Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Fundamentals of successful sales. Effective sales tactics - the secrets that successful salespeople hide from you. Learn to see from the client's point of view

Have you seen people who, before making a decision, carefully weigh the pros and cons and only then take action based on this analysis? If you saw it, you're in luck. Recent research by marketers leads us to the conclusion: most often, decisions are made under the influence of our unconscious, while the influence of the rational is very insignificant. What does this give us? It's very simple: if we learned to control the unconscious, we could control the world. Successful salespeople usually act intuitively. The rest can be helped by marketers' research on the architecture of choice - that is, how to manipulate the unconscious so that the buyers themselves are completely unaware of it.

1) A clear example of the use of the concept of “choice architecture” is any supermarket. Did you know that people buy more when they have less choice? Thus, a seller who sells 24 different types of jam will sell less product per day than one who sells only 6 different varieties. The explanation is simple: when the brain is overloaded with information, it simply refuses to work.2) Researchers tested the willpower of buyers. It turned out that it is enough to give a person the opportunity to first do what, in his opinion, is “good”, so that later he himself begins to actively violate his own boundaries without looking back. This is why supermarket owners place healthy fruits and vegetables right at the entrance: the more money the buyer spends on healthy products, the more unhealthy beer and chips he will buy. 3) Another effective way to get the buyer to fork out money is to put the most expensive products in front of him. . This works well in the alcohol example: when customers first see exclusive wine brands, it encourages them to buy more cheap bottles than they originally planned. Finally, another study showed that people prefer to buy products located on the right shelves: these were the ones that were called “highest quality” when people were choosing from four absolutely identical products laid out on opposite sides of the buyer. 4) Buying behavior varies greatly in depending on age. For example, older people respond better to positive messages and do not focus on negative ones. Therefore, advertising campaigns that demonstrate the negative consequences of something simply do not work for this group of people. At the same time, young people actively respond specifically to messages about negative consequences.5) Attitudes towards risk are the same for people of all ages. Studies show that most people would prefer not to risk their own money, even if they have the opportunity to earn much more. Likewise, regardless of age, people tend to do what everyone else does. Studies of advertising campaigns urging people to pay their taxes in the United States have shown that neither threats nor exhortations had the same effect as advertising that said: “90% of taxpayers file their returns on time.”6) Neuroscience has also contributed to this understanding. factors that motivate people. It turns out that no matter how you compose the advertisement and no matter how you lay out the products, if your customers have a severe form of prolonged depression, all this is useless. One of the prerequisites for making any decision is emotions. If a person does not have the strength to experience at least some emotions, he will not be able to make a decision, but will endlessly scroll through the options in his head, without coming to any conclusion. Based on the books: Nudge (Richard Thayer and Cass Sunstein), Switch (Chip and Dan Health), Flourish (Martin Seligman), The Social Animal (David Brooks).

Successful trading is a real art, much more complex and subtle than it seems to an ignorant person. Remember how many times when you returned home, you were perplexed by the number of things you purchased after your next shopping spree. Do you know what the secret is? They skillfully used special effective sales techniques on you - these methods act on the subconscious, forcing us to fork out in such a way that it is not even noticeable to ourselves.

Secrets of successful sales

1. Good music

In another study, psychologists found that good music makes the process of parting with money less painful, and the number of purchases is directly proportional to the tempo of the piece of music played in the store. Fast, dynamic rhythms do not bode well for the seller - with such a piece you will quickly buy everything you need and fly out of the store. At the same time, a beautiful, touching melody makes buyers think, carefully consider many beautiful products and make more purchases.

2. Pleasant smells

Some stores have a special, pleasant, relaxing smell. According to the same psychologists, some scents, for example, vanilla or lavender, contribute to the fact that visitors to a supermarket or shopping center spend much more time at various shelves and stands. However, that's not all.

One of the main tricks is fresh home-made baked goods, which are in great demand among customers. Counters with fragrant buns and baguettes are usually positioned in such a way that their smell spreads throughout the entire area of ​​the store. The smell of fresh bread can always evoke the warmest feelings in us, and in this state we are only half a step away from an impulsive purchase.

3. Magic of color

The results of numerous experiments on long-suffering customers are openly published in various entertainment and popular science publications. At the same time, we drink the same coffee from different colored cups and intelligently talk about the difference in its tastes. Or we all agree to pay twice as much for very tasty cookies in a red or pink box, while we don’t like the same products in blue packaging at all. Needless to say, supermarket owners are much more attentive to such research and actively use it for their own selfish purposes.

4. Profitable place

One of the basic principles of successful selling says: if you want to sell more product, do everything to place it at eye level. Such shelves become empty 3-4 times faster than all other retail locations. Often, manufacturers of popular brands generously pay stores for the opportunity to place goods in such places. Another tricky trick is to place products next to each other that go well together.

5. Favorable price

Another little trick is the price of the product, which is visually perceived as more profitable. This purely psychological trick has worked well for decades. The person cannot help himself and purchases a “cheaper product” for $199, instead of an “expensive” one for $202. We can see similar promotions almost every day - these are 3 products for the price of 2, and the well-known 4 for 100 instead of 1 for 25. A great way to increase the level of sales several times.

6. Going to a store is like going to a resort

Who among us doesn’t love modern shopping centers? This is a real paradise for a city dweller, an opportunity to leave a child in his favorite children's room, and a husband in a cafe or cinema with a glass of his favorite beer. And finally, with great pleasure, plunge into the sweet world of such adored shopping.

A lot of positive emotions give a guaranteed result: relaxation, shopping, entertainment, cultural events, sports, relaxation again and shopping again, and so on 24/7 non-stop. All this is done for buyers, to satisfy their most sophisticated needs and to create the opportunity for them to spend the maximum amount of money.

Successful trading is a real art, much more complex and subtle than it seems to an ignorant person. Remember how many times when you returned home, you were perplexed by the number of things you purchased after your next shopping spree. Do you know what the secret is? They skillfully used special effective sales techniques on you - these methods act on the subconscious, forcing us to fork out in such a way that it is not even noticeable to ourselves.

Secrets of successful sales

1. Good music

In another study, psychologists found that good music makes the process of parting with money less painful, and the number of purchases is directly proportional to the tempo of the piece of music played in the store. Fast, dynamic rhythms do not bode well for the seller - with such a piece you will quickly buy everything you need and fly out of the store. At the same time, a beautiful, touching melody makes buyers think, carefully consider many beautiful products and make more purchases.

2. Pleasant smells

Some stores have a special, pleasant, relaxing smell. According to the same psychologists, some scents, for example, vanilla or lavender, contribute to the fact that visitors to a supermarket or shopping center spend much more time at various shelves and stands. However, that's not all.

One of the main tricks is fresh home-made baked goods, which are in great demand among customers. Counters with fragrant buns and baguettes are usually positioned in such a way that their smell spreads throughout the entire area of ​​the store. The smell of fresh bread can always evoke the warmest feelings in us, and in this state we are only half a step away from an impulsive purchase.

3. Magic of color

The results of numerous experiments on long-suffering customers are openly published in various entertainment and popular science publications. At the same time, we drink the same coffee from different colored cups and intelligently talk about the difference in its tastes. Or we all agree to pay twice as much for very tasty cookies in a red or pink box, while we don’t like the same products in blue packaging at all. Needless to say, supermarket owners are much more attentive to such research and actively use it for their own selfish purposes.



One of the basic principles of successful selling says: if you want to sell more product, do everything to place it at eye level. Such shelves become empty 3-4 times faster than all other retail locations. Often, manufacturers of popular brands generously pay stores for the opportunity to place goods in such places. Another tricky trick is to place products next to each other that go well together.

5. Favorable price

Another little trick is the price of the product, which is visually perceived as more profitable. This purely psychological trick has worked well for decades. The person cannot help himself and purchases a “cheaper product” for $199, instead of an “expensive” one for $202. We can see similar promotions almost every day - these are 3 products for the price of 2, and the well-known 4 for 100 instead of 1 for 25. A great way to increase the level of sales several times.

6. Going to a store is like going to a resort

Who among us doesn’t love modern shopping centers? This is a real paradise for a city dweller, an opportunity to leave a child in his favorite children's room, and a husband in a cafe or cinema with a glass of his favorite beer. And finally, with great pleasure, plunge into the sweet world of such adored shopping.

A lot of positive emotions give a guaranteed result: relaxation, shopping, entertainment, cultural events, sports, relaxation again and shopping again, and so on 24/7 non-stop. All this is done for buyers, to satisfy their most sophisticated needs and to create the opportunity for them to spend the maximum amount of money.

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The man behind the rules

David Sandler didn't start out by building a global sales training organization. And not because he became an authoritative trainer in this area. And not even from the fact that he himself became a seller. His professional journey began when he worked as a teenager during the summer at his family's food distribution company. At twenty years old, he delivered groceries to small stores. At thirty-six years old, he was already president of the company. In his words, “the path forward was simple and clear.”

Then his world collapsed.

Having lost a power struggle with a business partner, he lost the job he expected to do for the rest of his life - and with it cars, various benefits, and membership in a prestigious club.

Burdened with a family and the need to pay mortgages, David began working for his former competitor in the food industry, and in his free time he distributed motivational programs: cassette tapes, records and books. The “sales” job he did at the food company was essentially order collection: servicing customer accounts and periodically updating customers on new products and promotions.

Selling motivational materials was new to him, but he knew he could benefit from it. The company had a training program designed to ensure success; he decided to get acquainted with it.

David carefully studied the training materials. He learned how to make a sales presentation, how to handle objections, how to close deals and negotiate contracts. Working nights and weekends, he spoke to anyone who would listen. He didn't like selling—in fact, he hated the sales process—but he needed the money and had no other choice.

Despite interference and refusals, he made countless "blind" calls; Thanks to his determination, these efforts paid off. He soon became the only productive salesman in the company (or rather, the only salesman left). Even though David only had a part-time job with the company, he was able to buy the company less than a year after entering the world of professional sales.

Now David had to make another decision: whether to give up his relatively secure day job. He knew that to achieve success in sales, he needed to fully devote himself to his new profession.

He left the grocery company and went back into business on his own.

David learned a lot about traditional sales methods: what worked and what didn't. He also learned a lot about himself: what he liked and didn’t like about sales, how to motivate himself (and how to trap himself into doing things he didn’t want to do).

David then decided to learn as much as he could about human behavior in order to better understand why potential customers behave the way they do and what actually motivates them to buy. What he learned at this stage of his career formed the basis of the training system that bears his name, and allowed him to come to one of the “breakthrough” most often cited observations: “People make purchasing decisions emotionally... and then infuse their decisions with intellectual justification".

These days, virtually every salesperson would agree with the wisdom of this remark and recognize that, first, the prospect must be emotionally involved in the sales process, and, second, for the act of selling to occur, the prospect must experience some kind of “pain.” "on an emotional level.

What do these findings mean for you personally? What should you do to evoke the right emotions in the buyer? What do these theoretical reflections have to do with everyday sales?

The answer to this question lies in a branch of psychology and psychotherapy theory known as transactional analysis (TA). TA theory was created by psychiatrist Eric Berne in the late 1950s. When David Sandler developed his sales methodology, he used TA to model human relationships and explain why buyers and sellers behave in certain ways. TA is at the core of the rules this book talks about and Sandler's approach as a whole. This is why it seems wise to briefly state the main points of TA before moving on.

What TA says about human behavior

TA theory identifies three ego states that influence our behavior: Parent, Adult And Child.

State Parent determined by that part of our consciousness in which information is stored about what is good or bad, right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable.

State Adult associated with logic, analytical thinking, the rational part of our behavior.

It weighs the pros and cons, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.

Child– this is our emotional part. This is where all our feelings are concentrated. Read this sentence twice: According to TA theory, by the time we are six years old, we have already experienced and remembered a huge range of emotions - emotions that affect us subsequently throughout our lives. This is true for sellers, buyers and everyone else.

It is in the zone child This is where many of our decisions originate—not just purchasing decisions, but across a broader range of issues. Child- this is that six-year-old being inside each of us who experiences a certain desire at one time or another and says: “I want this”, “I want to do this” or, conversely, “I don’t want this” and “I don’t want do this."

Sandler's Rules were a revolutionary discovery for the sales world: they recognized the fact that the buying process begins with action. Child. Parent without this message I was not going to evaluate whether the purchase was acceptable or not, but Adult I didn’t intend to analyze the pros and cons of the purchase or the arguments in favor of this or that supplier. Emotions were clearly at the core of this process. Sandler saw that neither Parent, neither Adult did not appear until Child didn't say, "I want this."

The goal of an important stage of a relationship, which we call the “pain” stage in the Sandler sales system, is to encourage child express your desire.

Stimulating potential buyer's emotional involvement in the buying process does not necessarily mean that buyers should be controlled by emotions - they should not feel unhappy, angry, embarrassed, afraid, and so on. This also does not mean that the potential buyer should express his emotional state. It just means that internal Child The potential buyer must say the phrase: “I want this.”

Why the kid does your prospect say, “I want this”?

Perhaps because you are helping him discover something new that he had no idea about before you met. You may have helped him see his situation from a different perspective and planted seeds of doubt in him about the wisdom of his current strategy. Or maybe you helped him concentrate on the real, underlying cause of his problem. Perhaps his inner Child says: “I want to know what this person knows” or “I want what this person is offering me.” Whatever his motivation, you will not be able to successfully close the deal until the emotional component of your potential buyer's personality is Child- will not agree to your proposal.

Sandler also understood that simply "hooking" the internal child potential buyer is not the right decision.

This brings us to remember the second part of his most famous observation. Let's look at it again: “People make purchasing decisions emotionally... and give these decisions intellectual justification.”

At a certain moment the internal Parent your potential buyer will ask him the question: “Do you really need this?” or “Are you sure you're not acting too impulsively?”

In addition, internal Adult The potential buyer will also ask questions like:

“Can you afford it?” and “Isn’t there a better option?” As a result of these questions, the potential buyer may change his original decision. And if we play the cards we have wrong, the deal we had in our pocket will be suspended indefinitely.

That's Why Sandler's Selling System Has Stages budgeting And Descriptions: they help satisfy intellectual demands associated with decision making. From the merchant's point of view, these steps allow the necessary selection to be made. From a potential buyer's perspective, these steps provide an opportunity To the parent And For an adult get involved in the process. Parent And Adult must determine under what conditions a purchase decision will be considered acceptable and logical.

The genius of David Sandler has made it possible to identify these fundamental principles and give them appropriate design. Armed with the above information, we can plan our interaction not with one potential buyer, but with three: Child, Parent And For adults. We can present our product in such a way that Parent will say, “Okay, I think this is the right step. I give you my permission." We can present our product in such a way that Adult will say: “After carefully weighing all the information available, I believe this is a good decision. Forward!" We can present our product in such a way that Child will say: “Yes, this is exactly what I want.”

Selling to three people (and really selling to just one person) requires some training. Sandler's forty-nine selling rules that we outline in this book have been field-tested for more than three decades. If you want to truly understand human nature, you must try to implement these rules in your activities in order to understand what David Sandler understood through transactional analysis and personal experience.

Sandler's rules apply to any sales activity and are also useful for studying people's decision-making processes. Some of what you read next will give you more insight into your prospect's mind. Something will allow you to better understand yourself. This understanding must be strengthened over time.

David Sandler died too young, and it remains a great loss for all the people who knew him. We regret that he never saw such significant development of his project. But he managed to bring the process to a certain stage, so it is he who should be thanked for everything valuable that you will find in this book. If you think that some of his ideas are missing something, then I haven't presented them well enough. These ideas are his, not mine. I wrote this book with the goal of preserving the core elements of what I deeply believe is one of the best selling philosophies available to us.

I wonder if you agree with this. Make Sandler's Rules Work. Don't limit yourself to reading this book once. Re-read her chapters and try to put her ideas into practice until they become familiar to you. If David Sandler spent decades formulating these rules (and he did), then it's reasonable to assume that it will also take you some time for Sandler's Rules to begin to mean anything to you. something important and would not remain simple knowledge.

(David Mattson)

This book outlines a complete system of direct sales, summarized in several dozen simple rules.

The book talks about how to attract customers, gain their trust and ultimately sell more easily, more pleasantly and more. Each chapter illustrates one of the 49 rules, derived by Sandler from his own vast experience and supported by research from psychologists. These rules cover almost all aspects of the buyer persuasion process.

Previously published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber under the title “49 Laws of Sales.”

The book is based on the seminars of David Sandler, who in the West is considered one of the best salesmen in the world.

For everyone involved in sales. And for those who would like to improve their commercial negotiation skills.

Publisher: Alpina Business Books, 2012

I SBN 978-5-91657-383-1

Number of pages: 200.

  • 18 Part one. Learn basic concepts
    • 18 Rule #1: To learn to win, learn to lose.
    • 21 Rule #2: Take your time
    • 24 Rule No. 3. No mutual mystification
    • 28 Rule No. 4. Refusal to make a decision is also a decision.
    • 32 Rule #5: Never answer an unasked question.
    • 36 Rule No. 6. Eliminate the possibility of returning a sold product
  • 42 Part two. Execution
    • 42 Rule No. 7. You don’t have to love working with potential buyers - you have to do it
    • 46 Rule No. 8. Arrange a meeting with a potential buyer
    • 50 Rule No. 9. Every unsuccessful call improves the overall sales result
    • 53 Rule No. 10. Learn to find potential buyers
    • 57 Rule #11: Money grows on trees
    • 60 Rule No. 12. Answer every question with a counter question.
    • 64 Rule #13: Don't try to read minds
    • 67 Rule #14: Someone who just listens is not a potential buyer.
    • 71 Rule #15: The prospect won't need your best presentation.
    • 75 Rule #16: Never ask - make the buyer give up
    • 79 Rule No. 17.

      Conscious "unprofessionalism"

    • 83 Rule No. 18. Don’t add anything to the potential buyer’s picture.
    • 87 Rule #19: Don't let the prospect end your meeting.
    • 90 Rule No. 20. The result of a professional sale should be a replenishment of your account
    • 94 Rule #21: Sell today, train tomorrow
    • 97 Rule #22: Make your presentation the finishing blow
    • 100 Rule #23: Discharge the bomb before it explodes
    • 103 Rule #24: Showing product knowledge at the wrong time can intimidate the other person.
    • 106 Rule No. 25. If you want to know the future, think about the present.
    • 110 Rule No. 26. People buy despite the imposition of a product. not thanks to him
    • 113 Rule No. 27. You cannot force anything to be sold.
    • 116 Rule No. 28. When you are attacked, retreat
    • 120 Rule #29: Your meter is always ticking.
    • 123 Rule No. 30. You can't lose what you don't have.
    • 127 Rule #31: Make the deal or stop working on it
    • 130 Rule #32: Make the client feel grateful.
    • 134 Rule No. 33. Don’t forget to look back on your way to the bank.
  • 138 Part three. Course Correction Rule #34: Work smart, not hard.
    • 142 Rule #35: Immediately stop doing what your competitor is doing.
    • 145 Rule No. 36. Only those who make decisions can force others to make decisions.
    • 149 Rule #37: All potential buyers lie all the time.
    • 152 Rule #38: The problem a prospect talks about is never the real problem.
    • 156 Rule #39: When all else fails, become a consultant
    • 159 Rule #40: Fake it until you make it.
    • 162 Rule No. 41. There are no bad buyers - only bad sellers
    • 165 Rule No. 42: The winner does not put all his eggs in one basket.
    • 168 Rule No. 43: You learn to win not when you are told “yes”, but when you are told “no”
    • 171 Rule No. 44. If your foot hurts, then you most likely stepped on it yourself.
    • 174 Rule #45: Express your feelings through other people's stories.
    • 176 Rule No. 46. There is no such thing as a “good try”
    • 179 Rule #47: The Selling Process is a Broadway Show Performed by a Psychiatrist
    • 183 Rule #48: A life without risk is a life without growth.
    • 186 Rule #49: Leave your Child in the car.
  • 189 Epilogue. About beautiful and unfortunate times and the behavior inherent in them
  • 192 Acknowledgments
  • 193 about the author
  • Instructions on how to download the book David Mattson: The psychology of successful sales. A Guide for Effective Sellers in DjVu, PDF, DOC or fb2 formats completely free.

    In order to successfully sell a product, you need to learn how to do it. It is no coincidence that there are many trainings and seminars for those involved in the sale of certain products. Below are the best tips for successful sales from trainers and consultants.

    Selling status. In fact, we only sell our status. You need to be known as an expert and specialist in your field. But it shouldn’t be the same one in which your services and products are located. The area that represents the client's business is much more important. If you seem to him to be an expert in his own field, then it will be stupid to argue about the price. If most meetings begin and end with questions about price, then this means that you may be a good person and a businessman, but you were unable to sell your expert status.

    Honesty of work. The client must hear the truth from you - it is beneficial for you to work honestly. Statistics say that a satisfied customer will tell three acquaintances about his impressions, but a dissatisfied one will share with 10-20. Knowing this, is it really profitable to deceive customers? It turns out that honest work is a low blow to competitors, which can be stunning news for customers. There is a stereotype that one should not expect honesty from a businessman. There is no need to dissuade the client with words; it is better to show him with deeds that you are not only honest, but also an expert.

    Sell ​​on time. You can't sell all the time - everything has its time. A salesman is not a traveling salesman. There are different rules, a different transaction cycle and its cost. If previously 10% of the time was spent on preparation, and the rest was spent working with the client, now the numbers have changed places. There are no salespeople who “know how to close deals.” We have to work efficiently at all stages: searching for a client, determining his needs, presenting the product, proving its advantages, concluding a deal.

    Start with inside sales. Before you organize sales to your clients, you need to work on internal sales. One in the field is not a warrior here. This is too serious a matter to be left to ordinary sellers. If sales determine the company's well-being, then it must participate fully in the process. If there is a division in the sales department into “we” (salespeople) and “they” (other employees), then this is a bad sign. The salesperson must sell; if he says that he could not achieve results due to service, logistics, production or finance, then this is a sign that he has to do most of the internal sales. And only when certain conditions are achieved will it be possible to start selling directly to customers.

    Avoid comparison with others. It is necessary to create such conditions so that the client does not have to compare you with your competitors. There must be a way to stand out. A situation where everyone has the same thing should not happen. If the client starts talking about this, then his next phrase will be about a discount. Product positioning occurs in the client's head, he must see and feel the difference. If this does not happen, then your product is faceless. It’s worth looking for tangible differences with competitors’ products yourself, without waiting for the client to become an expert. And these differences may concern products, services, the company, but most importantly, the seller himself. If a product or enterprise can be partially improved, then managers have unlimited opportunities for self-improvement.

    Understand customer fears. A hundred years ago, salesmen played the role of “clowns”. They had to attract attention and persuade them to make a deal. Then “walking reference books” filled with facts about the product became in demand. The next stage of the seller is the “special forces”, who strives to sell at any cost. Today, the manager acts as a partner of his client, respecting him, listening to him and signing only mutually beneficial contracts. If the client leaves and promises to consider the proposal, then you need to understand that the result has not been achieved. When everything is done as expected, the transaction is immediately completed. If the client leaves and takes time to think, then something scared him. This is what you need to know. If we are talking about price, then it is worth developing an action plan for this case. If the issue is quality, then the actions should be different; if there is uncertainty about the company’s capabilities, then the third. In any case, the seller must know how to deal with possible fears of his clients.

    Managing client expectations. The salesperson must manage his customer's expectations. The panicky fear of losing him leads to the fact that sometimes more is promised than can actually be offered. Another option is to hesitantly restrict unrealistic demands or wishes. You often have to work with a client on the basis of what is urgent rather than what is important. A professional salesperson is not afraid of the client’s high expectations, seeing this not as a problem, but as an opportunity. You can ask a few questions about previous experience, the client’s budget, his fears, and understand the decision-making system. The expert will have to streamline these expectations, honestly say what is possible and what is not, how much it will cost and under what conditions the transaction will take place. The client must understand this, but if he cannot do this, then the blame for the failed transaction already lies with him.

    Learn the basics of project management. It is important to understand that by constantly remaining within the same boundaries, you will no longer be able to work effectively. The British have long been combining the words “product” and “service”, which means they are inseparable. There is no product without a service, and vice versa. In the future, managers will be forced to navigate well in four areas at once: be able to sell (this is still relevant today), know the subject area from a technical point of view, manage projects, and have a general understanding of business. And project management is important because it is the area in which salespeople know the least. Few people will be able to answer when operations end and projects begin. Salespeople usually don’t even have formal training in project management.

    We need to work harder and differently. The famous American businessman Armand Hammer said that he gets lucky when he works 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is what true champions do. It is worth forgetting about the stupid myth that some can be sellers, while others cannot. Talent will help you become outstanding, although even here you need to work hard. Many people can become good sellers. One of the conditions for success is easy work for your own pleasure. Only optimists can do the same thing for years and hope for success. We must understand that change is part of life. It is no coincidence that someone said that in the future there will only be two types of companies - dead and fast.

    Smile. A stern, stone face is not the only sign of a professional. We need to smile more often. How can a seller agree that his product is not needed by the client? So you can't earn anything from sales. The client needs the seller's experience, with victories and defeats, and his knowledge of success factors. And if this may be hidden for him, then the seller must be aware of these issues. You shouldn’t show with your face that everything is bad and hopeless, and there are only problems around. Your smile will give your client optimism. He will understand that he has come to the right place. Believe me, he already has enough problems; a lean face would be out of place.

    If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, sooner or later you will ask the question: “How to sell correctly?” Let's reveal a secret: there is no universal way to sell a product or service. After all, each of them has its own customers, to whom it is necessary to find an individual approach. Despite this, there are certain general conditions for the correct, quick and fruitful sale of goods to customers and, as a result, increasing business turnover.

    What influences the purchase

    Purchasing motivation has its own factors:

    • quality;
    • saving;
    • seasonality;
    • certain dates.

    A good seller knows how to properly sell goods in a store. He will find out the above factors, and then begin to offer a product that meets the needs of the buyer, taking them into account. And, as a rule, several factors always influence a certain purchase.

    Sometimes motivation is based on emotions. Having decided how to sell, the seller will take into account data about the person for whom the product is intended.

    External and internal factors also influence purchase motivation. External ones are:

    • store reputation;
    • recommendation from friends.

    Internal factors consist in the characteristics of the product. For example, a buyer makes a decision to purchase an item solely on the basis of its appearance.

    The art of selling

    How to sell goods in a store, online and by phone? The rule is universal: make sure the deal is mutually beneficial. Following simple rules will help increase sales several times:

    1. Advertising is the engine of trade. Developing a competent marketing policy, high-quality and thoughtful advertising, and holding events aimed at increasing sales will ensure that many people learn about the product. The most effective way is advertising on the Internet or on television. This service is not cheap, but it gives good results.
    2. Training on objections in sales will allow your sellers not only to learn how to sell correctly in theory, but also to be able to do it in practice. Pleasure and positivity are one of the components of a successful seller. A professional manager sells with pleasure; he does not do this in order to receive a one-time benefit. After all, friendly communication with the buyer will encourage him to visit the store again.
    3. Sales technologies allow you to increase the number of purchases and get more regular customers. One of the rules of technology is to assign a specialist to a specific buyer.
    4. Create a system of incentives and bonuses. Selling “on pure enthusiasm” has never brought large profits to anyone.

    The ability to communicate is a feature of a good seller

    Initial contact with the client often occurs by telephone. You should not take up the client's time during a telephone conversation; it is always better to schedule an appointment as quickly as possible. Already during personal contact, you can determine how to correctly sell a product in a store to the seller and demonstrate its advantages to the buyer in all its glory.

    Selling a product at an interview also has its own characteristics. Here you need to be a good psychologist, feel the direction of the conversation and not press the buyer. It is better to share your own impression of the product, you can even briefly mention some minor shortcomings.

    The principle “everyone likes to shop, but not many people like to be sold something to them” is aimed at subtle and tactful communication with the buyer. Even if the sales process develops into a claim from the buyer, you should not give in to emotions.

    Profession merchandising

    This term is firmly rooted in our everyday life. Large trading companies have entire departments whose employees are engaged in merchandising and know the answer to the question: “How to sell correctly?” It takes many years to master this profession in the West. What is merchandising? These are actions that are aimed at increasing sales or turnover.

    The main tools for these actions:

    • availability of price tags;
    • spectacular display;
    • compliance with company standards.

    There is nothing new. Merchandising rules also worked during Soviet times, but did not have such a colorful name. The price tag, as a kind of document for the product, is the most important component of all this. It carries information about the cost and manufacturer. A gross violation of trade rules is a discrepancy between the price of a product and the amount in the fiscal receipt. It is the merchandiser who is responsible for this in large retail chains, in smaller stores - the seller, in an online store - the administrator.

    The secret of successful sales

    1. The leading role of the seller is the key to a successful sale. The manager needs to be confident in the quality of the product, in himself and in a positive response. Without knowledge, you won't go far on emotions alone.
    2. The presence of scripts and speech tricks in sales techniques allows the seller to easily lead the conversation in the right direction, having understood how to sell correctly.
    3. The secrets to selling with difficult customers is that the salesperson must be a good listener. Then he will be able to determine the client’s needs and make the ideal offer for him. A trick that works: when a potential buyer speaks, he does not have time to come up with an objection or excuse.
    4. To make a profitable offer that the client will not refuse, you need to work not with the product, but with the benefits that this product brings and that the buyer can receive. This can clearly solve the client’s problem, and this is exactly what he expects from his purchase.
    5. Perhaps the main secret to successful selling is to make the client feel important. Everyone strives to be understood.
    6. Telesales is an effective and quick way to sell by identifying and reaching more potential buyers.

    There are millions circulating in the market, but only those who know how to sell goods correctly can get at least one thousand out of it.

    Effective sales strategy

    • Establishing contact and identifying needs are the main steps towards successful sales.
    • Understand that the client will be convinced not by what the seller says, but by what he understands from this conversation.
    • There is no need to try to influence the buyer, as this will inevitably cause a negative reaction. Whether a defensive reaction is justified or not, it must be accepted by the seller and taken into account in further communication. This is the so-called “response to objections,” a streamlined form of client resistance.
    • The final stage is achieving results. It is important to remember: until the client has paid for the goods, the order does not matter. The buyer can always refuse or not pick up the purchased item. That is why, in order to increase turnover, the final stage of sales should be handled by professionally trained personnel who know how to sell goods correctly.

    Well-known French experts in the field of merchandising A. Lancaster and J. Chandezon, in their book “Strategy for Effective Sales,” believe that selling is a kind of transaction where the interests of the parties do not always coincide.
