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Competition "safe wheel" material on the topic. Scenario of the competition-competition for young cyclists "safe wheel" Competition safe wheel

Business card of the “Biker” team, “Safe Wheel” competition

Together: Team "Biker" is here with you now
We will tell you what we know ourselves.
We firmly declare, we have no doubt
It is very important to know the traffic rules.
Remember them on the road and in nature, If you are a pedestrian or on a bicycle, Breaking the rules is not good for anyone
Be careful in life too.

Sing: One evening, evening, evening When the girls and boys have nothing to do We will gather with the whole yard, Let's talk about this and that, And everyone will tell everyone something about their own.

Boys read poetry

My friend and I were walking home from school,
Suddenly a little one runs up:
"What is good?
And when is it bad?”

It's no secret at all
Listen, kids:
Somehow on a bike
One boy sat down.

He rushes through a red light,
Doesn't want to slow down.
And then there are no questions:
This is bad! Our friend!

And the other bike
Drives carefully
Green light only
Rides along the paths.

And cross the road
Will help the baby
We will say about this:
He is very good!

Girls sing ditties

1.- Place your ears on top of your heads
Listen carefully.
We'll sing ditties for you
It will be great.

2.- Oh, you, Vanechka! Vanek!
Look at the traffic light
Vanya, you got everything mixed up
And he went to the red light.

1.- If the light turns red,
This means it is dangerous to move.
Green light says:
“Come on, the way is open!”

2.- So that the cars are not in a hurry,
The pedestrian walked calmly,
The traffic light will help you all
He is on duty all year round!

1.- .If you have a bicycle,
I warn you from troubles.
Ride, young friends,
You can't go on the road.

2.-The pedestrian walks, dreams,
Doesn't look around
Suddenly a car drives out
Hooks on the bumper


1st. Where do you need to cross the street?
Remember the simple rule
2.-I Look to the left first,
Look to the right later.

1st. There are quite a few traffic rules in the world, It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all, 2nd. But the main rule of motion is to know how to use the multiplication table: 3rd. On the pavement - don’t play, don’t ride, 4th. If you want to stay healthy.

Together: The “Biker” team calls to you: Let everyone know the rules of the road The law of the roads is wise and strict
And don't forget his friend.

Business card script “Safe Wheel”

Make yourself comfortable

Take your seats quickly

Propaganda brigade "Uncle Styopa"

Greetings friends!

Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa,

Everyone knows Uncle Styopa!

Uncle Styopa is respected

They will always find out, everywhere!

When they meet you, they see you off

And with a smile they say:

Yes! People of this height

It’s not easy to meet easily!

Yes! Such a good guy

The new uniform suits you!

If he stands at his post,

Everyone will see it a mile away!

There is a traffic jam near the square -

The traffic light is broken:

The yellow light came on

But there is still no green!

Hurray, Hurray - the kids shouted!

\Traffic light not working?

Well, what grief is there in this?

Red light, green light,

Maybe there is no point in it!

What do I hear? Oh oh oh!

What kind of reasoning?

Don't you really know the rules of the road?

I froze on the pavement in surprise!

You see oncoming traffic rushing

Along the cross road.

Cars are racing here too!

Hey, where are you going?

Come back from the pavement,

You're risking your head.

The crowd is already coming

Across the street at random.

This is no longer a joke!

Downright scary!

Just creepy!

The brakes squeal as they accelerate,

The carriages rear up.

Oh, what passions!

On the roadway!

Uncle Styopa, things are bad!

I took out the traffic light with my hand,

Looked into the middle

Something, somewhere turned up...

At the same moment

The right light came on

Movement restored

There are no traffic jams!

And Stepan still

They call it Traffic Light!

It’s just that, I’ll tell you, there weren’t many rules,

Just carry them out for us

It needs to be very strict!

Uncle Styopa! Sorry!

What's happened?

I have a question!

Why, having come from the Baltic Fleet,

Did you go to the police?

Are you really working

Haven't you found anything better than this?

Uncle Styopa frowns,

The left eye squints a little,

He says: - Well, friends!

I will answer the question!

I'll tell you a secret,

That I serve in the police

Because this service

I find it very important!

Unfortunately, it happens

Why are they afraid of the police?

Naughty kids.

How can parents not be ashamed?

This is stupid and offensive!

Who with a rod and a pistol

On duty in winter and summer?

Our Russian guard -

This is the same sentry!

Scenario for a creative presentation of the team “Meet us”

at the “Safe Wheel” competition (March 2011)

Hello, friends!

Hi people!

Who lives in a glorious land.

Our team from Zakop,

All: Called "Hitchhiking".

Andrey, Yulia, Sveta, Zhenya

(point at each other)

We declare loudly:

Let's say firmly, without a doubt

We really need it in life

Rules traffic.

1st: If you don't know the rules, if you don't follow them

All. Then troubles cannot be avoided


Here's a typical case

From city life,

What you need to remember

When you go home.

Let's take a well-known story

From an interesting fairy tale

Who will get there first

Sick before grandma?

(The wolf and Little Red Riding Hood appear)


Here is Little Red Riding Hood,

The girl is smart, beautiful,

Worthy of your respect

Follows traffic rules.

And the gray toothy wolf,

He considers himself cool.

Wolf: I'm not cool, but super cool.

Leading: Doesn't want to study well

Doesn't follow traffic rules.

Wolf: Where are you going, Little Riding Hood?

A diligent girl, honey?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm going to see my grandmother

I bring butter and pies,

The road lies straight to it,

But there are many dangers there.

I choose the safe path

I'll take the long road.

Wolf: Go, go. Your legs will get tired

I'll find a shorter route,

I'll ride my bike to your grandmother.

(The song sounds to the tune of “Turning the Pedals.”)

I twist, I twist, I twist, I pedal.
From the mountain, from the mountain, from the mountain I fly like a bird.
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry
Towards the rainbow-arc.
I know all the rules, friends.
I always follow them.
I can handle everything in the world,
And with this song I ride around the world,
I ride, I ride wherever I want.

Little Red Riding Hood: Look, be careful

Don't get into trouble.

(Little Red Riding Hood sings a song)

If you are walking to school

Along the path, along the path,

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe, maybe, maybe

Safe road

You choose for yourself!


Wow! Think better when going on a long journey.

Wow! Look, don’t forget the rules of the road.

Wow! Both girl and boy

Wow! Even though you're in too much of a hurry,

Wow! Still, don’t break the rules /2 times.


Just think, the road!

Just think, cars!

What are people afraid of?

Cars are not mines,

Over there on the hillock

The hut is already visible

There behind the crossroads

And the old lady lives.

I'll cross the road here...

(Suddenly there is a squeal of brakes.)

Wolf: Oh, I barely dragged my legs,

I don't understand where to move

How can I find my way?


Remember about the transition,

Underground, above ground,


Only this transition

It will save you from trouble.

To everyone who went out for a walk,

Let us remind you in advance:

On the road - not in the forest,

focus your attention.

Wolf: What kind of three-eyed idol is this?

I have never seen him.


The traffic light has three eyes,

Submit to them without argument.

Red light - no way through

Yellow be ready for the journey,

And the green light - go.


Let other people wait

Until they give the green light

I won't wait in vain

I'll go through the red light.

(The wolf appeared with a broken arm)


He ran a red light

And I got into an accident.

It's good that he remained intact.

Wolf: (lisp)

Only teeth were missing,

Even though I'll come running earlier,

Grandma won't have anything to eat with.


The music of the Disco Accident song “Disco Superstar” is playing.

Our team offers a cool disco.

Let's talk briefly about ourselves

Everything is always fine with us.

We don't aim for the wheels

We don't sit on wheels.

We are not adults, not children

We want to live happily.

Well, the topic of conversation

Without notations and reproach

Don't be naughty, don't be strict:

Together: Road safety!

Disco Accident's song "Disco Superstar" is playing.

I didn't understand). What is this, “Disco Crash”?

An accident is not a joke, not fun.

When there's an accident, it's no laughing matter.

We will not be “Accident”, we are just “Disco”.

What is your program?

And the program is almost always like this: if “Hot Shots” are turned on, then everything continues with “Accident”.

It’s true what they say: “There is no harmony in life. In music there is only harmony.”

Give me some music. Disco, light up.

Music (Disco Accident “New Year’s”):

Here is the Gazelle racing,

What's going to happen now!


It's not time to waste.

She has no time

Red shines for a long time

What's the point of standing?

Just ran

Suddenly the car suddenly

From the corner

Death: Hello. Happy New Year!

Well, what kind of breed are you?

I search year after year

Moral monster

I'm still looking for people whose signs have become fashionable

What to say about signs

The bullies don't know, clinging to cars,

That they are all mine.

We ourselves are responsible

Adults and children

For these stories

And I am responsible for my life

Know each of us.


Children walk in a group with a traffic police inspector.

Inspector: It is necessary to remember about behavior on the roads and definitely need to learn road signs.

Is this necessary or desirable?

Inspector: Have you read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho?

Well, we read it.

And schoolchildren know the signs well.

Would you like us to use signs to tell you about our school life?

Well, at the forefront of attack

Warning signs.

If you've learned your lesson

And he completed the task on time:

He was rude, or he got high

This means - dropped:

If the duty officer washed the floor,

You need to be careful:

The student should know at the same time

Strict prohibition signs.

You're walking up the stairs

And at the same time you remember:

Come towards the teacher,

Follow and remember strictly:

If you're caught red-handed

Everyone should know perfectly well.

Around the corner the teenagers know

How the guys relax.

Well, he seemed like an adult

The sign changed like this:

Here is the service sign: First aid station:

Well, here is the fountain:

Let's mark the dining room like this:

Well, this is how we meet the technician:

Well, when there is no control:

Then you can live like this without troubles:


1st presenter.

Alyosha and Irina,

Julia and Alexey -

We are all guys from the UID detachment,

Who keeps order on the road.

Well, now it’s just our team.

Together We are friendly guys

We are like one family.

At school we learn:

And he, and you, and me.

Well, together in addition

We go to class

School UID squad.

2nd presenter.

We are young traffic inspectors.

3rd presenter.

We will help the little ones.

4th presenter.

Now we’ll tell you and sing.


What's good and what's bad!

1st presenter.

We will analyze many situations,

2nd presenter.

Let’s take our time leafing through the magazine “Behind the Wheel”!

Girls (sing).

Now I will introduce you

With road signs.

They are simply a must

Everyone deserves to know.

I'm going outside.

I'm wandering along the road.

And all the road signs

I read on the go.

Prohibition signs

“You can’t” they will tell you clearly.

You will recognize them

They are in a red circle.

Warning signs

Of course, everyone needs

In the red triangle

They are here!

1st presenter.

If anyone doesn't know the signs,

Let's tell everyone for clarity:

Know that this is very bad

For your safety!

2nd presenter.

If children know the signs,

Memorized like a poem

These kids are just adorable!

They are doing well!


Remember every pedestrian!

Any driver knows!

Be obedient, citizen,

And don't be a pest!

3rd presenter.

We appeal to everyone:

Uncles, aunts, daughters-in-law!

Children are dying on the roads.

This is very bad!

4th presenter.

We believe that the day will come

When any passerby

Will show the children

Just a good example!

The song sounds to the tune of “The World I Live In”.

Together The world we live in

It makes us sad sometimes.

Make our lives safe

You and I really need it.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

And everyone around will laugh.

Girls (sing).

Now I will introduce you

With road signs.

They are simply a must

Everyone deserves to know.

I'm going outside.

I'm wandering along the road.

And all the road signs

I read on the go.

Prohibition signs

“You can’t” they will tell you clearly.

You will recognize them

They are in a red circle.

Warning signs

Of course, everyone needs

In the red triangle

They are here!

So that there is no accident or fight on the street,

They will always help everyone... All these signs.

Together The world we live in

It makes us sad sometimes.

Make our lives safe

You and I really need it.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then they will forget about sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

Together The world we live in

It makes us sad sometimes.

Make our lives safe

You and I really need it.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then they will forget about sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

Together We are friendly guys

We are like one family.

At school we learn:

And he, and you, and me.

Well, together in addition

We go to class

School UID squad.


We are friendly guys

We are like one family.

At school we learn:

And he, and you, and me.

Well, together in addition

We go to class

School UID squad.


We are friendly guys

We are like one family.

At school we learn:

And he, and you, and me.

Well, together in addition

We go to class

School UID squad.


Remember every pedestrian!

Any driver knows!

Be obedient, citizen,

And don't be a pest!


Remember every pedestrian!

Any driver knows!

Be obedient, citizen,

And don't be a pest!


Remember every pedestrian!

Any driver knows!

Be obedient, citizen,

And don't be a pest!

Together The world we live in

It makes us sad sometimes.

Make our lives safe

You and I really need it.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then they will forget about sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “ABC of the Streets”

Prepared by:

Every year more and more cars appear on our streets, traffic intensity on the roads increases, and the responsibility of all road users increases: drivers, pedestrians, passengers. Therefore, it is very important to instill in children a sense of discipline, to ensure that they follow the rules safe behavior on the streets and roads has become a habit for them. To solve this problem, a circle of “Young Traffic Inspectors” (YIT) has been created and successfully operates in our school, the tasks of which are:

In-depth study of traffic rules;

Education of law-abiding road users;

Reducing the level of child road traffic injuries. School students aged 10-14 years participate in the club. In addition, classes on studying traffic rules are conducted at our school in classroom and excursion form, as well as in the form of practical exercises; representatives of the traffic police are frequent guests. Our teachers know and use a lot in their work various forms work: conversations, children's parties, competitions. But, unfortunately, in Lately, we almost forget about the most vibrant, interesting form of educational work. I mean the participation of the guys in the propaganda team. The propaganda team can perform in a parallel class, at a school party, at a meeting in front of parents, in children's institutions. Its quantitative composition is not regulated. The educational program of the propaganda team can use a great variety of stage forms and techniques: drama, pantomime, musical design, elements of choreography, visual design (posters, stands, screens).

As part of the program of our UID circle, the “ABC of the Streets” propaganda team has been created and is successfully performing.

The purpose of our propaganda team’s performance: to promote traffic rules among students, to prevent children’s road traffic injuries, to test and reinforce children’s safe behavior skills on the streets.

We bring to your attention the script of one of the speeches of the propaganda team “ABC of the Streets”, with which the team of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 performed at the city competition “Safe Wheel” in 2007 and took 1st place in the competition of propaganda teams on traffic safety among city school students.

The following props can be used for the propaganda team’s performance:

1. Screen. On it, amateur artists depict a street with large traffic lights.

2. Clothes for the sorcerer (black cape, black cone)

3. The uniform is the same.

There can be 4 or more artists, both boys and girls. The following hit songs can be used in the musical arrangement:

1. “Traffic light - green” (from the repertoire of V. Leontyev).

2. Phonograms (motorway noise, musical rhythms for melodic recitation).

The soundtrack is turned on; You can hear the movement of cars on the highway, and performing propaganda teams appear on stage.

Three four,

Three four

Who walks together in a row

This is our friendly squad

What are you doing here?

They carry out propaganda here. We help kids here and there, here and there, so that they know how to walk, so that they can always be healthy.

Our motto

Learn the rules of the road yourself, teach someone else.

How to teach?

Yes very simple

In a fairy tale there is a lie, but also a hint. The best fairy tale will give a lesson.

(rebuilding) Ved. On Tuesday morning, grumbling at people, the sorcerer wandered along the avenue Gloomily holding his cheek with his hand The teeth did not give him peace Most of all, the root one bothered him The most magical and the sickest. Sorcerer: Oh, my teeth are poor, poor

To come up with harmful, harmful things for me to do now, so that I can scare everyone, intimidate

Well, I’ll start casting Eniki-beniki eight-five now. Ved. Maybe by saying these words

He will immediately turn into a lion. Sorcerer: No, I planned to scare others

Eniki-beniki eight five Recording of a sharp grinding, squealing of brakes. Ved. He only managed to say this. He barely gritted his magic teeth. All the traffic lights disappeared around. All the pedestrians suddenly melted away. Can you imagine what he did, What he creaked, he said. Child “What kind of witchcraft is this? Nothing happened. Well, the crossings have disappeared. Pedestrians won’t cry. They will choose the paths themselves. Where to cross the road. The traffic light doesn’t light up. Well, what’s the grief in that? Red light, green light Maybe there’s no point in it” Magician: There are no more traffic lights

The transitions have also been erased (rejoicing) Vedas. Hey, where are you, a passer-by? Come back from the pavement. You're risking your neck. This is no longer a joke. It's downright scary, downright creepy. Sorcerer: One has already fallen

I almost got hit by the Volga. Ved. Oh, what passions there are on the roadway. Sorcerer: Drive as you wish

Go wherever you want

Landfill, traffic jam, leapfrog

Well, who needs to go where now (rejoicing, he rushes into the crowd) Ved. It's bad luck for you in this traffic jam

A terrible evil sorcerer got in and hit his forehead, and his molar tooth flew out. Sorcerer: The Most Magical

And the sickest one. Ved. The tooth rolled somewhere. The chaos stopped. The magic evaporated. It was as if it didn’t exist. Sorcerer: I suffered terribly too

But now it’s clear to me I put the bump Because of these rules So even sorcerers Shouldn’t break them

Let's warn you guys, learn the traffic rules urgently

So that parents don’t worry every day, So that drivers can rush along the street calmly.

The music “Traffic Light” plays. green"

Scenario of the propaganda team "Traffic Light"

The team takes the stage (phonogram)

Team captain:

Walking down the street alone
Quite a strange citizen
He is given good advice:
“The traffic light is red:
There is no way to go
There’s no way to go now!”

1 reader:
“I don’t care about red lights!” -

Team captain:
The citizen said in response.
He's walking across the street
Not where the “Transition” sign is.
Throwing, roughly on the move:

1 reader:
“Wherever I want, I’ll go there!”

Team captain:
Driver, look with all your eyes:
The gap is ahead!
Press the brakes quickly:
Have mercy!

What if the driver said:
“I don’t care about traffic lights!”
And somehow, he started driving?
Would the guard leave his post?
The tram would go as it wanted.

Yes, where the street was,
Where are you used to walking?
Incredible things
It would happen instantly.
Signals, screams and you know:

The car goes to the tram,
The tram hit a car
The car crashed into a shop window.
Everything went wrong and at random.

But no, there is a pavement
Traffic controller - guard,
Three-eyed traffic light hanging
And the driver knows the rules.

Safe ditties (performed together, accordion soundtrack)

Who's running across the road
We will punish them very strictly.
To know in advance:
There is an underground passage.

Eh, once again!
Listen, the rules are for you!
Eh, once again!
Follow our decree.

You only have two legs
Keep them away from wheels.
And ride on the steps
Only centipedes can.
Eh, once again!
Listen to the rules for you!
Eh, once again!

If you want to be healthy
And live to be a hundred years old,
Don't you ever try
Go to red.
Eh, once again!
Listen, the rules are for you!
Eh, once again!
Follow our decree.

Be careful on the road
Take care of your hands and feet!
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise there will be trouble!
Eh, once again!
Listen to the rules, for you!
Eh, once again!
Follow our decree.


for the “Safe Wheel” competition

Who will answer more questions?

1. What color is the top traffic light?

2. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?

3. What do the words mean: Traffic light (carrying light), Sidewalk (path for pedestrians), Driver (stoker), Car (self-propelled)

4. A train and a car approached the railway crossing at the same time. Who should go first and why? (train)

5. What type of transport can you jump from? (from an airplane with a parachute).

“Nothing is given to us so dearly, and nothing is valued so cheaply, as politeness.” (A. De Saint-Exupéry).

How the guys know the rules of etiquette and know how to behave in a variety of situations.

1. Did a very ugly girl step on your foot on the tram? Your actions?

2. Did a very beautiful girl step on your foot on the tram? Your actions?


1. In what lane should cyclists ride?

2. What should a cyclist or car driver do if he is blinded by the headlights of oncoming traffic?

3. What affects the stopping distance?

4. What should you do if you are involved in a traffic accident?

5. When were the first traffic rules adopted in Russia?

6. What does a flashing yellow traffic light mean?

7. What rules for using transport must all passengers follow?

8. Why is a parked car dangerous?


1. For each step, name the parts of the machine.

3. Imagine that you are an old sea wolf. What do sailors call these things? Bench (bank). kitchen (galley), living room (wardroom), rope (shkertik), boat (boat), cleaning (rush), clock (flasks).

Situational trainings.

1. You come to an intersection where there is no traffic light. Your actions. And now a traffic controller has appeared at the intersection. Follow the signals.

2. The traffic light has deteriorated and only yellow light is blinking. How will you proceed?

3. You and your friend come to the road, and there are no cars on it. Cross to the other side of the road. (Look left, right, go to the middle of the road. Look in both directions again).

4. You have come to a section of the road on which there is a poster: “In this place, 2 people died, 6 people were injured. Don’t be next” (go to the pedestrian crossing and cross the road).

5. Your friend runs across the road at a yellow traffic light and waves to you. Your actions. (wait for the next traffic light and act on it).

6. You started to cross the road, but because standing car a car left. You won't have time to cross. Your actions.

7. You are crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green. The driver of the car continues driving without stopping. Your actions?

8. You witnessed a traffic accident. Your actions?

Come up with a new use for a traffic light, a baton, a zebra crossing.

Scientist and artist who invented the first bicycle (Leonardo da Vinci)

Where O. Bender dreamed of going (Rio de Janeiro)

What were the first roads in Russia (X-!X centuries, wooden pavements)

You are the winner international competition"Pedestrian 2002". Your finest hour has come and you are given the right to perform in intervision. Themes:

1. Rules for a cultural pedestrian

2. Rescue of pedestrians is the work of the pedestrians themselves

3. The earth is for people, not cars

4. Pedestrians, unite

5. Walking is the key to health.

Business card script for the preschool educational institution “Republic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”

1. Don’t flip through the cards,

Atlas and book

You won’t find the “Republic of Foreign Affairs”,

And ask the girl and ask the boy,

They will answer you right away:

2. In our school they created the Ministry of Education,

Trust us for a reason.

Lots of good things to do together

We can do it, friends.

3. We are in our “Republic”

Let's relax and dance

And we strive to study at “FIVE”,

Who knows how to work

Help not to be lazy,

He could easily become a member of the Foreign Ministry.

4. Who doesn’t give up in trouble?

And helps out friends

Who will never tell a lie,

He doesn't sit still

Let's say right away: “He is our man.”

1. Our republic lives by the motto: “Live according to the laws of beauty, create beauty everywhere.” We have seven laws by which we live: the law of beauty, the law of goodness, the law of memory, the law of honor, the law of love, the law of care, the law of friendship.

2. The structure of the “Republic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” is made up of the school council, the president and parliament, which includes the Ministry of Good Deeds, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Sports, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Press, the Ministry of Patriotic Work, the Ministry of Discipline and Order.

3. Each ministry performs its own functions. The Ministry of Sports organizes and conducts sports festivals and events, keeps records and promotes student sports achievements.

4. The Ministry of Health organizes propaganda work for a healthy lifestyle, conducts visual campaigning about the dangers of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

1. The Ministry of Press is responsible for publishing wall newspapers and organizing exhibitions of posters, drawings and leaflets.

2. The Ministry of Discipline and Order organizes school duty; plans and organizes work to preserve and transform the school grounds; takes part in community cleanups.

3. The Ministry of Good Deeds conducts games, competitions, and extracurricular activities with primary schoolchildren; Designs cool corners for sponsored people.

4. The Ministry of Culture plans, organizes, and conducts collective creative activities; organizes participation in city events.

1. The Ministry of Patriotic Work provides patronage over veterans of the microdistrict; organizes visits to museums, exhibitions, and memorable places; organizes patriotic events.

2. I would like to dwell in more detail on this area of ​​our work. This year our school held various events. “MFA” members took an active part in the city’s charity events “Children of Belogorye for the Children of Ossetia”, “Book for a Veteran”, “Warm the Soul with Warmth” (helping inmates of children’s colonies).

3. Our school held a competition of posters, cartoons and ditties to combat obscenity, traditional lines dedicated to the memory of the victims of fascism.

4. The traditional direction of work of our children's organization is the Timur movement. Our Timurites provide assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans and disabled people of the microdistrict. We invite them to various events that take place at our school, and we help them with the housework.

1. Each school is worthy of respect

Well, now we

We would like to celebrate our achievements,

Telling everyone about it.

2. Our efforts and concerns

Embodied in our deeds.

We don't get tired of work,

We are always happy to work.

3. Competitions and quizzes

They go off with a bang,

Sections, circles, warm-ups

They never let us get bored.

4. We participate in competitions

We take first place.

Sport is a big deal for us

It will harden us for years.

Let's not forget about veterans

We help them with their business,

We invite them, congratulate them

On holidays and evenings.

1. We worked with the kids,

They set an example for them.

We tried to teach them

What you need to love your homeland,

That you need to learn the rules,

And how to cross the road,

And how to get to the finish line.

2. We tried for the benefit of everyone

And, continuing to build the future,

We will try to become better and kinder

And our Republic will help us with this.

3. Our organization is only 9 years old, but during this time it has shown itself to be an active participant in the “I am a Belgorodian” program, according to which all children’s organizations in the city operate. The boys and girls of our organization are participants in all city events, the “Super Leader” game, participants in the “Safe Wheel” competition, participants in the friendship festival of children’s organizations, participants in the “Mercy” campaign (helping war veterans).

Performance by the team of Municipal Educational Institution "Sosh No. 2"


at the regional competition “Safe Wheel”, 2010.

- Our motto: Signs, rules, road

We learned a lot

Young traffic inspectors

This fact, believe me, is worthy of respect.

The best of the squads is ours

And it’s called “Virazh”!!!

Adults tell us about traffic rules,

But there are still many violators among the guys.

After all, I’m so lazy to learn serious rules,

I'd rather play outside all day.

- Meet our squad,

The squad is ordinary - made up of guys.

We are walking along the good road of childhood,

We protect and protect it.

Where does the road of childhood lead?

It leads to an amazing country, where there are alleys of fairy tales, streets of adventure, crossroads of poetry, and musical stops.

What is the name of this mysterious country?

Country of childhood. And for the road to be truly good, all residents of this country must follow the traffic rules.

1. – And now, we are asking the drivers of our city with the following request:

2. – Follow traffic rules carefully. Keep peace in our city...

3. – Don’t drive like formula racers, don’t rush around forgetting about everything

4. – Don’t drive drunk, it’s better to walk.

1. – Please don’t forget, adults, you are responsible for us children.

2. – We will say thank you to those drivers who strictly follow traffic rules

Everything - confirming that he remembers us.

1. - Study the rules of the road,

2. - Everyone must know and remember them from a young age.

3. - Be twice as careful on the road,

4. - Let him always show the way All- green light

1. When going out on the road, remember:

ALL “Mutual respect on the road is the key to safety.”

2. Cross the street

Everyone has the right.

Just look to the left

And then right.

3. Both the car and the bus,

If you get in the way,

Let them drive away.

4. Be extra careful

When the view is obstructed by an obstacle.

1. I will give you one piece of advice.

Up to fourteen years of age

Children on bicycles

Drive along the roadway

Prohibited: “No!”

Remember this, friends!

(Performance of a song from V. Leontiev’s repertoire “Green Light”)

It was rush hour, everyone was running somewhere
Suddenly froze and thought Green light, green light
An hour has passed but everything is green
And no one understood what happened to him, happened to him
That's why, why, why the traffic light was green.
Yes, because, because, because he was in love with life.
In the flickering of days, speeds and lights for you and me, he turned on,
So that for us - for you and me, the happy moment will last

Everybody's running, running, running, running, running, running,
They run, run, run, run, and he shines on them
Everybody's running, running, running, running, running, running,
They run, run, run, run, and it burns.

2 k. Sometimes we don’t value life,
We're all in a hurry, we're in a hurry, we're flying through a red light, into a red light.
But when she unfortunately leaves,
You and I will still think about it
Here, green light.

Remember - there are so many difficulties on the road

Remember - there are thousands of cars on the roads

Remember - there are many intersections on the roads

Remember - and learn all the rules.

KVN on traffic rules

KVN is held in game form and introduces elementary school students to traffic rules.


    repeat and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; develop the ability to work in a team; foster a sense of friendship, cohesion, and cultivate discipline while observing traffic rules.

KVN is held between three teams (6 participants each). Each team is given a task in advance: prepare one riddle at home for the opposing team, and also present 2 ditties related to the topic “Road Rules” during the “Music” competition.


    team emblems, baton, walkie-talkie, traffic police badge, road signs, paper, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the event

Teacher: In ancient times, when there were no cars, people drove and walked along the streets as they pleased.

And modern city streets are filled with freight and passenger cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams. Disorder on the streets would make our life difficult and dangerous: cars would constantly create traffic jams, run into pedestrians, and collide with each other. Goods would not be delivered to stores on time, letters and newspapers would not be delivered to our homes. Doctors would not have time to see the sick, adults would not have time to go to work, children would not have time to go to school...

To prevent chaos, the traffic police drew up traffic rules - laws for streets and roads. Today we will show you how we know these laws.

So, let's start KVN. (The phonogram “We are starting KVN” sounds, the teams go onto the Stage.)

The teacher represents the jury.

Greetings from the teams:

"A pedestrian"

A pedestrian! A pedestrian! Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars.

"Traffic light"

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three siblings.
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

"Road signs"

We are road signs -
We protect the roadway
We do useful things:
We don't let pedestrians get lost.

Competition “Warm-up”

The teams are asked questions. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

"A pedestrian"

    When should you start crossing the street if there is a traffic light at the intersection? Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to? What is the purpose of the “safety island”?

"Road signs"

    Where should pedestrians walk when on the street? Where should pedestrians walk if there is no sidewalk? Why do you have to walk on the right side of the sidewalk?

"Traffic light"

    How many signals does a traffic light have? Where is the “safety island”? What does a red traffic light mean?

Competition “Musical”

Each team performs 2 ditties.

"A pedestrian"

Place your ears on the top of your head.
Listen carefully,
We'll sing ditties for you
It will be great.

If the light turns red,
So it's dangerous to move
Green light says:
“Come on, the way is open.”

"Road signs"

Oh, you, Vanya! Oh, you, Vanya!
Look at the traffic light
Vanya, you got everything mixed up
And he went to the red light.

You must obey without a doubt
Traffic light instructions,
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection.

"Traffic light"

Everyone who is given wheels
Pass on our advice:
Let them ask us first,
You can go or not.

So that the cars are not in a hurry,
The pedestrian walked calmly,
We decided to help them
We are on duty all year round.

Competition “We are passengers”

The teams take turns asking questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Who do we call passengers? Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving? Is it possible to lean out of the window while traveling in public transport? Is it possible to stand with your feet on a seat in a vehicle? Is it possible to walk on the bus while it is moving? Is it possible to talk or sing loudly on the bus?

Competition “Captains”.

The captains are blindfolded. In front of each of them, several items related to the topic “Road Rules” are laid out. You need to guess the objects by touch. For each item guessed - 1 point.

Competition “Riddle”

Teams take turns asking each other riddles prepared in advance at home. Each guessed riddle is worth 1 point.

Competition “Quiz”

Each team takes turns being asked questions quickly.

    Why is it dangerous to run onto the roadway? How should you cross the street where there is no traffic light? Why can't you play on the road? What is the name of the “stick” of a traffic policeman? What gestures of the traffic controller correspond to the color red? What gestures of the traffic controller correspond to the color green? What traffic controller gestures correspond to the color yellow? Can you hitch onto the back of a car? Is it possible to organize bicycle races on the road? What should a cyclist do if he sees a “No Bicycles” sign? How should you get around stopped traffic? What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Competition “Artistic”

Each team is given a riddle, the answer to which is the name of the road sign. The team draws this sign on paper. It is assessed whether the sign is guessed correctly, whether it is named correctly, and the aesthetics of the sign’s image on paper.

"A pedestrian"

Here's a fork, here's a spoon,
We refueled a little,
They fed the dog too
We say “thank you” to the sign.

"Traffic light"

I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I filled up my car here.
In the kindergarten parking lot
She needs to stand during quiet times.

"Road signs"

This is a sign of this kind -
He is on guard for the transition.
Let's go with the doll together
We're on our way to this place.

Competition “Road Signs”

Each team is given 2 road signs. It is necessary to correctly name the sign and its purpose.

Teams are given 5 minutes to think. For each correctly named sign, the team receives 1 point.

The jury sums up the results of KVN.

Team awards.

Antufieva Natalya Nikolaevna, primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 4", Lensk, Republic of Sakha

Our team:


Our logo:

Our motto:

Remember the rules, teenager:
If there is a stream of cars,
Find it at the crossroads -
Safe "island"!


Three students come out: the first is the leader, the second is the green gnome, the third is the red gnome.
and stand in a column one after another

By the road in a house without a garden or porch
Dwarfs live: two nice little people.

Green gnome:

(takes a step to the right and points with his hand)
The green gnome says: everything is calm, the path is open.

Red gnome:

(takes a step left and forward)
If it comes out red, then the path is dangerous.

And day and dark night the windows in it do not go out:

Green gnome:

Here comes the green gnome,
(the green gnome takes a step forward and stands next to the leader)

Red gnome:

Here comes the red one. (the red gnome takes a step forward
and stands next to the leader on the other side)

Little people have an important and difficult job:

Gnomes (in unison):

Careless citizens should blink at the crossing.

(to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”)

Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles,
But you can't run along the road.
The sidewalk is for pedestrians, but the road is for cars.
Everyone should know this rule.

If red is a dangerous path,
If it's yellow, wait.
And green means you can
We need to cross the road.

The road sign will prompt, prohibit and indicate
Traffic police post, crossing and detour.
For those who don’t know this, we’ll tell you guys:
You teach, here's our advice!

The signs are different, all beautiful,
You should know them as friends.
The signs are different, all beautiful,
We will comply with them!

Team captain's report:The "Island" team is ready to play according to the rules of the road!

Competition "Safe Wheel" (scenario for the brigade competition and poster presentations)

Physics teacher

The article belongs to the section: Extracurricular activities

ALL– Our team, BARRIER is a ban on everything that is not necessary, impossible or not!

1 u. - Wait, guys, I thought our team was BOOM.

2 cu. – Yes, what are you talking about, it’s just that there’s a real BOOM in our school today, because today there are a lot of guests and the “Safe Wheel” competition is taking place!

3 USD – And I thought that our team was BAM.

1 u. - Yes, what a BAM, BAM - this is already in the past, this is not the construction of the century!

4 USD - Guys, I like UM.

u. - Yes, good, one mind is good, but four is better!

u. - Come on, we are already smart, young and beautiful!

2 cu. – And I’m inclined to call it STEP.

4 USD - Oh, that's cool too!

After all, we keep up with the times,

We know all the traffic rules,

We are one step ahead of our classmates!

1 u. “Today is something of a high point for us, we are playing with words.”

3 USD - What, the finest hour comes only when victory comes. And we just see how capacious the word BARRIER is! And that's all us! (All) Skovorodintsy, MSOSH No. 3, which is located on the mountain.

1 u. – It was we who made the HAMMER and NOISE!

4 USD – This is our MIND at work!

3 USD – It’s here today BOOM!

2 cu. – We know about BAM!

All– We will arrange a BARRIER for you!

SONG (all)

All life consists of prohibitions
There’s simply no escape from them,
Suddenly you see a barrier standing
The heart immediately stops.

But you must know all the rules
Carry out and strive for order
You must stand in front of the sign
It's like you're doing exercises.

1 u. – What barrier? Barrier on railway. What signs are we talking about?

2 cu. - About which ones, about which ones - about prohibitions! Isn't this a barrier for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists?

3 USD - How many are there?

3 USD - What are you talking about, be quiet! There are 35 of them!

1 u. – 35 barriers?! It is something...

4 USD - What about the traffic light? This is also a barrier!

Pedestrians and cars
Respect the traffic light
After all, there is order on the road
He provides.

Coming to any intersection
The adult knows and the teenager knows!
You need to quickly cross the entire roadway
Don't linger or yawn on the way.

2 cu. – And it seems to me that the most serious barrier on the road is the traffic police service!

1 u. - Oh yeah!

Song (to the tune of the song “Our service is both dangerous and...)

This service is both dangerous and difficult.
In cities and villages everyone can see
If somewhere on a city road
The intruder is rushing
This service is helping us now
We began to learn the rules every hour.
On duty day and night, she is everywhere
Brave traffic police service!
This is a very difficult job
But it’s about caring about people
And they save people's lives here
So get to work quickly!
So that there is no anxiety in life
And no trouble happened to the people.
Discipline on every road
Please, people always comply!

4 USD – Yes, despite the fact that many people don’t like barriers, we need to be more tolerant of them, because they really save us from trouble.

All– A BARRIER is a ban on everything that is unnecessary, impossible or not!

1 u. – All life consists of yes and no, it is possible or it is not possible, it is forbidden or allowed!

3 USD -We are against permissiveness.

1 u. – We are for rules and order.

All– After all, we are a STEP, forward (they take a step forward)

After all, we are MIND, ours (show head)

And of course BOOM (foot stomp)


Municipal state-financed organization additional education

« Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the City of Kursk"

"SAFE WHEEL - 2017"

within the framework of the city educational program
"School of Traffic Light Sciences"

Developed by: teacher-organizer
Trofimova I.Yu.


"SAFE WHEEL - 2017"

1. General Provisions

The city competition “Safe Wheel” is a team championship and is held among students in general educational institutions of the city of Kursk within the framework of the city targeted educational program “School of Traffic Light Sciences”.

Target: education of law-abiding road users;
- reduction of child road traffic injuries;
- involving schoolchildren in active participation in promoting safe behavior on the streets and roads;
- formation of a responsible attitude towards personal safety and security
those around you;
- improving the work of educational institutions and teams of young traffic inspectors to prevent road accidents involving schoolchildren;

Founders of the competition : Education Committee of the city of Kursk
Co-founders : branch of Rosgosstrakh LLC, Kursk region

Organizers: MBU DO "Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the City of Kursk",
State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kursk

Competition participants: 1 team from each MBOU of the city of Kursk
consisting of 4 people (2 girls and 2 boys), members of the YID detachment.
Age of participants: 10 - 12 full years (born in 2007, 2006, 2005).

Participants aged 13 years and older will take part in the city competition “Traffic Light” in May 2017.

Date and place: April 20, 2017 at 11.00 on the territory of the Children's Park

To participate, the head of the secondary school team must submit an APPLICATION to the competition organizer, certified by a doctor and the director of the MBOU.

Preliminarythe application can be sent to e-mail __________
no later than April 19, 2017 by the address:

Application form:

Application from MBOU "Secondary School No. ____"
to participate in the city competition “Safe Wheel 2017”
Team composition: 4 people

Last name, first name of participant

Participant age



Director of secondary school ____________________________ (signature, seal)
Team leader _________________________________ (full name)


10.30-10.55 - registration of teams, issuance of route sheets
11.00 - 11.15 - grand opening of the competition
11.20 -13.00 - completing tasks at stages
13.00 - 13.30 - work of the counting commission, summing up results
demonstration performances of young karting drivers at the Palace of Pioneers

13.30 - 14.00 - ceremonial closing of the competition, awarding the winners.

The competition program includes the following stages:

(4 people participate)
Conducted in the form of testing, according to exam cards published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004)

taking into account changes and additions to traffic regulations currently in force. Each participant answers 20 questions. The time allotted for written answers is 5 minutes. For each correct answer - 1 point. The number of correct answers and the time spent by all team members are taken into account. The winner is the team that answers the most questions correctly. In case of equality of points, primacy is given to the team that spent less time answering.

2. BASICS OF LIFE SAFETY (4 people participate)
It is carried out in the form of testing, according to tickets published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004).
Participants answer 10 questions in writing, one of which is about application medicines and funds. For each correct answer -1 point. The time allotted for written answers is 5 minutes.
The winner is the team that gets the most correct answers in the least amount of time.

3. INSURANCE BASICS (4 people participate)
It is carried out in the form of testing, according to tickets published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004). Participants answer 10 questions in writing. For each correct answer - 1 point. The time allotted for answers is 5 minutes. The winner is the team that gets the most correct answers in the least amount of time.

4. FIGURE BIKE DRIVING (1 person participates)

The participant in this stage must have protective equipment:
- helmet
- elbow pads, knee pads

Without protective equipment, the participant is not allowed to complete the stage.
Providing the team member with protective equipment is the responsibility of the team leader.

A participant rides a bicycle through a section with obstacles. The list of elements was published in the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood” (No. 4-6 2004). The task is performed on a site where obstacles are sequentially located at different distances from each other. The organizers have the right to change the order of obstacles.The participant starts with a bonus of 40 points , from which penalty points are deducted for the following violations:
- skipping obstacles, pins 10 points,
- touching the ground with both feet, falling from a bicycle - 10 points
- touching the ground with one foot - 5 points
- incomplete passage through an obstacle - 5 points
- moving or touching a chip (pins, cone) - 5 points for each item
- leaving the territory of the route 5 points
The winner is the participant who, after subtracting penalty points from the bonus 40 points, remains with the most points. In the event of a tie in the remaining points, the championship is awarded to the participant who spent the least time. In case of equality of points and time, preference is given to the youngest participant.

The use of a stage participant's bicycle is allowed.

5. traffic rules experts (4 people participate)
On this stage each team leaves with a bonus of 40 points .
The team is invited
20 tasks (questions) that are asked and solved in a certain program mode. All questions are displayed on the screen. The team gives answers on a special form.

1 block - 4 tasks on knowing the order of travel traffic intersection means the number of which is no more than 3, a bicycle must be used as one mandatory means in each task.

The 1st thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of traffic rules 3 and 13.

Block 2 - 4 tasks on knowledge of traffic lights and traffic controllers.
The 2nd thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of paragraph 6 of the traffic rules.

Block 3 - 4 tasks on knowledge of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers.

The 3rd thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the traffic rules.

Block 4 - 4 tasks on knowledge of the responsibilities of cyclists.
The 4th thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of clause 24 of the traffic rules.

Block 5 - 4 tasks on knowledge of road signs.
The 5th thematic block includes tasks that require knowledge of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Rules.
The team puts numbers on the answer form Vehicle in the order of their passage. Each question is displayed on the screen for only 25 seconds.
For each incorrectly completed task, 3 points are deducted from the bonus 40.
When determining the winning team at this stage, the number of remaining points is taken into account. In case of equality of points, preference is given to the team with the youngest participants.
Team leaders are NOT PRESENT at this stage.

A performance on the topic “Safe road for children” is carried out by a team (4 people) using funds amateur performances in any small stage form (dramatized song, literary montage, medley, KVN, fragment of a lesson or propaganda team, etc.).
Participants in the competition perform in full UID uniform or in costumes prepared for this creative stage.

Not allowed use of uniforms of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as accessories: shoulder straps, chevrons, emblems and cockades.

The speech should reveal the activities of young traffic inspectors and have a propaganda focus. The use of additional visual propaganda, paraphernalia and technical equipment, and musical accompaniment is allowed.
Duration of speech - no more than 3 minutes . If the allotted time is exceeded, the performance is stopped.
During a performance, the use of a phonogram with a recorded voice (phonogram “plus”) is prohibited.

The competition is assessed according to the following criteria (maximum 20 points):
- content of the text of the speech - from 0 to 3 points
- artistry, mastery of performance - from 0 to 3 points,
- use of various genres - from 0 to 5 points,
- presence of a UID dress uniform or suits - from 0 to 3 points
level of visual design - from 0 to 3 points,
- presence and level of musical design - from 0 to 3 points

If the performance does not correspond to the specified topic, then only one of the criteria is evaluated.

7. PHOTO NEWSPAPER COMPETITION “Two-wheeled problems”
The team provides a pre-designed photo newspaper on the topic of the competition.Photo newspaper is made using any technique. Preference is given to works
without use computer technology (creative contribution of the team). Format - sheet of Whatman paper A1 or A2.

The newspaper assumes that there is materialabout the work of the YID detachment with school cyclists (propaganda rules for cyclists: photos of practical classes, competitions, demonstrations, promotions and other events).

The competition is judged according to the following criteria : (maximum 15 points)
- compliance with the given topic - from 0 to 2 points,
- content of the text of the photo newspaper - from 0 to 3 points,
- subject of photographic material - from 0 to 3 points
- consistency of photo and text - from 0 to 2 points,
- originality of design - from 0 to 3 points,
- compliance with the rules of photo newspaper design - from 0 to 2 points

8. RELAY RACE “ERUDITE” (4 people participate)
Each team member in turn needs to run a distance of 60m, stopping at a certain place to answer 1 question on traffic rules.
For each incorrect answer or lack of answer, the team is given a penalty time (10 seconds). The time spent is converted into points (10 -time = points). The winner of the stage is the team with the most points.


At each stage, the teams that showed the best results are determined.
These teams are awarded certificates from the founders of the competition.

At the “Traffic Check” stage, the 3 best teams are awarded.
In the “Figured Bicycle Driving” stage, 3 participants are awarded.
At the “Creative Competition” stage, 3 teams are awarded.
At the remaining stages, 1 team is awarded.
Winners of city competitions The teams that showed the best results at all stages (the highest amount of points) are considered. These teams occupy 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively. If the total points are equal, preference is given to the team that showed the best results at the stages “Checking knowledge of the Rules of the Road” and “Traffic Rules Experts”. In case of equality of points at these two stages, preference is given to the team that showed the best result at the “Figured bicycle driving” stage.
Teams - winners (who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places)
may be awarded for the best results at only one stage of the competition.

The winning teams (who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) are awarded certificates and prizes from the founders of the competition.

The teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places at the city competitions “Safe Wheel 2017” take part in the regional competitions “Safe Wheel”, which will take place on April 25-27, 2017. on the territory of the Traffic Police Department in the Kursk region and on the basis of a children's sports and recreation camp.

Extracurricular activity scenario

"Safety Wheel"


Deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules.

To form schoolchildren’s ideas about road safety when moving along streets and roads.

To develop skills in following the basic rules of student behavior

street, road, in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Leading: I have in my hands a magic book about the Rules of the Road.

Rules from this book

You need to know firsthand

And it’s not easy to teach them,

But seriously, for sure.

We are all called road users. Walking down the street, we become .... (pedestrians), sitting in a car - ..... (passengers), driving a bicycle - .... (driver). We are all responsible for safety on the roadway, so no one should create a danger to traffic or cause harm to other people.

Any vehicle on the road must be addressed as "you".

Guys, did you play volleyball with a big group? And, of course, they ran after the flying ball, as they say, headlong, without looking around. Make it a rule: without looking around, don’t run!

You cross the road - keep your mouth shut and remain silent!

Now all attention is on the road. Cars travel at high speeds, the driver has no time to think whether you are paying attention and remembering the rules of the road. An accidental step from the sidewalk to the side of the road can cause an accident.

Girls have this style: they hold hands and three or four of them walk along the sidewalk, laughing and talking. People are rushing in different directions; this habit is very inappropriate. You have taken up the entire sidewalk - but where should other pedestrians go?

On the sidewalk, too, think about convenience for everyone!

Puzzles(for all the guys

Two pairs of legs on the pavement,

And two hands above your head.

What is this? (Trolleybus).

Two brothers run away, but two catch up?

What is this? (Wheels).

We are necessary machines

Call us for help.

On our side door

Written - 03.


We are necessary machines

And if suddenly there is trouble.

On our side door

Written - 02.


We are necessary machines

We will defeat the fire

If the flame breaks out,

Call - 01.

(Fire engine).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

There are legs and two wheels running along the road.

The riddle has an answer, it's mine...


You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows,

They are moving along the street in a fast stream.

They transport various cargoes - bricks and iron, grain and watermelons.

We loved them for this work,

They're called (Cars)

Not alive, but walking.

Motionless, but leading (Road)

Game “Blind Artist” (for 3-4 people)

Draw a bicycle with your eyes closed.

Driving questions (for everyone)

    How should you avoid stopped traffic? (No way, you have to get to the transition).

    How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have and what kind? (Two red and green)

    Is it possible to stop the car immediately? (No)

    Name the traffic light signals (Red, yellow, green)

    Name the most dangerous place for pedestrians (roadway)

    Which wheel remains stationary when the car moves? (Spare)

    Do I need to wear seat belts?

"Automulti". (for all)

Participants are invited to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

      What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace?

(On the stove).

      Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?


      How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?


      What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin?


      What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?

(Into the carriage).

6) What did old Hottabych fly on?

(Carpet plane).

7) Baba-Yaga’s personal transport?

8) What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on?

    The bears were riding a bicycle

And behind him are mosquitoes

What did the mosquitoes fly on?

(On a balloon).

    Who traveled in the cartoon "Chunga-Changa"?


11) What did Kai ride?


12)What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

(On the core).

13) What did the queen and her baby wear in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan?

(In a barrel).

14) What kind of transport did the Bremen Town Musicians use?


15) What did Vasilisa the Wise use to get to the Tsar’s palace?

(In the carriage).

Leading: Great, you guys are great!

The pavement is seething with movement,

Cars are running, trams are rushing...

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Pedestrians must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic lights -

Submit to them without argument.

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

They can cross the road.

Walk straight! You know the order -

You won't get hurt on the pavement!

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Football is a good game

At the stadium, kids.

Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,

But don't play on the pavement!

Spare your health, spare your life -

And watch the movement.

Exam of importance

Follow the traffic rules.

Thank you guys so much!

I hope that you will be attentive and careful on the roads.

The information corresponds to the new regulations on the All-Russian competition for young traffic inspectors “Safe Wheel - 2014”

All-Russian competition for young traffic inspectors " Safety wheel»

General provisions.

The All-Russian competition for young traffic inspectors “Safe Wheel” is a team championship among students from general education organizations Russian Federation.

The competition is held by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of the approved Regulations on the All-Russian competition for young traffic inspectors “Safe Wheel” together with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other interested departments and organizations.

Competition goals:

education of law-abiding road users; prevention of child neglect and homelessness; formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students.

Competition objectives:

  • prevention of children's road traffic injuries;
  • improving work to prevent child homelessness and neglect, preventing crimes involving children;
  • consolidation of students' knowledge of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation;
  • involving children in promoting the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads and safe participation in road traffic;
  • involving children in teams of young traffic inspectors; involving children in systematic physical education and sports.

The competition is held in three stages:

I. Municipal stage - September - April;

II. Regional stage - September - May;

III. All-Russian final of the Competition.

The All-Russian final is held after the end of the academic year. Location All-Russian competition young inspectors of the “Safe Wheel” traffic are determined by the Organizing Committee in agreement with the administration of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the final of the competition is held.

Organization and holding All-Russian competition for young traffic inspectors “Safe Wheel”.

General management of the preparation and conduct of the competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Competition, which is formed by the organizers of the competition from among representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, authorities executive power the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the final of the competition is held, other interested departments and organizations.

The municipal stage of the competition is conducted by the authorities local government, carrying out management in the field of education, together with divisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The regional stage of the competition is carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, together with the divisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The time and place of the municipal and regional stages of the Competition are determined by the heads of the bodies specified in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of these Regulations. They are also responsible for control over logistics, financial support and summing up the results of the relevant stages of the Competition.

The organization and conduct of the All-Russian final of the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Competition together with the working group of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The composition of the working group is approved by the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation conducting the final of the Competition.

Summing up the results of the final of the Competition is entrusted to the Main Panel of Judges, approved by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

Decisions of the Organizing Committee of the Competition are documented in minutes and approved by the Chairman (co-chairman) of the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

The rules of conduct for participants in competitions, the procedure and conditions for conducting stages of the Competition, the list of elements and the system for calculating penalty points are regulated by the Rules of the Competition, which are annually developed, approved by the organizers of the Competition and published on the official websites of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - http://ministryofeducation.rf/.

Participants in the finals of the Competition.

The participants in the final of the Competition are the winners of the second stage of the Competition in the team championship.

The years of birth of participants admitted to the finals of the Competition are indicated in the Rules of the Competition and (or) in the call for the finals of the Competition sent to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the organizers of the Competition.

The team consists of 4 people: 2 boys and 2 girls. Partial teams are allowed to participate in the finals of the Competition. In this case, the results of the participants are taken into account only in the individual competition.

Participation in the final of the Competition is allowed only once. Participants who took part in the finals of the Competition in previous years are not allowed to participate in the next final of the Competition.

The decision on the admission of a team or one of its members to participate in the finals of the Competition is made by the Main Jury.

Teams from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation arrive to participate in the finals of the Competition, accompanied by the head of the road safety promotion unit of the State Traffic Inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a representative of the local government body that manages the field of education, or a representative of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages the field of education. , or a representative of a general education institution whose responsibilities include issues of preventing child road traffic injuries.

Conditions for participation in the final of the Competition.

Each team taking part in the finals of the Competition provides the following documents upon registration:

  • personal application with photographs of the participants in the final of the Competition, certified by the local government body exercising management in the field of education, and (or) the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, and the State Traffic Inspectorate (Appendix);
  • birth certificate, as well as a copy of it for each participant in the final of the Competition (the original document is returned upon registration);
  • a medical certificate for a student leaving for a health camp (form No. 079/u) for each participant in the Competition finals;
  • certificate of preventive vaccinations (form No. 156/у – 93) for each participant in the final of the Competition;
  • medical certificate confirming no contact with infectious patients;
  • travel documents for accompanying persons;
  • an insurance policy of compulsory medical insurance for each participant in the final of the Competition;
  • an agreement on life and health insurance against accidents for each participant in the final of the Competition.

When registering participants in the finals of the Competition, they are photographed and a list of participants in the finals of the Competition is compiled (at the end of the Competition they are transferred to the Organizing Committee of the Competition).

If the Main Panel of Judges identifies a discrepancy between the documents submitted by the team and the actual age of the participants in the finals of the Competition, as well as if participants in the finals of the Competition of previous years are identified in the team, the team takes part in the finals outside the competition. Team members who meet the requirements for participation in the finals of the Competition will compete only in the individual competition.

In the absence of the above documents, the team is not allowed to participate in the finals of the Competition.

Competition final program.

The Competition final program includes 5 stations in the team competition and a creative team competition.

Team standings:

  • first station “Experts of traffic rules” – an individual theoretical exam on knowledge of the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Traffic Regulations) with a summary of the team result;
  • second station “Knowledge of the basics of first aid” – an individual exam, including questions on knowledge of the basics of first aid and tasks for them practical application summing up the team result;
  • third station " Autotown"– individual cycling on a specially equipped area with road signs, markings, traffic light objects, pedestrian crossings, simulated railway crossings, roundabouts and T-shaped intersections with a team result;
  • fourth station "Figured bicycle driving" – individual figure cycling on a platform specially equipped with obstacles, summing up the team result;
  • fifth station “Basics of life safety” – a team-wide theoretical exam on knowledge of the basics of safe behavior on the road and testing the erudition of participants.

Creative competition of teams “Together for road safety” – presentation of a propaganda event to develop students’ skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Conditions for the final of the Competition.

From the teams that arrived at the finals of the Competition, squads are formed (no more than 24 people in each squad). To coordinate the participation of teams in the final of the Competition, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out management in the field of education, in which the final of the Competition is held, allocates teaching staff(based on at least one specialist per four teams) and psychologists (based on at least one specialist per team).

Competitions for participants of the Competition begin no earlier than 9:00 and end no later than 18:00 local time.

The team arriving at the finals of the Competition must have a single dress and sports uniform.

The team of the subject of the Russian Federation, on whose territory the final of the Competition is held, performs outside the competition.

Development of tests, questions, tasks for theoretical and practical exams, formation exam papers in accordance with these Regulations and the Rules, the finals of the Competition are carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Competition and the working group of the Competition.

Before the start of the competition, the Main Panel of Judges holds a general meeting of the participants in the finals of the Competition, at which it introduces the participants of the Competition to the procedure and conditions of the competition, the system of counting points and penalties.

The rules and features of each competition in the finals of the Competition are explained to team members by the chief judges at the stations immediately before the start of the competition.

The most experienced employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the final of the Competition is held are appointed as the chief judges at the stations. Station judges and jury members creative competition are appointed from among the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, cultural management bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare and public organizations.

Elements of figure driving on fourth station "Figured bicycle driving" determined by drawing lots general meeting participants in the finals of the Competition. Envelopes with tasks for first, second, third And fifth stations are opened immediately before the start of the competition.

Each participant when passing third And fourth stations must wear protective equipment (helmet, knee pads, elbow pads), which are issued by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

Competitions on third And fourth stations are carried out on bicycles with a wheel diameter of no more than 60 cm (24 inches), a tread width of at least 40 mm and foot, hand or combined brakes (at the participant’s choice). Providing the competition with bicycle equipment is the responsibility of the organizers of the Competition finals. Multi-speed bicycles are allowed.

The order in which teams perform at stations and in the creative competition is determined by drawing lots.

The results are calculated based on the number of points received by each participant personally, as well as in total by all team members, in accordance with the Rules of the Competition.

If a participant in the finals of the Competition withdraws from the competition for medical reasons (due to injury, illness, etc.), then the points earned by the participant while performing exercises are taken into account in the overall team standings. For an exercise that the participant did not complete, the maximum number of penalty points received by the other participants in the Competition finals is counted, in accordance with the Rules for the Competition finals.

Participants in the finals of the Competition who do not agree with the assessment for the result they showed at the stations have the right to submit an appeal in writing to the Chief Judge of the finals of the Competition before the end of this type of competition. ABOUT the decision taken The chief judge of the Competition final notifies the applicant and the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

The topic, conditions and procedure for conducting a creative competition are specified in the Rules of the Competition.

Summing up the results of the Competition final, awarding the winners and runners-up.

The results of the final of the Competition are summed up by the Main Panel of Judges.

The results of the competitions at each station and the creative competition are summed up immediately after the completion of the events. All results are entered into separate statements and posted on information stands at the end of each day of the Competition finals.

For violations of the Rules for the final of the Competition, the Main Panel of Judges has the right not to award prizes.

The winners and prize-winners of the Competition are:

  • 10 teams that took the first ten places based on the total points received by the teams at all stations of the Competition finals (awarded 12 medals (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place), 10 diplomas and 10 team prizes);
  • the team that takes 1st place becomes the winner of the Competition and is awarded the “Safe Wheel” challenge cup;
  • 10 boys and 10 girls who took the first ten places based on the total points received in the individual competition finals of the Competition;
  • in case of equality of indicators, primacy is given to the participant who showed the best result at stations in the following sequence: 1, 3, 4, 2 (awarded 6 medals (for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place), 20 diplomas and 20 prizes);
  • 10 teams that took the first ten places at each station of the Competition finals (awarded 50 diplomas and 50 team prizes);
  • 10 teams that took the first ten places based on the sum of points received in parts 1 and 2 of the creative competition (awarded 10 diplomas and 10 team prizes).

When determining the winners in the overall team classification, the least number of penalty points received at the stations of the Competition finals is taken into account. In case of equality of results, preference is given to the team that received the fewest penalty points at stations in the following sequence: 1, 5, 3, 4, 2. If taking into account these results also does not lead to the identification of a winner, preference is given to the team that spent the least time completing all tasks final of the Competition.

The main panel of judges has the right to award additional incentive and special prizes for the finals of the Competition.

Following the results of the final of the Competition, all teams are given DVDs with materials about the event.

Financing of the Competition.

Expenses for sending participants to the finals of the Competition (payment of travel to the venue of the finals of the Competition and back, food, insurance of participants, accommodation) are borne by the sending organizations: students of general education organizations and representatives of educational authorities are sent at the expense of funds allocated by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in charge of management in the field of education; heads of traffic police propaganda units of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - at the expense of funds allocated by the territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. Food and accommodation for final participants during the Competition period is provided free of charge. State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Development extracurricular activities

according to traffic rules

Competition game: “Safe Wheel”.

( for students primary classes And

middle management).

Siva village, Sivinsky district Perm region




(for primary and secondary school students)

Goals: consolidation of students’ knowledge of traffic rules, formation of

them skills of safe behavior, studying the structure of a bicycle, improving skills in providing first aid medical care.

Game equipment: bicycles (for teenagers), first aid kit, sports

skittles, images of road signs, task cards, route sheets.

The game is played by teams, each consisting of 5 people. Form

Participants' clothing is sportswear. The event takes place on the school grounds. Each team is given a route sheet indicating the stops at which certain tasks must be completed. All teams begin the game at the same time after constructing and explaining the rules of the competition. All tasks are graded on a five-point system.

Progress of the game

There are a lot of traffic rules in the world

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,

But the main thing from the traffic rules

You should know how to use a multiplication table.

Hello, dear friends! Today we are meeting at the intellectual and entertaining game “Safe Wheel”, and all the questions, as you guessed, will be on the topic “Road Rules”, which you all know. And immediately you have a task: choose a captain and come up with a team name that corresponds to this topic.

1. Building teams and explaining the rules of the game

2. Teams perform tasks (passing stops)

2.1. Quiz stop (Each team answers its own card)

Here teams are asked to answer questions related to dangerous situations on the roads:

1 team answers:


Team 2 answers:

Students name the parts that make up a bicycle, demonstrate the ability to tighten the chain, spokes, remove and replace the wheel (for a while).

2.3 Stop "Meditsinskaya"

Participants demonstrate first aid skills: stopping arterial (venous) bleeding, immobilization for a fracture, performing artificial respiration.

The number of correct answers is taken into account. If they are equal, the time spent on completing tasks is taken into account.

2.4 Stop "Transport"

The name of the car brand is said. It is necessary to determine in which country it is produced.

"Opel" "Pontiac" "Lancia" "Peugeot"

"Mercedes" "Chevrolet" "Alfa Romeo" "Citroen"

Porsche, Cadillac, Fiat, Renault

"Ford" "Chrysler" "Ferrari"

Audi Plymouth

(Germany) (USA) (Italy) (France)

2.5 Competition "Road Sign Experts":

a) Road signs are proposed: “Other hazards”, “Slippery road”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, “Entry prohibited”, “Roundabout”, “Recommended speed”, “Bus or trolleybus stopping place”, etc. etc. It is necessary to give the exact name of the signs.

b) The team is given tests with situations on how to behave on the roadway. They have to solve the test for a while. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

2.6. Stop "Examination"

Participants are asked to “pass” a road safety exam, which includes answering age-appropriate questions on the test papers and demonstrating the ability to ride a bicycle correctly.

After passing the theory, each participant must drive between the pins placed on the track, drive onto the bridge, turn correctly, turn around and stop. The total time spent completing the task by all participants is taken into account. For each violation (hitting the ground with your foot, hitting the pin, not taking into account the sign, starting and ending the movement incorrectly), a penalty time of 5 seconds is added.

2.7 Bike relay “Track”.

A sports and technical type of competition in which each participant must complete three stages against time. The content of each stage is determined by the panel of judges and includes:

Stage 1 – push-ups (number of push-ups in 1 minute);

Stage 2 - 60 meter run;

Stage 3 - driving a straight section on a bicycle.

The winner is the team that spends the least amount of time completing the relay. Individual competition participants who take 1st place at each stop are awarded.

3. Summing up.

The results are summed up at each stage, route sheets are filled out, the winner

determined by the largest number of occupied prize places.

All winners are awarded diplomas.

The championship is determined in team and individual competition.

The team that takes 1st place at each stage of the competition and the three winning teams in the overall competition are awarded.


2.1. Quiz stop

1 team:

1. Why is it dangerous to play ball next to the roadway?(The ball may roll out onto the roadway, and a child, intending to catch up with it, may rush after it and end up under the wheels of a car).

2. Why can’t you cross the road when the traffic light is yellow?(When the traffic light is yellow, some cars continue to move through the intersection).

3. What is the danger for a pedestrian who is standing on the corner of the sidewalk, within the turning radius of a large vehicle (bus, truck with trailer, etc.)?(When turning, a vehicle can touch (hit, knock down) a standing pedestrian with its middle or rear part.)

4. What danger lurks for a schoolchild who sees his parents (friends) on the opposite side of the road?(Wanting to meet them quickly, the student begins to cross the street, often without noticing moving vehicles, thereby creating an emergency situation for other road users and not ensuring his own safety).

5. Why is the moment dangerous for a pedestrian when one car overtakes another?(A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car, and its driver may not see the pedestrian until he has completed overtaking, i.e. there is a risk of hitting a person).

6.In rainy weather you travel by trolleybus. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the contact wire broke and fell onto the roof of the trolleybus. The driver opened the doors for passengers to exit. How should you leave the trolleybus?(You must leave the salon only through open doors, jumping over steps, so as not to get electrocuted).

Team 2:

1. How to cross to the opposite side of the street after getting off the bus?

2. What does a yellow traffic light mean?

3. Tell us what rules must be followed when moving along the street in a group.

4. Why crosswalk Is it more dangerous without a traffic light than with a traffic light?

5. What are the responsibilities of eyewitnesses to an accident?

6. Where is the safest place for pedestrians to be if they are caught by moving cars on the roadway?

The number of correct answers and the total time spent answering questions are taken into account.

Number of correct answers


2.2 Stop “Design of bicycle equipment”

Students name the parts that make up a bicycle;

demonstrate the ability to tighten the chain and spokes;

remove and replace the wheel (temporarily).

2.4 Stop "Transport".

Car brands.




Alfa Romeo














Test Option – 1.

Option No. 1

What should a pedestrian do in this situation?

1. Walk in front of the car, making sure that it has stopped and is giving way to you.

2. Go first.

3. Yield to the car.

How to cross the road if there is no pedestrian crossing nearby?

1. Give way to traffic moving on the left and walk to the middle; then complete the transition if there is no transport on the right.

2. Crossing is prohibited, you need to go to the nearest pedestrian crossing;

3. You can cross only if there is no transport or if it is sufficiently distant from the crossing point.

What does this sign mean?

1. Bicycle path;

2. Cycling is prohibited;

3. Parking for bicycles.

What does this sign mean?

1. Overpass;

2. Underpass;

3. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.

What does this sign mean?

1. Parking for vehicles;

3. Tram stop location;

Choose one of the signs that matches the picture.

How to behave when crossing the roadway in inclement weather?

How to get around the bus?

1. Cars, buses or trolleybuses must be walked around from behind;

2. Wait until the vehicle leaves the stop, then the road will be clearly visible in both directions, then cross the road.

What does this sign mean?

1. Bicycles are prohibited;

2. Bike path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian crossing.

2. Pedestrian path;

3. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited

Test Option –2.

Option No. 2

Is it possible to cross the road?

1. You can cross the road.

2. You can make sure that the transport has stopped.

3. You can’t, you need to let the vehicle pass.

In what cases is it possible to cross the roadway without going down into the underground passage?

1. In the absence of transport.

2. If there is an underground passage, you only need to cross along it.

3. If you are late for school.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian crossing;

2. Be careful, children.

3. Treadmill.

What does this sign mean?

1. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

2. Traffic for pedestrians only;

3. Pedestrian path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Parking for vehicles;

2. Parking place for passenger taxis;

3. Tram stop location;

4. Bus and (or) trolleybus stop location.


Where to wait public transport?

1. Transport must be waited at the bus stop, and under no circumstances should you go out onto the roadway!

2. Anywhere;

3. On the roadway.


How to behave on the road in inclement weather?

1. Refrain from crossing until the rain or snow stops;

2. Wait for the green traffic light and, not paying attention to the weather, cross the roadway;

3. Be especially careful when turning to a green traffic light, if the street is wet or slippery, the car cannot stop abruptly, even if the driver immediately presses the brake.

What does this sign mean?

1. Be careful at the pedestrian crossing.

2. Be careful, children.

3. Crossing the road is prohibited.


What does this sign mean?

1. Movement is prohibited;

2. Entry is prohibited, traffic is for pedestrians only;

4. Bike path.

What does this sign mean?

1. Designates a place for children's games;

2. Allows pedestrians to walk along the roadway, residential area

3. Indicates parking space

Answers to tests.

Option #1

Option No. 2






















1.Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Road Safety”.
2. Babina R.P. Uncle Styopa's advice. Tutorial M. 1997

3. Babina R.P. Entertaining road alphabet. Educational visual aid. M. 1997

4. Bubnov V.G. Bubnova N.V. How to provide assistance in case of a traffic accident M. 1997.

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6. Latchuk V.N. Markov V.V. Maslov A.G. "Fundamentals of Life Safety" Toolkit. M Bustard 2000

7. Life safety. Fundamentals of life safety Educational and methodological magazine

8. “Fundamentals of life safety” Program and methodological materials for grades 1-11

9. Romanova E.A. Malyushkina A.B. Cool watch according to traffic rules, grades 5-6 M. 2006.

10. Smirnov A.T. Mishin B.I. “Methodological materials and documents for the life safety course” M 2001

11. Tupikin E.I. Thematic control for the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” Set test tasks for students of senior secondary schools M. 2000

12. Forshtat M.L. Learn to be a pedestrian. (Safety on the road and in transport) Textbook on traffic rules for students St. Petersburg. 1998
