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How can I make money on YouTube from scratch using white methods and without investments. Earning on YouTube channel. Basic methods of monetization and recommendations for setting up Remote work. Freelance

And other characters, popular on the Internet, post their videos not only for the sake of fame and fame, but also for the sake of material interests.

And this is true - you can earn a lot of money on video! And why are you worse than these characters who make tens of thousands of dollars? Yes, you are no worse! I am sure that you will also be able to find your niche and succeed in this field.

And in order to figure out how to make money on Youtube, you should consider the entire process of making a profit, from registering on the resource to withdrawing money. I have tried to provide you with the most useful information in this article. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and let's get started.

Registration on YouTube

This instruction is equally applicable not only to the above social network (yes, Youtube is indeed a social network and fits the description of this type of resource in all respects), but also to other services owned by Google.

So, if you already have a Gmail mailbox, you can simply click the "Login" button in the upper right corner and enter your username and password. And for those who are on Youtube for the first time, you will have to go through a simple registration procedure:

  1. Fill out the provided form. It is no different from other registration forms that you might see on other sites - name, email address, date of birth, mobile number (optional). You must also check the boxes confirming your agreement to the terms of use of the resource and the privacy policy.
  2. Confirm your email address. An email will be sent to it, which will contain a link, upon clicking on which activation will occur. If the automatic script didn't work, try manually copying the link from the email into your browser's address bar.
  3. Customize your channel. By clicking on your name in the upper right corner, you will see a drop-down menu in which there will be an item “My Channel”. You can assign a unique name to it, choose a graphic design, in general, bring it to an attractive appearance and prepare it for further monetization. We will talk about it further.

Ways to make money on Youtube

YouTube opens up huge opportunities for users, because you can not only watch and upload videos, but also earn money. How many successful vloggers do you know? Surely every active Internet user has heard at least one well-known name. Video bloggers gained their popularity precisely thanks to video hosting.

In addition, the user has the opportunity to choose the most appropriate type of monetization of his channel. You can earn income in a variety of ways, and now we will try to consider the most working methods of making money on YouTube.

Method one - use an affiliate program

The first and most obvious way to make money on YouTube is the affiliate program provided by this video hosting. Any user of the resource can take part in it, of course, if he simultaneously owns a visited channel with many subscribers and video views.

In numbers: you need to get at least 500 subscribers, more than 50 thousand views of each video and more than a million views of all videos on the channel. If you managed to generate one or two viral videos, this is by no means a guarantee that you will pass moderation.

By the way, now the creators of the resource are seriously discussing the possibility of working with some channels using the subscription method. That is, if a user suddenly wants to watch some show on a paid channel, he will have to pay a subscription fee. But let's not be distracted and return to the already existing ways of earning.

To connect to the Youtube affiliate program, you will need to follow a few simple steps (let's say that you already have a visited channel):

  • Go to the “Partner Benefits” section from the personal page of your channel.
  • Read the instructions for activating the affiliate program and follow the suggested steps (after that, a dollar sign should appear next to your videos).
  • Click on the "Settings" link, which opens when you click on your username (nickname).
  • In the settings menu, select the "Commercial use" item.
  • Click the “Monetize video” button, and then select the format for displaying ads from the list of suggested ones (In Video - advertising images that pop up from time to time during the demonstration of the video; In-Stream - an advertising insert that plays before showing your video).

Method two - we cooperate with advertisers

The second, but no less profitable income on Youtube is direct cooperation with advertisers. Many website and online store owners are interested in expanding their customer base, so they are ready to enter into partnerships with people who can effectively advertise their products and services. Of course, this is not done for free, but for good money.

Such a source of income compares favorably with direct monetization through an affiliate program, since it does not require fifty thousand views, a bunch of subscribers and other conditions from the owner of the channel, which not everyone can achieve (especially since the traffic levels easily conquered by entertainment channels are not you can just take it by posting videos, for example, on the topic of making money on the Internet or knitting brooms).

Method Three – We sell our own products

This method of making money on YouTube is not used very often, however, it is quite working. If you are the owner of the channel, have a sufficient audience, then you can start selling products on your own.

Let's simulate a simple situation: some popular video blogger demonstrates some cool thing in a video (for example, a new smartphone). He simply superficially talks about the product itself and this allows you to attract the attention of potential buyers. Surely many will want to buy the same thing that their idol has.

For example, Cassey Ho's channel, which is dedicated to Pilates and fitness, sells various products and techniques using YouTube. The income from it is quite large - the amount with six zeros, which indicates the prospect of this direction, because the channel earns quite enough.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how big the earnings on youtube will be, but with the right approach, the income will certainly please. Definitely, initial investments will be required for the promotion of the channel and the purchase of goods.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that only a select few can sell goods, but in reality this is not the case. If a person describes in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the product, demonstrates its work, conducts an analysis, then the buyer may be interested in this information.

Method four - we advertise sites and sell links

In the description of many YouTube videos you watch, you can see various links in the description. Remember how many times you saw ads in the description block? This indicates that this method of earning really has a place to be. Popular bloggers usually do not need to look for an advertiser, as they find them themselves.

Owners often use Youtube to promote sites. Sometimes it's easier to pay a popular YouTuber to advertise a resource than to spend a huge amount of money on the gradual promotion of the site. In order to advertise a website in this way, two conditions must be met:

  • The site should be of the highest quality (in terms of user convenience);
  • The site should be attractive and unusual (so that it does not get lost in the general mass of similar web resources).

Method five - sell your knowledge

Investments are practically not needed, since the most important thing (knowledge) is already there.

For example, Michelle Phan helps women to be beautiful, she tells how to use cosmetics correctly and create amazing images. The audience of Michelle's channel is quite large - 7 million subscribers.

It is really possible to make money on YouTube, especially since there are a large number of methods for generating income. They can be combined to get good money. Each user must independently find the best option, since the amount of earnings depends on many factors.

How much can you earn on Youtube?

As I wrote earlier, views on this video hosting are measured in thousands. One thousand impressions of a video in monetary terms is equal to approximately 68 cents or 20 Russian rubles. At first glance, the amount is simply ridiculous, but what if we multiply it by 50 (on average, this is how many viewers a video collects on a more or less promoted channel). 20 * 50 = 1000 rubles for a video that will take you several hours to prepare.

But after a few days and even months, the video continues to “hang” on the pages of the service and generate income for its creator, earning him even more money and subscribers. Not bad, isn't it? More detailed income calculations are given in this article.

Now imagine that you have ten, forty or even more such videos. For the same Max +100500, their number has exceeded one and a half hundred, and most episodes of his program are gaining more than a million views in the first two or three days, and the number of subscribers is gradually approaching the mark of five million users.

The income that such bloggers have from one video can no longer be called a simple part-time job on the Internet - this is really a lot of money that can provide them with a decent existence.

There are not too many popular video bloggers, so significant earnings on YouTube are not available to everyone.

The audience is primarily interested in interesting content, so with the right approach, you can gradually promote your channel and receive a small income. Interesting statistics about the earnings of several popular Russian channels on YouTube are collected on this page.

Is it possible to calculate the amount of income in advance?

The profit of any channel cannot be accurately calculated on the basis of statistics or any other information. Real profit will become known after using any monetization method.

In order to achieve maximum income, you need to combine several ways of earning. You can focus on the approximate earnings of popular channels.

It is worth noting that if the account was created solely for making money, then you do not need to get too hung up on this. Try to create the most useful content that will be of interest to users. If you do everything qualitatively, then it is quite possible to earn money. Here is where the calculation of the income of a popular foreign blogger is carried out.

What niche to choose for the channel?

If you seriously decide to make money on YouTube, then you will first have to complete the main task - to decide on the subject of the channel. This is a fairly serious step, on which the amount of further income depends. It's no secret that the channel's profit directly depends on its direction. In order to choose the right niche as best as possible, you need to answer a number of questions:

After receiving the necessary information and careful analysis, it is much easier to choose the subject of the channel. Based on the information found on the network, we can say that there are a lot of popular topics and choosing the best option is not so easy.

Main nuances

It is possible to get a higher conversion on highly specialized channels, since they usually have a target audience that is interested in purchasing specific products. You just need to advertise and sales will definitely be.

An example is weight loss products. How much investment is required to promote the channel depends on the topic.

You can make your final decision after following these steps:

  1. First you need to choose a topic that is of interest to you personally. If you choose a completely uninteresting topic, then subsequently the enthusiasm may simply disappear.
  2. The niche should be popular enough so that in case of a lack of knowledge, important information can be “peeped”.
  3. The niche must be commercial so that the work pays off in a sufficient amount.
  4. It is necessary to check the popularity of the topic (for example, using Wordstat or Google Adwords). By analyzing the statistics, you can find good options.
  5. Competition needs to be defined. If the niche is too crowded, then success will be difficult to achieve.

You need to learn one main rule - creating a channel should not be something spontaneous. This task requires careful analysis, only thanks to this you can achieve results and earn money.

How to increase video views

Regardless of which method of video monetization you have chosen, the main condition remains the same - the more views your channel has, the more your potential earnings on it.

Therefore, your main task is to increase traffic and increase the number of subscribers. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, especially if you follow the recommendations described below.

Chip number 1 - use the keys to advance

It is necessary to use keywords in the description of the video - the presence of relevant keywords will allow your video not only to catch the eye of search engine users more often, but also to be shown at the very top of the “similar videos” list of the Youtube service itself, and this, in turn, will attract not only people, who are looking for materials on a given topic, but also casual visitors of the service who “flip by”.

It is enough to fill in the search form with a word or phrase that characterizes your video, and the program will display a list of keywords similar to it. It is best to use mid-frequency and low-frequency phrases, as they bring a much more tangible effect than high-frequency phrases (due to reduced competition).

Feature number 2 - attract the attention of users

The title of the video should be catchy, defiant, informative - when a person goes to Youtube or any other video hosting to find something, the search engine gives him dozens, and sometimes even hundreds of videos, so if you want your video to be preferred, heading should be well thought out.

A little trick: next to the name in Russian, you can write its English version (English is considered an international language and it would be foolish to neglect hundreds of thousands of potential visitors and subscribers without using it).

Feature number 3 - use social networks

Thanks to their (social networks) structure, the optimizer can easily find the target audience for their videos, and then show them the fruits of their labor. For example, in the same Vkontakte, you can create a public page, on which you can then post video announcements.

The average user of a social network visits it several times a day, unlike other Internet resources, which most may not visit for weeks, so social traffic is voluminous and much more constant than traffic from other sources (search engines, Youtube subscriptions, bookmarks, etc.).

Feature number 4 - we focus on advertising

Insert a link to a video on popular sites and in the comments on other popular Youtube channels - a positive impact on traffic will be felt almost immediately. The main thing is to insert links where necessary, to the place and in the description, to avoid template expressions of an advertising orientation, so as not to be considered a spammer and not receive sanctions from the administration of the channel / resources on which you advertise yourself.

Ideally, it would not be superfluous to make friends among webmasters or other video bloggers who can provide all possible assistance in promoting a new channel.

If you are serious, use paid promotion - contextual ads, teasers and banners, "live" advertising in other groups on social networks, advertising in videos of famous personalities on the Internet, and so on. All this brings results very quickly, but requires significant cash injections, which will pay off only with a professional approach.

It makes no sense to promote one-day channels in this way, which do not carry any original idea, but are a kind of vinaigrette from other people's successful solutions. You won’t earn much on them, but you will spend a lot of money.

How to withdraw money from Youtube

So we have come to the final (and most enjoyable) part of the workflow - the withdrawal of earned funds. Only earnings on Youtube on views will be considered, because in the case of cooperation with advertisers directly or “working for yourself”, you can choose any tool convenient for you from a huge list and listing each of them simply does not make sense.

Payments under the Youtube affiliate program are made in two ways. The first method is quite lengthy - when the account balance reaches an amount equal to $100, you can order a check, which the company will send to the address you specified within a couple of weeks, after which it will need to be taken to the bank for cashing (note that not everyone bank is suitable for this purpose).

And the second way, as for me, is much more practical - withdrawing funds through Rapida (money transfer system). Unfortunately, this privilege is available only to citizens of the Russian Federation, and Ukrainians pass by.

Instructions for withdrawing funds through Rapida:

  1. Register in the RapidaOnline system, indicating the mobile phone number and passport data (this requirement is mandatory in accordance with the law “on the national payment system”).
  2. Choose one of the available methods of receiving payments, including postal transfers, transfers to individuals and electronic currencies familiar to everyone - Webmoney and Yandex Money.
  3. In your AdSense account, specify a number of parameters from your Rapida account.
  4. Ready. Payments will be made to the specified address automatically, unless, of course, you temporarily suspend them.

How to withdraw money from other affiliate programs?

If the channel is monetized through third-party affiliate programs, then usually applications for withdrawal of funds are submitted on the official website of the PP. All affiliate programs have a personal account. You can also view withdrawal statistics there.

The scheme for withdrawing money depends on the specific affiliate program, as it can be very different. Typically, the user needs to select a payment method, then enter the amount and confirm the operation. It is worth noting that the withdrawal period can be from several days to several weeks (it is impossible to say exactly how long the withdrawal lasts).

That's all I can tell you in this short review. You can get more detailed information only by starting to master this type of earnings on your own. Well, if something was missed - do not hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments. Big earnings to you!

YouTube is one of the most real ways to make money on the Internet. After all, everyone can use a video camera on a mobile phone to create their own videos and show them to the world. Every day, the number of people who learn about this great opportunity and start using it is noticeably increasing. This method is attractive in that having even basic video editing skills in the simplest programs, you can earn income, at first additional, and then the main one.

In general, YouTube is one of the most underestimated services in terms of promotion and earnings opportunities. Compared to, for example, a website, a YouTube channel can be promoted much faster, and, therefore, you can get a return on it in the form of profit faster. Judge for yourself. In order for the pages of the site to get into the first rows of search results, sometimes it takes, if not years, then months for sure. A video clip in a few weeks, or even days, can break into the TOP.

Let's look at currently effective ways to make money using your own YouTube channel, and also look at the factors that affect it.

What affects the amount of money earned?

Are you aiming to get a good income from YouTube? Then it is important to take seriously the following circumstances, which affect a lot. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them and take them into service, otherwise you will fight against the concrete wall of bad luck for a long time:

  1. Is the chosen niche profitable? This is the first thing to consider before creating a channel. Choose a topic that will bring good money as the basis for future videos. Some of the most popular at the moment: business, earnings (everything related to finance), construction and medicine. If you take up knitting, cooking, caring for flowers, you won’t earn much on this. So, purely symbolic amounts for sweets.
  2. Why is the topic chosen so important? The fact is that the profit on YouTube video hosting comes from advertising that will be embedded in videos. And the more expensive the offer from the advertiser, the more money you can earn. In expensive niches, advertising is appropriate, since the profit of a partner (or in another way it can be called a customer) is several times greater than in penny topics.

If you like to fish, cross-stitch, collect various items - this is not a reason to shoot videos on such hobbies. Even if you are well versed in one of these hobbies. It is important to look at the market. It is there that there is an answer to the question of which topic is more in demand.

  1. Are your videos good quality? Everyone wants to see something good and will never watch "hack" provided there is a decent alternative. Therefore, it is important to maintain the highest quality of video content - this is a fundamental part of the work. If everything is done professionally, you will be constantly viewed and found by new users. Hence, the income will increase.

Never post anything that is unfinished and not polished. It is better to place less materials, but better quality.

  1. Choose the right keywords for SEO promotion. Another point is the correspondence of requests to a given topic or description of the video. If you post content about caring for watermelons, and post about how one of the stars annealed in a nightclub, of course, people will quickly leave your channel and will not go there again.

It is important to choose the right keywords for titles and descriptions for your videos. This will make it easier for potentially interested netizens to find you, subscribe, and watch every episode. To attract regular viewers, it is also recommended to use social networks.

  1. Post new videos more often. The point of working on YouTube is not just to post several videos at once in the first few days, and then forget about everything for six months. The point is to post videos constantly with a certain frequency. The optimal amount is about 2 per week. It is the regular updating of the channel that allows you to earn worthy funds with the help of this video hosting. Remember, YouTube viewers are selective. They only watch what is updated frequently.
  2. How many views is your video getting? A simple and understandable moment that is visible to everyone. So, future earnings can be pre-calculated. The more views the videos have, the more money they can bring to their owner. Consider this dependency. In this way, you can observe how your channel is gradually growing. This is achievable with high quality videos and regular postings. More content means more viewers. And more income too.
  3. How to make a channel money? This is directly income. When there are already videos, and they are regularly viewed, the very fact of this will not bring any benefit to the video blogger in case the channel is not monetized. You can take care of this both with the help of the built-in monetization function that YouTube offers, and with a little ingenuity (for example, selling goods made by yourself). Find out more below.
  4. How well is the channel monetized? Deciding how to monetize is just the first step on the ladder to success. The second important thing to do is to correctly place all related tools in the personal account of the video hosting and on the channel itself. For example, it was decided to receive income with the help of affiliate programs. In this case, you should think about how partner products and services will be mentioned in the video. It is important to do this so that they are actually bought.

Possibilities of turning the channel into money

Now that's what we're all here for. Let's take a look at the most realistic way to earn income from your own YouTube channel, and what measures should be taken. In practice, you can get 1000 rubles both for a whole month and for a day. Earning opportunities:

  1. Direct advertising. This is an image at the beginning of a video, text, or otherwise providing information about an offer from an advertiser who has decided to advertise with you. For example, your video blog is about traveling to Western countries. In this situation, you can broadcast an advertisement for a travel agency that sells tours in your direction for a few seconds before each video.
  2. The possibility of earning income on the context of Google. Such ads are pop-up text blocks offering goods or services that are related to the topic of your materials. Youtube itself sorts them according to the nature of the publications. This is one of the simplest methods used by many average vloggers. The calculation is based on the number of clicks from advertising.
  3. Sale of own goods and services. This method is the most profitable, since you are promoting the offer not from the advertiser, which gives only a part of the income, but your own. If you take the position of an advertiser, sometimes it is even more profitable to place your offer on someone else's channel than to save money for clicks.
  4. Earnings on affiliates. If the topic of your channel is narrow enough, and you have already achieved certain numbers in the attendance report, this option should definitely be considered. To do this, you just need to place affiliate links under the video and mention offers in current releases. The size of the commission from the sale of partner products is approximately 20-70%.
  5. Get the jackpot from other people's videos. It is possible to make money on YouTube even without your own videos. It is only important to find the right content, and then place one of the considered types of advertising. The advantage of this method is the speed of publishing video information, as well as the absence of labor costs associated with creating your own content. And this is time saving.

This method also has disadvantages:

  • the inability to develop their name, as well as the loss of regular viewers;
  • inability to control the content of videos and their topics;
  • the likelihood of litigation for copyright infringement;
  • such a channel can block YouTube at the most unexpected moment.
  1. Blogging with YouTube channel. This is an opportunity to increase the base of regular visitors both on one and the other resources. This is achieved by posting videos to articles on your blog and vice versa - links to the site from the channel. So traffic is more actively converted into a cash equivalent.
  2. Another way to make your channel more popular and promising as a source of income is to hold various contests. We have many people who like to take part in such events, and the topics can be very different. The main thing is to spark the interest of users and attract their attention - someone will become a participant in the contest, others will simply go to the channel to find out the results. Try it, it works.
  3. You can also make money by making music videos, and it is not at all necessary that mega-stars participate in them. There are enough talented people besides them. Let your clip be amateur, many users like it even more. Sometimes performers become truly popular precisely after such trials.
  4. If you know enough about a certain area that you can teach something useful to other people, create a channel for learning and earn money by watching your informational videos. This way of making money cannot be called the easiest, because in addition to a certain amount of useful knowledge, you also need to have the ability to present them in an interesting way, and this is not given to everyone. However, no financial investment is required. And besides money, you can also get moral satisfaction.

What you need to do to start earning

Getting started is not as difficult as it seems. In total, you need to go through 3 stages:

  1. Create a channel. To do this, you need to register with Google and find YouTube video hosting among the services.
  2. Properly arrange and place the first videos. Design is also important. Without decoration, the channel will look like a gray canvas, and this is completely unattractive. It is possible to upload a picture that is close to the topic or find a designer who will work on this issue. Ordering professional services will require a certain investment of funds, but they will quickly pay off and begin to make a profit. After all, there is more confidence in the quality design.
  3. Set up monetization. Of all these methods, consider the built-in method of advertising. To do this, in the "My Channel" section, find "Video Manager" and open it. If you click on "Channel", and then on "Monetization" - a window with options will appear. Before submitting an application, you must go back and select the USA as the country. So moderation will be faster and painless. After that, in the treasured item “Monetization”, an active entry “Connect” will appear. You need to click it and perform a couple more related simple steps that the video hosting will offer. If everything is done correctly, after a while the application will be approved and you can start earning. In addition to the considered option, there is still a mountain of opportunities: find direct customers, sell a place for a link, apply to special services, post offers of affiliate programs, etc.

To begin with, you need to take into account that according to the rules of the system, you will be charged only if you have at least 5 hundred subscribers. In addition, at least a dozen video clips must be constantly freely available, each of which has at least a thousand views daily. And finally, at least once a week you upload a new video.

If we take the average figures, then at present in Russia the site pays less than a dollar, 50-80 cents, for 1000 views. Abroad (in the west) the figures are slightly higher, somewhere around a dollar and a half. You can find information about $ 5, but this is rare. Again, however, these are averages.

In fact, there are no caps here. And yes, age doesn't matter. Most video bloggers (those who actually maintain the channel) earn about $ 500 a month on YouTube. If your income reaches $1,000, you will become a money-making guru. Only in order to receive such a large amount you need to spend enormous time and effort (all this is not given in one month of fruitful work).

The authors of commercials that have achieved popularity are already earning from viral videos ordered from them from various companies. It's so easy to earn decent amounts with little or no investment. It is only necessary to understand on what circumstances success depends.

But no matter how vague the prospects for making money on YouTube, there are a number of factors that have a direct impact on its size and it is useful for every novice creator of their own channel to know them:

  1. Let's start with the geographical factor. It does not matter at all in which countries your video will be played. The fact is that in some countries there are few advertisers, and, therefore, there are fewer chances to get profitable advertising. In others, the situation is quite the opposite, which, of course, is in your favor.
  2. The type of advertising used also matters. After all, the main thing for you is that more users click on ads or watch the preview video, which will provide you with income.
  3. An ad clip can be inserted into the video itself (at the beginning or in the middle). But there are ads that can be turned off after 5 seconds of viewing. And there is one that you have to watch in full. Money is paid only for the full viewing of the commercial.
  4. The second type of advertising is located not in the video itself, but next to it. It is paid only if the user clicks on it. There is a little trick here - this ad shows exactly what the user was looking for through the search engine before watching the video. Hence its high efficiency.
  5. And the third type of advertising products is pop-up windows at the bottom. If a person watching your video clicks on such a window, then you will receive money for this. By clicking on the cross, the window can be minimized, and then return to it at any time.

We have already mentioned the importance of choosing the right topic, but I would just like to add that this issue should also be approached from the point of view of the presence of ad units (it is not easy to find them for every topic).

Even the economic situation in the country where the video is broadcast matters. When a significant drop in the exchange rate of the ruble occurred in Russia a few years ago, this immediately affected earnings on YouTube. He also went down.

One more thing. It is better to work directly with Google. If you use affiliate networks, then you need to be prepared that the payment for the same number of views will be somewhat lower (affiliate women will take their percentage for cooperation).

Earning money on your own YouTube channel is, of course, a good and necessary thing, but it is possible only if you devote a lot of attention and time to its promotion. As we already wrote, to start earning, you need to have daily views of a thousand or more. This can only be achieved by constantly increasing the number of subscribers. We will talk about how to achieve the desired result below.

First of all, part with the illusions that users will somehow find out about your original and high-quality project themselves, and will rush to you in a continuous stream. Maybe someone will wander by chance, but no more. Users need to be attracted in all possible ways. And they are not so few.

For example, you can insert calls to subscribe to a channel into videos. Just don’t do it at the end of the video, because it’s not a fact that every user will watch it to the end. It is better to do it at the very beginning, but not “on the forehead”, but somehow unobtrusively, in a veiled form. Also, do not neglect mutual advertising, according to the scheme "you give me - I tell you." You recommend other people's channels, the owners of which, in turn, advertise yours. Everyone will be a winner.

You can also resort to personal invitations. It is worth looking for addressees on channels with similar topics, from among those who left their comments there. For a week, sending out dozens of invitations a day, it is quite possible to get 1-3 hundred subscribers. Also, users may be interested in your interesting and original comments under someone else's video, and even better if you create a video response to a topic raised in someone else's video. In a word, you need to be singled out from the crowd, remembered and wanted to get to know your work better.

But the most popular and common way to attract subscribers is to place a link, text or button in the video with a call to subscribe to your channel. You can also create an annotation in the Video Manager section.

And, most importantly, do not lose faith in success. After all, at first it seems that everything stands still, both subscribers and views. Just no movement, complete calm. And there is a desire to abandon their idea. Do not do that. Everything will gradually improve. A miracle, of course, will not happen, and nothing will move without your active participation, so do not stop working. By the way, do not get carried away buying subscribers. The administration can simply write them off if they seem suspicious to it, not showing any activity.

Now let's move on to filling the account with content. The fact that the videos must be of high quality and properly designed, we have already written. But even if these conditions are met, they still need to be promoted. It is a mistake to believe that your “cinema” will itself break into the ranks of the best. This also needs to be worked on. Moreover, the competition for hosting is very high. In addition, it is very difficult to predict which of the videos will "shoot", becoming the "star" of your channel. Sometimes the most popular are videos that, as they say, no one would have thought of.

Other features provided by YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular networks on the Internet. Millions of users visit it every day and, of course, not all of them can and want to create their own channels, but everyone has the opportunity to earn. And for this you do not need to have editing skills and have expensive video equipment, since you can make a profit not for your own videos, but for watching others.

You ask, who is ready to pay for such work? Imagine there are such people. YouTube channel owners order paid views to increase their number and promote the resource. And this is beneficial for the developers of the corresponding services, because their earnings increase. True, there are fewer and fewer such sites - paid views do not always lead to the desired result, hence the decrease in the number of orders. But we will name a couple of popular resources for such earnings.

For example, the Vizona service, which accrues a certain number of points for each view (1 point is equal to 1 kopeck). Each video has its own value. The resource has a very low minimum withdrawal amount - 2 kopecks. Money is withdrawn to the WebMoney ruble wallet.

The second platform is Here, in order to withdraw money, you need to accumulate at least $20 on your account, despite the fact that one view costs only from $0.001 to $0.011. And besides, to earn money, you still need to like and comment.

From the performer, nothing special is required for such earnings. Just a series of standard actions - registration on a particular resource, watching a video and withdrawing money. The duration of the video is short, sometimes no more than 20-30 seconds. The average cost per view is about a penny.

In addition to views, some resources pay for video rating, in other words, for likes. You probably paid attention to the "Like" and "Dislike" buttons under the videos. Usually users are guided by the number of positive and negative ratings when deciding whether to watch a video or not. Here are many authors who strive to wind up more likes for themselves.

You can earn on likes by registering on sites such as VKTarget, ForumOk, SMMOK-YT, Prospero, etc. ForumOk offers the most cash tasks, up to 50 cents per task. But first of all, VKTarget and Prospero are attracted by convenience and simplicity.

How to make money on Youtube: main features

In this section, we will try to concentrate all the main nuances and "tricks" of working on the YouTube network. To begin with, quality and creativity should come first. Generate and implement interesting ideas, pay enough attention to editing your videos, and edit them.

When choosing a topic, first analyze the degree of its popularity among users. Not always what is interesting to you personally will find its supporters on the net. Therefore, to monetize the channel, it is better to focus on the interests of the majority, since competition in this area is very tough.

To promote your own channel, you must become an interesting conversationalist for visitors, maintain live communication with them, and not leave comments unanswered. And don't miss out on purely technical things like adding the necessary tags, creating accounts, etc.

I would also like to warn you against some steps that can negate all your efforts and achievements.

In no case do not post videos containing elements of porn and violence. Do not use other people's copyrighted videos. Failure to follow these rules can easily result in blocking or even deletion of your account. You should also not embed fragments of films or clips into your work, as this will prevent you from participating in YouTube affiliate programs.

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not allow individual users to influence your rating and trust in your channel (in the direction of deterioration, of course), leaving sharply negative comments.

And the last. Not all beginners can turn their YouTube channel into an effective source of income. If all your efforts do not lead to the desired result, and the work does not bring the slightest pleasure, perhaps it is simply not for you and you should not persist, bringing yourself to a nervous breakdown. After all, you can earn money online in other ways.

Summing up

Earnings on YouTube

For many, YouTube is a great opportunity to promote their own services and advertising business, as well as an additional source of traffic to the site. It is important to consider that when choosing this method of earning, you will have to spend a lot of time before getting the first results. Therefore, you need to be patient and enthusiastic.

After passing a certain threshold, recording videos and watching them will become a pleasant and profitable hobby, and perhaps even develop into a main source of income. According to statistics, from the start of work on the first video to the first money from it, it can take from 2 weeks to six months.

In addition to an income opportunity, your YouTube channel is a wonderful bonus to a blog and an auxiliary tool for self-promotion (especially good for those who decide to sell their products or provide services). Starting the activity of a video blogger - be careful, because you may become recognizable on the street, and your work can also be "checked out" at work. Make high-quality videos and post only relevant information, be creative in everything - these are the main factors that will take you up the ladder of success in making money on YouTube.

Video hosting YouTube, founded in early 2005, currently has over 1 billion active users. A large part of them have one or more of their accounts, and some even get a very good profit from this. What is their secret? How can you turn views into money? How to make money on YouTube? How do bloggers make money on YouTube? And in general, is it possible to make money on YouTube? And most importantly: how to create your own account, effectively promote it and start making money on it? All of this should definitely be dealt with.

In general terms, you need only one thing to make money with YouTube: it is a bright and unique idea that can attract the attention of global network users. Only one idea for generating income on YouTube is not enough - it must be correctly implemented and promoted, and then the profit will not be long in coming. In fact, making money on video on the Internet is very simple.

The general scheme of how to make money on YouTube

So, how to make money on YouTube on rollers. Before we get down to practical steps, let's take a look at the scheme of earning money on YouTube. It is quite simple and understandable from the first time. How to make money on YT:

  1. You get your YouTube account, you can do it, literally, in a few minutes;
  2. Next, you need to come up with a topic, entertainment videos are very good on the Internet. But, nevertheless, for the first time, I recommend that you focus on the topic that is close and interesting to you so that you can create unique content without much effort. We will talk about the uniqueness of the content below;
  3. After the channel is created, you need to upload a video to it, the more the better;
  4. When your account has at least five to ten videos, you can enable monetization, this is also done in semi-automatic mode - you will find detailed instructions in the corresponding section of this article;
  5. Now that monetization is enabled, YouTube will automatically insert ads into your videos, for which you will receive money.

Let's illustrate the process clearly:

What does YouTube pay for?

If we talk about the general scheme of how bloggers make money on YouTube, then it looks like this, how to make money on YT:
  • Idea search.
  • Recording content within the framework of the found idea and design that attracts the attention of the audience.
  • Creation and promotion of your channel.
  • Working with affiliate programs and monetization.
  • Development and further promotion of the channel.

Below, I will try to cover each of these issues in as much detail as possible. This is the answer to the question - how do video bloggers earn on their videos.

Where to begin

So how do you start making money from scratch? You are ready and serious about making money from YouTube videos, let's start from the very beginning:

You can check out the tutorial on this topic.

The preparatory stage is over, now let's move on to creating videos, creating videos is not difficult, since there are a very large number of different programs and services for this.

What videos to create

There are many video formats, below I have listed the main ones that any novice YouTuber can master with ease and without much cost.

  1. Slideshow with voiceover. One of the most popular video formats on YouTube. If you have singled out various videos with TOPs at least once on YouTube, then you should know that they are all made in slideshow format. Great, to create a slide show, Microsoft Photo Story is suitable;
  2. Screencasts are videos taken from the monitor screen with off-screen comments, for example, some kind of training lesson. This format is also very popular on YT. One of the best programs for creating skincasts is - Camtasia Studio;
  3. Let's play - everything is simple here, you play games, record this process on video, for example using the BandiCam program, then upload it to your channel;
  4. Vlogs are simple videos about your daily life, ideas, conclusions or reflections. It is also a very popular video format on YouTube, but may not be suitable for a beginner.

I would advise you, if you are a beginner, to start your earnings on YT by creating a slideshow.

Monetization Options

The last and most important step in preparing to make money on YouTube is content monetization. It is possible if:

  1. the content of the videos does not violate the rights and interests of advertisers;
  2. the video is unique or the user has permission to use it for commercial purposes;
  3. the user can document the commercial rights to the video and audio content he publishes;
  4. the content of the video complies with the terms and principles of video hosting.

Here are some examples of content that can be monetized:

  1. The user filmed his pet on the phone's built-in camera without sound.
  2. The user video contains free audio material with a direct link to the conditions corresponding to such content status.
  3. The video content posted by the user was filmed by his acquaintance, who in writing confirmed the right of the owner of the channel to money on YouTube by publishing this material.
  4. The user posted the author's original composition without concluding a contract with a recording studio.

You cannot monetize content that contains, for example, audio purchased from iTunes, fragments of TV shows or other people's videos, as well as excessively explicit footage, including nudity, which may shock the viewer, etc.

Below we will look at the various monetization options.

Manual monetization

Manual monetization is that you have to do it yourself, i.e. manually insert ads in videos or in the description of the video. There are the following manual monetization options:

This is what concerns manual monetization, but it makes sense to connect it only when you already have subscribers and a sufficient number of views per day. I recommend starting with automatic monetization.

Automatic monetization

This is monetization that connects to your channel through your personal account, through AdSense or through a media network. The process of connecting this monetization format is very simple and will not take much time. I publish detailed instructions for connecting below, in the advisory section of this article.

Types of advertising

Automatic monetization is divided into several types of advertising, these are the formats:

  1. Banner ad on the side. These ads are not placed in the content itself, but on the page, mainly in the right column. Money is awarded if the viewer clicked on such an advertisement.
  2. Video ads in the video itself. If you are a viewer on YouTube, then you have probably seen such an ad, it appears before the video, in the middle or at the end. These ads can be skipped. Money is credited if the viewer has watched the advertisement in full or the first 30 seconds.
  3. Video banners. Another popular type of automatic advertising. A regular advertising banner is inserted into the video. Money is awarded if the viewer clicked on such a banner.

We will use all these types of advertising, because. all together they bring more profit.

Connecting monetization to a channel

There are two ways to connect automatic monetization to your channel: using the Google AdSense service or using the media network. In fact, there is little difference in these options. There are only two main differences:

  1. If you connect through AdSense, then you get all 100% of the money you earn. If you connect through a media network, then you will have to give it 30% of the money you earn;
  2. AdSense has a minimum withdrawal threshold of $100, while media networks do not have a minimum withdrawal threshold.

If you are serious about making money on YouTube, then I recommend choosing the monetization option through AdSesne so as not to pay money to intermediaries.


Connecting your account to AdSense is very simple, just follow the steps below:

Important: when registering an account, you MUST indicate your real data, because. AdSense will send you a regular (not email) email with an account activation code. Payment data can not be specified yet. we'll set them up a bit later.

The process of accruing money, now you can track in the analytics of your account and it looks something like this.

media networks

The registration process in the media network is even simpler than when connecting to Adsense. The two most popular media networks are AIR and YOOLA. Go to the website of one of these networks, click the “Connect” button and follow the simple instructions.

How to organize work

For effective earnings and productive work, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Post regularly. This is a very important point, because this will allow you to gain, over time, an increasing audience. Also, it is advisable to post your work on a schedule, for example, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  2. Communicate with your audience. It is also a very important aspect of effective activity on YouTube. Viewers should see that you are a living person, not a soulless robot.
  3. Look for new formats. Over time, your audience will begin to get bored with your format, so you should always come up with something new.

Channel promotion

Before answering the question of how to make money on YouTube from scratch, you should understand the principles of the resource. In addition, it is imperative to understand the reasons why content is gaining popularity and becoming interesting to the user audience.

Earnings on YouTube is based on three main principles:

  1. Honesty. The dynamics of the popularity of a newly opened account on video hosting directly depends on how viewers will react to the content of the published content. If the material initially demonstrates the purpose of profiting from visitors or is a clear deception, a negative reaction will follow immediately.
  2. Respect for the viewer. Anything can be done for money, including promoting a website that advertises low-quality goods or services at a completely inadequate cost to the top of the search engine. But when it comes to how to make money on YouTube from scratch, with a video hosting audience, such a trick can have the most unpleasant consequences. Even if users believe the beautiful design of the video, after watching it, it will not be difficult for them to express their indignation with a dislike. In addition, you can always complain about the content of a particular channel using the feedback system with the YouTube administration. Thus, in the best case, the author or owner of offensive content will lose subscribers and hope for popularity. Well, in the worst account containing materials of unscrupulous content, a complete blockage threatens.
  3. interest and benefit. A lot has been written about how to make money on YT, including using the resource as a commercial platform. However, no matter what idea is promoted on a particular project, the principle of benefit or interest will always remain the most relevant. This means that a deep study of promotion methods or payment for it to the administration of the video hosting is not a prerequisite for success. It is enough to fill the created channel with original, useful and interesting materials for users. In this case, the number of subscribers and the popularity of content will grow without any promotion.

Free ways

If you want to promote your channel without using money, you can use the following methods:

  1. Seeding video in social networks;
  2. Placement of the video on thematic sites;
  3. Use of forums;
  4. SEO optimization of the video - to optimize the video for the search engine, you need to choose a keyword, you can do this using the Wordstat.Yandex service. Use the chosen words in the video title, video description and tags for the video.

Keyword selection for videos in WordStat

Paid methods

Among the paid methods, some of the most effective ones can be noted:

  1. Buying ads from vloggers. The simplest and most working method of channel promotion.
  2. Buying ads in AdWords. The method is suitable if you already understand YouTube and are set to work very seriously. The method is not for the beginner.
  3. Services. There are many services for channel promotion on the Internet, but many of them simply deceive customers.

Other Methods

Talking about how to make money on YouTube from scratch, it is impossible to ignore the issue of promotion. But first, it should be remembered that the basis for generating income on the largest video hosting in the English-speaking segment of the global network is nothing more than advertising. It works best on promoted channels. And they managed to make them with the help of:

  1. annotations. A simple and effective method to attract visitors and subscribers is the call to subscribe buttons that appear at the end of the video and lead directly to the channel or specific videos posted by the user.
  2. contextual calls. Voice, text, animated, etc. calls to subscribe or go to the Youtube channel can be unobtrusively placed during the video.
  3. mutual advertising. Hidden advertising from well-known hosting content authors is one of the most effective ways to promote a new YouTube channel.

  • How to earn the first money, especially for a schoolboy or student;
  • How easy it is to make money on the Internet without investments for a beginner in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Methods are universal for different regions;
  • Ways to make money offline: small part-time jobs and your own mini-business.

1. Resale of things on Avito

With the help of, there is a real chance to organize a whole resale business. To get started, sell your own unnecessary things, offer help to friends and acquaintances. Many do not know how to sell their property, they are too lazy to spend time on a good description and photo of the goods.

And you can make a profit of 20-70% on this from the cost of production.

A good income will bring the resale of things bought on Avito from less talented sellers. Buy cheaper and offer more. Some things can be restored, which will significantly increase their value. Arrange delivery to other cities. What can you earn? Popular goods: appliances and electronics, furniture, decorations.

2. Selling goods from China

Pretty easy money on the Internet, requiring little investment. You place an order on a Chinese site, like Aliexpress or TaoBao, and sell the goods on social networks or one-page sites.

The purchase of Chinese products is several times cheaper, so the markup is from 50 to 200 percent! It is profitable to sell clothes, jewelry, souvenirs (mugs, posters, badges for fans), small gadgets. On this it is possible to receive from $ 200 net per month.

3. Promotion of accounts on Twitter and Instagram

This method describes in detail, using social networks. Promoted microblogging is a source of constant passive income. With more than 500 real followers, you should start monetizing your account.

How to promote microblogging?

To attract the attention of followers on Twitter and Instagram, make your blog thematic: fashion reviews, reviews, cooking, needlework, etc. Cross-post from your accounts and communities in other social networks. media. There are special services for naturally attracting subscribers— Twidium Twitter Edition, SocialHammer.

How to make money on a blog?

The easiest way to earn money is to sell your account. A blog with 1000-1500 followers is estimated at $200 or more. Further more.

It is difficult for a novice blogger to look for partners directly, use special sites for monetization:


So for a beginner it is really easy to make money on the Internet without investments: 500, 1000 and even 1500 $ per month with popular accounts.

4. Video tutorials

An ideal way for those who are looking for how to earn a lot of money on their knowledge and skills. Popular topics: work in graphic editors, needlework, beauty (personal care, manicure, make-up), parenting, building relationships with the opposite sex, organizing and promoting business, sports, health, dancing.

Courses start at $10 and can reach 200, 300 and 2000 dollars.

How to promote your video course?

  • Compose a sales page and connect it to a mailing list system such as JustClick or SendPulse. The page must be promoted by gaining subscribers for the mailing list. Letters should be interesting, useful and motivating to buy your information product;
  • Faster gaining popularity and a subscriber base will allow advertising on the pages of more successful information businessmen;
  • Tell your friends and acquaintances about the courses;
  • Participate in webinars, thematic conferences and master classes.

This option allows you to earn money for a beginner without investing large amounts of money.

5. Freelance - work with texts

The relevance of the profession associated with text content is not weakening. These are rewriting, copyright, typing, transcription, content management (filling information resources). A profitable method of how to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner quickly and virtually from scratch. In the future, you can create your own business service project and deal with large orders by recruiting employees to your team.

The cost of a small informational or commercial text is 3, 4, 6 or more dollars. By creating 4-6 such materials per day, you will receive a good payment. Content managers get from $300 per month. Remote work often involves frequent payments: daily, once a week, twice a month.

Popular sites and forums where you can make money online:


6. Earnings on creating your own website

Let's figure out how to make money on the Internet from scratch at the opening of a thematic portal. It can be a resource dedicated to cooking, relationships, teaching something about sports, health, cars, news, etc. To get real money from the portal, you need good traffic, the content must be interesting and SEO-optimized.

A promoted site is able to generate income from $ 300 to 3-4 thousand dollars per month.

What can you earn money from?

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, AdSense);
  • Banner advertising (AdHub, RotaBan, AdvMaker);
  • Teaser (BodyClick, Teasernet);
  • Sale of links on the portal (most conveniently through the,,, exchanges);
  • Income from affiliate programs (the largest affiliate aggregators are,,,,, The easiest way to make money in CPA for beginners is to have your own resource. Please note that payment is made not for advertising, but for the action performed by the user (registration on the site, purchase, subscription, etc.);
  • Cooperation with file sharing services (,, The file hosting service pays for downloading files by your visitors. To do this, you need to post information on your portal that you need to download from a file hosting service.

7. Earnings on YouTube

You can monetize a youtube channel and get a good profit, without even producing your own content. Using other people's videos is risky, so it's worth taking the time to "uniqueize" it. For example, to re-sound, change the audio sequence, frame parameters, selections and reviews from other people's videos, manually edited, work well.

On the Internet, even for a beginner. You should monetize the channel and conclude an agreement not with YouTube itself, but with a partner media network in order to avoid a ban. The most reliable— ATG Media, AIR, VSP, Quiz Group.

8. Create a vlog

A relatively new way of earning, great for creative people, schoolchildren and students. Famous video bloggers like Katya Klap, Ivan Rudsky, Maxim Golopolosov (blog "+100500") earn thousands of dollars every month from their work. Beauty blogs, letsplays (playthrough of games with commentary), and reviews are especially popular. The video blog receives profit from built-in advertising (Adsense brings $ 3-15 to beginner channels) or advertising products and companies directly in the videos.

9. Earnings on Forex and binary options trading

Trading currencies and options is not an option with which you can make money very quickly on the Internet without investment for a beginner. Forex trading requires analytical skills, a good learning curve and a small investment. It is worth starting trading with at least $50-100.

How to make big money in Forex? Get trained, be sure to try your hand at test trading, choose a good broker. The more money you invest, the more you can help out, but you should not rush. In one month there will be many successful and unsuccessful transactions. A successful trade is one that brings income in the amount of approximately 4-10% of the invested amount per month.

Forex Profit Options

  1. Independent trading;
  2. Trading using "advisers";
  3. Investing in PAMM accounts (professionals work for you, you get interest);
  4. Advising other traders.

The best option for beginners to make money on Forex is to trade with the help of expert advisors that do not allow you to make unsuccessful transactions. When choosing a broker, pay attention to the experience of the company and the size of the commission on transactions (look for not the biggest one). Top Brokers– Alpari, Finam, Alfa Forex, Forex4you, Adamant Finance, Forex Club, InstaForex.

Another way to make money online in the financial markets is binary options trading. Where can I make a profit on binary options:


10. How a beginner can quickly earn money without investing in games

Playing your favorite games, you can earn extra money. Options for making a profit: selling game currency, accounts, characters, armor and weapons, or playing online with the withdrawal of money. Characters and weapons can cost as much as $50 or $1500-2000. An average "tricked out" account in World Of Tanks is estimated at $60-70. Therefore, even without special skills, you can really make money on the Internet.

The best sites to sell characters, currency, accounts–,,,,

To, you have to spend at least 5-6 hours a day.

It will turn out to make a profit in the games GTA 5, stalker online, Russian fishing 3, eve online, elite dangerous, stalker online, in szone online. Portals of games with the withdrawal of currency, which are worth a visit:,, Experienced gamers receive $20-40 per day.

11. Writing term papers and essays to order

How can you earn money while studying? Demanded options: term papers and theses, abstracts, essays, control. Periodically, such orders can be found on freelance exchanges, but it is better to become an author on a specialized resource. Where to earn:


In the search for customers, use offline methods as well: posting ads and recommendations from friends, acquaintances, regular customers.

Average job prices: abstracts and essays cost from $8, term papers - from $20, diploma - from $90.

12. Profession - web master

Website development specialists know best how to make money through the Internet. Often these are remote orders related to layout, programming, and setting up web resources. Website creation costs from $70 for the most simple tasks, complex projects bring the developer from $150-500. Knowledge of layout, programming languages, the ability to work with various admin panels and other skills allow you to earn real money on the Internet without investment, even for a beginner.

There are vacancies for webmasters on the freelance exchanges listed above, as well as specialized portals:


13. Earnings on photostocks and photobanks

An interesting and profitable way to make money from your artistic skills. Selling stock images and illustrations generates revenue from each download. That is, having completed the work once, you get paid for it for a long time.

Relevant and popular types of work: thematic photos (food photos, nature, abstraction, etc.), backgrounds, patterns, icons, vector clipart, thematic illustrations (for the New Year, Halloween, dedicated to sights, etc.)

An experienced artist is able to create many relevant pictures in a short time. Thanks to this, beginners can earn real money in just 5 minutes.

Where to sell works:


14. Administration of sites, forums, communities in the social. networks

This earnings on the Internet requires an almost constant presence at the computer. The duties of the administrator include ensuring the health of the resource, tracking comments, maintaining order, publishing new materials. You can find a suitable site, forum or community on remote work exchanges. Periodically, resources post relevant vacancies. For example, on VKontakte, you should search for a job using thematic hashtags, like #work #administrator. The average salary is $200-300 per month.

15. Sports betting

One of the best ways to make money fast online is sports betting. This is an almost instantaneous profit that does not require a direct labor process. But to earn money, you need to be good at sports, follow the news, teams, players. Beginners who want to make money on the betting exchange should start with small amounts. The most famous exchanges are and

16. Design

A talented designer or illustrator can count on a good income from working remotely by doing one-off projects. These are printing design, web design, layout of booklets and printed publications, development of corporate identity and logos, minor work, such as prepress preparation of magazines, correction of errors in layout, creation of simple templates, etc.

The cost of logo development starts from $15 and can reach $100-150, creating a layout of one page of the site is estimated at an average of $ 15, the main page costs from $ 30-35. The simplest posters, menus and booklets bring in $10 per page. A specialist with experience receives from $ 300 per month while sitting at home and doing projects that he chose according to his interests.

The best forums and sites where it is possible to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner in this field:


17. Resale of domain names

How to make money fast with minimal investment. Over time, this method lost ground a little, since world-famous companies have already created pages on the network. But new ones appear every day, so if you have a good imagination and information about a developing business, you can easily make money on the Internet by selling domain names to companies.

To do this, you need to register the maximum number of relevant domains and find buyers. Some will remain unclaimed, while others will get good money. You can sell a domain name for $10 or $50, $100, $1,000, or even $10,000.

Popular auctions and forums where you can buy and sell a domain name:


18. Promotion of communities in VKonakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

A group with a large number of subscribers brings a stable income to the owner from advertising or from its sale. How to quickly make money in VK without investments for a beginner? You should start by choosing a popular topic. Among them: quotes, fan groups, humor, relationships with the opposite sex, etc. A new feature is communities that profit not only from advertising, but also from the publication of the posts themselves. These are drawings (for example, "Free Moscow") and auctions, announcements, catalogs of performers (artists, musicians). Posting your post in a prank community with 10,000 or more subscribers costs from $5. 3-10 contests are posted per day.

How to make money selling bands? To do this, you need to simultaneously create a dozen pages and simultaneously promote them, fill them with interesting content, and organize repost contests to quickly recruit subscribers. On the sale of a group (30-50 thousand people in the audience) you can get $ 100. The more subscribers and the more active the audience, the higher the price.

19. How to make money on the Internet without investments on reviews

Writing reviews does not require special skills, only a competent and interesting presentation. On average, one review costs 0.1-0.5 $, depending on the size of the text and the topic. And writing it takes no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, this is an ideal option for a beginner, how to make money on the Internet without investment and quickly at 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old.

It is worth looking for a job on freelance exchanges, as well as special sites that pay for reviews and the number of views. Therefore, you need to choose a relevant topic and write interestingly.

The best resources for making money on reviews


20. How to make money online by installing applications

With the help of advertapp and payforinstall services, it is possible for a student to receive funds for downloading and installing applications on a smartphone without investments. Usually these are applications from the AppStore or Google Play. Periodically, the customer asks to leave a review about the product. One download brings 0.2-0.4 $, 3-5 $ per day. To receive many orders, it is worth registering on several services. The work is simple and accessible to all smartphone owners. In this way, you can quickly earn money on the Internet with payments to qiwi, phone, webmoney.

21. Mediation and promotion of other people's goods and services

If you do not have your own business and start-up capital, but have a commercial streak, sell someone else's products for a commission. These can be the services of designers, repairmen, artists (in principle, anyone) or goods of various companies: from a small furniture production to the wholesale of nuts. Intermediary commissions are usually 10-50%.

22. Best ways to make money from photos and videos

To open your own photo or video studio, you will need investments in equipment and advertising (at least $ 2,000), but the monthly salary of a sought-after photographer or videographer starts at $ 1,500-1,800.

The simplest one-hour photo session in nature costs from $20, and a wedding photo shoot starts from $300.

An option is to outsource materials shot by other specialists and earn money on their processing. Photographers and cameramen during the season often cannot cope with the volume of orders and are ready to pay for processing and installation. The editing of a video clip or a wedding film takes several days and costs about $150-250.

One-time orders are regularly posted on special platforms:

  2. photovideoapplication.rf;

23. How to earn money for women sitting at home

The services of a hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist are good because they can really be provided at home, without renting a salon and without purchasing super-expensive equipment. Beginners in this business should take training courses.

Duration - a month or two, the cost is $ 60-200 for a manicurist, $ 70-250 for makeup artist courses, $ 160-200 for hairdresser courses. The average income of a novice master is $ 40-50 per day, a sought-after professional receives about $ 2,000 monthly. Promote your services with the help of friends and acquaintances, satisfied customers, the Internet.

24. Tutoring

Earn money by sharing your knowledge. A tutor can prepare for school, for entering a university, passing exams, “pulling up” in various subjects. In addition to standard school disciplines, computer literacy lessons, work with specialized computer programs, needlework lessons (cutting, sewing) are in demand.


25. How to make money on the Internet on transfers

Translation of documents, articles, commercial texts, literary translation is a good way to earn money without leaving home. Most of the vacancies are related to translation into English and from English into Russian. Exchanges with tasks for translators:


26. Stable income on needlework

A way for those who like to create something with their own hands. Handmade jewelry, souvenirs and gifts, natural soap and scented candles, scrapbooking are common and popular. Buying nice little things from a private seller is usually cheaper than buying from a specialty store. How to make money on needlework? Create a web page and communities in social networks to advertise products, participate in thematic fairs and exhibitions.

The best online platforms for the sale of handmade goods:


27. Kindergarten at home

- Take care of several babies at the same time. In your own house, you can organize a playground for three or four children. You should look for the first clients among friends and acquaintances, then you will be recommended to other mothers. Children need to organize leisure, proper nutrition, daytime sleep, perhaps literacy.

28. How to make money from homemade cakes and pickles

Cakes and other sweets, jams, homemade marinated products are in high demand. The best methods for distributing products are through the Internet, acquaintances and friends. Creative cakes, cupcakes, pastries sell well on social media as gifts. In this way, you can earn $ 200-500 per month. To create a mini business and earn more, you need state registration and quality certificates for products.

29. Wedding industry

The best ways to make money in the wedding industry:

  1. creation of wedding bouquets, boutonnieres;
  2. decoration of glasses;
  3. development of wedding invitations, wish books and other accessories;
  4. wedding decoration;
  5. organization and coordination of the wedding, selection of contractors.

The business can be turned into a small wedding business. It is necessary to create your own website, social media pages, actively engage in advertising and direct sales of your services. Almost the only investment is in advertising the business.

Organization and decoration of only four or five weddings per month bring income of 2500-3000 $ net.

30. Manufacture of furniture and decor items

Furniture in stores is quite expensive, especially when it comes to unique designer items. This allows us to compete with furniture giants by offering customers exclusive products at an affordable price. To organize a small home production, you will need a minimum area (from 20 sq. M, your own garage is perfect).

What to make? Frameless furniture (sofas, pouffes), tables, chairs, cabinets, pallet beds, folding furniture, interior items such as floor lamps and blinds, garden sculptures, etc. are in demand. Here you can add the production of cat houses and scratching posts.

How to make money in this business? Best of all, products are sold through their own website, in the social. media and with the help of large selling portals, such as,,, etc.

31. Minor repair services

It's a little side job method for guys. Nail shelves, change fallen off tiles, fix wiring, etc. Large firms do not take such orders, and not everyone has acquaintances with “golden hands”. This service is also called "husband for an hour." Where to earn money in this way?

Put up bright announcements around the area listing the types of work, take a look at ad sites like,, Special repair-related services are,,,

32. Animator, promoter

How do schoolchildren and students looking for small part-time work make money? Common options are distribution of leaflets, participation in promotions (tastings, product presentations), part-time work as an animator or assistant animator at children's events.

Best job search sites:


Try to contact advertising and BTL agencies directly, this will reduce the risk of being deceived. The search for vacancies in social networks works well. networks by thematic hashtags(for example, #job #promoter #animator, etc.) The average salary is $2-5 per hour.

33. Minor part-time work, running errands

How to make money as a beginner without the Internet? It is possible to find a part-time job offline, but it will not bring large sums. For the most part, you will need to perform simple tasks (walk the animals, go shopping, clean the house, help with the transportation of things, etc.)

An ideal option for how to earn some money for a schoolboy during the summer holidays. You should look for the first clients among acquaintances, such vacancies are not posted on large job boards, but you should look at special resources:

  4. instruct.rf;

For a small task, like delivering a gift, you can get about $ 2-5.

34. Leasing of real estate, property, equipment

A good option, how to make money even for a beginner in business. If there is free real estate (house, apartment, garage), it can be profitably rented out. A good profit comes from renting equipment. However, some investment will be required. For example, a 400W speaker system costs about $450, and a daily rental is $30. A professional heavy smoke generator will cost $600, and renting it will earn you $100-150 per day. Investments pay off in a short time, and the business allows you to earn a lot of money quickly and realistically.

35. How a beginner can quickly make money on the Internet on clicks and comments

A very simple way, available to every network user. Among the common tasks: surfing through the pages, solving captchas and pictures, putting likes, comments, subscribing to accounts and communities, taking surveys, registering on these sites. Approximate rates of work:

  • Clicks per day can earn 0.7-1.3 $;
  • Surfing per day really earn about 0.2-0.3 (for 5-6 hours);
  • Solving pictures (captcha) - $ 1-1.5 (4-5 hours).

The method is not profitable and takes a lot of time.

How and where you can earn money for a beginner without registration, investments and invitations


Additional platforms for earning

Above, we have given real ways for a beginner to earn real money on the Internet, but some resources were left without attention. We offer a few more web portals for finding jobs online:

  • Naming service, from a copywriter you need to come up with a domain name, company, slogan;
  • Exchange with a wide range of tasks: from typing a manuscript to developing a print for a T-shirt and editing a presentation from pictures;
  • The main direction is writing texts;
  • Everything for copywriters: naming, translations, proofreading, writing news and press releases;
  • Resource for professional copywriters with a wage level above the average;
  • Copyright Exchange plus an article store;
  • Distant work for programmers;
  • Diverse site for programmers, designers, copywriters, editors;
  • Programming assignments;
  • Catalog of tenders for website development, promotion and advertising projects;
  • Orders and small part-time work for nannies, housekeepers, nurses, tutors;
  • Any kind of work at a fixed price. You need to create your offer, set the price for the service and you can earn real money on the Internet without leaving your home. A good start for a beginner;
  • A wide variety of tasks for specialists in all areas of freelance;
  • Jobs for copywriters, webmasters, IT-specialists;
  • Most tasks in website development and design;
  • A good selection of diverse tasks;
  • Contests from well-known companies for artists, photographers, designers, advertisers and developers;
  • Competition projects(come up with a name, corporate identity, etc.), the winner who proposes the most original solution receives the payment.

All the above services allow a beginner to quickly earn money on the Internet without investing money in rubles and dollars. Payment is best accepted on WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, PayPal.

Is it possible to earn large sums easily and quickly?

In search of easy profit, do not fall for the tricks of scammers and the promises of mountains of gold (“$1,000 a day at online casinos,” financial pyramids, etc.). Do not send prepayments as collateral that you won't let the customer down. If you receive a request to drop even a penny amount into someone's account, close the conversation and look further. Feel free to ask for daily pay for your work. This applies to beginner freelancers. If you do not know the customer and are just starting cooperation, it is better to make sure of his honesty. Otherwise, you risk working for weeks for free.

For those who are looking for how to earn money without financial investments and labor, let's say that money does not fall from the sky.

You need to either work hard or be a talented and creative person. Methods of making big and fast money without any effort are often associated with fraud.

We have given the most profitable and interesting ways on how to make money for a beginner in the network, how or just to earn some money. Choose, acquire new knowledge and skills, develop and get a good profit.

These materials are intended for those who want to succeed in life, significantly increase their income and become rich, but do not have the initial capital to fulfill their dreams, who have decided to embark on a business path and feel ready for it. They will help you earn money using the vast opportunities of the Russian market, find the type of activity that best suits your character, your abilities and opportunities, and take the first step along the broad road of modern business.

There are many examples of how novice entrepreneurs managed to earn tens of rubles in a relatively short period of time. Of course, in order to achieve such a goal, it is necessary to show a certain determination, perseverance and energy. Therefore, some examples will not be full. They have a unique incarnation of their authors. For some, this is luck, for others it is a cold calculation. Therefore, to earn money you need to go the other way - your own!

First, determine what the market needs the most today, be it some kind of service or some kind of product. Answer for yourself what is in greatest demand, and immediately come up with the best option to satisfy this need in accordance with your strengths and capabilities - formula for your earnings and success. And be sure - start the incarnation, according to this formula of yours, and the matter itself will prompt the further course of action, correct your mistakes. Thinking - where to start?

We offer you a number of simple and most effective ways to earn money and activities that do not require special investments or, on the contrary, help to accumulate this very capital. They were very popular in the 90s - the end of the 20th century. And, it would seem, why do you need this junk? And then, what is sometimes new is a well-forgotten old. So, what did they earn in Russia, literally, 15-20 years ago.

1. Good old business - printing services
Having any printing equipment, for example, a copier, or having constant access to it, you can easily earn money by fulfilling orders from organizations and individuals. Fortunately, the prices for printing services are rather high, and it will not be difficult to find customers.

It is enough to submit to newspapers or put up advertisements around the city. Your ads posted in places where printing services are constantly required will give the greatest effect. These are the premises of district administrations, notary offices, banks, universities, libraries, etc.

Having earned a certain amount on this business, you can purchase more expensive and, accordingly, bringing much more income, printing equipment such as a risograph. This business will always find its customers and will always remain very profitable and promising.

2. Production of original layouts of documents
The production of original layouts, that is, the execution of various documents, forms and other printed materials on a computer, you can engage in both a separate activity and in combination with printing activities.

To carry out this business, you need to have a computer and a good printer, on which the quality of your work depends to a large extent. Do not spare money and get a laser printer, which, with excellent print quality, will quickly pay back your expenses for its purchase and will bring you a solid profit, because the production of one original layout on an A4 sheet costs from 5 US dollars and more.

In order to find clients, similarly to printing activities, apply to newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

3. Laminating paper documents
Take up lamination - covering documents, forms, photographs, etc. with protective plastic. The laminating machine is miniature, relatively inexpensive and will pay back the cost of its purchase within the first month of operation. Offer your services in crowded places and places where they are most needed, such as photo shops and other places.

Thus, you will ensure yourself a good and stable income. The approximate cost of laminating one document is 1 US dollar.

4. Earnings on the manufacture of envelopes
The prices of unstamped envelopes are steadily rising along with the increase in postage rates. You can earn money by making a template, buying paper and making them.

And by posting your ads in post offices or publishing them in local and foreign advertising and information publications, you will ensure a good sale of the manufactured envelopes.

5. Complete publishing business
Publishing is one of the most profitable businesses. It can bring profit, depending on your capabilities, from a few to tens of rubles. First, decide what you will publish.

It can be a solid book of 200-300 pages or a brochure of 10-20 pages. When selecting material for a book or brochure, it is very important not to infringe copyright and therefore not fall under a certain article of the law. When reprinting materials from foreign sources, be sure to make a link to this source.

Carefully consider the use value of your books and the cost of publishing them. If you do not have sufficient funds, arrange a subscription to it with an advance payment. This will allow you to collect the necessary amount for the publication of your materials.

Sell ​​your book among subscribers, at bookstores, through Rospechat kiosks, etc. By placing an ad in the media or posting them around the city, for example, at the same bookstores, you can also sell it by mail.

6. Selling books from a private library
Despite the abundance of books on the market, their sale remains a very profitable and promising business. Buy books for sale directly from publishers or from wholesalers, where they are sold without a trade margin, much cheaper than in bookstores in the city. Sell ​​them in crowded places" at the same bookstores, bookstores, mail order, etc.

After collecting a number of the most interesting books of various genres and adding books from your home collection to them, organize a private library and lend books on bail. This idea is feasible not only at train stations and airports, where people are happy to spend time reading an interesting book while waiting for a train or plane, but also in any friend crowded place. Go to the nearest library and see that despite the huge number of books on the shelves, it is almost impossible to choose something worthwhile.

7. Sound and video recording
If you have a double cassette recorder, or better yet a CD player and have some free time, get into recording. By duplicating recordings of popular music and selling them in crowded places, such as clothing markets, near the subway, etc., or by taking orders for recording, you can make good money.

You will receive the largest number of orders by posting your ads in technical schools, universities, hostels and other places where there are a lot of young people. Selling cassettes by mail will also give a good effect. To do this, submit an advertisement in the newspapers and to everyone who responds to it, send a detailed catalog of the available recordings indicating the cost of the cassettes and the conditions for their forwarding and payment. Purchase clean cassettes at clothing markets or from wholesalers.

Now almost every second family has a video recorder and video recording can also become a very profitable business. You will need two VCRs for this. Otherwise, everything is similar to sound recording.

In the long term, having earned a small amount of capital, it is important to expand and organize a small sound and video recording company, scattered around the city with several outlets.

8. Video rental
It is not even necessary to have a VCR to carry out this activity. By purchasing several dozens of video cassettes (DVD, CD) with recordings of popular and new films and organizing their rental on bail, you will receive a source of daily stable income. The only condition that guarantees you success in this business is that the repertoire of films must change periodically.

9. Repair of household appliances
Our domestic equipment, and in particular televisions, often fail and a very good income can give you a job repairing them. If you do not have the qualifications necessary for this, enroll in the appropriate courses and in two or three months you will feel like a specialist in the field of radio engineering and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to repair TVs. And by publishing your ads in newspapers, pasting them around the city or putting them in mailboxes (everyone now has a TV), you will get an excellent opportunity to test this knowledge in practice.

You can also repair other household appliances, such as refrigerators, audio-video recorders, computers, etc. In addition, not all of our TVs are equipped with a PAL unit, LF input, UHF and remote control units. By purchasing these blocks in radio stores, in specialized markets, or by making them yourself, install them in TVs. It should be noted that, for example, without a UHF or LF input unit, it is impossible to connect a VCR to a TV, and without a PAL unit, it is impossible to see a color image, since most video cassettes are recorded in this particular color system. Therefore, by installing these blocks, you will get a large number of customers and will earn good money.

10. Production of radio electronics
This work can be done without even having the special soldering iron skills that will come with practice. Buy circuits in radio shops or specialized markets, detailed descriptions for assembly and commissioning, radio components, boards, cases and other necessary materials for the independent manufacture of remote control units, PAL, telephones with automatic number identification (AON), computers such as "Sinclair".

They are very easy to manufacture, assembled in a few days and are in constant demand from buyers. More powerful computers such as PCs are very expensive and inaccessible to a middle-income family, and Sinclair, with its availability and cheapness, allows you to get acquainted with the fascinating world of computer games in practice, get basic programming skills (unlike game consoles) and will remain very popular. The meaning of PAL blocks is mentioned above, and you probably know very well about the popularity of caller ID phones.

Sell ​​your products in the same markets, at radio shops or advertise in periodic advertising and information publications, post them around the city. Success is guaranteed to you!

11. Private transport
Having a personal car and knowing your city well. You will earn big money by being a private taxi driver. And for this it is not at all necessary to drive around the city, looking around in search of voters. Stand outside large stores that sell bulky items such as furniture, refrigerators, televisions, and so on.

Delivery services do not always work quickly, and often do not exist at all, and you can help people deliver their purchased items. You can “pick up” clients standing at stations or just at the subway and at bus stops where public transport does not run well. This work is most effective in the late evening or even at night, when transport does not run at all or runs very rarely.

It should not be overlooked that many commercial enterprises require drivers with personal vehicles, for example, to transport goods to retail outlets in the morning and transport them back to the warehouse in the evening. This job pays very well.

12. Driving training
Usually, the level of driving education in driving schools does not allow you to prepare well for the exam in the traffic police. By publishing your ads in newspapers, pasting them around the city, at driving schools and making a set of students, you will ensure yourself a decent income. To attract the largest number of clients, set the tuition fees slightly lower than in a driving school.

Let's give the first lessons only on quiet streets, in special closed areas, and so on. And only as your student masters driving skills; take it to busier sections of roads, to intersections with heavy traffic. It is very important that your student is able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge of the rules of the road that he receives at school.

Please note that this business can only be occupied by those who have a driving experience of at least 3 years. And do not forget to install on the windshield and rear window of your car identification marks "Training". Perhaps you will start releasing special video courses.

13. Breeding purebred dogs
Dogs can not only relieve stress, cheer up their owners, but also bring income to the family. And which! The annual "salary" of an ordinary dog ​​is a few rubles. It should be noted that this business requires at the initial stage not only monetary costs and physical strength, but also a certain mental attitude. Without this attitude, without love, care, without responsibility for the fate of your pets, there is nothing to get down to business.

Buy a puppy only with a good pedigree and carefully check the authenticity of his documents. It is best to buy in kennel clubs or at sales shows that are regularly held by these clubs. Here you can compare puppies, consult with cynologists about which puppy is the most promising for breeding. Remember that only a quality puppy with proper care, upbringing and a good attitude towards him will eventually turn into a quality dog. And for your future business, this is crucial.

It should be noted that breeding purebred cats can also bring a good income.

14. Breeding pets
Breeding pets can bring a good income: hamsters, white mice, guinea pigs, etc. These small animals are unpretentious, feed exclusively on food of plant origin, multiply with amazing speed and are always popular with children.

The breeding of budgerigars and aquarium fish is also of great commercial interest. Many people who have taken up this business live only on the income from this activity. Of course, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to pay constant attention to your pets, to have certain experience and great knowledge in this matter. Read the relevant literature, consult with specialists and people involved in the breeding of your chosen species, and in time you will get no less result.

You can sell pets, birds, fish at "bird" markets, pet stores, etc. In the future, you can open your own zoo or even a private pet store, selling not only animals, but also food for them, cages, aquariums, various devices to take care of them, etc.

15. Photographers Service
Even with minimal skills in handling a camera and photographic equipment, you can do photography. At first, it is not at all necessary to have a photo lab. You can take the film for processing in a photo studio. Shoot outdoors and at home, in kindergartens and schools, at weddings and other celebrations. Deliver the photographs taken to the customer yourself or send them by mail. Recently, Polaroid cameras have appeared on the Russian market, which allow you to take pictures almost instantly. True, according to unverified data, the photographs taken in this way are not of very high quality and darken over time.

Having accumulated some experience in this matter, you can open a private photo studio and take artistic and ID photos. The services of a photographer are always needed and well paid.

Today, some people have a video camera, and if you are one of them, it makes sense to engage in video filming as well.

16. Hairdressing services
No one can do without the services of a hairdresser. And besides. that the prices for all types of hairdressing services are persistently creeping up, you can organize your own hairdressing salon and earn excellent money by completing relatively inexpensive courses and receiving a certificate.

Equip your hallway with a mirror and shelves, buy the necessary fixtures and start with your friends, work colleagues. If your first practice turns out to be successful, the rumor about inexpensive hairdressing services through your acquaintances and acquaintances of your acquaintances will spread like circles from a stone thrown into water and you will not have problems with clients and, as a result, with money. In the future, you can submit advertisements to the media, hang them around the city and work on call at the client's home.

17. Household services or a husband for an hour
Organize a private atelier of household services. Work alone or with helpers, such as your family members, in your own home or at a client's home. Clean apartments and offices, wash and iron linen, wash windows, look after apartments in the absence of owners: water flowers, take out mail, take care of pets. You can earn good money by exterminating domestic insects.

18. Tutoring
If you have knowledge in the field of sciences, take up tutoring. Submit ads in newspapers or hang them in schools, technical schools, universities, just in crowded places in your city. Help your clients in mastering the sciences, prepare them for tests, exams, admission to universities, technical schools. You can perform various tasks, drawing work, draw up term papers and graduation projects, and so on.

Compiling a collection of the best essays, a collection of solutions to typical problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry, with their subsequent sale through kiosks and Rospechat stores, through street book sellers, by mail or in the same universities can bring good income.

19. Translation services
Today, many firms and entrepreneurs enter the international market, wishing to establish business contacts with foreign partners. As a rule, the conclusion of any contract or transaction is preceded by a lengthy correspondence, and they, having difficulty with the language, need the services of an interpreter. Such services are also absolutely necessary for people working with various publications in foreign languages, when translating various technical literature, advertising brochures, and so on.

Using your knowledge of the language, you can earn good money by working as such a translator. And if your knowledge allows you to communicate freely in a foreign language, work at international exhibitions, presentations, excursions with the participation of foreign guests, and so on.

Get a typewriter with a Latin script and, in parallel with the translation, arrange business correspondence abroad. It will not be superfluous to have a typewriter with a Russian font for translating into Russian. To find profitable customers, publish in newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Recently, many shops and wholesale depots have appeared in Russia selling “Second hand” - used clothes by weight, where you can buy quite tolerable things for a ridiculous price, among which there are practically new ones, for example, out of fashion in a number of countries. But that doesn't mean it's the same for us.

Start selling these clothes. This business is very profitable! Go to one of the large stores or wholesalers and pick up a small amount of clothes to start with. .Usually I sell goods to wholesale buyers in bags of 25-100 kilograms and offer significant discounts. In order not to "pierce", consult with the employees of the store (base) - what product is better to take for sale and where to sell it.

Having bought goods, go to the market or go to other cities, while taking into account the specifics and climatic conditions of this region, and sell clothes already by the piece, and not by weight. The result of such trading is always the same - a good profit.

21. Knitting and sewing
A good income can be brought by knitting or sewing. If you do not know how to knit by hand, buy an industrial machine. Having given her a program, you can knit sweaters, scarves, children's clothes, etc. To do sewing, you need to have a good sewing machine. In addition to a variety of clothes, you can sew various leather products: waist belts, purses, watch straps, etc., car covers, overalls, and make a soft toy.

You can sew or knit to order models developed independently or according to patterns and drawings in specialized publications, fashion magazines. Sell ​​your products at clothing markets or sell them to consignment and commercial stores.

22. Food production
Relatively inexpensive, small-sized and easy-to-use equipment for the production of popcorn, crisp potatoes, cotton candy and other food products pays off in 2-3 months of work and can bring a stable monthly income of several rubles.

In the long term, with a little capital saved, you can buy more expensive and much more profitable equipment such as a bakery or a distillation plant.

23. Fast food organization
After buying buns and ham in bulk, make sandwiches or, if you have culinary skills, bake pies and go to the clothing market with hungry sellers and buyers. You can sell your masterpieces of culinary art and just standing on crowded, busy places in your city.

Once you've made a small fortune, buy equipment to make and sell hot dogs, hamburgers, and so on. Know that feeding people is always profitable!

24. Sale of soft drinks
Organize a stall or mini-cafe selling soft drinks, ice cream, etc. In hot weather, you can earn good money selling these products, for example, on beaches or in gardens. Buy ice cream directly from a cold store or from wholesalers, and you can make drinks yourself, for example, from concentrates.

During the summer period, many enterprises need kvass sellers. Earnings - percentage of revenue. During the day, you can sell 2-3 barrels of kvass, while earning a significant amount. You can cook kvass yourself.
