Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The capercaillie dictation is one of the oldest. Capercaillie bird. The way of life and habitat of the capercaillie. Reproduction and lifespan of wood grouse

The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. The wood grouse song is witchcraft. There is no sonority in it, it does not flow. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, amazing dull power, and a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled branch, unfurls his wide fan of tail with a bone-like thud; His crimson eyebrows swell from the hot blood, and his black beard bristles and shakes. He doesn’t sing, but seems to be selflessly casting spells and muttering spells. This song has an inexplicable power. She lifts the hunter out of bed, leads him into the black, wary forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, jumps, walks, and freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is a prisoner of the song until it is finished. 1) Underline the participles as part of the sentence; indicate their suffixes. 2) Write down three words with the spelling at the root, label the root. Write the test word, if there is one.

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Test №1

    Give examples of words formed by suffixal, prefixal and addition methods. Show graphically how these words are formed.

Sample entry: value (t) + tel (□) → connoisseur (su. method)

Additional task: give examples of words formed in a prefix-suffix way. Show graphically how these words are formed.

    Sort out the words according to their composition. Underline those in which the suffix – tel means “a person who...”.

Additional task. Formulate the meaning of the suffix in the remaining words.

Heater, investigator, observer, book publisher, sprinkler, tormentor, well-wisher, switch, mine detector, mixer.

    Indicate the morphological features of words whose structure corresponds to the model


Additional task. Write down a sentence in which the word of this model would have a dependent word.

    Write a sentence in which the wordsick, teacher's room would perform as adjectives and as nouns. Show graphically which parts of the sentence these words are.

Additional task. The same task with wordsbathroom, dining room.

    Write down from memory any passage from a poetic work that contains words used in a figurative sense. Please indicate the author of the work. Underline the words used figuratively.

Additional task. In parentheses, indicate the type of tropes used in this passage.

    Describe the sounds in writing [], [sch].

Additional task. Correct spelling errors [j´a] tongue, boots [ x], boring[h n]y, by day

Additional tasks: increased level of difficulty.

Test No. 2

Presentation of “Lyonka, the children’s favorite” (exercise 82)

Test No. 3

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth.

Test No. 3

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks.

Purpose: to test the spelling skills of suffixes of adjectives and participles with n - nn, personal endings of the verb, vowels and consonants of the root, as well as the skills of mastering the rules of punctuation in a complex sentence and in a sentence with homogeneous members.

The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth.

These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps.

Capercaillie song is witchcraft! There is no sonority in it, it does not flow. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, amazing dull power, and a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled branch, unfurls his wide fan of tail with a bone-like thud; His crimson eyebrows swell from the hot blood, and his black beard bristles and shakes.

He doesn’t sing, but seems to be selflessly casting spells and muttering spells. This song has an inexplicable power. She will lift the hunter out of bed, lead him into the black, wary forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, either jumps, or walks, or freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is a prisoner of the song until it is finished.

(119 words) (According to N. Sladkov)

Dictation assignments.

1) Title the text.

2) Emphasize the participles as part of the sentence; indicate their suffixes.

3) Write down 3 words with the spelling at the root, label the root. Write the test word, if there is one.

Test No. 4

Purpose: to check the mastery of the rules of combined/separate use not with different parts of speech, writingno - no with negative and indefinite pronouns, some groups of complex words, spelling the endings of adjectives and participles, as well as other spellings.

In addition, the mastery of the rules for forming complex sentences, sentences with participial and participial phrases, and with homogeneous members is tested.

Having finished his business in the motorized rifle unit in half a day, Tretyakov found some kind of funnel filled with water in the forest. Taking off his cap, dark brown from dust and sweat, he knelt down. A wisp of white cloud slid across the mirror of water, and Tretyakov saw himself in it. Not he himself, but someone black, like a gypsy, unfamiliar, was looking at him. The cheeks were of an indefinite dark color from the dust that had accumulated in the grown stubble; the sunken eyes were outlined in black... Tretyakov drove to the edge the shrunken leaves that had fallen on the water and a water beetle that was jumping weightlessly on thin spider legs. The water, like on a peat bog, looked brown, but when he scooped it into his palm, it turned out to be clear and cold. He hadn’t washed his face like this for a long time; he even pulled his tunic off his shoulders.

Now Tretyakov felt clean and refreshed.

The sky turned blue, no one’s steps were heard, and only in the distance the incessant roar of cannonade barely rumbled.

(133 words) (According to G. Baklanov)

Dictation assignments.

1). Underline the grammatical basis of any complex sentence.

2). Choose test words for any 3 verbs with a spelling at the root, including participles.

Test No. 5

Essay on the topic “Man and Nature”

Goal: test the ability to create a journalistic style text in the form of a newspaper note.

When preparing students for their homework, we will introduce them to a stylistically significant speech situation that focuses on the use of a journalistic style of speech.

“Let’s prepare a wall newspaper with the whole class on the topic “Man and Nature.” In it we will tell you how the plants and animals live in our village and what each of us did (or wanted to do, but couldn’t, couldn’t) to help our smaller brothers survive.

Write a note about any specific case.

Choose a catchy title for it.

Write so that your note does not leave the reader indifferent.

Test No. 6

on the topic "Adverb"

Purpose of the work: to test the ability to recognize an adverb in a text, determine its category (meaning) and method of formation.

Exercise 1.Write out the adverbs in the phrase from the text.

Indicate the category of adverbs.

Write down from what word and how the adverb is formed.

You involuntarily stretch out your hand over the sleepy backwater,

And in an instant everything will disappear without a trace, and only in the distance,

With a barely audible plea, with some kind of transcendental ringing,

The string from heaven to earth will break invisibly.

(K. Balmont)

Task 2.Write it off and Underline the highlighted words as parts of a sentence.

Write down any two adverbs and analyze them morphologically.

The river is not yet frozen, and its leaden wavessad blackened in the monotonous banks covered with snow. Child's facesad and sad.Quiet the reflection of golden roofs flows in the lake. Allquiet - no song, no speech. BehindIn the evening night descends to earth.In the evening it is snowing.(During During conversations, the comrades were very constrained. Come(during better.

Task 3.Write down the adverbs and sort them according to their composition.

Unceremoniously, excitingly, dazzlingly, quietly, after, to the ground.

Test No. 7

Essay on the topic “I want and need”

An essay based on this beginning - the text by V.P. Krapivin

“I want” and “I need.” These two words can essentially define all our actions. In life, these sometimes coinciding and sometimes completely opposite words often collide.

From the very beginning, a contradiction already arises: ...

Essay assignment. 1) Continue the text, give examples of the contradictions that arise and draw a conclusion.

2) Use the means of journalistic expressiveness in your essay: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, alternative judgments and contrasts with conjunctions but, a, or, sentences with one main member, conveying the state of the person (I want to sleep - I need to get up...).

For example:

Morning. The alarm clock is ringing. It's time to get up... But I want, I really want to sleep! There's nothing you can do - you have to get up. Got up and went to school...

I came home from school and had to do my homework. But how you want to read a book or take a walk! You have to pull yourself together and sit down at the table - because you have to!

Preliminarily discuss with students the main idea of ​​the essay (“need” forms character, strengthens the will; “want,” although it brings many pleasant moments, nevertheless does not help a person “make himself”), advise them to reflect it in one form or another in the final part of the essay.

Test No. 8

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

It’s rare that a person will remain indifferent to the sight of a sailboat gliding across the water in the distance.

Now, even for a moment, it is difficult to imagine the complexity of controlling a sailing ship.

The heyday of the sailing fleet occurred in the second half of the eighteenth century. Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky talks about the great discoveries of Russian sailors of that time in his truly amazing book “Frigate Drivers”.

The writer speaks with childish enthusiasm about what resourcefulness, what precise knowledge one had to have in order to confidently control a giant frigate with up to two hundred sails. Any wrong move could lead to disaster. Often you had to wander at random through unknown waters, never knowing what awaited you ahead.

The wooden bottoms of the ships were rotting and overgrown with shells, but still thousands of miles remained behind, the waves were still hitting the sides, the location of the constellations in the sky was changing...

Subsequently, with the invention of steamships, the art of sailing began to decline.

(123 words)

Dictation assignments.

1) Title the text.

2) Write down 5 adverbs as part of phrases; indicate the category of the adverb, which member of the sentence it is, parse the adverb according to its composition

Test No. 9

Essay on the topic “How I felt for the first time...”

Goal: to check whether students are able to talk in detail about their condition, about the feelings that overwhelm everyone when they begin some important task, or find themselves in any “acute” situation for the first time.

Suggested types of speech - narration, description of the state of a person. The style of speech is artistic.

Test No. 10

Exposition “Let's talk about grandmothers”

Goal: to test the development of the ability to preserve the typological structure of the text during retelling, the journalistic style of speech, in particular such means of expression as reverse word order, parallel connection of sentences, expressive repetition.

Let's talk about grandmothers.

Let's talk about old people - about our own grandmothers.

Oh this grandma! He gets bored, considers him small, forces him to eat when he doesn’t want to. He interferes in everything, makes comments even in front of the guys. It wraps up when everyone in the yard has been running around naked for a long time. Otherwise he will come to school in the rain and stand with a raincoat and an umbrella, only disgracing him. Well, what to do with such a grandmother? And then you feel ashamed for your rudeness, but it’s hard to restrain yourself. It’s as if a spring is compressing inside and wants to straighten out, push out objections.

Do you know what to do with grandma? We must forgive. How much does she forgive you? To endure is a close person. Take care, protect. Even if she considers you small and helpless, you know that in many ways you are stronger than her, healthier, faster. No, not because she “gives her life” to you. Simply because your grandmother has less time to live than you, and because old age is a rather heavy and sad burden of life. Everything of her own, personal, is behind her - care, joy, anxiety, interesting life, hope. And only you are her only concern, her last joy, her constant anxiety, her main life interest, her secret hope.

And then, each age has its own characteristics. So they are the old people - grumbling, remembering the past, teaching. You won’t be offended by an infant if he screams. This is his age feature.

It’s hard for you to imagine yourself old now, but try anyway.

(241 words) (According to I. Medvedeva)

Test No. 11

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

Purpose: to check the mastery of spelling of adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions, pronouns, n - nn in suffixes, as well as the mastery of the rules for placing punctuation marks in a complex sentence, in constructions with homogeneous members, with participles.

Voronov walked alone along a brightly lit street, and this loneliness surprised and frightened him.

He looked at the shop windows, but did not distinguish anything in them due to an incomprehensible anxiety that gripped him. Then I heard distant footsteps. Someone's heels were tapping rhythmically on the sidewalk. A man was walking towards me from afar. It seemed to Voronov that when he saw him, the man slowed down. Without knowing why, Voronov also walked slower. The man put his right hand in his pocket. Voronov automatically did the same. (...)

The man was now walking very slowly. Voronov's nerves were extremely tense during this entire time. When only a few meters separated them, the man suddenly jumped onto the pavement, crossed it and quickly walked away along the opposite side of the street. Voronov looked after him with relief and involuntarily laughed... No one was going to attack anyone. But both were afraid...

(127 words)

(A. Chakovsky)

Dictation assignments.

1) Find 3 adverbs of different categories. Write down these adverbs as part of the phrases, indicate the category of the adverb, its morphemic composition and what member of the sentence is (walked (how?) waddled - way of action)

2) Choose a test word for any participle with a spelling at the root.

Test No. 12


Purpose: to check the mastery of spelling particles, pronouns, adverbs; rules for punctuation of complex sentences, sentences with participles, participial phrases, and homogeneous members.

Tropics... The silence and warmth of the night are inexpressibly pleasant. Not a breeze, not a cloud. The sky is free from clouds, and from there, as if from the openings of some illuminated temple, millions of lights sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, just as our stars never sparkle. How passionately, ardently they shine! This picture of the sky, always playing and seemingly speaking in an incomprehensible language, cannot tire of the eyes. You will go out for half an hour to breathe in the night air, but you will stand in numbness for two or three hours, not taking your eyes off the sky for a minute. Everyone wants to find out what this flickering hints at, what meaning comes out of these mysterious, incomprehensible speeches. And you will leave without explaining anything, but you will leave in some kind of cloud of thought...

But no matter how you get used to the beauties of the tropics, you involuntarily direct your thoughts to your distant homeland.

(119 words) (According to I. Goncharov)

Test No. 13

Condensed presentation based on the text by L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood"

(or according to the text by K.I. Chukovsky “About Chekhov”)

Goal: to teach how to determine the semantic structure of a text, identify subtopics and microtopics in it, and find basic and additional information in the text.

Natalya Savishna

Ever since I can remember, I remember Natalya Savishna, her love and affection; but now I only know how to appreciate them. It never occurred to me then what a rare, wonderful creature this old woman was. She not only never spoke, but also did not think, it seems, about herself. Her whole life was love and self-sacrifice. I was so used to her unselfish, tender love that I could not imagine that it could be otherwise. And he never asked questions: is she happy? Are you satisfied?

Sometimes, under the pretext of a necessary need, you would run from class to her room, sit down and begin to dream out loud, not at all embarrassed by her presence. She was always busy with something: knitting a stocking, rummaging through the chests that filled her room, and, listening to my nonsense every time, she said: “Yes, my father, yes!”

The chests that filled her room contained absolutely everything. Whatever was needed, they usually said: “You need to ask Natalya Savishna.” After rummaging around a little, she would find the desired item and say: “It’s good that I hid it.” In these chests there were thousands of items that no one in the house except her knew or cared about.

One time I got angry with her. Later she brought me a gift and handed it to me with a trembling hand. I did not have the strength to look the kind old lady in the face. I turned away and accepted the gift, and tears flowed even more abundantly, but not from anger, but from love and shame.

Test No. 14

Essay type of characterization or self-characterization

Subject“What kind of person is my friend?” or"Meet me: it's me"

Goal: to check how well students have mastered the semantic structure of the text of the characteristic, in which fragments with the meaning of a description of the subject and reasoning-proof alternate.

Essay based on the painting by I.E. Repin "Portrait of Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein"

Test No. 15

Test on the 7th grade course


    Find the error in the description of the text.

Developing an idea, the author of the text moves step by step, moving from one part of the topic to another. Part of the overall theme is called a microtheme. A micro-topic is usually developed in a few sentences. These sentences are combined into a paragraph.

A. Speech style is scientific.

B. Type of speech – reasoning-explanation.

B. The method of connecting sentences is parallel.

D. Means of communication – lexical repetition, pronoun.

    Decide in what order to arrange the sentences so that they make up the text.

    The topic sentence is usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph.

    The remaining sentences contain examples, evidence, explanations.

    It kind of warns the reader what will be discussed in the future, and helps him follow the author’s thoughts.

    A paragraph consists of a topic sentence and sentences in which the idea expressed is clarified and developed.

A)1,3,2,4; B) 4,2,1,3; B) 1,2,4,3; D) 4,1,3,2

    Find an error in the stylistic analysis of a text fragment.

A dark sky with bright, needle-like stars floated above the village. Such stars appear only in autumn.

A) Speech style is artistic.

B) The sky was floating - a metaphor.

C) Bright needle-like (stars) – epithets.

D) Spiny – the word is used in a figurative sense.

    Give a valid participle.

A. A toy taken away.

B. About a moving object.

B. Planted trees.

D. Visible to the eye.

    Find the incorrect statement.

A. A phrase like “proverb.” + noun.” is a participle phrase.

B. The spelling of past participle suffixes is not determined by the conjugation of the verb.

B. The participle, as a special form of the verb, changes according to persons and numbers.

D. The syntactic role of full and short participles is different.

6. Indicate adverbs.

A. They dug a pond nearby.

B. A motorcyclist was racing towards the bus.

B. A birch tree grew near the house.

G. Talk in vain.

D. A strong wind was blowing towards us.

E. We entered (into) an empty room.

J. We walked around the lake for a long time.

Z. There were fields all around.

7. Specify conjunctions.

A. Following the others, we (also) went to the museum.

B. Nothing has changed: the river ran the same way, the forest rustled the same way.

V. Our new friend was also a cheerful person.

G. But for how friendly we lived!

D. It was the same building.

8. Indicate prepositions.

A. (B) Due to fatigue, we made a halt.

B. (Due to) lack of time.

B. (B) as a result, new people got involved.

G. (In)within a month we completed the work.

9.Indicate what part of speech the word is WHAT in a sentence.

What, the dense forest, is thinking?

A. Pronoun.

B. adverb.

B. Particle.

G. Union.

10. Indicate in which example the word BARELY is a union.

A. Alexey could barely remember what happened last night.

B. I can hardly help you.

V. As soon as Vladimir drove out into the field, a strong wind rose.

G. He walked, barely dragging his feet from fatigue.

11. Find a well-formed sentence .

A. After reading the story “Dubrovsky” I was overcome by pity for Vladimir.

B. Sasha, offended by his friend, did not want to talk to him.

V. The actor, who had put on make-up, was waiting for his appearance.

G. The towering hill was amazingly beautiful.

12. Indicate the composition of which words correspond to the scheme l y

A. burnt D. ripe

B. runaway D. light

V. Faded E. skillful

13. Indicate the characteristics of participles corresponding to the model

Passing over them

A. passive

B. Valid.

B. Returnable

G. Perfect appearance.

D. Imperfect form.

E. In the singular form of the dative case.

G. In the plural form of the instrumental case.

14. Indicate which word is missing in the word-formation chain

one - ... - loner

A. Lonely B. Lonely

B. Loneliness D. Solitary

15. Show which words correspond to the nickname scheme

A. Security guard G. Smetannik

B. Malinnik D. Craftsman

V. Matinee

16. Indicate which adverbs are formed by the prefix-suffix method.

A. The next day D. A little

B. Dry D. Luxurious

B. In English E. From afar

17. Show in which sentences you need to insert an adjective colorful.

A. The master’s paintings amazed us with the richness of their... patterns.

B. At the hardware store we bought ... a substance for cotton fabric.

Q. The composition includes not only chemical elements, but also plant fibers.

G. In the bright rays of the sun, the women’s outfits looked especially… festive.

18. In place of what numbers is written I?

I'll tell you n(1) what n(2)

And I’ll (3) alarm you (4) a little,

And what I silently repeat,

N(5) I will dare n(6) to hint at something.

(A. Fet)

19. In what cases is it not written separately?

1) Answer (not) worrying. 2) The ground that has not dried out after the rain. 3) (It’s not) good to speak. 4) He is (not) my enemy. 5) (Un)traveled paths. 6) (Not) about anything.

7) (Un)interesting person. 8) No need to be offended. 9) (Couldn’t) go.

10) The letter is (not) written.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

20. Where is the letter I written?

1) A shot sparrow. 2) Milled grain. 3) Oiled paper. 4) Melted snow. 5) Seeded field. 6) Warm greetings. 7) A ridiculed person. _______________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. Indicate cases of continuous writing .

1) (behind) that forest there is a lake. 2) (Because) I don’t do it because I can’t. 3) First you go, then I will. 4) (At) the end of the board. 5) Walk (on) that bridge. 6) (At) the end the curtain rose. 7) The plane soared steeply (up).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. In what cases should you squeak the letter N?

1) Glass door. 2) Scattered things. 3) Clay mug. 4) Length..a railway. 5) Mosquito squeak. 6) The connection was interrupted..a.

7) The 1st generation. 8) Aviation plant.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

23. What words are written with a hyphen?

1) Strictly (strictly). 2) (Half) a lemon. 3) North (east).

4) Bright (blue). 5) (Still) be friends. 6) Cotton (paper).

7) Somewhere in the distance. 8) (Gender) of the country. 9) (Following) the snake's trail.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The largest and most noble bird of all the black grouse birds is considered to be the capercaillie. It is distinguished by its clumsiness, heavyness and timidity, fast gait and heavy and noisy flight. This bird is not capable of flying long distances. The forests of North Asia were the habitat of wood grouse.

But excessive hunting for them has taken its toll, and in many regions where there used to be a lot of wood grouse, it is now possible not to see a single one. Birds have now settled in, but in Europe there are now fewer and fewer of them, and in the countries of Africa and Australia, in places where there used to be a lot of them, they are completely absent.

Capercaillie majestic and beautiful bird. It feels strong and resilient. Description of the capercaillie has a beautiful color, most often an upturned beak, a lush, fan-like tail that makes you involuntarily admire this spectacle.

A certain clumsiness complements the image and gives it some charm. When searching for food, wood grouse can move very quickly. When it takes off from the ground in flight, a noise and loud fluttering of its wings can be heard.

The capercaillie flies heavily and noisily. Without special need, he does not cover long distances and does not rise too high. Basically, its flight occurs at the height of half the average tree. But if the need arises and the capercaillie needs to move significantly, then it rises to fly high above the forest.

A male capercaillie can be easily distinguished from a female due to the color of its plumage. In males, gray, dark blue and richer tones of color predominate, while females are characterized by a reddish, variegated plumage color. You can admire them endlessly, they are so beautiful and majestic.

Features and habitat of the capercaillie

Bird of the forest prefers tall conifers, as well as mixed ones. You can rarely find them in deciduous trees. A swampy area full of various wild berries is one of the favorite habitats of wood grouse.

Basically, wood grouse prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Seasonal movements from the forest to the valley and back occur very rarely; this happens mainly during severe frosts. The wood grouse's nest can be seen immediately under a tree, not far from roads or paths.

Such carelessness often leads to the death of their brood and even the female at the hands of humans. The female capercaillie is a wonderful and true mother, even if she feels danger to herself, she will never leave her offspring, but will die along with them. There were cases when she walked towards danger, straight into the hands of the enemy, giving the chicks the opportunity to escape.

The character and lifestyle of the capercaillie

The capercaillie is very cautious, possessing perfect hearing and vision. Therefore, hunting him is not very easy. Can behave aggressively if he sees an unfamiliar animal next to him. There have been cases when a capercaillie attacked a dog.

The gathering places of wood grouse rarely change. As a rule, the males are the first to flock to them, climb onto the branches and begin to sing their serenades for the females. Some time passes, the females will join them. Then the most interesting part begins - the fight for females. The fights can be very serious and brutal, after which the winner gets the right to mate with the female.

Basically, this bird prefers solitude; large gatherings are not for them. Morning and evening are their waking hours. During the daytime, they most often rest in trees.

In the winter season, when it is very cold outside, a capercaillie can hide from the frost in the snow and stay there for a couple of days. Birds black grouse and capercaillie They are very similar in their behavior and way of life, it’s not for nothing that they belong to one big family. They differ only in size and color.

Male wood grouse with females

Wood grouse feeding

Wood grouse are big fans of coniferous cones and twigs. If this delicacy is not near them, flowers, buds, leaves, grass and various seeds are great options. Chicks, during their growth, can feed on insects and spiders; for this, the entire family settles next to the anthill.

Adult wood grouse prefer plant foods. In winter, when everything around is covered with snow, these birds spend most of their time on trees, feeding on their branches and bark.

Reproduction and lifespan of wood grouse

About the capercaillie bird they are said to be polygamous. The concept of forming a couple is completely absent for them. Spring is a favorable time for marriage. Mating between a female and a male lasts about a month.

Capercaillie nest with chicks

After this, wood grouse prepare nests for their future offspring. These birds don’t bother too much about building nests. The wood grouse's nest is an ordinary small depression in the ground, covered with branches or leaves.

The average number of eggs is 8 pieces, their size resembling the average egg. Females incubate them for about a month. The chick can follow its mother as soon as it is dry after birth.

The fluff of newborn chicks is clearly not enough to keep them warm and comfortable, so this issue is dealt with by a caring mother who is ready to give the chicks all her warmth.

A month is enough for the rapid growth and development of chicks. After this time, they move from the nest to the trees and begin their independent life.

Almost 80% of eggs die due to severe frosts or from predators such as foxes, martens or stoats. 40-50% of hatched chicks suffer a similar fate. The average lifespan of a capercaillie in its normal habitat is 12 years.

Why was the bird called wood grouse?

Interesting fact is that the capercaillie temporarily loses its hearing during mating, which is where their name comes from. How does it happen that a bird that is always quite cautious loses its hearing, and therefore its vigilance?

Opinions differ on this matter. Some argue that when singing their serenades, the capercaillie strongly uses its upper and lower beaks. The singing attracts the bird to such an extent that it temporarily forgets about everything, including danger.

Others say that in an excited capercaillie, blood rushes to the head, the blood vessels swell and the ear canals close. This version arose as a result of the fact that everyone sees how the upper part of the head of a singing, excited capercaillie swells up.

There are versions that during mating the capercaillie becomes deaf from nervous overexcitation. Buy a capercaillie bird It turns out it's not very simple. It is almost impossible to tame them and make them domestic. In captivity it reproduces very poorly.

The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. They nest on the ground and in trees. They usually stick to the places where they hatched. In snowy winters, late in the evening, wood grouse fall from the trees into a snowdrift and spend the night there. In snowy winters, late in the evening, wood grouse fall from the trees into a snowdrift and spend the night there.

Wood grouse chicks hatch in late May - early June. Eggs are laid on the ground, in a hole, where moss, small branches and feathers are brought. They hatch like chickens for three weeks. The babies, barely dry, follow their parents and soon begin to feed on flies, ants, and berries themselves. Only the mother leads the chicks. She also teaches them to get food and bury themselves in the grass in a moment of danger.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev - writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of State Prizes of the USSR and the RSFSR, full member of the Academy of Creativity. After graduating from the Railway School in 1942, he volunteered for the army. He was sent to the front line and remained an ordinary soldier until the very end of the war. At the front he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal “For Courage”. In 1945, after hospitalization, he and his family settled in the town of Chusovoy, Perm Region.

Victor Astafiev is the author of numerous literary works: novels, stories, books of short stories - “Zateya” and others. Viktor Astafiev - Secretary of the USSR Writers Union (1991), vice president Association of Writers "European Forum". Victor Astafiev is an honorary citizen of the cities of Igarka and Krasnoyarsk, a full member of the International Academy of Creativity, an honorary professor of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University. In 1999 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Victor Astafiev is an honorary citizen of the cities of Igarka and Krasnoyarsk, a full member of the International Academy of Creativity, an honorary professor of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University. In 1999 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Vocabulary work Read syllable by syllable, then smoothly: approaching al-piys-kim in a ko-rob-len-ny-e red-ko-la-pyh e-lei in a she-ve-li way -is it pale-but-the-leaf-with-them-to-color-black-black-by-anyone-is-pu-schen-us-for-the-cos-those-from-not-under- vizh-nos-ti for-birth

The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. They nest on the ground and in trees. They usually stick to the places where they hatched. In snowy winters, late in the evening, wood grouse fall from the trees into a snowdrift and spend the night there. An amazing sight - birds flying out from under the snow. You go skiing, there is a milky expanse all around, snowflakes sparkle in the sun. And suddenly a flock of birds bursts out from under your feet with a loud flapping of wings, as if a tarpaulin is being torn to pieces nearby. And snow dust fills my eyes.
Wood grouse chicks hatch in late May - early June. Eggs are laid on the ground, in a hole, where moss, small branches and feathers are brought. They hatch like chickens for three weeks. The babies, barely dry, follow their parents and soon begin to feed on flies, ants, and berries themselves. Only the mother leads the chicks. She also teaches them to get food and bury themselves in the grass in a moment of danger.
Favorite foods in summer are strawberries, raspberries, in autumn - lingonberries, cloudberries, cranberries, herb seeds. In preparation for winter, wood grouse fly to the banks of rivers and lakes and stuff their crops with small round stones. They help grind tough pine needles. The pine tree on which wood grouse feed seems completely bare by spring. After all, pine needles are almost the only food for these birds in winter.
The wood grouse's build is dense. It has short, wide wings. The legs are strong, adapted for fast running, there are four toes, the beak is short, thick, slightly curved. It flies well, but more often it flees from the enemy.
There is no larger bird in our forests than the wood grouse. Its weight reaches 5-6 kg.
The capercaillie rooster is very beautiful. Its neck and head are dark gray with black spots; the goiter is black with a shiny greenish tint; chest dark brown; dark belly with white spots. The beak is yellow-pink. In spring, red eyebrows appear brightly above the eyes. The feathers on the chin are long: they resemble a beard.
The capercaillie is light brown with rusty and white transverse stripes. You won’t even notice her when she sits on a nest among branches and dry leaves.
In the spring, when the capercaillie rooster sings his song, he often hears nothing. That's why he's nicknamed the wood grouse.
Song wood grouse relatively quiet for such a large bird, and it can barely be heard at a distance of no more than 150 m. When starting to sing, the capercaillie first makes a double click (“tecking”) like “te-ke...”. This is followed by a short trill that ends abruptly. And after this, the second part of the song sounds from low hissing sounds, as if someone is cleaning a pan with a brush. The entire song lasts about 5-6 seconds.
These birds are very sensitive to weather changes. They anticipate fog and rain. In bad weather they stop singing.
Capercaillie is found in our forests from the western border to Lake Baikal, in the Altai and Sayan Mountains. From Baikal to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, another species of capercaillie nests - the rock capercaillie. Currently, the number of wood grouse is declining. In a number of places they are protected. In some reserves they are bred in captivity.
Read about the capercaillie in the books: Dmitriev Yu. D. Neighbors on the Planet: Birds. M.: Det. lit., 1984. pp. 224-225.
Pozharitskaya N. M. Journey to pets. M.: Det. lit., 1987. pp. 11-12.
Starikovich S.F. They live not only in the reserve. M.: Det. lit., 1988. P. 5-38.
