ingredients will be enough: chocolate, sugar, caramel, etc. Despite the availability of “raw materials,” you will have to spend money on the printer itself, the cost of which varies from 5 to 15 thousand dollars. It will be possible to sell your products by agreement with confectionery shops, bakeries and sweet shops. The profit will be small at first, but then, if you get going, you can think about opening your own sweets shop.

Business ideas at home: TOP-4 for beginners with minimal investment

Many people find themselves in a home business and start making real money there. Next, we will look at examples of home businesses and which options are the most profitable and optimal.

Home based business #1. Female makeup artist and hairdresser

One of the most popular business ideas for women who dream of making a hobby a way to earn extra money. Despite the high level of competition, this area still needs professionals. Often, well-promoted makeup artists either begin to charge huge amounts of money for their work, by the standards of the average person, or stop being creative in their approach to work, which is very important for the beauty industry. So it turns out that a novice makeup artist who strives to take into account all the wishes of the client and at the same time does not charge fabulous sums for his work can, in a fairly short time, acquire a whole army of “fans” who will happily recommend this person to their friends and acquaintances.

To start working in this direction, you need to take courses. Preferably those that are known for their professional and responsible approach to business. They may cost money, but the knowledge gained from them can, over time, become the most expensive investment in your own professional growth.

With the certificate in hand, you can start working on your client base. It is possible that at first you will have to work at a loss and do makeup and hairstyles for free, simply by obtaining permission to post photos on social networks. Initial capital will be considered funds invested in your education and advanced training. Here you should also add expensive, high-quality cosmetics and consumables, as well as tools, brush sets, styling products and much more.

But then, having managed to fulfill the first few orders “perfectly”, you can be sure that soon you will start receiving calls from clients who want to make an appointment for makeup or hairstyles. And clients in this business are, as you know, money.

Home business #2. Website development and promotion

Today, the market situation is such that those who know how to find the most effective ways to communicate with consumers are ahead. In the age of information technology, the most convenient “platform” for communication is your own website. Depending on the specifics and direction of the company’s activities, the site can be simple informational, in the form of an online store, or just one big advertisement for the enterprise. Fortunately, now more and more people are beginning to realize the need to create their “business card” on the Internet.

But it’s not enough to create a website, you also need to promote it, and, often, if the site is poorly optimized, then the entire amount of work on its creation simply comes to naught. It’s a rare person who will spend extra hours of time studying the resources displayed on the fifth, sixth and twentieth pages of the search. Typically, this range is limited to the first two, maximum three pages of the search results. That is why high-quality website promotion is now in such high demand in the market.

In order to make website promotion your source of income, it is advisable to open your own studio. But this is only if capital allows. If you don’t have enough funds yet, you can get serious about SMM marketing, advertising and offering your services in thematic groups, on forms in specialized communities. The success of an SEO optimizer is also determined by the number of satisfied customers, so you should approach two or three orders wisely, as you can gain the trust of users and subsequent orders.

As for your own studio, for this you will need to register the company as a legal entity, rent premises, hire staff and find customers. The starting capital for this business idea will be at least half a million rubles, however, given the average prices on the market for creating and optimizing a website, this amount will pay off quite quickly.

Home business #3. Copywriting and text rewriting

Copywriting and/or text writing can be a good job, but you need to have certain skills for this. Firstly, it is a good style and sense of style. The ability to “link two words” is not just words, it is a skill that a person either has or does not have. It is not easy to create a unique, literate text, using maximum useful information and without unnecessary “water,” but if a person knows how to do this, he will definitely find an additional source of income for himself.

In most cases, the user has a main job and does copywriting in his free time. In order to start working, it will be enough to create an account on one of the many copywriting exchanges, and then begin to carry out the simplest orders, gradually increasing and improving your level of skill.

If you plan to make copywriting your main income, it will take a lot of time, as well as diligence, perseverance and hard work. Gradually, having developed professional competencies and acquired several regular customers, you can confidently reach a new level and begin to take on more complex, larger, and, accordingly, more expensive orders. Knowledge of other languages ​​and the ability to express oneself in a foreign language in writing will be a huge advantage.

Home business #4. Family kindergarten

A family kindergarten, despite high demand and limited supply, is a rather labor-intensive enterprise and requires huge capital investments at the initial stage. The most time-consuming part will be finding suitable premises. The premises used for a kindergarten must comply with all fire and sanitary standards and be located away from roads, garages and establishments with high noise levels. Each child is entitled to a certain area of ​​at least 6 square meters. meters, the premises should also have rest rooms, a game room, a kitchen and a medical office.

The simplified taxation system can be used as a taxation system, and the form of registration of the institution will be the non-state educational institution ( non-state educational institution).

Next on the plan is staff recruitment, which is also not an easy task. Among the people working in a kindergarten there may be a cook, teachers, a child psychologist, a nurse, etc. The selected personnel (especially teachers and psychologists) must have all the necessary licenses and other permits, on the basis of which they can work with children.

To sum up the idea of ​​​​creating a kindergarten, we can say the following: at first it will be very difficult, you will have to tinker with papers a lot, but then there will be no end to the parents.


In conclusion, I would like to note a few important points that are worth paying attention to when implementing a certain business idea.

  1. Don't ignore marketing research. The funds spent on qualitative market analysis will pay off handsomely and bring much more benefits than it might seem at first glance. This is especially true for new entrepreneurs who are just starting their entry into business. Market research is one of the most important steps, which helps to avoid a huge number of mistakes that lead to the loss of potential and actual customers and financial losses.
  2. Any business idea must have a clear goal. It’s better if the goal is aimed at making the life of society easier, then clients will reach out more willingly and quickly. If a business does not have a goal, any endeavor (even one that was successful at the beginning) will simply die out over time. It is better to use the first profit to develop your business - and then success and constant growth are guaranteed.

If you look, you will notice that ideas for a small business from scratch with minimal investment are on the surface - the main thing is to know where to start, if only you have the desire. Good luck in your endeavors!

What are the benefits of trading in a small town? What is the best business to run at home? How to open your own business with minimal investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves their home - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for themselves.

Good, The choice of areas for personal business is unlimited. The only problem is to find the type of activity that will truly reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial issues. In a new article I will tell you what business to start to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Don’t switch – you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - let’s stop work and let's begin earn

There is an opinion that you need to be born a successful businessman. They say that this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they won’t be able to work for themselves. That their business will fail. That they don’t know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he is born, he already has a ready-made company - himself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this company, its general director and the owner of a controlling stake.

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, are not afraid of dismissal, and set their own working hours.

This does not mean that their life is complete euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than an employee. But all the disadvantages of “free swimming” are outweighed by a big plus - you become the master of your life and your time, set your own goals and determine your priorities.

And a few more advantages:

  • a huge selection of areas for commercial activity– if you want, teach everyone how to paint in your own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • the amount of income is unlimited– you set the upper limit yourself in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when wanted– you independently manage your main asset – time;
  • you are not tied to a workplace– work wherever you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict regulations and schedules.

If you fail to achieve results in one area of ​​business, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to the diametrically opposite one. If your online business is not working out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma shop or start a business.

I have a friend who dealt successively with: animal feed, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought it from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, and information products.

Not to say that he failed in every type of activity - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he realized that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw broader prospects in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with sloppiness, indifference and projectism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. The money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persistently. Perhaps even more than in the office or production. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions on your own.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and being a multitasker.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to engage in. If you open an online store, you will have to purchase goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - consumables and equipment require investment. But there are different options - leasing, renting, finding investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, then capital is not required. You'll only have to waste your time. But time doesn’t pay off right away. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, and ideally undergo training.

Give up the hope that a couple of weeks or even months after launching a business, gold coins will start pouring into your wallet. Business, especially small business, requires patience and hard work. Everything will happen, but not right away - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we offer to invest money in a ready-made business - purchase a franchise from the company. The co-owner of a chain of restaurants serving Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine is Alex Yanovsky, an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, the owner of his own School “Business Behind Glass”.

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergei opened a business under this franchise in the city of Maykop - he launched a point in the “island” format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off within six months. So we can confidently recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky about the advantages of a franchise:

2. 5 popular areas in business

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths along which thousands of aspiring businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium-sized businesses.

1) Resale of goods

The most accessible type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell them in another at a higher cost.

Stable income comes from those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. The consumer goods market has billions of dollars in turnover and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

When choosing the profile of your company, focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people have no time for luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in a small town, where the average salary is half the cost of this very fountain pen.

In such populated areas it is worth choosing a more popular product– for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, but on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the situation with trade in small towns more clearly:

The universal salvation for any modern trade is the Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods to either Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Provision of services

You don't have to sell material things. Professional services are no less in demand than clothing or food.

There are many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • repair of bicycles or household appliances;
  • writing term papers, etc.

Any matter that you understand or want to understand is suitable. The modern world is differentiated and belongs to narrow specialists. Family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in conditions of crisis and sanctions, domestic producers entered new markets.

Are in stable demand natural food. If you focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

You will find more details about production activities in the article “”.

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have substantial starting capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profits to owners of liquid housing. Earnings from rentals, sales and other operations with residential and non-residential premises are traditionally high.

5) Business on the Internet

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product via the Internet, but your skills or services.

But first, you need to master at least one of the most popular professions - website designer, SEO promotion specialist, copywriter, social media administrator. Or make money on your website, affiliate programs.

It's not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed, read the large article on our website, which is called “”.

3. What kind of business can you start - TOP 10 ideas for a beginning businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

Ten promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some people still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started making handmade soap 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova the demand for this product was almost zero.

She gradually improved the technology, accumulated a customer base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to designer soap, there are a lot of other exclusive and natural products. The high price does not bother buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality, original execution and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, a six-string guitar, school subjects, and other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Management of corporate events and holidays

An idea for people with organizational and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The ingredients for success are as follows: constant practice, original scripts, competent room design, and a constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, clearly understand how household appliances work, and understand electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low safety margin. Most people are better off getting their washing machine repaired than buying a new one. Meanwhile, repairing one “washing machine” costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income is enough not only for bread and butter, but also for an annual vacation to Bali.

Minimum costs – tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If you have a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer's home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and transport, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Permits from sanitary services are needed: the premises must have ventilation, all necessary communications, and employees must have sanitary records.

6) Transportation of goods

Are you the owner of a truck? Engage in the transportation of large-sized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car - rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile cargo, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel's audience is more than a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are as follows:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • signature feature– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion– use professional techniques.

Most Internet users are young people raised on gadgets. They prefer to see it once rather than read a long text, which is why video blogs are so popular.

A little educational program from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. You will need professional photography equipment and equipment for printing photos. And then work in the format that you prefer - photo for documents, wedding photography and videography, prom albums, image processing and photomontage.

Just six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo-chronicler. I don’t know why, but clients like her photographs even more than photographs of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and gardening. One greenhouse will give you several harvests a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study the competitive environment, price, read specialized literature and thematic sites.

A greenhouse is an excellent tool for your own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing vegetables, selling seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and smart. If you want, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. Very nice idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, install a security system. In summer, store winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards here, in winter - bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc.
