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“A tale about a priest and his worker Balda. The Tale of a Priest and His Worker

Once upon a time there was a priest,
Thick forehead.
The priest went to the market
View some products.
Balda meets him
He goes without knowing where.

“Why, dad, did you get up so early?
What are you asking for?”
The priest answered him: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find one like this?
Isn’t the servant too expensive?”
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very efficiently,
A year for three clicks on your forehead.
Give me some boiled spelt.”
The priest became thoughtful,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Click to click, it's like roses.
Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't be hard for both of us.
Live in my yard
Show your zeal and agility.”
Balda lives in the priest's house,
He sleeps on the straw,
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Until daylight everything dances with him,
The horse will be harnessed and the strip will be plowed.
He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
It will bake the egg and peel it off on its own.
Popadya can't boast about Balda enough,
Popovna is only sad about Balda,
Popyonok calls him father;
He makes porridge and looks after the child.
Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,
He will never take a liking to him,
He often thinks about retribution;
Time passes, and the deadline is approaching.
The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking in advance.
Here he confesses to the priest:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”
The woman has a quick-witted mind,
Capable of all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order a service for Balda so that he becomes unbearable,
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
This will save your forehead from reprisals
And you’ll send Balda away without retribution.”
The priest's heart became more cheerful.
He began to look at Balda more boldly.
So he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.
Listen: the devils have agreed to pay
I have a rent due upon my death;
You wouldn't need a better income,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Collect the full rent from the devils for me.”
Balda, there’s no need to argue with the priest,
He went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it will be wetted in the sea.
An old demon came out of the sea:
“Why did you, Balda, come to us?” -
“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face.”
The old demon was overcome by despondency here.
“Tell me, why such disfavor?” -
“What for? You don't pay rent
Don't remember the due date;
This will be fun for us,
You dogs are a great hindrance.”
“Bastard, wait until you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you.”
Balda thinks: “It’s not easy to pull this off!”
The sent imp emerged,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda little man;
What kind of rent do you need?
We have not heard of rent for centuries,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, and by agreement,
From our common verdict -
So that in future there will be no grief for anyone:
Which of us will run around the sea faster?
Then take the full rent for yourself,
Meanwhile, a bag will be prepared there.”
Balda laughed slyly:
“What did you make up, right?
Where can you compete with me?
With me, with Balda himself?
What an adversary they sent!
Wait for my little brother.”
Balda went to the nearby forest,
I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag.
He comes to the sea again,
Finds an imp by the sea.
Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
“Dance to our balalaika;
You, imp, are still young,
To compete with me is weak;
It would just be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up.”
The imp and the bunny set off:
Little imp along the seashore,
And the bunny goes home to the woods.
Behold, having run around the sea,
Sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle,
The imp came running, gasping for breath,
All wet, wiping himself with his paw,
Thoughts: things will get better with Balda.
Lo and behold, Balda is stroking his brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling.”
The imp was dumbfounded,
Tucked his tail, completely subdued,
He looks sideways at his brother.
“Wait,” he says, “I’ll go get the quitrent.”
I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
The smaller Balda overtook me!”
The old Bes began to think.
And Balda made such a noise,
That the whole sea was confused
And it spread out in waves.
The imp came out: “That’s enough, little man,
We'll send you the entire rent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose any meta for yourself.
Who will throw the stick next?
Let him take away the quitrent.
Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms?
What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud over there;
I'll throw your stick there,
And I’ll start a fight with you devils.”
The little imp got scared and went to his grandfather,
Tell about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, he threatens the devils with a rope.
The imp came out again: “Why are you bothering?
There will be a quitrent for you if you want...” -
“No,” says Balda, “
Now it's my turn
I will set the conditions myself,
I'll give you, enemy, a task.
Let's see how strong you are.
Do you see the gray mare there?
Raise the mare
Carry it half a mile;
If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours;
If you don’t knock off the mare, he’ll be mine.”
Poor little devil
I crawled under the mare,
I strained
I strained myself
He lifted the mare, took two steps,
On the third he fell and stretched his legs.
And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
Where did you follow us?
And I couldn’t take it off with my hands,
And look, I’ll blow it between your legs.”
Balda sat astride the filly
Yes, he rode a mile, so there was a column of dust.
The imp got scared and went to his grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
The devils stood in a circle
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected the quitrent
Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
Balda comes, quacks,
And the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the butt
He squirms in fear.
Balda found him here,
He gave the quitrent and began to demand payment.
Poor pop
He raised his forehead:
From the first click
The priest jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost my tongue;
And from the third click
It knocked the old man's mind out.
And Balda said reproachfully:
“You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest.”

Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead. The priest went to the bazaar to look at some goods. Balda goes to meet him, not knowing where. Why did you get up so early, dad? What are you asking for? The priest answered him: I need a worker: a cook, a groom and a carpenter. Where can I find such a Servant who is not too expensive?

Balda says: I will serve you gloriously, diligently and very regularly, for three slaps on your forehead a year, give me some boiled spelt to eat. The priest became thoughtful and began to scratch his forehead. Click to click, it's like roses. Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe. Pop says to Balda: Okay. It won't be hard for both of us. Live in my yard, show your zeal and agility.

Balda lives in the priest's house, Sleeps on straw, Eats for four, Works for seven; Everything dances with him until daylight, He harnesses the horse, plows the land, He floods the oven, prepares everything, buys everything, He bakes an egg and peels it himself. Popadya doesn’t boast about Balda enough, Popovna only grieves about Balda, Popenok calls him father; He makes porridge and looks after the child.

Only the priest doesn’t love Balda, never cares for him, and often thinks about retribution; Time passes, and the deadline is approaching. The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night: His forehead is cracking in advance. So he confesses to the priest: So and so: what can we do? The woman has a quick-witted mind and is adept at all sorts of tricks. Popadya says: I know a way to remove such a disaster from us: Order Balda a service so that he can no longer do it, but demand that he fulfill it exactly. In this way you will spare your forehead from reprisal and send Balda away without retribution. The priest's heart became more cheerful, and he began to look at Balda more boldly.

So he shouts: Come here, my faithful worker Balda. Listen: the devils undertook to pay my dues upon my death; They wouldn’t need a better income, but there are arrears on them for three years. As you eat your spelled, collect a full rent from the devils for me. Balda, without arguing in vain with the priest, went and sat down by the seashore; There he began to twist the rope and wet the end of it in the sea. An old Demon crawled out of the sea: Why did you, Balda, come to us?

Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope, and make you, damned tribe, writhe. The old demon was overcome by despondency here. Tell me, why such disfavor? How for what? You do not pay rent, You do not remember the due date; Now this will be fun for us, but a great nuisance for you dogs. You little bastard, wait until you wrinkle the sea, you will soon receive your quitrent in full. Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you. Balda thinks: This is not easy to pull off! The sent imp emerged, He meowed like a hungry kitten: Hello, Balda little man; What kind of rent do you need? We have never heard of rent for centuries, There was no such sadness for the devils.

Well, so be it, and with an agreement, from our common verdict, so that in the future there will be no grief for anyone: Whoever of us runs around the sea the fastest will take a full rent for himself, Meanwhile, they will prepare a sack there. Balda laughed slyly: Why did you make this up, right? How can you compete with me, with me, with Balda himself? What an adversary they sent! Wait a minute for my little brother.

Balda went to the nearby forest, caught two bunnies, and put them in a bag. He comes to the sea again, Finds an imp by the sea. Balda holds one bunny by the ears: Dance to our balalaika; You, little devil, are still young, weak to compete with me; It would just be a waste of time. Overtake my brother first. One two Three! catch up. The imp and the bunny set off; The imp goes along the seashore, and the bunny goes home into the woods. So, running around the sea, sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle, the imp came running, gasping, all wet, wiping himself with his paw,

Thoughts: things will get better with Balda. Look, Balda is stroking his brother, saying: My beloved brother, Tired, poor thing! rest, darling. The imp was dumbfounded, his tail tucked, completely subdued, and he looked sideways at his brother. Wait, he says, I’ll go get the quitrent. He went to his grandfather and said: Trouble! The smaller Balda overtook me! The old Bes began to think. And Balda made such a noise that the whole sea was confused and dispersed in waves. The imp came out: That's enough, little man, We'll send you the entire rent. Just listen. Do you see this stick? Choose any meta for yourself. Whoever throws the stick further, let him take away the quitrent. Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms? What are you waiting for? Yes, I’m waiting for that cloud over there; I’ll throw your stick there, and start a fight with you devils.

The imp got scared and went to his grandfather, Telling about Bald’s victory, And Bald was making noise over the sea again and threatening the devils with a rope. The imp came out again: Why are you bothering? There will be a quitrent for you if you want... No, says Balda: Now it’s my turn, I’ll set the conditions myself, I’ll give you, enemy, a task. Let's see how strong you are. Do you see the gray mare there? Pick up the mare and carry her half a mile; If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours; If you don't carry the mare, he will be mine.

Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead. The priest went to the bazaar to look at some goods. Balda meets him. He goes without knowing where...

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    Lord, I praise you with prayer! Lord, save and help! Do you know what evil persecution was perpetrated by vile enemies? Satan can't sit still - he hits with his hoof, bangs with his tail. Dirty, piercing news is written about the most holy thing! Oh holy, it couldn’t get any holier! Lord, why did you leave us? Protect from all slander, O God, in this world of blatant slander!..

    Website [ ex ] 2005-2015

    The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda

    A. S. Pushkin

    Once upon a time there was a priest,
    Thick forehead.
    Pop went to the market
    View some products.
    Balda meets him.
    He goes without knowing where.
    “Why did you get up so early, dad?
    What are you asking for?"
    The priest answered him: “I need a worker:
    Cook, groom and carpenter.
    Where can I find one like this?
    Isn’t the servant too expensive?”
    Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
    Diligently and very efficiently,
    In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,
    Give me some boiled spelled."
    The priest became thoughtful,
    He began to scratch his forehead.
    Click to click, it's like roses.
    Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.
    Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
    It won't be hard for both of us.
    Live in my yard
    Show your zeal and agility."
    Balda lives in the priest's house,
    He sleeps on the straw,
    Eats for four
    Works for seven;
    Until light everything dances for him,
    The horse will be harnessed, the strip will be plowed,
    He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
    He'll bake the egg and peel it off himself.
    Popadya can't boast about Balda enough,
    Popovna is only sad about Balda,
    Popenok calls him father;
    He makes porridge and looks after the child.
    Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,
    He will never take a liking to him,
    He often thinks about retribution;
    Time passes, and the deadline is already approaching.
    The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
    His forehead is cracking in advance.
    So he confesses to the priest:
    “So and so: what can we do?”
    The woman has a quick-witted mind,
    Capable of all sorts of tricks.
    Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
    How to remove such a disaster from us:
    Order Balda's service so that he becomes unbearable;
    And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
    This will save your forehead from reprisals,
    And you’ll leave Balda without retribution.”
    The priest's heart became more cheerful,
    He began to look at Balda more boldly.
    So he shouts: “Come here,
    My faithful worker Balda.
    Listen: the devils have agreed to pay
    I have a rent due upon my death;
    You wouldn't need a better income,
    Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
    How do you eat your spelled,
    Collect a full rent from the devils for me."
    Balda, there’s no need to argue with the priest,
    He went and sat down by the seashore;
    There he began to twist the rope
    Yes, the end of it will be wetted in the sea.
    An old demon came out of the sea:
    “Why did you, Balda, come into our place?”
    - Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
    Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face. -
    The old demon was overcome by despondency here.
    “Tell me, why such disfavor?”
    - How for what? You don't pay rent
    Don't remember the due date;
    This will be fun for us,
    You dogs are a great nuisance.
    “Baby”, wait until you wrinkle the sea,
    You will receive the rent in full soon.
    Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you.”
    Balda thinks: “It’s not easy to pull this off!”
    The sent imp emerged,
    He meowed like a hungry kitten:
    “Hello, Balda little man;
    What kind of rent do you need?
    We have not heard of rent for centuries,
    There was no such sadness for the devil.
    Well, so be it, take it, and by agreement,
    From our common verdict -
    So that in future there will be no grief for anyone:
    Which of us will run around the sea faster?
    Then take the full rent for yourself,
    Meanwhile, a bag will be prepared there."
    Balda laughed slyly:
    “What did you make up, right?
    Where can you compete with me?
    With me, with Balda himself?
    What an adversary they sent!
    Wait for my little brother."
    Balda went to the nearest forest,
    I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag.
    He comes to the sea again,
    Finds an imp by the sea.
    Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
    "Dance to our balalaika:
    You, little devil, are still young,
    To compete with me is weak;
    It would just be a waste of time.
    Overtake my brother first.
    One two Three! catch up."
    The imp and the bunny set off:
    Little imp along the seashore,
    And the bunny goes home to the woods.
    Behold, having run around the sea,
    Sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle,
    The imp came running, gasping for breath,
    All wet, wiping himself with his paw,
    Thoughts: things will get better with Balda.
    Lo and behold, Balda is stroking his brother,
    Saying: “My beloved brother,
    Tired, poor thing! rest, darling."
    The imp was dumbfounded.
    He tucked his tail and became completely subdued.
    He looks sideways at his brother.
    “Wait,” he says, “I’ll go get the quitrent.”
    He went to his grandfather and said: “Trouble!
    The smaller Balda overtook me!"
    The old Bes began to think.
    And Balda made such a noise,
    That the whole sea was confused
    And it spread out in waves.
    The imp came out: “That’s enough, little man,
    We'll send you the entire rent -
    Just listen. Do you see this stick?
    Choose your favorite meta.
    Who will throw the stick next?
    Let him take away the quitrent.
    Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms?
    What are you waiting for?" - Yes, I’m waiting for that cloud over there;
    I'll throw your stick there,
    Yes, and I’ll start a dump with you devils. -
    The imp got scared and went to his grandfather,
    Tell about Baldov's victory,
    And Balda is making noise over the sea again
    Yes, he threatens the devils with a rope.
    The imp came out again: “Why are you bothering?
    There will be a quitrent for you if you want..."
    “No,” says Balda, “
    Now it's my turn
    I will set the conditions myself,
    I will give you, enemy, a task.
    Let's see how strong you are.
    Do you see the gray mare there?
    Raise the mare,
    Carry it half a mile;
    If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours;
    If you don't knock off the mare, he'll be mine. -
    Poor little devil
    I crawled under the mare,
    I strained
    I strained myself
    He lifted the mare, took two steps,
    On the third he fell and stretched his legs.
    And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
    Where did you follow us?
    And I couldn’t take it off with my hands,
    And look, I’ll blow you between your legs.”
    Balda sat astride the mare,
    Yes, he rode a mile, so there was a column of dust.
    The imp got scared and went to his grandfather
    I went to talk about such a victory.
    There is nothing to do - the devils have collected the quitrent
    Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
    Balda comes, quacks,
    And the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
    Hiding behind the butt
    He squirms in fear.
    Balda found him here,
    He gave the quitrent and began to demand payment.
    Poor pop
    He raised his forehead:
    From the first click
    The priest jumped to the ceiling;
    From the second click
    Lost my tongue;
    And from the third click
    It knocked the old man's mind out.
    And Balda said reproachfully:
    “You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest.”

    Toporillo Cheremisskoe

    citizen of the best of all worlds


    A favorite Ethiopian tale from the era when stars more often fell on Leonidas than from Leonidas... And again that classic priest is edited with the merchant's frock coat of a Christian scapegoat. And again our muddy swamp is covered in duckweed... The third click, it seems, was not really needed: by definition, it is impossible to knock the mind out of that fool, unless you mix puzzles with biblical quotes...

    April 29, 2019

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    1923- the “renovation” council of the Russian Orthodox Church was opened, abolishing the patriarchate

    1977- in the Sistine Chapel for the first time, the Pope and the head of the Anglican Church, the Bishop of Canterbury, held a joint service

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    [deeper into history] [latest additions]

    Once upon a time there was a priest,
    Thick forehead.
    Pop went to the market
    View some products.
    Balda meets him
    He goes without knowing where.
    “Why, dad, did you get up so early?
    What are you asking for?”
    The priest answered him: “I need a worker:
    Cook, groom and carpenter.
    Where can I find one like this?
    Isn’t the servant too expensive?”
    Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
    Diligently and very efficiently,
    In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,
    Give me some boiled spelt.”
    The priest became thoughtful,
    He began to scratch his forehead.
    Click to click, it's like roses.
    Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.
    Pon tells Balda: “Okay.
    It won't be hard for both of us.
    Live in my yard
    Show your zeal and agility."
    Balda lives in the priest's house,
    He sleeps on the straw,
    Eats for four
    Works for seven;
    Everything dances with him until daylight.
    The horse will be harnessed, the strip will be plowed,
    He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
    He'll bake the egg and peel it off himself.
    Popadya can't boast about Balda enough,
    Popovna is only sad about Balda,
    Popenok calls him daddy:
    He makes porridge and looks after the child.
    Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,
    He will never take a liking to him.
    He often thinks about retribution:
    Time passes, and the deadline is approaching.
    The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
    His forehead is cracking in advance.
    Here he confesses to the priest:
    “So and so: what can we do?”
    The woman has a quick-witted mind,
    Capable of all sorts of tricks.
    Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
    How to remove such a disaster from us:
    Order Balda's service so that he becomes unbearable;
    And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
    This will save your forehead from reprisals
    “You’ll send Balda away without payment.”
    The priest's heart became more cheerful,
    He began to look at Balda more boldly.
    So he shouts: “Come here,
    My faithful worker Balda.
    Listen: the devils have agreed to pay
    I have a rent for my very death;
    You wouldn't need a better income,
    Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
    How do you eat your spelled,
    Collect a full rent from the devils for me.”
    Balda, there’s no need to argue with the priest,
    He went and sat down by the seashore;
    There he began to twist the rope
    Yes, the end of it will be wetted in the sea.
    An old demon came out of the sea:
    “Why do you? Balda, did you sneak in on us?”
    - “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
    Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face.”
    The old demon was overcome by despondency here.
    “Tell me, why such disfavor?”
    - “What for? You don't pay rent
    Don't remember the due date;
    This will be fun for us,
    You dogs are a great nuisance.”
    - “Baldushka, wait until you wrinkle the sea.
    You will receive the rent in full soon.
    Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you.”
    Balda thinks: “It’s not easy to pull this off!”
    The sent imp emerged,
    He meowed like a hungry kitten:
    “Hello, Balda little man;
    What kind of rent do you need?
    We have not heard of rent for centuries,
    There was no such sadness for the devil.
    Well. so be it - take it, and by agreement,
    S. our general verdict -
    So that in future there will be no grief for anyone:
    Which of us will run around the sea faster?
    Then take the full rent for yourself,
    Meanwhile, a bag will be prepared there.”
    Balda laughed slyly:
    “What did you make up, right?
    Where can you compete with me?
    With me, with Balda himself?
    What an adversary they sent!
    Wait for my little brother."
    Balda went to the nearby forest,
    I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag.
    He comes to the sea again,
    Finds an imp by the sea.
    Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
    “Dance to our balalaika;
    You, little devil, are still young,
    To compete with me is weak;
    It would just be a waste of time.
    Overtake my brother first.
    One two Three! catch up."
    The imp and the bunny set off:
    Little imp along the seashore,
    And the bunny goes home to the woods.
    Behold, having run around the sea,
    Sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle,
    The imp came running, gasping for breath,
    All wet, wiping himself with his paw,
    Thoughts: things will get better with Balda.
    Lo and behold, Balda is stroking his brother,
    Saying: “My beloved brother,
    Tired, poor thing! rest, darling."
    The imp was dumbfounded
    Tucked his tail, completely subdued,
    He looks sideways at his brother.
    “Wait,” he says, “I’ll go get the quitrent.”
    He went to his grandfather and said: “Trouble!
    The smaller Balda overtook me!”
    The old Bes began to think.
    And Balda made such a noise,
    That the whole sea was confused
    And it spread out in waves.
    The imp came out: “That’s enough, little man,
    We will send you the entire quitrent -
    Just listen. Do you see this stick?
    Choose your favorite meta.
    Who will throw the stick next?
    Let him take away the quitrent.
    Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms?
    What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud over there:
    I'll throw your stick there,
    And I’ll start a fight with you devils.”
    The imp got scared and went to his grandfather,
    Tell about Baldov's victory,
    And Balda is making noise over the sea again
    Yes, he threatens the devils with a rope.
    The imp came out again: “Why are you bothering?
    There will be a quitrent for you if you want...”
    “No,” says Balda, “
    Now it's my turn
    I will set the conditions myself,
    I will give you, enemy, a task.
    Let's see how strong you are.
    Do you see the gray mare there?
    Raise the mare,
    Carry it half a mile;
    If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours;
    If you don’t carry the mare, he will be mine.”
    Poor little devil
    I crawled under the mare,
    I strained
    I strained myself
    He lifted the mare and took two steps.
    On the third he fell and stretched his legs.
    And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
    Where did you follow us?
    And I couldn’t take it off with my hands,
    And look, I’ll blow you between your legs.”
    Balda sat astride the filly
    Yes, he rode a mile, so there was a column of dust.
    The imp got scared and went to his grandfather
    I went to talk about such a victory.
    The devils stood in a circle
    There is nothing to do - we have collected the full rent
    Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
    Balda comes, quacks,
    And the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
    Hiding behind the butt
    He squirms in fear.
    Balda found him here,
    He gave the quitrent and began to demand payment.
    Poor pop
    He raised his forehead:
    From the first click
    The priest jumped to the ceiling;
    From the second click
    Lost my pop tongue
    And from the third click
    It knocked the old man's mind out.
    And Balda said reproachfully:
    “You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest”

    Analysis of “Tales of the Priest and His Worker Balda”

    “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” is Pushkin’s first completed fairy tale. He wrote it in Boldino in 1830. The source for writing was the story of Arina Rodionovna, recorded by the poet in 1824.

    The anti-religious satirical orientation led to the fact that in Tsarist Russia the work was published under the title “The Tale of the Merchant Kuzma the Ostolop.” In Soviet times, for obvious reasons, “The Tale ...” was idealized and was considered as the best proof of Pushkin’s atheism.

    In fact, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” has nothing to do with religion at all. In the images of the priest and Balda, the poet condemns greed and praises ingenuity and intelligence.

    Apart from the name “pop” itself, this character does not manifest himself in any way in the role of a clergyman. The only thing that brings him closer to the church is the presence of a priest and a butt. What is Pushkin's atheism here? The main negative quality of a priest is irrepressible greed. Popadya also does not show his best side. She “can’t boast enough of a fool,” but at the same time she advises her husband how to get rid of the upcoming retribution. In general, Balda’s selfless work “for seven” does not evoke any feeling of gratitude among the greedy owners.

    In the image of Balda, Pushkin portrayed the usual protagonist of Russian folklore, similar to Ivan the Fool. People around him always consider him a stupid person. This happens because of his simplicity, naivety and selflessness. Balda agrees to a year's work for children's fun - three clicks. This is obvious stupidity. The worker shows himself from the best side, he does not know fatigue and acts for the benefit of the owners. Even having received an unprecedented task - to collect rent from the devils, Balda does not think twice and sets off to complete it. In three disputes with demons, Pushkin shows the mind of Balda, hidden from others. He easily deceives the devils and does the impossible - he takes their fictitious rent from them.

    The bully brings untold wealth to the owner; he makes no attempt to appropriate it for himself, since this is a violation of the contract. But three clicks is a necessary condition. The priest's gloomy forebodings are coming true. In the scene of reckoning, the highest justice appears: after three clicks, the pope goes crazy. The devils' money does not bring him happiness.

    The tale of the priest and the Balda teaches that greed will not lead anyone to good. Balda receives nothing at all except the satisfaction of retribution. In this one can see the author’s contempt for material wealth. A person, despite the opinions of others, must, first of all, strive for spiritual wealth. Only in this way will happiness and justice reign in the world.

    Once upon a time there was a priest,
    Thick forehead.
    The priest went to the market
    View some products.
    Balda meets him
    He goes without knowing where.
    “Why, dad, did you get up so early?
    What are you asking for?”
    The priest answered him: “I need a worker:
    Cook, groom and carpenter.
    Where can I find one like this?
    Isn’t the servant too expensive?”
    Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
    Diligently and very efficiently,
    A year for three clicks on your forehead.
    Give me some boiled spelt.”
    The priest became thoughtful,
    He began to scratch his forehead.
    Click to click, it's like roses.
    Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.
    Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
    It won't be hard for both of us.
    Live in my yard
    Show your zeal and agility.”
    Balda lives in the priest's house,
    He sleeps on the straw,
    Eats for four
    Works for seven;
    Until daylight everything dances with him,
    The horse will be harnessed and the strip will be plowed.
    He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
    It will bake the egg and peel it off on its own.
    Popadya can't boast about Balda enough,
    Popovna is only sad about Balda,
    Popyonok calls him father;
    He makes porridge and looks after the child.
    Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,
    He will never take a liking to him,
    He often thinks about retribution;
    Time passes, and the deadline is approaching.
    The priest neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
    His forehead is cracking in advance.
    Here he confesses to the priest:
    “So and so: what remains to be done?”
    The woman has a quick-witted mind,
    Capable of all sorts of tricks.
    Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
    How to remove such a disaster from us:
    Order a service for Balda so that he becomes unbearable,
    And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
    This will save your forehead from reprisals
    And you’ll send Balda away without retribution.”
    The priest's heart became more cheerful.
    He began to look at Balda more boldly.
    So he shouts: “Come here,
    My faithful worker Balda.
    Listen: the devils have agreed to pay
    I have a rent due upon my death;
    You don't need a better income
    Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
    How do you eat your spelled,
    Collect the full rent from the devils for me.”
    Balda, there’s no need to argue with the priest,
    He went and sat down by the seashore;
    There he began to twist the rope
    Yes, the end of it will be wetted in the sea.
    An old demon came out of the sea:
    “Why did you, Balda, come to us?” —
    “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
    Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face.”
    The old demon was overcome by despondency here.
    “Tell me, why such disfavor?” —
    “What for? You don't pay rent
    Don't remember the due date;
    This will be fun for us,
    You dogs are a great hindrance.”
    “Bastard, wait until you wrinkle the sea,
    You will receive the rent in full soon.
    Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you.”
    Balda thinks: “It’s not easy to pull this off!”
    The sent imp emerged,
    He meowed like a hungry kitten:
    “Hello, Balda little man;
    What kind of rent do you need?
    We have not heard of rent for centuries,
    There was no such sadness for the devil.
    Well, so be it - take it, and by agreement,
    From our common verdict -
    So that in future there will be no grief for anyone:
    Which of us will run around the sea faster?
    Then take the full rent for yourself,
    Meanwhile, a bag will be prepared there.”
    Balda laughed slyly:
    “What did you make up, right?
    Where can you compete with me?
    With me, with Balda himself?
    What an adversary they sent!
    Wait for my little brother.”
    Balda went to the nearby forest,
    I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag.
    He comes to the sea again,
    Finds an imp by the sea.
    Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
    “Dance to our balalaika;
    You, imp, are still young,
    To compete with me is weak;
    It would just be a waste of time.
    Overtake my brother first.
    One two Three! catch up.”
    The imp and the bunny set off:
    Little imp along the seashore,
    And the bunny goes home to the woods.
    Behold, having run around the sea,
    Sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle,
    The imp came running, gasping for breath,
    All wet, wiping himself with his paw,
    Thoughts: things will get better with Balda.
    Lo and behold, Balda is stroking his brother,
    Saying: “My beloved brother,
    Tired, poor thing! rest, darling.”
    The imp was dumbfounded,
    Tucked his tail, completely subdued,
    He looks sideways at his brother.
    “Wait,” he says, “I’ll go get the quitrent.”
    I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
    The smaller Balda overtook me!”
    The old Bes began to think.
    And Balda made such a noise,
    That the whole sea was confused
    And it spread out in waves.
    The imp came out: “That’s enough, little man,
    We will send you the entire quitrent -
    Just listen. Do you see this stick?
    Choose any meta for yourself.
    Who will throw the stick next?
    Let him take away the quitrent.
    Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms?
    What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud over there;
    I'll throw your stick there,
    And I’ll start a fight with you devils.”
    The little imp got scared and went to his grandfather,
    Tell about Baldov's victory,
    And Balda is making noise over the sea again
    Yes, he threatens the devils with a rope.
    The imp came out again: “Why are you bothering?
    There will be a quitrent for you if you want...”
    “No,” says Balda, “
    Now it's my turn
    I will set the conditions myself,
    I'll give you, enemy, a task.
    Let's see how strong you are.
    Do you see the gray mare there?
    Raise the mare
    Carry it half a mile;
    If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours;
    If you don’t knock off the mare, he’ll be mine.”
    Poor little devil
    I crawled under the mare,
    I strained
    I strained myself,
    He lifted the mare, took two steps,
    On the third he fell and stretched his legs.
    And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
    Where did you follow us?
    And I couldn’t take it off with my hands,
    And look, I’ll blow it between your legs.”
    Balda sat astride the filly
    Yes, he rode a mile, so there was a column of dust.
    The imp got scared and went to his grandfather
    I went to talk about such a victory.
    The devils stood in a circle
    There is nothing to do - the devils have collected the quitrent
    Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
    Balda comes, quacks,
    And the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
    Hiding behind the butt
    He squirms in fear.
    Balda found him here,
    He gave the quitrent and began to demand payment.
    Poor pop
    He raised his forehead:
    From the first click
    The priest jumped to the ceiling;
    From the second click
    Lost my tongue;
    And from the third click
    It knocked the old man's mind out.
    And Balda said reproachfully:
    “You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest.”
