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Toys for wavy parrots. Toys for cockatiels: the best options for how to do it yourself. What you need to know when choosing a material

They move a lot. They need to establish contact with their pack brothers and find a pair for breeding. It still takes enough strength to find food and a variety of delicacies. Observers say that despite their busyness, cockatiels find time for games and pampering.

Life in a cage does not require effort to obtain food. That is why it is important to organize the leisure of a feathered pet correctly. First, you need to make sure that the cockatiel flies around the room daily. Secondly, you need to put toys in the cage that will occupy the bird in his free time from eating.

How to teach a parrot to play?

Don't expect your parrot to jump on a new toy and actively explore it. Corellas cannot have fun in this way, it is not in their nature. That is why it is necessary to teach a home parrot games.

Corellas are flocking birds, which is why they imitate their master. The feathered pet first carefully observes what the person is doing. That is why many poultry are not indifferent to cell phones, pencils and jewelry on the owner's body. Corellas are wary of unfamiliar objects, they prefer to touch those things that a person has touched.

If you do not play with the parrot and do not let it fly, then after a few months the wings will not function well, and the feathered friend will get sick due to being overweight. Character in birds that do not develop in any way and have no contact with outside world spoil. Corellas become irritable and even aggressive.

Very often, the owners complain that the feathered friend does not play with a new toy. IN more this is due to the fact that the cockatiel does not know what to do with a bright object. It is necessary to show the parrot from your own experience that you can ring the bell, and the swing swings merrily. Only after the owner plays with the new thing, the cockatiel will also begin to show curiosity. Professional breeders recommend hanging new items near the cage first. Only after the parrot gets used to it, it is placed inside.

At night, a new toy is better to clean. Incomprehensible cast shadows frighten the birds, and they begin to rush around the cage. Such actions can harm the psyche of the baby or injure him physically. All toys in the cage should be checked regularly for safety. Small beads will definitely fall into the mouth of the cockatiel parrot and cause an upset in the digestive system. And sharp corners will scratch the feathered pet, and inflammation may occur.

What toys to choose a cockatiel parrot?

Pet stores offer a wide range of pet parrot toys. You need to understand that birds, like children, love bright and interesting objects. But if the feathered pet does not like the thing, then he will not play with it. Sometimes they show their dissatisfaction with aggression and vandalism towards the toy. Here are the most popular pet parrot toys:

  • swings, ropes, ladders and rings are toys for active play. They will help the parrot not to gain excess weight and just cheer up;
  • musical toys (bells, keys, buttons) - help to study sounds and imitate them;
  • puzzles with treats - such toys can keep a parrot busy for several hours. They develop logic and help to get food on their own, blunted natural instincts develop;
  • puzzles, pyramids and puzzles - designed to develop intelligence and imagination in birds. With such games, parrots will never be stupid and slow-witted.

Puzzles should be changed regularly as soon as the parrot effortlessly solves these riddles. This is especially true for games with . Logic games should be practiced together with the owner. You need to show the cockatiel how to distinguish between shapes and solve puzzles. Over time, such games will turn into a tradition, from which the parrot and the person will be happy.

Some toys can be made by hand. For example, if you bury large figures from a kinder surprise in grain, then the parrot will swarm in the feeder every time to find a surprise. Toys can be replaced with dried fruit. It is important that there are no small items in the games, otherwise the cockatiel will bite them and swallow them.

Many owners hang mirrors in a cage with cockatiels. This is not entirely correct, especially if the bird lives alone. Cockatiels and budgerigars develop a sense of pride if they communicate with their reflection for a long time. Sometimes mirrors cause aggression in domestic parrots, the bird rushes at an object and injures itself. The mirror can be hung only for a while and it is best to carry out such experiments in the presence of the owners.

Today, in specialized stores, you can find entire playgrounds for pet parrots. Such complexes are installed next to the cage and are used during the period when the feathered pet is outside the cage. Of course, such a toy will only be interesting. When choosing a play stand, you should make sure that it does not contain dangerous objects: toxic material, nets and sharp corners.

Only the owner is able to develop fantasy and love for games in his own feathered pet. It is fun to spend time with developed cockatiels, such games help get rid of depression and relieve stress.

Of all the birds living in captivity, perhaps the most positive are parrots. For some reason, any other bird looking at the world through bars is unbearably sorry and I want to let it go free. And the parrot rejoices in its cage, plays with a bell, swings on a swing and amuses its owners, mimicking their speech.

This is a very curious and playful creature. He loves everything bright, colorful and shiny. He can seriously take care of a porcelain teapot and be friends with a cat. To make the life of your wavy and not so parrots even more filled with joyful events, do them periodically.

You will need:

  • multi-colored beads;
  • metal bell;
  • ready swing.

How to make a beautiful swing

  • Pick up multi-colored beads. You can use buttons. Remove the swing and disconnect the wire at the top.

  • String the beads on the wire, remembering to leave a small gap between them so that the parrot would be interested in moving them.

  • Fasten the ends of the wire and hang a bell at the junction.

  • Hang a beautiful swing in a cage for budgies.

Very useful toys from willow twigs can be made for parrots with your own hands, having gathered raw materials somewhere outside the city on the banks of reservoirs. Before starting work, soak willow branches in boiling water. By doing this, you will not only give the tree more flexibility, but also protect your parrots from infections and unnecessary germs.

  • Weave the branches into balls and hang them with a wire from the roof of the cage. It turned out original toys and the necessary chews. Birds not only sharpen their beaks on a tree, but also replenish the supply of useful vitamins.

  • You can go further and make an original swing out of willow sticks, attaching them to the ball with metal chains, and to complete the feeling, hang a bell.

For budgerigars, there is nothing more interesting than climbing and descending all sorts of stairs. And for their owners, there is nothing easier than making such toys with your own hands from a thin rope and wooden sticks.

  1. Cut several identical sticks. You can not use in the manufacture of toys for parrots branches of pear, bird cherry, poplar and oak.
  2. Cut along the edges of the notch so that the rope loop does not slip off. Sand the sticks.
  3. Tie a ladder and hang it in the cage.

In the same way, you can make a swing or weave other toys from a rope.

For this bird fun, you will need a small plastic bottle or tube from paper towels and wooden sticks.

  1. Glue the bottom of the tube.
  2. Drill or pierce the side holes, of such a diameter that the sticks fit snugly into them without falling out or scrolling.
  3. Fill the container with washed and calcined river sand.

cage design

The budgerigar cage should be bright, shiny and modern. All these requirements are met by old CDs. They can be hung, if the volume of the dwelling allows, or fixed on the walls. In the second case, they will save you from unnecessary cleaning, holding the garbage inside.

What could be brighter and louder than toys for the smallest people?! Children grow up quickly, and their rattles can be given to a parrot. They are in all respects safe and interesting for smart birds.

An ordinary badminton ball can be an excellent toy for a feathered pet. It is convenient in that the parrot can easily carry it with its beak and cling to it with its paws. The ball can be hung or simply thrown to the bottom of the cage. He will not remain without attention.

However, the most favorite gift for any parrot will be a model of a bright bird. You can sew it with your own hands from multi-colored bright shreds. Believe me, the bird will not notice any flaws or shortcomings, it will simply stop feeling lonely.

Everyone who has a parrot knows firsthand how restless and inquisitive these colorful birds are. That is why it is very important to come up with as many interesting activities for them as possible. If this is not done, very soon the parrot will begin to feel sad or even sick. In order to please your pet, it is not necessary to run to the pet store. You can also manage on your own.

But what about for a parrot? Ideas and methods we will consider in this article. But if you don’t like any of the proposed ones, you will definitely come up with something yourself.

What toys does a parrot need?

Making toys for a parrot with your own hands is quite simple. The most unpretentious materials are suitable for manufacturing. Most of them you can easily find at home. Since parrots are not only very funny, but also quite smart birds, toys for them should be varied. It is worth paying attention to:

  1. Developing. They will help your pet to realize their abilities.
  2. "Munchies". These birds have a rather strong and sharp beak, which they constantly scratch about something. It will be an interesting toy or a closet - you decide.
  3. Trainers. Parrots deprived of exercise get fat very quickly and start to get sick.
  4. Motivating. These birds are very curious. It is imperative to give them the opportunity to untie something, unwind, get an object out of a trap, and so on.

How to train a bird to play

Sometimes it is not enough to make toys for a parrot with your own hands. Despite their curiosity, many birds are quite shy, and they need to be taught to play. How to do it?

Here you need to take into account some points:

  • Familiarize with new toy the bird needs to be gradually so as not to frighten and not cause her displeasure.
  • If the bird has made an attempt to approach a new fun, encourage her: praise and treat her with something tasty.
  • Show how to play by example, parrots are great imitators.
  • Watch your pet, study its character. This will help to understand which toys he will like.

We use natural materials

DIY budgerigar toys are easy to make from anything that grows in the area. Natural components are the most environmentally friendly and safe material.

First of all, pay attention to coniferous cones. Your pet will love them. The bump can be gnawed, disassembled into “spare parts” and simply driven around the cage. To make it more convenient for the parrot, you can not only put the bump on the bottom of the cage, but fix it on the side wall or hang it from the ceiling with a wire. If you let your parrot out for a walk, collect a garland of cones and hang it somewhere in the form of a swing. Believe me, your feathered friend will appreciate it.

Ordinary twigs of fruit trees are suitable as material for the next toy. Collect a small bunch of them and place it on the wall of the cage. The parrot will be happy to gnaw them and swarm in the "broom". Such a bundle will not only be a toy - with its help the bird will clean and sharpen its beak.

mirror toys

It is not at all difficult to build toys for a parrot with your own hands. You just need to understand what exactly the bird likes. For example, all parrots love to look at themselves in the mirror and talk to their reflection. By the way, if you have a couple of parrots, it is better to refuse such a toy.

Take a small mirror, for example, from a lady's powder box, and fix it on the wall of the cage. At the edges of the mirror or right next to it, tie the following design:

  • take a thin but strong wire and a few beads and buttons of different diameters;
  • all the "small things" should be strung on a wire and carefully bend the ends so that the bird does not get hurt.

Instead of buttons and beads, you can take a small chain with small links. Pass toothpicks with broken ends into several links, and tie a small bell to the end of the chain.


Making toys for a parrot with your own hands is best with children. If you have already mastered the previous option, you can try to make a beautiful swing. It's very simple.

You will need:

  • wire;
  • beads and buttons;
  • bell;
  • a small stick-perch of a suitable diameter.

If the stick could not be found, you can use a ballpoint pen without a cap and paste.

Measure the wire to make a triangle. Its height should be such that a parrot fits freely there and there is still a little left to make a loop. Place a spare part from the handle or fasten the stick at the base of the triangle - this is where the bird will sit. String multi-colored beads, buttons and other "beauty" on the side parts. Swinging on a new swing, the bird will be happy to pull the tsatski with its beak. Now connect the side parts in the form of a triangle. Attach a bell or a large bright bead at the junction. Build a loop from the remaining free ends - in this place the swing will be attached to the ceiling of the cage.

Parrots are kids too

It is very easy to make toys for the cockatiel parrot. Making them with your own hands is not only easy, but also interesting. If you have small children in your house or left toys from older offspring, then making it will not take you much time and effort. Since the cockatiel is larger than its wavy counterpart, then the toys for it should be more massive.

An ordinary baby rattle is perfect. The sound it makes will attract a pet, and the bright colors will delight and cheer. If you attach bells and a mirror to the rattle, this will become your parrot's favorite pastime.

If you don't have a rattle, try making your own. To do this, take a container from Kinder Surprise or another tightly closed box. Make small holes over the entire surface with an awl, and pour beads, small beads, peas or corn inside. Hang the structure in a place convenient for the bird. The parrot will love this fun. He will struggle to get the contents through the holes.

You can also arrange small garlands. Fasten small chains or laces to the cage ceiling using carabiners. On each of them, string small wooden cubes, a badminton shuttlecock, large beads. You can impose several gizmos at once - it will be even more interesting.

An excellent toy for cockatiel can be a teether for children's teeth. It has a non-uniform surface, and the birds are happy to stomp on it, stretching their paws. The teether can be decorated with traditional ropes, beads, bells and buttons. It will be interesting!

Safety regulations

It is not enough to know how to make a toy for a parrot with your own hands. You also need to understand what and how you can not do, so as not to harm your pet.

There are several rules here:

  • all holes should be of such a diameter that the pet's beak does not get stuck there, and best of all does not fit at all;
  • you can not use painted parts - the less paint the parrot eats during the game, the better;
  • do not buy or make toys from fragile materials, because a bird can chew and swallow a piece;
  • metal components should not contain copper, zinc, brass and other toxic materials;
  • do not use cotton ropes - when frayed, they turn into particles that can clog the parrot's stomach;
  • use only fruit tree branches - all others can be poisonous to these birds.

Parrots are the most interesting, inquisitive and positive birds that have ever been tamed by man. Even living in captivity, these representatives of the feathered family are satisfied with their life in a cage and pass on their positive to the owners.

Parrots are very playful and curious birds. They love a variety of shiny and bright objects, easily get along with other pets. To create a more comfortable and interesting life do playground for parrots with their own hands. It can be placed in a cage without any problems and put various ladders, perches, swings, and simulators there. Your feathered friend will appreciate these gifts and will cheer you up with his actions.

Types of toys for a parrot

Homemade toys are always better than store-bought ones. You never know for sure what materials they are made of and what effect they will have on the health of a parrot. Making toys yourself is quite simple and inexpensive, and besides, you will surely know that they will not harm your pet.

Before you make toys, you need to consider that parrots are incredibly smart birds and require a wide variety of toys. For a fulfilling life, your friend needs the following types toys:

  1. Developing. They should be aimed at developing the mental abilities of the bird and help it achieve high results.
  2. Trainers. In order for your pet not to suffer from obesity, physical activity is vital for him. They will save him from excess weight and contribute to a long and fun life.
  3. Gnawing. Nature has awarded parrots with a sharp and strong beak, which must always be in business. These toys will allow you to switch the attention of the parrot, and he will gnaw on them, and not on your furniture.
  4. Motivating. Parrots are very smart and curious. Such toys will attract the attention of the bird and give it the opportunity to show individual abilities.

Teaching birds to play

Parrots are not only inquisitive birds, but also very shy. Often they are afraid of everything new, and they have to make efforts to accustom them to this or that toy.

To teach a parrot to a toy, you need the following:

Suitable materials

The safest materials for budgerigars and other parrots are natural ingredients. As a rule, they can be easily found in any park or garden and used in the manufacture of toys.

One of the most favorite items for your friend will be coniferous cones. Parrots love to chew on them and roll them around the cage. For more convenience, you can attach a bump on the side wall or hang it from the ceiling of the cage. When releasing a bird for a walk, you can make a garland of cones and attach it in the form of a swing. Your pet will never miss such entertainment.

A thin branch of a raft tree will be a good material for a toy. You can assemble a bundle from them and fix it in the cage. With it, the parrot will clean its beak or just play with it.

Mirror toys

Making "mirror" toys for Corella with your own hands is not difficult at all. The same is true for other types of parrots, only the personal preferences of the bird must be taken into account.

Like many people, parrots love to look at their reflection in the mirror and even talk to it. If you have several birds living, then toys with a mirror will not suit them. The fact is that they have enough constant communication with live birds, and they will be indifferent to their reflection.

For installation in a cage, a mirror from a powder box is quite suitable. It is securely fastened to the wall of the cage and a structure of beads strung on a wire is tied around the edges.

Bird swing

Swings have always been and will be one of the most favorite entertainment not only for children, but also for parrots. To make it, you need to find or purchase the following materials:

  • wire;
  • bell;
  • beads or buttons;
  • not a very thin perch.

If you could not find a perch stick, then you can use a regular ballpoint pen, after unrolling it and removing the paste.

Stages of work:

  1. From the wire we make a blank in the form of a triangle. Its dimensions will be such that your pet can fit there without any problems.
  2. We fix a stick or pen on the triangle.
  3. Decorate the side parts with a variety of beads, buttons and other beautiful items.
  4. Connect the side parts to each other and add a bell in the place of their fastening.
  5. At the ends of the side parts, build loops for attaching the swing to the cage.

You can use other available materials, but remember that they must be durable and safe, as it would be unwise to make a swing out of cardboard or paper. The parrot will appreciate your work and will ride on such a swing all day long.

artificial friend

Parrots are very social creatures. If you have only one bird, then it definitely needs an object with which it can “talk”. It can be a mask or a toy parrot, which is easy to find in any pet store. They can be made from various materials(plastic, wood, etc.) and have a variety of sizes. When buying a wooden “friend”, make sure that the tree for the parrot is not painted with varnish or other similar means. If you take a plastic bird, then check if there are traces of glue on the toy.

If you have certain skills in needlework, then you can sew such a toy yourself. This craft will be environmentally friendly and will definitely not harm your pet.

Making a ladder

For a parrot of any kind, there is nothing more interesting than going up and down stairs. They are sold in huge number and variety in all pet stores, but the most correct would be to make a ladder with your own hands. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. We take several sticks of the same size. Under no circumstances use branches of bird cherry, poplar, pear, oak.
  2. Cut notches along the edges of the sticks.
  3. Sand the sticks until a smooth surface is obtained.
  4. Tie a rope or elastic ladder and attach it to the cage.

How to create a trainer

The easiest way to make a simulator for your pet will be embodied using plastic bottle and wooden sticks.

The process of creating a simulator consists of the following steps:

  1. We cut out a blank in the form of a tube from the bottle, leaving the bottom.
  2. We drill holes in the bottle and insert wooden sticks into them.
  3. We fill the bottle with washed and calcined sand.

Such a simulator will contribute to the weight loss of the bird and help maintain its health for many years.

Placement of toys in a cage

After making or buying toys, they must be properly placed in the cage. In no case should you hammer the house to failure. The parrot should have as much free space as possible. It will be enough to place a perch and a few small toys. All of them need to be attached to the walls of the cage and leave the middle of the house free. It can accommodate a feeder and a bathing suit.

All other toys should be placed outside the cage and create a play area for your pet. It will be enough for him to play with them during walks.

Safety regulations

When making toys with your own hands, it is important to know how not to harm your feathered friend. D To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Make all holes of such a diameter that the parrot's beak cannot get stuck in them. It would be ideal if the beak does not crawl into them at all.
  2. Use less paint in your products. This will protect the parrot from poisoning.
  3. In your crafts, use only durable materials. A fragile product can be chewed and swallowed by a parrot.
  4. Do not use materials that are toxic to the parrot: zinc, copper, brass, etc.
  5. Don't make ropes out of cotton. Disarranged, they can enter the bird's body and clog the stomach.
  6. For your products, use only branches and twigs of fruit trees. In other cases, there is a risk of bird poisoning.

Parrots are cheerful and curious creatures. By decorating their lives with a variety of toys, you will make them healthier and happier. For this, parrots will diversify your life and help you become a little kinder and more fun.

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Read in this article

Pet owners usually purchase toys for their pets in the departments of pet stores. Over time, these accessories bother the birds, and they go to explore the room. Wallpaper, notebooks and textbooks, a sofa, a chandelier and other interior items are used. We will learn how to make toys for budgerigars with our own hands, and what items are suitable for this.

Before you make a toy for a wavy, you should read some recommendations for selecting material:

  • do not use cotton rope;
  • metal elements should not contain toxic substances, copper or zinc inclusions;
  • fruit species are suitable as blanks made of wood.

When gluing parts, make sure that the composition does not remain on the surface of the object. The toy should not have small threads and dangling laces, otherwise the bird may get tangled in them.

“It is important to consider the size of the accessory. Too small a product can get into the bird's mouth.

Any toy should be educational. Ropes, rings, ladders and swings will help the parrot always stay in shape. It is important to consider that the pet will definitely gnaw on the product. The wavy loves to learn everything new, to unwind, get and untie.

The simplest DIY ideas

Even a child can make their own hands using available things.

coniferous cone

Absolutely safe material for the toy is an ordinary cone from the forest. It is hung from the ceiling of the house. You can make a whole garland of cones. The budgerigar will not miss the opportunity to disassemble it into scales.

tree branches

They are collected in a bundle and fastened between the bars of the cage. The bird will happily chew on them. Thus, twigs are not only a simple toy, but also a useful product.

Chain of rings

To make a toy, you will need rings made of metal or high-quality plastic. Their size should not exceed the circumference of the pet's head. A chain is made from the rings, at the bottom of which a bell is placed. Attach the product to the upper rods.


An excellent option is a badminton ball. The parrot has fun with it, clinging with its beak and paws. The ball is placed on the bottom of the dwelling or suspended from the ceiling. In any case, he will not remain without the attention of the bird.

Rusk on a rope

Even dried bread can be a fun toy for birds. It is only necessary to string the cracker on the wire and stretch it to the walls of the house. The main thing is that only white bread should be used.

baby rattle

If there are rattles in the house that children used to play with, do not throw them away. Such things are interesting and safe for birds. The brighter and louder the rattle, the better. It remains only to conveniently place it in a cage.


It is made from a rope or rope with a diameter of not more than 0.5 centimeters. It is necessary to cut several identical wooden sticks, sand them and cut along the edges of the notch for the loop. It remains to tie the rope and hang it in the cage.


Budgerigars love to admire their reflection. To make toys, they take a mirror from female powder and attach it to the wall of the cage. A wire with colored beads or rings is tied along the edges.

“You shouldn’t hang a mirror if two pets live in a cage at once.”

Best Original Ideas

Below are the most popular homemade toys that any budgerigar will love.

Kinder surprise container

It is used as a basis for storing buttons or beads. Several holes are made in the container through which the contents cannot spill out. The plastic container is tightly closed and hung from the ceiling of the cage. The pet will try to get the buttons through the holes.


Special stands for have gained great popularity. They are a structure that can be easily moved to a convenient place outside the cage. For its construction, ropes, chains, wires and branches are chosen. The design consists of several tiers interconnected. The budgerigar climbs up and down the stairs, rides on a swing that is decorated with various accessories. The game stand resembles a reduced model of a children's rope complex.

Fake bird

You can make a fake budgerigar out of cardboard or paper. However, this option will not last long. It is better to sew a bird out of fabric, stuffing it with cotton wool. On the Internet you can find many variations of parrot patterns. Sew a toy from bright shreds. Doing this is quite simple. In addition, the wavy will not notice minor flaws and will take the double for his relative.

To teach your pet new games, you need to introduce him to them gradually, without causing fear. It is important to praise and treat your pet for trying to approach an unknown object. After that, he will no longer be discouraged.
