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Positive qualities of a sales manager. Sales manager skills. Best Improvisation - Prepared Improvisation

Do you want to become a sales manager? This is a promising and well-paid profession that is in demand even during a crisis. In Russia, there is an acute shortage of experienced sales people - smart specialists quickly rise to the top and earn huge sums on large contracts. Let's look at what qualities a sales manager should have, how he works and who can master this profession.

About the profession

Who is called a sales manager and what should this person do? His functional responsibilities include everything related to trading activities. He sells goods/services and brings profit to the company. This person must be able to communicate with people, interest them, tell them everything about the product, conduct presentations, conclude deals and monitor their implementation.

The sales manager ensures the profit of the entire company

Who can become a salesperson? Almost any person who sets such a goal. What are the requirements for applicants? Quite serious. Almost all companies that are looking for salespeople require that they have a higher education.

Note: In Russia, not a single university trains sales specialists. Therefore, managers usually have diplomas in psychologists, commodity experts, personnel management specialists, etc.

What other requirements are put forward for these specialists?

  1. Broad outlook. He will be selling various goods, so he must be well versed in his field. The specialist will need to tell people why they need this product, answer their questions, understand the terminology in narrow areas, etc.
  2. High level of culture. The salesperson’s speech should be clear, without constant interjections and introductory words.
  3. Ability to understand people. A good salesperson, literally from the first sentences, already understands how to properly “process” a person and interest him.
  4. Salesmanship. This is a very important skill, which means constantly attracting new clients to your company.
  5. Market knowledge. A specialist must understand market prospects, be able to use them, sense new trends and respond to them in a timely manner.
  6. Possess planning and time management skills. A salesperson must keep in mind thousands of little details and contracts with clients, monitor the progress of transactions, and remember what he promised to whom. To do this, a person must have high stress resistance and the ability to overcome conflicts.

It is well known that a sales manager is the face of an organization. The specialist not only deals with sales, but also represents his company at exhibitions, negotiations, etc. Achieving heights is impossible without basic personal qualities.

Key individual traits of a “sales person”

No one will argue with the fact that the most important quality of a sales specialist is communication skills. A manager must easily fit into a team and find a common language with others. In a detailed plan, in this capacity there are the following main points:

  • proper negotiation skills;
  • exquisite skills in selling goods;
  • the skill of winning the client’s favor and building a conversation;
  • the ability to keep in touch with important counterparties for the entire period of fruitful cooperation;
  • honed knowledge of the key features of the company’s products, be able to show all the strengths of the product, know the distinctive features over the main competitors.

All “sales people” must have an inner core. The whole point is the ability to insist on one’s own, without becoming rude or intrusive, the ability to choose the right words so that the buyer understands that in front of him is exactly what he needs.

The effectiveness of a specialist’s work directly depends on personal qualities. Of course, a lot comes with work experience, something can be learned from numerous trainings, but if you don’t have basic professional qualities, then you can forget about good sales.

Personal qualities

All managers, regardless of the field of work of their company, must have a basic set of personal qualities, including the following:

  • diversified development;
  • presentable;
  • ability to find an approach to unyielding clients;
  • verified oral speech;
  • personal charm;
  • the ability to compromise, avoid conflict;
  • motivation.

A good specialist should have all the above qualities, and it doesn’t matter what field he works in.

Professional qualities of a specialist

So, let's talk about the qualities of a good salesperson. Many companies spend a lot of time and money searching for a true professional. It often happens that managers are carefully selected using a special test to identify personal qualities.

The key characteristics of a “salesperson” include:

  • perfect knowledge of methods of selling goods;
  • presence of experience;
  • It is necessary to have connections, a list of contacts and your own client base;
  • personal qualities that affect sales success.

Of course, it is difficult to find a person who will have all the above qualities at once. But these are exactly the factors that most large companies focus on, so you need to try to instill them in yourself.

For example, if you want to deepen your knowledge of sales, start reading special books, and in order to be as open as possible to all new trends, it will not be superfluous to regularly attend trainings. The combination of these factors will eventually lead to the manager mastering all the necessary techniques in order to promote the services and products of the company for which he works.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, regular practice is also needed. You also need to know in detail what you are selling and be aware of all the subtleties. Only knowing the product from all sides will you be able to present it from a favorable perspective. By the way, the skill of detailed study of promoted products is one of the important traits that complement personal qualities.

Where does a sales career begin?

Without experience in sales, you shouldn’t refuse even the most unpresentable work. To start a successful career in sales, you will have to be patient and gain experience, this will also serve as training for developing theory. In addition, you can understand the state of affairs on the market, understand its conditions, and create a customer base.

For a good specialist, it is important to love your job, because this is the only way to start selling effectively. It is love for one’s work that is the key and most important quality of a “sales person.” If this is not the case, then there is nothing to talk about; no professional qualities will help.

The person who protects the interests of the company every day by conducting commercial negotiations with potential clients is the main breadwinner of the “family.” Ultimately, the fate of the organization and all its employees depends on sales.

The famous Russian manager Maxim Batyrev talks about how to achieve high results in this difficult work, and even get pleasure from it, in the bestseller “45 Tattoos Sold”. We share ideas from the book.
Other books by Maxim:

Each of us is a seller of joy

The job of every salesperson is to energize people, give them joy and inspiration. Bring a good mood to your clients, radiate light - this is an integral part of your profession, and this must be trained separately.

A sincere smile works wonders!

Most products and services do improve the lives of customers, which means you should be happy with what you do. If the client does not become happier from your products, then you need to think ten times: is this what you sell, or what are you doing?

A salesperson who does not understand his product very well, but enjoys this world and sparkles in life, in the end still works more successfully than a dull and grumpy expert.

Greeted by clothes

At a minimum, the seller should look personable. It doesn't matter whether he sells apartments, 3D printers, cosmetics, computer programs or axes for lumberjacks.

Regardless of the industry or region in which you work, clients are always more pleased to interact with people in freshly ironed shirts, with trimmed nails and clean shoes.

The level of trust is higher in those who look good.

If you wear a suit, it will be psychologically easier for people to put their hard-earned money into your hands. If only simply because such an appearance gives you status and solidity.

We sell the client's future lifestyle

A sale is an exchange of a customer's money for a better future with your goods and services. That is, thanks to the product you offer, a person will feel more beautiful, smarter, more status, more competent, stronger, richer; his life will become a little more interesting; relationships are more harmonious; work is easier and more convenient...

Tell your client about this! How much more comfortable he will be in a tailored suit. How will his health improve if he buys a membership to the fitness center? What eyes will his beloved women look at him when he runs a marathon at a running school (or will his beloved men look at her when she attends all the SPA treatments).

How much more comfortable will he be in a new car?

An important addition: do not lie or promise something that you know cannot be fulfilled. You must be responsible for your words. This is the only way to get a “customer for life”, and at the same time provide yourself with rave reviews and recommendations.

The sale begins after the first “no”

The seller must fight the doubts and objections that arise in the client’s head. No one will ever, immediately after presenting your wonderful products and services, take out a wad of money from the safe and joyfully stuff it into your pocket.

People must have doubts, and they express them in the form of objections: “Expensive,” “No money,” “The director doesn’t want to buy anything,” “Come back after the crisis,” and so on. But this is not a reason to give up right away.

Take objections as cues. “I already use the services of your competitors” means “I do not see a fundamental difference between your products and the products of your competitors.” “My husband refuses to pay so much money for cosmetic procedures” is translated as “I don’t know what arguments can be used in a conversation with my husband so that he allocates money from the family budget for your wonderful SPA salon.” And so on.

Consider that any objection is a request: “Dear seller, please explain to me...”

Fight and go to the end. Continue the dialogue, try to defend the reliability and benefits of your proposal. Sometimes you really want to believe the client and, after the first objection, let him go! But you can't.

Best Improvisation - Prepared Improvisation

The quality of a salesperson is determined by his ability to juggle a variety of memorized speech modules called scripts. Of course, a person who monotonously mumbles a memorized text about his products or services without changing his facial expression or showing any emotions does not inspire confidence. But prepared phrases are perceived completely differently when the seller colors them with expressiveness and really believes in the client’s benefits.

Many people criticize scripts, believing that they limit the flight of creative thought. But only an actor who masters a studied role can improvise well on stage. It's the same in sales.

The seller should have answers to the most likely questions and objections that bounce off his teeth. Then, at the right moment, he will be able to clearly state his arguments, and not mumble: “Uh... well, this is... what’s his name...”

Preparation is a salesperson's best friend

Always be prepared to negotiate. What kind of client? What does he do? What is known about him? What is the history of the issue? The Internet and social networks can help you.

The fight is won before it starts.

Why is this stage so necessary? Firstly, if you take the trouble to find out something about the client, then he will at least respect your professionalism. Secondly, by preparing for a meeting, sellers are essentially creating a scenario for themselves in which negotiations can develop, and increasing their chances of influencing what happens.

Give it a try. It always works!

Not all clients will decide to give you money immediately after your visit, no matter how brilliant your presentation is and no matter how confidently you show the product.

If the client thinks for a long time, give him the opportunity to work with you for free and evaluate the benefits of the product for himself. In this case, you will have a good reason to come or call once a week and get feedback.

Transferring a product into trial operation is the best way to win the heart of a client.

After a couple of months of working with you, the client will finally form an attitude towards the product. Of course, the probability of refusal still remains high, but then at least you will be sure that the person is making a conscious choice. He tried it, became convinced that he didn’t like it, and rejected the offer. Or, on the contrary, he decided for himself that he irrevocably fell in love with you and your services.

Even if you fail to sell the product, simply tell the client this phrase: “You can always count on me if you have any questions. And I would be grateful if you would recommend me as a specialist to your acquaintances or friends.” And then give them a couple of extra business cards.

No great product, no unique line of services, no great company will play as big a role as you. You are the person the client already knows a little, you are the person his friends might like, and most importantly, you are the one who can help them. This is the key.

We need the client's solution. Anything!

There are people who cannot make a decision due to various circumstances. Some are afraid to take responsibility, others endlessly try to weigh the pros and cons, and so on. In sales, these are the toughest clients. They don’t say yes, but they don’t give a categorical refusal either.

You may have several dozen potential buyers in your work who are “thinking” or waiting for something. But there are no sales. In this case, you just need to get a decision from each of them.

If a person refuses to cooperate, that’s also good! Because a negative result is much better than no result. You'll be able to put that client on hold, move on to someone else, and use your time more productively.

Every manager is first and foremost an individual. In the book, Maxim Batyrev gives rules for interaction with the world, family, and oneself - and all the successes and difficulties add up to a picture of how to remain yourself in any situation and walk higher and higher on the ladder of self-development and career.


1. Characteristics of a sales manager

2.1 Why employees do not want to actively work

2.2 How to force managers to sell

2.3 How to make sales managers work actively


List of used literature


Today, up to 25% of vacancies on the labor market belong to sales specialists. They are the ones who meet clients and provide them with services. Sales managers bear the greatest responsibility for the image and success of the company. Every minute, every second, thousands of tons of goods are sold in the world, transactions for services are concluded and millions of papers are drawn up. All this requires a huge army of consultants, sales and advertising agents, and sales managers. They do their hard work so that at the right time, in a convenient place, you can buy everything you need. This is not an easy job and it requires serious professional training and, if you like, talent.

We are accustomed to the abundance of goods on store shelves, to the offering of many services, and we perceive this as the norm of life. In such conditions, the work of a sales manager requires a special approach, knowledge of psychology and takes on special importance.

So what requirements do employers place on a sales manager?

We will try to find out the answer to this question in this work.

1.1 Professional qualities highlighted by experts

During a product presentation, a professional sales manager must not only sell the product itself, but also demonstrate the professionalism and advantages of the company he represents. Of course, he must know how to find an approach to each client, because it is impossible to sell the same product to different clients by presenting it in the same way. Therefore, a professional sales manager must know and be able to use various sales techniques. Elena Ivanova, HR consultant in the IT/Telecom sector of the Imperia Kadrov company: “The ideal candidate for the position of sales manager must have experience in successful sales and thoroughly know their core market, main suppliers and all potential clients. Also, an ideal sales manager should be able to competently negotiate, find and establish contacts with new clients, as well as deal with after-sales customer management, i.e. maintain business relations with them. A sales manager in the field of information technology must, of course, know his product and be able to explain to the buyer its advantages, benefits and necessity.”

It is considered ideal for a candidate for the position of sales manager to have his own client base, of course, in the area with which he may have to work, as well as commercial connections and other business contacts. The basic requirements for sales professionals are fairly standard for each line of business. Since higher education in the profession of sales manager did not exist in our country until recently, employers mainly value a diploma from a technical university; ideally, it should coincide with the profile of the company. Work experience of at least 2 years, although as Vladimir Sukhanov, HR consultant in the field of “Construction business” of the Express-Personal company says: “Given the specific rigidity and dynamism of the construction market in Russia, the ideal candidate for the position of sales manager should have at least 3 years of experience, provided that it was successful sales. This is explained by the fact that newcomers who come to construction companies as sales managers spend the first six months only on mastering the market and products, then they slowly but surely begin to develop connections, find clients and make sales. This is why for a professional sales manager it is not enough to have 1-2 years of experience. For the same reason, candidates for the position of sales manager must have an assertive, strong character and be able to perfectly convince partners of the perfection of the products offered.”

Foreign language requirements for sales managers usually depend on the employer. Basically, knowledge of English is mandatory only in Western companies; for Russian employers, knowledge of a foreign language is required depending on the company’s field of activity. As Andrey Skavronsky, HR consultant in the field of Oil and Gas at the Imperia Kadrov company, says: “An equipment sales manager in the oil and gas market must know English, since the majority of clients and suppliers on the Russian market in this area are foreign companies.” .

The personal qualities of an ideal candidate for the position of sales manager practically do not differ across the company’s areas of activity, although each market area has its own characteristics. Mikhail Kuzmin, HR consultant in the field of commercial real estate at Imperia Kadrov: “A professional sales manager must be active and very sociable. An ideal sales manager can be easily distinguished by the twinkle in his eyes, genuine interest in the products being manufactured, and excellent motivation to work. He must also have competent oral communication and a presentable appearance, since he often has to communicate and negotiate with top officials of client companies.” As Andrey Skavronsky believes: “A sales professional must be charged for success, have his own motivation to achieve positive results in his work, and also be able to win over his partners and feel the mood of the interlocutor.” Also, the personal characteristics of an ideal sales manager include the gift of persuasion, charm, high communication skills and the ability to communicate with the client in any situation.

Sales managers are the most sought-after position in any company, because... The company's profit depends on these people. No matter how great the product she produces, all her efforts will be in vain without customers. However, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of such specialists on the labor market, finding a real professional can be quite difficult. The portrait of an ideal candidate for the position of sales manager is the standard that all employers and recruiters of modern business should measure up to.

1.2 Identification of characteristics based on research

It is a well-known fact that a successful “sales person,” in addition to certain skills, must have certain competencies that guarantee the success of the activity.

The Event Design company conducted a study aimed at identifying these competencies and considering the requirements of leading, successful companies for the personal and business qualities of specialists applying for the position of sales manager.

A sales manager is a specialist capable of initiating, organizing and influencing the sales process in order to make a profit.

Purpose of the study: to create a profile of the key competencies of the “ideal” candidate for the position of “sales manager”, reflecting the professional, personal and business qualities necessary for the effective implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

The results of the study showed that companies identify the following requirements for the personal and business qualities of a specialist applying for the position of “sales manager”:

Quality name Number of selections (%)
1. Communication skills 84
2. Negotiation skills 61
3. Activity, initiative 81
4. Discipline, organization 46
5. Responsibility 44
6. Representativeness 22
7. Focus on results 44
8. Performance 16
9. Loyalty 24
10. Learning ability 24
11. Stress resistance 20
12. Dynamism 10
13. Customer focus 6
14. Flexibility in communication 4
15. Hard work 8
16. Creativity 6
17. Goodwill 10
18. Skill to work in team 4
19. Attentiveness 6
20. A penchant for analysis 6
21. Confidence 6
22. Accuracy 4
23. Decency 4
24. Enterprise 2

After analyzing the data obtained, you can create an “ideal” profile of the key competencies of a specialist for the position of “sales manager”:

Competence (criterion) Description
1. Communication skills - ability to make contact, maintain it and complete it.
2. Activity, initiative - ability to take initiative, active life position, ability to influence the external environment
3. Negotiation skills - ability and desire to achieve results based on mutual understanding in the process of direct business communication
4. Focus on results - the ability to make efforts and remain active to achieve set goals and objectives.
5. Flexibility in communication - ability to adequately use a variety of communication means in different situations.
6. Responsibility - ability to accept responsibility (“internal locus of control”). The ability to make decisions independently and take responsibility for their implementation. The ability to realize and accept one’s own guilt in the event of a wrong decision.
7. Learning ability - ability to learn, openness to new information. The ability to apply and use existing knowledge and experience in other conditions.
8. Dynamism - a property of thinking that reflects the speed of perception, processing and reproduction of information.
9. Loyalty - the ability to accept and share the company’s goals and values ​​as one’s own.
10. Customer focus - ability to understand customer needs and strive to satisfy them.
11. Representativeness - the ability to win over in the process of communication.
12. Stress resistance - the ability to withstand heavy emotional stress, the ability to recover from a stressful situation and maintain efficiency.
13. Performance - willingness to accept and implement assigned tasks
14. Discipline and organization - the ability and desire to act in accordance with the rules within the framework of certain competence and authority, to fulfill specified conditions and requirements.

2. Motivation of sales managers

Motivating sales managers, or how to make them work?
