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How to start a carp pond business. Carp breeding as a business. Business plan: growing carp. Calculation of costs and a list of required documents

How to breed carp? Today this interesting question will become a new article of our site.

We decided to understand all the ins and outs in matters of breeding and keeping this fish both at home and in the pond.

The situation in the market for the sale of fish is such that you should seriously think about organizing this business at home and with competent and timely actions. business idea for carp breeding at home can become very successful.

We tried to put together all the pros and cons of breeding. I hope the information below will be useful to you and will answer all your questions.

Carp breeding business

Carp is a very tenacious and inherently unpretentious fish. Below you will see that breeding carp even in the country is not a difficult task, which can be realized in just a few days.

In addition, the requests of this fish not only amaze with their minimal content, but also make you simply become a carp fan.

So why did many hit the issue of carp breeding with such persistence? ... Let me write down the main points.

The meaning of carp breeding or who needs it

As I said above, the market situation is such that it encourages you to grow fish even in your country house. So why is this happening.

Here are the main reasons for breeding carp:

  • Request is not big. This fish has not just become the object of our attention. The fact is that, compared even with breeding, our hero is distinguished by truly tenacious characters. I will talk about the care and maintenance of carp below.
  • carp price. Unfortunately, the situation is such that a kilogram of carp at the moment can reach from 200-400 rubles, and this figure is only increasing every year. Therefore, there are more and more people who want to start breeding carp in the pond every day.

As I hope you have noticed, this case has a number of advantages that put this business on a decent level in terms of prospects for development and an increase in profits.

Therefore, let's talk about the idea of ​​​​growing carp at home in more detail.

How to start a carp breeding business

Before you start breeding carp, you need to make at least approximate ones.

In order to breed carp, it is necessary to take into account a number of features without which your fish will not be able to coexist:

Water temperature for carp breeding

Carp, although it is considered an unpretentious fish, still requires a certain range of water temperature for normal existence.

For this kind of fish, a temperature of +30 C will be critical. The fact is that such a temperature lowers the percentage of oxygen in the water and your pets can suffocate from this.

Unfortunately, when breeding carp in a pond, the death of one fish can lead to the death of the rest due to the decay of the first.

Actually, because of the temperature, the carp for the most part lives the lion's share of life at depth, in muddy pits and looks for food there.

There were cases when a carp that accidentally fell into a puddle quietly coexisted in it until the water completely dried up.

This fish can live in extremely extreme conditions, even in the presence of wet ground, as in the case of a puddle.

Features of carp feeding

To the question of how to breed carp, we would like to tell you first of all about feeding this fish.

If you breed carp at home, then do not forget about one important thing. You must carry out complementary foods in one place.

This method is taken from anglers and allows you to influence the movement of fish.

In this way, you will always know where to catch adults. They will come to this place during feeding hours.

Often it is morning and evening. In terms of diet, we can say that carp is omnivorous and many compare it with pigs.

This comparison came not in appearance, but rather in the way of eating. Just like a pig, a carp eats everything that is given to it, the main thing is that this content does not contain various chemical additives.

And so you can quite throw him plant food or, in the end, when breeding carp in the country - dig worms.

Here is a list of the main stages in carp breeding both at home, for example, in the country, and in the pond - with mass breeding:

Preparing a place for carp breeding

You must choose a place in which it will be convenient to organize a reservoir. Whether it's big or not doesn't matter.

The main thing is the quality of the soil and its suitability for organizing a reservoir.

One of my good friends decided to organize a pond in his countryside: he hired an excavator, chose a place and got to work. By the way, the place was really good. Around were earthen ramparts and a small stream flowed in the center. In fact, it was only necessary to build a normal dam at the end and that's it. However, the earth was heavily pitted with moles and water constantly left through wormholes. There were times when a full body of water was observed in the morning, and in the evening a small puddle remained from it. Thus, the venture failed miserably.

Build a reservoir and fill it with water

If you are completely and completely sure that the soil will allow you to make a reservoir, then you should turn your attention to construction.

Growing carp at home should be guided by common sense and you should understand that for normal breeding you need a constant source of water.

If this is not the case, then you will not be able to create a normal pond a priori. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors from the soil, to a permanent source of water.

After all, if the water is stagnant and will not be at least partially renewed, then soon it will turn green and the fish will definitely not like this state of affairs.

In addition, we note that after filling your reservoir, you should not immediately start the fish.

It is necessary to wait several hours, and preferably a day, so that the water warms up and is not a cold shower for carp.

As you can see, carp breeding both at home and when breeding in a pond requires no small conditions, primarily in the organization of a reservoir and its constant maintenance.

Features of carp breeding

Spawning carp in your pond is the first call to the fact that everything is done right.

It should be taken into account the fact that in small reservoirs, with a large number of fish, spawning can continue until late summer. It's all about a small area of ​​​​the reservoir.

It’s not worth fussing about this, but still a spacious reservoir will create more conditions and advantages for carp breeding for you.

Therefore, the increase in the area of ​​​​the reservoir should be in your first role when looking at the future of your business.

Actually, carp is taken for sale after spawning. I advise you not to select the largest individuals, but to find medium-sized fish.

The fact is that, like many fish, carp loses its taste characteristics with age and should be left for breeding.

I hope we answered the question of how to breed carp and proved to you the prospects of this business. You can look at other ideas for starting your own business on ours, just don't forget to subscribe to our group

Most entrepreneurs are men. Most men love fishing. It turns out that your own fish farm is a dream business. Is it so in reality? What kind of fish is better to breed in Russian conditions, and what are the secrets of this business?

Andrey Semenov, the director of the largest in the Moscow region Biserovsky fish factory, says

What is more profitable - carp or trout?

Anyone who decides to start his own "fish" business, first of all, needs to decide what kind of fish he will breed. You will have to choose one thing - either carp or trout. Only these two types of fish grow well and are in constant demand from buyers. Actually, the technology of the economy will depend on this choice.

Of course, if opportunities allow, you can go in for carp, trout, and much more - for example, like us. Every year our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, of which only 500-600 tons we grow directly in the Moscow region - the rest we import for overexposure and subsequent sale from other fish farms. In addition, we breed fish in rented reservoirs in the southern regions, organize paid fishing, and engage in fish processing - smoking, canning, etc. But such a scale, of course, is not available to a novice fish farmer.

The easiest way to grow carp. He is tenacious, unpretentious, most reservoirs suit him. To understand the technology of carp breeding, you do not need to graduate from the Timiryazev Academy with a degree in fish farming, just read textbooks. But on the market, at almost the same cost, capricious and sensitive trout is almost three times more expensive. True, in this case, one cannot do without hiring a qualified fish farmer: both experience and education are needed here.

This season, the Moscow market has very low wholesale prices for live fish. Trout has fallen in price since last year from 175 to 140 rubles per kilogram, a kilogram of carp costs 50-63 rubles. However, the business continues to be profitable. The profitability of our plant today is 8-9%. However, the average farmer, who does not have to pay for the maintenance of such a huge infrastructure as ours, can have an even higher rate of return. This business is also attractive because this year agricultural enterprises, which include all fish farms, have switched to a single agricultural tax. Now we pay the state only 6% of income reduced by expenses, exempt from VAT, income tax, unified social tax and property tax.

Where is the “climate” for fish?

The health and growth of fish is determined by two main factors - the temperature of the water and its saturation with oxygen. In addition, the state of the entire biological system of the reservoir, acidity (pH) and much more is important. To determine whether the pond you rented is suitable for fish farming, only specialists can do it. Therefore, before stocking the reservoir with fish, I advise you to do the so-called "fish-breeding biological justification." It is advisable to conduct this examination several times a year - in summer, winter, spring, autumn. In the Moscow region, it is best to involve specialists from the Fisheries Research Institute from the city of Dmitrov, Moscow Region. You can also contact us for advice. Those wishing to start a fish-breeding business regularly come to the Biserovsky plant, and our specialists give qualified advice.

For trout, the optimum water temperature is 16-19 degrees Celsius, but if the pond warms up to 24 - the fish will be on the verge of death and will certainly stop feeding. For example, we keep trout in a quarry 15 meters deep, because already at a depth of four meters the water temperature never rises above 16 degrees even in the summer heat. That is why many trout farms are located on cold flowing rivers or take water from rivers or artesian wells.

When breeding carp, everything is much simpler. The main thing is that the pond should not be polluted with oil products, manure and decaying organic matter, and preferably warm up well (the optimum temperature for it is 24-25 degrees). Its depth can be small - up to 1.5-1.8 meters. At this depth, the natural forage base develops most actively.

The whole of Russia is divided into fish farming zones. The Moscow region belongs to the first and second zones. The southern regions - for example, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories - to the fifth or sixth. It is much more profitable to breed fish in them, since the vegetative period during which it actively feeds and grows is longer. That is why for some time now we have begun to rent ponds in the Rostov region. Although, if you build all the technology correctly, as well as choose a suitable reservoir, then the business can be made quite profitable in the middle lane.

A 5 ha pond is enough to produce 10 tons of carp. Interestingly, the larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish in it. A small reservoir is difficult to operate, because it quickly cools down and quickly warms up, and it has a tense hydrochemical regime. In a large reservoir, the temperature regime is more even, which is favorable for all fish.

It is desirable that the carp pond be drainable: this will greatly facilitate the process of catching in the fall. To do this, you can build a dam if, for example, a reservoir is formed by damming a river.

Many mistakenly believe that it is enough to put the fish into the reservoir, it will grow on its own, after which it only needs to be caught and sold. Nothing like this! Fish farming is a complex and very risky business. After all, you are dealing with a “live product” with which anything can happen at any moment.

Enhanced nutrition

The main item of expenditure for each fish farm is feed. They account for 50-60% of all costs. Of course, you can put the carp into the pond and wait until it grows up, feeding on a natural base. But the wait will be too long. At the same time, no more than 120 kg of fish can be obtained from 1 ha of water surface. We manage to get 22 centners of carp from one hectare, because we grow fish using a high-intensity method. Its main components are a high stocking density plus the use of high-protein nutritious feeds from the Reflex feeders with a protein content of at least 26-28% and fat - 5-7%. They are the most effective, although they are 20% more expensive than conventional compound feed. And the average price of food for carp is 7-8 rubles per kilogram.

Feeding trout is more difficult: for it you have to buy high-quality German feed, which costs 0.7-1 euro per kilogram. We have only one plant in Sergiev Posad that produces extruded feed of this level. But we still prefer proven imported ones. If you buy cheap compound feed for trout, then it will have white meat. The consumer is used to red. And it can be obtained only by using special feed additives - kartonoids obtained from krill.

A significant difference in the price of carp and trout feed is offset by the amount of feed that is needed for their fattening and the final selling price. Having spent only 1 kg of feed on trout, you can get an increase in fish weight of almost the same kilogram. In a kilogram of weight gain, carp will have to swell almost 3.5-4 kg of feed. Therefore, in the end, the cost of feed for growing one kilogram of carp is 26 rubles, and for trout - only a little more.

When feeding fish, the main thing is to know the measure. If you add too much feed, the fish will not eat everything, but the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir may change. And as a result, the fish will stop growing. On average, carp should be fed daily in the amount of 1.5-3% of the estimated weight of all fish in the reservoir, depending on the water temperature. The colder it is, the less food is required, since the carp's body temperature depends on the temperature of the water. In cold water, his metabolism slows down.

If the carp is kept in the reservoir itself, then the trout spends its whole life in special cages three by three meters, made of nylon mesh, and 5 meters deep. They are installed in cage lines - long welded structures. Similar lines are produced by the Stavropol Experimental Mechanical Plant. But they are quite expensive - the price of a line per 1000 sq. m - about 3-3.5 million rubles. Therefore, we prefer to make such, in general, simple constructions on our own.

Fight for health

Size matters

The larger the fish, the more in demand it is in the market. For carp, the optimal weight is 1.2-1.7 kg, for trout - from 800 g to 1 kg. To reach this weight, the carp grows for three years. For the first summer, he gains up to 25 grams, for the second - up to 200 grams and for the third - up to a kilogram.

The trout growing cycle is 2.5 years. True, trout can be sold in a year and a half, when it reaches a weight of 300 grams. But such a fish is in demand only among restaurateurs - it is a 300-gram fish 30-35 cm long that neatly and beautifully lies across the plate.

The carp growing cycle ends in autumn, when all farms lower (or catch) ponds. That is why in autumn carp appears in all stores and markets, and prices for it fall. At this point, the business is on the verge of profitability. But you can do smarter if there are appropriate opportunities for this. For example, overexpose carp until the New Year and even until March, gradually putting it on sale when prices stabilize. We keep up to 200 tons of fish in this way. True, in this case it is necessary to lay down 20% for losses: 10% - due to the fact that the fish is losing weight, and 10% - for the sea. We process the surplus fish: we smoke it, make aspic dishes and produce other food products.

Fish economy

Trout planting material can be purchased at a price of 250-400 rubles per kilogram, depending on the weight of the fry - from 1 to 50 grams. The smaller the trout, the more expensive it is, because as a result, more adult fish will be obtained from a kilogram of low-weight fry. About 10% should be set aside for losses. The remaining fry in 2.5 years will turn into 800-gram fish, which can be sold at 140-160 rubles per kilogram. It is most profitable to buy already fertilized eggs, incubating them yourself. We order caviar in Adler, where 100,000 fertilized eggs cost about 20,000 rubles. True, if the farm is a beginner and there is no relevant experience, it is better not to take risks and buy ready-made fry.

Annual planting material for carp is much cheaper - from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The mass of fish is from 14 to 25-40 grams.

The biggest disadvantage of fish farms is the long payback period of investments. But there is an opportunity to make the money start to “fight back” much earlier. To do this, you can buy two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. It will cost more. But in one season, carp can be fattened up to a marketable kilogram.

And it is very profitable to grow trout in winter at the state district power station, where the most optimal temperature regime is in the cooling ponds. They bring it there in the fall, and catch it in March-April. During this time, the mass of fish increases by two to three times.

When fishing carp ponds, another, “weedy” fish comes across with it. For example, we annually catch 30 tons of crucian carp alone. It is unprofitable to breed it: it grows too slowly. But when fishing on an industrial scale, crucian carp can be sold for 15-20 rubles per kilogram or transplanted into ponds for paid fishing. For example, Moscow Vietnamese take whole barrels of crucian carp from us - to prepare their national dishes.

If there are opportunities - cage lines, links with trade, as well as fish carts - you can buy fish (trout, carp, sturgeon) for overexposure. For example, just last year we imported and sold 500 tons of fish from other regions where it is cheaper. True, for this you need to have your own cars for transporting fish, which can cost 100 thousand euros. Although you can equip the car on your own: for this you need to install a tank or barrels with an oxygen supply system on the trailer.

Another good opportunity to replenish the budget of the economy is to arrange paid fishing. It gives us 5-6% of turnover (through it we annually sell 30-40 tons of fish). And small farms in general can sell most of their products in this way. This excludes the costs of logistics, fishery of the pond. That is, you actually sell fish “right in the water”, only at a price slightly lower than the market price.

Depending on the pond, the availability and species composition of fish, the cost of fishing ranges from 120 to 1500 rubles. But now the fisherman has become demanding, and for him we have to specially buy some types of fish that cannot be grown in our zone, for example, sturgeon or silver carp.



USD, cf. per cycle*

%, on Wednesday. per cycle

Gross revenue



To buy a baby

For staff salaries

For feed

other expenses

Profit (excluding taxes)

A farm that has grown 50 tons of carp and sold it at a price of 60 rubles per kilogram can count on such a result.

The carp growing cycle is three years.


The market will not eat a lot of fish

Sales problems are now experienced by all fish farms near Moscow, including the Biserovsky fish processing plant. There are two reasons for this. First, the competition is quite strong. Secondly, compared to the past, the demand for live fish in Russia has fallen markedly. This product has become available not to all buyers, which is clearly seen in the example of the richest city in the country - Moscow. If in the early 1990s the capital consumed almost 10 thousand tons of fish in just three months (August-October), now all fish farms near Moscow together sell only 3.5 thousand tons in a whole year. Another three thousand tons are imported to the capital from the southern regions. This is more than enough for Moscow.

Another problem for fish breeders is the complex relationship with the trade, especially with supermarket chains. As you know, almost all of them ask for money for placing goods on their shelves. Plus, many retailers simply do not want to mess with live fish. For its maintenance, it is necessary to arrange an aquarium: clean it, change the water. And the volume of sales of live fish is not so big. For example, in one large shopping center, such as "Ashana" or "Metro", no more than 30-70 kilograms of trout or 200-300 kilograms of carp can be sold per day.

In addition, live fish is a delicate commodity. Anything can happen to him and on the way to the store: for example, if the oxygen supply suddenly stops or the temperature in the back of the car rises. Then the merchants will return the entire "defective" batch to the fish farmers.

It is not surprising that wholesalers do not deal in live fish. Shops also do not want to take on such a burden. And all the goods are delivered to the outlets by the fish farms themselves. To do this, they have to maintain a fleet of their own cars. For example, the Biserovsky Combine converted 12 GAZelles into “fish carts”, installing welded tanks on them, making thermal insulation from foam plastic, placing a couple of cylinders with oxygen and equipment for spraying it in water.

Sales are also complicated by the fact that, for example, in Moscow, for example, there are aquariums for selling fish in no more than 10% of grocery stores. And the fish farms cannot take over their construction: it is too expensive. A good aquarium with an oxygen supply system, water purification, and an accompanying refrigerator (the latter is especially necessary for trout) costs about $6-10 thousand. The most primitive plastic tank with a water treatment system costs 17-18 thousand rubles.

Plus, now all stores, without exception, pay for live fish only upon its sale. The delay in payment is on average from 7 to 30 days. As a result, fish farms always have accounts payable. For example, at the Biserovsky farm, it is from 3 to 6 million rubles per month.

The conclusions for a novice fish farmer suggest themselves: building a business based on the stable sale of caught fish is too risky. It is better to start with the organization of paid fishing.

Breeding crucian

More often they grow crucian carp as an additional fish in carp ponds, but sometimes they also breed it in monoculture. For this, the relatively fast-growing silver is most suitable, although it is somewhat less common than gold. Carp breed it is possible in such ponds where the breeding of carp and other fish is impossible, since it is unpretentious and not susceptible to carp diseases such as rubella and branchiomycosis (Branchiomycosis , an infectious disease of pond fish caused by a microscopic fungus). causing great damage to carp farms. In addition, in terms of the quality of their meat, crucian carp is not inferior to carp.

Farms engaged in breeding crucian carp come with a two-year and three-year turnover. This requires the same categories of ponds as in the carp farm.

Production processes for breeding silver carp begin with the selection of producers. For this, females of goldfish and males of goldfish, carp or carp are used (as noted earlier, only females are often found among goldfish). In size, males of carp, carp or goldfish should not differ much from females goldfish.

Goldfish females are selected with the highest body. They have, as shown by observations, the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch is greater than that of more runaway ones, and juvenile goldfish with a large number of gill rakers grow better.

Before spawning, males and females are kept separately. Although female goldfish become sexually mature in most cases in the second year of life, it is better to use fish of 3-6 years of age for breeding. The number of females of silver carp is determined based on the receipt of 10-15 thousand fry from one female.

Spawning of silver carp is carried out in the middle or end of June; in very warm weather in early June. As spawning ponds, carp spawning grounds are used (considering that silver carp spawns later than carp) after transplanting carp fry into nursery ponds or wintering areas in which crucian carp willingly spawns. Ponds intended for spawning of silver carp are flooded 1-2 days before the producers are planted in them. At 100 m 2 area of ​​the spawning pond, five females of silver carp and five males of golden carp, carp or carp are planted for spawning. At the same time, males of carp, carp or golden carp are chosen with flowing milk.

If there is little natural substrate in the form of green meadow vegetation in spawning ponds, then artificial spawning grounds are established - the same as for carp or tench.

Hatching of goldfish larvae occurs on the 3rd-6th day after spawning (depending on temperature). In spawning ponds, hatched juveniles of goldfish are left for 15-20 days. To improve the growth of young, as in carp breeding, spawning ponds are fertilized by adding a mixture of peat, humus, slaked lime, superphosphate and slurry before filling them. per 1000 m ponds contribute about 100 kg peat, 300 kg humus, 20 each kg lime and superphosphate and 10-15 buckets of slurry.

After 16-20 days, the fry are transplanted into rearing ponds. The methods of transplantation and counting of silver carp fry are fundamentally no different from the methods indicated for carp. It should only be noted that spawning ponds are drained slowly. With the rapid descent of the ponds, a significant part of the fry is clogged into the grass and remains uncaught. Calculation of the planting of goldfish fry in rearing ponds is carried out according to the formula that was given for carp. The yield of underyearlings of goldfish is taken equal to 70–75% of the number of planted fry, the average weight of underyearlings is 15–25 G, and natural fish productivity - according to the actual data obtained from the rearing of underyearlings of silver carp. If the cultivation of fingerlings of silver carp is carried out for the first time, then approximately it is taken equal to the natural fish productivity for fingerlings of carp or even somewhat higher. Control over the rearing of underyearlings of silver carp in rearing ponds is no different from what was indicated for carp.

If silver carp hibernates in special wintering ponds (the same as carp), then other fish are not planted there. In such cases, 1 ha In a wintering pond, up to 1 million underyearlings or up to 500,000 two-year-old goldfish can be planted. In time, the transplantation of silver carp for wintering coincides with the transplantation of carp. Methods and techniques for counting goldfish fingerlings when transplanted into wintering ponds do not differ from those described for carp.

The yield of goldfish yearlings after wintering is 80-90% of the number of yearlings planted.

Silver carp can also overwinter in stagnant nursery ponds with a non-freezing water layer of at least 70 cm with well-organized mechanical aeration of water in winter. In such cases, 1 ha in the non-freezing part of the pond, up to 500 thousand yearlings or 200 thousand two-year-olds are allowed to be planted.

Caring for ponds and wintering fish in them is no different from those described for carp.

Further cultivation of table goldfish is carried out with a two-year or three-year turnover. At the same time, production processes are no different from those in carp farming.

The calculation of planting goldfish in feeding ponds under monoculture conditions is carried out according to the same formula as for carp, but with the only difference that the final weight of a two-year-old goldfish is taken as 200-250 G, and three years old - 300-400 G. The output of two-year-olds from feeding ponds is 85-90%, three-year-olds - 90-95%. The fish productivity of feeding ponds, in which table goldfish are grown, is taken equal to 70-80% of the fish productivity for carp. According to some reports, it can be taken equal to the fish productivity of carp. But this cannot be recommended, since in such cases the crucian turns out to be too small (two-year-olds are not more than 150 e, and three-year-olds are about 200 G).

For different regions, it is worth choosing the appropriate breeds. Altai and Sarboyan carp adapt well to life in Siberia, in the north and in the center they usually breed Chuvash or Central Russian, Parsky. Stavropol and Krasnodar are suitable for the southern regions.

Universal breed- mirror, it is bred everywhere.

You can start breeding carp fry with the purchase of 30-40 yearlings, they grow and multiply quickly, so a small number is enough. The purchase will cost approximately $15. Before being transported, the larvae must spend several hours under running water to clean the gills and intestines from contamination. They are transported in the water from the place of the previous habitat and together with it they are poured into the equipped rates.

Pond and fry launch

For breeding, a quiet area, open to sunlight, protected from various noises, is suitable. There are two options for home improvement: dig an artificial pond or buy a pool. Pit dimensions: at least 4x6 meters in length and width, depth - 1.5-3 m.

The bottom of a self-dug pond must be compacted: pour sand over the soil and fill it with concrete. When it dries, a PVC film or clay is laid on top, only then water is poured.

A tank of the right size will cost about $650. The maintenance of carps implies regular water purification. A two-stage filter with biological and mechanical cleaning (Ecosoft, Leader) costs $250-300.

Water is taken from a nearby natural reservoir, artesian, flowing. Within a few days, the liquid settles. Then larvae are launched into it at the rate of no more than 10-15 goals per 1 cu. The optimal time for stocking the pond is March-April. To speed up the reproduction of microorganisms in it, put an armful of grass on the bottom.

Carp breeding technology

This fish is quite hardy and unpretentious, it can survive even in extreme conditions: in shallow water when the channel dries up and with little pollution. But such situations should not be allowed.

Conditions of detention

Required water parameters:

  • Temperature - + 24 ... + 26 degrees in summer and + 18 ... + 20 degrees in spring;
  • Acidity - 7-8 pH;
  • The oxygen content is in the range of 7-8 mg / l.


Adults are fed twice a day. Complementary feeding should be organized in a permanent place, and food is not thrown directly into the pond to avoid contamination.

For this purpose, a tray in the form of a pallet is suitable, which is lowered into the pool during the day and in the evening (at 13.00 and 18.00). The amount of daily food per individual is approximately 3-5% of their own weight. About 15 kg of feed will be required per month.

This fish is unpretentious and almost omnivorous. In order to economize on special mixtures for fish, you can cook food yourself. What is included? Legumes (peas, beans), larvae, earthworms, wheat and wheat bran, soybeans, barley, corn, oilseed cake, fishmeal, meat and bone, yeast.

All this is crushed in a meat grinder or blender, several times a month you can add ready-made cereals, leftovers of stale bread, animal blood to the mixture. Chopped feed for pigs and chickens is also suitable.

An example of the composition of the feed (per 100 grams): ground eggshell (5 grams), semolina (10 grams), plankton (bloodworm, daphnia - 10 grams), evaporated oatmeal (40 grams), chopped greens (dandelions, lettuce, spinach - 10 g), chalk (3 gr.), boiled potatoes (5 grams), gelatin (20 g), earthworms (10 g), vitamins (for example, Pikovit) - one dragee.

For hatched larvae, a separate diet of microplankton (special food for fry) should be organized for the first week.


The required temperature during spawning is +17…+20 degrees. Within a week or two, the eggs ripen.


In winter, individuals usually sink to the bottom, where they hibernate, covered with a protective layer of mucus.

But until the reservoir is covered with ice, animals should be fed once a day, the amount of oxygen should be maintained at the level of 3-4 mg per liter and the temperature should not be lower than +5 degrees.

Costs and profits

To start carp farming, you will need to invest about $1000, and the monthly cost of feed and maintenance will not exceed $100.

For sale, it is worth selecting individuals of medium size, 2-3 kg in weight. It is realistic to sell about 200 kg of fish per month with a total cost of $500-550. In the case of an artificial rate, you can organize paid fishing. Net income is approximately $400 per month.

There are no particular difficulties in carps, but the increase in profits due to their rapid reproduction is very tangible. As a business, this is a promising business that can be gradually expanded in order to get more profit.

Carp breeding at home is not a myth, but a reality

What is myth or reality? What are the features of breeding carp at home?

These are perhaps the two main questions that I will try to answer in this article.

The first question - is it possible to breed carp at home?

I answer - you can. But you need to decide what end result you want to get.

If you want to grow underyearlings (a fish of 20-30 grams at the end of the first year of carp breeding at home), then for this you will need a pond of a relatively small area and depth.

If your goal is to get marketable fish weighing 700-800 grams, then the size of the pond and the depth should be larger.

If you have the opportunity to ensure a comfortable wintering of carp fry, then it is possible with a two-year turnover (in the first year of breeding, fingerlings are obtained, at the end of the second year of commercial carp).

If it is impossible to create conditions for a normal wintering of carp, then the turnover should be one-year.

You release carp larvae into the pond and at the end of the season you get underyearlings. Or at the beginning of the season you launch yearlings, and at the end of the season you get commercial two-year-olds.

If your goal is to diversify the landscape of your backyard, then KOI carp, which has a variety of colors, is most suitable for you. Today there are more than 70 species of this fish.

Success depends on the quality of the water in the pond.

The main indicator of quality is the amount of oxygen dissolved in water, which the carp breathes. Carp fish, like most other fish, cannot breathe clean atmospheric air.

The normal oxygen content is considered to be 7-8 mg/l, although the carp tolerates a short-term decrease in oxygen to 3-4 mg/l.

A further decrease in the level of oxygen leads to his death from suffocation.

The temperature of the water in the pond is also important for the successful breeding and rearing of carp at home. Appetite, and hence the growth of carp during its maturation, depends on it.

The most favorable temperature for carp is the water temperature in the pond at 18-20 degrees Celsius in spring and 22-29 degrees in summer.

At a temperature of 17-20 degrees, the carp spawns, and at a temperature of 22-29 degrees, it uses the food most fully and grows faster.

Types of ponds for breeding and growing carp at home.

Depending on their shape, ponds are divided into regular (regular shape) and landscape (arbitrary shape).

If the pond is supposed to be placed near buildings, then a regular style is usually chosen. Moreover, the shape of the pond can have a profile of any geometric figure (rectangle, square, circle).

The landscape style is used when, due to the difficult terrain, it is impossible to build a pond of the correct shape.

As a rule, regular-shaped ponds are made elevated (by filling the banks), and ponds of arbitrary shape are deepened.

When breeding carp at home, it should be taken into account that in elevated ponds, compared to deepened ponds, there are sharper temperature fluctuations, which negatively affects the development of aquatic plants and fish.

Water supply of ponds for breeding carp at home.

It usually occurs in ponds of artificial origin, which are filled with spring melt water, precipitation, as well as from local sources (rivers, streams, springs, artesian wells). Depending on this, they can be divided into several groups:

Ponds with atmospheric filling.

Such ponds are the least expensive. Their depth is on average 1-1.8 m. In summer, the water in them warms up well. This contributes to the rapid development of aquatic vegetation and microorganisms, which are the main food for carp when breeding it at home.

Ponds with atmospheric filling are the most convenient for breeding carp at home, as a good natural food base contributes to its rapid growth.

Nevertheless, for all its attractiveness in terms of the cost of building such a pond, one must remember about the emissions of acids and other harmful toxic substances into the atmosphere as a result of human activities.

Therefore, in a pond with atmospheric filling, constant monitoring of water quality is required.

Ponds with stream or river filling.

Such ponds are interesting, first of all, because they have a very high oxygen content in the water. The ponds have two connecting channels - inlet and outlet, through which flowing water is provided.

Ponds with spring water supply.

Breeding carp at home in a spring-filled pond.

Most of all, they are adapted for breeding carp at home from the point of view of the ecology of the reservoir.

The water in such ponds has a very high oxygen content and practically does not contain harmful impurities. This makes it possible to breed here not only carp, but also other types of fish that are more demanding on water quality.

However, in ponds with spring water supply, where the water is constantly changing, zooplankton, which is a natural food for carp.

Therefore, pits are dug near the main pond in which daphnia is grown. These pits are connected to the pond by shallow ditches or asbestos pipes. Through them, daphnia enter the pond. The number and size of the holes depend on the area of ​​the pond, water exchange and fish stocking density.

For breeding carp at home in a pond with an area of ​​50 sq. m. with spring water exchange, with a complete change of water within 24 hours and a density of carp planting - 5-6 pcs. per 1 sq. m, one daphnia pit measuring 3x2 m with a depth of 0.5 m is enough.

Ponds with closed water supply.

Increasingly used for breeding carp at home.

In such ponds, the bed is lined with plastic wrap, after which the pond is filled with water. Pond plants are planted, the main technical equipment (pump, filters and ultraviolet sterilizer) is installed.

In addition to the main one, additional equipment (a fountain or an artificial waterfall) is also installed, which provides good aeration (saturation of water with oxygen).

Carps are populated in such a pond only after the biological balance is established in the pond.

For breeding in ponds with a closed water supply of decorative carp KOI, mini-ponds in a solid plastic frame are often used. The main advantage of such ponds is that they can be installed not only in the backyard, but also in residential areas, where it will feel good all year round.
